Railroad Convention. This body met at Harrisburg on the 12th instant, and was organized by the appointment of (ien. J. K. MOREHEAD, as President, assisted by a number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries. The °bleat)! this Convention did not appear to be generally understood previous to its assembling, and the consequence was that delegates appeared from all parts of the State. It appeared when they got into Convention that the friends of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad lied been most industrious and were able S tu out number the friends of other projects, and the consequence was, that the Mends of the Juniata Route withdreiv and organi zed a separate body. The following is the substance of the resolutions passed by the first organization : The first resolves that Pennsylvania possesses within herself great resources, and the means of connecting Within her own soil the waters of the Ohio and of the Great Lakes with those of the Atlantic.— The second declares that Pennsylvania, and especially Philadelphia, would be blind to then• interest were they to permit the trade of the great West to seek other routes for want of such connection. The third Resolves that the Erie and Sun. hurry It. R. is found by actual survey to be the best mode of connecting the Lakes with the Atlantic. The fourth. Resolves that such a Railroad would be of great )olvantage, not only to Philadelphia and Erie, but to the while country through which it would pass, and to the State at large. Theft/a Resolution recommends to the Li II re to incorporate a Company to construct a Railrtiail by the most practicable route betweea Harrisburg and Pittsburg on such just and libsral principles as will at the same time secure its coinpletion and protect the Public Improvements al ready made. The Resolution gave rise to discussion, Judge 'Thompson opposing Ton the ground that all the roads could tot be made, and he thought the Erie one °lust be. He was replied to eloquently and effectually by lion. C. B. Penrose, of Lanctsr, Mr McDowell, of Cambria, Mr. Shannon ot Indiana and others, atter which the Resolution was adopted almost Withou t. a dissenting voice. The:fifth Reaolution approves of grant ing the Right of Way to the Baltimore and Ohm Railroad under proper restric-. tiona—the right of connecting, '&c, The iixth recommends the itictlfporation of a Company to constitute . a Railroad from Chamberslmeg to intersect, the Baltimore \ and Ohio Railroad. , The scvei2th derlarea that it is the opinion of the convention that it the Baltimore and Obit) Railroad Coinr.ny are permitted to reach the Ohio below Pittsburg it will be ruinous. to the puutic improvements and interests of Pennaylvattia. The eighth provides f or publialiing the proceedings of the Conven tion in the newspapers, and sending copies to the Legislature. The Delegates who seceded from the foregoing convention met up stairs and permanently by placing the Hoar. JAMES' CLARK, in the Chair, and the lios. C. BUCHER and others as Vice Presidents. The Convention is un tierstood to be in favor of a continuous Railroad by the nearest and best route be tween Harrisburg and Pittsburg, and not favorable to the Baltimore and Ohio Con- Ve sl iOll. • Gen. AYRE3 of Dauphin, from the Committee appointed for that purpose . . presented a preamble and .resolutions in favor or the middle or Juniata route, which, after speeches being delivered by Messrs. Ayres and Petrekin of llarris iturg and James Clark and Sheriff Lawson of Indiana, were unanimou , ly adopted. Reported for the "Journal." Court of Quarter Session& At the late Court of Quarter Sessions of this county, the following cases were disposed of as follows: . Commonwealth vs. Patrick Lang. In dictment for Assault and B ittery ou Elizabeth Teeter, in Hopewell township. Verdict, Guilty. Sentence of the Court, that the defendant pay a tine of 1114.00 and costs of prosecution. Com'ili vs. Joseph Stewart. Indict ment for obstructing the. highway leading from the borough of Huntingdon to the Warm Spring road, in Henderson town ship. Verdict, Guilty. A motion for a new trial is pending in this case. Coned& vs. Zit Heeler. Indictment fur Fornication and Bastardy. Verdict, Guilty. Usual sentence. . Coneth vs. Milian& Heeler and fin. drew Henderson. indictment fur Mali cious Misehief in entering the close of one George B. Matthews with !nice and arms, and wilfully and maliciously beat ing, wounding and ill-treating the horses, mules, geldings and cults of him the said Matthews, and driving them into his buck-wheat held in September last. Ver dict, Guilty. Sentence of the Court, that the defendants jointly pay a flue of $5.00 and costs of prosecution. . Several other unimportant cases were settled without the aid of a jury. The Jurors, Grand and reverse, were discharged on Thursday; and a long ar gument list was disposed of on Friday and Saturday. E 1 Ea K. Why ahuuld all gitls, u wit exclaimed, itturprieing farmers be ti ecauee they're always itudying The art of husband-4y, ANOTHER FOREIGN ARRIVAL— EIGHT DAYS LATER THAN THE NEWS BY THE ACADIA. The lowa sailed from Havre 12th Dec ember, and brings us London dates to 10th, end Havre to day of sailing. The announcement of the London Times as to the repeal of the Corn Laws, and open ing of the ports, was evidently premature but there are intimations that a commer cial treaty is on the tapir between Great Britian and the U. S. The unworthy in sinuation against our Minister, Mr. Mc- Lane, was promptly met and checked by the Secretary of Legation. 'IIIK CORN LAWS The uncertainty as to what the inten tions of Ministers are respecting the Corn laws appears to have checked all specu lation in the English funds, and the spirit of inactivity •which has for several days characteriiea the English markets has to day,extendea Itselt to those for Ecieign Stocks and Shares.,--Globe. We hear from all hands of steady and unostentatious preparations for placing the country in a proper state of defence in the event of any unfortunate diffeience with America and of these .preparations the mercantile interest. scent generally very much to approve, even though doubt. ing whether any serious misunderstanding will arise. STILL LATER.—We learn front tho 'United States Gazette of last evening that there is news from England four days later th an the above.' The British Cabinet has been dissolved, and Sir Robert Peel has retired. The Corn Laws is the question at issue. Parliament has again been prorouged. Great excitement is tho consequence throughout England. lIVIWENIAL RECORD. MARRIED.—On the let inst., by Rev. Mr. Gwin, Dr. J. A. Shade, of Shade Gap, to Miss El len C. daughter of John Ashman, Esq., of Three Springs, Huntingdon County. On the 6th inst., II the Rev. Wm..l. Gibson, Mr. Andrew Fetrotsgh, to Miss Debora D. Mc Ma lan, of Sinking Valley On the 15th inst., by David Snare, Esq., Mr. John Winter, to Mice Mary Giant, both of Hun tingdon Borough. On the Bth inst., by Israel Grath's, Esq., Mr. Joel henberk, to Miss Ann Ewing, both Of Po, t er township. OBITUARY RECORD. DIED.—In Williamsburg, on i'riday last, THOMAS, son of Mr..lohn R. Meloy, aged about 6 years. NOTICE. ALL persons who know themselves indebted to the subscriber for medicine & medical services rendered are respect. fully requested to pay off their accounts soon if possible. Ills distressed condi tion (having lost his all by the late fire) compels him to make this call, so that he may be enabled to build up some place to shelter himself and family, and start in business again. JACOB lIOFFNI AN. N. IL The subscriber intends to con tinue the practice of medicine. Those who wish.. to call on hill - . for medical ad vice or medicine may find him at the Drug Store of Thos. Read & Sun, Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa. Orphan's Court Sate. lilprj virtue of an order of the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, win be exposed to public salt Oil 114nday the 6th if April next, at the !muse of JAMES M'MURTRIE, Inn-keeper, in West township; EIGHT TRACTS, of Unsealed Land, late the property of Jacob K. Neff, dec'd, situate ill said township, one containing 400 hun dred acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hairy Cana,' : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of David Stewart One containing 400 acres, surveyed en a warrant in . the name of A. Johnston : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hugh Jomiston: One containing 400 acres, surveyed . o n a warrant in the name of Henry We • One containing 110 400 acres, surveyed o 1 arrant in the name of Thos: McCune: 7 ne containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the mune of James Dean : and one containing 900 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the naineol John Adams. TEAMS :—One halt of the purchase Money to be paid on the confirmation of ifie 'sales, respectively, and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, Jan. 21, 1845—ts. Executor. COURT MARTIAL. Head Quarters, Barree Forge, Janu• ary 15, 1846. A general Court Martial will be held at the house of Mr. Phillips, in Pine Grove Centre County, on Thursday the sth day of February next, for the trial ot Captain Thomas Whittaker of the 6th Company sth Regiment, 2nd Battalion, P. M., and such others as may be broaght before it. The Court will consist ot Col. Adam Keith, 3d Regiment, Cul. James Clinger, sth Regiment, Col. John G. Stewart, 2nd Regiment, Major Thomas Reese, 2nd Batt., 4th Regiment, Major John Zent myre, Ist Butt. 3d Reg., Lieut. Col. Jon• athan Kre►ner, 5 Reg., Major Abednego Stevens,.2nd Batt. Volunteers—Captain David Blair, Judge Advocate. By order of S. Miles Green, Brigade General, 2. Brig. 10 D. P. M. DAVID BLAIR, Aid de C. Jan. 21, 1845 tf. MSTRATS. CAME to the residence of the subscri ber, in Snyder tp. about the Ist of Decem ber last, 3 Strays; two Brindle Steers, one of them having a bell on; also, one other Steer with black sides and white back, all supposed to be three years old last Spring—having nu marks, except that the hair, is cut square off the end of their tails ; the owner or owners are re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, other wise they will be disposed of according to law. HENRY GARLAND. January 21, 1846.-st. ESTRATS. CAME to the residence ni : the sub scriber in the early part of last summer two stray Bulls ; one is a dark brindle, with a small star on the foHiead, and the 'Other is a light brindle with.a white streak along the back, white spot on the head and some white upon the legs. Also a black heifer, in October last, with a white spot on the forehead. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove preperty, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be dispo sed of according to law. JOSEPH PARIS. Jan. 21, 1846—pd. 1 Auditor's Notice: THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the assets in the hands of John P. Snare, Administrator of Nichodemus Benson, der'd, will attend for that purpose, at his office in the Bor ough of Huntingdon, MI Wednesday the 25th day of February next, at one o'clock P.M. , • , GEORGE TAYLOR, Auditor, Jan. 21, 1845-4 t. Bridge Proposals. The undersigned, .Commissioners of Huntingdon county, will meet at the house of Robert Carman, in the Horobgh of Al exandria, on Friday the 16th day of Feb• ruary next, for the purpose of receiving proposals for building a Bridge. across the Frankstown branch of the Juniata River at the Borough of Alexandria where the great road leading through Woodcock Valley to Bedford crqsses the said river. - - plan and specifications will be ex iibited on that day. MORDECAI CHILCOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, Com's WILLIAM BELL, Commissioners' Office, Ilitn tingdun, Jan. 9.1, 1846. 3t. ljtTe half of an "old rusty" hor.se•shoe Reward. Run away from the subscriber, living in Snyder tp. liuntingdon county, on the 3d of Dec. 1845, an indented apprentice to the Blacksmith business, named Dewey Douglass, he is fifteen years of age, about 5 feet high dark complexion, had on when he went away, black pantaloons and blue frock cost. lihereby caution any person from harborin4 said apprentice—the above reward will be given to any person return ing him to me. JOHN FOX. Snyder tp . Jan. 21, 1836.—pd. Orp42es Court Sate. BY virtue .of an alias order of the Or phan's Coul , of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to s le, by public vendue ur outcry, on the pren es, Ott Fridaj the 6th of February, 1846, RS the property of John Scullin, dec'd, a lot of ground 2ith a large and commodious TAVERN MUSE, hereon erected, two stories hiO, part log aid weathir-boarded and part trame, situ ate in the borough of Petersburg, in said county, new occupied as a public house by MT. Mary Scullin. Also parts of two oth er 'ots in ;aid borough, on which are erected a liege frame stable, and a small log stable, tipptirtedant tb the tavern stand. TERMS OF SALE :--One half of the purihate money to be, paid on the confirma tion if. the sale, and the residue in two equal annutl payments thereafter, with interest, to be lectured b f the bonds and mortgage of ' the pttchaser. By the Court. JACOB MILLER, Clerk. ...11:7811e to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. 01 said. city. Attendance will be given by JOHN M'CULLOGH, Adm'r. Jan. 1 1845, • . Liss lion of Partnership. at He trtnership heretofore existing be tw nA. J. Stewart and John T. Hor rell, :rat i,q under the firm of Stewart & Horrells as beetv this day dissolved by mu tual :on nt. All persons having, claims against sic' firm Ayill please present them for seltleetent and all. persona who know themsdves in anyway indebted, will Please call aid settle between this and the first of Marci next, afteryehich time the books will be leftin the hands of a proper officer for collect r . A. J. STEW ART, - - . • 3.. T. HUBBELL. Wat4reet,Pec..l, 1845. N. B.. The subscriber, thankful for pass patrons l would inform his friends and the public it "eneral, that he will continue the Receivit and Forwarding business at the old starnat Waterstreet. A. J. STEWART. Dec. 5,1845. N. B.— The subicriber, thankful for past favors, utkild inform hisfriends and the pub lic in gegiral, that he will be found continu ing the lliceiving and Forwarding business, at Laure Port, three-fourths of a mile east of Wateatreet, formerly occupied by J. W. Kinkead, JOHN I'. HORRELL. Dec. 3,, 1845. # 4. W. BENEDICT, ATTOBY EY AT LAW—HUNTINGDON, Pa.—Cllce at his old residence in Main street, 1 few doors. West of the Court House. A. W. B. will attend to any bu siness qtrusted to him in the several courts Hu ntin gdon• and adjoining coun ties. April 30, 1843 .—tf. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE, vvv ILL be sold at public sale on FRIDAY. /' the TntaTxxxviof FEBRUARY next, on the premises, now in the occupancy of Mr. Abner Loyd. The farm contains 350 'llexes, more or less, was the property of Mr. Peter Swoope, late of Huntingdon county, Pa., and bequeathed by him to the heirs of Mrs. Mary Huyett, deceased, of Washington county, Maryland. This farm lies in Hartz log valley, in a most etcellent neighborhood, being convenient to the County Town of Huntingdon, and also the Pennsylvania canal, which is only three or four miles oft'. 'There is also a number of mills quite con venient to it. The road from Huntingdon to Williamsburg passes through this farm and adjoins the lands of Ex-Governor For ter,Jacob Huyett, John McCalian, and John Huyett, and is of the best quality of land. The iniprovements con . snit of TWO LOG .; HOUSES and two d barns,withseveral nev er failing springs of water convenient to the houses and could be very advantageously laid off into two farms, as the buildings are convenient for such an arrangement. Thore are fine timothy Meadows,_a number of fruit trees and a sufficient quantity of .fgv n e timber, This land is well adapted to the growth of grain. It will be offered and sold as one farm o'r in lots of several parcels, as may best suit both iwties. From the many advantages this farm possesses, it is well worthy the at'xii tion of capitalists. Possession will be given i on the Ist day of April, 1846. Grain n the ground excepted. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M.,,0f said day. TERMS.—One third of the purchase money required to be paid on the first day of April next, and the balance in two equal annual payments, with approved notes, bear ing interest trom the first day of April, 1846. When the whole of the purlicase money is paid, a good and sufficient deed will be made, By the Heirs of Mrs. Mary Huyett, dec'd. Dec. 31, IRIS. N. B. If the purchasers desire it, half of the crop of grain in the ground will also be offered by the acre, on the above mentioned day of sale. Persons wishing to view the property, will please call on Mr. Abner Loyd and Mr. Henry Knode. Lancaster Examiner will please publish till day of sale, and send bill to this office. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERTRAND ROSS, *ro. nO Chestnut St., south side, 4 doors below Fourth st.; P ILA D, E PHIA, Respectfully informs the citilens of Huntingdon County, that he r has refitted and opened the above establishment, where he is pre pared at all times, to furnish Bra ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in .thta country. Also, a su perior quality of Caps, for officers of the Army and 'Navy, together with Dress, Ri ding and Sporting Caps a new and splen did style of Childrens' and Boys! Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La dies. Jast received, per Steam Ship Great Western, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assort ment of ChiWrens' French Caps. I am determined that my hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of anv other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845. Strad Steers sdAME to the residence of the subscriber in Warriorsmark township, nu the first day of Dec., 1845, 2 steers; the one is a pale red wit h a w bite face, the other a red brindle, supposed to be 3 years old last spring. The owner is requested, to come forward, prove property and take them away, otherwise they will be, disposed of according to law. JOHN BECK. Dec. 17, 1845. Proclamation. WHEREAS by precept to me direc ted by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear ing test the 29th day of Nov. A. D. 1845, I ant commanded to make Public Pro clamation throughout thy whole bailiwick that a court of Common Pleas will be held at the court house, in the borough of Huntingdon, in the couniy of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and 19th day) of January A. 1). 1845, for the trial of all issues in said court which remain undeter mined before the said Judges when and where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all said issues are required to attend. Dated at Huntingdomthe 29111 day of Nov. A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and forty-five, and the 68th year of American Independence. JOHN ARMITAGE Ski. Sheriff's office Hunting don, Dec. 24,1845. .4'uniata Bridge Notice. Take notice that an election will be held at the house of Christian Couts, in the bo rough of kluntingdon, on Tuesday, the 13th day of January next, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing one President. six Managers, one Secretary and Treasurer, to manage and transact the concerns of said Company for the eiv,rain year. By order of the Board, •I. DORLAND, Sec'ry. Huntingdon, Dec. 24, 1845. Stray Steer. AME to the residence of the subscriber, living in West township, about the 15th of May last, a red and white spotted steer, about one year old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take him away, otherwise he will. be dlspoied of according to law, SAMMEL MYTON. Dec. 31,1845. A. K. CORNVII, ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Huntingdon Pa. Office in Main str4et. two doors East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House, Trial List for January Term, 1646, UthstimGarboesEeromSpaw&Gowteld MartinGMu ImAWbertMoom Andrew P. VVilsoc, vs. Michael Buoy Lumbard for Moore wt. Samuel Caldwell William Mlrite vs. Sta!na & Pennocks Ez A. D. Leonard.. vs. Lytle & Patterson Com'th of Penn's:. vs. Alex. Ennis et al John P. McDowell vs. John Dougherty Thomas Williams vs. Christian E. Craine John ew Drattl . _ vs. Robert Kyle Todd & Lemon vs. Geo. W. - Fatterson Andrew IL Hirst vs. Benjamin Johnston Kimberling for Johnston vs. John F. Lowry David W:Hulings vs. hand Rogers & Co. Thomas for Dysart . vs. (ho, S. Hoover P. Frazer Smith vs. William Pollock Julius M'Ounigal vs. George Mongs' Ezra Dr. Alex. Johnston vs: Dr. Charles O'Friel John Dickey's Adm'rs vs. Andrew P. Wilson M. C. Garber vs. John F. Lowry George 13.,Matthews vs. John Marks George E!!iot vs. Win. Sol. Shomo Joseph Parsons vs. Alexamler Scott Jas. Martin's Adm'rs vs. John Dougherty James Dysart vs. Hugh Seeds et al C. H. Leas & Co. vs. Jacob Drake James Entrekin's Errs. vat Geo. Smith's Adm're Com'th of Penna. or. William Price et al Leonard Kimball vs, John M'Cahan Joe. Higgins & Co for use vs. Israel Grafius John FT Lowry vs. M'Bride, Royer & Co Ludwick Lingafelt 'vs. Xerius Leff _ . J. D. Davis for use vs. John Dougherty Williams for Williams vs. John P. Jones Stopher for Hartman et al vs. Johnston & Hays Henry K. Swoops vs. Geo. W. Patterson David Robison vs. Moses Robison Potts for M'Nite & Leas V.s. Lightner, Carothers al Ewing for Gates vs. James Ewing Potts for M'Nite & Leas vs. Lightner.. Carothers etl Same vs. ' Same Samuel Caldwell vs. Robert Moore's Ex'rs. Blair for Kirk vs. Exchange Irk. Pitts. Com'th for Buchanan & Wife vs. John B, Weaver Shirleysburg borough vs. Abraham Long Corn'th for Grimes vs. Samuel Frampton John McPherran vs. Higgins, Dorsey et al Kimberling for Johnston vs. Lowry, Royer et al Joseph Cornelius vs. J. & D. N. Carothers Samuel Caldwell vs. Jos. Iliggins & Ca. Mary Taylor vs. John Smith Robert Moore vs. John Love Carvor & Love vs. Jas. Leonard's Adm'r Morris Township vs. Tyrone Township Huntingdon County vs. John Potts . . George Umbrellavs. Ludwig Mester Hewit AA'nee of Hewit vs. Jno. Brotherline William B. Zeigler vs. Hiram Williamson Valuable Furnace Jr IPRIVUTE SaLIE. qa - AHE subscriber diet, at private sale 41 , Martha Furnace and all Mc Real and Personal property attached to it. MARTHA FURNACE -- . is situated in Huston township , Centre calm ty, and is now, and has been, for eleven years in successful operation. There are upwards of ,000 ACRE S of GOOD LAND belonging to the Fur nace—inore than 500 of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation. There are Three Ore Banks of an excellent quality now in use, and a number of other undoubted appearances of Ore on the lands. There is more wood within less than three and a half miles of the Furnace than can be used for 10 rears. Should the Furnace be sold befqe the Ist of April, immediate possession will be given of all the Real and Personal estate, including besides the necessary teams, wag ons, &c„ at least four months stock of Coal and Ore. A good title will be made and easy payments. RQLANI) CURTIN Jaunary :4, 1846-6 t. Bargaiii4! Bargains!! SELLING 01T AT COSTI ! W#LIAM STMWART; anF being desirous to Vie retire kohl the mercantile business on account of the delicate state of his health, offers his lam and entire stock for sale at cost awl carriage. A reasonable credit will he given to those who will purchase over twenty dollars worth. To any person or persons wishing to engage in the aforesaid business, the subscriber would prefer to dispose:of his stock whole sale. He would also rent his store room, which as good and convenient a business stand as there is in the borou gh . of Hunting don. His stock is of entire fresh goodS and and the latest arrivals front the city, consist ing of Dry Goods, such awCassimers, Satinetts, Broad Cloths, Silks, Mouslin de Laine., Callicoes, Brown and Bleached Mushns, Woolen Shawls, Silk, Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs; all of different qualities. Also, an assortment of Hosiery and a very large assortment of Boots and Shoes, of all kinds and quality• Also, a large as sortnient of , , garentatare and Hardware, of the newest and most approved stifles. Also, a large and carefully selected assort ment of all kidds, of Groceries, in short, the subscriber is supplied with all the variety belonging to store-keeping, the particulars of which are too tedious to men tion. Horses, or any kind of grain or 'timber, will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash prices. 'Any person wishing any further in formation, will please call upon the subscri ber. Huittingdon, lan. 7, 1845. Isl. B.—A large lot of the best quality of LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and Wine, and also - a large lot bf the same at other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold in exchange for country produce. , NOTICE.—Those who have unsettled accounts on the books of the subscribe; ,will please settle them soon, or they will find them in the hands of the proper officer for collection. • WM. ST EWART. Jas. 7, 1844. Z. NEWELL UTZIWART, halrommier xlinn HUN 7 INGD , P.rl Office ir. Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment. February 14,1843.--tl. LAST NOTICE. The subscriber hereby request all pampa in debted to him for subscription, printing, or adver tising. to call at his office and settle, previoas to the 24th day of January next. All unseaulaccounts will then be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. THEO. H. CREWEL. Huntingdon, Dec. 17, 1845.—td. Two Stray Cows, t r q,AME to the residence of the subscriber residing in Union township, about the first of August last. One is a red cow with a white belly and a star on the forehead. supposed to be about fifteen years olds the other is a red cow borderingon brown, with a white belly, a white streak along the back and supposed to be about twelve years old. the horns of both turning up. There is no marks on the ears. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away. • WILLIAM SMITH Nov. 19, 1845 4L1121 01/113@3'i' 0 V 1111.4 ,AND TAE o;firir., 1' RE iED All the newspapers are full of patent rem edies for coughs, colds, consumption and va rious other "diseases which flesh is heir to," proceeding from we' feet t but all experience teaches that ":ii wilier of preventive is better than a poem] of 'cure '." and, having the means of turnishing the former article on short notice. •'lherefore Char eta S, Black respectfully informs the good citizens of the borough of IjuntingUim, and the public gnu erally, , that he still continues the iwraw. ~e4 A D .v J• a , Boot JIM,. Allezimattinft business, at his old stand in Allegheny at, one door west of 'William Stewart's Store, in the borough of Huntingdon, where htlhas lately received a large tissorttnent of new and fashionable lasts on Which he guaran tees to finish his wait not only according to the late„st styles, but in a workmanlike mall - ner, af:d atecrding to order. He employsnone but the best and most ex perienced workmen, and by strict attention to hosiness.apd punctuality in promises, he hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share of custom • . • • WANTEH-tin'APPREkTICE to the above business—a boy of-16 or 17 years of age be preferred, and find a good situation if ap plication be made soon. CHARLES S. BLACK. Huntingdon, April 23, 1845. msntairs. CAMS to the residence of the subscri ber, in Warriorsmark township,aboutthe 15th day of November last, 4 "trays, obm Rei. cow, with some white about her head, and a Red Ileifferovith a Bell on ; also two Red • Steers, , one of them having tics right ear marked, the other a tootiley. The owner or owners, are r..quested to come liirward, prove .propetty, pay all charges, and take than away, otherwise they will be disposed oftwctitiling to law. A IMA HA NI BRA&STE'II'Ett. Dec. 1,1845-3 t. ESTAdIi: CAME to the residence of the subscri ber, io Warriorsmark township, about the 28th of November last, a red and. white spotted steer, supposed to be about four years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay char 7 ges and take him away, otherwise he wilt be disposed of according to law Dec. 6th, 1845 BECK: tAW PARTNERSHIP, - • • 611.1tVEMILL J'ACCEO. • Thomas P. Campbell and William J. Jacobs havhig associated themselves toget It• er in the practice of the law, inform the public'that they will attend to all business encrusted to them in the line of their pro fession, in Huntingdon, Mifflin and Centre counties, with care and fidelity. • Their office is the same occupied by Thos. P. Carhpbell for many years past e next door to the office of Geri. A. Wil son, and opposite the residence of William Orbison, b , sq. Huntingdon Dec. 17,1845. ISAAC ATTORNEY AT LAW..—Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may be en rnsted to him. Dec. 20, 1840. 0130 AGE TAYLOR; dttorizey at Law.--Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating AdmitiliArk tors •tr , otints, Scrivening, &c.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the "Ex change Hotel." fel)18. '44. CMZEMiiO T.T9R.VE lk at T Wl'. HUNTINGDON. PA 7...V ° C3Dtla 6e9, ./U. I WILL sell the above farm, situte about one mile from tl.e borough of Hollldays. burg, the contonp/ated seat c,i justice for Blair Counf:y. The tract contains 2ZB acres, has a sPl.endid Bank Barn, dwelling House. Orcha.,ll, &c. thereon, and the farm land in tl.,c highest state ot cultivation. Price, P. 0,00 per acre—one half in band, the other ni two annual payments. For further par. Iticulars apply to iny son lames in the neigh borhood ot the farm, N. B.—l. will sell the "Miller" Farm'. two and a, hall miles below fluntiogdon, containing 350 acres, for $BOOO, and give an intrisputable title. There is a specu latiran of $4OOO in this property ,at the above price 3. *I C. Nov. 26, 1845. To LANK ND3—Judgment iad COM' 11110mon—for vale at this °Nice.