iiClil MOMS% ) Mal WIRD% AND THE OOM R E JIZED All the newspapers are full of patent rem -dies for caught, colds, consumption and va rious other "diseases which flesh isheir to," proceeding from vet feet: but all experience teaches that "an ounce of , fireventive is better than pound of cure ; ' and, having the means of furnishing the formot article on short notice. Therefore Charles S. Black respectfully informs the good citizens of the borough of Huntingdon, and the public gen erally, that he still continues the sue.. Boot an Altotz--titatting business, at his old stand in Allegheny st., one door west of William Stewart's Store, in the borough of Huntingdon, where he has lately received a large assortment of new and fashionable lasts. on which he guaran tees to finish his work not only accordingto the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man ner. ar.d aeccrding to order. He employs none but the best and most ex perienced workmen, and by strict attention to business and punctuality in promises, he hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share of _custom. _ WANTED—an APPRENTICE to theabove business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age will be preferred, and find a good situation if ap plication be made soon. CHARLES S. BLACK, Huntingdon, April 23, 1845. SLEEPER & FENNER MANUFACTURES OF 17mbrollas, Parasols dt Sun-Shades, No. 126, MARKET STREET, South side, below Fourth, Thiladelphia, Invite the attention of Merchants and Manufactur ers to their very extensive, elegant, now stock, pre pared with great care, and offered AT THE LOWEST rosstaxa CASH PRICES. The principle on which this concern is establish ed, is to consult the mutual interest of their cus tomers and themselves, by manufacturing a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of 09 lee and quick returns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manufac ture, they ere prepared to supply orders to any ex tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mer chants, Manufacturers and Dealers. CALVIN 337irT1111, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the several Courts of the City and County of Philadel- phis His office is at No. 35, South FOUItTE St., between Chesnut and Walnut streets. Philadeldhia, Oct. 1, 1845. Jewelry ! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry!! ~. ;ill% , ... 7 ~,, „al TF- cie U n S t T lew re e c ir e y iv o. ed, ,stock It- CiO of the most magnifi i ~,.\ ~, came up the Pike. ..a .1 v:ii \ t\ w , ,:' Consisting of Got!, PAT- C TENT LEVERS Ladies -\1 . 116:V., -- >/":: - ' 4 Go L D ANCHOR LE VERS, full jewelled, rn LVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single case(l,StLvEat ANCHOR LEVERS,rUiljeweled, double and ainglecaaed ENGLISH WATCHES, Imitation Leverit, QUARTIER and FRENCH WATCHES, &C. &C. Also Gold Fob Chains, mid Seals, of the most fashionable patterns, Gold Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's, Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with topaz, atnethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases, Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Books, Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments, Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality, HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior arti • de, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c. &c. All the above articles will be sold cheaper than ever heretofore. Clock and Watch repairing done as usual, very cheap for cash. _ A large assortment of eight day and thir ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap. Ali watches sold will be warranted for one ycr, and a written guarrantee given. that it not found equal to warranty it will (during that period) be put in order without expense, or if injured, may be exchanged for any other watch of equal value. The warranty s considered void, should the watch, with which it is given, be put into the hands of another watch maker. D. BUOY, Huntingdon, April 10, 1844. A Card. CLEMENS & BAKER, Wholesale Druggists and Manufadurers of Copal Varnish, also, sole Agents for the Franklin Window Glass Works. 91 - I.AVING been long engaged in the man ufacture of Copal Varnish, as well as other kinds, we are now prepared to offer to purchasers an article which in quality can not be surpassed in the Union. Alan, receiving weekly, from the above celebrated works, Window Glass of every size. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of White Lead of the most approved brands; together with a large stock of Drugs, Med icine., Paints, Oils, Indigo, Dye Stuff's, Col ors, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal, Cam els' Hair Pencils,Paint Brushes, Pallet Knives, &c ., comp rising every article in this line. All which will be sold at the lowest possi ble priceF, by CLEMENS & BAKER, No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood, Philadelphia. Sept. 10,1845. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, sitbseriber continues to manufac lirture, la Harrisburg, French Burrs of all sizes, and of the very best quality, much cheaper than ever, and•on very favorable terms. Letters addressed to hi% will receive the me prompt attention as if personal app.. n were made. W. H. KEPNER, Fth. 5,1815,-9 mo. WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY. THE subset flier respectfully inform his friends and the public in general, that he are prepared to manufacture cloths, satti netts, flannels, blankets, carpeting, &c., at the well known establishment, formerly oc cupied by Jeremiah Whitehead, situated in the town of Williamsburg, Huntiagdon cc. Pa. His machinery will be in good order, and having none but good workmen in his employ, he will assure all who may favor him with their custom that their orders will be executed in a satisfactory style on the shortest notice. Waz•trimaso 3 He will card wool into rolls at the low price of 6/ cents per pound ; card and spin 12 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound ; manufacture white flannel from fleece, 311 cents per yard ; manufacture brown flannel from 11 ece, 40 cents per yard; he will find sattinett warp and manufacture satti netts of all dark colors at 45 cents per yard; cloths j wide, 50 cents per yard ; common broad cloth, $1 23 per yard ; blankets, $3 per pair; plain girthing carpet, 50 cents per yard ; he will card, spin, doutle and twist stocking yarn at 20 cents per pound ; color ing carpet, coverlet and stocking yarn, from 15 to 31 cents per pound. Country Fulling. Cloths of all dark colors, 22 cents per yd; flannels, 81 cents per yard ; blankets, 7 cents per yard ; home dye flannels 61 cents per yard; home dye cloths, 16 cents per yard. Arrangements have been made at the fol lowing places, where cloths and wool will be taken and returned every two weeks. At the house of John Nail, Hartslog Val ley ; Jacob M'Gahan, M'Corrnellstown J. Entrekin's store, Coffee Run ; John Glyn-I's store, Leonard Weaver, Jacob Cypress and Matthew Garner, Woodcock Valley; 'Gem mel & Porter's store, Alexandria ; Walter Graham's store, Canoe Valley ; ysart's Mill, Sinking Valley ; Davis Brook's Mill, Blair township; Tames Candron's store, Frankstown ; Geo. Steiner's store, Water street ; James Saicton's store, Huntingdon. Persons wishing to exchange wool forman • ufactured stuffs can be accommodated. v- An kinds of country produceCalcen in exchange for work. WILLIAM BUCHANAN, Williamsburg, Aug. 27, 19, 1845.—tf. TUSCARORA ACADEMY. 4 HIS flourishing institution is situated in Tuscarora Valley,luniata county, Pa.. 8 miles south-west of Mifflintown4 It has been in successful operation for several years; and is believed to be equal to any Academy in the State, in affording facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough academical education, either for business or for College. Being situated in a very plea ant and healthful neighborhood in the coun try, the pupils are removed from those temp tations to idleness, dissipation and vice, which are the bane of similar institutions in town. The buildings are large and commodious, sufficient to accommodate a large number , and pupils from a distance are required to board in the tnstitution with the Principal. But if it is desired by their parents, good boarding can be obtained in the neighborhood of the Academy. TERMS: For boarding, (per week,) $1 25 Washing, (per qr. of 11 weeks,) 1 50 i Bed, Si 41 1 00 Incidental, CI " 25 For tuition in Latin, Greek and Mathe- matics, per quarter,) 00 Natural. Philosophy, Chemistry, Rheto-. ric, Political economy, Book-keeping, Botany, History, &c. 4 50 Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog raphy, Reading, Writing, &c. &c., (per quarter of 11 weeks,) 3 00 Light, books and stationary are found by the pupil, and may be obtained at the stores in the neighborhood. There are no extra' charges whatever. The academical year is divided into two sessions of 22 weeks each; and each session into two quarters of 11 weeks each. ri•One quarter must be paid in advance, when the pupil enters ; and all bills must be paid off before he leaves the Academy ; otherwise 7 per cent, on the whole bill for the quarter will be added. No deduction for absence cluringthe quarterunless coined by sickness. The very best testimonials can be given, both as to the scholarship and ability of the Principal; and his long experience in the profession entitles him to the confidence of the public. The vacations occur in April and October, and the next winter session will commence onkMonday, the 20th of October. • Address (post paid) all communications to the " Spruce Hill P. O." DAVID WILSON, A. M., Principal. Tuscarora Valley,Juniata co. Sep. 10,1845. N. B. Pupils from a distance can always find a ready conveyance from Mifflin up to the Act.demy, by applying to McAlister's Hotel. itocitbate gounTivv. THE, subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin ing counties, that he still continues to car ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch. He will keep constantly on hand stoves of everydescription, such as Cooking, Ten Plate, PARLOR, COAL, ROTARY, and WOOD STOV ES LIVINGSTON PLOITGHS, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware, and every kind of castings necessary for forges, mills or ma chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, &c., which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry. V' Old metal taken in exchange for any castings WILLIAM KENNEDY. irr Mr. K. has recently purchased the pattent right of a cooking stove for Hunting don county—the stove will be set up by him and warranted to the purchaser to be as good as any in the State—orders furnished. July 17, 1844.—tf. ------ 1 11bLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay vli&P of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and for sale, at thisoffice. (9DT.ANK BONDS—Judgment and corn. [non--for sale at this office. WASHINGTON HOTEL. Corner of Market street and Market Square, MA.P.P.zestrno, PA. fl H E subscriber having taken this pop ilk ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wm. T. SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he is now well prepared to accomodate them in a manner to insure satisfaction to all who fa vor him with their custom. The house has been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im proved in many respects, and no pains will be spared to make visitors comfortable du ring their sojourn, HIS TABLE will be constantly supplied with all the delicacies of the season and his servants are attentiv4 careful and accommodating. There is extensive Si ABLINI; attached to the premises, E. P. HUCHES, Late of the Mansion House. Harrisburg June 4, 1845. THE subscriber takes this occasion of re turning his thanks to his numerous friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed up on him durin g _ Isis proprietorship of the Washington Hotel. He also takes great pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a continuance of public favor, who is well qualified to give general satisfaction as a landlord, and every way worthy of the pat ronage of the travelling community. WM. T. SANDERS. WILLIAM D, PARRISH, No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market, PHILADELPPIITA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Paper, Rags, School Books Blank Books and Stationary. HAVING considerably increase his facil ties for business, now offers to country mer chants, on still more favorable terms than formerly, a complete assortment of Writing, Printing and Wrapping Papers; also I igured Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window Shades of a great variety of patterns, which he can sell at manufacturers' prices. Also, Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ; and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank Books, and Stationary in general, at the low est Wholesale prices. Rags ! Rags! Rags I Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, Or Rags taken in trade for goods at the lowest cash prices. Country merchants are par ticularly invited to call. Printers of country , newspapers supplied with their paper low for cash, by applying at WILLIAM D. PA RR ISH'S Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North Fifth street, 2 doors above Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, August 20th. 1845. TO SENSIBLE CITIZENS.-W e {mow from what we see and feel, that the animal body is, in its organs and functions. subject to derangement, inducing pain, and tending to its destruction. In this disordered state, we observe nature providing for the re-es tablishment of order, by exciting some salu tary evacuation of the morbific matter, or by some other operation, which escapes our imperfect senses and researches. In some cases she brings on a ci isis by the bowels, in others by sweating, &c. &c. Now experience has taught us that there are certain substances, by which, applied to the living body, internally or externally, we can at will produce the same evacuations, and thus do in a short time, what nature could do but slowly, and do effectually what she might not have strength to accomplish. When then we have seen adisease cured by a certain natural evacuation, should that dis ease occur again, we may count upon curing it by the use of such substances, as we know bring about the same evacuation, which we had before observed to cure a similar disease,. It is in consequence of the power which the Brandreth Pills exert upon the whole system, that makes them so universally ben eficial. It is because they impart to the body, the power to expel disease without leaving any evil effect. Asa general family medicine, Brandreth's Pills are, it is believed by the Proprietor, superior to every other offsr ed to the public. Ur. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the following Agents in this county. Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. M'Farlane, Garber, & co., Hollidaysburg. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Moore & Swoope, Alexandria. Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill. Thomas M. Owens, Birmingham. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Blair and Madden, Madden s Mills. r" The above are the only authorised agents in Huntingdon county. April 1(3, 1845. tl 11th Jy. Farm For Sale The subscribers offer for sale a wellim proved farm, containing ZI (236 D .4i.czi• c 3. Ea o with allowance, about 126 acres cleared and under good fence. 'The improvements are a large and convenient two story house, bank barn, and other out buildings, with se veral good springs of water convenient ; an orchard of choice fruit. There are also a quantity of peach and plumb trees. Said farm is situated in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, Pa., 3 miles from the Warm Springs, 7 miles from Huntingdon, and 6 miles from the Pennsylvania Canal. Persons wishing further information con cerning the above property can obtain it by calling on S. R. Boggs, residing on the pre mises, or from James Boggs, at Mill Creek. N. B. The subscribers are desirous of going west—persons would do well to call and see for themselves. SAMUEL R. & I AMES BOGGS. June 4, 1845. FARM FOR SALE. .( 71 -J! 12teLidabye 4 o t fle o ryl it t o r e , , u n lgi r c n s e a x l o a n t 10 o'clock, A. M. on the premises, A TRACT OF LAND, containing about One Hundred Acres, situ ated in Tell township, Huntingdon county, on the road leading from Concord to Shade Gap. The improvements are a two-story LOG HOUSE, LOG BARN, and other necessary out buildings, with a Spring of never-failing Water convenient to the door. The land is Patented, and of a good quality. A portion of it is excellent Meadow Land. The premises will he shown to any one dis posed to purchase by William Orr, Esq., living near said farm. Tli'e conditions of sale will be made known and an indisputable title given by WILLIAM McCLELLAN. Strasburg 24,, Sept. 1844. To Pairchasers• w Guarantee. THE undersigned agent of the Pattentee, of the Stove, " The Queen of the Wert," understanding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any of " GUILDS PATENT COOK INC STOVE —The Queen of the West." Now his is to inform all and every person who shut purchase and use said Stove that he 1- II inl demnify them from all costsordamage, • row any and all suits, brought by other E at en tees, or their agents, for any infringme Gt of their patents. lie gives this notice so P.hat persons need not be under any fears because they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the superior advantages of this " Queen" not only of the West, but of the East. ISRAEL GRAFFIUS. July 24, 1844. . _ "QUEEN Or THE wEsri CZN (29 GI) a 2. 6173(1.aDc0 i , For sale by I. GRAFIUS & SON, Alex andria, Huntingdon county, Pa., cheap for cash or country produce at the market price. . The "Queen of the West" is an lin provement on Hathaway's celebrated Hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap peared any plan of a Cooking Start that possesses the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is re quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to tall and see before they purchase elscwhei.e. July 3, 1844. .1.LEX.1.1 DR Li 8 —.awe.— I. GIRAFIUS & SON, ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they continue to carry on the Copper, 7'in and Sheet•iron Business, in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they manufacture and constantly keep on hand every descr iptionof ware in their line; such as New and Splendid Wood Stoves 22, 24, 26; 28 and 30 inches long. RADIATOR STOVES, Nett Cooking Stoves of all kind t,and Also four sizes of'Coal Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVESPINISHED A it kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE ; ail of which is done in a workman like manner. Also, Copper, bye, Wash, Puller, Pre seining, and Tea Aettl es, for sale, wholesale and retail Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old Metal. copper, brass and pewter ta ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, July 3. 1844. NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully requests all persons indebted to him for work done at the old estabilsbment, pre vious to the Ist of November last, to tall and settle their accounts without delay. ISRAEL GRAVIUS. July 3, 1844. CHEAP FOR CASH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Boot, Shoe, and Cap Store. No. 21 MARKET STREET, :between Front & Second Sts., North Side.) PHILADELPHIA. TUE subscriber has on hand a large and complete assortment of the above named articles, to which he respectfully invites the attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon county, consisting of Men's, Boy's and Vouth's coarse Wax. Kip, Calf Skin, Seal and Morocco BOOTS and BROC ANS , Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes in all their varieties; also, Ladies' and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of every kind, together with Men's Boy's and Children's CAPS of every description. Persons will find It to their advantage to Call and examine my stock before pnrcha - sing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell at the LO WEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. SAMUEL GOLDEY Philadelphia July, 24 1845. H arches, Jewelry AND SILVER WARE. THE subscribers offer an assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea setts and every article of Silver work of their own manufacture. Also watch chains, Seals and keys, Fine Gold Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ; together with a general assortment of La dies,jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans, Brittania ware in setts and single pieces; Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pins, Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., for sale at the lowest Cash prices.—Watchesßepaired t J. & W. L. WARD, No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the Franklin House. Philadelphia, August 3, 1845. REYNOLDS, KERR 86 ALLISON WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND Dealers in Country Produce NO. 204 MARKET ST. (Next door to the Red Lion Hotel,) PHILADELPHIA, r i g i ODNTRY Merchants and others pur `' chasing Groceries, are invited to call and examine our new and extensive stock, where they will find every article in the Grocery line, at SMALL ADVANCES ABOVE IMPORTATION PRICES, Being a new house, we are determined not to be undersold by any other establish ment in the city. irreOUNTRY PRODUCA will be taken in payment for Groceries, and sold to the best possible advantage, free of charge. Aug. v, 1843-4,2ra COI = THIS WAY! 5ZVC1a5:315e312%71:113 Carriage Manufactory. MINIM SITEITZ gpfpUST RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite the Journal" print ing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of rt, Coaches, tai•rzogee, eafrc,:,-,F,1, , ,rz. Piggies, Sleigh: and Dearboiles; which he will SELL LOW FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. He would also inform the public that he manufactures and keeps constantlj , on hind all kinds of made and finished iu the most durable and improved style, by experienced workmen. rile public are respectfully invited to call and judge for theniselves. HENRY SMITH. Huntingdon, Nov, 3, 1845—tf. We recommend to all our friends visit ing the city to call at the Pekin Company's Store, and lay in a supply of their deli rious Mos. THE PEKIN TEA COMPANY, No. SO SOU. 711 SECOND STRREZ Between Market and Chestnut', PHILADELPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and fol. tia7e, Wholesale and Retail, t A 'VARIETY or CH P`OICE RESII TEAS; AT LOWER PRICES, According to the quality, than they can be bought for at any other eetablisbment in the city. CO— Tans, exclusively, are solil at this house, and several varieties which can not be obtnined elsewhere. Any Teas which do not give entire satisfaction can be retorned and exchanges, or the money will be refunded. The citizens of Huntingdon county are respectfully invited to give tit a call. G. B. ZEIBFR . , Agent for the Pekin Tea Company, October 1, 1845.-Iy. TM:PEW CE ROTE.L, ii•RRISBITRO, PA. r ir HE undersigned respectfully announ • ces to his friends and the public that he still continues at his old stand, Second street; Harrisburg,iiiire he is ready to accommodate a ay favor him with a call. As his ti sheen for some years back conducted on the Temperance principle, the proprietor expects to receive a liberal share of the patronage of temper ance men generally, visiting the Seat of Government. LEMSEAS caa'AILIE3I7.OE3I3 will always he supplied with the best the market will afford, and no pains spared to suit the palate of the epicure. The great est tare will he observed in regard to the cleanliness &comic:At oft sleeping apart- Ments. IM3a&Z3 0311CIODUaClila is commodious, and attended by a careful and obliging ostlerand every arrangement made to snake his house a pleasant stopping place forthe traveller. ChargeS Very moderate to suit the times. JOHN KELKEIt. Harrisburg, Aug. 15, 1845. Estate of CORNELIUS DAVIS, hay of.lacksoa township, deed. OTICE is hereby given that letter's a 4.11 administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All pet sons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all, persons indebted to make immediate payment to JAMES DAVIS, Adin'r Oct. 29, 1845.—51 pd. West to. Carpetings, Floor 1.) loths, &c., Ai the" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Street, Philadelphia. 7STE would call the attention of persons in want of New Carpet, &c. to the fact of our being enabled to sell goods at very low prices; because, in our present lo cation, our rent and other expenses are very light ; and we offer for this sceson an excel lent assortment of Carpetingg; Beautiful Imperial, Ingrain, and Venetian of every variety. Also, Floor Oil Cloths, From 2 to 24 feet wide, cutto fit rooms, halls, &c. , and Hearth Rugs. Table Covers, Floor Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices. (17 A supply of low priced carpets, from 31 to SO cents per yard, always on hand. ELDRRIDGE & BROTHER, No 41, Strawberry street, one door above Chesnut st. near Second st. Phila'd. Sept. 10, 184 S. Spanish Hides •ND TANNER'S OILS. 2000 Dry Laplata Hides.--first quality. 8500 Dry La Guira dn. do. 3000 Dry Salted La Guira, do, 1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do, 40 Bales C-reen Salted Patna Kips 30 Bales dry Patna Kips. 120 Barrel's Tanner's Oil. Tanner's and Currier's Tools. For salse to the country 'fanners at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for which the highest paices will be paid in Cash or in exchange for Hides, kips & Oil. D. KIRKPATRICK & SUNS, No. 21 .South Sd Street, Philadelphia Oct. 9, 1844.-- ly. Job Printing. NEATLY EXECUTED IT THIS OFFICE. TpUSTICES" Blanks of all kinds, itn 7 eale 7if at this Office. Hardtiare! .Ha - rdware ! ! (George Ogel%by.) (R. F. Kelker.) IL F. KELKER & CO., No. 5, SOUTH FRONT ST., HARRISBURG' RESPECTFULLY offer to the citizens of Huntingdon, and all the country roundabout—a large and general assortment of HARDWARE, Nails, White Lead, Oils, Paints, Window Glass 7 by 9 to 24 by 36, Varnishes, Building Materials, Bar, Round Hoop and Sheet Iron;. Cast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steel; AT, villa, Vices, Smith Bellows, Iron and Brass Wire, Spelter, Sheet zinc, Copper, Block Tin and Bar Lead; Eliptic Steel Spi figs, Saddelry, Coach Laces and Trimmings; Moss, Curled Hair and Hair Seating, llog skins and Patent Leather; Lamps of the most approved kind for burning either Spefin Oil or Lard ; Sieves for Flour, Grain and Coal; Wire Screen for Windmills; Ma chine Carrie, Mahogany Planks, Boards, Veneers, and,Carvings. Also— Lend Pipe, of every . size weight and calibre. But few persons in the community sufficiently appre ciate the value of Lead Pipe, in conducting water from springs at a distance to their dwellings—a convenience unknown but to those who possess it. Any information res pecting the same will be cheerfully given. We offer the above and all other articles in our line, on the idost reasonable terms, and hope that when, you come to Harrisburg, you may give us, a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we ave,tletermined to sell as low as any other house in town. . N. B. Country Merchants will be supplied at a very small advance above city prices. RUDOLPH F. KELKER & Co. Aug. 27,1845.-tf. (3:9AI:UtaU;) 2 Dr. 3.,8: DORSET, HAVING removed from Williamsburg to Huntingdon. would inform the community that he designs to continue the practice of medicine, ard will be thankful for their pat ronage. Residence and office formerly uc copied by R. Allison, Esq. N. B. Having been successful in accom plishing the cure of a number of cancers, for which,vouchers can be had if required) he, feels confident of success in the most oh ntlnate cases, and should he fail in curing no Charge will be made. Huntigdon, April 23, 1845, Pennsylvania Intelligences. The " INTELLTOENCYCk" will be pub iihed during the ensuing session of (Ile Legislature, once a week, on the following terms A single copy, Fhree copies, ive cot:ies, Ten copies, Payable in all cases in advance! The price of subscription for the year is TWO DOLLARS, but $l.OO will be taken if paid in ailvanie ; or ten copies for $lO, in advance. The paper will contain full and .cogrect reports of Legislative proceedings ; the proceedings of Congress on all subjects of general interest; and the general news of the day, foreign and domestic. A par. lion of our columns will be also devoted to literary and miscellaneous items: and the Farmer will be weekly supplied with a review of the city markets, and olker agricultural matter. In short, our paper shall be made interesting and useful to all classes of readers, and we hope to receive such an accession to our subscription list, as will remunerate us for our trouble. Adress, C. M-1-- Address, C. MCCURDY, HArrisbk, Pa. 'ENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH. • Th ij ession of the Legislature whic h is just and. we have reason to believe will be o ,that will excite much interest amongst the people of the Commonwealth, and induce a desire to obtain accurate re ports bf its proteedings through a paper published at the teat of Government. We have ebg_agetl Intelligent and compe tent Reporters for the Senate and House of Representatives, and Shall publish in the Telegraph full and impartial reports of the same up to the latest hohrs of publication. and send to subscriberi at the rates specified below. We shall also be enabled to give the la • test Congressional Intelligente, with the Political news at Washington; having en gaged intelligent and experienced corres pondents at Washington City, for that pur pose. SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGIiA PH. The Telegraph will be published Semi weekly, at $2 for the session,' or $3 for the whole year. SIX copies of the paper will be sent to one o ffi ce for $lO during the session; or for $l5 the year, to be paid in advance. de WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, AAAAA The Telegraph will be sent to subscribers once a week at $2 per annum, and will con- . tain Literary, as well as General, Legisla~ tive and Congressional news. CHEAP SESSION TELEGRAPH. For the purpose of placing the Proceed ings of the Legislature within the reach of every one, we have made arrangements to issue the Telegraph once a week at the low price of ONE DOLLAR for the ses sion; in all cases to be paid in advance.— The weekly session Telegraph will be made up of the Legislative, Congressional and General News that appear in the semi weekly paper ; and will be issued from the press every Monday morning. o• Persons procuring FIVE subscribers and forwarding $5, shall receive a copy for their trouble. TREOi FENN. Protection against Loss by fire. THE Cumberland Valley Mutual Protec tion Company, incorporated by the Legisla ture, and rapidly extending its benefits, of fer greater inducements on account of cheap , - ness of insurance and certainty of payment in case of Loss than any other Company or mode of insurance known, except those in= curporated on the same principle. The terms and privileges of members can be known by •calling on George Taylor, residing in Huntingdon, the agent appointed by eels{ Company for Huntingdon county. 'l'. C. MILLER, Preek. A. G, MILLER, Sec'y, White House, Sep. 24, 1845. A. K. CORNIM, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Hunt ingdoii . P. Office in Main street, two doors East Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House $l.OO 2.00 3.00 5.00