Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 04, 1846, Image 3

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Correspondence of Me Pa. Telegraph.
WAIMINOTON, Jen. 29, 1840
`Dear Sir:—ln the Senate on Monday
morning, Mr. Mangitni gave notice that at
the proper timo he would oiler resoluiton
amendatory to those of Mr. Crittenden,
authorizing the Oreg on notice to be given
at the end of the Session, The amend
znents provide • farther, that this Govern
ment shall make an oiler to Great Britian
to refer the whole maiter to arbitration.
After the proper disposition of some un
ifcpertant matters, Mr. Allen moved to
take from the table his motion for leave to
introduce the joint resolutions which were
to come up on Friday, declaratory of the
principles which ought to govern our
ountry, relative to the intervention of
other nations in our affairs..
Upon this motion a rather Ararrn debate
arose, in which Mr. Allen and Mr. Cal
houu made some very severe
,pastes at
each other : • Mr. Calhoun insisting that
Mr. Alien acted indiscreetly in introdu
cing.* (All of this kind, without consulting
members of the committee of which he is
Mr. Allen plumply denied the' charge
and endeavored to show from precedents
that Mr. C. had set the example. Air. C.
denied that the jilecedents were applica
ble. Upon this Mr,.A. grew very .warm,
insisted that they were, and became rather
personal in his remarks toward e Mr. C.—
Ir. C. said his cwn self respect, and his
aspect to the importance of the subject,
Weld prevent him from allowing the
question to take a personal direction and
then went on to state that the late news
from' Bngland increases the prospect, of
an amicable adjustment of our difficulties
with, that nation, tenfold, • •
After some further debate, Mr. Allen's
motion prevailed, 26 to 21, and was re
ferred to the committee of foreign rela
tions. These resolutions are fraught with
much mischief, and if is to be hoped that
when they are called .up, they may be
summarily dealt with.,
In the House, the Oregon debate was
resumed by Mr. Pendleton of Va. Ile
opened with a raking fire upon the.Loco
loco party, and •belabored most Lamer•.
cifully certain legislators, who are makins
a miserable scramble for.the next Presi
dency. His speech was a 'beautiful one
::tdeed. It abounded with eloquence, wit
and sarcasm, At one moment he would
ouvulse the Houlte with laughter, the
Uocofocus making the broad act grine L and
next moment one of his sarcastic
;hoots would pince the locofocos into
he smallest imaginable
.compass. He
gllnded to Mr.. C. J. Ingersoll's
Fation table, and doubted uot, but that
would be a pleasant way , of settling the
'question; but he feared that .I . lk. Polk
4nd his Secretary, Mr. Buchanan; would
re bad leaders in such an. operation. He
wite opposed:th• the notice. . • •
Etawtell •of. Me. and Grover of Iq. Y.
followed in favpr of the notice. After
they had concluded the House adjourned.
On Tuesday liir. Fairfield's bill, making
au appropriation cf five millions and a
half of dollars for the construction of ten
i.con war steamers, came urtler. .
Mr. liannegan moved to amend by ma
kin the appropriation larger; and for
this purpose to apply the proceeds of the
public lands. •
Mr Fairfield opposed this amendment
:and, in a long speech, defended his own
, Mr. Benton opposed the bill, upon the
ground, that it imposed a most burden
some tax upon the country —that the ap
propriation for the current year provides
87,000,000 for the naval branch, and that
this additional appropriation would make
something like seventeen millions for the
navy alone. He regarded the movement
as unnecessary, and said that he did not
fear war s and thought there 'was no like
ihood Some further de
ensued, when the Senate went into
executive Session.
Mr. Black of Georgia, reported a bill
to organize and classify the Militia of the
United States. The bill provides, that
after the Ist of August, 1846, the Militia
stall be divided into two clasies—the
first to consist of citizens between 18 and
50—and, the "secondbetween 30 and 45:
the bill was read twice, and referred to
the committee of the whole.
The Oregon debate Was then r33umed.
,Slatits. Douglass, RailY, anti Campbell,
Of N. Y., severally gave their views.
They went for the notice, but presented
no new points,
On Wednesday, in the Setiate, after a
short debate upon some New Hampshire
claims, •
Mr. Johnston of La., Offered a iesolu
tion relative to the modification of the
Judicial system of the United States, so
as'to relieire the Supremo Court from the
performance of certain duties, by the for
'nation of a new judicial district out of
Texas and Louisiana.
'The consideration of the naval appro
priation was then resumed. Mr. Bagby
bad the Nor. He opposed the bill on
two grounds; the. first was, it it was a
peace measure the appropriation, was too
large, and it a loan measure too small.
.Mr; Miller of N.J., was in favor of the
bill. He did not view the bill as a war
nmasure, ncr did he apprehend that giving
the notice, would bring about war. But
the country required some vessels of this
kind, though we might be at present at
peace with the world.
Mr:Cass followetl Mr. Miller, and in
sisted; that the
,country ought to be put in
a state of defence. The late news from
England hail not changed his views.
ln:the House the Oregon debate was
resumed by Mr. Owen. Ile was followed
by Mr. Thompson, of Pa., and Mr. Skue.
man, of OhiliThompson declared that
Great Britaillillhould neither have Oregon
nor a modification or the Tariff.
The city is lull of rumors of changes in
"the ministry." It is asserted openly
that Mr. Buchanan's name has been sent
into the Senate, for the vacant Judgeship
on the Supreme Bench; and in the event
of Isis confirmation, Attorney General
Mason will succeed him in the Secretary.
ship. Some pretend to say that a difli•
culty has arisen between Mr. Polk and
Mr. Buchanan in regard to Woodward's
case, and that although Mr. 13. will go out
of the Cabinet, Ms transfer to the Bench
is not so certain.• There seems to be lit
tle reliance, horever, ;Need upon this
latter rumor. Another rumor is that Mr.
Dallas was hot foot stile: the nomination.
One thing I can assect, that a good deal
()fill feeling exists in be Cabinet POW,
and that its re•orgaoizaticn may he con
sidered almost certain.
In the Senate, this mornlnc., Efts: the
transaction of some important business,
the debate upon Fairfield's bill ,Was re
sumed by Mr. Speight of Miss. lie was
opposed to it, because it was impolitic , —
unnecessary—enormously expensive, and
because he could conceive no possible
reason fur supposing a war would take
place between the United States and Eng
The Senate then adjourned over to
In the House, Mr. Ingersoll offered a
resoltition that all debate upon the Oregon
question shall cease on Saturday, Febru
ary 7, a'.; 2 o'clock. A motion was made
to lay it on' the tablB, which prevailed, 83
to 57. So we will have enough of Oregon.
The original subject was then opened
by Mr. Holines, of S. C., in opposition to
the notice. Mr Ewing, Tennessee, fol
lowed on the same side. Mr. Baker, of
Illinois, came next and spoke. must ener
getically fur the whole or. none. When
he concluded the House adjourned.
Yours truly , S.
C).The National gives a frightful picture oft
Marshall Bugeaud's doings in Africa. According
to the accounts published by that paper, 60 prison
ers were one day shot in cold blood-13 villages
burnetl,- , the Dahra =sheer° acted ovdr again, for
it appears that _a portion of a tribe having.hid them
selves in - a cave, the same means were resorted to
exactly as wore employed by Colonel Pelissier, and
all smoked• and baked to death. • The marshal him
self is the author of all these horrors—his last tri
umph acne a monster rania—he has ordered the
most strict secrecy as to his barbarous proceedings;
and the writer of the accounts, of which we have
just given a summary, calls him a second Attila, fur
he puts all to the sword and fire, sparing only wo
men and infants."
• ij.Sainuel S. Snow, a Millerite preachst of I
New York city, 1.138 announced himself to be the
veritable prophet Elijah. Me is said to have a hun
dred or more followers. A writer in a paper which
advocates his claims. sayer 'Meador, let me tell you
that God has put a seal to his appointment of this
messenger, even pf brother Snow.—About the time
of his'appointment, 'tvhils he and several others
were assembled in c pri7ate room for religious wor
ship, the doors being closed, they say a dove, white
as snow, descended and light upon him."
_ . .
MARRIED: On Thursday evening, the 29th
ult, the RO7. S. H. Reid, Maj. WM. MOORE,
of Alexandria, to Miss ELLEN STOUTENBER
GER, of Porter township.
In Williamsburg, on Tuesday the 27th ult., by
the Ito,. W. J. Gibson, Mr. WILLIAM YOUNG,
of Centre county:, to Miss ELIZABETH JANE.
daugllter of the Hon. Joseph Mums, of the former
place. . .
On Thursday evening lagt, in, Hollidaysburg, by
the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. GEORGE CRAMER,
to Miss MARGARET ELDER, both of said place.
On Tuesday evening last, by the Rov. Mr. Mit
chell, Mr. JAMES MVAHAN, to Miss CATH
ARINE CRAMER, both of Gaysport.
Delegate Elections and County Con
To the Whigs of Huntingdon County:
Your Standing Committee, approving of the
recommendation of the Whig members of the Le
gislature, that a State Convection be held on the
11th of March next, to nominate a candidate for
the office of Canal Commissioner, and do such
other things as the good of the party may seem to
require, respectflilly request you to meet in
in the old Court House, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, on Saturday tho 28th day of February
inst., at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of ap
pointing Delegates to 'aid State Convention; and
to adopt such other measures as may be deemed
expedient for the inlvancement of the• Whig cause
in this county. •11y the County Committee.
THEO. H. CREMER, Chairman.
Feb. 4, 1848.
Steam Turning Shop
THE subscribers having entered into co
pkrtnership, under the Firm of John and
W. R.Haker, in carrying on the Steam Tur
ning Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria,
would respectfully inform their friends and
the public generally, that they are now pre
pared to tin all manner of turning in wood,
also, Iron Shafts from 10 to TOO lbs. Cabinet
Makers can be supplied with all kinds of
turning Chaltmakers liy .6endlng their
patterns can be supplied with Chair Bottoms,
Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonmi kers
by sending their patterns can be supplied
with Hubs, and fellows, of any size and
thickness and whatever wood they choose—
plastering lath furnished at the shortest no
tice, anthill at the lowest market prices.—
Persons at a distance wishing to furnish
their own stuff, can have it hauled away
and delivered without extra charge.
Atexandria hill 1846-tf.
Attorney At Law.--Attends to practice in
the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra
tors accounts, Scrivening, &c.—Office in
Dimond, three doors East of the. Ex
change Hotel." fable, '4.4,
Of I aluable Real Estate.
WILL be sold at public sale as the prop
erty of Andrew Robeson, dec'd,on the prem
ises, respectively, _ _ _
On Friday the 20th day of March next,
those two valuable adjoining farms situate
to Tytoce and Warriorsmark townships,
now in the occupancy of John Tsett, lying
and being on the little Juniata - river.: lie
farm in Warriorsmark has three dwelling
houses thereon erected and a stone barn.—
The land is good limestone, about 200 acres,
and about 100 acres of which is cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, having a good
apple orchard thereon. the balance is well
timbered with white-oCk, chesnut and pine.
The farm in Tyrone township contains
400 hundred acres, and has a dwellinghouse
and stable thereon. On both these. farms
there is sufficient water power for turning
any kind of machinery, and iron ore being
abundant on the farms it affords very eligi
ble sites for iron works or mills on both sides
of the stream.
'PERMS—One third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid in hand and the balance in
tWo equal annual payments, with interest to
be secured by the bonds and mortgage of
the. purchaser.
The above two farms are separated by the
little Juniata river, the mansion tract being
in Warrioramarh and will be sold separate
ly cr together, as .may suit purchasers.
"Register" and "Standard" please
insert ts. and charge advertisers.
The Zell?: iSIOWII, "Nei,
Lewistown Malin Cenral) , Pa
THE above named wellimown and estab
lished Hotel having been lately remodeled
and fitted up interiorly and exteriorly, also,
splendidly furnished in a style to .be come ,
ted with only by a few, and sst!passed by
none between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,
is now offered with its costly
as above, for reasons of a private nature : —
This Hotel is a three story brick building
sixty feet front, by one hundred and fifty
feet deep, situated in the pleasantest and
most public part of the Town. It is now in
active operation commanding extensive cus
tom both transient and stationery.
Attached to this spacious Hotel, are sta
bling and
Carriage Houses
which Wave undergone a general and thor
ough repair, with every other convenience
necessary to a large and extensive establish
depart from and arrive at . this Hotel once
a day, making it a most desirable location
for doing an extensive business: Any person
widhing to embark in public business has
now before him a wide field for speculation,
which in similarity '• rarely. offers, Every
information may be had on personal appli
cation or by letter postage paid, directed to
the proprietor residing on the premises,
The Terme •
Will be made: easy to the purchaser. This
desirable property , will be • exchained fur
city property, or a goodproductive farm if
desired, _ JAMES QUINLAN.
LewiStoWn Jan. 28th 1846.-4 t. pd.
N. B.—lf the property is not sold previous
to the first of March it will then be rented,
Cli) ~c p acme ua .
To the heirs and legal representatives of
John Hoover, late of Huston township ;
Take notice that by virtue of a writ
of partition or valuation in my hands is
sued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun
tingdon county, I will proceed, on
Friday the 61h day of Allarch uext,
by jury of inquest, convened on the prem
ises, to make partition or valuation of the
real estate of the said deceased, situate
in said township, • •.
• • JOHN /:.RMITAGE, Sh'ir•
Shire Office, Huntingdon,
January 28, 1846.-6 t. 5 • .
Orphan's Court Sala,
BY virtue of an order of. Or
phans' Court of Huntingdon county,
will be exposed to public sale on
Monday the 6th cif April next,
at the house of JAMES M'MURTI2,II.I,
Inn-keeper,sin West township,. EIGHT
TRACTS, of Uneeated Land, late the
property of Jacob K. Neff, dec'd, situate
in said township, one containing 400 hun
dred acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Henry Cattail : One containing
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of David Stewart: One containing
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of A. Johnston : One contaming
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Hugh Johnston: One containing
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Henry West : One containing
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Thos: McCune: One containing
4W acres, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of James Dean : and one .containinc ,
400 acres, surveyed on a warrant !ti th e e
name of John Adams. •• • '
_ _
TI ISMS :•—One halt of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of
the sales, respectively,
.and the residue
within one year thereafter, with interest
to he•aecured by the bond and mortgage
of the purchaser; By the Court, • •
• • • • JOIN REED. Clirk.
Attenclance.givem by JOHN NEFI?,.
Jan. 21. 1845—ts. Executor,
Stray Steer.
retAME to the residence of the subscriber,
VAP living in West township, about the 15th
of May last, a red and white spotted, steer,
about one year old. The owner is requested
to come forward, prote property and take
him as otherwise he will be disposed of
according to law. SAMUEL MYTON.
Dec. Sl, 1845.
Mkt in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's jewelq estsblishment.
February 14,1848.--tt,
CAME to the residence of the subscri
ber, in Snyder tp. about the Ist of Decem
ber last, 3 Strays; two Brindle Steers,
one of them having a bell on; also, one
other Steer with black shies and white
back, all supposed to be three years old
last Spring--having no marks, except
that the hair is cut square off the end of
their tails ; the owner or owners are re
quested to come forward, prove property,
pay cliarges and take them away,
wise they will be disposed of according
to law.
January 21, 1846.--,51.
ES TA,f; YB,
CAME to the residence of the sub
scriber ib the early part of last summer
two stray Bulls ; one is 'a dark brindle,
with a small star on the forehead, and the
other is a light brindle with a white streak
along the back, white spot on the. head
and some white 'upon. the, legs. Also a
black heihler, in Cctuber last,. with a white
spot on the forehead. The owner or
owners are requested to come . forward,
prove preperty, pay charges and take
them away, otherwise they will be dispo
sed of according to law.
Jan. 21, 1846—pd.
Auditor's Notice
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed
by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon
county, to distribute the assets in the
hands of John P. Snare, Administrator of
Nichodemus Benson, dee'd, will attend
ft# that purpose, at his office in the Bor
ough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the
25th day of February next, at one o'clock
Jan. tI, 1845,--4t,
Bridge Proposale.
The undersigned, Commissioners of
Huntingdon county, wi!l meet at the•huuse
of Robert Cal•rnar., in the %rough of Al
exandria, nn Friday the 13th day of Feb•
roary next, fur the perpose of receiving
proposals fur building a Bridge across the
Frankatown branch of thi; Juniata River
at the Borough of Alexandria where the
great road leading through Woodcock
Valley to Bedford crosses the said river.
Ine plan and specifications will be ex ,
hibited on that day.
Commissioners' Office, Hun
tingdon, Jan. 21, 1846. 3t. 5
One half el ,"old rusty" horse. hoe
Run ninny, from the subscriber, living
in Snyder tp. Ountingdon county, on the
3d of Dec. .1845, an indented apprentice
to the Blacksmith business, named Dewey
Douglass, he is fifteen years of age, about
5 feet high dark complexion, had on when
he went away, black pantaloons and blue
frock coat. 1 hereby caution any person
from harboring said apprehtice—the above
reward will be. given to any person return
ing hint to me.
Snyder tp. Jan. 21, 1886.—pd.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY virtue• of an alias order of the Or
phan's Court of Hui tinvion county, wilt be
exposed to sale, by public vendtle or outcry,
on the preritises, • - • '.• • • •
On Friday the Gth of Feiirttcry, 1G46,
as the property of John Scullin, dcc'd, a lot
of ground with a large and commodious
thereon erected, two stories high, part lcg
and weather-boarded and part frame, situ
ate in the borough of Petersburg, in said
county, now occupied its a public .house by
Mrs. Mary Scullin; Also parts of two oth
er lots in said borough, on which are erected
a large frame stable, and a small log stable,
appurtenant to the tavern stand.
TERMS OF SALE :—One half of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the sale, and the residue in two equal
annual payments thereafter, with interest,
to be secured by the bonds , ittal mortgage of
the purchaser. By the Court.
ft?' Sale to commence at -1 o'clock P. M.
of said day. Attendance will be given by
Jan. 14,1845.
Dissolution of Partnership.
He partnership heretofore existing be
tween A. J. Stewart and Job's I'. Hoe
rell, trading under the firm of Stewart &
Harrell, has been, this day diSiolved by mu
tual consent, All persons having claims
against said firm will please present . them
for settlement and all persons who, know
themselves in any way indebted, will Please
call and settle, between this and the•first of
March next, after which time the books will
be left,in the hands of a
. proper palm for
J. 'l'. HORRELL.
Waterstreet,liec. 1, 1845.
N. 11.—The subscriber, thankful for past
patronage, would inform. ids friends and the
pubic in general, that h^ will continue the
Receiving and Forwarding business at the
old stand at Waterstreet.
Dec. 31,1645.
N. B.—The subscriber, thankful for past
favors, would inform his friends and the pub
lic in general, that he will be found continu
ing the Receiving and Forwarding business,
at Laurel Port, three-fourths of a mile cast
of Waterstreet, formerly occupied by:f. W.
Dec. 31, 1845.
AT7'OI2JVEY L. , 1G1 , --HuNTINGooN,
Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main
street, a fee, doors West of the Court
House. A. W. B. will attend to any bu
; siness entrusted to him in the several
courts of Huutingdoh and adjoiningcoun
ties. April 30,
ILL be sold at public sale an FRIDAY,
/ / the THIRTEENTH of FEBRUARY next,
on the premises, now in the occupancy of
Mr. Abner Loyd. The farm contains,
350 dcres,
more or less, was the property of Mr. Peter
Swoope, late of Huntingdon county, Pa.,
hod bequeathed by him to the heirs of Mrs.
Mary Huyett, deceased, •of Washington
county, Maryland.. This farm lies in Hartz
log valley, in a most excellent neighborhood,
being convenient to the Count/ 'Town of
Huntingdon,and alsh the Pennsylvania
canal; which is 0017 three or four miles off.
There is also a number of mills - quite con
venient to it. The road from Huntingdon
to Williamsburg passes through this farm
and adjoins the lands of Ex-Governor sPor
ter,Jacob Huyett, John McCann'', and John
Huyett, and is of the best quality . of
• • Theimprovements con- •
suit of TWO LOG ~
11 11 : HOUSES and two :1
barns, w ith several nev
er failing springs of water con'eenicnt to the
houses and could be very advantageously
laid off into two farms, as the buildings arc
convenient for such an arrangement. There
are fine timothy meadows, a number of fruit
* ' trees and a sufficient quantity of
timber; This land is well adapted
• 4`?: - . th the growth of •grain. It will be
offered andsold as one forth or in
lots of several parcels, as may best suit both
parties.' From the ,many advantages this
farm possesses, it is well worthy. the atten
tion of capitalists.- Possession will be given
on the Ist day cf April, 1846. Grain in the
ground excepted. commence at 11
o'clock, A. M., of said day.
TERMS.—Che third of the Purchase
money required to be paid on the first day
of April next, and the balan,,e in two equal
annual payments, with approved notes, bear
ing interest from the first day of April, 1846.
When the whole of the purhcase money is
paid, a good and sufficient deed will be made,
By the Heirs of Mrs. Mary Huyett, deed.
Dec. 31, 1815.
N. B. If the purchasers desire it, half of
the crop of grain in the ground will also be
offered by the acre, on the above mentioned
day at sale.
. Persons wishing to view the property, will
please call on Mr. Abner Loyd and Mr.
Henry Knode. - .• '
Laiicaster E:tatmner 1V i plehse publish
till day.of s;4le,,ttud send bill to this office;
No. 120 Chestnut St., south side. 4
doors below Fourth st.,
Respectfully informs the citizens
of Huntingdon County, that he
has refitted and opened the above
establishment, where he is pre
pared at. all times, to furnish Hea
ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any
manufactured in Allis country. Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, together with Dress, Ri
ding lind Sporting Caps : a new and splen
did style of Childrens and Boys' Caps, with
a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La
Just received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful. assort
ment of ChiWrens' French Caps.
I am determined that my bats, in point of
beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed
by those of any other Estatlishment in any
City in the Union.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845.
Stra!r Sleet's.
rinA. !VIE to the residen7.9 of the . s . ..bscriber
in,. Warriorsmark township, on the
first day of Dec.., 1::15, 2 steers; the one
is a pale red with a white face, the other a
red brindle, 'supposed to be 3 years old last
spring. T he owner is requested to come
forward, prove property and •talr.e them
away, otherwise they will be • disposed of
according to law. JOHN BECK.
Dec. 17, 1845.
Head Quarters, Barree Foroa, dams
ary 15, 1846.
A general Court Martial will be held
at the,:hobse of Mr. Phillip, in Pine Grove
Centre County, on Thursday the stl day
of February. next, for the trial of Captain
Thomas. Whittaker of the rill Company
sth Regiment, Zed Battalion, P. M., and
such others as May be broaglit before it.
The Court will ccnsist ut Col. Adam
Keith; 5d Reg iment, Col. James Clinger,
sth Regiment, col. John G. Stewart, 2nd
Regitnent, Ala* Thomas Reese, 2nd
Batt., 4th Regiment, Major John Zent
tnyre, tat Batt. 3tl Reg., Lieut. Col. Jon
athan Kremer, 5 Reg., Major AtiednigO
Stevens, 2nd Batt. Volunteers—Captain
David Blair, Judge Advocate.
. .
By o►der of S. Miles Green, Brigade
General, 2. Brig. 10 D. P. M.
Jan. 21, 1845
ALL persons who know themselves
indebted to the subscriber fur medicine
& medical services rendered are respect
fully requested to pay off their accounts
soon if possible. His distressed condi
tion (having lost his all by the late fire)
compels him to make this cull, so that he
may be enabled to build up some place to
shelter himself and family, and start in
business again.
N. B. The subscriber intends to con
tinue the practice of medicine. Those
who wish to call on him for medical ad
vice or medicine may find him at the
Drug Store of Thos. Read & Sun, Market
Street, Huntingdon, Pa,
()Hi e in Maui street, two, doors East of
Mr. Adarli ti4ll'3 Ternperanoe Ham,
Valuable Furnace
MHE subscriber offers at private sale
44.1Ifartha Fiernace and all the Beal and
Personal property attached to it.
is situated in Huston township, Centre coati
ty, and is now, and has been, for eleven
years in successful operation. There are
upwards of t•
_ _
10,000 a.CRISS
of GOOD LAND belonging to the Fur
nace—more than 500 of which are cleared
and In a high state .of cultivation: There
Three Ore Bunke
of An excellent quality now in use, and a
number of other undoubted appearances of
Ore on the lands. There is more wood
within less than thr:e and a half miles of
the Furnace than can be used for 10 years.
' Should the Pacnace be sold before the
Ist of Lpril, immediate possession will be
given of all the Real and Personal estate.
including besides the necessary teams, wag
ons, &c„ at least four months stock of Coal
and Ore. A good title will beziade and
easy payments
JEtuurtiy 14, 18.46-76 t.
Bargains! Bargainsi:
al‘F FIUNTINGDON, being desirous to
Niiif retire from the mercantile business on
account of the delicate state of his health,
offers his large and. entire stock for sale at
cost and carriage. A reasonable credit will
be given to those who will purchase O'er
twenty dollars worth. .
To any person or persons engage
in the atoresuid business, the subscriber
would prefer to dispose of his stock whole
sale. He would also rent his store room,
which ss good anti convenient a business
stand 03 there is in the borough of Hunting
don. His stock is of entire frcsh goods and
and the latestarrivals from the city, consist
mg of
Dry Goods,
Cassimers, Satinetts, Broad Cloths,
Silks, Mouslin de Laines callicoes, Brawl,
and Bleached Muslins, Woolen Shawls, Silk,
Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of
different qualities. Also, an assortment of
Hosiery and a very large assortment of
• ' Boots awl Shoes,
of all kinds and quality. Also, a.large u
sortment of •
Queenstva:T. and Hardware,
of the newest and most approved style!.
Also, a large and carefully selected assort
ment of all kiris
in short, the subscriber is supplied with all
the variety belonging to store-keeping, the
particulars of which are too tedious to men
Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber,.
will be taken in exchange fur gt - 4ds;tiVaih
prices. Any personvishing any further in:.
formation, Will please call upon the subscri
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 184$.
J. B.—A. large lot of the best ;uality of
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and
Wine, and also a large lot 9f the seine at
other prices to suit parchaaers, will be sold
in exchange for country produce.
NOTICE.—Those who have unsettled
accounts en the books of the subszriber, will
please settle them soon, , or they will find
them in the. hands of the Fro p er officer for
collection. • WA STEWART.
Jan. 7, 184.1. . .
otalmvp vazza Liam%
All the newspapers are full of patent rem
edies for caughs, colds, consumption and va
rious other " diseases which flesh isheir to,"
proceeding from wet feet: bur all experience
teaches that "an ounce of brevet:live is
better than a pound of cure ;" and, having
the means of turnishing the former article
on short notice. Therefore
Charles S. Ulack
respectfully informs the good citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, and the public gen
erally, that he still continues the
tWaittit. 411010
t 4
Boot auzi Altetittaittlts
business; at his old stand in Allegheny at.,
one door west of Williatit Stewart's Store,
in the borough of HuniingdOn, *here he hat
lately received a large assortment of new
and-fashionable Matt, on which he guaran
tees to finish his work not only nc,-ortling to
the latest styles. but in a wcirkmanlike man
ner, and according t 6 cider. ".
He employs none. but the beat aid most ex
perienced workiried, and by
. strict attentidit
to -business and puncttiality to promised, he
hopes to deacrve . and receive a liberal share
of custom.: .
WANTED-an A rPRFNTICE to theaboTe
tifisiness—a boy of 16 or 17 year of age will
be preferred, nod find a good situation if ap.
pliation be made soon.
- Huntingdon, April 23, 1845.
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at•
tend to all business entrusted to his care.— ,
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon him, at his office with Wes
Fisher, Esq., adjoining the store of Thou,
Read & Son, near the Diamond. ,
Huntingdon, April 30, 1846,
. .
• .
• IN Si% 0213MMIL
111¢USTICES'4Blanks of at kinds, lineal.
40 at this Office.
trillip LANK BONDS to Constables foratest
glai of Execution, under the nw law,lnst
printed, and for iale, at this office.