Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 04, 1846, Image 2

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    Wednesday, February 4, (816.
4Z - The letter of our Harrisburg correspondent
contains, beside. the usual summary or:Legislative
news, all the interesting local news about the seat
of Government. A brief accetrnt of the doings of
the State Temperance Convention which met in
Harrisburg last week in gi•:en, and also an account
of the robbery which a Mr. Carson, Treasurer of
Clinton county, ellc,!ged was committed upon him,
while stopping at. the Hotel of Mr. Coverly. Tho
letter will be found to be interesting an eatisfact;:ry.
cA letter waa received during onr !Fence
from, home, horn our esteemed Repreeenrative in
Congress, the Hon. John 13Ianchard, in which ho
expresaeo the fear that more danger is to be ap
prehended by the country, in the war that was
about to be made upon the protective policy, than
from any thing that would Orion out of the Oregon
Wo hope to hear from our Representative erten,
especially when the great question of the Tariff
trews up.
The election for State officer. in Louisiana un
der the new constitution commenced on the 10th
nit. Front tho result in the city of New Orleans,
it to thought that Johnston, the Locofoco candid ate
for Governor, has been elected. Cectse-:-?nclemen
cy of tho weather.
Organize! Organize!!
A call has been issued by the Whig members of
tho Legislature, to the party in Pennsylvania, to
Bond delegates to Harrisburg to meet in Convention
on the 11th of March next, to nominate a condi
dim Mr Canal Commissioner. Wo published this
call at length two weeks ego, with a request that
the County Committee would immediately adept
immures to have the action of the Whig party of
Huntingdon county in regard to it. A number of
counties have already appointed their delegates,
whilst others hove issued their calls and are moving
in the matter with spirit and energy. If there is
euch a thing as a Whig County Committee in this
county, we do hope they will act, as tho time for
the meeting of this Convention is fast approaching,
and we should like the party of every township in
the county to have an opportunity to be represented
in the meeting that may be called to appoint del°.
gate., so that when the nomination is made we
ropy all be to yield h....
wh7eier t he ronveittion *my select.
It is hith time that the Whig party of Penneyl-
vania should have a repreeentative in the Canal
Board, and wo confidently believe that nothing is
now wanting but united, energetic action, on the
part of our friends, to attain this desirable object.
The Whig party of Pennsylvania ate now paying
more than one half of the !axes that are appropri
ated to keep up tho public works, and it is asking
nothing more than justice that they should have a
voice in making these appropriations. The Loco•
foco party, however, have no idea of giving us this
voice in the ()anal Board, interfering, as it might,
with their long established systeria of favoritism and
corruption, until we have the strength to demand
and secure it at the polls, and we firmly believe
that that limo has arrived, if the Whigs are but
true to themselves.
We do hope, therefore, that the County Com
mittee will act in thee important matter, and that
when they do act, they will be responded to by the
entire party of the county, in such a wuy as will
give an earnest of what they will do when we again
assemble at the pulls. We hope to be able to pub
lish a call for a county meeting ire our next.
Since the above was in type, we have been fur
nished with a call for a Whig County Meeting,
to which the attention of she party is invited.
o:7'We see by the last Gettysburg Star, that the
Whigs of Adams county have had a county meet
ing and elected Daniel H. Sniper, Esq., to repre
sent that county in the Convention to be held on
the 1 lth of March, to nominate a Canal Commis•
stoner, and have instructed him to support Capt.
&Itch D. KARNS for that office. They also
passed resolution. in favor of the Hon. JAMES
Cooean for Governor in 1847,and in favor of Gen.
WI/171M) ScoTT, for President in 1848.
0C)-Tiie U. S. Senate, at Huntingdon, will hold
its next aossion on to-morrow evening in the
School Huuse. The alteration of the Naturaliza
tion Laws will be the subject under discussion. As
the blood appears to be getting up on this question,
an interesting and spirited debate may be expected.
Milo. M Imo:v.—The NA'sahingtork scribes
vrritea of this lady as being at the "thawing room
levee" of Preeident'Polk and lady, a few nights
since, "the observed of all observers." Forty years
agn, in the same white house, Mrs. M. was the
mistress, famed for hor fine personal appearance
and lady-like dignity.
ajTheophilue Fisk hoe retired from the United
13totea Journal. It will hereafter he conducted by
J. E. Dow, Esq.
cryE. A. Penniman, Esq., hasbecn appointed by
tho Governer, Register of Willis of Philadelphia,
in the pia. of John Weaver, deceased.
dwelling of Garret Krewson, of Now.
ton, Pa.; wog destroyed by fire, on Tuesday lest.
o:)"*The Lcgialature of Mississippi haw elected
gree t Henry Stuart Foote, to the U. S. Senate fur
aut Yeare.4lPui the 51.1 t of March, 1847, and Hon.
Joseph . Cluoubera, the present Senator, to fill
Mr. Walker's unexpired term.
;C The bill granting the Right of Way to the
Baltimore and Ohio R. IL Company, came up for
consideration en our State Senate on Friday last.
The debate was opened by Mr. Dersie, of Pittsburg,
in favor of the bill, and was followed by Mr. Crabb,
of Philadelphia, in opposition. The speechei of
these gentlemen were both able and animated, en
might be exported, coming from Senator. of no
much Legislative experience and ability. We had
not the pleasure of hearing the conclusion of Mr.
Crabb's remarks, as we left the Seat of Govern
ment on Saturday morning, that Senator having the
' floor when the Senate adjourned on Friday. It
will be seen by our Harrisburg letter that the de
bate was continued on Saturday. Mr. Gibbons of
Philadelphia takes a different'view of this measure
from his colleague, end will ',import the bill. For
this course we observe 'that the North 'American
takes him to task, hi 'a manner, in our opinion, en
tirely too harsh. If hen; in emir 'in regard to the
effects of this measure uprn the 'interests of Penn
sylvania, we believe it is an error of the head aria
not Of the heart, es there is no Senator upon that
floor in whose integrity we have more implicit-Con
What the fate of thin hill will he do ere unable
to premise, as the opinions on the subject et the
Capitol, among the knowiug, once, are various and
Thero appears to he no opposition from an'y
quarter to tho chartering of a company to construct
a continuous railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburg,
and a bill for that purpOse wilt dOubtless pais 'du
ring the pr,s,ut
An Of.r.r.e.—A young, beautiful and intelli
gent girl, whose family are reported to be very
wealthy, eloped a few clays ago at New Haven,
Conn., with a colored man, and wedded to him at
9 o'clock by a colored clergyman. Her friends
hearing of it, pursued and arrested the bride, but
after a hearing before the Court she was surrender
ed to the keeping of her yellow 'lard and master,' n
writ of habeas corpus having been taken out by
ej•Miss Die, we learn from the Louisville Jour
nal, in the prosecution of her arduous and perseve
ring efforts for the amelioration of the condition of
the guilty and afflicted humanity, has arrived in I
Frankfort. IS he intends presenting to the Ken
tucky Legislature the fact., which, in her course of
travels through the State, she has been able to col
lect relative to the situation of pauper., lunatics,
and criminals.
cc:rA bill has boon reported in the KentUelry
Legislature by Cen. Combs, And referred to the
Judiciary Committee, taxing the luxuries of Duel
ling Pistols, Bowie Knives, and all other deadly
weapons usually worn about the person. It seem
ed to meet vary general approbation.
iespital Punishment has been virtually abol
ished by the Legislature of Indiana, by passing a
law, allowing a jury to say in their verdict whether
the offender shall antler death or be imprisoned for
o:7The Baltimore Sun say., that a flagrant out
rage ..was perpetrated the other day in the House
of Delegate. of Maryland, in a eolemn proposition
made by Mr. Reeder, that the Legislature pass a
law enslaving all free negroec of the State, and
then providing for the sale of them, the proceeds to
be applied to the liquidation of the State debt. Too
monstrons fot eernest, yet too eolemn for a jest, the
House seemed for a moment paralyzed; but prompt
ly expressing a universal abhorrenth of the propo
sition, Mr. Reeder withdrew it!"
The Now 'York Tribune gives a letter from Pen
sacola, under date of the 15th ult., which after de
tailing some of the preliminary movements of Par
edes., attys t
"The revolution Was almost bloodless, only ono
regimental officer and ono private soldier losing
their lives. Paredes is mid to have had fewer than
8,000 men under him, and his march was slow
enough to enable Herrera to take every defensive
precaution. The latter accordingly equipped about
30,000 citizenes to defend the City, having also
some twelve hundred regular troops belonging to
its garrison. Upon Parade.' appearance, the reg
ulare very coolly walked ever the causeway to join
him, and the militia—NOT very coolly—divested
thernselves of all signs of opposition to his course.
No Violent =mums were pursued ; none were ne
Slidell bad been unable - to procnic a recog
nition from Herrero and had no prospect Sr success
with Paredes"
In addition to the foregoing, we give the
following items of news, furnished us by the North
American of the 31st silt :
The accounts from Mexico, as to the actura sit
uation, advance and whereabouts of' Paredes are
very contradictory. One rumor says that he has
entered the city of Mexico, without particular op
position, and was understood to be favorable to the
reception of our Minister. We had advices direct
from Pensacola, on the arrival of the Porpoise, to
the effect that Mr. Slidell would not be received,
but had been ordered to Perot° to await instructions
from home. Against both of these, the Now Or
leans Bee of the 21st says it has a letter from a
highly respectable commercial house, gating that
the city of Mexico had trimeunced in favor of Pa
redes, but though of the latest possible date, the
letter says nothing of the rumored appearance of
Paredes before the gates of the caljtal, or of his
having been proclaimed President. Then again—
the New Orleans correspondent of the Charleston
Neves, writes under date of the 20th: oWe open
our letter to say that arrivals in our city have brought
highly important news from Mexico. Paredes, it
is elated, is at the head of affairs, supreme dictator
of Mexico, and it is also rumored that them will be
n declaration' of war against our country, and that
this is dote by the instigation of the British."
Ma. SLinam...—The Union of Thursday even
ing says.---A rumor was current in our streets to
day that Mr. Slidell had been murdered in Mexico
by tire troops of Gen. Paredes. It was said at first
to have been transmitted by the telegraph from Bal
timore. We can find no sort of foundation for the
rumor. In fact, it was stated three days ago; but
not thrown into general cireulstiori till this morn
The Cincinnati Chronicle saye that the total'
number of hogs packed this season in that city will
not be under 2110,000—the largest number ever
elaughtered there in one year.
Pennsylvania Legis;ature.
Correspondence of the Zuntingdon
HAnnisnuno, Jan. 31, 1848,
My Dear Caplain—lf you had before you the
detailed reports of the prOceedings of the put week,
as I have, together with a recollection of the vari
one matters as they transpired during considera
tion, you would be struck with the fact, that 'al
though a whole week has been spent, busily too,
the greater portion of the time, yet nothing—abeo
lutely nothing—of any general importance to the
people hae been done. True, the Tariff Resolu
tions have been daily before the House, since Tues
day, and some wind hae been expended thereon,
but all has tended only to torture the interests of
Pennsylvania, preparatory to their utter destruction
by Obngress, by the connivance of our State Legis
lature. The Locus do not hesitate to express their
belief—notfiar—that Congress will be able to re
meddle thetariff without the vote of Penn'a.
The TariffWesantions, being the special order
of the day, were taken up on Tuesday last. It
will be remembered that these Resolutions instruct
ing our Senators, &c. in Congress to oppose any
attempt to modify or alter the Tariff act of 1842,
passed unanimoialy in The Senate some time ago,
but were postponed in the House, upon the receipt
of the hews from England, which brought the in
telligence of the resignation of Sir Robert Peel.
When the subject came up in the House on Tues
day last,
Mr. Burrill moved te amend by striking out the
Senile Resolutions, and inserting the following:
"That a tardier duties on importations, Which
will raise a sufficient amount of revenue to meet
the wants of the genera government, economically
administered, is a measure necessary and proper in
itself, and supported and sanctioned by the univer
eel wishes of the whole people, of ell political par
ties in this Union.
Resolved, That in adjusting such a tariff, care
should be tatcen to give fair and just protection to
all the greatintetests of the country,including agri
culture, manufactures, commerce, navigtititht, and
the mechanic arts.
Resolved, That it is the duty of the government,
as well by its revenue laws, as by all other means
in its"power, to give a just and reasonable Measure
of protection to such articles as Imp and coal, inas
much as they aro the subjects of an extensive and
increasing trade, are indispenhable to all manufa.
turing and many agricultural operations, and essen
tially necessary to national defence, in time of war.
Resolved, That our Senators in Congress bo in
structed, and our Representatives requested to op
pose tho repeal of tho present tariff laws, and to
vote for no modification thereof, which will violate
the principles expressed in the foregoing mein
Mr. Piollet of Bradfora taovc to amend the
amendment by substituting the following, in lieu of
both, viz:
"That it is the duty of Congress in exercising
the taxing power granted in the Costitution, for the
purpose of revenue, to so adjust the laws to impose
low taxes upon "such articles of necessity as are in
general use, and especially such as are consumed
by the labOring poor, as well as by the wealthy cit
izen," and further, ~ c are should be taken that all
the great Intermits et ties woes.,., ;, manu
factures, agriculture, commerce, navigdtion and the
mechanic arts, should so frir as practicable derive
equal advantage from the incidental protection
which a just system of revenue duties may Word.
Resolved, That the revenue law pieced ix 1842
is unequal, unjust and partial in its proviefons, fa
voring some particular interests at the expense of
others, that it ought to be modified; that our Sena
tors in Congress be instructed to vote for its modi
fication in accordance with the principles laid down
in the above resolutions.
These three questions have i.e'en Under discus-
Sion in Committee of the Whole every day since,
and speeches of all kinds have been forthcoming.
Messrs. Mageehan, Kunkle, Brackenrjdge, Bar
tholomew, spoke ably in support of tho tariff of
1842 and the necessity of united and prompt ac
tion by this State, and a decided stand against any
attempt to alter that act, as the only sure means of
securing tOPenn'i. her just rights and true inter
ests. Mesiirs.Burrill, Hill, and other Locos took a
sort of middl6 gibund—milk-and-waterish, as is
spun out in Mr. amendment—as tech as
to say to Congrets, if We were not afraid of our
constituents we would tell ycu to tear that tariff act
all to pieces, but under the present circumstances
you may do as you please, provided you dopt vio
lata certain great principles, which every body con
strues to suit himself, end Which mean any thing
or nothing. Messrs. Webb, Piolett, Knox and
others spoke several times—the former especially
in favor of Mr. Piollet'e amendment, which de
clares the tariff of 1842 to be every thing ugly, un
just, and unequal. The subject is yet in commit
! tee of the *hole.
The mornings were occupied on Monday and
Thursday in tho Rouse, and daily in the Senate,
in the presentation of petitions on all manner of
subjects, from the changing of places of holding
townshp elections, up to making a continuous Rail
road from Phil'a. to Pittsburg. Minty have been
presented both for and against ihe granting of the
right of way to the Balt. and Ohio Railroad Com
pany through this State to Pittsburg; also fOr the
right of way to the N. York and Erie Railroad
Company throttghSuequelianna, and Pike counties;
and also for and against seine 15 or 20 new coun
A bill appropriating $30,000 for the completion
of the Eastern Reservoir of the Penn's. Canal, and
$20,000 toward that of the Western Reservoir, has
passed finally in both Houses, and been signed by
the Governor. The completion of both those reser
voirs is said to be a matter of much importance to
our public works, as the water is too low at come
seasons of the year for successful navigation, and
these reservoirs would in a great wafture obviate
the difficulty.
The Senate has passed a bill erecting the new
county of "Lackawana" out of a portion of Lu•
acme, and the earns has passed second reading in
the House, but will probably he killed on its final
A Bill to reduce the capital stock of the Erie and
N. East Railroad Company, was under debate in
the House yesterday; and was negatived by a vote
of yeas 42 nays 50. This company was incorpo-
rated some time ago with a caiital of $5,000,000
(by mistake for $500,000 it is said) to conStruct a
Railroad from Eris to the eastern boundary oldie
township of North East in mid county, (which is
the State boundary) a distance of only 15 mice,
and the company now ask that the capital may be
reduced to $BOO,OOO.
The Right of Way.—The Bill•granting to the
Balt. '& Ohio Rail Road Company, the right of
way (tom Cumberland to Pittsburg through this
State, has been under discussion on second reading
in the Senate, yesterday and to-day. Mr. Dania
•of Allegheny, and Mr. Gibbons of tho City aro its
'principal champions. The project is warmly op
posed by Messrs. Crabb, Chapman, Heckman, Big
ler Ind 'others, who manifest their
,views of it by
offering restrictive amendments, calculated, if the
Bill ahOuld pass, to guard in some measure the in
terests of Penn a. It will be fougfit inch , by inch,
and the first section has not yet been voted upon,
whilst a number of amendments have been offered,
debated, and adopted or rejected. Tho most im
portant was offered Yesterday by Mr, 131gler requi
ring the Company tOit'nder semi-annUal ataternents
Ito the Governor of Fenn'a, showing the whole
amount of tonnage whick shell have passed Along
the entire distance between Pittsburgh and Cum
berland, as also the number of passengers, with a
view to having the same liable to taxation by. our
Legislature—the merchandize not exceeding 20 eta
per ton, and the passengers not exceeding 10 cts
each. Mr. Heckman moved to amend by mdking
the tax on passengers 50 cts ; which was lea,
Yeas It Nays 2l—then to raise the 20 eta, per ton,
to 25 which was agreed to, Yeas 15 Nays 14—Mr.
Foulkr en moved to raise the tax on passen
gers to which was lost, Yeas 12 Nays 18.—
Mr. B endment as amended was then
agreed to. }notion was then made to amend by
authorizing the Governor of Pennsylvania to ap
point a State agent to travel on said road and keep
an account of the number of passengers, &c.
which question was •pendhig'ivhen the Senate ad
journed to day. Ido not think the Bill will pass
—and 'certainly not without many guards being
thrown around it—so many perhaps, that the Balt.
& Ohio Company would not care ib Ouch it with
a forty-'foot pole. There is no foreseeing however,
exactly, what a combination of 'interstate lacy not
be able to effect.
The annual Se'esion of the State Temperance
Convention was held in this place the past week.—
The Rev. Mr. Morris of Bucks county was chosen
President, and the Convention sat two days, to
wit: Wednesday and Thursday. The principal
subject of discussion wee the license Law. The
Delegates decided in favor of a Law allowing the
people to decide at the ballot box whether taverns
shall be licensed, within their respective Wards,
Boroughis, Townships, or other districts, and re
commend the same to the earnest attention of the
Legislatitre, and recommend also the plan of licen
sing Temperance !rousts for the Public accommo
dation of Strangers and Travellers. niongst the
Delegates, were men of talent and high standing
in the community, and much interesting discussion
was elicited. The body was respectable in num
ber as well as talents. The Sons of Temperance
nave done much spoil to the cause in this region.—
The Order numbers three or four hundred in Hur
-1 rishurg and vicinity.
The Ex-Treasurer of Clinton county (Mr. Car
eon) came here a week ego under the pretext of
bringing money to the amount of $2840, and put
up at Capt. Coverly's Hotel. He remained here a
fete days and on Monday last raised the alarm that
he was robbed, and as proof of the fact, exhibited
his trunk or valise, which was ripped open with a
knife. Suspicion, however, was excited, and Mr.
Coverly brought the gentleman to Squire Kline%
when an examination of facts was had, which re
sulted in proof that the trunk was cut open from
Me inside, leaving the inference that the gentleman
had robbed himself and cut the trunk afterwards.—
Wherefore he was bound over to answer the charge
of a libel upon Mr. Coverly'a House at the next
sessions, he having published Handbills elating that
he had been robbed there.
Your's occ.
Moeofocoism vs. The Clergy;
A certain Lotofoco Member of Congress Mr.
CHIPMAN, of Michigan, in tho course of the
"IslativeAmerican" debate, proclaimed that, "Ed.
motion was Ilse great obstacle to the progress of
Democracy"—a precious confession to be sure !
The Washington correspondent of the Harrisburg
Argus takes another step in progressive democracy,
and "takes a shy" at the clergy. In his letter he
blames the Ministers of the Gospel in Washington
for endeavoring to save the po;r Clerks from being
turned out of office, and says:
' , The Democratic party has but few debts of
gratitude to the Clergy, and I trust that cnninuth
honor will prevent them from an attempt to control
its patronage.
Now this must be a queer kind of Democracy
which, by the confession of its own friends, finds
its greatest obstacles in Education, and .thas but
few debts of gratitude to the Clergy." Knowledge
and Religion would both seem to bar its progress,
and yet it pretends to be the great good of the
Counfiy.— York Republican.
giass Round Ris Name
The Bostori Transcript says that a few days
since, tho son of the Rey. Thomas Edwards of
Charlestown, and another lad, both about 10 years
of age, were skating on Mystic River, when the
crash of cracking ice announced to young Edwards
that his companion was in danger. With a promp
titude and presence of mind worthy of many an
older head, the little fellow called out to his drown
ing friend, ' , Hold your breath, and keep your head
above water, and Pll fix you," then planting his
skate irons firmly in the strong ice, extended a
stick within rerlch, and succeeded in dragging him
safely to tho shore. The father of the boy saved
presented to young Edwards a gold pencil case, as
a token of his regard for his coolness an'il self pos
session on the occasion.
0::rTho Whigs of Philadelphia have appoint
ed the following gentlemen delegates to tho 11th of
March Convention
Josiah Randall, John McCanters, Joseph R.
Chandler, JosephM. Thomas, Edward C. Mark.
ley, R. T. Conrad, *and Morton McMichael.
!..!••T.!!'..•97'. 0 1tr0 ..... ..._.......
l A i
TO Report of Mr . Miller piriotoodent of
Common Schools in this Ste , to the Legis
lature, gives much and very wolf information
concerning the position and prospects of this insti
It appears that in 1844, the number of school
districts were 1172, of Aieh number 939 were
accepting districts. In 1845, the whole number was
1189, and the number of accepting districts 'had
increased to 1012, exhibiting an increase in the
total number of 17, and of accepting districts, H.—
During the present school year, 1846, the non-ac
cepting districts have bean diminished, and the
cause of common school education ie gradually
but surely gaining ground. The appropriation for
1116, is $.00,000, which will give to each district
the proportion of fortynine ccnts to each taxable
An alteration is recommended In,that pqrtlon of
the act of 1536, which regulates the levying of a
tax by the School Directors in districts—the desi
rabic provision being that the arpount -to he levied
should be Axed by law, with certain discretionary
powers to thO Directors.
. ,
The average time the schools were kept opeP du
ring the year, ismuch less than that of former years.
Tho reason is, the reduction of the Slate ;Appropri
ation, and the consequent reductiOn of the tax lev
ied by the school Directors.
Tho principal practical defect in the working of
the sykem, ho considers to be "the employment in
many instances, of those who have not sufficiently
qualified themselves for, the responsible situation
they assume, in becoming telehers." This ho at
tributes, "in part to the inadequacy of the compen
sation frequently offered, and partly to the too in
dulgent and informal examination of the compe
tency of those who apply for certificates as inatruct
Parruntns Loomis* Ur.—Throe members of
the U. S. Senate—Messrs. Cameron, Niles, and
Wostcott—were once journeyman printers.—Ex
change Paper.
Well, truly says the Ledger, suppose they were!
—Franklin, who was also a journeyman printer,
'looked up" before either of them. The "looking
up" consists in becoming qualified to be a good
journeyman printer, rather than in any change of
profession or employment thereafter. There are
dozens of members of the U. S. Senate who were
once nothing but lawyers ! and we'll bet a big
apple that no one ever duly qualified to bo a jour
neyman printer ever hitched that head to that par
The Hibernia brings intelligence of the loss by
wreck of the ship Surat, Pierce, from Manilla for
Boston, off Anjier•--crew saved. Ship Neptune,
Of Boston, owned by Noble & Sturdevant, from
Stockholm for New York, was abandoned at see,
and th'e cre* picked up on the 2d ultimo, by the
ship Henry, Capt. Noyes, front New Orleans for
Havrcovhere they arrived on the 15th. The stern
Of a vessel bearing the name "Hoivard, of Saran
will," WU nicked up in
,Fiehguaitl Bay. There
were 30 or. 40 persons scan on her deck just pre
vious to her going to pieces, who must have perish
ed. No assistance could be tendered.
New Counterfeits,
The editor of the Trenton Jotirnal has been
shown a new counterfeit $5 note, purporting to be
df the issue of the Trenton Banking Company,—
No judge of the money can be deceived. The
false notes are much larger bath in length Lad
breadth than the genuine ones, besides they are
printed on flimsy paper, have as a vignette an eagle
on a rock; on the right is a vessel under sail, on
the left a locomotive.
ANOVIER.-A now counterfeit Bank note has
made Its appearance, for which storekeepers and
others will keep a bright look out. It purports tc
be a $5 bill on the Western Bank, of Philadelphia.
totter A, and dated 1845. The impression appears
to be a genuine ono of some Bank, not the West.
ern, but the name of the Bank and the word
'Philadelphia" have evidently been inserted. The
words Weetern Bank, it will be observed by close
culmination, are not exactly in a straight lino as
they should be, and the space between the lino
which conteins these words and the succeeding
line Is unusually wide. The vignette is a figure of
a woman sitting on some bales of goods, and a
ship under sail. The head of Washington is upon
the left aide, and Layfayette upon the right.
A new counterfeit note, of the denomination of
$5O, on the Philadelphia Bank, is said to be in
circulation in that city.
frr We learn from the Miltonian that
a great revival of religion tiei been going
on in that place for some. time, in the
Methodist and Lutheran congregations.—
About one hundred persons have expe
rienced religion.
A Goon CHANG/I.—Our neighbors of West
Chester talk of converting one of their finest hotels
into—a Seminary for young ladies !—Exehange
Ton bad, says tho Montgomery Ledger—that
lovely young ladies in the prima of life and in the
flush of youth and beauty, should be thus consign
ed by their parents to a placo of—departed spirits:
A Washington Letter says that tho Texas Sen
ators will be in Washington by the middle of Feb
ruary, in time to vote against giving Great Britian
notice in regard to Oregon and against War meas.
urea generally.
G. - Such, we are told, is the anxiety felt in Eng
land for accurate information in relation to the pro
ceedings of Congress, with regard to the Tariff and
other qucitions'creeply Mid - eating to the Commer
cial community, that the proprietors of the London
Morning Chronicle have sent a gentleman from
London to Washington, to forward th e m amp l e
andearly reports and advices, in relation to every
thing of importanco that may transpire.—/ngurer.
- -
Many (amain, cornprisifilf some one hun ,
dred and aeventptive members, aro now actively en•
gaged in New York in preparing for Oregon, arid
have chartered for this purpose a fast sidling ship,
which is to leave that port during the ensuing week
via Cape Horne, and to touch at Sandwich Inlands.
They are generally front New England,
Dust Dm. Lose or Lira.—The foreign papers
aro filled with accounts of heart-rending casualties
at sea, occasioned by the most terrific gales on alit
English and French coast. It is stated that nearly.
ono hundred mewls were lost during tho month of
December; and, at a moderate calculation, no loss
than one hundred human beings have perished.
Amonet the moat distressing shipwreck., Is that of
the St. David 'WTI'S:, mitt] passengers and goods.
standing between Havre, Plymouth and Liverpool.
A large part of her cargo, and several bodies, were
found'on the French coast; and it is supposed ivezy
smut on board perished during a violent gale. The.
Tom Bowling steamer is euppeeed to have founder
ed off the Dutch coast an he 17th ult.; when forty
pereone, it is said, perished. Several veseels, with
valuable cargoes, have bean knit on the English
coast, and many lives have also been log.
We are indebted to Lines W. Miller, Esq., .of
Chatatiqe•Cohnty, iu this State, for papers re ht►
as Sept. 231
The Melbourne Herald, of the 13th of eeptcent
bar, gives the particulars of ono of the roost horrible
shipwrecks on record, by which 414 lives were lost e
The “Caterequi," Captain C. W. Finlay. (. 1 .1- 1 .
grant ship of 800 tons)' gaited from Liverpool orx
the 20th of April, with 369 emigrants, end a crew s
including two doctors, of , forty-six souls. Tke(
emigrants• were principally from Bedfordshire,
Staffordshire,. Yorkshire, and Notinghamshire..
About 120 of the passenge rs were married, wit}
familics,ond in all 73 children. 'Nothing occu
worthy' of notice until the 4th of August, on
day the ship went ashore in a violent gale,
reef, situated on the west,coast of King's Isla
the entrance of Bass'e Straits. The ship filled in a.
few hours, end during the night a scene of horror.
r'as exhibited without parallel. Before morning
but 30 of the company were alive, the rest having,
been swept into eternity by the waves. Out of the
whole crew Only nine Were Kr/ed.—N Y. Express.
(CA - new Prophet has arieen in Wisconsin.,
who, it is said, is making considerablo inroads into'
the Church at Nauvoo. He has found a set cx,
plate., which he is translating, and which, acoortl ,
lug to /tie own showing, prove inconteetibly, that
he is the rightful succeesor to the Prophet lee.:
Many of the Nauvoo Sainte seem to believe in hie
mission. The new prophet opposes the emigre..
gration to Oregon.
N0,,,,.—Er Divine perraissioni
Service will he held in the Prot. Epis. Charch,.
this evening at half past 8 o'clock, and to-morrow
in the forenoon, afternoon, and night at the nauai
hours. The Rev. Mr. Neer, of Bellefonte, ind.
the Rev. Mr. I - Lamm, of Lewistown, are expeetml
to be present.
Orphans' Court sal,
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Huntingdon county, will be expo
sed to public sale on the mansion tract. one
Saturday the 14th day of March need,
the following described Real Estate, later
the estate of George Buchanan, Esq., late
of Hopewell township, dec'd, to wit
A tract of land situate is Hopewell town
ship aforesaid, contaiaing about three
died acres, be the same more or leas, adjoin-.
ing lands of Jas. Entrekin on the N.
Mary Raymond cm the S. W., the Raystowo
branch of the Juniata on the S.. E., being
the Mansion tract of the said George Bu
chanan, dec'd, on which Is erected a good
two story log house and a bask barn whir
an Orchard of fine bearing fruit trees, and
about 200 acres cleared thereon, in a good
state of cultivation, besides a house and
barn on one end of the same, a tenant WM**
and a stone blacksmith shop. Also, Ore
other tract of land adjoining the aboVe--.
containing 200 acres, be the same mere or.
less, lying on the Alligrippes ridge, in said
ALSO, A tract of unseated Lund in Ted
township, adjoining lauds of John Savage
and others, containing 353 acres, be the
same more or less.:
Terms of sale, Otte half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the
sale, and the residue in one year thereafter
with interest, to be secured by the bond.
and mortgages of the purchaser or purcha-:
sirs. -
By the Court; 'JOHN BEET, Cl'k.
T. P. CAMPBELL, Trustee.
Feb. 4, 1846. ,
Of Palatable Reig fs;atelie)
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans°
Court of Huntingdon county, will be•ez
posed to sale on the premises by publie
vendue, or outcry on Saturday .the 7th.
day of March next, the following valuable
real estate, latethe estate of Daniel Yoder,
deceased, situate in the Kishacoquillas
Valley, Henderson township, Hunting
don county, Pa. viz:
containing 173 acres, more or lees, of first
rate limestone land, adjoining Dr. John
Metz, Mai tin Flemming, and others, on
which are fine improvements ; the greater
portion of which is cleared, and in. a good
state of cultivation : the same being one
at the best plantations in the above well
known valley. Also, 100 acres of moun
tain land adjoining the foregoing, James
Fife, and others, being urwnpro7,:.!, but
valuable on account of timber, &c. Also;
a lot of 11 acres snore or less of good land
adjoining the before described tract. •
'File foregoing tracts of land are well
worthy the attention of those desirous of
purcliaa;og valuable land . end all per
sons are requested to come and ezamiel
the premises for themselves.
TERMS OF SALE:—One third of
the purchase money to be paid on eons
&mafiosi of the sare—one third in one
year thereafter with interest—and the re
maining third on the death of the widow
Nancy Yoder; paying to the said widow
yearly the interest thereof during hee
natural life; to be secured by the bonds
and mortgage of the purchaser.
By order of the Court,
Attend:l - nee given by
c.nßisrulV YODER.
Feb. 4, 1846