Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 24, 1845, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 21, 1845,
An Arens:47 , ms to the printing business vril l
be taken at this office, if application be made soon.
A boy from the country, of from hi to 17 years of
ago, of industrious and moral habits, desirous of
squiring n knowledge of tho "art preservative of
.11 Iris," will du well to give us a call.
IC John's Protcsront Episcopal Church.—
There will be service in this Church to morrow,
(Thursday 25th) commencing at LI o'clock.—
The communion will be administered.
cfj- There bee been no change in tho markets
s ince our last, with the exception of a alight down-
ward tendency in the price of Wheat and flour.
We invite the attention of all to hi communi
cation in's paper, entitled " New Counties.
It is from the pen of one who corns his bread by
his daily labor. The writer is a man possessed of
d strong mind, (,a will readily be perceived by read
ing his anicle,) end exhibits the pernicious effects
upon society of cutting up our State into -small
osuntres, in its strongest light.
0.0. By reference to our Congreasional newt!, it
will be perceived that some of our U. S. Senators
appear to apprehend a war with England. We
regret that our apace prevents us from giving the
debate it length. The position of Mr. C 0.., the
mover of the revolutions, may be seen by the
conversation which took place between that Sena
tor and Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky. Private
advice. from Washington say 'that the impreasion
there is, that traria inevitable. We hope this dull.
nifty may yet be amicably adjusted. Yet. if di-
plomacy fails, and the President and his Cabinet de
termine to give England a brush, they may rest
assured that the people will he found. when the trial
come., rellymras one man around the glorious stars
said stripes of our -cotmery.
c:"We publish on our brat pogo a brief sketch
ofthe life and public 'micro of the late Commo
dore ELLIOTT. taken from the Philadelphia North
American. We do this for the gratification of the
nomeroue relatives of the deceased residing in this
county, as well as in Justice to tke memory of this
oW veteran of the Navy. ft will be found inter
esting to all.
Tyre will be seen by reference to • report for.
niched for this paper, that the society lo which we
alluded in our last, has been organised in the form
of the U. S. Senate. The selection of officers are
good, (barring the Speaker) of whom Diadems' , for
bids ue to speak. The Executive ranks se one of
the ablest Lawyers in this section of country.
The "Carts le Volunteer," which is vouched for
by the "United Slates Journal" as "one of the
ablest democratic papers published in the Keystone
State,' has a long article on "Democracy," from
which we extract tha following paragraph:
"The people of this State have been plundered,
and that too by thaws professing to be their beet
friends—by those who 'kept the word of promise to
the ear. but broke it in the hope'—plundered by
the Log rolling legislation--plundered by all sorts
of monopolies, shapes
.#nd sizes--plundered by
granting, iniquitous bank charters—plundered by
faithless and proffligate public officers, elected by
Democrats, sustained by Democrats, and alas! re
elected and again sustained by Democrats."
We rarely hoar Locofocos talk so plainly and
pointedly about the rascality of their own party.
Talk like the above is often heard coming from the
lips of Whigs and in Whig papers; and wherever
altered it is corroherated and confirmed by history,
Poor deluded, violated and bleeding Pennsylvania
has been plundered ways without number in the
name of Democracy! The professed friends of
"Equal Rights" have engaged in log-rolling legis
lation, and inflicted monopolies of all el apes and
slumpon their deceived and betrayed constituents.
Anti-hank demagogues gained the ear of "the dear
people,' and repaid their credulity with "iniquitous
bank charter.." Public otricera elected by Demo
cats robbed the public treasury, and Democrats
re-elected and again su,Aainecl these faithless and
p ro fli ga t e p u bli c officer., All thin, we are told by
• "democrat," has been done 17 the "democracy"
of Penasylvania--and the greatest beauty of the
story is, it, strict TRUTH.
It is even so—the people of this State have felt
the evils of Locofocoism--felt it in thoir pockets—
felt it in the hot blush of shame which crimsoned
their cheekson hearing the story nf her lost honor
and her broken faith—they felt it in days gone by,
end twy feel it now in the incubus of a der,: of
forty millions.
But the democracy have not learned wisdom by
past experience. They are yet no easily a. ever
deceived by the 'word of promise," and they are
not en their guard against "wolves in sheep's cloth.
ine—they cannot yet distinguish honesty from
knavery. A few more Polk's, it is hoped. will
. knock the scales off their eyes—if not, then woe to
the prosperity of the State and farewell to tho glory
of the Nation.
The W,,shington respondent of the
New riik Evening l'ost any's :
"Th? President is ontler,tood to ir
bllunci4ig between the a ppointment of
Judge Woodu and Mr. Gilpin, former
Attorney General of the Unifrol Suites,
for Justice of the Sottreme Court for the
PennoylvAnia Circuit.",
The How. WILLIAM Smurn liae accepted the
office of Governor of Virginia, and than pats an
end to all rumor. on to hie maiming the ermine kid
by for rienatoriaf sdvnncement by Mr. Penne-
Arrival of the Acadia.
We received bait evening an extra from the Dicrth
American office, Philadelphia, containing thenews
brought by this veneef. She arrived at Beaton on
the evening of the 19th inst.
The money market is tight. Wheat and flour I
have slightly declined since the 19th of Novem
ber; 2,000 barrels U.S. flour had been sold at 31
shillings pet brl. The price of lion has receded
under the embarrassment which has overtaken the
speculative world. Scotch pigs were as low, in
Glasgow, a short time back, as £3 155.; in Liver
pool, they stand at £4 to £4 10a.; common bars
£9 to £9 55.; hoops £1 1; sheets XIS. For boiler
plates and for rails the demand, notwithstanding the
prevailing depression, is considerable, and the quo
tations for those articles aro tolerably well support
The threatened famine continues to occupy the
public mind. In the belief that leamething will yet
he done by the ministers, the fuod rnaikets amrin a
state of transition. There has been frequent tnin
ieterial meetings. Parliament has been prorogued
pro forma until the middle of Dec. There is a
general depression in business. Lord John Russel
has addreesed a letter to hie constituent., the citi
zen,' of London, in which he condemn. the Sliding
Scale and goes fur free trade. The free trade party
by this aristocratic accession, it is maid, ore now in
a position to Assume the min. of government. : It
is mated that the people erf England care little in
what way the Oregon question is settled. The
London Times deckles that the people of England
I would be satisfied to divide the territory at the 49th
deg. The prime paper confirms the rumore of the
preparations making in the Dock-Yards of Eng
land, but is not aware of the cause.
In some of the French provinces alarm exists in
regard toe deficiency in the supply of food. The
price of breed in l'nris has slightly risen.
Vie shell give farther extracts from this news
in our next. Want of room forbids more to-day.
Attention is invited to a letter on our outer page
from the correspondent of the IT. S. Gazette, famil
iarly known as "Oliver Oldschool," on the subject
of the Oregon question. It was intimated a few
days liner in some of the papers that the negotia
lions, at the suggestion of Mr. Packenham, were
about to he resumed. On this subject, in a late
letter, the same writer remarks:—"My information
leads me to believe that many of the rumors that
hare been put afloat within a few days, in regard
to a renewal of the negotiation of the Oregon ques
tion, of Mr. Packenham having made a new prop..
iition, &c., are groundless. There are writers
here, and papers elsewhere, that seem to be ever
anxious to keep the public on the qui rive and for
that purpose often manufacture rumors and set
them afloat, as boys make soap bubble, whit a pipe
and toss them off into the air. They are continu•
ally bursting, but new ones are as continually sup
plied. I have uniformly, as you are aware, ez
premed my conviction dint we ehould have no war,
that conviction is now strengthened by information
that it is not anticipated by those who have the
means of judging whether it is likely to ensue or
not. The measures intended to be adopted in re
gard to 'Oregon are such se min not .00tto.,tto Qtu
convantion orjoint occupancy, end to which Great
Britain cannot object—curb as, in my opinion, are
entirely proper and called for by the situation of
that country, the intervening territory, and the safe-
ty and conventence of emigrants. They will be
presented in due time, to the House, and meet with
little or no opposition.
C. J. M'N LILT,— i'lus gentleman, who, it was
rooted in our last paper, had absconded while on 1
hie way to Washington in custody of his bail, it
appears hos found his way to that city, by his own
road, and is now upon his trial for embezzling the i
public money, while acting as Clerk of the House !
of Representatives. On the subject of this trial,
"Oliver Oldschool" nays:—' I learn that Mr. Mc-
Nulty, now on trial in this city, is likely to get
clear, not from any want of proof of hie having
embezzled the public money, but from the fact that
the law ender which he has been prosecuted does
not apply to his case. The law is a pert of the
Sub-Treasury Act, which applies to all persons
embezzling money whirls may be in their hand. in
pursuance of low; whereas, the money in his hands
was there by usage, or resolution of the House
only, it being a part of the contingent fund of the
• House.
For the Huntingdon Journal.
Mr. Ci.Pax.—l observe In the last Hollidaysburg
Registerohnt some one over the signature "Justice,"
complains that the good people of that borough can
not get their causes tried in Judge ilson's Court.
If Mr. Justice will request the Lawyers of liolli
daysburg to attend to their causes and have them
tried, instead of continuing them by request, from
term to term for two or three years, Justice will
make his complaints in the right quarter. There
are several causes on the trial list forJanuarv, 1846,
which were brought to August Term, 1845, and
which will undoubtedly be tried at the next January
Term, unless the lawyers or the parties shall get
them continued. Judge Wilson declared, on the
adjournment of the last Court, that the Hunting.
don list shall be cleared off.
frit— The election o P. in e. in Vie Uni.
tit zita e: House ul Representatives, is a
beautiful cominontary upon the practice
1 „.1 ref, sNion of the I,ocoloco party, on
th e ti ,Thj et of r.ooNomy. Ritchie &
the President's organ, were
e'ecled p r i,ters to the House in the face
of the fict, tha; Je'st' E. Dow & Cn., of
the United Joltnal, Detnocrat,it
,h, lira 41,,;(1 to d, the work
I'k" ENT Y PER CENT. LESS than the
amount which [litchi.. 4. ri t :i-m are to to
eive for the same!!! t wig the
people nun TO 1/11% ripen, Luirelacer; sptent
it silting away thousands upon tholiollth.t
Or their money to sustain the President's
official organ ; and that too, by a class of
moo who h re always mouthing •'llet
meat and Reform" in the expenditures of
the Gov, rumen, ? Out upon such base
hypocril ITrbatia Gazette.
THE "'Ault - F.—The New York Jour
nal of CoIIiIIIVICe gays:-' ~ q Triter from
Whig Inemb.•r of Congress to his friends
-n this city in answer to inquiries, says
the fate of the present turitris sealed."
W,IIIIENGTON, Dec. 15, 1845.
The following resolutions submitted by Mr. Cass
on a fanner day, were then taken up for considers-
Readmit That the •Oommitte on Military Af.
fairs be instructed to inquire into tho condition of
the national fortifications and of their armaments,
and whether other defensive works are necessary;
and into the condition and quantity of the military
supplies; and into the etate of the means possessed
by the Government for the defence of the country.
Resolved. That the Committee on the Militia lie
instructed to inquire into the present condition of
that great branch of the public service, end into the
state of the militia laws; and that they be further
instructed to report such change.; in the existing
system as will give more experience and efficiency
to that arm of defence, and will place it in the best
condition for protecting the country, should it be ex
posed to foreign invasion.
Resolved, That the Committe on Naval Affair.
be Inetructed to inquire into the condition of the
navy of the 'United States, and into the quantity
and condition of supplies now on hand, and wheth
er an increase of them is not neeeesary to the effi
cient operations of the navy; and to its preserva
tion end augmentation ; and, generally, into its ca
pacity for defending our coast and our commerce,
and for any service the exigencies of the country
may probably require.
The resolutions having been read, Mr. CASS
addressed the Senate at some length in they favor,
stating that a war with England on the Oregon
Question was almost certain.
Mr. MANGIJM, of North Carolina replied.--
We give a portion of the remarks of this talented
VI Senator. Mr. M. said What could theee
resolutions bring forth The report of the com
mittee, the effect of which must ho to expose our
i:npotent condition. Would this not ho to invite
aggression from an enemy? If, on the contrary,
our resources were abundant, the inquiry would be
wholly unnecessary- that we should exhibit to the
enemy, if enemy we have, the actual state or our
preparedness. He would greatly prefer, if any
stimulation was necessary, that it should come from
that branch of this government who holds in his
hands the negotiations. If the negotiations were
closed, and if no hope remained for a pacific ad
justment—if war be inevitable, as the Senator
seemed to apprehend, he would say for himself, and
he trusted he might add for every gentleman with
1 whom it was his good fortune to be associated in
that body, that if ten. twenty, fifty, or even a hun
dred millions of dollars were requisite to maintain
, the national honor and national rights inviolate, it
would at once be granted. But Ina blasted that the
matter would Mill be honorably and amicably ad
justed. It was decidedly wrong, however, to raise
en unnecessary and uncalled for excitation, and to
inflame the public imagination. In this country,
no excitation was required, no stimulation was
wanted to arouse the passions of the pe o ple. He
desired that the President should conduct this mat
ter on his official responsibility, and, in the event of
this great and stupendous evil being unavoidable,
that he should lay his budget before Congress, and
that the matter should be investigated with closed
doors, and his life upon it, the patriotism of the
two Chambers would uphold the honor and the in
terest of the country.
It would be remembered by the Senator that da
ring the political dynasty of a late illustrious ad
ministration, of which he was a distinguished mem
ber, we were amused by the ingenious edicts &the
heads of that administration on the subject of Banks.
; That great man—for, however opposed in his po
litical views, he would be the last to detract front
his merits, he was a great man—issued his edicts,
and the Banks fall. And, continued Mr. M 0 in
the tote parathantical administration there were di
vided opinions on that very heed; for, with the
amiable purpose which we read of in the good book
'mot to let the right hand know what the left hand
doeth," what he recommended on the one day, he
gloried in vetoing on the next.
Sir, I do not regard the present Executive in that
light. I regard him as a gentleman of personal
honor, and God forbid that I should withhold from
hint his juat mend of personal praise ; though dif
fering as I do in political sentiment, yet believing
in his personal integrity, I would have him to lie
the responsible agent in this matter. He knows the
state of the question, and if war is to come, let hint
justify it in the face of the world. Let him make
, his just propositions, and they will meet with sup
port on all sides.
For myself, I will not follow the Senator from
Michigan in his long harangue. I have been call
ed up wholly unexpectedly, and desire to say at
least exhibit my own position. Nor do
I know the opinion of my own associates. But let
us trust the negotiation to the Executive. Lot te
stand ready in advance, if necessary, to strengthen
hie hands, that when the blow falls it will strike
upon the very censoriurn of the enemy, where it
will be most felt.
Sir, when the gentleman tells us that Great Bri
tian is the mistress of so many millions—l beg par
don for Luting a vulgar phrase—l will outbrug the
Senator. If she wee mistress of the world, and
trampled upon our rights, she should be humbled.
Sir, it would be a deep reproach in the present day
that a war should be promoted between two enlight
ened nations. It cannot be justified; and in my
humble opinion, if war should occur, the Oregon
question will be nothing more than a pretext. The
world is now agitated, heaving and struggling with
t wo great contending principles; the whole of
Christendom is shaking to its centre, between repub
licanism, where the power rests with the people,
sod monarchy in its varied forms, absolute and
qualified. When the struggle comes, you will
find the eople of this country united as ono man.
It will not he a eectional war. Thrones will trem
ble and totter, and Christendom itself be shaken to
its very centre.
XN hy should the Senator advert to the unpro
tected state of our country—to the ten thousand
miles of frontier exposed to the assaults of the en
emy I I pray God the molest may never come ;
for no one can estimate the amount of evil tc the
whole civilised world that must reeultfrom it. Yet
rather titan suffer dishonor, let It come; end if we
are in that unprepared state that the Senator repro-
Bents us to be, and if Great Britian be pre pared to
strike a blow that will desolate our coasts like e
sirocco—if we are to suppose all alit, yet, in my
opinion, it will only nerve to rouse the national
spirit to the achievement of heroic deeds.
Sir, the power of this country is prodigious, and
if put in requisition, Great Britian, with all her min
tory and naval resources, though she might sweep
the coast, yet she would find to her cost that it
would be no child's play. Again, sir, I feel as
much offended by the diplomatic interference of
foreign Powers in reference to the annexation of
texas as any man in the country.
The debate was further continued by Meagre.
Allen and Archer up to the time of the adjourn
HOUSE.—Mr. Flowlin endeavored to obtain a
aospenaion of the rules, to enable him to introduce
a bill to extend our lawn over Oregon, but failed—
only 14 riving in the alnnnative, where two-thirds
were necessary.
Mr. Rockwell complained that certain resolutions
of the Legislature of Connecticut, in regard to
Texas, offered by him, the House had not ordered
to be printed. Mr. Boyd then Moved that the re.
olutions lie on the table and be printed, which was
agree! to.
The remainder of the day wee occupied in re•
ceiving petitions, memorials, etc., a large number
against the admission of Texas as a slave l tote
eing presented.
December 16, 1815,
Mr. ALLEN, of Ohio, rose arid gave notice of
his intention to introduce to•rnorrow a resolution
for giving notice to Great Britain that the treaty
for the joint occupancy of the territory of Oregon
most bo annulled and abrogated.
The Senate resumed tho consideration of the
vesnlutions offered by Mr. Cass.
Mr.NILES addressed the Senate in favor of the
passage of the resolutions.
Mr. CRITTENDEN neat took the floor and
addressed the Senate. lie saw nothing objection
able in the resolutions themselves: he was quite
ready to vote t.>l. appropriations necessary for the
defence of the cotmtry. Mr. C. dwelt at some
length upon the importance of the assertions
that came from Mr. Cass, and desired to know
whether he, Mr. Cass, considered War inevitable.
Mr. CASS observed that he did not wish to con
vey any other idea than that he very much feared
war would ensue because he believed that Eng
land would persist in her pretensions.
Mr. CRITTENDEN now understood the Sena
tor to say that he believed England would persist
in asserting her claim to the whale of the Oregon
Mr. LASS. That is It.
Mr. CRITTEINDEN. Welt, after the speech
of the Senator of yesterday, that is something of a
Mr. CASS. Ido not retract a single word. I
will repeat what I said. [Mr. U. here procured a
copy of the report of his speech as prepared by
himself for the Union, and read the passage refer
red to.]
Mr. CRITTENDEN. Now lam totally et a
lass:" Does the gentleman mean that if we give
the notice, and ho thinks we ought to give it, wa r
will necessarily follow.
Mr. CASS. If, at the expiration of the rear,
England persists in her claim; I cannot say what
she will do, but I believe she wilt persist.
Mr. CRITTENDEN. The Senator then at
length, instead of announcing an inevitable infer
once, makes his inference contingent upon the hap
petting of other events--upon the concurrence of
other circumstances. His conclusion, to be coin
Pletc, will require various other facts such as that
Great Britain will, at the end of the year, take hee
-1 tile possession of the whole territory. It might be
very faHy inferred that such a course on the part
Great Britain would lead to a war; and if the Sena
tor desired to make out a case somewhat stronger,
let hint suppose that Great Britain should land her
forces and take possession of the city of Charles
, ton, or Norfolk, or Baltimore. Its short, the mean
ing of the Senator, after all, was that war would
inevitably take place, provided the grounds for war
were hereafter supplied. lie had at first feared
that the announcement made by the Senator would
have the effect to create a false alarm; and this ef
fect he thought the more likely to he produced by
reason of the high character and standing of the
Senator; not from his personal and private charac
ter and standing alone, but from the intimate and
confidential relations which he was supposed td
bear to the present Chief Magistrate of the nation.
It would be very nnturally supposed that declara
tions of so momentous a character would not be
made without a knowledge of the sentiments en
tertained by the Administration. Taking all these
considerations together he was somewhat under the
impression that the authority given so apparently
in earnest must be set down as an evidence that
i there was to he war.
Sir, (continued Mr. Crittenden,) I do not my
, 1
believe, speaking with all duo deference for the
distinguished Senator, that we ere to have a war.
I have never been able to realize to my mind that a
war could possible grow up between two such na
tions as the United States and Great Britain, out of
such a cause. Is it possible that wo cannot settle
the boundary of a distant strip of territory of no
great value either, without a war? Cannot the di ,
plomacy of the country settle a question of this
sort without imbruing the hands of the two nations
in blond? What is their wisdom worth--what in
their diplomacy worth—if this be the easel Sir, it
I ought to be settled; it is a discredit to the two Gov
ernments that it is not settled. There is no ques
tion of insulted honor, no question of national char ,
acter involved. This is but a question regarding
some portion of a distant, frozen, barren territory,
that has been in dispute for thirty or forty years. I
have more confidence in the wisdom, humanity
and intelligence of the two Governments, than to
suppose it possible that out of such a cause war can
arise. And while I ssy this I will add that I per.
fectly agree with the sentiment!) expressed by the
Senator from North Carolina, and the Senator
from Virginia, yeaterday, that if war should come, I
believe we shall see the whole Union rally round
the national standard, united as a single man. Be
fore the actual occurrence of war we may battle
among ourselves, but when it comes there I. no
neutral ground to stand upon. But who Is there
that desires a wad None I trust. All say it is to
be deprecated and avoided, arid I trust that every
thing will be done en our part that honor and policy
permits to be done to ovoid it.
The Senate was farther addressed by Mr. Web
ster and others, when the question was taken, and
the resolution. unanimously adopted, as follow.:
YEAS—Messrs. Allen, Archer, Ashley, Atchi
son, Atherton, Bagby, Barrow, Benton, Berrien,
Breese, Cameron, Case, Chalmers, Thomas Clay
ton, J. U. Clayton. Colquitt t Corwin, Crittenden,
Davis, Dayton, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Greene,
Hannegan, Heywood, Huntington, Jarnegin, Jen
. mess, Johnson, of Louisiana, Levy, Lewis, Man
I gum, Miller, Niles, Pearce , Pennybacker, Phelps,
I Semple, Sevier, Simmons, Speight, Sturgeon, Tier
ney, Upham, Webster, Westoot% and Wood
Mr. HAYWOOD gave notice that on t ognor
row ho would move to tako up the orders of the clay,
and would not agree to any postponement, unless
there was an actual declaration of war.
The Senate then adjourned.
The House of Representatives were occupied up.
on the joint resolutions, which took up the whole
any. A motion was made at first to lay them on
the table, which wee negatived, yeas 52, nays 142,
The previous question was then demanded and sus
tained, and the reeolUtione rend neeend time. Va
rious motions to adjourn, etc., were made, but the
majority moved on. Mr. Rockwell, however, found
an opportunity, after the preview' question was
spent, by third reading of the resolutions, to ad
-dress the House and move their rt . -commitment
with instructions, that the Constitution formed by
Texas being inconsistent with the terms of the res
olution of annexation, inasmuch es she had not re
stricted slavery to the territory south of latitude
36 deg. 39 min., but had estal:lished it over the
whole territory, she could not be admitted as a
State. Upon this the previous question was de
manded end sustained. lint the question arose,
what was the main question?—The Speaker hay
ing decided that the motion to recommit was the
main question. and not the passage of the resolu
tions, his decision was over ruled by the House,
end the vote taken upon the passage, which stood,
yews 141, two 56. As far as the House can eh
rOgate its otvn net, therefore, it has done so, by
nanctionin*elevery north of 36 deg. 39 min. north
latitude, when the resolution of annexation express
ly limits slavery to the territory south of that line.
This inibject will probablikcall forth warm de
bate in the Senate, inasmuch as the previous ques
lion is never tried in that body to silence debate.
joint resehrticin for the admissien of Texas, passed
by the Hduse, was sent to the Senate, read first and
second time and referred.
You will observe that the P. Q. gag wee ap
plied, so as to cut off' debate !ri the House ape*: the
Texas resoletlons. The only speeCh Made was
ene sotteezed in by Mr. Rockwell, °Ness., which
took them by surprlse. The doot was immediately
shut, or rather the gag applied, to stop fOrther de
bate. This is freedom' f debate With a vengeance,
NN'nnassnsr, Dec. 17. 1745.
THE SENATE, this morning proceeded to fill
up the remainder of its standing committees. After
Mr. ALLEN asked leave to introduce his reso
lution giving the twelve months notice to Great
Britian relative to Oregon. Objection being made
by Mr. Haywood, leave was not granted.
The Resolution to proceed to the election of a
printer to thy Senate was adopted, and Messrs.
Ritchie and Heiss elected by 27 votes—Messrs.
thik.s and Seaton receiving 20 votes—and Jeffer
son & Co. 1.
THE HOUSE was occupied during its entire
session by a discussion, which arose upon a motion
to refer the Resolutions of the Massachusetts Leg
islature, nr favor of an amendment of our natural
ization laws, to a select committee. Messrs. Levin,
Gidings, Broadhead, Rathbun, Winthrop, Darragh,
Campbell, and others, took part in the discussion;
but without coming to a decision, the House ad
taIIItSDAT, Dec. 18,
The Senators act themselves seriously to work
to-day, cutting out business for the cession. Nu
merous memorials and petitions wore presented and
referred, and resolutions of instruction to commit
tees were passed,
Several memorials on the subject of the French
Spoliations prior to 1800 were presented, and after
much debate, referred to a Select Committee by a
majority of one. the Select Committee consists
of Messrs. Fairfield, Drayton, Dix, Mangum and
Mr. UPIIAM was excused from acting us chair
man of the Committee on Pensions, and Mr.
Johnson of La. was appointed in his place.
Mr. BENTON offered a resolution that the sal
ary of the late Sergeant-at-A rms be paid to his fam
ily up to the time his successor less elected.
Mr. J. M. CLAYTON submitted a resolution
directing an inquiry as to the propriety of erecting
fortifications on the Deleware Breakwater, and
also in reference to erecting them upon the Pea
Patch Island. Adopted. Also a resolution of in
quiry as to the expediency of erecting a Light
House on the stone pier near Port Penn. Adopted.
Mr. LEVY, a resolution calling for information
relative to the amount paid agents, etc., for preser
ving the live oak timber. Adopted.
Mr. J. M. CLAYTON, resolution that the Com
mitte on Commerce inquire into the expediency of
making an appropriation far improving the harbor
of New Caatle, Port Penn, dcc., adopted.
Mr. SEVIER resolution directing the Commiuee
on Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of ea
(*AM( a new Judicial Dtatsidt, t. amok at At,
karma. Louilians sod Tetra,
The Senate held a sheet esecitive 'owlet, and
adjourned over till Monday.
The House resumed the oonsideretion of the
re.luttons from the Massachusetts Legislature, in
regard to election frauds, upon which the members,
soya Oliver Oldschool, let off an uniaterrupkg
strain of mere declamation such as was never before
listened to in that body. The etwohnions en not
yet disposed of.
For the Huntingdon JoartaL
New Counties.
Ma. Claim:—
It is en observation of en old welter,
"that whosoiver eels taifi tt6 persuade people tlias
they are net 110 well faV4llllli3 as they ought tells,
shell never want plenty of attentive hearers;" and
fot want of something betteb gite employment to
their leisure houre, dome Persona have sot thenn.
Woe. to worlcOn Various parts of Pennsylvania, to
convince our fellow citizens that their condition
would be greatly improved by dividing this Com
moment% intointultieutle darnel! counties, such
as we find in Virginia a'ntl Itentucky. its these
Ottempte at making small counties are not confined
to any particular portion of the State, but are put
in motion in every place where one or more Mai.
viduals may happen to desire to convert portions
of good farin land lying in largo counties, into
town lots, it seems proper to give a paining consid
eration to a subject which is agitated, not by very
many people, but by discontented individuals in
many places. It seems, at first blush, surprising
that any property holder, in any large, respectable,
and wealthy county, should wish to change •the
cation of his estate and the residenco of hie family,
to a email and comparatively poor county. The
advantages of holding property and reeiding in a
large, populous, and wealthy county, ors so obvi-,
ous that they need scarcely ho enumerated.—The
character of the county in which people live, give s
tone and bearing to the personal character of tha
inhabitants—property is intrinsically worth more
in a large and wealthy county then in a small end
poor ono—there is more general intelligence
amongrt the people of a large and populous county
titan atnongst the inhabitants of a small c.ommunt
ty—the human intellect is sharpened and rendered
more acute by frequent collision with the intellect
and ideas of etrangers.—ln the administration of
justice, the advantages of large and populous coin
ties over small counties, with few inhabitants, Is
inimeasureabli great. in a large county, with an
extended territory, the administration of justice ie
equally administered to all men, the poor and the
rich alike.—The poor man, when be comes into
the court house to contend with his rich and pow
erful neighbor, feels himself secure in the Impartial
judgment of a jury called from distant Places, who
are alike strange!e to them both; and hear, for the
first time, of the parties or the subject of dispute;
after they have been sworn in the jury box. Fat
different is frequently the ca se with the poor, and
wwlsoe• awry happen
to he wronged by the rich, the great, or the power
ful, and the cause has to be tried in woman county.
before a jury who all live near together, and aro
more or lees under the influence, (as some of them
will always be,) of the powerful party.
Let all poor and honest men beware h0w41,,,
give any aid to the cutting up of the Common
wealth into small counties. Such counties always
have been, and always will be, governed and roe
troled by the combination of a few crafty, wealthy,
and dishonest men. in such a county the poor
man and the stranger can here no hopo of justice--
his cauce isjudged and decided against him Woo
the jury In sworn, and he has no retirees but n pa.
tient lipiesion to his wrongs. Nor is the effect
produ upon the value of property by small coun
ties leas to be deprecated. IN he is not aware thee
an acre of lend in Berke, Lancaster or Chester
county, is worth at least fCve dollars more than it
would be, were it in a counts a inferior character?
A man who lives in a small county, lives and dies
a stranger to the world. If he goes once in three
months to attend the Court, he area no one there
but the Judges and the triune neighbors that he hes
seen at church every Sunday mince the list term.
If a cause is to be tried, ho knows beforehand how
it will end, for he has heard it tried twenty times
before he came into the Court House to see which
ever of the parties happens to be poor, or unpopu•
/or in his neighborhood, offered up se a a peace of
upon the altar of ignorance, corruption and
prejudice. His fate is certain, and is known before , -
hand—the jury is only sworn to register the decree
of the multitude outside of the Court walk—
and from this mock trial he has no escape. Ire
cannot get an impartial jury of strangers, coming
from n distance, to try his cause, and decide his
right to his property, his fame, or bus lifo—lt is
his cum to live in a small county.
Nor is the metal effect of small counties lees
baneful. All the persons connected with the ad
ministration of justice, in a email county, must ne
cessarily be small mon, because men of enlarged
minds and solid education, and lofty ettainments,
will not attach themselvea to the miserable Court of
a small county: The consequence is, that the pea
pie of a small county, in addition to all their other
misfortunes, are persecuted by a email clan, of email
Pettifoggers, located around every small Court
House, who not being able to live by the small fees
that they may receive in the regular course of their
profession, betake themselves to shaving, shaming.
cheating their clients, as well as others, and die.
gracing tho name of the law.
For the truth of this picture, I appeal to the ex
perience of every honest roan, who hoc resided
seven years in a small count✓.
ITEAtTit of Mr. CLay.—The Albany
Evening Journal of Tuesday contains the
following letter from N. It, Colld. Esq..
dated D,*nvi►le, Ky., Nov.24:—
"I sat with Mr, Clay about half an hour.
He has been suffering lately from the ef
fects of a cold. lie told me that he was
going next week to New Orleans, and
that he AV °tad probably spend the winter
in Culia for his health."