Tin Eil S UREIC S &IL E II r 'NSEATED LANDS, In Huntingdon County. WHEREAS,Ifiby street Of the pews, Assembly el the Commonwealth of lenn- 1 sylvania, entitled "An act to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and oilier purposes." pag• sed 13th March, 1815, and the other acts upon that subject, the Treasurers of the several counties within this Common wealth are directed to commence on the 2nd Monday in June in the year 1816; and at the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn from day to day if it be necessary au to do, and make pub lic sale of the whole or any part of such tracts of unseated land, situate in the wiper county, as will pay the arrearagcs of the taxes which shall then have remain ed due anti unpaid fur tie spice of one year before, together with all costs ne essarily accruing by reason 'ol.such de inquency, Btc. - CJOSE PH I.A W, Treas. rer of the county of Huntingdon, do • herefore hereby give notice that upon 'the following tracts of unseated land, sit uate as herein described, the several sums stated are ' , the arrearages of the taxes, respectively, due and unpaid fur one year : and that, in pursuance of the direction of the aforesaid act of &sem- Lily, I shall, on Monday the Bth day of June next. at the ( ourt House in the bor- OUgh of Huntingdon, cominPnce the rusrac smith . PIT of the whole or any part of such tracts of unseated lands, upon which 'all or any art of the taxes herein specified shall lifn be due, and continue such sale by I .t adjournmer.t until all the tracts upon wi.ich the taxes shall remain due and un paid, be sold. JOSEPH LAW, Treasurer of 1 uotingdon county. Treasurer's Office, Feb. 15, 1846, . , ~ • • . Amount of taxes and unpaid on the /ullotri»g li-acis of unsealed lands, up to and including the year, 1844. IA cres pr. Warranteesor owners. Taxe a. Allegheisy Tocan§liii. :. . 190 John Montgomery • 8 30 00 Washington Ha 1 32 00 John Blailt l, 32 00 George flawiehOlder . :33 00 James Blackford . Is 2 00 Daniel Black 1 32 00 Jeremiah Black . 68 08 Richard Noleman I 33 "83 Peter Harris 1 29 50 Aaron Harris ; 15 08 153 Samuel Black 1 33 384 72 Christopher Black i 26 00 19 Robert Black 132 405 154 William Black 1 32 490 Andrew Herrin 1 32 400 William Herrin 1 32 439 34 Mai tha Hannum 144 042 - i 57 John Douglass 139 443 64 Isaac Webb 145 3 62 58 Timothy Bell 119 674 57 Valentine Bell 121 1392 28 William Bell 130 346 50 David Bell 113 1 558 87 Arthur Bell 118 359 90 Abraham Bell 58 Antes Township. 299 75 James Coffey 48 400 90 Gill Robbins 98 401 53 John Long 98 4ot 66 Jamesbinith 98 433 163 Patrick Bush 69 433 153 James Lamb 1 05 433 153 Esther Moore 1 05 433153 Sarah MeEwt n 1 05 an 153 Elizabeth Hamelton 1 05 433 153 James McCracken 1 05 153 153 Alexander Spear 1 05 433 153 Othrreal Spear ; 9a 433 153 Thomas Hamilton 1 05 433 153 Richard Miller 1 05 433 153 Jesse Stroud 1 QS 433 153 Jesse Black 1 05 433 153 Moses Rowland 1 00 03 153 Jesse Kelly 105 433 163 Patrick Stroud,l 05 433 163 PatriCk Ilorelan IOS 433 163 Patrick Wolf lOs 433 163 Patrick Peters 36 413 163 Martin Black 36 433 163 .. Martin IA oil 36 . Barres. Township. 4Ob Adam Buchanan 3 44 400 George Hill. 9 18 400 Thom. Ralston 9.18 400 David Ralston Jr. . 5 44 400 F.phraim Jones 9 18 400 David Ralston 544 400 George Hers 8 04 399 13 John Spender .• 5 42 23 William Robb : 36 400 John Russel, 544 400' John Ralston 5 44 1 Lot Mary Hall , :' 14 302 George Irwin 6 40 400 James Fulton 4 08 158. George Betts 2 47 300 Ja'cob Widerisall 4 93 120 Henry Johnston 1 96 400 Samuel MArsh all 5 44 400 . Robert Caldwell 9 18 400 Matthew Simpson 5 44 400 Joseph McCune 4 . 96 400 John Galbraith 5 44 400 John George ' 4 96 400 William Steel ... . 7 54 . ..._ 144°0°0 Robert Crazor 4 80 Adam Strickler 5 44 400 William Wills 4 t.O 400 Genrge Engles 4 80 403 W. M. Riddle 546 413 Hillary Biker 4 40 88 400 103 Andrew wm Boyd 3 44 Trotter .5 19 393 George Randle 5 36 398 Henry Steever 479 100 -Batton 32 .... 460 Robert Simpson 814 70 George Green , 23 Blair Township. 100 Joseph McCune 3 30 400 - McDowell 5 28 DOGlin 7'own , hip. Titus Harvey John Forrest Cry:histll Township. .40 73 Joseph Grubb ; 1 5 Joseph Grubb • Al 6 88 424 100 Henry Matthias Cass TV Innsh;p. 400 78 Samuel Ilartsock 64 402 112 Hugh Moprilou 64 370 67 Mosey Belt 59 378 76 John Nash " 99 388 64 Edward Nash 61 400 106 Hance Mocrisou 64 Prank town 7osOnslisp. 403 63 James 195 117 118 BilacMoore 75 416.12 Alex. Dysart 0 11 454 14 Williart; Nesbitt 609 400 Michael Wallace 760 333 D. West 3 SO 358 Daniel West fd 53 281 David West 283 ,zerral West 2 81 4gness N , Vst 8 89 Sl2 Kam West 282 Aaron Welt 42i Ai ,thlrew W.st 4 22 300 Tobias West 2T9 lonathan WeAt 3 68. ,ptp Jeremiah West . 409 300 James West 3 96 301 John West S 96 296 ioseph West - . Franklin ToninaMp. 92 ,9.0 Jalro Cation 121 47 7t Mordecai Massey 08 153 67 L. Wake&lLl 92 400 43 Henry Ilill 64 426 24 Thon . ias Smith 69 282 IL Jacob Keith 45 Jacob Schuyler llollidaysburg Lot No. /32 --- Fi,her 8 18 3 do. Silas Ake - 3 80 thAtlersun Worrell 502 378 37 Benjamin Calm 399 331 81 Adam Foulke 1 89 Lewis lgon 43 30 Andrew — Belt 57 40 Charles Kt 117 70 • • Hopewell Townsh;p. s9f 70 Matthias !Vest 66 Porter township. AL Wallace'* heirs 8 00 L. B. Dorsey Jacob NOT .; 76 107 Samuel Fisher 1 46 ,• William Smith 22 49 ley Township ; . 433 15a• Henry ]li n e tld 41 I 80 . peter Wetls 113 440 30 Jacob Glum& 294 420 50 . Richard •Petvileton 312 489 135 Aglie:;s6arOper 70 I'. Lockart • 2 8 Denry Harm . _ 2.50 :367 87+ Samuel Jarvis 190 233 83 William SsvC.ry 114 240 120 lienjarniit 13141W11 79' 433 104 thorge -Hughes 245 481 141 Johil Taylor 41 442 87 Alex. Hamilton 2 50 413 80 Thi)s. EdMi . slan 2 33 , 418 165 Edward Tiyler 300 410 44 Jacob Easier 46 400 George Albortia Samuel Taylor S3l 70 George Fo'reoythe 245 Salim — el H. Bell 232 115 Richard Calhoun 4S 232 115 Ruh a nun h Calhoun - TO Sprinpfi , Id Township Thomis Cromwell 3 4I 'llium is Cromwell 1 89 rimnas Cromw!ll 2 21 383 84 Edward Nash 160 401 41 John Ring 108 131 Aaron Staines 143 415 140 Jiatin Pay well. 29 ee ter Cornelius I 4 431 60 thbriel Bell 141 426 15 Stephen Drury 138 100 Cieurg e .Denr.ll .11 20 365 91 FredeOck Bell 1 59 asq John Given 1 17 Oeorge Green .35 420 112 Nathan CSrd 270 Jacob Make Abraham Wright IPS 396 Abrahmil ti'ree'u 448 , Isaac Green ' 1 I'2 di 9 ' Thomas Green 133 335' ;John Green 1 47 100 i 0-1 Georae Green . it 366 John evens 1 02 Joshua, COe 419 Tho►nas Wreen, Sr. 1 11 , 397 Zachari4ll C4iney 113 Tell Teltonslsip. 344 31 Jolla Caldwell —. .66 400 Itolirt Aili Sud, Esq 1 66 Tod Township. 236 133 S,:ttnuel ‘lerrilith 259 233 59 Augustiis Hortincli 176 William Harrison 213 390 26 John Philips 865 311 57 George Buchanan 301 447 145 Robert fro in . 2 44 171 Nathan.La•vering 122 100 Jonathan Pew 1 53 JosetityprOvn 2 01 'lihn &fr.. tur lqeutl' 65 jtihn hivle (or Mood) 353 63 David Lapsly 9, 310 10 Margaret Johns 130 889 80 - Joseph Hylends- 5' 67 97 156 - 'William Galbraith 54 497 134 George Eddy .1 84 520 . 80. Jahn ' Sinter `•• 172 439 80 William Sheafr 1 513 333 40 Philip Wagner 107 438 Benjamin Rush 1 60 527 Philip Stein 1 56 . . 438 58 Johailian Jones 143 483 58 Owen Jones 143 371 152 Ttiornas Denton 1 20 458 §tenhen Nlowans 1.59 432: Richard Mowans 141 1 71 1 94 418 William Mowatis i 33- S C L - 36 Nlotvdtis 394 Ir t aac. Mowano 1 27 '399 Thomas Siuvr itia 1 146 1 03 !948 Frances Mewling 198 !.40£ - , Frances &lowans Jr. 32 Sarah Ilartsock 1 09 Sarah liartiock I 03 Jacob Barrack 1 Og 400 Maly Barrack 1 02 400 Peter Ilartsuck 1 02 400 fiaac llartbock 1 0:2 Samuel Morripca 1 02 ilartsodc / 02 Hugh Murrisou Bay Chambers 40 L. CS Robert Chambers 1 10 4O James Chambers 102 406 ' Safnuel Chambers IOS 23,3" Neal Clark 77 300 John Ihmning 79 50 K. C ees heirs 14 400 isbin Chambers 1 02 S 7L 406 iminc 'Huston 475 John hrisser 196 - ;Andrew Sil l lS 207 ,Juhri 'Sills 4 II 3 71 3 96 40() John Freed 40p Mary erred •lletiy-thpubers •1 '0.3 431 Sally :Clktrzters • 109 369 . Nailer Cha gibers . 93 400 Sarah Barrick 8 53 409 Prancy Davig 11 03 300 Meholm , Cruin 76 203 George,fiubluu;ll ;51 oho ti ustoi I' o2 Richard Cleric 30 Tyrone . ,Township. • 400 152 Rnbert Murray 352 444 815 Wlllimo Dysart 365 392 5 James Cray 94 445 48 John Carson 107 Union l'aionship. 333 T 3 Frederick Reps '79 280 James Armstrong 486 Robert Cuz 300 '; Irshn Tayler i chard Pltiwthan 91 .60 Sarah ' • 10 , iOO It John liollinitsheati 114 402 13 , 2 John Vou Dyke 132 257 Dors6 Belt fpart) 20 314 Christian Snyder "27 300 • Margaret Jones 25 Jacob Snyder • 17 111 134 Samuel Cornelius 84 485 100 Arthilr Pea '69 421 130 Archibald Pea 67 585 44 John Bell 61 403 65 Thomas Bell 84 1 1i 1 60 426 43 Robert Mooro 68 309 154 Mara Bell 65 400 7CI Frederick 801 01 400. 78 Abraham Sell 64 400 7a Abraham Morrison 64 398 "' Margaret Sells 63 181 7'B Robert Fea 29 414 57 Fe& 383 116 William Fei 420, i'r George Fr& 34 R Ithod 155 ..,- Rebecca .ledge, 24 140 Renecca Smith . 22 4SO 14 Junii•Van Deke 53 41'6 ' , Johit Boylei 142 435 83 Peter *batik 72 426 15 81411 en Drury 138 481 60 I:lAbriei Bell 141 Ind' Toten - 7hiii. r 3# ni,bpct wyton 4 9.1 Isp John borilinti , 300 id w iltiatn Heed,. .16 1 5 a niirrierenciu4 Totnship 2.88 71 J. Keith • • • B'6B 476 11l 11910 , 1 Ctiopei , ) 456 384 . 11 illi3nt Heckman S Z) 19.3 Si John Hall I'l7 81 1.2 Jtadnia Lewis 77 Walker Township, William tVallitse 4.92 4 76 Eli 1.1.,yd Ann 64 ch 3 96 John Carson 422 39 Iluhh Laurifdi 3,.65 412 73 Rudolph Lauri& 357 Snyder Township. 409 151 Barney Kerr 2 69 403 03 John Smith 2 64 400 128 Samuel Nl3raliall 7 92 249 82 Thomas Kerr 80 257 20 Thomas Sutton 75 288 92 „. George Stout 72 254 • Robert Stewart 75 356 William Stout 1 46 __ . 61 1.50 1 419 47 Daniel Stroup ifidodberr9 Tbronship. 1 13 100 IVilliaim Muntgumen 96 205 JOlth Shunetelt 1 31 Iteal Estate it Pubti6 Sale. The undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Houck, dec'd., by authority of the Will, will offer at pub • lic sale or putcyy on Thursditr• the 19th of 'March next, Upon the preMises, all that certain tract oil parcel of .land, situate, ly ing ancl betty; ju.the township of,:Cud, in the cbttaty of Huntingdon, cciniainhig szt&_.,¢) .Iz,cmalaauaat3 more or lea's. patented by the Coils m • on wealth of Penn a., adjoining Imola of Sam uel M'Lain, dec!cl., and Joseph Martin, on which Johhsey Houck now resides. There i s on ;he ptenpses-a good . Dwelling. Houle 'and BARN; also, a good bearing Apple Orchard, four springs of good water; there are one. humbled ac.ne%. cif laud cleared, twenty five of which is first-rate meadote, and nlioat one hundred more can be made in one body THE TERMS of the sale will be one third of the purchase money in hand, and the balance in two equal annual instalments, by bonds, with approt , e4l security. The sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day. SAMUEL HOUCK, -Feb. 11, 1846. Eaten tor . ISAAC FISHER., - ATionszy AT LAW. --Het removtd to Huntingdon, with theintention of making it• thi place' of tux future residence, and will attend •tosucli legal susi neon as nisy be en.: nutted ta hirn Dec.,26 184:1. PUBLIC SALE. Tiig subscriber will offer at public gale at the Court !rouge in the borough ut Hun tingdon, on W etl slay a the April court, being the 15th day of April next.— . • A Debt and certificate thereof, of the Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana turn , pike Road Company, , due to Christian Garber, dec'd, amounting to Seven thou sand, One hundred and Nineteen Dollars and Eighty-five cents, pith interest there on from the 1 I ilt of January 1841. About one., hail of the interest has been paid yearly tqiulin.S. Iskt, IJsfl., Sequestra tor of said Roa'd (Sic. 1 03 1 03 ALSO—A debt due by said company to Garber & Dorris, amounting to Nine teen hundred and Nioety•seven dollars and thirty-four cents, with interest there on from the 10th. day of January 1841, Which . interest has been paid in part, as above, &c. There are several houses and lots ul ground in the Hurimgh of - Hollidaysburg, and several lots of ground in Frank stow n, helOging to the estate of Christian Gar. her, deq'd, which will be sold at priYa!e sale, as soon as a liberal idler is made for them. :Ike lots: in Frankstosin front on the turnpike road sin Main street, and ex tend across the canal, they adjoin ,ench other and lay principally on the 'Sold' and V ast of the lock, - and.are the only convenient, lots •in that town where wharves totthi be built on the 1 k 38 .56 1 :0 2 1 .G 2 W I LIA A M DORRIg. f.er.ol Garbei., d2c'd nuittlngdon,-Feb. 11,, 1,846, Orphan's ,Co+crt Sale, IN purstiaiicelt:f.an' order ct the Orphan's Court, will be exposed to public sale oh the premises, on 'Thursday the sth day of March next,'l,ll that ouT LOT in M. ad j•iniug the town of Warriorsmark, in Hun tingdon county, adjoining, lots WilliaM Smith and 'rhos. Wallace, and that sold by the niniertigned Executor to Gen. W: Russ, on the east, an alley on the South; and'a lot of Jacob Buck on the North and • East:con taining two acres and a quarter of ground. TERMS OF SALE.—One half of tile pur chase money to be paid on the confirmntion of sale, and the residue in one year thereaf ter with iatere,t, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. BENJ. F. I' VI - FON, Executor Feb. 11. of Wtn. Shipley dyed. LEA"! K, MOROCCO AND FINDING STORE. .• t'Si Nu. 29, North 2nd strict, Ilarrisbwg. THE subscriber respectfully inbuilt. the citizens of, Huntingdon and neighboring counties, that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches, all. of the best quality, and as law as can bought anywhet e, for Cash. His stock consists partly of Sole Leathet, Upper Leather, Call Skins, water proof Kip, Harness Bridle,&c. &c. Men's Morocco, llomen's Straights, Kid, Nothings, • Linings, &c. &c. 67 Shoe-thread, whofe , sale or retail, spnrables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, hoot web, cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, clts. slick bones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam sets, strip •wls, welt keys, French wheelS, heel slickers, ski, k wheels, callis, shodl (Ter sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip pers, pince7s; ptinches, peg floats, gorges, Pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. otkc., and everything else in his line of husi nes;, . Call and Ace bal e'huvtnc elsetvheee, WM. L. PEIFF,II. Feb. 11,1846. PUBLlcApilx Of lab:able Rea? Estate. WILL be sold at public sale as the.prop city tdAtgirc w R .boson; tlec'd,on thrpretn• iies, resprctivt,ly, • • - • • On Friday tha %CA day of Marc!! ne:J, !hose two vAlwAhr, adjoining farms situate to 'l"yioile and i'Varriorsmark townships, now.in thci oczepancy of John Isett, lying and.being on the little Juniata river. l'He farsii in Warrierstwark has three dwelling houses thereon .trectisi and a stone loam. Th, land is good limestone, about 20b acres, and about 100 acres clwhich is cleared. and in a gond state of cuiteation, )!ling a good apple orchard thereon. The balance is well timbered with whit.. -oak; cheiaiat and'pine. The farm in Tyrone tOtvilljlii) contains 400 hundred acres, and Has a iiwellinchsLMe and stable th .reon. (Jo both these farms there is sufficient water power l r turning any kind of machinery, and iron ore being abundant on the forms it affords very eligi ble sites for iron works or mills on both sides of the strzsm. 4 S 6 TERMS—One third of the purchase mo tley to be paid in hand and the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of thepurchaser, ' ' . The above two farms are separated by the little Juniata river, the mansion tract being Warriorsmai k and will be sold sep irate ly or t,,.gether, n, mar suit purchasers. • JACOB VNN MIES ' Fxecutoi • DAVID ROBESON, Mill. "Register" and “Standaid" please insert ts. and charge advertisers. ~i.J ~~Yr~., ~'o To the heirs and legat rrpre,entatives of John Hoover, lute of ilustOn township, desettied Take notice that by virtue of a writ of partition or valuation in nay hands is sued- out of-the Orphans' Court of Hun tingdott countv., I will proceed, on Friday Cie 6th day of Marcie ucxt, by . 0,1 of Inquest, Cuilvelitoti oil the prom. i.etr, to Snake potation or valuation of the real estate of the said deceased, situate in said township. JOHN AItINiTAGE, Shit She's Office, Huntingdon, January 28, 1846.--6 t. 5 A. K. CORNVN, ATTORN EY LA ingdon Pa. 01fi r in Main street, two doom East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House. stYtifilitlfiaT ITT()40:1•E sIT .L. 4 W. HUNTINGDON, PA. Orphan's Couil Attie. IN pursuance of an order of Orphans' Court, will he exposed to_public isle dit the premises on l hursday, the Sth day of March next, all the interest and estate of William Hunter, at the time of his de case in and to ,a certain • Lot of Ground, situate in the town of Warriorsmark, Hun tingdon Co., frotiting seventy fe t on the Main street in said town; and (filet/6140ne hundred slid sixty-six feet ill 'depth town alleyr adjoinino a 111 of Saing: Muthers haugh on the West, and alt alley ho the East, having thereon erected a frame house: TERMS OF SALE.--One third of the pin chase motley to be paid on the coefirma don of sale, and the residue in two qual an nual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds rind mortgage of the purchasers, , • BENJ. F. PAT'! ON, Miter. of Wm. Hunter, decAl. Felt. 11, 1846. rphans' °art BY virtue of an order of the (frphan's Court of Uuntingdon county; Will he expc sed to public sale on the mansion trace, nn . . Saturday the 14th day or March rex!, the following described Real Estate', iitte the estate . of George Buchanin late of Hopewell township, deed, to wit A tract of land situate in Hopewell town ship aforesaid, containing about three hun dred acres, be the same nose or less, adjoin ing lands of Jas. Entrekin on the N. E., Mary Rayburn:l on the S. W., the Haystown branch of the Juniata On the S. E., being the Mansion tract of the said George Hu.' chanan, deed, on which is erected a good two story log house and a bank barn with an Orchard of fine bearing fruit trees, and about 200 acres cleared thereon, in a good state of cultivation. besides a bruse and barn on one end of the same, a tenant house and a stone blacksmith shop. Also, One ntlfer tract of land adjoining the above-- containing 260 acres, be the same more or. less, lying on the Alligrippus ridge, in said towaship. • ALSO, A tract of unseated land in Tod township, adjoining ,lands of John Savage and others, Containing 253 acres, be the same Mere or r”ss:' Terms of sale, bne half of the pumhase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in one year thereafter :wjt►t interest, tobe secured by the hoLds and mortgages of tine purchaser or pUrdia- Sirs. By the Cra:rt, JACOB MILLE% Cl'k. T, P. CAMPBELL, Trustee. Feb. 4,1845. ORPICANS' COURT SAILIa Of . 11 , Wiffirspie lital 1 sfiale 'ln KISHACOQUILLAS VALLEY, virtue 4.1 6n 01 del iit the 01 phans' Cu'r't of Huntingdon, capyty, will be ex poseil_to sale on the prenu3ea by public midue, ur outcry on . 4 . ..la . turilay th e Ttli lay of ' f llarch.next, the I,4loiviu g valuabl e real estate, late the estate uf7Daniet Yoder, deceased; situate in the Kialiacroquillas Valley, flenitersrin" township,.iluhting dun county, • • . 4NSIO :V TRACT. containing 173 acres, more or less, of first rate limestone land, adjoining Dr. John Metz, Ma , tin Flemming, and whets, on which are litt.. improvements; the greater portion of which is cleared, and inn gond state of cultivation : same b e i ng one of the,best plantations in the above well known valley. Also, 100 acres of moan. lain - Intel adjoining the foregoing, James Fife, and others, being unimproved, .but• valuable On account of timber, dre. Also, a lot of 11 acres more cr leas of good laud a, joining the berme described tract. Tho foregoing tracts of fat& ore Well ~orthy the attroCon of those desirous : of purchasing valuable land . and all per sons are requested to come and examine the mends,. for themselves. T:::;RMS OPSALE: —One third of thp purchase money to Le paid on con firmation of the sale—one third in one Year thereafter with interest—and the re• undoing third on the death of , Iffie widow , Nancy Yoder; paying to the said widow yearly the Intere,t thereof during her K.tural life; to be secured by the bonds and mortgage,of the purchaser. By order of the Court, JiICOB MILLER. Clerk Attentlance by • • ' 'CHRISTIAN YODER,. • DANIEL YODER, ' Trustees, Feb. 4, 1346. Orphan's Court &le a, virtue of on order of the Or phans' Coln I of Huntingdon county ; will be expbbed tb public Sale on Monday Ike 611, if April next, at the house of JAMES M'MURTIIIE, Inn-keener, in West township, EIGHT TRACTS, of Unseated Land, late the property of Jacob K. New, dec'd, situate in said township, one Containing 400 fau n • tired acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry Canan: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of David Stewart: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of A. Johnston : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hugh Johnston: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry West : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Thos: NlcCune : tine containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the !mine of James Dean : and twee containing 400 acres, sutveyed on a warrant in the name of John Adams. TERMS ;-10.ne half of the purchase money to be paid mi 'the confirmation of the sales, respectively, and the residue within ittie .year thereafter, with interest to In 3.:peed. by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. He the Court, JOHN REED. Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, Jun. 21. 1845—ti. Executor. 4 USTICES',BIanks of all kinds, ferule at this Offtte. Anditor'J N9tieer. The undersigned, .11ilpuinled b!,. , the Court eit CoLitoun of .11un tingdult county, to distribute the money in the hands of .the blti cid, arising horn the side of the property of IVlIld "M: Mur ray, will Wen!t fur that putitose at Prothonotary's Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, .on Monday the 23,1 day 01 March neat at 1 o'clock, P. M., of which all concerned will irniasT. take notice. JOIIN CRP:S:SIIIS'LE, ...luditer. Feb. 18. 1846. w'rottee to the heirit or Denial Jabots, deed: 'IIIE heirs of said deed will take notice, that the Orphans' Cuurt of Licht - 1400. pounty, on the 16th -day of Jammu, 11. li. 1846, granted a Rule un the beirst and legal representatives of the said.liavid Johns, late of Shirley' township, in suicf county. dec'd., to appear at the; 'next Orphans' Court to he held at iluntinylon nit the act.- nod Monday of April next, to show cause, if ally they have, why the real estate a tiau said dtiC'd. should not he ,old. • JACOB MII I LER, Clerk. • Fcb. 18, 1346.-6 t: Lift lour Deeds. TI- oSt Who hii've left deeds. , &c. with the undersigned to be rccofded,. and who have not since taken them up. ttre her( by informed that these deeds with for a short time, be left at the Regnytler's 'hflice. with Jacob Miller, Esq., who is authorized to deliver said deeds to their owners, nod to, receive and receipt for the foes rind taxes due thereon; and alsoito receive and receipt for,any fee's that may be due to_nic for vices rendered as 'Register, Recorder, or Clerk of the Orplrao a' ; Court; . JOHN REED, late Registu. Etc: Huntingdon, Feb. 18?1846.-3t , pd. ' mint; C. . THE subscriber would hereby inform the public, that he it.y purchz.:Ad the fol lowing property, bola at convable 'a sole, Frb 11, 1890, an, the property ,of Lim Daughenbaugh, vit : One h:at x mare; one sorrel mars; two setts of horn,. gears; one waggon, one red eta; two red beitersowo ploughs; ite harts...n; one. cutting box; clock:and three sheep. The undersigned han lel; the ithove cies in the possession of said John ITaughen baugh. until he sees proper to Take the,}; away, and would theretore caution all pets sons from meddling with the some. Jol - 11 , 1 R. ( ;();;Np.„L. Clay township. Feb. 18, 1844.—Lt., Administrator's. Notice. Ettatcp . !ROBERT Ev.? . lrts of Tor. tp.,PtirOingdou County.Ydec'd., LETTERS of Aclmi,*,trio:nn on,the skid estate, have been granted to the ti tidersign ed. All persons indebted to said e,tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having,elainualguinut it will pre sent them pr o perly authenticattti ii ra, L tlemcntu.itkipu; dpkty to • •- . • , WM. EDIVAII DS, Adm'r. Veb :11; 1845,--6. 'Administrator's Notii-c. Estate of SARAH BEYER. late of Anits Huntingdon countN, dec'd. LETTERS of AdMinist on the said estate have been . Ka anted' to the undersign ed. All persons iudetited to said estate at: vet - ward to make linmetli4te ..wwment. and Chose having elatens agamSt it will prCy sent them, properly 'authenticated for settlo meat, without delay. to •A.IIZON BEY ER, Adm'r: Feb. 11; 1845.=.Gt. pd: • . . ANT) R11:41. . PREMIUM HAT 'STORE, nEkITRANO ROSS, , No. 120 Chesi not St.; s:.uth side. 4 dm:Fs below Fourth st.o. . . Respectfully inftains the citizen' Of Huntingdon Cignity, that hr It , s refitted antl,•opened Ally above Kr.--- establishment, where le is pre . pared ax all times, to furnish Beg v er, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any Manutuetured in this country. Also, a su perior qindit y of Caps, It t,fficerl of the Army and Diary, together with press, Iti,- ding and Sporting* Caps.: a new, and splen did style of Child rens! acid Boys,' Caps, with a great variety If Rich Fancy Furs for La dies. . . , - received; pei• - Sleans Ship Greif - Western, the approved style of I.ADLEW RIDING lIATS.I also, a beautifui assort.: meat or ChiWrens' Prria; Caps. I am determined that my hats, in point of beauty and , gitalitt , , shall not be surPassett b y onse taw other Establishment in any Citt in the Union. Dec. 24, 1843. Steam Wurnhag Shop LATH MILL. - THE subscribers having entered into co. partnership, under .the Firm of John and W. R. Baker, in cat eying nn the Steam Ttir iiing Shop and Lath Mill in - Alexandria. would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre• pared to do all manner of turning itf wont!. also, lynd slialts from 10 to . 70b lbs. Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all klticla Of tinning. Chairmaxers by sending their mute, us con Ire supplied with Chair 13 etforns. Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagolunt kers by sending their patterns cal, be supplied with Hubs. and-fellows, of any Oa, unit thickness and , whhtever wood they choose-j -plawering lath furnished at the hilOrtt't ne dee, and all at the lowest tharket pi ices. P:rsons at a distance wishing to furnish their own stuff, can have it hauled away and delivered without extra chara, J(lHti BAKER. W.R. BAKER,' A'exandria,Jaii. 28, 11346-tf. 30111( lON Haying re turned to Huntingdon county, has re•eorn menced the practice of LAW in the Boreugli of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at. tend to all basitwas entrusted to his care.-- He will be found atoll times by those who may call upon MM., at his office with 16:441 Either. •Esq., adjoinion the store of Thou. Read & Son, near the Diamond. Huntitigthi, April .30, lE4s,