Important from Mexico. From the New Orleans Tropic'extra of the 12th, we extract the Wowing late and stirring news from the Wowing re• public of Mexico : The Mexican schooner Julia arrived here this morning from Vera Cruz, which place she left on the SOth ult., bringing us papers from that place to the 29th ult., and Irmo the city of Mexico to the 23d ult. The Julia also brought J. Tilghman Hoffinan, Eq .. bearer of despatches to cur Government, from whence we learn that Paredes was certainly on his march to the city of Mexico, and that our Minister Mr. Slidell, was still there. From Vera Cruz and Mexico papers use have hurried ly gleaned the following important news: Moniteur of the 21st olt, says that the Supreme Government 'ilia appointed Gen. hustamente Commandir in Chief, and Geo. Horregon his Seebfid Vs com mand, of the army to OpporieGetf. Pittedes. That paper says the Governiheht ra 'inde fatigably working to quell the revolt,. 'and that it has already taken the necessary intasurea to put the Capitbl in a stare of defence, and given out 3000 guns t 6 Cie distributed among the citizens. On the 21at ult., the Sedate concurred with the Government in gilding dictatorial powerh to Preride,nt Herrera. El Siglo says that Paredes had *died Upon the Public Treasury of the Fair at St. Juan, which had been comMitted to his charge. Cl Veracruzankof the 24th says that on the 23d a salute froM the Castle of San Juan Ulloa, under the Command of Cassa nova, announced the Arst movement of the ilSrory and Nay in favor of the proclama ;lion of San Louis Potosi, by Gen. Paredes, 'and that it was immediately 'seconded by the garrison of the place at whose head is the brave Laudero, with the ekceptron of a part of the, fiattalliora Sigero, arunt bering about 100 men, *boleti their bar racks with their officers, refusing to join their companions. This body, as they were marching out, fired a volley on thoise Who remained, killing a 'captain anti ten veter 'aim, and wounding three Others. It then marched lb the Ootrerndient palace, and was Ottlered to 'quartar in the Convent of San Ptanciseo,, where they remained at the last' dates.. '(lie same paper says that at a later hour it learned that the city and garrison of Jalapa had pronounced in favor of Paredes, and that it was momentarily Waiting. fo'r a Similar movement in Orisaro and the fortress 'ol Perote. On the 23t1, the forces or Paredes t've're eoid to be only three days march Iromtlie city of Mexico. On the 24th, the 0600 at Pathla under ,Gen. finial), who had rebeived orders to march to the Capitol, refuted to depart, and it was certain that ,nOtwithstandiog the efforts of the General to the contrary, they would soon declaro in favor of Par edes. Mexico, it is said, would in a few days open its gates to Paredes. The Vera Cruzana of the 20th, says that it learn• by Icttels, of ressonstlile persons, from Mexico, that the imbecile and short sighted Cabinet had mortgaged to England the departmeut of Yucatan, on condition that she would pay its im mense debt. There, says that paper, are facts that cOOll will be divulged. A Circular of the 24th, transmitted by President Het rera to the Governors of the different Departntentit, delegates to said Governors the tremendous extraordinary powers with which Congreis had invested him, anti already hail the tallith' of the Republic began to feel the weight of such despotism, as imprisonmetifi, irrespective of persons or characterh, had become common; and even the Arch Bishop oar dingo, had been obliged to fly from the persecutions that awaited him. den. AM podia had gone over to the revolutionists, and the Goverritiiinf troops had publicly espoused their untie. _ Gen. Alinonte *at concealed, fearing persecutions. The latent itilbiligenCe is to the etect that Perote.had declared itself her Paredes and that the Numerous cavalry of that General WO hi the hear vicinity of the Capitol. Hii ertillery and infantry were between le city and Arruya-Sared. The cities of c rii.aid and Guanajdatd had al so decla red foi. Parades at tile approaelt ut his forces. , Gen. tirrOl; SaYi El iglo iif the Igth, has been defeated by the forces of Gen erals Camputana and Cueita, each party having loaf abiiiit 60 personii. The same paper says tnat thr boiTim- Inent Counell. after long deliberatidtlsi had determined not to receive Mr. Slidell in his ordinary Official capaCity, notwith standing its previous engagdinent,,tii re ceive a Plenipotentiary from the United States with special powers to treat on the subject of Texas. This conclusion of the Government tudk place after Mr. Par rott had reached Mexico on his return 'Rom the United States. . In the /Iloniteui of the 25d is publish 'ed Herrera's proclamation culling upon his compatriots to rally in defence of the laws. It is a long document, acid con cludes as follows :—"lt is my duty to de fend our liberties, and yours tb sustain in" i e . KrEseape of Counterfeilerc—We learn by the Crawford (Pa.) Democrat of the 40th instant, that Griffith and Munson confined in the Crawford county Prison and under indictment for the paising of counterfeit money, made their escape from the jail by burning with a heated iron poker the wool work around the gra tings of the window in such a mariner as to enable them to bend the bais tip and afford sufficient space to escape. ft is said they have been traced on their way to Ohio. Clone Commissioners appointed for the pur foes have purchased a valuable farm in the vicinity of Harrisburg, upon which to erectan Insane Asy lum; and it is expected the building will be com menced some time its the course of this year. WORD. "Here the girls and here the widow Always cast their earliest glance, And, with mulleina face, consider If they, too, won't stand a chance Te mate some clever fellow DOUBLE In blies, and often too—in trouble. MARRIED.-06 the 15th inert, by the Rev. bavid Williams, Mr. Jacob M Wise, of Allenville, Mifflin county, to Mies Elizabeth Poeton, of Hares Valley, Huntingdon county. On Thursday evening last, Jai. 22d, by the Rev Mr. Martin, Mr. Stevenson 14 ,Daboyne, to Mies Margaretta G. Miller, all of Hollidaysburg. oszmaiusr immix DIED.—In Williamsburg, on Tuesday, 7041 Malian Mr. JOHN COOK, aged about 37 years. Strang Turning Shop AND LATH MILL. THE subscribers having entered into co pa_hpership, under the Firm of John . and W. It Baker, in cat vying on the Steam 1 tir 'dug Shop ,and Lath Mill in Alexandria, wobld respecdully inform their friends and the public geperally, that they are now pee pared to do all &antler of turning in wood. also, Iron Shafts frail 10 to 700 lbs. Cabinet Makers can he supplied with all kinds of turning. Chalrinakers .by sending their patterns can he supplied with Chair Bottoms, Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagon= kers by sending their patterns ear., be Supplied with Hubs, and fellows,..of any size and thickness and whatever wood they choose— plastering lath furnished at the,shortest no tice, and all at the loWest market prices.— Persons at a distance wishing.. to furnish their own stuff, can have it hauled away and delivered without extra charge.• JOHN BAKER. W.R. BAKER, A!exandria, Jan. 28, 1846—tf. PUBLIC SALE Of i aluable Real Estate. WILL be sold at public sale as the prop erty of Andrew Robeson, dec'd,on the prem, ises, respectively, On Friday the 20th day March nazi, those two valuable adjoining farms situate in Tytone and Warriorsmark townships; now in the occupancy of John Isett, lying and being on the little Juniata river. the farm in VVarritirsmark has three dwelling houses thereon erected and a stone barn.— The land is .good litnestone, about 200 acres, and about 100 acres of which is cleared and in a good state of cultiitation, having a good apple orchard thereon. the balance is well tirnbered with white-oak; chesnut and pine. .The farm in. Tyrone township contains 400 hundred acres, and has a dwelling house and stable thereon. Un both these farms there is sufficient water power for turning any kind of machinery, and iron ore being abundant on the farms it affords very eligi ble sites for iron works or Mills on both sides of the,gream.. „ TERMS—Orie third of the purchase ney to,be paid. iii hand and the balance in two equal annual payments; with interest to lie secured by the bonds ar.d mortgage of the. purchaser. The above two feigns are separated by the little Juniata river, the mansion tract being Warriorstnark and Will be sold separate ly or together, as may suit purchasers. JACOB VAN :111 6 ES ' Executors DAVID BOBES N, 8011. "Register" and '..Standard" please insert ts. and charge ~dvertisers. POR SALE! . The .Lewistown Lewistown Mifflin Connly I's THE above named well known and estab lished Hotel having been lately remodeled and fitted up interiorly and exteriorly, also; splendidly furnished in a style to be compe ted with only by a few, and surpassed by none between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, is now offered with its costly PC11.4 ITURE ai above, for reasons of a private nature.— This Hotel Is a three story brick building sixty feet front, by . one hundred and fifty feet deep, situated in the pleasantest and most publib part of the Town. It is now in active opePatinn commanding extensive cus. tom both transient and stationery. Attached to this spacious Hotel, are sta bling aiid thiviage Houses whith haVe undergone a general and thor ough repair; every other convenience neceisary to a large and extinsive establitih thebt. RELLEPONTE and ERIE Stages depart from and arrive at this Hotel once a day, Making it a most dnalhable location for doing an extensive busines. Any perion wishing to embark in public business has now before him a wide field for speculation, which in similarity rarely offers. Every information may be had on personal appli cation or by letter postage paid, directed to the proprietor, residing on the premises, The Terns' ti Will be triage easy to the purchaser. This desirable property will be exchanged for city . property, or a good productive farm if desired. . JAMES 41.1INLAN. Lewistown Jan. 28th 1846.--4 t. N. B.—if the property is not sold previotis to the first of MarCh it will then be rented. zscotruczim. TO the heirs and legal representatives of John Hoover, late Of Huston township, deceaied i Take notice that by virtue of a writ of partition or valuation in my hands is sued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun tingdon county, I will proceed, on Friday the GM day of March next, by jury of inquest, convened on the prem ises. to make partition or valuation of the real estate of the said deceased, situate in said township. JOHN ARMITAGE, Sh'ff. fill's Office. Huntingdon, 98, 1846,-6t. ESTRATS. CAME to the residence of the subscri ber, in Snyder tp. about the Ist of Decem• her last, 3 Strays; two Brindle Steers, one of them having a bell on; also, one other Steer with black sides and white back, all supposed to be three years old last Spring—'-having no marks, except that the hair is cut square off the end of their tails ; the owner or owners are re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, other wise they will be disposed of according to law. HENRY GARLAND. January 21, 1846.-51. ZISTR.a.7IS. CAME to the residence of the sub scriber in the early part of last summer two stray Bulls ; one is a dark brindle, with a small star on the forehead, and the Other is a light brindle with a white streak along the back, white spot on the head and some white upon the legs. Also a black 'seiner, jtl Uctuber last, with a white spot on the fiirebead. The owner or ownetittre reilueisfed to come forward, prove preperty, 'Puy charges and take them away, otherwise ihry will be dispo sed or according to Jaw. JoS / EPR PARKS. No. Auditor's Notice. . . undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orp Court 'of Huntingdon couniy, to cristribUtt die, assets in the hands of John P. Entire, Adininistrator of Nichodenius Renson . , 'deed, will attend for that porpOse, ,at his (ace in the hor ough of HuntinoOn, on Wednesday the 25th day of February fiat, at °tie o'clock P.M. ' GEORGE TAYLOR, Auditor. Jan. 21, 1845-4 t. Bridge The undersigned, Commissioners of Huntingdon county, will meet at the house of Robert Carman, in the &rough of Al exandria, on Friday the 13th day of Feb• ruary nest, for the purpose of receiving proposals for building . a Bridge across the FrankatOWn branch of the J4tliata River at the BOrmigh of Aletandria where the great roa . d.leading . through Woodcock Valley to Bedford crosses the said river. The plan and specificatiobs will be ex hibited on that day, , MORDECAI CHILCOTE, JOHN F. MILLEtt, Corn's WILLIAM BELL, Commissioners' Office, Hun tingdon, Jan. 21.. 1846. 3t. § . One hilt grim "old rutty" ltOte.tltoe Reward, Run away front the subscriber, living in Snyder tp. H untingdon county , on the 3d of Dec. 1845, an indented apprentice to the Blacksmith business, named Dewey Douglass, he is fifteen years of age, about 5 feet high dark completion, had on when he went aivay, black pantaloons and blue frock coot. hereby caution any person from harboring Said apprentice—the above reward will be given to any persbn return ing him to me' JOHN FOX, Snydei. tih Jan. 21, 1886.—pd. Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue of an alias Order of the Or phan's Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, On Friday the 611; of February, 1848, its the property of John Scullin,dec'd, a lot of grodnd with a large and commodious TATERN HOUSE, thereon erected, two stories high, part log and weather-boarded and part frame, situ ate in the borough of Petersburg, in said county, now oecupied as a public house by Mrs. Mary Scullin, Alsi parts of two oth er iota in said borough, on which are erected a large frame stable, and a small log stable, appurtenant to the tavern stand.., I'E'RMS . OF SALE i--o,ne half of the purchase ino4k to be paid on the Confirma tion of the Sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured bir the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court. JACOB MILLER, Clerk. 7' Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. Attendance, will be given by JOHN M'CULLOCH, Jan. 14, 1845. Dissolution of Partnership. orrAlle partnership heretofore existing be tween A. J. Stewart and John T. Sor rell, trading under the firm of Stewart & Harrell, has been this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All persons having claims against said firm will please present them for settlement and all persons who know themselves in any way indebted, will please call and settle between this and the first of March next, after which time the books will be left in the hands of a proper officer for collection, A. J. STEW ART, • ,J. 'l'. HORRELL. Waterstceet,Dic. 1, 1845. . N. B.—The subsCriber, thankfull for past patronage, would inforni his friends and the public in general, that he will continue the Receiving and Forwarding business at the old stand at Waterstreet. A. J. STEWART. Dec. 51,1845. N. B.—The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would inform his friends and the pub lic in general., that he will be found cOntinu ing the Receiving and Forwardlog business, at Laurel Port, three-fourths of a mile east of Waterstreet, formerly occupied by J. W. Kinkead. JOHN I'. HORRELL. Dec. 31, 1845. W. . 11.. W. BENEDICIT, ATTOR.NRY AT L... 4 —HUNTINGDON, Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main street, a few doors West of the Court Hmse. A. W. B. will attend to any bu siness entrusted to him is the several courtstif Huntingdon and adjoining coun tie s. April3o, 1845.--tf. VALUABLE LAND __FOR,SALE, T b n e I s a o T l d E a E t N ! r u a b o 7i . , a z l ß e ß o u n A F ß ß y t i b i e A x r t: on the premises, now in the occupancy of Mr. Abntr Loyd. •Thcfarm contains 364 acres, more or lass, was the property of Mr. Peter Swoope, late of HUntingdon county, Pa., and bequtathed by hlm to the heirs of WS. Mary Huyett, deceased; of Washington county, Maryland. This farm lies in Hartz log valley, in a Most excellent neighborhood; being convenient tq the County Town of Huntingdon, and also the Pennsylvania canal, which is only.tlsree Or four miles off. There is also a number of mills quite con venient to it. 'Flie road from Huntingdon to Williamsburg passes through this farm and adjoins the lands of .fix-Governor Por ter,Jacob Huyett, Johh McCahan, and John Huyett, and is of the best quality of land. The improvenients con sist of TWO LOG AI HOUSES and two - barns, with several nev er failing mixings of water convenient to the houses and could be very advantageously ' laid off into two farms, as the buildings are convenient for soch an arrangeMent. There are fine timothy ineadows, a number of fruit •- trees and a sufficient quantity of I aigete. timber. This land is well adapted • tri- to the growth of grain. It will be offered and sold as one farm or in lots of several parcels, as may best suit both parties. From the many advantages this farm possesses, it is well worthy the atten tion of capitalists. Possession will be given on the Ist day of April, 1846. Grain in the ground excepted. Sale to zoom t 11 o'clock, A. M.. of said day. TERMS.—One third' of the e money required to be paid on the fi ay of ,April next, and the balance in two equal annual payments, with approved notes, bear ing interest from the first day of Avrif, 1846. When the whole of the purhcase money is paid, a good and sufficient deed will be made, liy the Heirs of Mrs. Mary Huyett, deed. I Pee. 11, N. B. If the purthasers desire it, half of the crop of ,grajn in the ground will also be offered by the acre, on the above mentioned day of sale. Persons .wishing to;efew the property, will please call on Mr. Abner Loyd and Mr. Henry Knode. ~ . Lancaster Lrn xainer will please publish till day of sale, and send bill to this office. iVIIOLSALt Afi6 RETAIL PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERTRAND RO SS , No. 120 Chestnut Si., ' th Side, 4 doors below Fodrth st., i'HILAD.ELPHIA, thlßespectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has refitted and opened the above establislipent, where 'he is pre ., . pared at' all times, to furnish Bea ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in „this country. Also, a su perior quality of Caps, for officers of the Army ,and Naxy, together with Dress, Ri ding, and porting Caps : a hew and splen did style of Childrens and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La dies. . ,_ .inst received, per Steam Ship Great Western, the approved style of LADIES.' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assort ment of Childrens' Frettch'C.aps. I am determined that my hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of anv other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, ‘ Dec. 24, 1845. Say .Steers. AM F to the residence of the subscriber Warriorsmark township, on the first day of Dec., 1845, 2 steers; the one is a pale red with a white lace, the (Alma red brindle, supposed to be 3 years old last spring.-Tlie owner is requested to come forward; prove property. and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. JOHN BECK. Dec. 17, 1845. • COURT MARTIAL. Head Quarters, ifarree Forge, Janu • • ary 15, 1846. A rneral Court Martial will be held at the house of Mr. Phillips, in Pine Grove Centre County, on Thursday the sth day of February next, for the trial of Captain Thomas Whittaker of the 6th Company sth Regiment, 2nd Bmtalion, P. M., and such others as may be broaght before it. The Court gill consist of Col. Adam Keith, 5d Regiment, Col. James Clinger, sth Regiment, Col. John G. Stewart 2nd Regiment, Major Thomas Reese, end Batt., 4th Regiment, Major John Zent mvre, lot Batt. 3d Reg., Lieut. .Col. Jon • athan Kremer, 5 Reg., Major Abednego Stevens, 2nd Batt. Volunteers—Captain David Blair, Judge Advot.•ate.. By order of S. Miles Green, Brigade General, 2. Brig. 10 11, P. M, DAVill BLAIR, Aid de C. Jan. 21, 1845—ti. NOTICE. ALL persons who know, themselves indebted to the subscriber for medicine & medical services rendered are respect. tol!:y requested to Nil of their accounts soon if possible. His, distressed condi tion (having lost his all by the .late tire) compels him to make this call, so that he may be enabled to build up some place to shelter ,himself and family, and start in business again. JACOi3 HOFFMAN. N. B. The subscriber intends to con tinue the practice of medicine. Those who wish to call on him for medical ad vice or medicine may find him at the Drug Store of Thos. Read & Son, Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa, , A. K. CORN ATTORNEY AT LAW—Huntingdon Pa. Offi e in Main street, two doom East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House•. OrplianTCourt Sale. Imp Y virtue of an order of the Or -11) phan s' Cow f of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale on Monday the 61h of April next, at the house of JAMES M'MURTRIE, Inn-keeper, in %Vest township, MDT TRACTS, of Unsealed Land, late the property of Jacob K. Neff, deed, situate in said township, one containing 400 him. Bred acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry Canan : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a ,warrant in the name of David Stewart: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in; the name of A. Johnston : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hugh Johnston: One containing 400 acres, surveved on a warrant in the name of Henry .. .West One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of 'lnns: McCune: Jne containing 420 acres, surveyed,on a warrant in the name. of James Dean : and one containing 900 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of John Adams, . TERMS hall of the purchase money to be paid 9n the confirmation of the sales, respectively, ,and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest to he secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser., , the Court, .101fN REED. Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, Jan. 21, 1845—ts. Executor. • Valuable Furnace AT PRIVATE B.ILE. laßil F. subscriber offers at private sale 4.51, Martha Furnace Had all the Real and Pereanal property attached to MARTHA FURNACE is situated in Huston township, Centre corm ty, and is now, and has been, for eleven years in successful operation. There ere upwards of „ 10*o ACRES 'of GOOD LAND. belonging to the Fur' nace—more than 500 at which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation. There are Three Ore Banks of' an excellent quality now in use, and a number of other• undoubted appearances of Ore on the lands. There is more wood within less than three and a half miles of the Furnace than can be used for 10 years. Should the Furnace he sold before the Ist of April, immediate possession will be given of all the Real and Personal estate, including besides the necessary tearns, wag ons, &c,, at least four months stoat of Coal and Ore. A good title will be made and easy payments. ROLAND CURTiN. January 14, 1846-6 t. Ilargains Bargains!! SELLING OFF AT COAT!! WILLZABE STEWART, ~il" F HUNTINGDON, being desirous to retire from the mercantile business on account of the delicate state of his health, °Kers his large and entire stock for sale at cost awl carriage. A„ reasonable credit will be given to those Who will purchase over twenty dollars worth. To any person or persons wishing tn engage in the aforesaid business, the subscribtr wouldprefer to dispose of his stock whole sale. He would also rent: his store room, which as good and convenient a business stand as there is in the borough of Hunting don. ,His stock is of entire fit sh goods and and the latest arrivals from the city, consist-' ing of Dr?) Goods, such ns Cassimers. Satinetts, Broad Cloths, Silks, Mouslin de Laines, Callicoes, Brnwn and Bleached Muslins. Woolen Shawls, Silk, Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of different qualities. Also, an assortment of Hosiery and a very large assortment of Boots and .Shoes, of all kinds and quality. Also, a large as sortment of . . Qwensware and hardware, of the newest and most approved styles. Alto, a large and carefully selected assort. meat of all kinds of, Groceriea in short, the subscriber is supplied with all the variety belonging to store-keeping, the particulars of which are too tedious to men tion. Horses, or any kind of grain nr lumber, will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash prices. , Any person wishing any further in formation, will please call upon the subscri ber. Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 1845. N. 11.—A large lot of the best qtiality of LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and Wine, and also a large lot of the, same M other prices to suit purchasers. will be Sold in exchange for country produce. NOTICE.—Those who• have unsettled accounts on the books of the subscriber, will please settle them soon, or they will find them in the hands of the proper fficer for collection. Wit. STEWART. Jan. 7, 1845 Straj, , Steer. AME to the residence r f the subscriber, living in West township, about the 13th of May last, a i•ed and wh ite spotted steer, about one year old.. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take him away, otherwise he Will be dicprisikt of according to law. SA MMEL MY FON. Dec. 41,.184.4. a. SEWELL STZWART, Ammar:llr AT ILLITo HU N 7 INODCW p7l Office in Main street, three doors rn s t of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establislitnerx, I February 14,!843.--fl. • lnarjß, attorney 41 Law.-- Att, lids co practice in the Orphans' Court, Stat',ng Administra tors accounts, acc.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the Ex change Hotel." feblB, '44. us LANK 8 0N - 03—Judgment and dole mon—for tralr et this office, LAST NOTICE. The entscriber hereby requests all persons in debted so him fur subecription, printing, or adver tising, to call at his office and aettle, previous to the 24th day of January neat. All unseultak accounts Will then be placed in the hoods of a Jneace of the Peace for collection. • THEO. H. EREXEIL Munindon, Dec. 17, 1845.—t4. Two Stray Cowsi, cg,AME to the residence of the subscriber residing in uniou town ;hip, about the first of August last. One is and cow with a white belly and a star on the forehead, sUppeseti to be about fifteen years old: the other is a red cow bordering cn br , :vn, with a white belly, a white streak nlons the hack and supposed to be about twelve years old, the horns of both diming up. There is no marks on the ears. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away.• • WILLIAM SMITH. Nov. 19,1845 %mu evaulaste g vaia ~ AND rfiE 0 Ailti 1' R 0.1 ED Ir. .All the newspapers are fullol patent rem edies for coughs, colds, consumption and va rious other " diseases which flesh iSheirtu." proceeding from tvet fee: : but all experience teaches that "an ounce of preventive ; Is better than a pound of cure; " and, having, the means of turnishing the former article on short notice. Therefore Charles S. Black respectfully informs the good citizens 4, the W rough of Huntingdon, stnd the public gen erally, that he still continues the ..1160 4.% Debt at Aftemaltint business, at his oil stand in Allegliesiv at.. One door west of William Stewart's Store, in the borough of Huntingdon, where helms lately received a large assortment of new Rfla fashionable /arta,. on which he guaran tees to finish his w,oik not only aCcatling to the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man ner a 7•41 aeccrding to of der. lie employs none,but the best and most ex periented workmen, and by strict attention to business and punctuality in promises, he' hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share of custom. • WANTED , an A PPARNTICE to theabove business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age will be preferred, and find a good situation if ap plication be made soon. • CHARLES S. BLACK. Huntingdon,April 23, 1845. • ZISTILELITS. • •• CANE to the residence of the Pubic ri - her, to township, about tho I sth day of Novemberlast, 4 etrave, one Red cow, with some white about her head, and a Red ; -11eiffer, , with a Bell on ; also two Red Steers, or,e of them having his right ear mar ked,: the other a tnooley.--- The owner or owners, are requested to come forward, prove . : propeity, pay all charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed accoi dinila law. A BRAIIANI BRANSTETTER. Dec. 1, 1845—St. ESTRaI: CAME to the residence of the subscri her, in Warriorsmark township, about he 28th of November last, a red and spotted steer, supposed to be:about four years old, The uwner is requested .to come forward, prove properly, pay char ges and take nim.r.way, ntkrwise he will be disposed of according to law Dec. 6th, 1845 rYAVID BECK. tAWPARTNERSIUP, elitaa3Zltad za,tiose: • P..tampbell and William Y. Jacobs having associated themseltes togeth er in the practice of the law, inform • the puhli - . that they wi;lattend to all ',lsiness entrusted to them in the line of thcir pro , fession, in Huntingtion, , lWffini and Centte counties, with care and fidelity. • Their office is the same occupicti by Thos. P. Campbell for many years past. next door to the office of Gen. A. P: sons and opposite the residence el William Orbisnu, Fsq.. 1 - I.intingdon Dec. 17,1845. • a rlaviNG removed from vv 41 illtamsburg to Dr. Z. B. 7)(1s ET, nuntin g d.n. would inform the community that he designs to continue the practice of medicine, ard wtthbe thankful for their pat , ronage., Residence uud office formerly oc cupied lav R. Allison, Esq. N. B. Having been successful in semi plishing the cure of a number of cancers.' (tor winch vouchers can be had if required). he feels confident of success in the most ob stinate cases, and should he f:•.11 in caring no charge will he made. Huntigdon, April 23, 1843, • /WM WILLLEVASIOti Hating rU turned to HuntinVon coupty, recom menced the prac . .ice of Las, in the Borough of Huntingdon, where he will.carefully at• tend to all IP:sinr•ss entrustell to his care.... He will'be found at all timet, by those who may call. upon him, at office with Isuae Fisher, Esq., adjoinin7 the store cf Bead. & Son, near the Diamond. Huntingdon, April SO, 1843. riss3wz, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--lias retnnv*d te , Huntingdon, with the intemi,n of maiiinc is the place , of his future residence, and wilt attend tosueli legal business as may in, en rusted to him. Dee. 20, 1,841 Tv 1111. V 333111 140 sITTOR.VEI .7T .111E42Vt• MURTINGDO*, PA. ----- • IMUSTICES'IIitanks of altk;ntit, tut Milk Qi At Otte Ofiter.