THE JOURNAL, HUNTINGDON: Wednesday, January 28, 1846. On Saturday last, on motion of William Dorris Ess., LOON SCOTT, Jr. Esq., was sworn sad sotmit ted as on Attorney of the raveral Courts of 'this Count] O.We would solicit the atttention of our read ers to the isprinnuilication, on the subject of the Tariff, whinb we publish on the out-side of tallay's paper is an able article, and will richly repay the attentisw perusal of those into whose hoods it allay .falL G/ The deficit in nor editorial columns ie in consequence of the editor's absence; the "devil" and the rest of us have been co busily engaged in the mechanical department, that we had very little time 40 devuto to the duties of an editor. l'ho genie will account for several errors which occurred lint week. By reference to eur Ilarribburg correspon dence it will be seen that tho bill for the erection of ..131ritr County" has passed the House. In the Veneto it has been referred to the Judiciary Com- tniVee. Our Court is yet in session, end dirpoeing of ogees in quick succession, yet with due coosidere- t3, - "S' Hon. Wx. TAYLOR, member of Congress front the Ruckbridgo district, Virginia, died a few daye ago at Washington. .1 coos WOODMIRD.-We team, with sincere regret, that thin gentlemen hos been rejected by the United Staten Senate, for the important post which President Polk had nominated him, to till a vacancy on the Supreme Bench of the United States, nee.. ...toned by the death of the ;fon. Henry Baldwin. The President will no doubt immediately nominate a new man, who it will be it is elmoet impossible to tell. Clfon. John has been confirmed by oho U. 8. Senate, as Minister to Mexico. Marc./ CONYENTIO7.—There was a large and respectable convention met in Harrisburg, a few Jays ago, to devise means for the hewer regu lation of our militia. Col. Snowden presided, eieted by a large number of Vice Presidenta and Becretarirc We hope it will have the desired 'f lee. Toe TANI rr.—Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Commerce, in the United States Senate, hoe re ported a bill for the modification of the Tariff of 1842. Thug, it will be seen, that the locofoco party are determined to lay violent hands upon this act, which hos brought the country from her ~ , kmforc its panne, to the high position which sho now occupies. This bill, which is giving labor to hundred, and thousands of labor ors and mechanic., is to be. wiped off the statute books, to give place to an act which will reduce the I country to beggary and want. Mr. Secretary Walker's free trade report has had the effect to call forth this bill. We will ace what the Locofo co. of Penneylvania will say to this att,upt to de stroy tho Tariff of 1842, which they pr,ofeseed to have so much love for during the campaign of 1844- To et Whigs of this State have nomi. nated Joseph G. Nlaraliall, at their candidate for Governor, and G. S. Orth. formerly of Gettysburg., in this State, for Lieut. Governor. The Locos have nominated Gov. Whitcomb for re-election. r Lxsa Hours. Esq., Attorney for the U.S. fur the District of Columbia, died a few days ago et Washington. jA Washington correspondent of the Balti more Sun says:—'•Two things are of probable oc currence; a war by Mexico against 'Foxe., and the seizure, by England. of Cuba—both in anticipa tion of a war between the United States and Eng• land. England will take ponession of Cuba rt least during the existence of the war, and with the anent of Spain, in consideration of the large sums of money due to England by Spain. The propo ',him' lately made in the Senate by Mr. Levy, may he made a pretext for this." riProfessor Morse states, through a N. York (pryer, Mat the Magnetic Telegraph is in full and ~, plete operation from Philadelphia to Newark, and that the wires on the route have never been cut. The reason why the news on Bunday was not sent un ((aura, was because the agent had express or ders cot to put the wires in operation on that day. Mr. liagby, in the Senate of the United States, submitted a resolution to amend the Consti tution; lot, so as to elect tho l'resident and Vice resident for the term of six years; both to be inel ignble forever thereafter. 2(1, Providing thut no member of Congress shall, ,I,77rig the term f , ,r which he is elected, or for four' Vicar.. thereafter, be eligable to the office of Presi dent or Vice President. 3d, That no member of Congress shall, during the term for which he is elected, ho eligable for Gri ttier of the office. of Secretary of State, of the Treasury. of War, of the Navy, Attorney Gener al, or Poet Master General. Zj John Weever, Register of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia, died auddenly, of ape- Oozy, on Fridoy afternoon, the I Sth , y,Cfrho New York Evening Mirror Hays, that there about to be exhibited in that L.ty a very novel stei wonderful niusical instiurnent, which :t.•e inventor, Mr. Grant, a native of New England, - -doe , ,tro Magnetic Piano Forte.' It is played by Enrigne , ,i,am alone, without the aid of en gem and sorda,ses, it is nrid, even the greet De Meyer hinmelf, iu poirg of visor and s• elsonctl. - - Pennsylvania Legislature. Correspondence of tho Huntingdon Journal. HAIIII.I9IIVRO, Jan. 24, 1846. Dear Captain:—Orr Monday last the two Hou ses of the General Assembly met in Convention in the Hall of the 1 - louse. at 12 o'clock, and re-elec ted Col. James R. Snowden, State Treasurer, for the ensuing year. There were but three candi• dates in the field, which corresponds with the num ber of parties. Mr. Snowden (loco) received 83 votes; Mr. Nerr Middleswarth (wing) 48; Mr. P. Sherlock, (native) 1. Mr. Snowden has given pretty general satisfaction as State Troneurer. The Tariff Resolutions from the Senate (which I instruct our Senators dec., in Congress to oppose any attempt to alter or amend The act of August 30, 1842) which were pegged last week unani mously in that body, being received in the House on Monday, Mr. Burrell moved to make the same the order of the day, for the then next Tuesday three weeks. Mr. Nicholson immediately moved to amend the motion by taking up the Resolutions on the next day, which would have been last Tues day, and in this shape the subject wee debated for some time with considerable spirit, during which the cloven foot of the ‘.better tariff" men of 1844, could be seen "sticking out" of Lecofoco Boots, in various quarters of the House. It was evident that a grand maceuvre was to tie played, in order to draw wool tighter over the eyes of the tariff men of Pennsylvania, orelse harmony could no longer exist between the message of President Polk, and its sate lite from our Governor, and the honest portion of the party throughout the State who had been de ceived (I was going to say lied) into ;he belief that Polk woe as good a tariff man as Clay, or his friends. But as I said above, although Mr. Burrell, and Mr. Burnside, and some others who undertake to lead in these grand somorsets played their parts so well as to Bertid touching, directly, the object at which they aimed, to wit• the repeal or modification of the act of 1842, yet there were others less subtle or more honest who did riot hesitate to avow their hope that the "odious" Tariff act of 1842 would bo repealed ! Amongst these gentlemen was Mr. Knox a young and ardent democrat from Tioga. The news from England of the resignation of Sir Robert Peel and the organization of a new Minis try under Lord John Russell, friendly, as is antici- I paled, to the abolition of the "Corn Laws," which have so long oppressed the poor of that country for the benefit of the landholders, had just reached here on Monday, and Mr. Burrell assigned this as a reason for asking delay upon the Tariff Resolu tions as moved by him. Now if the reason so as signed by him means any thing at ell, it is, that because England goes in for the free admission of bread stuffs for the present; because her people are on the verge of starvation, therefore we ought to abandon our whole system of protective duties and go in fur "free trade!" This the party leaders in Pennsylvania dare not avow, but such is unques tionably their policy, and they hope to effect it by delay, disaention, or silence, at a time when the voice of Pennsylvania should be heard at Wash ington in no uncertain sounds. The result of the discussion at this time was the kicking of the sub ject into the middle of next week. It is postponed until Tuesday next, The Hollidaysburg speculation of erecting a new, ' county to be called ‘l3lair," so as to make that place the seat of justice. passed the House of Rep resentatives on 'Fuesday last, by a pretty large ma jority (61 to 24) and was gent to the Senate for concurrence. It pease(' in the House, almost sub eiletitia, but it is expected, that some one will be found in the Senate able and willing to state sim ply its objects and its consequence., which if fairly done, would he sufficient to defeat its passage. A Bill has been passed in both Hotses and sign ed by the Governor, appropriating the sum of $l,- 1 91:,848 08 to pay the two half yearly instalments lof interest on the funded debt of the Commonwealth fading due on the Ist of February and the Ist of August next. The State Treasurer has informed the Legislature that the amount neceasary to meet the fiat instalment is already in the Treasury, and there is little doubt but there will be a sufficiency by the Is.t of August to meet that also. This is gra tifyi ng to all concerned, either as creditors or citizens of the Commonwealth. The remarks of the State Treasurer in regard to the necessity of in creas i ng , i n a B road degree, the revenues of the Commonwealth, so to render the punctual pay• merit of the interest or: our State debt, certain and permanent in future, ha we given TISC to a great ms.; ny schemes of finance, a,' yet principally in th: I shape of Resolutions of insts uc:ion to the commi- I tee of Rays and Mean., desisintt therm to inqute into the expediency of taxing eel tel . !' objects, rch as Bitumenous and Anthracite Coat, Dogs, end Boats and Rail Road Cars, in like manner aa,ther Ipersonal property is now taxed—also to enqvre in -1 I to the propriety of taxing all transfer s ofpublic stock, dec., &c. None of these measures Pweveri have as yet been brought legitimately blor. the House by the appropriate committee. Cns,ldera ble debate was elided on the subject of taing Coal I when that matter was about to be refired to ti ' Committee, from which diacussion Lifer that it I I will not meet with much favor. Ind.'s' it would seem that the proper mode of arrivin at this arti cle would be to assess the coal land cording to its : 4 real cash value, as in other canes, ti'ms you agree! to tax wheat and potatoes, unflumber or any I other commodity which is t h e prosict of labor. Trio EASTERN RESERVOIR:, hilt has passed the Hough of Representatives, appropriating the sum of :30,000 to the completin of the Eastern Reservoir, on the Penn'. Cool. An effort was made by Mr. Mageelien to porno a similar appro priation towards the Westernllservoir, hut it was not agreed to. rearm:v.—Joint Resolot‘es of instruction to our Senators, &c. in Conger have been passed in both House., almost unanihusly, and transmitted to Washington. desiring th no increase be made in the rates of postage as tuz fixed by law. A bill has passed botl Houses authorizing the Pittsburg Navigation or Fire insurance Company to reduce its C apital telt. This Company But% fercdrerioudylllo(oß fires in 'het city, but having some capital left, the stockholder s are desirous of taking a fresh start—hence this ap plication. One of the most important subjects that will come before the Legislature at its present session, is the right of way asked for by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, through the South West ern port of tire State to Pittsburg, for which a bill has already been reported in the Senate, and is now on second reading. The Board of Trade and mer chants of Phil's. pretty generally seem to agree that to grant this privilege would be ruinous to our State fitnprovemente, as well as injurious to the prosperity of Philadelphia. The Pitteburgers are in favor of the project, because it gives them an other string to their commercial bow—so also are those who feel an interest in the Cumberland Val ley Railroad, as well as they who expect to be bear fited by the construction of a cross-cut from Cham hamburg to intersect the Bah. and Ohio Road. Bet those who look coolly, and disinterestedly at the matter, seem to agree that a continuous road from Harrisburg to Pittsburg ought to be made by • what as called the "middle route," up the Juniata river. Bills in relation to all these projects, as well as the vightof way for the N. Pork and Erie Rail- I road on our North Eastern boundary, and an ex tension of the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Char ter, aro about being introduced into the Legislature. I think a charter will be granted for the construc tion of the middle route, with suitable provisions for the protection of the State improvements al ready made. Mr. APFarland moved a resolution directing the Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of bringing in a Bill providing for the tette of the Public Improvements; but the House re- I fused_ to adopt the Resolution by a vote of 52 to 42. ' . The same gentleman also offered to instruct the came committee to inquire into the propriety of giving out the repairs on the public works to the lowest bidder; but this was also negatived. A number of private Bills authorising certain individuals to .11 and convey real estate, and reg ulating matters purely of a local character have been acted upon, but no matters of any general in terest or locally of importance to your renders have been disposed of, since my last. And allow mu to `say an conclusion that I believe I have given you the whole week's proceedings of the pest week as intelligibly in thin nut shell, as if you had waded day by day through the regular reports. I have endeavored to give you the business enulfum in parvo, leaving out the intermediate details, and setting down results, the former being only inter esting whilst the latter are involved in uncertainty. A military convention met here on Tuesday last , at the Shakespeare House in Locust street. A large number of delegates, officers in the militia, &c. were in attendance, The object was to devise' means for the better encouragement of Volunteer Companies and an improvement in the Laws re lating to the Militia System. Col. James R. Snow den war appointed President, and a number of Res- olutions were adopted for the consideration of the Legislature. But inasmuch as the proceedings are published in the newspapers here, to which you will have access, and seeing yod are yourself some , thing of a military man, I will leave the matter for you to examine, and snake ouch remarks no Jou ( I deem expedient in the premises. Since the recruit of snow (about six inches) I which fell on Tuesday night and Wednesday 1 morning last, the sleighing has been revived here, and is now very good. The ”Sons ofTemperance" of Mechanicsburg had a procession yesterday, and more than one hundred and fifty persons went over I from here in sleighs. About an equal number were there also from Carlisle and the town was i alive with people. Dr. DeWitt of this place de- livered an address—of course a good one. This' Order (the Sons of Temperance) is very popular , in this region, and is spreading daily. YOUTE, dm, Grounds of Peace. The Washington Correspondent of the New Journal of Commerce, gives the following as the grou nd of confidence with the President, for an am icable adjustment of our differences with England : •'ln the first place, Mr. Polk relied on the pacific disposition of England, and the aversion of her government to go to war for a remote and valueless ter itory, So far, Mr. Polk was right. His error tars. in losing sight of the fact thut our pretensions night be urged in such way as to produce a quarrel rpon the point of honor, es to which England is as iensative as we are, and has greater reason to bo so. In the second place, Mr. Polk relies upon an other offer of arbitration. As a proof of this, I would remark that there is no mention of that re sort in his message. the third and last place, he relies upon a Tr., ty Tariff, some reciprocal arrangement that would give Great Britain an equivalent for the abandon ment of her claims to Oregon." Old Times and the Tariff We sometimes hear the protection of "home in. , dustry" denounced as a novelty, that disturbs the peace of the country: We are too much attached to the true principle of protecting what belongs to us, to allow of such an imputation upon the Amer ican system; and though we do not now mean to enter upon any discussion of the tariff question, we will copy a few paragraphs from the Report of tho eeretary of the Treasury of the United :Stews, for 1791: 1. That the promotion of manufactures (that ot ;r home trade,) is rendered necessary by the res i r i c ri.ons of foreign natio. on our navigation and ex teroal connnerce. 2. 'Chat there is an absolute necessity to provide a home market for the increasing produce of our furors and plantations. 3. That the Untied States sustains an immense burden in the charges of importing foreign manu factures, which amot,ntim; to twenty per cent. upon fifteen millions of dollars. is not lens than three millions per annum in pence, nod more in war. 4. That no country, however fertile, has retain ed its gold and silver, if it has not manufactured. 5. 'Chat by the intervention of women and chil dren, and machinery, manufactures have been brought to require a small portion of the labor of mon, and that these may be obtained from abroad. 6, That a judicions system of measures to en courage manufactures, will draw capital from for sign countries, to be employed in the United States, in working up and consuming our raw materials and provisions. 7. And lastly, that manufactures will succeed in the United State., because they have been incessant ly springing up, and incrcnning her many years," CONCERMOC. Correspondence of the Pa. Thlegrapii. WASIIIXOTON, Jen. 21, 1946. On Tuesday, in the Senate no very important business was transacted. Mr. Mien gave notice that ho would call up on Friday his resolutions rel. alive to the non-intervention of European nations in our affairs, which was laid upon the table a few days ago. In the House, the contested e le c tion case fr om Florida was called up, and lasted the whole day. There is a disposition to force Mr. Callen from his seat—and were his case clear ns the limpid moun tain rill, he would fare hard at the hands of the large locofoco majority. Reports were read from both sides of the committee; the one from the min ority, and signed by one Democrat, at least, shows conclusively that Mr. Caliell is justly entitled to his seat; arid that Mr. Brockenbrough is not. A reso lution was passed allowing Mr. Bruckenbrough the privilege of laying his awe before the House in person. On NVedneaday, Mr. Fairfield's till making an appropriation of five and a half millions of dollars, for the increase of the Navy, dec., was called up . 'Fhb; caused a very warm debate and one of interest to the country. it showed how eensative loins of our great men are, in regard to national matters, particularly when their ideas are made to chine se cretly, with what they suppose to he the popula r opinion. Mr. Allen as usual took part—and a prominent part in this debate—managing to intro duce the Oregon question most beautifully—but *as called to order—for spreading his wings a little too wide. He differed widely, from Mr. Hanegan, with whom he was hand and glove, upon the res. Ititidhs relative to our title to Oregon. and the im plied censure upon the President for endeavoring to compromise wills Great Britain. Calhoun, Clay ton, Sevier and several other Senators took part in the debate. 'rho subject was made the order of the day for Tuesday next. In the House, after the ordinary morning buai flees, the election case was resumed.—Several speeches were Made in support of the 'claims of both parties. A motion wasmade to postpone the consideration of the matter, but it failed. On Thursday, (this morning) in the Senate, a resolution was offered, asking the War Department to furnish informatioh relative t'cl the state of Indian tribes—and that it be printed. Mr. Benton Objected to printing, On the grolind, that not half the documents ordered to be printed— were read by members. Not only trunk makers had a prescriptive right to lieve thoir trunks with documents; but dry goods ten in the district, were overstocked with this kind of wrapping paper; and even importations were frequently made, to supply merchants in neighboring cities.—Truly, to the vic tors belong the spoils. Who pays the printer? ' The Senate then went into executive session, af ter which it adjourned over to Monday—thus vir tually choking oft' Mr. Allen's resolution, which he intended calling up to morrow. The House, after an animated discussion upon a resolution relative to the printing and distribution of Fremonte narrative, Mr. Sava°lle introduced a resolution, asking of the Clerk of the House infor mation as to the fact of certain members having I disposed to booksellers in this city, documents or dered by Congresa for them. After sotne debate the matter Wan postponed. The consideration of the election case wall then resumed. Mt. Cabell rose and stated, that he was willing—to ~ave the House all further trouble—to submit the whole matter to the people of Florida, and Asked Mr. Brockenbrough to do the same, and i I thus the tnatter could be adyvetet! satisfactorily to all parties. . . . _ Brockenbrough scouted the proposition, and in a speech of en home length, set forth his claims to the Feat now occupied by Mr. Celia. After he had concluded, a motion wag made to adjourn. eci. The course of the Southern Locofoco mem bers of Congress in relation to Oregon has been a serious annoyance to their political brethren. The The correspondent of the Inquirer says—t• The Western members of the House still consider them selves as having got the worst part of the bargain, relative to Oregon and Texas, and in their blunt way they do not hosisato to twit their polished brethren of the South with their breach of faith, in refusing to help them out with Oregon. It re minds me of a certain merchant who had a hun dred dollars owing him in Boston. Being rather doubtful of the validity of the note, Ito made a bar gain with a collector, to tho effect that if the latter could recover the amount, ha should have a half of it for his trouble. The collector took the note one tine clear frosty morning, and by dint of bluatering end coaxing, made the best terms he could. Some weeks afterwards the merchant met him in State street, when the following dialogue took place: , Ah, my friend, have you had tiara to attend to that note!' 'Oh! Ah! yes, it's all settled; there was no difli enity.' 'Glad to hear it. Well, I,ow did you settle it!' '0! why, he paid mu my half the note, and I gave him up the other.' So the Western men think that their Southern friends hate served them with regard to Texas and Oregon. The norno Centre coun ty, has been mentioned in setsral Whig papers of the State for Governor, in a manner highly com plimentary to him, and shoving the respect in which he to held by the Whigsgenarally. He has represented the people of the, Centro district in Congress with credit to himself and profit to his constituents. He is known, far and near, as a warm advocate of the Tarifi; tnd in 1844 wanted' but a few votes of being nominated as tho Whig candidate for Governor. As 1, statesman, able—as a man, popular with the people—where could we find a more desirable candidate With Gencial Irvin as the Whig candidate, we would present to the peep° of the State a gentle man every way worthy of their suffrages, and one, too, who could be supportid by every friend of the Tara whether Whig or Locofoco. If we nomi nate luin, w e tea olixt Highly Important from Europe ! Arrival of the Ship Liberty from Liverpool. Tour days later. Resignation of the Ministry—Trerntsuilous Excite ment in England—Further prorogation of Par liament—Great Political Revolution in Great Dritain—Ministerial Crisis—Advance in Ameri can Cotton—State of the Corn Metket, &c. [From the New York herald.] The Liberty roiled from Liverpool on the 13th ult, and brings paper to that date. The news, which we have thus recoivod, in of the highest importance—of more consequence than any we have received in the lent ten years. It in no more ndr less than the resignation of Sir Robert Peel. and the organization of a new Cabinet by Lord John Runnel!. The - announcement of this Important fact—im portant to the United Stater, in a commercial point of view, as well, perchance, in political aspect, threw the whole English public into a state of the great est excitement. Itseffeet wan tremendous. In addition to this, and ea a necessary conk qunece, Parliament had been further prorogued, as the following exhibits "At the Corset, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 10th day of December, 1645, present the Queen's Most Excellent Majeety in Council. It in this day ordered by her Majesty in Council, that the Parlia ment which stands prorogued to Tuesday, the 16th day of December instant, be further prorogued to Tuesday, the 40th day of December inst. The corn law question has been the cause of all this. The effect that this news will have upon the re lation. between England and America, cannot but be of the utmost consequence. American cotton had improved. The following statement is mode in the Liver pool Mercury of the 12th : The Message of Peace to Arneriect.—An inqui ry has been earnestly addressed to us from Londoh as to whether the news touching the expected opening of the ports really left England by the Acadia, from our river, 3t noon on the 4th instant. aur reply to, and we can answer for the fact, it did 00. We have entitled it a measoge of peace, be cause no cne can doubt the effect of the announce ment, especially if followed by realization, not only upon the Oregon question, but all other matters of discussion between the two nations. This we know is a mistake. The announcement of the London Times did not come in the Acadia, although it was evidently inteded for that steamer. RESIGNATION OF THE MINISTRY. [From the London Herald, Dec. Is') nit Robert Peel's Government Is at end. All the members of the Cabinet yesterday tendered their resignation, which her Majesty was pleased to accept. , . It will be easily befieted that we regret this de ' termination of her Majesty's advisers, but we should much more regret their unanimous determination to eacrifice the industry of the country by strip ping it ofall protection. The important fact no* annOunced proves how completely wrong the Times was whon it stated that the Government had decided upon proposing to Parliament, as a Cabinet measure, the repeal o! the corn laws. SWILL LATER. Arrival of the Britannia—PacifiO Intelligeace- The long looked for steamer hoe at last arrived. Intelligence in of the most important character. , - The President's Message is received on the most pa cific terms. The London Peace Society have me morialized Sir R. Feel to settle the Oregon question by arbitration, rather than war. A commercial Treo ty has bean signed by the government of Naples and the United States. Sir Robert l'eel has again been called to the British Cabinet. behind is still noted for her outrages and murders. Upon the whole the news is considered of the most favorable character to the United States. We received this important intelligence too bate to give it in detail, but will en. deavor to do so in our text. Destructive Firci in Philadelphia. The Philadelphis papei's bring us accounts of a very acrioUs conflagration in that city on Sunday evening. The United States Gazette hes the fol- lowing particulars: About hall past 8 o'clock the large otorA of 91t& era Lewis & Sterling, No. 57 South wharves, wes discovered to be on Ore. When the store war burst open, the whole of the interior wes in flames, and the entire contents were consumed. Not a book nor a paper were sa ved, though they may yet be recovered from the iron safe in which they were deposited. The store of Messrs. S. Morris Wain & Co., ad, joining it on the north, was also enveloped in flame., ' and its contents also were consumed. The books and papers could not be reached. They were de posited in a safe, and are perhaps safe. The flames then spread to the store still further north, occupied by Mesers. Beneell & Allen, weigh masters; Messrs. Penrose A: Burton, commission and shipping merchants; and Robert Burton, ship ping merchant--and also the store, adjoining occu pied by Messrs. E. Lincoln and Co., produce and commission merchants, and by Mesa.. Peel, Ste vens & Co., as a sail loft. On the south of Meure. Lewis and Sterling's store, the fire crossed and ignited the roof of the store of Mr. Adam Hinkle, Rope Maker and Ship Chandler. The roof was burned considerably and the building drenched with water—hut the damage is not large and Mr. Hinkle is fully insured. Messrs. Lewis and Sterling had in their store be , tweet' 300 and 400 bake of cotton, and about 100 \ bales of wool, and 300 bales of hemp, with other oods, to the value of about $30,000, upon which ate is an insurance to corer the loss. Messrs. Morrie, Wain & Co., had a heavy and v Liable stock of goods, the loss of which is cot , eriyi by insurance. Masers. E. Lincoln Ac Co., are also insured. Thtlr books and papers were saved—the fire me n havisg succeeded in rescuing the Iron safes from the ( minting Rooms, quantity of Coffee Worst in tbi• buileingl•weed by Mtvierg. Huller tad Pet, tem., wra nj , lo u.ared. Messrs. Penrose and Burton lose about $16.000, which is fully covered by insurance. l'ilesars.Ben• sail and Allen, and Mr. Robert Burton, ere also protected from lou by insurance. Their books and papers wore eared. Messrs. l'eel, Stevens tl Co., Met a large and yak uabie hit of Sails and Sail Clothes—but emcee/idea In miming a portion of their clock. What is oar aurneJ is covered by insurance. ORE CommoT los IA NAovoo.—Under that head, the Warsaw Signal, ef December 25th, 1845, publishes the information that follows. It exhibit.' en interesting state of affairs amongst the mime. From recent disclosure.' we ttitpect that soma of the saints will find their way to the itertitentiary before they reach Oregon. 'lug ea our paper was going to pmae,. ; we r. ceived intelligence from Nauvoo, that the Lord has accepted the Temple, and that the long promised endowment, for which the Sainte have bocci ro long preparing, to new being received. This endowment consists in ribropticm of sill en iMing mnrriegen, and every gccd saint is et liberty to east away his present wife, and take any other who may ei:it him better. The consequence is, ali Nauvoo is in eamMotion, arid the saints are run ning about, pettedly wild with eciternent The reason why the Lord concluded to enclose his saints iti this singular manner, was because some husbands were willing to go. to Oregon, and their wives objected, and eke verso; on, they being mismatched, the Lord concluded to prevent difficul ty, by giving all willing ones a chance to select new partners for the expedition. CrThe widow of Joe Smith prMicanoiaa the let.: ter puOlialied in tho New York Sun, over her name, a few weeks since, a hoax. Wo auepocted so much. Reported for the — Journal." U. S. Senate at Huntingdon. January 22, 1846. Cornyn, of Teno., Speaker pro tem., called the Senate to order, when the min.! (ties of last session were read. The Bill fir the reduction of the Tariff being for debate and NVharton of Pa. entitled tat the float., that gelitlentan proceeded to de fend the Taritlof 184'3, in his usual mas terly manner. Ile argued that a nation was not iodependent so lung as she con sumed fabrics of foreign manufacture.— He animadverted on the report of the Secretary of the U. S. as a document which in revolutionary times would lutve [minded the aothor as a I.Tory." (Called to order.) Mr. Jacobs of Florida. Ms Constit uency were fILW heard for the first time on a question of such interest. The tar• iii is a tax arid the fact of its being bene ficial to the North is prima facia es idtri, of its being burthensome to the South.— The manufacturer and consumer, are the wo classes affected by a Tariff, and how inferior in number is the (motel" to the latter yet the one is benefitted at the ex pense of the other. Mr. Thompson of Ky. Tire reductioa of the Tariff must result in free trade.— Employment is given to the industriout under the Tariff. Minimum duties have caused a fall in prices of cotton fabrics. r. thhiauti of 111., gave at some length Ids feasting for voting for the Bill which would not operate ou a seciron but on the Union. Senators had advocated fees trade and some high protective duties— he was for a Middle coarse. 'The Sen ator front Pa., argued as if iron was alone protected. fs not :I dtity of lies on iron which can here he made and sold foi 830 too great a barthen to the consurner ? hie Tariff is not the cause of our pros perity. In 1823 there was a high Tariff, and a revolt was only quelled by the en. ergo and moral courage of Jaifesott and in the noble conduct of Clay, in his !Juice oGriog of the Compromise act. .. Mr. Williamson of N. J. There wax as much party feeling here as in Congress. Ile was surprised at the &risme froin ads ocatin,; a reduction of the Tariff tehect that state was in debt nine millions fur 13ritiali hon. We are deeply interested i n the 't mill. true mothers in the llie of their tea and coffee (I believe in the Smalls they eat mush tSz milk) and all the neces• sames cf life. 1 he previous quest::;:: demanded, the tnain question was put, tha pass, which was NEGATIVED The Siithe.rn Senators not voting, because they had not the satne repies2ntriun the north had. BILL FOR Errnzinzsto THE NATI/RAU. ZATION LAWS. —The Bill oftVIISOH of was then taken tip and the Senator' front Vt. proceeded to advocate its passage. , —; Ile remarked that it was not a sectional but an Amer:can Bill—Ameticans have the right to make and administer their own taws, have they the power at pregent? Bat the other Ohy an attempt With to intimidate the Executive of the U. S. by those who have not got rid of their monarchial notions—shall an American President he influenced by foreign threats ? A few years and it will be too late to rem edy the evil. The gentleman• then pro ceeded to show that in the heart of art American city, there was an Iris's quarter where Americans dare not congregate. and where they had been murdered in cold blood, and the stars and stripes trampled in the duct. Mr. Campbell of Md., viewed the ques tion as an American one but denied that 'migrants brought monarchial notions with them. Foreigners had come here to defend our soil. They seek protection front oppression. This Hill is aimed at particular religious sect, rfir c. On motion of Williamson of K J. San ('e adjourned.