OSITUART UMW% DIED: At his residence, in this bdrongh, at IS o'clock this morning, Mr. BENJAMIN ARMI. TAUS, aged 77 years. LAST NOTICE. Tho subscriber hereby requests all persons in debted to him for subscription, printing, or adver tising, to call at his office and settle, previous to the 24th day of January next. All unsettled accounts will then be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. THEO. H. DEEMER. Huntingdon, Dec. 17, 1845.—td. LAW PARTNERSHIP, 5 8ELita & :1100ta. Thomas P. Campbell and William J. Jacobs having associated themselves togeth er in the practice of the law, 'Minim the publir; that they will attend to,nll . business entrusted to them in Mo, live of •the.ir pro fesSicim in liuntingdom,•Mifflin anti Centre counties, with care and fidelity. Their office is the same occupied by Thos. P. Campbell for many years past, next door to the office of Gen. 4. J. Wil son, and opposite the residence of William Orbison, Esq. " • Huntingdon Dec. '17,1845. "Yankee 3untper" Ton , Bale. TWO gentlemen from "Blair County" respectfully inform the citizens of Hun, tingdon that they will dispose of a very val uable "Jumper" whidh they have left at the "Kagle Hotel," in this borough. at _which_ place persona wishing to purchase can and examine for themselvds. There is ncithing about this (at the present) useful article, which can be objected to by any gentleman, however derhocratic he may be in his notions. It is "neat but not gaudy." A great bargain may be expected, by call ing on - GEO. JACKSON, Dec. 17, 1845. Agent fur Proprietors. Orphans' Court Sale. 41) Y vi r tue of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale on Thursday the Bth of January, at the house of J k NIES M'MURTRIE, Inn-keeper, in West township, EIGHT TRACTS of Unseated Land, late the pro perty of Jacob K. Neff, dec'd, situate in said township, one containinf 400 hundred acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry Canan : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on '4 warrant in the name of David Stewart : One containing 400 acres, survey- One containing 400 acres, surveyed on it warrant in the name of ugh Johnston: ed on a warrant in the name of A. Johnston: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of ,ftenry West: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Thomas McCune': One containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in Ae name of James Dean, and one con tai fg 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of John Adams. , , TERAIS:=Otte halt of the purchase mo ney to be paid .on the confirmation of the sales, respectively, and the residue within ont year thereafter, with interest, to be se ,Cured by the bond and mortgage of the pur 'chaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, Dec. 17, IB4s—ts. Executor. Auditor's Notice. . . The undersigned, appointed by the Or phans' Court o( Huutingdon county, to examine and decide upon the exceptions to the account of Henry Miller, Executor of Martha Ker, deceased, will attend for that purpose,, at. the Register's Office, in "The borough of Huutingdun on Thursday, the tip ot 4 ;January, at 1 o'clock P. M. Die. 17, 3OIII t T REED, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned : ippointed Au4or, to the inatter.of the Administration' , account of Aaron Burns dec'd.. who was adminis trator of the estate of Abraham Yager, dec'd, to distribtite the 'baliiiice appearing on the sanii, to those legally, entitled 'thereto, givei notice Olathe wilfettend 'to the same st the Begister's : Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Friday the 9th day of January neat, at o'clock P. M. JACOB M4LLER, Auditor. Dec. 17, 1845-4 t. Strict Steel's'. . _ td AME to the residence of the subscriber in Waryiorsniark township, on the first day of Dec., 1845, 2 steers; the one is a pale red with .a white face, the other a red brindle, supposed to be 3 years old last spring. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take them away, otherwise they will. be disposed of according to law . . JOHN BECK. Dec. 17, 1845. To the honorable the J6tlges of the Court of Quarte'r SesaiOns of the Peace, of the Countycf Huntingdon. The peti tion of Christian Coats Respectfully Represents: That he is still provided with house :torn, stabling, liquors, and all the necessary accommodations fur keeping a. house of public entertainment, at his old Stand, (the Franklin House) in the borough of Huntingdon, in said county. He there• fore prays your llonors to grunt him a License to continue to keep a house of public entertainment at the said place for the current ensuing year. And, as in duty bound, will ever pray. c. cou•rs , We the undersigned, citizens of the borough of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that the above Petitioner, Christian Coots, IS a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is Well provided with house room and conveniences for the ac- Comnioilatinn of strangers and travellers, and that the Inn or Tavern proposed to be kept is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and trav ellers. Jacob Africa 1. Williainson Chas. A. Newihghlin W. S. Hildebrand James Saxton, jr. A. A.?3initii . W. A. Saxton Christian Long Willi4m Couch Samuel Steel DaVitl Weston E. M. Junes ll'illiatn Rothrock SHRIFF'S SALES. fly virtue of sundry writs of Vendi tioni Exponas, Levari Facias, and Firri Faciam, to me directed, Will ex pose to public sale, at the Court House dote• iu the borough of 'Huntingdon, on Monday, the 12th January, 1846, the fol. lowing described Real Estate; and contin ue the same from day to day until all is sold. - The terms of the sateare cash, and no!sale will be'final unless the money be paid at the time, viz: All those, two certain. Jots, pieces or parcels of ground situate On the west side of NVater street in the town of Cassville, Huntrngdon county, containing about four acres or thereabouts, adjoining Mary Mc- Cmdle on the.south, Lewis Stever on the weed, and David Steve:- on the north; hay itik/a stone (livening house and a frame stable thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob M. Cover. ALSO, All those two adjoining lots of ground situate un the north side or Juniata street in the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting each 60 feet on said street and extending tiabk at right angles to - same 160 feet to Bank alley; said lots being numbered 155 and 156 in the recorded platy of said bo rough—No. 156 being a corner lot, and on the korner of .Juniata and Penn'a. streets. 'On said lots are erected the Hollidaysburg Foundry, Casting House, a two story brick house, an oflice build ing, and 'a frame building used in connec tioit with the Foundry—together with all the machinery and fixtitres belonging to and attached to the freehold. Seized, taken in 'execution, and to be sold as the property of Geo. R. McFar lane, Michael C. 'Par.t3er, and Albert J. Garber, lately trailing under the firm of McFarlane, •Garber Co. , AsO, The one undivided nalf part of a tract of tidtber land situate in the township of Cromwell, in the county of Huntingdon, containing in all one hundred and sixty acres, surveyed in the name of Joseph Grubb, adjoining lands of Alvah Chilcoat, John Rutter and James M. Bell, Esq. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Cornelius and Peter Cornelius or either or both of them. ALSO, All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Barree, in the county of Huntingdon, about one hundred acres be the same mare or less, adjOininglands of George Bell, Dr. Mor decai Masse a Niers, about 40 acres Of which ahaving thereon erected a cabin house and barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Hutchi son, deed., now in the hands Of his Ex ecutors. . , ALSO, All that tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on the Juniata River about el miles beloW ,the borough of Huntingdon, in Henderson avirship, adjoining other lands of defenMt, lands of Jacob Fock ler, and others, lying on both Sides of the Juniata canal, and on both sides of tia Turnpike road, containing, about 184 acres, be the same more or less, about 150 acres of which are cleared . and in good cultivation, having Theron erected a log dwelling house 1,1 stories high, and two Aoldile lug barns, and other out buildings and iniprovetnents.—Said tract of land has two apple orchards, and a good spring of water thereon. Also--A tract, piece or parcel of ridge land, composed 'of:two adjoining surveys, situate in Henderson township, adjoining the last described tract, land of Jacob Pushier, Rupert, and others, con taining:in all about 22 acres, be the same more or less, about So acres or which are cleared, alit! a dwelling house stories high thereon erected.. _ _ that certain lot of ground, situate on the corner, of gill . and Bath streets in. the borough of Huntingdon, numbered 95 in the town plot of said borough, fronting st) feet on Hill street, and 185 feet back along Bath street to Washington street, having thereon erect ed a large two story stone'dwelling house and-kitchen and aframe warehouse and stable. . _ . . Seized, taken in execution,- and to be sold as the property of Jacob Miller. • ALSO, All that tract, piece, Or parcel of land situate in the township. of Snyder, in Huntingtinn county, containing 53. acres and 12:0 perches, anti allowance, On the hank of the little Juniata .River, and ad joining lands of Lyon, Short), & Co.—, William Caldwell and. others—havin3 thereon erected a two story lug dwelling house, a frame barn and a frame fulling mill, about--acres of WhiCh are cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Moses Robeson, at suit of John W. Miller. ALSO, All that small piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Jackson township, in the county of Huntingdon, purchased by the defendant from Jno. P. Stewart, contain• jug about 60 acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lands of Robert Stewart, Esq., IVilliam flays, William Porter, and others, about 2.5 or SO acres of which are cleared and cultivated, with a small log dwelling house and a log stable thereon erected, Seiicd, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Musser. 41SO, . . . All that certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Williamiiburg, Hun. tingdon count•, numbered 94 in the plot of said borough, fronting 50 feet on the North East side of Front street, and ex tending back, 175 feet to an alley, boun ded on the East by Lot No. 35, and on the West by a lot of Joseph Higgins, having a two story brick house and frame back building thereon erected. Also —Lot NO. 35 in the plot of said town of Williamsburg, adjoining the above described Lot No. 34, and fronting 50 feet on 'Front street, and running back 175 feet !o an alley,;bountled on the East by a lot of A. Patterson, and on the West' by Lot No. 34—having two frame dwel ling hiluses one and a half stories high thereon erected. . - Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold 'as the'peoperty of William Southwell, with notice to Adam Womer and Henry Schwartz, terre-tenants. The said two last described Lots will also be sold as the property of 'George Knoelller, dec'd, in the hands of his Executor s , by 'virtue of two writs against said Executor in my hands. ALSO, All that certain part of a tract of land situate in Barree township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of -Hitz worth, H. Alexander and others, contain ing severity• two acres and one hundred and forty• seven perches, (Being part of a tract of land which Gen. William Mc- Aleavy, by deed dated the sth day of Sep tember, A. 1). 1820, conveyed to %Vit., ham • McAleavy, and the said William McAleavy by deed dated 21st April, 1841, conveyed the same to David McAl. eavy,) together with the hereditaments and appurtenances. 'Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David McAleavy S 0 , Two certain adjoining lots of ground situate in the Bor ough of Hollidaysburg. numbered & 252 in the town plot of said borough, being each'6o feet in Front on Mulberry street, and extending back 170 feet to Strawberry alley—having thereon erected a large one story brick building, known as St. MarY's Catholic 'Church of ficillidaysbur6. „ Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property tirthe Catholic Church of Hollidaysburg, in the hand§ 'of the building committe. ALSO, • All that lot or small parcel. (gland sit uate in the township of Jacksert, in Hun tingdon county, containing about Eleven acres, be the same more or less, about seven or eight acres of which are cleared, adjoinit , lands of George Steffy, -George Riter, John Stem, and others, with a two story Irame tavern-house and a barn 'thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and - to be sold as the property of Samuel Stab,. , • • ALSO, All that certain Lot of ground in the town of buncansville in the county of ;Huntingdoh, ,. containing about 60 feet in 'front on the Turnpike Road, and running back along the Bedford .Road, 160 feet, more or less, to the 'Portage Rail Road— having thereon erected a large two story frame tavern house and kitchen and a frame stable. . ~ Seized, tilcen in execution, :and. to be sold as the property of Michael Tholtpscin. ALSO, . . A tract of land .situate on the waters of Stone creel:, in Henderson township, near the Warm Springs, ..containing 69 acres,l. , out, 40 acres of which,ire clear ed, some of which is meadow land. Said land adjoins Henry White, William Mc- Diva, David Newingham's heirs, and is the same land which Jacob White died seized o—hairing a two story log weath er-boarded house, a log barn and other bui)dings thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Smith. ALSO, . • All that c e rta i n two story building sit uate on a lot of ground in the town of Graysville, in Franklin township, in nun tingdon county, adjoining lands of Ew ing & Travis, containing one acre and one eighth of an acre of ground—said building being a frame house 30 feet in front and extending back 0 feet with a kitchen thereto attached 12 by 15 feet, with the appurtenances. . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Stover, own er or reputed owner. . ALSO, A. lot of about seven acres of cleared land, situote in Blair. township, on the northerly side of the Turnpike Road be• tween Hollidaysburg and Duncansville, bounded on the North and East by:lands of John AlcCahan, on the South by the Turnpike Road, and on the. West by the town of Nitaltersburg— having thereon erected a two story brick house and kitch en and a frame stable, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prOPerty of John B. Buchan• an and George Buchanan. JOHN ARMITAGE, Sher] Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 17, 1845. zbrinT WILLYAMSON Having re ititned •to Huntingdon county, has re-corif menced thepractice of LAW in the Borough of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at tend to all business entrusted to his care.— He will be found at all times by those who may call upon him, at his office With Isaac Fisher, Esq., adjoining the store of '1 hoe. Read & Son, near the Diamond. Huntingdon, April 30, 1843. Z. SEWELL STEWA.2.7, AT:MI=3a ha' LAM% lIUN'IINGDOiV,P.I. Office in Main street, three doors west of 4r. Buoy's.Jewelrp stablishment. Edit-wiry 1.1, 1843.--tf, • 1-4"LBA. r• THE 0 v'''lo3li; EAT e. • - 7 • • 'Diseases of tho 'Lung's and Breast. It has eared thousands upon thdusands— of all classes-4n cases of the most danger ously consumptive character; and physi cians of the greatest eminence throughout our whole country now unhesitatingly re commend it as `SELDOM KNOWN TO FAIL. TESTIMONIALS, • Mentl. SANFORD & PARR—Dear Sirs:— With regard to Dr. Wistar's Bilsam of Wild Cherry, for which you are wholesale agents, we have sold, since last October, eighty tw o bottles at retail, and have heard from a great portion cf them as producing the debited effect. Several important cases In this vicinity, which came under our personal knowledge have been cured!—where other• remedies have been tried for:yeara without effect. In fact, we think it one of the most inval uable remedies for consumption of the lungs and all other complaints fur which it is re commended; and do thhik, that the suffer ing of the afflicteerdemand that .you should give it a general circulation, and make its virtuqs known. Yours, WEAGLY & KNEPPER, Druggists, Wooster, 0., May 20, 1843. [Fromlhe Cincianaiii Daily Times of Allay 3044 1848.. "Motor's Balaanz of Wild Cherry.—We should judge from Messrs. Weagely & Knepper's letter, published this day among our advertisements, that this popular rem edy for coughs, lung complaints, and dis eases of the breast generally, was really a valuable medicine, and worthy of serious attention from the public. We are infored by the wholesale agents, that they are al most daily receiving similar letttrs from all parts of the West. We would advise our 'readers Who are laboring under an affection of the lungs, to make immediate trial of 'this truly excel lent medicine. The most intelligent and respectable families of our city have adopt ed it as a favorite family medicine ; and persons predisposed to consumption who have used it, speak in the highest terms of its efficacy." aj- Read the fulloi . •iing from Dr. Jacob Hoffman, aphySician of extensive practice in.Huntingdon county : Dear Sir:—l procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam. of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq. , of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of Paul Schw,eble, in which many other remedies had been tried without any relief. The BalsaTh gave sudden relief, and in my opinion the child is effectually cured by its use. Yours etc:: ' JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec, 23, 1841. • al. It is unnecessary to remind all who would get the true article, to inquire partic uhg'•!v for ..Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chu ery,",and take nothing else. Price one dollar per bottle. For sale in Cincinnati, by SANFORD Et PARK, General Agents. Also, by Thomas Reed & Son, Hunting don • Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Gem mill Porter, Alexandria. Dec. 17, 1845. Orphans' Court Bale. Y virtue of an alias order of the . ..Orphans' Court of Huntingdon coon to, Will be exposed to sale, by public ven due or outcry, on the premises, on hursdaY the Bth of January, 1846, as the property of John Scullin, tlec'd, a lot of ground with a large and commodi ous •, Tairinßwl AMUSE, thereon erected, two stories high, part log and weather-boarded and part frame, situate in the borough of , . Petersburg, in said county, now occupied as a public house by Mrs. Mary Scullin. Also parts of two other lots in: said borough, on which are erected. a large frame stable, and a small log stable, apptirle`nant to the tavern stand.. TERMS OV SALE :—One half of the purchase money to be paid on,the confim ation of the sale, And the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgaged the purchaser._ Dy the. Court, JACOB MILLER, Clerk. 0: Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day. Attendance will be giv en.by JOHN M'CULLOCH, Dec. 10, 1845. JE:STRai CAME to the residence of the subscri ber, in Warriorsmatk toivnahip, about the 28111 of Novernbr last, a red and white spotted steer, supposed to be.about four years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property,. pay char ges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. •• • • DAVID BECK. 6th, 1845. Bridle Proposals. THE undersigned, Commissioners of Huntingdon county will meet at the house of Conrad Snare in Ilopewell township. on ‘Vednesday the I;th clay of Deem. ber, to receive proposals for building a Bridge across the Raystown Br e snceof the Juniata river, where the public road from Trough Creek yalley and Mary Ann Furnace and Mary Ann .Forge strikes the said river, at or near the house of the said Conrad Snare, in Hopewell township. The plan and specifications will be es ; hibtled un that day, or can be seen at any time in the Commissioners' office. MORDECAI CIIILCOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, Com's. WILLIAM BELL, Comint's Office, Nov, 16, 1815--3 t, Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the O rphans ' . Court of Huntingdon co., to hear tUe., the exeeptious filed to the account of .Alexander Sc.ott, Executor of the last will of William Scott, late of Tell township decd., will mfend for that purpose at his, office in Huntingdon on Friday the t:h day, of January next, at one o'clock P. M., and where all persons interested may attend. • GEO. TAYLOR, Auditor. Huntingdon, Dec. 9, 1845. DSTRAYS. 'CAME to the residence of the subscri ber, in \Varriorsmark township, about the 15th day of November last, 4 strays, one Red cow, with some white about her head, and a Red Heiffer, with a Bell. on ; also two Red Steers, one of them having his right ear marked, the other a mooley.— The owner or owners, are requested to come forward, prove property, pay all charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be diposed ofaccording to law. ABRAHAM BRA NSTETTER Dec. 1, 1845—St. To all wkOm it may Concerti NoTicF is .hereby given that:the ac• count of Wifliant Black, Committee of the person and Estate of Christopher Black, el Allegheny township, a Lunatic, has been filed in my office ned. Wlll 'm presented to the Judges of fha Court of Common Pleas, 'of the county •ot Hun• tingdun, on the second Monday of Janus ;try next for confirmation, & will be then Confirmed and allowed if no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary. 3 A MES STEEL, contrary. . Proty's Office, liunting. don, Dec. 5,1845.-4 M $ Two Stray Cows, W47(MAME, to the residence of the. subscriber residing in Union township, about the first of August last. One is a red cow with a white belly and a star on the forehead, supposed to be about fifteen years old ; the other is a red cow bordering on brown, with a white belly, a white streak along the back and supposed to be about twelve years old, the horns of both turning up. There is no marks on the ears. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away. • WILLIAM SMITH. Nov. 19, 1845. PEEL= SALE, The undersigned Executor of the estate of Jacob Mouth, dec'd, will offer at public sale, Ou Thursday the 27th day of Noaember inst., all that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land lying and being situate in Tod town . Alp, Huntingdon county, containing 250 acres, more or less, adjoing;latids of Sam uel McLain, deed, and Joseph Martin, on which Johnny Hunch resides, there Is a good DWELLING HOUSE, on the [llll premises,ond also a good BARN, ORCHARD ' • And four, good SPRINGS of WATER, there on, about one huudred acre.; of land cleared twenty-five of first rate Meadow, and about one hundred that can be made bitameadow all in one body. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M• of said day. Attendance will be given by • SAMUEL HOUCH. .Nov. 5, 1845—ts. 1 To the Honorable Jl. S, Wilson, Presi dent, and his Associates, Judges of the court of Quarter Sessions of the,Peace for the County of Huntingdon„ a: Jan uary Sessions 1846, Ihc Petition of David Etnire, respectfully skewetia ' That your Petitioner_ occupies a commo dious House, situated in the town of Or bisonia, in Cromwell township, on the road leading from Drake's Ferry toCham bersburg, which ,is well calculated : for a Public. House of Entertainment, and from its neighborhood and situation, is suitable as well as necessary for the accommoda tion of the public, and the entertainment of strangers and travellers. . That he is well provided with stabling for horses, and all conveniences necessary for the entertainment of strangers and travellers : He therefore respectfully prays the Court to grant him a License to keep an Inn, or a Public House of En tertainment there : And your petitioner will pray, Ste. . DAVID ETNIRE. WE, the undersigned, citizens of Crom well township, county aforesaid, being personally acquainted with Davit! Etnire, the above named Petitioner, and also hav ing a knowledge of the licmse for which the license is prayed, do hereby certify that such house is necessary to accommo date the public and entertain strangers or travellers; that he is a person of good report for honesty asil temperance, and that he is well provided with house retiin and conveniences for the lodging !lel tic commotlat!,on of strangers and travellers. We theret'ore beg leave to recommend him for a, License, agreeably to his Peti hon. Druid Burket, • Samuel N. Wharton, Peter Ripple, James Morgan, Daniel J. Logan, Samuel Grove, Andrew Hegie, Samuel Erwin, Simon Gratz, Enos McMullen, John Rutter, Samuel Book, • George Swartz, Joseph Coiighenower, John Laird, James Colegate, Wm. Gilliland, Joseph Cornelius, Benjamin Cornelius, Frederick Hernan, George Calegate. Xagiiiff - fxszEß, ATTORNEY AT LAW.-=Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the Mace of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may be.en trusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843. GEORG 33 TAYLOR, attorney at Lam.--:attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating. Adniinistra tors accovits, arivening, &c.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the Ex change Hotel," fe1321.3, '44. • Valuable Real Estate at Or phans' Court Sate. Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' ail Court of Huntingdon county, x ill be exposed to public sale on the premises, ON WEDNESDAY THE Nth D.9Y OF DECEMBER NEX7'. a tract of excellent land situate in "Wou,l cock Valley," Hopewell township, Hunting don county, late the estate of William Elder, dec'il, acjoining lands of James Entrekiii. dec'd, on the South,Tussey's ;Mountain on the West, Christian Weaver on the North, anti others.--containing about 4 4 1 0 ACRES, he the. same more or less, having TW 0 DWELLIN,G HOUSES thereon erected. and a large quantity of cleared land, part of which is excellent meadow land. The above tract of land offers the best inducements to purchasers, of any that have lately been offered. Thefe - is' none better suited for a grazing farth iii the county— , whilst there is ars° a sufficiendy. of the hest wheat land Upon it. It is sithared in the heart of one of the best Valley's in'the coun ty, and is near one of the largest iron estab lishments in Bedford coo: ty. TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to be paid in hand at confirmittion of sale, and the residue in two equal -gniiii.tt paymetits thereafter, with inter, st, -to 1,.; secured by the bond and incirtgage of th,: purchaser. By the Codtt, • JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance given by DAVID SN Alt F., Administrator. Huntingdon Nov. 56, 1845.—t5. WATERLOO FARM T3PMUj. W ILI, Sell the above farm, situEte about one mile from the borough of Hollidays burg, the contemplated seat of justice Inc 'Blair County. T hetrltetcontains 2'.!8 ,has a splendid Bank Barn, Dwelling House, Orchard, &c. thereon, and the farm land in the highest state of cultivation. Price, $50.00 pet,acre—one half in (land, the other in two annul payments. For 'farther par ticulars apply to my son James in the neigh borhood of the farm. . _ JNO. M'CAHAN N. 8.--I will sell the "Miller" Farm, two and a half miles below Huntingdon, containing :350 acres, for $lBOOO, and give an indispulabte title. There is a specu lation of $4OOO In This properly at the above price Nov. 26, 1845 Farm and Mill tbr Sale . . -THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on the'prelnises, on Saturday, the 20th day of December, at 1 o'elock P. M., the prop erty on which he • now resides, situate hi Porter township, about a mile and a half from tire borough of Huntingdon. There is about 700 acres of land belonging to said property, about 75 acres of which Is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with an apple orchard of 80 trees thereon. The improvements are situate on the Juniata river and consist of a frame • with : t . wo pair of 'French burs and une pair of country stones; a OM& ....eattn.a o • • a neW fiame and weatherboarded dwelling house, tivo stories high, a jog stable and other necessary out buildings. The water power is excellent, perhaps not surpassed by any in the state; and the wood hind bor ders on the "Big Dam," and is well ed. :There arc three quarries , ef excellent lime-stone on the premises, and a lime• kilts on,the i border of the Pennsylvania canal: TEI half of the purchase mo ney to be paid in hand, and residue Ni two equal annual payments, .to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of Me purchaser. THOMAS WHaTAKER. Nov. 26, 1845. NEW Grocery Store; In the 3d street north of the Canal, 2 doors west from Mr. H. Glazier and adjoin g the residente of his Father., THEuntlertignecl respectfully informs the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, tha t b' is now opening a general assortment ct 'Groceries and Confectionaries; comprising ' in part, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spices, Sugar awl Water Crackers, Pick Nicks, Almonds. Raisins, Mackerel, Herring, & c. &c. Also, Tobacco of the most approved brand=; best. Spanish, half-Spanish and Atnerican Segars, wholesale and retail, to suit purchasers. Together with a variety' f articles, too nw. ' merous to be inserted, • AU which he offer:; for sale on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for proitice at fair prices. • G. HARTLEY, • Agent fur the Proprietor. Huntingdon, Nov. 12, 1845. Hathaway's patent Coo11.111i; Stove. _ ,41p111' SIDE UP!! . _ WOULD respectfully inform the pub • lic; that I shall continue as heretofore', to not as Agent for the sale and delivery of the justly celebrated Hathaway Cooking Stove, manufacturnd by A. B. Long 8c Co., who have at a heavy expense secured the exclusive right of Patentee of Huntingdon and other counties. _ No bombastic eulogy is deemed essential to add to the arready acquired celebrity of this stove. It is necessary, however, to ob serve that , the high reputation this stove has gained by practical use, has induced the man , ufrcturers of other and inferior articles, to borrow (not to.use a harsher term) the naive of HATHAWAY, and' prefix it to all TM , • proved," in order to make their inferior trash go eras genuine, and thereby impose upon the public. 1, myself, sell : the only REAL HATHAWAY stove that is or can be sold in this county, and,4thild therefore admonish the public against. the imposition above alluded to. lam happy in being able ' to say, confidently, that during the last three or four yetrs, in which I have been con stantly dealing in and putting up these stoves, I have' found them to give universal and unbounded satisfaction. Any communica tion in relation to stoves addressed to me at Lewistown, Mifflin county, (my place a residence) will meet with tae earliest posl ble attention. I?' A few good sound hones will be tnlu.n in exchange for stoves. JAMES A. PEIRCE. Lewistown, Minn Co., ?Sr, t 9: 1"1, J:M c.