Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 11, 1846, Image 1

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Et "mill? atinopaptv —Dtbottb to Central *sttetttatnct, gintrttotng, solttl
Wica)llo WIEl a SZVID. 013
'l'449 , qm:roast." will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
andlf not paid within six months. $2 60.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
sir months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
enrages aro paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to he continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
',Tr, V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent for thispaper, to procure subscriptions and
adiertisements in Philadelphia, Now York, Bal►b
atone and Boston.
Philaritlphia—.Number 59 Pine street.
Aaltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore anti Cal
• vert greet..
Noe York—Number 160 Nassau Wed'.
Beaton—Number 16 State etreet.
Hatigstins: Bargains!!
SELLING qn , AT CO '7":
AP HUNTINGDON, being desirous to
NV retire from the mercantile business on
Recount of the delicate state of his health,
Filters his large and entire stock for sale at
coat and carriage. A reasonable credit will
be given to those who will rr.irchase over
twenty dollars worth.
To any person or persons wishing to engage
in the aforesaid business, the subscriber
would prefer td dispose of his stock whole
sale. He would also rent his store room,
which Rs good and convenient a business
s. .and as there is In the
,bOrough Of Hunting
don • His stock is of gutixe lash goods and
and Oie latest arrivals from the city, sonsist
mg of •
Dry Gobtts,
Stet RS Cas:•imers , Satinetts, road UW4,
m ou o„ de Laines Cullicoes, grown
and Bleached Woolen Shawls,
C;ingitatn and Linen handkerchiefs, all (It
,niTerent qoalities. .Also, an assortment of
liosiery and a very lai:e assortment of
Bootl; and .Shoes
cif all kinds and quai,!ty• large pc
,l rtment of
.............. __
liotwenstrare and . t iareware,
/if the newest and ....v „,,
s., ,pri .r .---
Also, A large and carefully .IWe-A assoi
tricot of all kinds of
in short, the subscriber is supplied with M
tilt: variety belonging to store-keeping, the
wrticulars of which are too tedious to men
Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber,
will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash
prices. Any person wishing any further in
tormatiov, will please call upon the hu Wad
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, ISO,
N. fl.--A large lot of the best quality
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and
\Vide, and al, a large let of the some at
other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold
In exchange for country produce.
Nom:E.—Those who have unsettled
accounts on the books of the subscriber, will
please settle theni son, or they will find
them in the hands of the proper fAcer for
collection. WM . ST EW A RT.
Jan. 7, 1845.
subscriber respectful) inform his
friends and the public in general, that he
are prepared to manufacture cloths, satti-
netts, flannels, blankets, carpeting, Sec., at
the well known establishment, formerly oc
cupied by Jeremiah Whitehead, situated in
the town of Williainsliurg, Huntingdon co.
Pa. His machinery will he in good order,
and having none but good workmen ih his
employ, he will assure all who dray favor
him with their custom that their orders
will be executed in a satisfactory style on
the shortest notice.
tki ®tercia sts
lie will card wool into rolls at the low
ii rice of 61 cents per pound ; card and spin
12 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound„.
manufacture white flannel from fleece. 31/
cents per yard ; manufacture brown flannel
from fl .ece, 40 cents per yard ; he will
find sattinett warp and manufacture satti
netts of all dark colors at 45 cents per yard;
cloths wide, 50 cents per yard ; common
broad cloth, $1 25 per yard ; blankets, $3
per pair; plain girthingcarpet, 50 cents per
yard ; he will card, spin, double and twist
stooking yarn at 20 cents per pound ; color
ing carpet , coverlet anti stocking yarns from
35 to 31 cents per pound.
Country Tutting:
Cloths of all dark colors, 22 cents per pi;
flannels, 6 cents per yard ; blankets, t cents
per yard ; home tlye flannels 6* cents per
yard ; home dye cldths, 16 cents per yard.
ArrangeMents have been made at the fol
lowing places, where cloths and wool will be
taken and returned every two weeks.
At the house of John Nail, Ha rtsl og Val
ley ; Jacob M!Gahan, M'Connellstown ; J.
Entrekin's stare, Coffee Run ; John Gtvin's
store, Leonard Weaver, Jacob Cypress and
Matthew Garner, Woodcock Valley ; Gem
mel & Porter's store. Alexandria ; Walter
Graham's store, Canoe Valley ; Dysart's
Mill, Sinking Valley ; Davis Brook's Mill,
Blair township ; James Candron's store,
Frankstown ; Geo. Steiner's store, Water
street ; James Saxton's store, Huntingdon.
Persons wishing to exchange wool forman
utactured stuffs can be accommodated.
IU" All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for work.
illiatosburs7, An.. 27, 19, 1845.—tf.
THE subscriber will offer,at public•sale
at the Court House in the borough 01.11 9n•
tingdon, on Wednesday of the April . court,
being the 15th day of April next— ,
A Debt and certificate thereof, of the
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana , turn
pike Road Company, due to Christian
Garber, deed, amounting to Seven thou
sand, One hundred and Nineteen Dollars
and Eighty-five cents, with interest there
on front the 11th of January 1841. About
one hiof of the interest has been• paid
yearly by John S. !sett, Esq., bequestra
tor4 spit' Road &c.
. .
ALSC.I—A debt due by said 'company
to Garber & Dorris, amounting to Nine
teen butirlyed and Ninely•seven dollars
and thtrtpfour cents, with interest them
on froM the 10th day of January 1841,
which interest has been paid in part, as
above, &c:
There ,are several houses and lots of
ground in the Borough of Hollidaysburg.
and several lets of ground in Frankstown,
belonging to the estate of Christian Gar
ber, 4,,7d, which will be sold at private
sale, as soon as a liberal offer is made tar
them. The lets in Frankstown front on
the turnpike read on Main street, and ex
tend across the canal, they adjoin each
other and lay .
.principally on the North
and West of the lock, and are the only
convenient lots in that town where
wharves coa!it be built on the Canal.
' Ex'r. of C. Garber, dec'd.
Huntingdon, Feb. 11,1846.
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
Counties, that he still continues to carry on
the above business 'in all its branches, all of
the hest quality: and as low as can be bought
anywhere, for Cash.
His stock ' consis!s partly of Sole LeathOf,
Up K. per Leather, Call Skins, water proof
r Harness Bridle
_ _
oiR It•
M °MCC°, Women's
Straights, Kid, Bindings,
Linings, Lkc.
Shoe- thread, iyhoi;-siile or retail, sparables,
cork Sales, lacers, aahlaires,`ltniffel': MAYA ,
mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, .slick hones,
,cles, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys,
)fit ers , shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam
sets, iisyls, welt keys, French wheels,
heel shekel% shank wheels, collis, shoul
der ,Licks, long sticks, measure straps, nip
per), punches, peg floats, goners,
pattent pef. haft!, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c.. and eveiTthilig else in his line of busi
ness. Cab and s z.e bef-ire buying elsewhere.
Feb. 11,1846.
Of 1 alitable Real Esttge.
WILL he sold at public sale as the proli
erty of Andrew Robeson, dec'cl o on the prem
ises, respectively.
On Friday the 2014 day of March next,
those two valuably adjoining farms situate
to Tyt one and Warriorsmark townships,
now in the occupancy of John Isett, lying
and being on the little Juniata river. The
farm in Warnorsmark has three dwelling
houses thereon erected and a stone barn.—
The land is good limestone, about 200 acres,
arid about 100 acres of which is cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, having a gocd
I apple orchard thereon. The balance is well
timbered with white-oak, chesnut and pine.
The farm in Tyrone township contains
40b hundred acres, and has a dwellinghouse
and stable thereon. On both these farms
there is sufficient water power for turning
any kind of machinery, and iron ore being
abundant on the farms it affords very eligi
ble sites for iron works or mills on both sides
of the stream.
TERMS---Ont third of the plachase mo
ney Vo he paid in hand and the balance in
two equal annual payments, with interest to
be secured by the bonds and mortgage of
the purchaser.
The above two farms are separated by the
little Juniata river, the mansion tract being
to Warriorsmark and will be sold separate
ly or together, as mly suit purchasers.
DAVID ROBESON'', Executors.
roll... Register" and "Standard" please
insert ts. and charge advertisers.
itlEitTllA D tat/SS,
No. 1N Chestnut St., south side. 4
doors belott , Foiirth st.,
Saßespectfully informs the citizens
of Huntingdon County, that be
has refitted and opened the above
establishment, *tier , • he litpre
paredat all times, to furnish lit a
ver, Nutria att:l iviol,sk in :lat., equal to any
manufactured in this country, Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, together tkith Dress, Ri
ding and Sportirir, Caps i a new and splen
did style of Childrens and Rays' Caps, with
a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La
Jnst received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDINCI HATS; also, a beautiful assort
ment of Childrens' French Caps.
1 am determined that my hats, in point of
beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed
by thoie of any other Establishment in any
City in the Union. ,
Philadelphia, Per. 14, In c',
Utat.l7 , i s avaLllCYClErrEolCgo LP=
rOititrirm aria roaci:
When streams of unkindness as bitter as gall,
Bubble up from the heart to the tongue,
And meekness is writhing in torment and thrall,
By the hands of ingratitude wrung—
In the heat of Anjusticb, unwept and unfair,
While the anguish is festering yet,
None, none but an angel of God can declare
"I now can forgive and forget."
But, if the bad spirit is chased from the heart,
And the lips are in penitence steeped,
With the wrong so repented the wrath will depart,
Though scorn on injustice were heaped :
For the best compensation is pai4 for all ill,
When the cheek with contrition is wet,
And every one feels it is possible still,
At once to forgive and forget.
To forget? It is .bard for a man with a mini!,
. However his heart may forgive,
To blot out all perils and dangers behind,
• And but for , the future to live: ,
Then how shall it ha ? for at every turn
Recollection the spirit will fret,
And the millet. of injury will smoulder and burn,
Though we strive to forgive and forget.
Oh, hearken! my tongue shall the riddle uneeal,
And mind shall be partner with heart,
While thee to-thyself I bid conscience reveal,
And show thee how evil thou art:
Remember thy bonier, thy sins, and—thy crimes,
How vast is that infinite debt !
Yet Mercy hath seven by eeventy times
Been swift to forgive and forget.
Brood not on insults or injuries old,
For thou att injurious too—
Count not the sum till the total is told,
For thou art unkind and untrue
And if all thy harms are forgotten, forgiven,
Now mercy with justice is met ;
06, who would not gladly take lessons of Heaven ,
Nor learn to forgive and forget?
Yes, yes, let a man when his enemy rrepa,
Be quick to receive him a friend
For thee on his head in kindness he heepe
Hot coals—to refine and emend :
And hearts that are Christian more eagerly yearn,
An a nurse on her innocent pet,
Over lips tiler, once bitter, to penitence turn,
And whisper, forgive and fcrget.
Hew superior is a poor roan with a rich spirit to
a rich man with a poor spirit! To borrow the ex
pression of St. Paul, he is "as having nothing and
gae pbhavan*
all things and yeehaving nothing. The first hopes
every thing; the ti it hopes .nothing, and fears ev
ery thing. There tis no absolute poverty without
poverty of spirit, The sunshine of the mind gives
only the bright del, 1-'e who lives under its influ•
race is courted by all men, and may, if he will, en
their goods withLut their troubles. The world
is, as it were, held itternst for him ; and, in freedom
from care, he is entitiA to be' celled a gcntleman.,-•
fie is the most indervntlent•cif all men, , because
fortune has the least power over MM. He is the
only man that is freol!ind unfettered', he may do
what ho pleases, and nothing can be expectottfrom
I him. He escapes impuaity and flattery, and feels
a perpetual consciousness that he is not sought-but
for himself. Suspicion of motives never chills his
confidence, nor withers his enjoyment. Ho sees
on enr;:hing power within himself, which makes
hi s outward wants easily supplied with industry
and prudence, without thenecessity of anxious toil.
A little is his enough, and beyond is an incum
i bronco. This is the Chr;Vian doctrine and the
1 doctrine of reason, which ever go together. The
principle is the same whether a roan have a family
or not; good training is a better patrimony than
wealth. To promote richness of spirit as a nation
al characteristic, it is necessary to have spirited
governments, both local and general, and in each
community a large common purse—the very re
verse of the present tone, and of the wretched doc
trines df the economists. The greatest quantity
and the greatest diffusion of enjoyment, with the
least care, are to be found under a ty*tem of pri
vate comfort and public magnificence.
A couple of Rocky Mountain Mottles escaped
from their cage in the menagerie of Herr Driesbach,
at Zanesville, Ohio, on the 11th: and the Gaiette
gives the following account of the conflict to secure
At the time, there were four men in the Iniilding,
Harr Dricabach, Paul Morgan, Abi•ahani
and Arthur Crippen, but accustomed an they were
to such animals, they thought only of saving the
smaller animals that were fastened in differen parts
of the building, without apprehending personal dan
ger to themselves. Crippen ran out of the building
to get a Pitch fink, when, closing the door after
him, it (whetted itself, which kept him out. Morgan
hastened back Co take 'care of the riding monkey,
when one of the Weiveir attacked him, and got him
down, and es tihiiher ran to his assistance; he was
attacked end dtfeidowered by tIM other wolf. At
this Mornent Herr Drieabach was the only one dis
engaged, and picking up a chair he dashed it to
pieces, to obtain it round for a chit,. Whit thin at
one bldw lie dlitibled the wolf that had attacked
Shimer, but the other held with a death grip, and
required repeated blows ; nor did he relinquish the
attack Until tie was kdocked dead. The disabled
ono was afterwards shot. The men were badly
bitten, end had they been alone, would ineviteby
heVe been killed, for one of them was already faint
Onn Fat. Lows Cowtos.—The Independent
Order of Odd Fellows are adopting measures to
eitsblish a University founded upon the principle of
that benernklint asvocistion.
co, Etterittirce, Jileititlitp, Retch Acicucco, sastituittirc, Muumuu)* &c., &c.
Zta4giI.II:ICDIZEI aaa„ i10134.1C1D.
Z'Theeuirjoined is on extract of an able speech
by Mr. peorge S. Hillard, before the Common
Council of Boston, upon the subject of creating a
Superintendent of the Public Schools—a bill to ac-'
complish that object being before the Cern:cif:
.4 hove Token strongly in favor of this measure,
because I ern convinced of its utility. I think that
a wise, faithful and zealous superintendent will give
completeness and efficiency to our system of school
government. The schools of Boston are the beet
jewels in her crown. If I were asked by en intelli
gent stranger to point out to him our most valued
possession', I would show to him not our railroads,
our warehouses filled with the Wealth of all the
earth, cur ships, our busy wharves and marts, where
the car of commerce is ever "thundering loud with
her ten thousand vrheele," but I Would carry him
to one of our public schools, would show him its
happy and intelligent children, hushed into rever
ent silence at their teacher's word, or humming over
their tasks with a sound like that of bees in June.
Iwould tell him that here was the foundation on
which our material prosperity woe reared, that here
were the elements from which We constructed the
.1-fere are the fountains from which flow those
streams which make glad our land. The schools
of Boston, are dear to my heart. Though I can
have no perconal and immediate interest in them;
though no child on earth culls me father; yet most
gladly do I contribute to their support, according to
my subatance; arid when I see a father's eyes filled
with pleosarit tears, as he hears the music of his
child's voice linked to some strain of poetry or burst
of elorptuce, I con sympathise in the feeling in
which I cannot share. May the blessing of Heav
en rest upon our schools. They are an object
worthy of all efforts and sacrifices. We should
leave nothing undone which May tend to make
them more excellent and more useful. For this,
we should gather into our own stores all the hat
vests of experience which have, been reaped from
other soils. The present is an age of progress.
The claimant humanity are now beginning to be
heard, as they never were before. The movements
in favor of Pearl, of Anti-blavery, of Temperance,
of Education, of l'rison Lisciplico, all spring from
the came root—a sense of sympathy and brother
hood. fa it too.much to say , that the dawn of a
rnAnirykt ro nirrdavt.'aw, 'ha ranu restinfil
i Bilotti; have pierced the deepest valleys of ignorance
' and sin! Let us not be sluggards in this generous
I race. Let us not stand idly on the brink while the
tide of improvement sweeps by us, but boldly
launch our bark upon the stream."
,:rlThe London correspondent of the Boston
Atlas, makes the following reference to Professor
Faraday's experiments, to ascertain the connection
subsisting between magnetism and light:
odn the evening oldie 23d ultimo, Mr. Faraday
exhibited the great fact oflus resonrehes—the rota
tion of royal light by magnetic force. The fol
lowing grand experiment of the evening was sue
ass:dully tried: ,
A pristn.of heavy glaas.was so adjusted between
.Ire poles bravery. powerful magnet as to receive
the oxy-hydrogen light after it had been polarised,
and before it was •depolcrieed by i\ieholl's eye
piece. The following • factay demonstrating the
magnetism of light, were then exhibited.
1. As to the rofationoct the ray. 1 . 1 pole7isted
ray having been extinguished by the , depolarising
plate, was instantaneously restored when the mag
netic current was sent through the prism through
which the ray was transmitted; and conversely, the
polarised ray, when, by the common adjustment of
the plate, it had been made visible, was extinguish.
cd by the force of the current.
2. As to the relations of this electro-tnagnetic
power to other laws of polarised light. The rota
tion having been established, it was shown, that the
direction of the rotation was absolutely dependent
on that of the magnetic force. That, while in
common circular polarisation, the ray of light al
ways rotates in the same direction with regard In
j the observer, (to whatever part of the medium his
I view may be directed,) it is very different is the
state of the ray induced by this new force. When
brought under the influence of the magnetic cur
rent polarised rays always rotate in a constant di
reCtion, with respect, not to the observer, but to the
piano of the Magnetic curves.
In the course of his remarks, Professor Faraday
said it did not seem impossible Id him that thesun'e
rays might be found to originate the magnetic
forca of the earth, and the air and water of our
planet might be proved to bo the diamagnetic media
in which this condition of the force was 'canna
Our Surpluo.
COOL £3 s DuteR,ILIC•The Cincinnati Tittle. A late number of the London Economist con
relate. the following as "a positive fact. I
" A Cer- tains quite a long article on the crops of this coon
man on horseback was riding along near a party try. In the course of it *tome interesting statistics
shooting at a mark, in the west part of Cincinnati aI, are given. The editor expresses the opinion that
few days ago, when all at once, the horse refused at the present time, the enly part of Europe which
to budge a peg; the rider Mashed, end cut, and spur- can boast of any surplus grain crops, is the country
red, but all to no Purpose. "Builder and blazon," 1 bordering on the Black Sea, and including the
exclainftql the Dutchman—"he vont vent a step! I southern parts of BMWs. But the deficiency rip-
Shentlemen! shentlemen!" addressing the crowd pears to be so considerable in the countries border
' which had gathered around, •I vish some of ycu as i ing on the Mediterranean, that but a email portion
has got 3 kun would shoot da pruto.' No sooner of that surplus will be available to the eastern part
said then one of the shooting party, at some die- lof Europe. Such being the case, the writer turns
lance, leveled hie rifle and put his ball into the to the U. States with the object of making some
horse's head, and laid him deed, to the astonish- estimate as to the surplus of this country. Accord
moue of the rider, who full with the horse. He I ing to the report made to Congress by the Commis
got up, rammed his hands into his pockets, blowed I sioners of Patents, it appears that the produce of the
like a porpoise, and exclaimed, 411,1 havh nothing harvest of (8.14, wee soniewlist leFs than that of
iv,' and walked off. I lila, Various iobles ore ;zi,ri,
Message of the President.
To the Senate of the United States. at Bunting-
clurricenrcat—Stability ofpurpose is the vital
principle of Republican Government; end a steady
adherence to the rules established under the wise
experience of those eminent men, whose counsels
accotaplished our revolution and national existence,
is no less a tribute which we owe to great names,
than an evidence of our own discretion.
So long ago, es under the Presidency of lames I
Monroe, formal notice was given by thin Govern
ment to the varicus Courts of Europe, that we
could not, and would not, regard with indifference
the attempts of any European Power, to reduce to.,
subjection, by military force, any of the States cr
nations lying south of us on this continent. 1 re
commend to this Senate, to regard the principles
embraced in the notification of Mr. Monroe, as a
rule from which we are not to depart. ~
Though I am not aware that any attempts. at
permanent military conquest has of late been made,
by any European Power, yet the late attempts of
the two greatest naval powers of the old world. to
force obedience to their will, amongst some of the
minor Powers of South Americo, should be regard•
ed by us as a warning, that they still claim the
right of controling at least a portion of the nations
of the new world. . .
Our only security against harransing and denote
ting wars, in in our naval strength. Great as the
expense of this arm of our national defence is, I
earnestly hop that the Senate will continue to
strengthen its force, and improve its discipline, by
wise laws. We ahotild, without delay, place our
selves in such an attitude, as to keep our coast dear
of marauders in case a war should unhappily over
take us.
It is hoped that we shall be able eutisfacturily to
terminate, in a peaceful manner, tho controversy
concerning the country lying west of the Chippe
wa mountains, north of the Columbia River, and
south of the Russian possessions. It is my opinion
that we shall lose nothing by the delays of this ne
gotiation; as the citizens of the United Stales are
removing to, and settling is the Oregon country :n
such numbers, that at the end of ten years, if not
molested, they will be able to defend themselves.
There is a portion of our brave, hardy and adven
turous citizens, who seem to seek after and pursue
fatigue, hunger, thirst, and the dangers which envi
by nosnie ant() dn
in a wild country, as choice luxuries—delicacies
not to be found or enjoyed in the Old settlements.'
' :Jo Icrig; co a waver. of these intrepid men, shall
encamp round the Lone Elm with each returning
month of May, we need entertain no fears for the
ultimate fate of any part of Oregon.
I recommend the appropriation of a proper sum
of money, for the establishment of a snail, between
Independence, in Missouri, and the settlements of
our citizens on the Wallamet River, with interme
diate offices et , Fort Laramie, Fort . Hall, and the
Presbyterian and Methodist missions, in Oregon.
_ .
There is a fine country lying west of the Snowy 1
mountains, in New California, which seems des-1
tined tO be rattled at an early period by citizens of
the United-States. Might it not be well lo,eet on
foot negotiations, with Mexico, for the purchase of
all her territory west of the Chippeway mountain.,
as far south as latitude thirty three, and on the (Jost
of the mountains as fur c.Juth as the heed of the
Arkansas River. This would giro us possession
of the great Salt Lake, and open to our citizens the
only practicable wagon, rood to the valley of the
Saeramento, by Welker's Pa., ix. latitude 34 north.
In pert ofthe.consideration, for the country pro
-1 posed to be F:trot:tiled of Mexico, wo might under
take, to curb the Comanche otol other nations,
along the northern frontier of Mexico. Th is could
be effectt;ally done by the armed -force which we
• shall be obliged to maintain in the west, for the
purpose of guarding the mail to and from Oregon;
j as well as to chock the ferocious tribes that hired the
1 , country between the River Colorado of California,
and the great mountain range of the Sierra Neveda.
The American citizen is entitled to the protection
of his government, in whatever pert of our territory
he may locate himself.
It seems to be necessary that we should secure
1 the possession of that part of the Pacific coast, which
I , lies within the latitudes of the U. S., at all points
where safe harbours may bo found. Our vast coin
[tierce upon the ocean which separates ue from Asia
I and the intermediate Islands, will, within the next
century, fi ll all the ports on our western border.
Huntingdon, March 5, 1846.
The Grain Crops ofthe 'United States
'Zf:Plla<mllcs• S:TaD. eb ZIEI3.
the year. 1840, 18,41 end 1848, it is shown that
from 1790 to 1800, the average surplus, taking
wheat end flour together, was greater than .it had
been at any eubeequent period; while the reduction
in the exports of Indian Corn has been quite re
markable. The writer then proceeds to examine
the destirialion of exports from th United Stasiis et
various periods of time, end says, 1801, She
quantity of flour exported, wee 1,;02,444 berrelsl
10 1840, the largest export on record, it wee 1,897.-
GOl barrels; in 1843, it wee only 841,474 barrelsc
and the destination of these exports of flour wee Of
1001. 1840. 1845.
barrels barrel. baste(•
flour. flour. flour.
British N. America, 25,152 32.336 190,823
Went Indies, 497,021 474,385 293,022
South America - 289,651 285,339
Great Britain 479,720 620,919 19,436
Franco,. • -- 73.725 . 3,304
Spain and Portugal, 54;691 1,160 8
Madeira, 19,491 3,087 4:508
Real of Europe, - 13,553 6,968
Africa, - 4,120 6,810
Asia, - 1,035 1,781
Uncertain, 24,069 383.116 31,088
Total 1,105,444 1,897,501 841,474
'The exports of wheat and flour to Great Britain
during the last thirty years, have fluctuated, very
greatly from year to year; and it may be instructive,
as shcviing She disadvantages under which that
trade has labored, to give them for each year, do
zing the whole period since 1815.
Exports of four from lie United States to Great
1830 826,182
1831 879,430
1832 95 958
1819 22,206
1834 19,687
i sgs 6,367
1337 nil
1834 • 8,296
1839 169,839
1840 620,910
1841 108,984
1842' 208,024
1843 19,436
According tc the above, whenever an average in
Great Britain admitted flour at a moderate duty, a
considerable eupply was obtained. 10.1817 and
18.18-1h1829, '3O, and '3l—and again in 1839,
midiztely increased; but they as rapidly diminished
as the duties again rose. There is just enough here
shown to prove what the capabilities of America
would be were the market always open to its pro.
TIT eon TAT.—The following novel Mary of &
robberry in richly worth a. place in our column..
We quote from the Montreal Times;
About three weeks since, the eon cf. A habitant
living at St. Augustine, P.iyitta da chaste,. having
sold a pair of over. in.. town,. vets returning home
in the evening with his money, when in a lonely
part of the road be nun paned II a gew,le.7,lln as,
he oupposed, in a fine sleigh with a goodhcrae, who
immediately drew up and induced the boy to fas
ten his hone behind the sleigh, and to get in with
him to enliven the tediousness of the road by con•
venation. Shortly afterwards thegerrileman asked
the boy if he had not.eold a pair of oxen that day
in town, to which the boy, becoming ;suspicion..
i answered "no e! whereupon the gentleman said he
had mild them about sunset, and had gotthe money
and that if he did not give it to him Ire would blow
hie brains out, at the same time pulling from hie
pocket a Pistol. The boy took our his puree con.
taming the money which fortunately dropped on
the ground. The robber immediately jumped nut
of his sleigh, which was tonne yards in advance of
the purse, and ran back for his longed for treasure,
when the boy with great presence of mind, took
hold of the reins and drove off with both horns
and sleigh. The robber then fired his pistol, the
contents of which passed through the back of the
sleigh and between the boy's lege. The boy reach
ed home in safety, and after examining the sleigh,
found in the box of it, which was locked, the sum
of three thousand francs---0125 currency. No one
as may be supposed, has applied for the sleigh and
The Mormons.
We gather from several articles in the %Verse,'
Signal, acd other quarters, that a portion, if hut the
whole, of the Moutons intend soon to- 'nominence
their pilgrimage for Claliforitta. Tire they should
begin their journey so early in theseation—beforn
the Winter had terminated, and long before the
grass shall appear, upon which to Waist their cat
tle and horses—is hazardous and likely to be atten
ded with severe trials and ntlich suffering. But it
is stated that from ter. to twelve hundred have
already erozsed the river from Native°, and are eh
cairiped on Sugar creek, lowa, seven miles diatant.
Aniong them were the hake, the High Councit,
all the principal men of the church, and phewl ono
hundred female. They wore sevei,d, days. and
nights in getting across the river. It is &raid to he
the plan of the leaders to scud this company for
ward' es a pioneer corps. They are to proceed
Omit five hundred tidies westward, where they are
to halt, build a village and put inn Spring crop.—
They RTC to remain there until those who follow
them in the Spring reach them, when another pi
oneer party will start for a point 500 mites still far
( then west, where they will stop, build a village, and
put an a Fall cop.
, The company remaining behind mill, in. ibo
Spring, move on to this second station; and in this
manner they hope to accomplish the journey which
in in contemplation. Many of those who now go
as pioneers are to return, so soon es their crop is in
fine their families. It is said in the Signal. that th•
twelve crossed the over on Saturday night, ripper
minty apprehensive of seine visitation from the
, officers who might interfere with their departure..
They left hehina Them. as egente for the eels of tlr•
of the remaining property, .1. en 4
Het oF I. lorroorl% ot