Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 28, 1846, Image 1

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ffantitv ittioopaver—littottU to Central tittelltgence, nnerttotitg, politico, ?literature, Filorztlitg, sarto, 2:Wllm, agriculture, flutttomettt, Sam, bcc.
•27'cott. =ZI E , Sa
RIZ' 39 U.12131112:10
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The Empty Cradle.
She ids by the cradle with sadness and sighing.,
And holds the smell choo that her fair infant
Bar black-ribboned bonnet beside her is lying,
tAnd dark ate her feet from the path they've
come o'er;
For she has been out where the light breeze was
The drops from the flower., which the night hod
been weeping
Around the fresh grave where her Weil one was
So soundly its mother could wake it no more!
'Twee there she sped forth, when the morn yet was
With rose-tinte arid saffron the mild Orient sky;
•And there was she bowed, whilst the hot tears
were gushing
To shower the clod. from her wo•clouded eye.
She whispered—she called—but her child did not
hear her;
Her lips to its bbd she brought nearer and nearer;
Than life, with 411 ewe, oh, she felt it were dearer
Her darling to clasp but a moment--and die!
For this wait the hour, when, in beauty awaking,
Her babe had been wont her glad soul to Moine;
And now her worn heart-apnea we're bleedirmand
w breaking,
The glory of morn wept her spirit in gloom!
And death and the grave seemed their suppliantb
When back, in despair, to her chamber returning,
All drooping and torn and with fund bosom yearn•
She sought from the cradle what lay in the tomb,
But drear is its void—and its coldness, how chill•
With soft infant breathing. it soothes not her
, 06T.
'Tie grief's bitter essence all round it distilling;
;Liar cherub is gone—and death's loneliness here.
Oh! kern, keen toe anguish the now childless moth.
Retires in her babe's empty cradle to smother;
And, known to her soul and its God, but none
The weight of her wo and the price of her tear!
(' For the "Huntingdon Journal."
The Tariff.
To the author of ~ .flow it Works," in the Hun
tingdon Globe, of the 7th ult.:
Sin—lt was with feelings of proforind commis
eration I rose from the gerund of your communica
tion, in which you stigniatixe the Protective sys
tem is dunconetitutional, odious, Unjust and highly
oppreitive." That a yottng man should prostitute
brilliant attainments by denouncing a system which
hts.unfettered the whole. nation from a miserable
dependence upon foreign countries for many of our
supplies, rind thrown around our own laborers ind
mechanics a shield which will soon enable them to
defy the competition of the world, has in it sortie
thing id kindle indignation and inspire scorn in Ov-
ery man, whose heart beats true for the triumph of
American skill and industry, over the pauper labor
of Europe end the machination. of foreign foes.
That you will succeed in convincing any rational
mind that the policy you advocate is correct, I have
no serious apprehensions; for sad experience has
illustrated the deetructße tendencies of Free Trade
with a clearness that "lie who runs may read, and
the wayfaring man thohgh a fool cannot err
Your course on this vital question exhibits so
much incongruity that I trust you will pardon me
for briefly reverting to it here. In the campaign
of 1844 you wore conspicuous in singing hotlines
to James K. Polk, and your voice was loud in pro
claiming Crum the stump and in bar-rooinsihat
your candidates were the real friends of Protection,
and to make neurone° doubly sure, you pointed the
iacillating to your banners, as they fluttered in the
breeze, with the inscription,..Polk, Dallas, Shunk
ind the Democratic Tariff 011842," glittering up
on their folds, to corroborate your assertions: they
believed you, and the result was the complete tri•
emph of your candidates, by means so dishonest
and kandheit that it has axed a stein upon the
r2=uraffßl:el2/..,•Mct), 4z.&.v.r s2EO,, aEo.c.a!t.
character of your party as indelible as that on the
band of Lady Macbeth,
"The damned spot it will not out."
And, now, when it ie notorious that those whom
you and yout coadjutor. elevated to power ate bit
terly hostile to Protection; when they now call upon
the Democracy all over the lend to aid them in
crushing the Tariff of 1842, by rolling over it the
free-trade car of Jugerneut, we discover that a
"change has come o'er the spirit of your dreams,"
and find yoU with a devicable pliancy, contempti
ble even in the vilest parasite, obeying the official
mandate, and, with furious zeal, anathematizing
the same Tariff which, a few short months ego,
;you eulogized to the skies, as heing all "your fancy
painted it--inost lovely and divine." It has now
become a bill of abominations that grinds down the
poor, and you assert, with a recklessness in com
plete harmony, however, with your party character,
that its opperations are only advantageous to the
cotton nabob and the iron lord, whose sole object
is to amass wealth, that they may ride rough-shod
over the balance of the community. If a man may
believe you now, this odious and abominable Tar
iff is so selfish that it would take the bread from
the lips of eterving indigence—ruin Agriculture and
bury Commerce beneath the ocean's wave.
These ate your present sentiments; what a beau
tiful iontreat they present when compared with the
declarations of 1844! Yet there is nothing repug
nant in thin to the eyes of modern Democracy; for
she ha. established it as a dogma that every good
democrat must become an automaton, and turn
about and wheel about and do just as his party
leader pulls the string; he must wear his principles
as he does his garment., en that lie can change
them as occasion may requkroe. Were there any
person in your ranks who received his lessons on
Democracy from the gifted Jefferson, I should
think from very shame he would hang down his
"And blush to think himself a man,"
were he to accommodate himself to the rapid
changes required by the chameleon leaders of mod
ern Locofocoism. But you can do it; oh yea!—
Old Protein' was a booby compared to you, the
harlequin in the circus cannot change his attitudes
with half the facility that you can your principles.
Why, sir, you must have acquired your skill from
studying the book of Sadi, as expounded by that
old veteran Fatlladeen in Torn Moore', Lana Rookh.
Hear him: "When the Prince at noonday (even
though the sun be shining brightly at the time)
nays it is night, you must all confirm his assertion
by pointing to the heavens and swear that you
behold the moon and stars, for the Prince hath said
it, and the Prince cannot lie." Mr. Polk. Secre
tary, Walker, says that the Protective policy is
ruining the whole country; and he asserts this at a
time too when the United States is bounding for
ward in her prosperous and happy career with the
joy and rapidity of an eagle just set free. Yet you,
like a good obedient Locofoco, confirm his declara
tion. by asserting that boldness is languishing, and
the poor mechanics end laborers are Buffering dire
fully in consequence of the extortions at' cotton na
bobs and iron lords, for Mr. Polk has tiadl i t through
his oracle, %Volker, and it meat be no; because
neither the high Priest nor the oracle cab he, Bahl
You assert With much gravity that "trade is now
languishing." Is this true! I answer, emphatical •
ly, no; and assert that business of all kinds is now
more prosperous than it has been since 1836. Dv
you ask for the evidence! Look around you and
behold it. You can hear its voice in every breeze,
and you can see its symbols upon every canal, Rail•
road and navigable stream. Go ask the mechanic
and he will tell you he has as much work as he can
do. The fanner will tell you that he finds a ready
market fur all his product, at satisfactory prices.
Go to the habitations of the furnacernan, the forge
man, the woodchopper, and the collier, and you
will see contentment's happy smile irradiating every
countenance. Ask them about oppression and they
will tell you that they never saw its image
nor felt its withering blight. Do you require
more evidence! Then go among our mountains,
follow the sinuosities of our hundred streams in
places where, but a few years ago, solitude reigned
supreme, and furnacesand forges in the full tide of
auccessful operation will flash upon your astonish
ed vision, like the soldiers of Roderick Dhue ap
peared to Fitz-James at a blast of his bugle. It
will seem like enChantment, yet it is stern reality.
Again. You assert that this odious Tariff ofl
1842 ..compels the farmer to sacrifice his producti
at low prices, whilst he finds en increase in the
price of all the implements of his vocition, and in
the prices of salt, sugar, coffee, iron, &c., and on all
the necessaries of food and clothing for himself and
family." Really, sir, it seems to too that you know
as little about the present and former prices of
goods as the "man in the moon." And, were it
not for your occasional reference to the year 1842,
the lamentable ignorance you display of facts and
figu sea would induce me to suppose that you are a
second Rip Van Winkle, who has been sojourning
in the lard of dreams for the last six or seven years,
and stow, having just waked up, seize your pen .
and describe things as they were at the time yoU
fell asleep, under the impression that you are giv
ing an accurate portraiture of things as they now
exist. But, be that as it may, lam extremely W-
I py to have it to my power, (thanks to the Tariff, of
1842,) to show you that your assertions, as quilted
above, are as far from the truth as are the soles
asunder. Why, air, there is not a single ipicle
that you have enumerated but has very materially
fallen in price since the paisage of the Protective
Taiiff. If it be true, (and you assert in the most
positive terms bat it is,) that the duties imposed
by the present tariff must increase the price of eve
ry article consumed by the farmer, the laborer, and
the mechiMie, hOw does ithappen then that Cloths,
Cassimeres, atinets, Muslins, Calicoes, Alpachas,
Groceries of all kinds, Iron, Nails, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Hardwar'e of ail kinds, and indeed every arti
cle upon which this horrible Tariff of 1942 imposes
a duty, are now mold match lower than they were
in 1841 and 1842, when there was in operation
what was about equivolent to no tariff at all? An
swer me that master Brook. As the proof of the
pudding is in the eating, to use o trite adage, allow
me to refer you to the following table made up
from my own experience, aided by the books of a
merchant in this town, where you rill be able to
ascertain the average prices of the articles enumera
ted, for thefour years preceding the passage of the
present Tariff, and the average prices of the same
articles in the time that has elapsed since the bill
went into operation.
Previous to 1942. Since 1842.
Plaister per ton 1,11.00 no duty. $7.50
Salt per bus. 1.00 62i
do LK 3.00 2.00
Coffee per lb. 15/ same quality 10
Sugar do 11 do do 8
Domestic Muslin per yd. 11 do do 9
Calica per yard 18i do do 12/
Broadieloth per yard 6.50 do do 5.00
Cassimerea do 3.00 do do 2.00
Merino. do 75 do do 50
Nails per lb. 8 6/
do per keg 6.50 5.00
Glass per box 4.75 3.25
And I here defy you to name a single article,
either of domestic or foreign manufacture (except I
liquors and silks) which has not been reduced in
stead of raised in price since the passage of the
present Tariff, notwithstanding the advance in the
*ice of labor and material. Is thin grinding down
the poor, oppressing the mechanics and robbing the
farmer? Every man who has brains enough to
draw an inference from established facts will an-
over no.
Why, sir, the farmer finds a ready market and
good prices for his Rye, Corn, Oats, Hay; beef,
Pork, Potatoes, Hinter and indeed every other ag
ricultural product, at the very forges and furnaces
which the Tariff of 1842 caused to be erected. Is
this not affording him a home marker! le this no
advantage to the farmer? Go ask the two (Inners
in our town whether the Tariff of 1942 has de
pressed their business, end they will answer no.
Go to our tailor. with the some question and they
will tell you, notwithstanding the Israeli. you al
lude to is in town, that their art was never more
prosperous. Go to the man who toils ~f rom dewey
morn till duakey eve" for his daily bread, and he
too will tell you that he experiences none of the
eppressions you have so pathetically described; and
that he can buy more for his dollar now than he
could before the year 1842. It is melee. to multi
ply instances. In a word, then, go to any and ev
ery anon who is engaged in a legitimate or lawful
pursuit, and they will all give the lie to your reek
less assertion "that trade languishes," or that any
class of the community endures the wrongs you ra
j tribute to the Protective system, except Shylocks
and foreign Importers.
mud have opticks sharp I weep,
Who sees what is net to be seen."
Experience, that unerring arbiter, has demon
strated beyond all doubt or cavil, that a Protective
Tariff like the present is the great desideratum we
have so long needed to regulate and adjust the in
equalities which have heretofore existed in our com
merce with foreign nations. Previous to its estab
liehmout our country was annually drained of its
specie to supply the deficiency occasioned by our
imports exceeding our exports. In a word—We
bought more than we sold, and it does not r;quire
a very sagacious or astute man to foresee what the
consequence would be if this system of ruin and
extravagance was adhered to for any considerable
length of time. Our great staple products were
taken from us by the English and French and paid
fur with their manufactured goods instead of their
dollars. And in addition to this they forced theii
goods into our markets (there being, comparatively,
no duty ut the time) sod sold theta at auction in
such immense quantal's, fur the cash, that our
markets becoming overstocked our own manufactti
rem were compelled toiuspend business, and thou
sands of them, paynient too. The tariff bill was
passed, and the very next year proved that it had
realized the predictons and anticipations of its
friends—England ant' France unable to do without
our raw materials, timid that under the beneficient
influence of Protectiin we had gone to work and
were making many t the same fahricka with which
they had been in the 'habit of exchanging with us
for our cotton and Other staple pioducts, so that
they were compellel to pay us in silver instead of
bread cloths, cvssinerea, calicos &c. The balance
of trade was in ow favor ; we sold more than we
bought and the happy result is our present inde
pendent and flourishing condition. And now for
south, this well trieC and glorious system, which has
lavished "permaneit benefits and blessings" all
over the land with aprodigality unparalelled in the
history of any nation tart bo crushed ; the whole
some restraints which unposes upon trade must
be abolished to make 4om for Mr. Walker's poi
dragon—Free Trade!
Pray, Sir, what VI.
Tariff of 1842 was est
try was agitated with
our condition before the
fished The whorticouti
ery convulsion eiiiving
out of the disordered state of trade. The wheels
of the mannfacturer had ceased to revolve—the
hammer of the Forgo was silent—the fires of the
Furnace were extinguished—the arm of industry
was paralyzed—the spirit of enterprise had folded
her wings and dark cloud., big with portentous
ruin, hung like a pall over every branch of business
threatening to burst and wheiin the whole American
System in an abyss of destruction. The Tariff of
1842 was eatabllshed. Now mark the change.—
The coverint was made and the radiant bow of
Protection rested upon the sable bosom of the
clouds. The people hailed it with bon fires, illu
minations and rejoicing; those whom the evils of
the times had prostrated in the rind rose, Phcenix
like, and with happy hearts began to restore that
which had been so ruthlessly destroyed ; all classes
of the community felt its revivifying influence; the
air again became vocal with the tumult of a vast
and industrious people once more engaged in the
thousand branches of social occupation ; everything
moves on as "merrily as a marriage bet!," and the
whole country once more realizeir the declaration at
General Jackson of being 'Free, prosperous,And
happy"— .
This is not an exaggeratedpiitirre; it even falls
short of the reality, and yet, with arguments en
compassing you on every hand as with an atmos
phere, showing you clearly that you are recommen
ding a system which has proved as ruinous in prac
tice as it is false in theory, you still persist, with
aurprismg pertinacity, in your endeavors to convince
the people that a Protective Tariff is "unjust and
highly oppressive." Vain attempt! Our Ameri
can mechanics have purchased their knowledge of
Free Trade at too great a sacrifice to ever forget
its admonitions; besides Sir, I am proud to say that
they do not possess those cringing and fawning
attributes which makes the spaniel
o Crouch, with blind instinct, moo the rod,
And lick the foot that trends him in the dust."
In conclusion allow me to assure you, (for you
seem not to know the fact) that our mechanics and
laborers possess too touch "sound sense and solid
information," ever to become captivated or lead
astray by your Utopian arguments, which, perhaps,
would sound like the harmony of truth in the ears
of adolescency, but when proclaimed to full grown
men they vibrate upon their understanding with
all the discord of a lie, and sad experience has taught
many of them that free trade, which you represent
as possesing all the beauty and gentleness of the
dove, will, when adopted and taken to their bosorrts
display the viler and more destructive attributes of
the Vulture. VIA'I'OR.
nurlarsadon, Jan. 85, 1846.
Roger W illiams,
In February of the first year of the colony of
Massachusetts, but a few months after the arrival
of Winthrop, and before either Cotton or Hooker
embarked ftd New England, there arrived ut Nan
tucket, after a stormy passage of thirty-six days,
a young minister, godly and zerilens, having pre
cious gifts.' It was ROGER WILLIAM, He was
then but little moro than thirty years of age; but
his mind had already matured a doctrine which se
cures him an immortality of fame, as its applica
tion baa given perice to the American world. He
was a puritan, and a fugitive from Englislipersecu
tion ; but his wrongs had not clouded Id. mourate
understanding. In the capacious recesses of his
own mind he had revolved the nature of intole:ance,
and he alone had arrived at the great principle
which is its sole remedy. He announced his dis
covery under the simple proposition under the saw
tity of conscience. The civil magistrate should re
strain crime, but never control public opinion—
should punish guilt, but never violate the freedom
of the soul. The doctrine contained within itiplf
a complete reformation of theologteul jurispruderolte;
it would blot from the statute book the felony k
non-conformity ; quench the fires that persecutiou l
had so long been burning ; would repeal every law
compelling attendance on public worship ; would
abolish tithes and all forced contributions to the
maintainanco of religion ; would give an equal
protection to every form of religious faith ; and nev
er suffer the authority of the civil government to be
enlisted against the mosque of the Massulman or
the altar of the fire worshiper. ; against the Jewish
synagogue or the RomoM Cathedral. It is wonder
ful with what distinctness Roger Williams deduced
those inferreiMes from his great prim iPle—the con
sistency with which, like Pascal and Edwards,
those bold and profound reasoners on other subjects,
he accepted every fair inference from his doctrine.,
and the circumspection with which he repelled
every unjust imputation. In the unwaveiing as
sertion of his views he never changed his position ;
the sanctity of conscience be defended, as he first
trod on shores of New England ; and in his ex
treme old age, it was the last pulsation of his
I heart.
At a time when Germany was the battle field of
all Europe in the implacable wars of the revolution ;
when even Holland was bleeding with the anger of
vengeful factions ; when France was still to go
through the fearful struggle with bigotry; when
England was gasping under the despotism of intol
erance ; almost half a century before William Penn
became proprietary ; and two years before Descartes
founded modern philosophy on the method of free
reflection—Roger Williams asserted the great doc-
trine of intellectual liberti. It became his glory to
stamp himself upon its rising institutions in char
acter so deep that the impress has remained to the
present day, and can nem be erased without tbs
total destruction of the work. The principle which
he first sustained amidst the bickering of a colonial
parish, next in the general Court of Massachusets,
and then introduced into the wilds on the Norm
ganset Boy, he soon found occasion to publish it to
the world, and to defend as the basis of the religious
freedom of mankind; so that, borrowing the rhet
oric employed by his antagonist in derision, we
may compare him to the lark, the pleasaUt bird of
the peaceful summer, that affecting to soar aloft,
springs upward from the ground, takes his rise front
pale to tree,' and at last surmounting the highest
hills, utters his clear carols through the Alea of the
morning. He was the first person in modern chris
tendom to assert in its plentitude the doctrine of the
liberty of conscience, the equality of opinions be
fore law, and in its defence he was the harbinger of
Milton, the precursor and the superior of Jeremy
Taylor. For Taylor limited his toleration to a few
christian sects; the philanthropy of N.Villiants com-
I Passed the earth ;—Taylor favored partial reform,
commended lenity, argued for forbearance, and en
tered a special plea in behalf of each tolerable sect;
Williams would permit persecution of no opinion,
of no religion, leaning heresy unharmed by law,
and orthodoxy unprotected by the 'terrors of penal
Taylor still clung to the necessity of positive reg•
ulntions enforcing religion and eradicating error ;
he resembled the poets, who, in their folly, first de
clare their hero to be invulnerable, and clothe him
in earthly armor:, Williams was willing to let truth
alone, in her own panoply of light, believing that if,
in the ancient feud between truth and error, the
1 employment of force could be entrely abrogated,
1 truth would have the best of the bargain. It is the
custom of mankind to award high honors to the
successful enquirer into the laws of nature, to those
who advance the bounds of human knowledge.—
We praise the man who first analysed the air, or
resolved water into elements, or drew the light
nings from the clouds; even though the discover
-1 ies may have been as much the fruit of time as of
genies. A moral principle has a much wider and
nearer influence on human haPpiness , nor can any
discovery of truth be of more direct benefit to soci
ety than that which establishes a perpetual religious
peace, and spreads tranquility through every com
munity and every bosom. If Copernicus is held in
perpetual reverence, because on his death bed, he
published to the world that the sun is in the centre
o . f our system; if the Mime of Kelper is p reserved
in tho annals of human excellence fir liii sagacity
lin detecting the hiws of the plitifetary motion ; if
the genius of Newton 13119 been almost adored for
i dissecting a ray of light and yea/glair., heavenly
bodies as in a balance—let there be for Roger Wil- I
hams at least autos humble place among those who I
have advanced moral science and made themselves
the benefactors of mankind.
wttx. roitami TXIE I
I will forget the when the spring in over,
I whispered faintly tn thy IMUnting shade,
When murmuring bees from out the sweet breathed
Steal honey-laden down the silent glade ;
When deep, dark forests wills their penciled sha
Thick dressed with summer foliage repose ;
And when like ocean isles the upland meadows,
Unrol their verdure to the dewy skies.
But now, the spring with magic light and beauty,
But bids me fold these memories to my breast,
The sterner voice cf pride, and woman ' s duty;
Not note may break my sweet, delicious rest
I will forget thee ! Ah, the summer breezes
Come stealing softly through my casement
bars,-- :
3till memory faithful to the by-gone seizes
Upon the past: and hero beneath the stare,
Where summer dews dros downward with a bless
Where none might dream of earthly sin or ill,
ridnet my very will, and wish transgressing,
.f kneel and clasp this love-dream closer still!
\ Oct in summer, when each flower is Wiling
tale of passion to the dainty .air„ ,
Bee. ve me of,the bliss my bosom swelling,
T .lunge mo outward into deep despair.
I Anil ~r e.,et thee, when the year is dying,
Vt h rosy hours no moro throng round the
And col std co:orless the leaven are lying,
That q Ivered,brightly in the solstice ray:
When ea. thing fair and lovely has hens stricken,
And Be. ty's children level lie in dtist;
When tern • t bearing clouds more darkly thicker..
And birds he sunshine and the air distrust,—
Then, shall a tuinnal spirits grieving wander
Among the „ ins of the seasons past,
And this fond tart shall cease to hold and pon
The hopes, no and cherished to the last'
the late Richard ni
date for the repro 1, ,
told his father tha ";
a label on his ford
side with tho party I
*Right, ,
add the word 'unfurl Cu ,
on Thomas elherideh, eon of
-inky bheritlan, wee a candi-
Aation of n COrnieh borough, be
'he succeeded Le should phtl./
id, with the words , to let,' and
it node the beet Wet.
it , father, 'but don't forget to
•What are you writ)
hand (or, Pat!'
dale, and I'm wriiin' a
auch a diundcring big
lu see Yny grandntd.heee
tette,' to her?
`QTESiIIn. (1.)r1.c €)
A BEAuTIVUL Fsce- 7 is like a lovely end fra
gile , flower fair and delightetil to look
Painted by a master hand, we watch its colorings
with a tender cegard-.--saaeon it with greet Wee
tion--would bear it to our bosom, and win it os our
own. For a while it is the. living idol of our daily
praisp—the charm which binds ue with a willing
power. But time breeds the canker. Its beauty
diminishes—its freshness is gone; decay scarce
leases a trace of what svas once et pride and a wor
ship. It iron our bosom still, but elari . .itis there
in pity that it should be mortal, and must parish.
A 13act:Fisi, Mr.ern—ds like it precious and
prolific seed--the mother of lovelinene=the foun
tain of bliss 7 -the produce of many treasured and
ineatimabla flowers—Which neither canker can de
far; nor tine destroy. Even should there be those
of its lovely produce pass twiny, yet the source is
there--the Seed remains to revive—to remodify—
to place again on our bosom and near our hearts,
in renewed beauty—in the same deep interest and
winning power its at find. We Would geiher it
as the richest possession--as the well spring of
the purest,. most abundant and enduring joys—as
our support—our comfort--and, the cherished o&
ject, worthy of our highest admiration; end we
could cling to it, thanking (led that it is immortal
—living forever.--.4dvocale.
'P. Tarn DocTntnx.--A Iriend 11.3 eloquent•
ly speaks: "The true doctrine ie this—if a man
has ten cents in his pocket and owes ho men any
thing, he is rich, yea +ich !--,far above three who,
with ail the externals of wealth and pomp and hol
low hearted fashion, are In reality poor in puree,
poor in pleasure. must as a man increaser in dal
' lars,lie decreases in the capapility of enjoying this
life. And 1 hold it true that the world was made to
be enjoyed, and that drily- 7 hourly—every minute.
I would not give a fig for etch pleasure as springs
alone from wealth. A man must have it in him,
There is no blood in a turnir —but there is life
in a dry pebble to the Men that can era it. There
is fire in a flint—and power in a drop of water, if
! you will only take the pains to bring it out. It ie
the internals that makes the man, not the Wet
, nals."
r.":"fA New Englander,. riding ins railroad car,
off South West somewhere, seemed particularly
disposed to astonish the Other passengers with .
tough stories about Yankeetloni. At last he men
' tioned that one of his neighbors owned an immense
dairy, and made a million pounds of butter and •
million pounds of cheese y early. This story pro
duced some sensation, and the Yankee perceistni
thatl,t. veracity was in danger of being questioned,
appealed to n friend en follenvel—
.True„ isn't it, Mr. P. speak ufDeacon Brevity
—you know Deacon Brown?'
'Ye-e•s, replied the friend, that is yes; I know
Dcaciin brown, I dbn't know as I ever heard pre
cisely how many pounds of butter and cheese he
1-;nicen a year, but I know that he has twelve saw•
mills that by Futter milk.'
Geou.—A few days ago, a gentleman, looking
over his tailor's account, observed a charge of sev
en shillings more on a coat than he had been ue,
costumed to pay. On inquiring, the tailor inform•
ed him that he had lee obliged to take up an ad
ditional quantity ofcloth. 'Why,' exclaimed the
gentleman, 'it was leered) , half a year ego that you
told meyoii managed to get a waistcoat for your
little boy froM What remained of the cloth you
made my coat from; I cannot conceive why I should
require more now, as I ern convinced I have not
increased any in size since that period.' 'Pio sir,'
said the tailor, 'you are .inuch the santq es, tisual,
but my little boy is so suprisingly grown that you
would scarcely know him.'
The following linos aro not remarkable for poo•
try, biit the sentiment is excellent. An ohaereancei
of the direction would make the world happier an 4
wetter •
What are another's faults to me
I've not a vulture!. bill.
To pick at every flaw I see,
And Make it wider 0111:
It is enough for me tp know
I've follies of tni own
And on pay hettrA the care bestows
And let my friend's alone:"
ita!eigh Regieler.
t'Wq never yet knew a bpy or a man who from
early life spoke, truth and si.untied a falsehood. that
was not virtuous in all other respects, and who did
not acquire and enjoy the confidence end esteem of
society. Truthfulness hi one of the chief corner
stones in a good and reer.ectable character. Youeg
man !--never utter a falsehood f--never be tempted .
to depart front st;ict truth in all you say. False
words cotrie kom a false heart and a false beset
breeds emruption that. Soon taints sod spoils the
whole charoctet."
Lusa no Peon., ,—The, Cineionati
Atlas of Thursday last gives a list of eighteen flat
boats, firineilitilly laden with dour, 9it 0.1 and
sunk by the ice between that city. and Louisville;
The cargo'es of acme were cored inn damaged con
dition, while others were wholly lost. Thesiearn
bout Little Ben is reported Sunk and a total
near Liberty, en the Upper Mississippi. The Lucy
Long, ditto, in the Ohio, below Louisville. Th
Palestine has also been demolished by ice a ft,
mile. below the mouth of the Ohio ; Also the Ar ,
,4kansaa No. b, boat and cargo total less; also, the
Diligence. Then were all steamboats. Five of
elk ethers were aground in hazardous conaitieti: