Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 24, 1845, Image 3

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    Reported fa the Journal.
U. S. Senate at Huntingdon.
The Senate el the U. S. at Huntingdon
met at the Hall on Monday evening, when
the constitution prepared was adopted,
and it was resolved that the Senate should
be governed by the Roles of the U. S. S.,
Jefferson's Manual and the constitution of
the U. S. of America.
On motion of Mr. linevven of Del., the
resolutions of the Douse of Rep. of the
U. S. relative to the admission of Texas
were adopted and the STalra of Texas
entitled to a Senator. On motion the Sen
nte proceeded to an election fur ofitcers
for a permanent orvinitatirni. ISAAC
FISHER, Esq. was elected EXECU
'I'IVE by acclamation, and Mr. HENISER• I
son_ of Mich., Mr. WusarroN °I Pa., and
Mr. JACOBS •of Conn. appointed a com
mittee to wait oh and inform the gentle
man of his election. The Executive elect
was pleased to eilpress his satisfaction at
his eleeticiia and his acceptancd of the
On ballulting for Speaker, Ls. annai
of Ohio was elected, and was inducted in
to the chair by Mr. lIENDER4OII of Mich
igan, when he made an appropriate ad
dress thanking the Senate for the honor
Mr. Peightal of Mass.; was unanimous.
ly elected Clerk.
Mr. Headera on of Nick., Reporter.
Mr.M'Corinell 19% H., Treasurer.
Mr. Port Sergeant•at-Arias
Mr. King, A;sis'tSergeant-at-Arms.
Mr. HENDERSON of Mich., gave no
tice that he would on next meeting pre
sent "A Bill authoriiing the Executive to
give notice to Great Britian of the abro
gation of the treaty of IBM relative to
the joint occupation of OregOn, at thn ex
piration of one year.
•, Mr. RAYMOND of Va., "A Bill redo
nit% the rates of duties to a Revenue
Me. STEWART of N. Y.. "A Bill
to erect a railway from the head waters
et the Missouti to the head waters of the
• Mr. •BR.EWER of . Del., "A Bill to
abolish capital punishment."
Mr. JJNES of Tease, "A Bill ler the
erection ut a chain of forts on the west
ern frontier ot 'Teatte."
CREMEIt of Vermont, ...A Bill
to establish a line of Magnetic Telegraph
from Texas to Washington' city, and
from to Huntingdon."
The Senate adjumed until Monday,
29111 inst., when the Executive wilt send
in his message or deliver an iningoral ad
dress; and when the Bill of the Senator
from Michigan will come up for discus
We fit:a the following in the Washing.
tan Correspondence of the New York
Commercial Advertiser.
Mr. Benton, you know, to the chairman
elect of the military committee that is to
be; there being yet but hall a dozen cool
.mittees completed, penling. the "sound
of these dread horns." The rumor is that
Mr. Benton has declared thdt tylietr he
gets his committee, and if he gets it not
speedily, then upon his own Senatorial
responsibility, he will bring in a hill,for
raising, arming, equipping and bringing
into the field two hundred thousand- vol
iinteers. 'Phis is something. more than
the murmuring. Of. a **lnd tha bloiveth
where it listeth. I believe tharlll r. Ben.
ton entertains the purppse, acid that he
will brin g in such a bill. But will that
bring war No ; even. though .said.bill
be passed. In 1859 or '4O Just such
bill was passed and became a law, but
torought nu war 'notwithstanding, Men
are very much like horse;—alit red up al
most to phrensy by the defiant notes of the
trumpet and deep roll of the, drum, but
When the sound ceases. most fortunately,
their valor and ferocity are vety apt to
subside away. If I held insurance stocks
can only say I should nut sell at war
Tht delay in ilia formation of the Com.
mitteo is said produced something else
than the disappointment of Mr. Benton's
friend as to his war bill, it is reported
, ; ,that the ymmlutiOns of inquiry tke.
cussed and finally unanimously carried,
were formed Mid Presented with a view of
taking the wind but ol the great %tiestern,
Senators sails; it was a north-wester at
any rate.
CALIFORNIA.-A Washington ctirrei
pondent of the New York Courier says
-1 am correctly informed, as 1 'nub!
not 1 am, there is a strong probahltity
that our territory in that gander will ....-
fore a period not very distant be enlarg,
by the annexation of California.- My in
formation is that Mr. Slidell is charged
witlt .the . purchase of that department of
the Mexican Confederation ; and the em
barrassed position and the necessities of
the Central Government, together with
the disturbed condition of three provin
ces, encourage the belief that Mexico will
not be disinclined to listen, and perhaps
accede to the propositions he is authori
zed to make.
, • M9nE
. COMPLDIENTS. —The friends of
Mr. Clay and Mr. ‘‘.ebster, respectively,
are said to have raised a large sum each,
end settled it upon them fur lite.
The present constitution of the 'State of Missouri
provides tbat none but native born citizen. of the
United States !ha II be eligible for the office of Gov.
senor. The convention now insession at Jefferson
amity has skated the law, and now only require hint
to have been a citizen of the United, States ten
you*, and x titian of Missouri for five yews.
There is one fact observable in all ac
counts we receive from the regions of
country inhabited by Indian nations—in•
veterate hostility to the people of the U.
States and attachment to the Government
of Great Britian. It rises like the ChM
of %quo, at every call for information
from the South and Northwest. We
have it again from Oregon. They speak
at it as a natural result of things—that
the Indiana, toil man, will immediately
' make cbintrion cause with our enemies
whenever oi• wherever they will show
themselireti. This cannot exist without a
On tho I Ith inst., by the Rrv. Win. Gwynn,
Mr. JAMES P. FORBES, of Huntingdon county,
to Miiie JULIA ANN T. UNCLES, of Bedford
county, Pe.
NOTICE.— A meeting of .The 11un
tingdotv Library Association" will be held
in the Library room on liaturday, Dec. 27th,
for the purpose of electing officers and re
ceiving subscriptions for the ensuing year.
Meeting of tho Sons of Temper-
A public Meeting of the Soris of Temper
ance will be held at the Presbyterian
Church, in this borough, on Thursday, the
25th inst.,:at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and
where a splendid quarto Bible will be pre•
seated to Standing Stone Division.
The pub li c are respectfully invited to at
tend. A. W. BKNEDICT, R. S.
Dec. 24, 184.5.
SWIM Bridge Notice.
_ -
Take notice,that an election will be held
at the house of Christian Couts, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 13th
day of Jaliimiy next, at 1 o'clock P. M., for
the purpose of electing one President, six
Managers, one Secretary and Treasurer,• . to
manage and transact the conceras of said
Company for the ensuing year.
By order• of the Board, • •
t. DOM. AND, Scc'ry.
Huntingdon, Dec. 24, 1845.
No. 120 Chestnut St., st.uth side. 4
doors below Fourth st.,
hesi:ectrully . informs the citizens
of Hmtihgdoti County, that he
has refined and .f,pe.ned the above
establishMent, Where he Is pre
pared at all times, to furnish Bea
ver, nutria anti Moleskin Hats, equal to any
manufactlred in this country. Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, together with Dress, Ri
ding and Sporting Caps : a new and splen
did style of Childress' and Boys' Caps, with
a treat variety of Rich Fancy Furs fur La
dies. . _
Jnst received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assort
ment of Childress' French Cups.
I am deter Mined that my hats, in point of
b eaut y and quality, shall no: be surpassed
by those of -any other Establishment in any
City in the Union.'
Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845. .
The subscriber heieby requests all persons in
debted to hint for subscription, printing, or adver
tisitig, td call at his office and settle, previous to the
24th day of January next. All unsettled accounts
will then be placed in the hands of a Justice of the
Peace for collection.
Huntingdon, Dec. 17, 1145.--td.
a ".. .tittnniat & :A0020: •
thinwis P. Ciunp.bril and J..
Jacobs having associ ated theinSelves togeth
er in the practice of. the laW; infot m ,the
pubfi, that they will attend to all business
entrusted to therit in the line.of their pro
fession. in Huntingdon, MAI) and Centre
counties, with care and !Veiny. .
Their office is the same occupied. by
Thos. P. Campbell for many years past,
next door to the office of Gen. A. P. Wil
son, and opposite the residence of William
Orhison, P.stf. '
Huntingdon Dec., 17,1845. .
Orpitar bourt Sale.
Y vi tae of an Order of the Orphan's
aol Court of HuntingdOn county, will be
exposed to public sale on
hursday the Bth of January,
at the house'of J I.MES M'MURTRIP.
Inn-keeper, in West township, EIGHT
TR AcTs of Unseated Land, late the pro
perty of Jacob K. Neff, deed, situate in,
sail township, one containing 400 hundred
acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of
Henry Cavan : One containing 400 acres,
surveyed, on t warrant in the name of David
Stewart i (Joe containing 400 acres, survey-
One. containing 400 acres, surveyed on a
warrant ui, the name of Hugh Johnston:
ed on a wartant in the name of A. Johnston:
One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a
Warrant in he name of Henry Weat: Ooe
containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant
in the name of Thomas .McCune : One
containing 420 acres, surveyed on t Warrant
in the name of James Dean, and one con
taining 400 acres,•surveyed on a warrant in
the name of John Adaltv. .
TERIVIS:—One half of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on the, Confirmation of the
suleS, respectivelk, and the residue within
one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by the bond mortgage of the pur
the Cotitt, JOHN REED. Clerk,
Attendance gi+en by JOHN N EFF,
Dec. 17, 1845—ta. Executor.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, the Or
pitos' Court of lluutingdon county, to
examine and decide upon the exceptions
to the account of Henry Moller, Executor
of Martha Ker, deceased, will attend for
that purpose, at the Register's Office, in
the borough of Huunngdnn on Thursday,
the Bth of J a nu ar y, at 1 o'clock P. M.
Dec, 17, JOHN REED, Auditor.
IrptlS I'ICES' Blank; of all kinds, for sale
Z d j at this Office.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed Auditor, in
the matter of the Administration account
of Aaron Burns dec'd. who was adminis
trator of the estate of Abraham Yerger,
dec'd, to distribute the balance appearing
on the same, to those legally entitled
thereto, gives notice that lie will attend
to tilt same at the Register's Office, in
the 9th
of Huntingdon, on Friday
the 9th day,of January next, at I o'clock
P. M. JACOI3 MILLER, Auditor.
bee. 17, 1845-4 t.
'Sri Steers.
f i e , A MEI() the residence of the subscriber
," Warriorsmark township, on the
first day of Dec., 1845, 2 steers; the one
is a pale red with a whit 3
,She other a
red brindle, supposed to bg. years old last
spring. The owner is requested , to come
forward, prove property: and take them
away, otherwise they will he .disposed of
according to law.. JOHN . BECK.
Dec. 17, 1845.
To theilonorable,the Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of the Petsce, of
the County cfßuntingdan. The peti
tion of Christian Colas lieSpectlully
That he is still pro7ided with Jiotlse
stabling, liquors, and all the necessary
accommodations for keeping a hoose of
public entertainment, at his old stand.
(the Franklin Rouse) in the barough of
Iluntingdon, in said county. Re there•
fore prays your Honors to grant him a
License to continue to keep a house of
public entertainment at the said place tor
ihe current ensuing year. And, as in
duty bound, will ever pray.
We the undersigned, citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, do hereby certify
that the above Petitioner, Christian Coots,
is a man of good repute fot honesty and
temperance; and is well provided with
houseroom and conveniences fur the ac
commodation of strangers and travellers,
and that the Inn or Tavern proposed to
be kept is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangErS and trav
Jacob Africa J. Williamson
Chas. A. Newingliam W. S. Hildebrand
James Saxton, jr. A. S. Smith,
%V. A. Saxton w Christian Long
William Couch Samuel Steel
David Cutest - 6'c t. M...lMies
IV illiaib Rothrock.
wiIEREAS by precept to me direc
ted dated at Huntingdon, the 99th
day of Nov. A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty-five, under the, hands
and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. %VII-
son, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general •
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
of Huntingdon, Minn and Union, and
the Hon.Juseph Adams and James Gwin,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Hu ntingdon,justices assigned, appointed,
to hear, try, and determine all and every
Indictments, - and presentments, made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the state are made capital
or felonies of death and other Deuces,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons whoare
or shalt hereafter be committed or be per.
petrated far crimes aforesaid—i am com
manded to make
Public l ip
throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Over and Terminer, of Ciimmon
Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the . Court House, theAlorough of
HUntingdon, on the second Monday (and
12th day) of,Jamiery next and those who
prosecute tle said prisoners, be then
and there to:prosecute them ;is it shall be
just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroner .and Constables within the : said
county, be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. 11¢. of said day,
with.their records, ingui4itions, exarnina
tions and remembrances, to do those
tlitngs whith to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon the 29thday of
Nov. in the
, year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
five and the 68th year of American
S?icmff's Office. Huntin,cr
don. 24, 1845", S
WHEREAS by precept to me direc.
ted by the Judges of the Common
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 29th day of Noy. A. I). 1845,
ant commanded to make :Public pro
clamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
tin the third Monday (and 19th day) of
Jantiary A. D. 1845, for the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
Where all furors, Witnesses and suitors,
in the trial of all iaid issues are required
to .attentl. . .
. .
bated at liontinndon the 29th day of
Nov. A. D. one thousand Fight hun
dred and forty.five, and the 68th year ol
American frulepenilenee.
Sheriff's office Hunting
(lon, Dec. 24, 1845.
.4.11%%1E1V1ZT. ITAATTo
11r - i TV a F. 71,
Office in Main street, three (boors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelrye stoblishment.
February 14, 1843.--tt.
Diseases of the Lunk's and Breast.
It has cured thousands upon thousand
of all classes—in cases of the most danger
ously consumptive character; and physi
clans of the greatest eminence throughout
OUT whole country now unhesitatingly re
commend it as
Messrs. SANFORD & PARK—Dear Sirs:—
With regard to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, for which you are wholesale agents,
we have seld, since last October, eighty
two bottles at retail, and have heard from
a great portion of them as producing the
desired effect.
Several important cases in this vicinity,
whisk came under our personal knowledge
have been cured!—where other remedies
have been ti ied for years without effect.
In fact, we think it ong of the most 'oval
: ualsle remedies for consumption of the lungs
add all other. complaints for which it is rc
comMended ; and*, think, that the suffer
ing of the afflicted demand that you should
give it a general .circulation, and make its
virtues known. ,;Yeitys,, truly, :: ,
WEAGLY & EN EPPER, Druggists.
„Wooster, 0., May 20, 1843. •
[From the Ciacianytti Daily Times of
• Altai ,504 MO.
PalsaM of Wild CherrY.—We
should judge from Messrs. Wcagely
knepper s letter, published this day among
our advertisements, I hat this popular rem
edy for coughp, lung complaints, god dis
eases of the breast generaily, was really a
valuable medicine, and .:thy of serious
attention trom the publiC. We are infored
by the wholesale agents, that they are al
most daily receiving similar letttrs from all
parts of the West.
We would advise our readers who are
laboring under an affection of the lungs, to
make immediate trial of this truly excel
lent medicine. The most intelligent and
respectable families of our city have tidofir
ed it as a favorite family medicine ; and
persons predisposed to consumption whb
have used it, speak in the highest terms of
its efficacy."
cti* Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hottnian, a fMysician of extensive practice
in Huntingdon county :
Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr.
Wis,tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Than as Read, F.sq. , of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child
of Paul Schweble, in which ninny other
remedies had been tiled without any Teller.
The Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my
opinion the child is effectually cured by its
use. tours, BTe.
1 1 Dec._ 23_ , 1841. . . .
ozr It is unnecessary to remind all who
would get the true article, to inquire partic
ularly for "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry," and take nothing else.
Price one dollar per bottle,
For sale in Cincinnati,
General Agents.
Also, by Thomas Reed & Son, Hunting.
don • Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Gem
mill Portr, Alexandria.
Dec. 17, 1845.
OrPhinO' Court Etale.
BOY virtue Of an alias order of the
rphans' Cuurt . olltuntingdon coon
to, will be exposed to sale. by public yen
due or outcry,.on the premises, on r
. _ ,
77ati'iulc4 the 6th of Junuarij, 1846,
as the property. of John Scullin, dec,'.d, a.
lot of ground with a large and comtnodi-
Otis •
thereon erected, two stories high,, part
log and weather-boarded and part frame,
situate in the borough of
in said county, now occopi6tl litla public
house by Mrs. Mary Scullin. ,Also parts
of two other lots in said borough,. oil
(which are erected a large frame stable,
and t email lo' stable, appurtenant to
the tavern stand.
. TERMS OF SALE :—One half of the
purahaie money to be paid on the cordim•
alien of the sale, and the residue in two
equal aniitial payments' thereafter, with _secured by the bonds and
mortsage of the purchaser. By the Court,
(;")'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.
M. of said day.. Attendance will be giv
en by RHIN M'CULLOCH, Adm'r.
Dec. 10,1845... •
CA M.E OA* residence oF the subscri
ber, in Warriorsthark township, about the
28th of November last, a red and white
spotted steer, supposed to be about four
years old. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove prOpchty, pay char
ges add talte.him away, otherwise he will
be disposed of accordingto
Dec. 6th, 1845
Bridge Proposals.
'THE nodalsigned,
Huntinydon county witl meet•at the house
DI Conrail Snare in Hopewell township,.
on Wednesday the I:th day of Decem
ber, to receive proposals for building a
Bridge across the Raystown Branch or
the Juniata river, where the public road
from Trough Creek Valley and Mary Ann
Furnace and Mary Ann Forge strikes the
Said river, at or near the house of the said
Conrad Snare, in Hopewell township.
The plan and specifications will be ex
hibited on that day, or can be seen at any
time in the Commissioners' office.
JOHN F. MILLER,}Corn's ,
Connu's Ogler, Nov. et), 1841-3 t.
Auditor's Notice.
'rHE undersigned Auditor, appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon co.,
to hear &c., the exeeptions filed to the
account of Alexander Scott, Executor of
the last will of William Scott, late of
Tell township decd., will attend for that
purpose at his office in Huntingdon on
Friday the 9:h day of January next, at
one o'clock, P. M., and where all persons
interested may attend.
....CEO. fAYLOR, Auditor.
Huntingdon, Dec. 9, 1845.
CAME to the residence of-the subscri
ber, m Warriorsmark township, about the
Isth day of November lam, 4 strays, one
Red cow, with some white about her heed,
flint a Red. Heiner, with a Bell on ; also
two Bed Steers, one of them having his
right ear marked, the other a ittooley.—
The ovmer or owners, are requested to,
come foi Ward, prove [wort ty, pay all
charges, and take them away, otherwise
they will be disposed ofaccottlin,e to law.
Dec. 1, 1845—St.
To all whom it may Concern,
NOTICE is hereby given that the ac•
count of William Black, Committee of
the person and Estate of Christopher
Black, of Allegheny township, a Lunatic,
has been filed in my office and will ')e
presented to the Judges of the Court of .
Common Pleas, of the county of Hun•
tingdon, on the second Monday of Janus
ary next for Confirmation, & will be then
COfirmed and allowed if r►o sufficient
rack be show" to the contrary.
t i 845.-40
ec. 3, 1
don, IProt'y
Two Stray Cows,
AMEto the residence of the subscriber
residing in Union town ,hip, about the
first of August last. One is a red cow with
a white belly and a star on the forehead,
supposed to he about fifteen years old ; the
other is a red.cow bordering 4111 brown, with
a white belly, a white streak along the hack
and supposed to be about twelve years old,
the horns of both turning up. There is no
marks on the ears.
The owner or owners arc rccuested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges
and take them away.
Nov. 19,1845.
The undersigned Executor of the estate
of Jacob slouch, deed, will offer at public
Ou Thursday the 9.7 th day of Nozember
inst., nil that certain tract, piece, or partt 1
of land lying and being situate in Tod town
ship, Huntingdon county, containing 250
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Sam
uel McLain, dec'd, and Joseph Martin, on
which. Johnsy uth,esides, tlwre is a good
j; preenises,and also a good BARN,
ORCHARD, and four good
on, about one hundred acres of land clear td
twenty-Ave of ilia rat!! menehn., and about
one hundred that can be made into meadow
all in one body. Sale to commence at 10
o'clock A. M. •of said day. Attendance
will be given by
Nov. 50845-0.
To the Honorable 4, N. Wilvon, Prot.
dent, and his lissOciates, Judges of the
Court of Quarter' Sessions of the Pence
for the County of Ifeintingeicin,„nt Jan
unit Sessions 1546, the Petition of
&aid Etnire, respectfiillp alieweth 7
Tnat your Petitioner occupies,: commo
dious !hose, situated in the town of, Or
bisonia, in Cromwell township, on the
road I eadi w i g ft um Drake's Ferry to Chain
bersburt, which is well calculated for a
Public House of Entertainment, and from
its neighborhood and situation, is suitable
as welt its necessary fur the accommoda•
tion of ,the tut the entertainment
at strangers and. travellers.
That he is well provided with stabling
for horses, and all conveniences necessary
for the entertainment of strangers and
travellers : He therefore respectfully
prays the Court to grant him License to
keep ar. Inn, or a - Public House at En
tertainment there : Anti your petitioner
will pray, &c. DAVID ETNIRE.
WE, the undersigned, citizens of Cron:.
well township, county :aforesaid, being
personally acquainted with David Etnire,
the above named Petitioner, and also hav
ing a knowledge of the house for which
the license is prayed. do hereby , certify
that such house is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers
or travellers; that he is n person of good
report lor honesty and tetnperance, and
that he is well provided with house room
and cenveni'enetts for the lodging anti ac
eommodatihn of strangers and travellers.
We therefore beg leave to recommend
him fur a License, agreeably to his Peti•
David Market, Samuel N. Wharton,
Peter Ripple, James Morgan,
Daniel J. 'Avail, Samuel Grove,
Andreis Hegit, Samuel Erwin,
Simon Gratz, Enos McMullen,
John Rutter, Samuel Book,
George Swartz, Joseph Coughenower,
John Laird, Jumps Cefega'e,
Wm. Gilliland, Joseph Cornelius,
Beijamin Cornelius, Frederick Herman,
George (elegiac
ATTORNEY AT LAW.--has removed to
Huntingdon, with the intention of making ii
the place of his future residence, and wilt
attend to such legal business as may be en
trusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843.
Attorney At Lam—Attends to practice in
the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra
tors accounts, arivening, &c.—Office iu
Dimond, three doors East of the Ex
rhanic Hottl," fcb^.fl,'4l•.
Valuable Real Estate at Or
phans' Court ,s'ak.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphan.'
48 1 0 Court of Huntingdon cGorny, will be
exposed to -public sale on the premises.
a tract of excellent land situate in
cock Valley," Hopewell'township,. I-hinting
don county, latethe estate of William Elder,
dec'd, adjoining lands of James Entrekin,
dec'd, on the South, Tussey's Mosintain oni
the West, Christian Weaver on the 14orth,
and Others—containin
C t about
44 0 ARES, • •
be the satnte rnr,ien; less. having
DWELLING HOUSES thereon ercc tat,
:ind a I,irge quantity of cleared land, part
of which is excellent meadow land.
.....—. _
The above tract of land ofFers the best
inducements to purchasers, of any that.linve
lately been offered. There is none better
suited for a grazing farm in the County--
whilst there is also a stifficiency of the hest
wheat land upon it. It is situated in tint
heart of one of the best Valley's in the coun
ty. and is near one of the largest iron estab
lishments in Bedford county.
'FEB MS.—:-One third. of the" Turtles,.
money to be. paid in hand at confirmation of
sale, and the rvsidtie in two - equal ..annual
payments thereafter, with inters tc,ase
secured by the bond and mortgage* the
purchaser. By the Cow t,
Attendance given by DAVID SN A R
-'•••. Administrator.
vntinerlon Nov. 26, 1645.—t5.
Farm and for Sale.
THE subscriber will offer at public sale.
on the premises, on liatuEdav, the 20th day
of December, at 1 o'clock P.4l...thaprop
city on which he now resides, situate in
Porter township, about a mile and a half
from the borough of Huntingdon. There is
about 700 acres of land belonging to said
property, about 75 acres of which is cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, with an
apple orchard of 20 trees thereon.. The
improvements are situate pn the Juniata
river and consist of a frame
with two pair of French burs and o ne' pkir
of country stoner;
az.c.SX:t 5.11110
anew frame and weatherboarded dwelling
house, .two stories high, a log stable and
other necesiart• nut buildings. The water
power• is excellent, perhaps not surpassed
by any in the state; and the wood land bor
ders on the "Big Darn," and is well timber.
ed. There are three quarries tf excellent
itme•stone en the premises, and a limekiln
on the border of the Penlisylvonia canal.
TERMS—One half of the purchase • mo
ney to be paid in hand, hod the residue in
two equatatinual payments, to be secured by
the.bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Not•. 26,1845.
Patent Cooking Stott
WOULD•respectfolly inform the pub
lic, that I shall continue as heretofore.
to act as Agent for the sale and delivery of
the justly celebrated Hathaway Cooking
Stove, manufacturnd by A. B. Long & Co.,
who have at a heavy expense secured the%
exclusive right of Patentee of Huntingdon
and other counties.
No bombastic eulogy is deemed essential
to add to the already acquired celebrity of
this stove. It is necessary, however, to ob
serve that the high reputation this stove has
gained by practical use, has induced the man
arcturers of other and inferior articles, to
borrow (9 , ; t to use a harsher term) the name
Of HATHAWAY, and prefix it to an
proved," in order to make their inferior
trash go off as genuine. and thereby impose
upon the public. 1. myself, sell the only;
REAL HA I'HAWAIi stove that is or can
be sold in this county, and would therefore
admonish the public against the imposition
above alluded to. lam happy in hotng.obli.•
to say, confidently, that dining thelast three.
or f o ur years, in which I have been mi.
smutty dealing in and puttipgupthese stoves.
1 have found them to give universal and
unbounded satisfaction. Any- communica
tion in relation to stoves addressed tome at,
Lewistown, Mi ffl in county, (my„ place of
residence) will meet with the earnest posi
blet.atteptiam "
97 ° A few good sound horses will be taken
in exchange for strven.
Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Nov. 19, 1P45.
311LBM&D T2Oll :.0/71C311 0
APO • .
All the newspapers are full zi patent.rem
edict for caughs,colds, cnticumption and va
rious other diseases whiclifle4l is het r to,"
proceedinA foss Tuctfee:: but till experi,ree
teaches that an ounce of reventive is
better than pound of cure; '
.'and, having
the.means of turaishing , the former article
on short notice. ~Therrfors• -
Charles S. Black
respectfully informs the good citizens of the
borough of Ituntingdon, and the public gen
erally, that he still continues the
wattSt l Q
. .
Boot tnb AttorAnklitinft
business; at his riltl 'stand in Allegheny at.,
one door west of William Stewart's Store.
in the borough of Huntingdon, where he has
lately received a large assortment of new
and fashionable lasta. on which he guaran
tees to finish his wink not only according to
the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man
nene ami acccrcling to of tl4!.r. .• . •
He employsnone but the.beit ana most tx
perienced workmen, and by strict attention
to business and punctuality in promises, he
hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share
of custom.
.. - WANTED-au APPRENTICE to theabove
business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age wilt
be preferred, and find a good situation if ap
plication be made soon.
Huntingdon, April 23, 1545.
I.ANK HONLII4,--Sktdgment A!l'. ••(!li
444Pmcn)--fll :Al: AV.kbil ."'frtk-e•