THE JOURNAL, kIUNTINGDON: AVednesdny, February 25, 1816. Delegate 191ectione and County Con vention. f. the Whigeef 11:1!iting . dot County, Your Standing Cout.;iittee, approving of t h t , cceioremendation of tho Whig member. of the Le gisletare, that a State Convection be on the Oth of March neat, to nominate a candidate for iffsce,of Cone! Coosa:in:ewer, and d o ouc h other things as the good of lb*, party may seem to moire, reapectrully reqUest you to meet in COTJNTY is the 4ld Court 110 , ,e, in the borimgh of Hun tin; Inn, on t3.ua4Juy thi 28iit dey of February kW...Atone o'clteck P. M., for the purpose of ap pointing Dolegtites to said httutu Convention; and t.) adopt such mher rnossures as only to deemed expedient fur he advancement of the V\ big eiru e e to this comity. By the County Committee. THEO. H. CREMETt, ehainnat. PO5. 4, 1810. C"Our thanks are due to Hon. Ales. Ramsey ter various valuable documents (loin Congrehe. Also, te.lohn Mattison, Esq., of the State Senate, An © of the Auditor General. Repoct on Banks. 17 An unususl press of advertisements, have evened/3d out our usual variety of news. We hope nor readers will hoer orith ue. trp We lin v et.le 111.1g8 will toot for. get the COCN ri• MEETINU on Satut• clay afternoon. Ali dehg.des wtil not rot a'tly he elected in the different town ',hips, Ice ere requested to any by the Cluirotan of the County CoTherii;tce, that the Whig: zpn,-dly ore James McCafferty. The death warrant of this unfortunate nnl has been 'signed by the Geveinor. Ile will he execoled on the Bth of May next. ry The U. ti. Senate will tnect, ea ueuel, on te-morrow evening. 'rho bl l l to abolish dzoery in ilie District of CulunThilt, expEoteil Wri to to- Len op and diecuseed, TylVe promised in our lee to noiice the exam ination of the pupils in the ‘i'vinale Seminary, un tertha charge of Mies Howe. An eatremed con tributor lon saved 114 the trouble, to whose commu nication, in another column, we incite attentirm. In all that is there said, both in commendation of the ecconrigrii•ii our having the indioul in claret.. ........tereining militia, we treartoy concur. Arrival of the Cambtia The late news received by this vessel ii *of the mast gratifying character. Parliament has assent; bled. The Queen's message is entirely pacific. Repressions of regret are made that the Oregon difficulties have not yet been settled. Sir Robert Peel has developed his future ccromercial policy. The new echeme embraced the principles of free trade—repudiates all protection fur commerce, manufacture, end agriculture—admits corn duty free at the end of three years, with a scale in the interim , which will probably oscillate between tour and six shilling, pet quarter; at mice admits In dian corn and buckwheat free of all duty. We shall make fuether extracts from this impor. rent nerve in our next. Want of roots forbids it today. The U. S. Gracile, from which we glean the foregoing, remarks thut the news Gad the tried hap py effects upon stocks of all kinds and upon the grain and flour market. These articles are all go ing tap. Tho Stair County Dill ra‘sed. The deed is dent! Poring, bribery, and corrup tion have accomplished their end. The bill for the ' , talon of Blair county has finally passed both ',ranches of the Legislature. Tho committee to whom it had horn referred reported it to the Sen ate with the boundaries changed to those of last Session. Oa Thursday last, en motion of Mr. Morrison, tho Scnate struck Snyder township from ttia bill; but that night the "democracy" was rallied, and on null) , morning Snyder township wan again Inserted into the new county Lill, by a party vote. with but ono Whig voting in rho affirmative With all the Locofocue, except one, as follows: YEAS—Mews. Anderson, Benner, Bigler, Black, Cfinpinan, Creacreft, Ebaugh, Fegely, Youlkrod, Heckman. Hill, Hoover, Huhn, Sullivan and Speaker--15. NAYS—Mem/no. Cervon, Coalman, Crobb, Dar. r Alb, Pantie, Dunlap, Gibbons, Jordan, Morrison, Roes, Quay, Senderaom Smith and Williamson-14 The bill then passed by a vote of 20 to 11, as YEAH—Meagre. A ndorscin, Penner, 13i;;Ier, thick. Chapman. Corm - nen, Cribb. Crencraft, Dimmick, Elmugh, Foulkrod, Gillie, Heck loan, Hoover, Quay, Rahn, Run, Smith; and Sul hoan —3O. kAYS—'Mown. Carson, Daram, Dunlap, Vega ty. Gibbons, Hill, Jordan, Morrison, Sanderson, Williamson , and Isherwood, Speaker-11. 1 4 he bill was tt.en sent to, the House,, where, on Saturday, the amendments of the Senate were agreed to without opposition, and the bill panted &atty. ' • In the Senate sre A ars. 44.1 Wagonaelkr were either absent or dodged when the vote MI Snyder township was taken; and en wore the two latter gentlemen when the final vote was taken. We understand, however, from a gentlemen who was ;mascot, that Mr. Wagoneeller WO in {thrust when the vote on restoring Snyder t‘r Blair was taken, and notwithstanding it eras modlis party question by the Loeofocoe, when his name was coiled by the Clerk, he sat as mute as ttatur! : and we might add, with just nut the rte ,mentit hrs;ll 6.1. The letter of our Harrisburg correspondent will be found unusually intetesting. A brief ac- count of an attempt recently made to bribe Victor E. Pio MR., a Lucutheo member from Bradford county, by • Mr. McCook of Ohio, ie given, Ps well as all the important transaction. of the I..,egic 'stare during the last week. Let all read tte letter. t UAt a late hour we received lb, ' report of the Committee of Investigation eppe•mted by the House of Repreeentivei on the . oiollet Bribery case. Caere.M Knox, Gwin, tr,d Galloway made a report on Saturday last, which, of course, tail/mashes Mr. Piottet,wb, really took the bribe but was afraid to keep it. while they heap their hypocritical indig natio,. on that unfortunate Loeofoco brother of ti'.eire, who just missed hie figure in committing the secret or bribery to more than t wo. Messrs. Trego and Nicho!oon made a minority report. More of thi► next week. Congresc iiotb ng of importance has transpired Ilk Con gress since our lost. The Oregon debate is still going on in the Senate. It is expected that the be the next question of importance that Will corns up in the House. We shall ketp our readers advice', of what is said and done upon this viUdtp important measure, as icon as they get un der dray. • 3*ohn Morrison, Esq. We deem it but a sheer act of justice to this gentleman to say, that a more untiring, indefatiga- We, upright Senator does not represent any district in the Commonwealth—a plain, unostentatious fer nier though he be. To his exertions are the people of this county main:) , indebted for rot having the line of the new county of Blair within five miles of their present county town, ae advocated and urged by the traitor G win. That he was not suc cessful in defeating division entirely, to ate not surprised, when we consider the obstacles and diffi culties with which he had to contend. Hired borers, residing at the neat of Government and from different counties of the Stale—Cambria law yers, who we suppose intend extending their proc tice into the county of Blair—Luca.° and 'ative Cunul Commissioner candidates, who lust truth received o pro rata dividend of the Holliday!. burg vote 'far that office—ae slso those from the county of Centre who have been so fortunate Da to wed ladies ow ning town lots in Hollidaysburg, were on the ground all winter, besetting Senators With their importunities in favor of this Lill. When, we repeat, all these things are taken into consider ation, the only surprise with us is, that our Senator was able to prevent them from taking any amount of territory 'their rapacity and avarice 'night dc ,'nand. tjcnsummate Traitor Judas Iscariot . old hie Lord and Master fur thirty pieces of silver! Benedict Arnold betraycd hie country fur filthy lucre! Alexander Owin, the Wrii n bili l y th in mi tiga r sr u o f n th gta `triVictirrai t ;;'‘ McCurraghy massacred his kindred and friends to in herit their paltry estate.! The assassin frequently plunges his knife to the heart of his victim for re venge. Mr. Gwin, who has mutilated this noble old county of Huntingdon, was actuated by all the abovu moties combined; and biography will as sign to hint a place among scoundrels like these. Unblushing falsehood--niggardly avarice--and aneaking. ',ago revenge, aro the prominent char soterisrica of the creature; and ho pesserses not a single redeeming quality. Moro anon. The Main Line. The Harrisburg Repdrter, Gov. Shunk's organ, is calling upon the State to carry the passengers upon the Main Line, and the editor alleges, with great apparent seriousness, that a vast amount of money would be thereby saved to the Common svcsith. No figures, however, are given to prove this reiult. Now, wo put it to the editor of the Reporter, whether All the experience we huvo had upon this subject, doe; not prove the very reverse of what he asserts? Did not the State at one time put the!r own care upon the Columbia Pailroad ? and did not the Commonweolth lose money by the opera- tion, compared with wiot they now receive from the company running care upon that portion of the Main Line? We think that if the figures are cor rectly given, they will show this We do not like to impugn the motives or the gen tlemanly editor of the Reporter, but it sloes appear to us that the great anxiety in this matter, i., mere ly to secure a few more places fur the hungry rank ers after the crumbs that fall frdrh the great demo erotic table, in the shape of agents Upon the cars and captains and stewards upon the canal loots. 'Phase places may be noW filled, in the main, by I-oedema, for aught we know or care, but they ate not taken from among that peculiar c/....r5, that are willing at alt times to do the drudgery of the party, and go end come at the nod arid beck of their twirl er.. They are selected, we presume, on account of their qualifications, withotit any referente to politi. eat opinion.. In regard to the afatethent made by the Reporter, that the company now carrying the passengers re alize $20,000 per .anon, nut of an investment of 530,000, we can only say that we iktiuld much pre.: fee figures to assertion, to prove its truth t for we do know that so far as regards the Columbia rail read, the toll paid by the company Olt through pas- Sengers,is hrligher on each individual than the fore received, and the profits have therefore to be made upon the balance of the route ; on which, we have bccu creditably informed they have been, during the the lust season, very light—not more than three or four per cent. We du not make these remarks at the suggestion of any member of this company, nor are we in deed acquainted with but one nr tae of the gentle men composing it, but merely to raieo our voice against the Commonwealth entering into a business which will only he opening the door of peculation still wider to her agents, by whom elle has already been almost reduced to a state of bankruptcy. Landlardi intending to apply (or license at Ipril Court, sh9uld hand in their petiti,,na soon. Pennsylvania Legislature, Correspoudence of tho Zuntingdon Journal: Ittuarsavno, Feb. 21, 1846. My Dear Captain—l have to inform ism that the new County of "Blair" has at length been paw l ed in both Houses. It passed the Senate by aON of 20 to 11. The Bill as passed embraces the came boundaries as contained in, the 13111 of last Session, which taken less territory from the county of Huntingdon than the Bill no it pasted the House a the present session would have done. Tha l amendment was tirade in Senate through the exer tions of Mr. Morrison, and when the hill wan 're turned this morning to the House the same was concurred in. Prior to which, however, a motion Was made by Mr. Burns to refer the question of erecting cold new county, to n vote of the people of Huntingdon and Bedford countiee; but it was lost by a very large vote, Yeas 13, Nays 65. The bill therefore only waits - the signature of the Governor to become a law. The Palt. & Ohio Railroad P:I, after being de bated daily in the Senate Until Therday last, was lost by a majority of ono vote, on secdnd reading of the first section—the yeas being 15, the'raye 16-- Messrs. Sterrigete and Wagonseller being lament. But a monster Of the size of this, does nut die by a single kick, and accordingly, as was expeCted, a motion woo made next day by Messrs. 'Quay knd Dimmick to reconsider the vote, which motion on yesterday was agreed to by a vote of 19 to 10. So the subject is again ready to be voted upon in the Senate, and it is expected to pass; but all who voted for the reconsideration are not expected to vote for the bill—enough, however, to carry it will probably do so. The bill granting to the New York and Erie Railroad Company the right of way through Pike county, in this State, passed final reading in the House on Thursday last, by a vote of 61 to 90. It has not come op in Senate yet. The Bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania (Cen tral) Railroad Company, for the construction of continuous Railroad front Harrisburg to Pitts burg, passed Committee of the Whole in Senate the past week, and second reading also, to the last section, when the farther consideration of the same was postponed (yesterday) and the bill as amend ed in its progress through the Sedate, eras ordered ' so he printed. Bribery aria Corrupt/mi.-I'llls hiller:iv. creel . - tore hoe made his appeerairce in broad day-light I amongst the members of the Legislature--but I ant happy to say that a trap woo laid for him, in which ho was handsomely caught before any harm was done. On Tuesday last Cul. Victor E. Piollet, I a lumber of the }louse of Representatives front the I county of Bradford, presented s package containing $4OO in money, accompanied by a verbal statement of bow he came into possession of the same. The substance of which was that he had been offiired that amount by ono Daniel At'Cook as a MA, f in a k i tn y v n e s ;iir ' r . ;trci;7ioitig "l olt Lto ' re ' t mince on Banks, with a view to forfeit tts charter for alleged malpractme—Mr. Piollet beint a mem ber of the Committee on Bankr. These facts be ing stated, a committee of investigation, consisting of Messrs. Knox, Gwin, Galloway, Trego, and :Nicholson, was appointed, on motion of Mr. Bar ri!, which concluded its labors yesterday, and made report to the House this mern!ng. A number of witness were examined, amongst whom were Gen. Laporte of the Surveyor Getter ,' al's office. lion. Jesse Miller, Sect'ry. of the Com monwealth, Mr, Goodrich, Clerk cf the Senate, Messrs, Herrin, Piulett, Hilands, Hartholeinew, Edie, and Pontroy; of the House of Represents-. tives.-11. Buehler and Jno. H. Dinimick, besides a number of others, as to the good chorea., of the accused (MlCook,) all of whom represent him as having hitherto be r me a good character. lie at present holds the office of desk of the severe' Omni, in Carroll county, Ohio, and is besides d veri , in. fluential member (tithe great Laoloco patty, and withal a great Anti-Bunk nun! The testimony, which is voluminous, esttblishes in short these facts, viz:—'That 114'Cook me agent for the Lehigh County Bank, and being desirous `of procuring a favorable report from the Qimmit j tee on Hanks; found it necessary to gain user Mr. Piollet, and fur this purpose he first attempted to approach him through his personal and rolitical friends—Gen. Laporte, Mr. Goodrich. and Mr. J. H. Dim:Melt—WO was offered to Mr. L,for the influence of his sun, and an indirect offer aria made to the Gan. himself for his influence and efuvora hie were also made 0 J. H. iThnnlick and through him to Mr. Goodrlct to the tune of 5100. which proving abortive, Mr.ll'Cook resolved to see Mr. Piollet, which he accirdingly did. At thyroid interview he argued thekause of the Bank, and !wide aomeappealea to Mr. Pullet, on the score of party I, redilections, repreaentirg him self arid Moses Y. Beri4h of the Lehigh County Bank, as of great influence in the politica arena. Mr. Piollet had been cautioned by Mr. Burin and Mr. Laporte as to the probability of M'Ccrk's ap proaching him, and made up his mind byiheir ad- Vice to receive the money, if offered, and expose Accordingly at a subaequent meeting, a bargatn was made for $5OO, and a favorable reptt. On Tuesday morning $.lOO of the money wai paid to Mr. MAW inAtis room it Bachlers, who vas call. ed up immediately afterward., arid after bunting it, try request of Mr. Kind, sealed it Op,* pack age; and the same morning Mr. preaerad it to the Speaker in the House as above stated, During the inveatigation the . Supreat Court room, where the Committeee sat, waa crowded with spectators—James M'Coirnlck and laddeux Stevens, Esquires, attended all Counsel foi ll'Cook, who was in the custody of the Sergeant norms on a warrant loud by the Speaker, on Tuesday, This mottling Mr. Knox, chairnian of ie Corn. mute., reported the testimony and a suimsry of the facts a little more full, hut eulnitalially the same as I have given above, expressing heir de- testation of the flagrant attempt which Id been made to corrupt the fountain. of Legislebn, end concluding with a Rteolution that the *used be handed over to the Attorney General, or hie Depu_ ty of Dauphin county, to be indicted at Common Law for the offence to dearly proved against him; which Resolution vise unanimously; adopted by the' . House, and accordingly a warrant. woe iesturod by a , Justice *film Yeac,e, and lit'Cook bound over to answer the charge dt our neat Quarter Senior's. ' Thirele some difference - of opinion an to the propriety of the conduct of Mr. Piollet in this mat ,ter, _many saying that it would have bean more 'creditable to him to have repulsed the man at the , out get, and thus have shown his utter abhorrence of the attempt. But on the other hand it is alleged that he is entitled to great credit for his successful attempt to - expose:tlio °Fender. There is some talk moreover that M'Cook intende'to indict Piol let, Burrill, and others for a conspiracy to seduce him into the offering of the Money. the matter is to undergo Judicild inveetigetitni, I will not nay anything which would be likely to vrejndice the case either way; bat I cOnnot help remarking the fact that it is always Anti-Bonk men who are ap proached in this way, whilst the Whigs who are wil ling to give the Banks a reisonabte chance for their lives. never hear of any thing butteaeon, applied to away their judgments. There is more policy in being an Anti-Hank than a Bank man. The Tariff Reoolutione are sleeping (as good as dead) in the House, the question being on concur ring in the Senate amendment. to the House amendments thereto. The Senate refused to in struct Congreie against the distribution of the pro ceeds of the Public Lands, as added by the House. IThe subject has been debated once or twice during the week in tho Howe, but remains yet undis posed of. Consideraido local tegislation has been disposed of during the'weel, the details of which would not be intereiting toyour reallersois there is none which interests your section of the country particularly, except the passage of ”Illair" county mentioned above. A tremendouo reinforcement of snow--nearly two feet deep,— has blocked up the Railroads and other highways, so that to , :deg et noon the *rot mail has arrived frail Itile.since day befere yes terday. We find that the Steamer Cambria has arrived from England bringing pacific news. The Unlit; of the Episcopal Church have had a "Fair" in the Court House, this week, for the benefit of their Church--temporally. Their good thinga such as Oysters, Cretin* Cakes, end Cotter, as well no the work of t!io necdfe; but above all, their own sweet omit., were highly attractive, and had the deaired effect—to wit: the raising of consid erable change, . . The sleighing is quite fine just now. iteurr, P. S.--I forgot to mention dist the general ap.• propriation Bill havilein 'inde'r consideration in the House yesterday and today piirt ,of thi•s, time, and considerable progress has been made upon •it on second rending. The salaries ofsome of the Judges --under the decision of the Supreme Court in the coca of Judge Hepburn, has been debated to-day, and had not yet been disposed of.. The lid! as re • .•• • • . ~, ;,, • th.e For the "Journal." The Exaniination at the Female Seminary. Ms. CLAnK—I did myself the pleasure of attend ing, on Tu'esday the 17th inst., the public examina tion of the pupils of the Female Seminary, located in this borough, under the care of Miss Bowe. Though highly gratified with the result of ell the previous examinations, which it was my priiiilege to attend, this one appeared to have outsuiped its predeceieore, in nearly every particular Which makes such a ammo interesting. The young ladies were arrayed as neatly and tastefully, as if they had decorated themselves to attend the bridal of a fairy in the land of enchantment. Each one wore aornething more than the every day ease and grace fulneee; which made them appear as thotigh they felt conscious that, for that day at least, they would be the °observed of all observers." The whole scene was decidedly pleasant to look upon; fur let me tell Yeti there was beauty in that hall; together with a large quantity of 'guileless end .sparkling in nocence. Deer little creatures—l felt sorry, while beholding them, that sorne of them at least, were so nearly ridding good•by to that time of life, when all is gayety and happiness, to enter upon that one, when joy alternates with sorreW. But tea person, who levee td sap the immortal mintf Sedtiering its treasures do all around it, en riching theca with intellectUal bounties, drawn from the golden stOrshousear;f the soul—the scene was surpassingly interesting. Each ono answered her respective questions, With that quickneis and ease, n7hich evidenced an understanding of &sub ject. Thera was an evident improvement since the lest examination. Among the Mere subliminal branches of a female education it appeared, that with ionsideiable taste, they had been cultVrafing the Rue arts. Several epecimens of painting, both by copy end from naturel objects. around the tcniii, executed by the ye'Ung ladies, were hanging along the well, all of which were very neitly and beaUfi - - fully done. There Wee also several mange, both religious and sentimental, jn Which' the whole school joined. In these the infantile minkled with the more eonorous voices of those who aro just verging into womanhood. In this school, I was happy to find morel, social and intellectual culture combined. The accom• plisbed lady, who has charge of it, is unremitting in her endeavors to store the minds of her pupils with useful knowledge; end to teach them to love God supremely and their neighbors as themselves. In fact it is creditable to the intelligence of this town, to be able to appreciate the qualifications of such a teacher. If a stranger had witnessed this examination, he must have come to the conclusion, that she would be asafe person with whom to trust the, mind and morals of his daughter. The whole exhibition was so conducted, as to leave a very pleasant impression on the mind of the spectator. The course of instruction there gin. enii well calcdleted to strengthen the mind, culti vsta and &fine the heirt, and make Its receivers in. Jellison( end dgreeable tolupanions, with whom to journey through the ligbtrand shadows of life. AMIUtle. Hun!lnadon, Feb, to. 1646. The Tarid: The Weehingtoc eorreepondent of the Philadel phia North American itates that the new Tariff Bill which has been preparing by the Secretary of BM Treasury and the Custom House Officers, is *Ow 'completed in every ealential particular and bfr. McKay, the Chairman, and other members of the Committee of Ways and Means, have con ferred with these officers, In every stage of its pro-, greas, and have assented, of course, to all the lead ing characteristics. I question, therefore, if any change of consequence will be made in any of the main features in the Committee Room. It will go to the Howie of Representatives in a few days as the Tariff Measure of the Administration—be con- sidered aruf&clded upon in caucus and probably be adoptcd'ivithout in amendment which will af fect the Firinelp".e of the Bill. The revenue basis has been cctitulted throughout, thouth there may be accitidntal deviations favorable to protection. The bill ;411 be reported to take effect from the first-of October, 'twit ensuing. It has been 'decided to discontinue bounties on fishing Vitsll.. and to allow no drawba s cki hereafter on spirits, distilled from foreign mot , relined • sugar and salt used in packing 6.h.. . The following rates have been adopted for the articles stated: Iron of all kinds. 90 per cent, a valorem Manufacture. of Iron, to in clude Cutlery, fire-arms, side-arms, and all other , articles made of Iron, o do do Coal, ,3U do do Manufactures of Wocil, 23 do do Unmanufactured Wool, all kinds 20 do do Manufactures of Cottoh • flax, or hemp, 90 do do Wines of all kinds 30 do do Brandy and other distilled 75 do do Sugar of all kind., 30 do do Molasses, 30 do do Manufactures of Worsted, 26 do do Readymade Clothing, Ho story and all articles worn by men, women and children, made up wholly or in part by hand, 90 do de Manufactures of Silk, 90 de do Coffer, Tea and Salt free Disastrous Gale---Five Shipwrecks-. Sixty Lives Lost. An extra from the N. York Sun, under date of Feb. 16, 6 o'clock, P. M., contains the following melancholy account of the effects of the late gale. By n special express from Squirm Inlet, (N. J.) despatched on Sunday night, about midnight, for this office, we ho've the melancholy intelligence that five vessels were coat ashore on Squam Beach during the late severe snow storm on Saturday night and Sunday (yesterday) morning. It is supposed that sixty Byte have been lost by th'se disasters, the unfortunate crew. and pouen• gem perishing in sight of the land or in vain efforts to reach the shore.. q„„3. v t,;.-6 " t4 id with thevessel been e 4- h " t andno communication iiicnalit together. Ono of the bodies, that of a young man, from the schooner Alabama, was found On th'e Beach 41 Slinday morning, staving came ashore in the night. The Snow sierin of Saturday night and Sunday wad the niost severe ever known in that vicinity. t.iTIONA FOUNDRILS.-A bill has been report. ed in Cohgress, by the committee on Military of to provide fur the eatablishMent of two No tionol Foundries—one in Pennsylvania and one in Georgia. IVIAB:Rxr* Op Thursday, the 12th inst., by Rev. J. 8. Lee, Mr. JOHN WORK, to Miss RACHEL WOODS, both of Porter township, On Tuesday, the 17th inst., by the same, Mr. WM .11. ADDLE MAN, of Warriorsmark, to Miss LOUISA PRICE, of Jackson township. Dissolution of Partnershic. 'ril E partnership heretofore existing be tween Joseph A. Bell and David S. Bell, trading undtx the firm of J. A. bell & Broth el , has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against said firm will present them for settlement, and all who know themselves in any way indebted will please call and settle between this and the first day of And', next. JOSEPH A. BELL, D. S. BELL. A. B.—The subscriber, thankful for past taw, urs would inform his friends and the tAlic in general that he intends continuing the mercantile business at the old stand at MCA lavey's Fort. D. S. BELL. McAlitrey'ti Fort, Feb. 23, 1846. Piagie Side. The Undersigned Commissioners of IF.e county of Huntingdon, will sell by pub. lie outcry, on the premises, on the 14th day of March next, at 2 o'clock P. M. all the tight, title, aid interest of the said county, in and to a certain lot of ground, lying trail being ih the middle of Smith ~t reet, in the Borough of Huntingdon, between Hill anc Allegheny street, being 44 feet in breadth, and extending in length from Hill to Allegheny street— together with all Infildings and improve. meatson said lot, the same being a large three story brick building, formerly occu pied as a Court Huusei and county offices, for the said county of Huntingdon. The terms of payment will be made known on the day of sale. MORItECA.I CHILCOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, Com's. WILLIAM BELL, N. B. For the information of persons who may wish to purchase, the Commis sioners deem it proper to state that their Counsel, at their request, has furnished them with lii opinion written out at length that they have a right to sell not only the I mid Court House buildings . , but also the lot of ground on which they are erected. This opinion is tiled in the Conamissioners' Office, where any person desirous of put.. chewing can examine it, Feb. 25, 1846,-Bt, • Okphan's Court Sale. Bi virtue of itn order of the Orphans' Court of: Huntingdon county, will be expo sed to public sale at-the house of James MeMurtrie, in:West township Ott Friday the 9-014 day of March next, the foltoWing delcrlbed Real Estate, late the estate of. William Hutchison, late of Barrer township dec'd, to wit : A tract of land situate to Barree town ship afertsaisl, containing about one hun dred and twenty acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lands of William Oaks, Dr. M. Masst y, A. Bell, and. others, with two log houses, a-log barn and other build ings thereon erected,. about forty acres of which are cleared—subject to Mary Hut chison's slower. TERMS: One half of the purchase mo ney to be paid on confirmation of the sale, the balance in one year thereafter, to be un cured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. BY the Court, By MILLER, Cleat. JOHN HENRY, Actir.g Executor. Feb, 25, 1846. s,...cE)w2acD:l. The subscriber would beret.) , inform the public that he has purchased the fol lowing property, sold at Constable's sale, n the 17th instant, as the property of Ntatthias Miller: to wit: One W 0 g.,40n Bed ; One lot of lumber, consisting of joist, ratters and boards; s Sittig; Double .reel; 1 log chain; i 1 ploughs and harrow; 1 Wind,mill ; 1 Cutting-hot ; lorse- Gears and halter chains; 1 Dungfork breast chains; 1 Oram cradle and mowing scythe; 1 bioad r air; Jout•adz & free; I crosscut saw and 1 rive. - The undersigned has left the above ar ticles in possession of the said Meth's:4 Miller, until he sees proper to take them' lway, nod would therefore caution all persons from meddling iiilfo the same. JOSIIUA. GREENLAND. Cacs twp., 4' e.,. Auditor's Notki. The . Vt . dersignetl, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, to make iiistiibution of the moneys lent:Lining iu the hauls of , lhu Sherift.uppropriatetl, Jrising the sale of the personal prop erty of S. 4 J. Thicket, amongst thos e mit led, appoints Saturday the 52p1 day of March tic It. 1 o'clock, P. NI., at los office in Hun ,ingilon, for hearing of clitiMants sad making suchtlistiithltiJ: JACOB Nlll.l,Elt, Auditor, office of Register & Recorder Huntingdon, Feb. 25, 1E46 .iotict. '1 he undersigned Forewarns all rcrscna from meddling with the follooiug descri bed property, purchased by him at Con stable sale, as the property of James McMullen, on the 17th day of February inst., which 1 have left in his possession ....tit I Ler Pt In retllllllP rhr •:tmr, to wit: one Grey Borst.; one Saddle & Bri dle; one Side Saddle; one Clock; 20 yards ('arpeting; 3 chairs; one sett II cures; one Mattock; one fork; ono Valise, and one cow. EDWARD CONRAD Tyrone tp., Feb, 25, 1846,-0. ES TRAYS. CA.3{E to the residence of the sub scriber in the early tart of last summer. living in Hopewell tom nship, this county, two !stra . Y. Bolls ono i 3 a dark brindle, with *Small star on the forAead, and the (idler is a light, brindle with a white streak along the back, white spot on the head and some • white upon the le;s. Also a black heiffer, in October last, with a white spot on the forehead.— Vie tier or owners are requested to come forward, prove preperty, pay charg e s ~ and tube them away, otherwise they will be ill3bo. bed of atcurding to law. • • AgN PA F. b. OA 1846—pd Auditor's Notice. TiiC undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdun county, to distribute the assets in the handy of Jonathan Isenberg, Adminislia tor or John Gahagan, deed., In and among the creditors of said dec'd,, given notice that he will attend fur that plapOie at the office of Campbell and Jacobs, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 2.lst day of Kara next, at 10 o'clock A. M. CAMPBELL Auditor. Feb. 18, 1846. Admiiiislralroirm Notice. Estate of NANCY NUDISON (late of Cass twp., dee'd.) LET l'EltS of adunutsUa•hnt having been granted to the undersigned oil the estate of NANCY HUDSON, late of Cass township, deceased ; notice is here by given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them prop erly authenticated fur settlement, and all those indebted to make pap - net - it immetli . WILLIAM SMI'l'H, Adui'r Feb. 18, 1846. Auditor's Notice TIIE undersigned being appointed Au ditor by the Orphan's Court of Hunting don county, to distribute the balance of assets in the hands of William Christy, Administrator of John Isenberg, late of Porter township, dec'd., to and among the Creditors of said dec'd., gives notice that he will attend at the office of Campbell and Jacobs, in the borough of H tint invlon. for that purpose, on Saturday the 2lat day of March next, at ten o'clock, A. M. WM. J. JACOBS, Auditor. • Feb.lB, 1846.-41. LANK BONDS to Constablesfot Stay 40 of Execution, under the new law,just printed, and forsale, at thirofitte.