Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 25, 1846, Image 4

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    EIPCIDEIIa 6113.4W3.21311.
I WILL sell the above farm, situp to about
one mile from the borough of Hollidays
burg, the contemplated seat of justice for
Blair County. The tract contains 2:8 met,
has a splendid Bank Barn, Dwelling Luse,
Orchard, &c. thereon, and the farm land
in the highest state of cultivation. Price,
•50.00 per acre—one half in hand, the other
in two annual payments. For further par
ticulars apply to my son James in the neigh
borhood of the farm.
N. 8.--I will sell the "Miller" Farm,
two and a half miles below Huntingdon,
containing 350 acres, for $BOOO, and give
anindisputa!,le title. There is a specu
lation of $4OOO in this property at the
above price J. M C.
Nov. 26, 1845.
To Purchaser—Guarantee.
Tits undersigned agent of the Pattentee,
of the Stove, .‘ The Queen of the West,"
understanding that the owners, or those
concerned for them,of other and different
patent Cooking S;oves. have threatened to
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—The Queen of the West." Nom. his is
to inform all and every person wh shal
purchase and use said Stove that he inl
demnify them from all costsor damage . morn
any and all suits, brought by I ther I- en
tees, or their agents, for any infringnit I of
their patents. lie gives this notice so ;Eit
persons need not be under any fed.-s because
they have, while consulting their own intmr
ests and convenience, secured the superior
advantages of this Queen" not only of the
nett, but of the Eaat.
July 24,1844.
Ca CID co attitraW EiZ3ll CD CrOSO
For sale by I. tiItAFIUS & SUN, Alex
andria, Huntingdon county, Pa.,
cheap for ctt,h orcountry
produce at the
market price.
The "queen of the West' , is an im
provement on Hathaway's celebrated
Hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap
peered any plan of a Cookinc; Stove that
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A much less quantity of fuel is re
quired for any amount of cooking or ba
king by this stove than by any other.
Persons are requested to call and see
before they purchase elsewhere.
July 3, 1844.
UP CID 'Cr? N:s' LE) MI vir 8
-. " 4. 0 6 .....
TDESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they continue to carry on
Copper, Tin and Sheet•tron Business,
in all its branches, in Alexandria. wirerc
they manufacture and constantly keep on
hand every deso iption of ware in their line;
such as
Newand - Splendid Wood Stoves
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long
IW-it , cooking Steves of allkinds.and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves,
All kinds castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE; all of which is done in a workman..
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre
serving, and Ted Kettles, for sale,
wholexale and retail.
Persons iavoring this establishment with
their custcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, capper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Alsa wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist 01 November last, to call and
se ttle their accounts without delay.
July 3, 1844.
Root. Shoe, and Cap Store.
(hetween Front & Second Sts.. North Side.)
Tim subscriber has on hand a large and
complete assortment of the above named
articles, to which he respectfully invites the
attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon
county, consisti,g at Men's, Boy's and
Youth's coarse \Vox. Kip, Calf Skin, Seal
and Morocco 800 I'S and BICOC ANS ,
L itlies' Misses' and Child, en's Boots and
Shoes in all their varieties ; also, Ladies'
and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of
every kind, together with Meo's Boy's and
Children', C AI'S of every description.
Persons will find it to their advantage to
tail and ex ,mine my stock before purch , •
sing rlsewliere, as I am d-termined to sell
Philadelphia July, 24 1845.
alches, Jewelry
THE subscribers offer an assortment of
Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of
their own Imltortation, Silver Spoons. Forks,
Tea seas and every article of Silver work
of their own manufacture. Also watch
chains, Seals and !Lys ' Fine Gold Breast
Pins, Finger Ria4s, Bracelets, Guard
chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta
cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ;
together with a general assortment of La
dies, jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets,
Ciinile Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans,
Brittania ware in setts and single pieces;
Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pins,
Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., for sale at
the luwest Cash prices.—Watches Repaired.
I. & W. L. WARD.
..No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the
Irristklin Reuse.
Pnilsdetpltie, August 5, MS.
Carriage Manufactory.
v i nWST RESPECTFULLY informs the
diacitizens of the borough and county of
Huntingdon, and the public generally, aid
his old friends and customers in particular,
that he still continues the
Coach Making Business
in all its various branches, at his old stand,
in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting
don, nearly opposite the " Journal" print.
jag office, where he has constantly on hand
every description of
Coaches, Carriages,
Bugaies, Sleighs and
_ - -- - Dearborn's;
which he will SELL sow FOR CASH or
He would also inform the public that he
manufactures and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of
C 11 .1 1 R S ,
made and finished iu the most durable and
improved stile, by experienced workmen.
The public are respectfully invited to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov. 5, 1845—tf.
We recommend to all our friends visit•
ing the city to roll at the Pehin Company's
Store, and log in a supply oj their deli
cious reas.
Between Market and Chestnut,
Have constantly on hand, and for sale,
Wholesale and Retail,
According to the quality, than they can
be bought Inc at any other establishment
in the city.
Kr TxAs, exclusively, are sold at this
house, and several varieties which can
not be obtained elsewhere. Any Team
which do not give entire satisfaction can
be returned and exchanged, or the money
will he refunded.
Tile citiz,ms of Huntingdon cqunty
are respectfully invited to give us a call.
Agent (or the Pekin Tea Company.
October 1,1845.—1 y.
UIA HE undersigned respectfully announ
-4,1 res to his friends and the public that
he still continues at his old stand, Second
street; Harrisburg, Pa., where he is ready
to accommodate all who may favor him
with a call. As his house has been for some
years back conducted on the Temperance
prihciple, the pt oprietor expects to receive
a liberal shave of the patronage of temper
ance men generally, visiting the Seat of
will always be supplied with the best the
market will afford, and no pains spared to
suit the palate of the epicure. The great
est care will he observed in regard to the
cleanliness &comfort of his sleeping apart
zmtaa3 mattatbaftaa,
is commodious, and attended by a careful
awl °Mi n ing ostler and every arrangement
made to make his house a pleasant stopping
place for the traveller.
Charges very moderate to suit the times.
Harrisburg, Aug. 15, 1845.
Carpetings, Floor Cloths, &c.,
At the " Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Street,
VE would call the attention of persons
in want of New Carpet, &c. to the
fact of our being enabled to sell goods at
very low priices, because, in our present lo
cation, our rent and other expenses are very
light ; and we offer fur this set son an excel
lent assuytment ot
Beautiful Imperial. Ingrain, and Ven:tian of
every variety. Also,
Poor Oil Cloths,
From 2 to 24feet wide, cut to fit rooms, halls,
Bcc. , and Hearth Rugs,Table Covers, Floor
Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prices.
07- A supply of low priced carpets, from
31 to 50 cents per yard, always on hand.
No 41, Strawberry street, one door above
Chesnut st. near Sccond st. Yhila'd,
Sept. 10, 1845.
itocitilate ffounTtrg.
rkla sLOscriber would respect lel lv inform
the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjlin
log counties, that he still cortioui s to car
ry on business at the Itocknale Foundry, on
Clover Creek, two miles from NV
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He dill keep constantly on hand stoves o
every description, such as
Cooking, Ten Plate,
riamna rs, Hollow Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all descriptions, &c., which can be had on
as good terms as they can be had at any,
other foundry in the county Or state.
Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
07' Old metal taken in exchange for any
II?` Mr. K. has recently purchased the
pattent right at a cooking MOVC r Hunting
don county—the stove will be set up by him
and w.trranted to the purchaser to be asgood
as nny in the State—orders furnished.
July 17. 1844.
dttorney -it Law --fur 'ids to practice in
the Orphans' Cfmrt, Stating Ad m iniFtra
tors soon nits, tiorivening, &c.—Office in
Dimond, three doors East of the • Ex
change RAO." ft:4111, '44.
List of outstanding Billanat e rt}frOW
Clatiedors including exonbatione an sonsmsi•
County State
Tax. Tax.
1838 D. N. Carothers, Cromwell $26 55
1839 Alim. Henry Herres 461
. .
1840 Samuel Robeson Allegheny 466 33
George Kelly Dublin 65 75
T. M. Robeson Frankstown 61 87
..1. Hampeon Union 511
1841 James Leonard Barre 157 97 248 58
...John Simpson Henderson 29 88
fJohn Marks Franklin 14 99
1842 Josiah Cloesin Antes 103 81 73 16
*Joseph Churn Barren 310 28 294 15
fJohn Piper Sr. Porter 1 16
1843 tJas Hutchison Allegheny 16 30 91 10
*Sol. Wertz Blair 16 93 148 72
•I. Conrad Eaq. Franklin 40 04 180 28
j-T. Noland Porter 32 54 114 18
James Lynn Springfield 33 24 27 85
John Krutzer Snyder 66 30 168 04
•David Parson,. Tell 17 33 146 90
M. Baggier Woodberry 281 48 771 76
George pawn 157 50
tFred. Fouse Huston 541
1844 Jacob Miller Allegheny 901
-palms Stevens Antea 4 13
•T Wilson Eaq Barren 91 61 990 93
•T. Jackson Blair 33 92 215 67
tGeorge Sipea Cromwell 14 49
*James Harper Dublin 23 28 163 76
J. B. Riddle Frankatown 407 90 78
•A. Harvey Franklin 157 52 606 54
fM. Wike Huston 32 64
*J. M. Kinkead Morrie 56 74 564 24
Huyett Porter 153 59 911 71
S. WKinstry Shirley 41 97 174 22
•Jer. Brown Springfield 13 28 95 89
f.J. C. Crocker Snyder 809 42 60
•John M'Matit Tell 65 13 158 51
Adam Keith Tod 40 94 136 64
Wm. Chilcote Union 797 309
Peter little Woodberry 344 88
A. B.Sangaree Walker 37 84 202 53
John Fleck Tyrone 55 88
1845 .LM'Cartney Allegheny 169 07
"J. A. Weahan Blair 236 19 70 43
*J. R. Hunter Berme 331 07 458 26
Asa Price Cromwell 161 48 209 65
Robert Speer Can 31 22
•11. Peterson Dublin 177 36 200 77
•G V 1 Matters Franklin 934 41 44 73
• Bumbaugh Hopewell 136 45
*Geo. N iko Huston 124 79 211 09
*Jos. Dysart Hollidaysb'g 208 19
tJohn Oaks Jackson. 194 89
• W. Reed Esq Morris 397 52 585 74
°C. Hamer Porter 422 34 286 26
• Win. Shover Shirley 275 43 542 31
•B. Stevens Springfield 115 28 227 97
•C. Fleck Tyrone 293 04 10 00
•W. S. Lyons Tell 112 23 56 30
.2. Mverly 'Vol 66 70 37 59
tG W Hazzard Union 22 69 66 09
B. Bowers Vi'oodberry 301 96 354 66
• V 1 rn. Myton West 328 34
*A. Freeker Walker 141 97
Total $7,12411
CO.Those marked thus • have since paid in part
and those marked thus tin full.
Corner of Marker .feel and Market
MA P. P. IOM 7 P. P .
H E subscriber having taken this pop
ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wtrz.
SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends
and the public geaetally, that he is now
well prepared to accomodate them in a
manner to i!tsure satisfaction to all who fa
vor him with their custom. The house has
been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im
proved in many respects, and no paws will
be spared to make visitors comfortable du
ring their sojourn.
HIS TABLE will be constantly supplied
with all the delicacies of the season : and
his servants are attentive, careful and
accommodating.. „.. .
There is extensive S'l All l -11qC
to the ptemises, E. P. HU(' 1-IES,
[ale of the Alunsion House.
Hareishurg June 4,1845
. 1845.
TAE subscriber takes this occasion of re
turning his thanks to his numerous friends
for the very liberal patronage bestowed up ,
on him during his proprietorship of the
Washington Hotel. He also takes great
pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a
continuance of public favor, who is well
qu=lified to give general satisfaction as a
landlord, and every way worthy of the pat
ronage ot the travelling community.
No. 4, Nurth sth st., 2 (lours ithuve Market,
Paper, Rags, School Books Blank '
Books and Stationary.
HAVING considerably increase his facil
ties for business, now ~fte r s to country mer
chants. on still more favorable terms than
formerly, a complete assortment of Writing.
Printing and Wrapping Papers; also Figured
Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window
Shades of a great variety of patterns, which
he can sell at manufacturers prices. Also,
Bonnet Boards, White Blur and Brown ;
and all the Ssmdard S chool Books, Blank
Books, and Stationary in general, at the low
est Wholesale prices.
Rags ! Rags! Rags I
Cash paid far Rags in any quantity, nr
Rags t, kAt in trade for gwtds at the lowest
cash prices. Cnuntry merchants are par
ticularly invited to call.
Primers of country newspapers supplied
with their p low forcash, by appl, ing at
Paper and Wig Warehouse, No. 4, North
Fifth str,t, 2 donrs above Market street,
Pltll dolphin.
Philadelphia, August 20th, 1845.
Spanimh Hides
- -
2000 Dry Laplata Hides---first quality.
8500 Dry La Ginra do. do.
3000 Dry Silted La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
40 It C reen Salted Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 BarrellsTanner's (til.
hitter's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the hest terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted tor
Which the highest prices will he paid in
Cash or in exchange fi , r Hides, Kips & Oil.
No. 21 South Sd Sirret,
Oct 9. 944." fy,
From the 10th of January A. D. 1845, up to and including the 9th of January A. D. 1846.
Years. Collators. Townships.
1836 D. N. Carothers Cromwell,
1839 C. E. Crane Antis,
1840 George Kelly Dublin,
John Hampson Union,
" Abraham States Walker,
1841 Simon Gratz Cromwell,
John Marks Franklin.
1842 .1. Clossin Antis,
" Henry Learner Blair,
" Joseph Oburn Barree.
" A. Julin.iin Henderson.
" Henry Matthias Springfield,
" William Clayton
.U N r N en 'o lilo o 'n eles ry,
" Samuel Pheasant
" David Good
1843 James Hutchison Allegheny,
Daniel Massey Barree,
is Michael Star Cromwell,
" John Rouse Dublin,
is John Conrad, Esq. Franklin,
si Benj. Grove Hopewell,
st Frederick Fouse Houston.
William !Vernon Morris,
Timothy Noland
" 'l'. A. Smellier
" J. Kratz..r
" A. Crawford
" David Parsons
" M. Sassier
1844 Jacob Miller
## Jabei Stevens
## Thomas Wilson
## Thomas Jackson
## Pcter Kurt man
James I larper
J. B. Riddle
Anderson Harvey
Daniel Africa, E s sq
n Patrick Lang
Michael %V;ee •
James M. Kinkead
John !fovea Porter,
Samuel McKinstry Shirley,
" Jer. Brown Springfield.
Jos. C. Crocker Snyder,
" J. Fleck Tyrone,
" J. NicNlath Tell,
" Adam Keith Tod,
" Peter Bade Woodbury,
.. 11. Nearhoof NVarriortnark,
4, 'f. Thompson West,
A. B. Sangaree Walker,
1845 John McCartney Allegheny,
Stephen Vatiscoyoc Antis,
" J. A. Ma:Allan Blair,
" John R. Hunter Barree,
" Asa Price Cromwell,
" Robert Spear Case,
" Robert Petterson Dublin,
" M. Ililenutn Frankatown,
" Oen. W. Mattern Franklin,
" John Flenner Henderson,
" J. Brumbaugh Hopewell,
" Geo. Wike Huston,
1 . Joseph Dysart Hollidaysburg,
" John Oaks Jackson,
" "." ~,. '., , ,,,:l Morris,
.. C. Hamer Porter,
‘Vm. Shaver Shirley,
" Benedict Stevens Springfield,
" Joshua Burley Snyder
Conrod Fleck Tyrone,
V 1 rn. S. Lyons Esq., Tell,
" John Myrely Tod,
" Geo. W. Hazzard Union,
" B. F. Patton ‘Varriormark
" B. Bowers NV oodberry,
Wm. Myton West.
" A. Ft taker Walker,
Michael Green on account of release of the lien of
the county against his lot
Alex. Gwin, Esq., on account of forfeited of re
John Owens, Esq., proceeds of the sale of an estray
Relief issues of Becks county Bank in Treasury at
last settlement, at hich, having been received by
the Treasurer by direction of the Commisioners
when not current, were credited in the account
of last year
County tax on unseated lands
Road tax on do do
Redemption money of unseated lands, pail to
Treasurer since last settlement 4
John Armitage, Esq., Sheriff, fines nd jury tees
In testimony ofthe correctness of the above account we have hereunto set our hands this 10th day
of January A. D. 1816. M. CHILCOTE,
Attest.—W.S. AFRICA, Cl'k. J. F. MILLER, omm'rs.
We, two of the Auditors of Huntingdon County, do hereby certify that we have examined the drafts
of the Commissioners of said county, and the receipts for the same for the past year and find a balance
in the Treasury of three hundred and forty-six dollars and seven cents. Given under our hands this \
10th day of January A. D. 1846. J. S. MATTIMN,
SETH It. M'CUNE 5 Auditors.
. _
!'illtllE subscriber continues to' manufac- Dr. Z. M. DORSET', CAMPBELL & JACOBS.
116,1/tuee, in Harrisburg, French Burrs of
Jacobs having associated themselves togeth
ti,tylno removed
inform frum Williamsburg to Thomas P. Campbell and William J.
all sic s, and of the very best quality, much Huntingdon would the t ommunity
practice o f sr in the practice of the law, infoi rn the
cheaper than ever, and on very favorable _ .•
that he designs to continue the
pulili% that they will attend to all business
medicine, ard will be thankful fur their pat-
Letters addressed to him will receive the
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc - entrusted to them in the line of their pro
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cupied bv R. Allison, Esq. fession, in Huntingdon, Mifflin and Centre
cation were inside.
N. B. 'Having been successful in accom- counties, with care and .
plishing the cure of a number of c• Their officethe •
cancers, is same occupied by
(tor which vouchers can be had if required) Thos. P. Campbell for many years past
S. SEWELL STEWART, he feels conndent of success in the most ob- next door to the office of G A. P W'r
4111 4 TOlfirnET
,iiiir ILATir o stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no son, and opposite the resid e n c e l
et Willi -
BUN: I INGDON, PA. charge will be made. Orbison, 'h.q.
Huntigdon, April 23, 1445, Huntingdon Dec. 17,1845.
Office it; Main tared, three doors west
of Mr. Buny's Jewelry establishment. TiVSTlCESsißlanks of all kinds, forbids TDLANK BONDS—Judgment -
and ton.
Vebrilirry 14; 1843.--il. QO at thisOnles, if•SPinoo..-tcrreate at this office. •
Wood berry,
13 00
72 40
94 32
19 97
159 00
$13,835 01
Attorney General, and others, on criminal prose
cutions $ 698
Grand and Traverse Jurors, crier die.. 8833
Constables for Returns, advertising spring election,
furnishing stationary
Judges, Inspectors, and Clerks of elections
Road and Bridge viewers
Commissioners, surveyors, chain-carriers, and exa
men, viewing, &c., state road from Baileyvilie
to Petersburg, and running tine between this and
Bedford county, -
Commissioners; surveyors &c., dividin‘ townships
Inquisitions on de td bodies
Sundry persons, premiums on Wolves, Foie', &c.,
Commissioners:—Alex. Knox, Jr.,
Mordecai Chilcote
John F. Miller
County Auditors:—Thos. E. Orbison
Jacob S. Mat tern
William Caldwell
William S. Africa, Clerk of Commissioners, 1844
James M. Bell, Esq., counsel of Colll'll fur 1844
County Printing:—Than. H. Cremer
3. Penn Jones
Traugh and Doge
William Dorris and Juhn Ker, on Stitt's contract
for building court house, order and interest
Do. on Do., and interest
Order to Michael Claubaugh, for building fence in
front of Court House, and interest
Wm. J. Jacobs, Esq., for transcribing Judgment
docket "A," by order of the court
Andrew Couch, to full for building bridge across
Stone Creek
James Entriken, on order for building bridge over
Raytown Branch, at Coffee Run
Robert Madden, on his contract for buildfubridge
across little Juniata, at the mouth of Se Creek 110
Joseph and Ed ward Summers, fur brick to pave in
front of Court House
Abraham McCoy, for do. do.
Ephraim Ky ler, for paving, &c.,
Michael Decker, for hauling seta! for Court House
Wm. Drennen, for balling brick
%I'm, B. Zeigler, for lining cupola of Court House
Samuel R. Stevens, for 20 tons of coal delivered
by him to Court House
Thos. Whittaker and Jonn Ker, for delivering fire.
wood, for county jail, fir 1844 and 45
John Shade for making fence between his and
county lots
Sundry persons for painting, white-washing &c.,
to jail, and other repairs to Jail and Court House
&c., ironing prisoners, 4-c.,
Sundry persons, cutting wood, washinr , for prison.
era, cleaning Court House and Jail, &c.,
1. and Henry Graffius, and H. Smith, for stove and
chairs for Court House
A. 11. Hall and Peter Livingston, for boarding
Ronstables and Jurors, in cases of Common
wealth vs. 'McCafferty, Read and Breneman
Clyde and Wiiliams, and others, fur dockets, sta
tionary. &c., merchandize, &c.,
Sundry persons, refunding orders
John Reed, Esq., Recorder, fora record book
Wm. H. King and Benj. Fock ler for selling stoves,
filling hole in jail yard, and balling sand
Sundry persons for making election boxes, rep ir
ing do., 4t., medical attendance to prisoners
James Steel, Esq., Prothonatory and Clerk of Ses
sions, fees, and for furnishing stationary for the
Court, 1,844 and part of 1345
do. do. fur balance of 1845
. _
Amount paid to sundry persons, redempt i on money
of unseated lands
Amount paid sundry supervisors, road tax on un
seated lands
Amount over paid of county tax last year on sun
dry Duplicates for 1941, '2-3, and corrected on
final entry of commissions and exoderations, and
settlement of said Duplicates
John Armitage, Esq. Sheriff, in full of bill for
boarding . prisoneTs, summoning jurors etc., and
commissions on fines collected 286
Balance in favor of Treasurer at last settlement 9
Treasurer's commitnion on 826,977.10 a 1 2-7 per cent 346
Balance in the Treasury, now paid over us per
receipt of Joe. Law, Esq.
87 00
50 00
46 27
966 87
74 75
100 50.
HO 50
9 00
o 00
9 09
250 00
40 00
123 50
126 50
5 00
877 50
546 66
180 48
-250 00
650 001
800 00
53 50
54 60
26 87
II 2s
1 75
44 54
95 00
120 90
22 96
114 6:1
C 8 1,8
23 78
88 66
85 95
153 ip
14 1141
22 25
17 50
141 11
121 14
34 57
47 60
548 (-14
346 07
$13835 01