THE JOURNAL, it HUNTING DON Widnesday, December 17, 1845, An APPIIRNTICE to the prinrlng business will be taken at this office, if application be made soon. A ;ray front the country, of from 15 to 17 years of ago, of industrious and moral habits, desirous of acquiring a knowledp of the ~ art preservative of all arts," will du well to give us a call. ( 0- Linea ."ro Couaiii Matilda," ■nd "The Happy Family," shall appear in our next. The President's Message and the "Blind Giant." In to-day's paper we give the conclusion of the President's message, a document, which, although it strongly recommends a reduction of the Tariff of 1802, is endorsed by Locofoco papers that pre tended to have that Tariff at heart, ae good "demo• erotic" doctrine. The portion of the message given to-day recom mends the Sub-Treasury system—that systems° signally condemned by the people in 1840, when its father and next friend, Martin Van Buren, was in the field as the opponent of the lamented Hard ion. During the whole Presidential campaign of 1844 we never beard a Locofoco breathe the name of Subtreasury; on the contrary there was a studied concealment of the principles of the party in this respect. All, however, who knew the principles of James K. Polk were aware that ho was always opposed to the Tariff policy .of 180 end in favor of the Subtreasury. Have the 'Locofocos been de ceived in their nun, or is their motto now "The Subtreaaury and down with the Tariff!" We shall see. Pennsylvania has been called a "Blind Giant;" and the figura is a truthful one. Sacred his tory eontaina a record of the treatment and the re senge of a giant of old—a man endowed with ex traordinary might. Thu Philistines procured har lots to entice him—he was delivered into the hands of his enemies, his eyes•were put out. and he teas made the sport of hie oppressors! The "blind giant" of.old, however, sought an opportunity to avenge himself for his two 'eyes. While doomed to make sport for the congregated thousands in the temple of Dagon, they saw him leaning against the massive pillars, apparently in a spirit of perfect submission—his strength had returned, and he pull ed down the temple, burying his enemies and himself is the common ruins. Will the young giant of Locofocoism who hos been enticed, blinded, and made the sport and the laughing stock of the free trade men, avenge him self as Sampson did, when his strength returns, at the pole"! We venture to assert that the presses end leaders of the Imcofoco party will continue to sing hose). nas to James K. Polk—swear that his anti-Tariff notions are in perfect accordance with the princi ples of democracy—the rabble, those loafers who have nothing to loose, and are too proud or too lazy to work, will go with their leaders—but the industrious farmer, mechanic and laborer will dis card the dishonest leaders. The Locotoco papers who pretended lo be for the Tariff of 1842 do not hazard the assertion that they have been deceived in Mr. Polk. They stand before the community convicted of the charge of deceiving the ,people and betraying their interests. g - vy We have employed the services of an able correspondent lit tier seat of Government for the corning session, and will therefore be able to lay i before our readers the sayings and doings of our Legislative Solons in a condensed, readable form every week. This is done at considerable expense, but we have no doubt it will bo duly appreciated by our readers, and be the means of adding numer ous now names to our list. By means of a regular correspondent, we can keep our readers advised of the most important business before the Legislature almost as soon as they can get it through any other source, and in a mere desirable shape, being en tirely rid of all unimportant matters which ere usually given when proceedings are reported at length. We expect, therefore, at least one hun dred new names as a New Year's present, to com mence the new year with. CO'. A project, we learn, has been Marled in our town to get up a society in the form of a Senate— every member having his proper di.trict ossigned to him, the interests of the citizens of which he ie to advocate and defend. We think this may do very well, and if properly conducted, tend very much to improve the participant. in argument and debate, and prepare them, when opportunity offers, fur representing some respectable constituency in a bona fide Legislative body. We should be all prepared for three things, as weds not know what our destinies are. Many respectable men have got to be members of the Legislature. nThere hat been quite a falling off in the price of bread stuffs since the arrival of the foreign news per steamship Cambria. The farmers, we think, would do well to bold on to their grain for the present, as we have no doubt but that prices will again improve. 0;:). The Quarterly Meeting of the Methodist Episcopal Church will commence in their church, in this place, on Saturday next. G - 71. The Harrisburg Union will observe that its friend, Cul. Seth Salisbury, was somewhat checked in his "moral triumph" when the Senate came to a vote upon him. We do not rejoice over the Col.'s defect.. however, as we would be quite willing to have hint out of the State, being utterly unfit for the station he now holds. Vie should like to see e—r s r:ra atm soir,ted ay State I 'bruin Ifut tysetrao.—We had the pleasure of visit ing the above place last week for the first time since our location in the county of Huntingdon. We were much pleased with the appearance of the place, and also with the kind. and hospitable manner that we were received by the citizens. The town has all the indicatibns of an active, business place, al though wi'ater it; the dull time with them—there not ho':ug much out-door stir after the navigation We were informed by an intelligent friend of ours, that money—that great propeller of human energies—has not been so plenty for a long time previous, as at present, and that distress and actual want was unknown in their midst. We are right glad of this, and hope that the business and proe perity-nr the place may go on and multiply, and that the unfortunate difficulties which hefel a num ber of the enterprising and industrious mechanics lof Hollidaysburg, a few years since, may never be re.visited upon them. In connection with this subject, toe cannot help but remark, that legislation has done a vast deal for this neighboring borough--indeed, entirely built it up, by making it the head of navigation of the canal trade, thereby giving the inhabitant. Immense advantages, In a busmen point of view, ovtr every other portion of the county; and we would suggeM, whether it is not expecting too much, Id shy tht. legislation will be again brought into requiXitiOn, to break down other worthy portions of the county, and infringe upon the rights and interests of other equally worthy end deserving citizens, for the pur pose of advancing the private interests of some of the citizens of this already highly favored commu nity 1 We think it should not. Wo are also of opinion that the business end prosperity of the great mass of - the citizens of 'Hollidaysburg - will be quite es enduring end Substuntial bfihout, as tei(ll a Court House. (Cr Our neighbor of the Globe touches the mos 'sage very cautiously in his last. In speaking of it he says: It is whole, free, frank and decided in every point, and altogether is a fair expression of , the peculiar character of its learned and 'honorable author." We agreeivith our neighbor that it is a whole" message--being long enough fur at least two. The author's "peculiar" character consists, we suppose in the peettlicr way he took to make the people of Pennsylvania believe that he was in favor of the Tariff of 1842, when he was, as ho now avows, literally opposed to-the whole protec tive policy ; and his frankness, in flatly denying all that his partizans said about his being a better Tariff man than Mr. Clay," previous to his election. We suppose, how ever, that our neighbor will be more definite this week, and give his views of the message at length. Vie hope he will inform us whether he goes for a " THOROUGH REVOLU TION" of the act of 1842, as advocated by the President. (U The Governor has appointed Wm. D. Boos Prothonotary of Dauphin county. Our readers will recollect that Mr. Boas was the Locofoco can didate at the fall election, and run a tie vote with John Zinn, , Esg., the Whig candidate. This, we believe, is the first case of a tie vote which has oc curred in our State. Railroad Meeting. The meeting held in Philadelphia, on the 10th inst., in favor of a continuous Railroad from Phila. I deiphia to Pittsburg, was the lamest says thain quirer, of any ever assembled on a similar occasion. i THOMAS P. CUPS, one of the moat distinguish ed merchants of Philadelphia, presided, assisted by a number of Vice Presidents, from among the most substantial citizens of Philadelphia. Wm. M. MEREDITU, Esq., addressed the meet ing in an able, convincing speech, on the impor tance of the work. At the close of his speech, Mr. M. offered a preamble and series of resolutions, from which we take the following: IVhereas, it has been ascertained by careful and minute surveys, made under the direction of the Canal Commissioners, that by pursuing the most direct leasable route between Harrisburg and Pills burg, a continuous rail road, not exceeding 2291 miles in length, without inclined planes, and with no gradients over 45 feet per mile, may be con structed ut a moderate expense, and with the best prospects of an adequate remuneration--making I the whole distance from Philadelphia to Pittsburg (including the 1063 miles already in operation,) • only 336 miles: being therefore shorter and better adapted to the ass of locomotives, and capable of conveying freight and passengers in less time and to greater advantage than by any other known route between the Eastern and Western waters, in this State or elsewhere. Therefore, Resolved, That a continuous Railroad, so con etrbcted--contributing largely to the revenue de ' I rived from the present State Railroad, touching the State Canal at suitable points, and co-operating therewith in times of drought and disaster, supply ing its place aping the winter months, when the r navigation is suspended, and ready at all seasons to convey passengers anti light freight from city to city, in from twenty to twenty-four hours—would, by the facilities afforded, and the confidence in , spired, secure to the great , Pennsylvania Route," thus composed of both Canal and Railroad, and ca noble of thus acting jointly or separately, advan to h ses far surpassing all others, and with the con toomihted extensions Northward and %Vestward, would obtain fur it an amount of trade and travel I far beyond s i; former precedent, and at the same t i me place th e gro wth sad proeperity of Philudel , phia and Pittsburg 0 0 foundations not easily sha ken by rival projects fio:n any quarter. Resolved, That it be r ec ommended to the titi zens of other cities and counti..'ni feeling an interest in this important undertaking, to hold similar meetings, and by other active measures to give , their aid in securing far Pennsylvania the early completion of thin great "Central Avenue" be ) tween the East and the West. r The people ate becoming fully awakened to the importance of this continuous railroad, and we hope nothing will be left undone until this great work is in successful operation. Keep the ball rolling. 1:07. Attention in invited to the advertisement of a "Yankee• Jumper," in Mi. paper. Person% de siring to attend tho "Home Party" and not being in possession of a conveyance, would do well to call immediately on the Agent. az?The Carlisle Herald appears in a new dress, and looks exceedingly well. Mr. Beaty has been in the habit of making it read well ever since he has been at its helm. Mr• Stewart on the Tariff: We clip the following from the Washington letter of Oliver Oldschool, to the U. S. Gazette, of Dec. 9. Mr. Stewart, it will be recollected, has always been an able advocate of the present Tariff: "On the proposition to refer so much of the message as related to the reduction of the Tariff, the Sub-Treasury, &c., to the Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Stewart, of Pa., 'proposed to di- vide the subjects, and took occasion to express his sentiments at large upon the language of the tees• sage, and Mr. Walker's report, in regard to the Tariff. Mr. 8, in a plain, clear, and unanswerable mintier, exposed the fallacies and false assumptions of both documents, but especially Mr. Walker's .! extraordinary" report. So far from Mr. %Volker's plan being such as to benefit the Ozer man, of whom he so often speaks, it would be the very thing to do him injury. Mr. %Volker, twill Mr. S., it is rumored, is to be a candidate for the Presidency; here to bo the poor man's candidate. Well, his system will make every body poor, and of course he will be elected. It is a system to manufacture poor men. In refutation of the assertion that the present Tar iff injures the poor man, and benefits the rich only S, cited the condition of the whole country, and especially the poor and Itboring classes, in 1829, '40,'41, and '42, previous tb the passage of the act of '42. What was their condition, ond'that of the country t They were out of employment, and could not obtain it at scarcely any price. They Vwere glad to work even for half the usual wages, or do half work ; and the country itself was paralyzed and prostrate. There was neither money or credit. So destitute of moans were we then, that although we had low duties-20 per Cent.—the importations were so small thrit the revenue, in 1841. only amounted to a littlo over $19,000;000 ! And this was an experiment of the Very system allow duties which President Polk and Mr. Walker wish to try again ! Big Hogs. JAcon AminionT, of Wuodberry township, in this county, informs us by letter that he slaughiered four hogs on the 6th inst., weighing as follows: 586, 486, 4`24, 404, in all 1,850 pounds. These enormousporkers were of the Berkshire breed, and only between 17 and 18 months old. This beats Cumberland. After giving us the particulars, our friend (a good Whig) breaks out in the following enthusiastic strain: uHurra for Woodbrery township! She can raise the biggest hogs and give the biggest majority for Gen. SCOTT in 1848, of any township in the iuniy." Goahead, Wo)dberry, you're on the right track. We would just add, the t we send the " biggest" package of papers to Woodberry that is put up in bur office, and hope that before we go into the next Presidential contest it may be doubled in that and every other township in the county, which will give us one of 'the biggest lists in the interior, and will fully warren: us in pledging Huntingdon county to give the biggest majority for 'Gen. SCOTT of any county in the State—Lancaster only excepted. John, put down Mr. Jacob Albright to the Wood hr rry tt.t Our Table. The Ladies National Magazine, for January, is before us. It is got up in its usual good style, The embellishments are very fine. " Beauty Asleep," the "Illuminated Title Page" and tho " Fashion Plate" for January, aro elegant specimens -of art and refined taste. Sears' Pictorial Magazine, for January, has come 'to hand. This is the first No. of the third volume, and fully sustains the high reputation this valuable publication has acquired. No. 128, Nassau street, Now York, is the place of publication. Graham's Magazine for January, is also before us. The embelishments of this No. are beautiful, Consisting of the " Young Cavalier," " American Battle Grounds," " Paris Fashions" and a beauti fully embellished Title Page. This work is increas ing in interest. Harrisburg Papers The Pennsylvania Telegraph, edited by Theo. Fenn, Esq., Will be published twice a week during the session at 2.00. The Pennsylvania rntelligencer, edited by C. McCurdy, once a week during the session, at $l.OO. Three are both ably conducted Whig papers. The Harrisburg Argus, edited by J. J. dentine, Esq., is published once a week, at $2.00 a year. The editor now proposes to publish a small Daily paper, at $2 for the session. We hope this enter prise may succeed, a paper of this kind being very much needeed at Harrisburg during the session. The Democratic Union, edited by McKinley & Lescure, twice a week during the session, at $2.00. The Reporter and Home Journal, edited by Cot. R. I. Diller, twice a week during the session tit $2.00. The three latter named are ably conducted La cofoco papers. We will cheerfully forward sub scriptions to any of the above named papers. DEATH or Cow. Emacir.—This veteran hero died in Philadelphia, on Thursday evening last, at about eleven o'clock, after an illness of more than fins months. His ago was 62—disease dropsy. He died at his private quarters, 68 South 4th St. Z-The Washington Union, in reply to an inti mation from the pen of a contemporary, bays that the Oregon negotiation is not to be transferred to London, and that no expectation or idea has been forme] of renewing at London the proposition or our government which has been declined at Wash ington. o:l.The Cambria Gazette has been revived by Mr. R. 11. Conan. It had been suspended on ac count of the death of its former editor, Mr. M. Canon. We hope the Whip of Cambria may sustain this well conducted paper. The New Orleans Picayune lias advices that the borders of Texas are troubled by marauding Indians, who are suspected of having within a short time committed several murders. Parties have been sent in pursuit of them. Rail Road reeeting. Pursuant to previous notice a portion of the cit zeus of Huntingdon county, (friendly to a Rail road from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via Cham bersburg, Shade Cap, Huntingdon, dtc.,) convened at the public house of David Elnire, in Orbisonia, .on Tuesday, Dec. 9th 1845. . . The meeting was organized by appointingliss *fix BRKWSTER, Esq. President; B. X. Blair and 7 Criantvell, Estirs. Vice President.; Dr. J. Alfred . Shade and Benj. Leas, Esq. Secretaries. After some appropriate remarks by gentlemen present, a number of resolutions were passed in fa vor of the projected Railway from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, by the way of Chambersburg, Shade Gap, Shirleysburg, Huntingdon, kicc. A sub sciiptuir. was also opened, and eiilhty 'folir ;dollars obtained at the meeting, to pay for Suiveyinda part of the route lying between :Bunit Cabins and the Juniata River. A report onhis survey will lie furnished as soon as mile. - Messrs. N. Kelly, B. IX. Blair, T. T. Cromwell, T. E. Orbison and B. Leas'w‘re appointed a committee to execute the survey, end procure atrditinal funds—also to con duct each correspOndence as may be necessary or advantageous. It was considered expedient to hold a . joint Rail road meeting of the citizehs of kuritingdon,`PraUk lin and Cumberland counties, at Chambersburg, as early as possible. The following persons were appointed delegates to attend such meeting, viz: 'Mae Blair, Jas. Brewster, T. T. Cromwell, 43 Leas, H. Brewster, B. X: Blair, tr. Shade, D. Blair, N. Kelly, Wm.Piin, Ilno. Morrison, Geo. Toylor, Win. Baker, Gen. Dunn, Gen. Wilson. Peter Stinger, Jno. Burkholder, Dr. Vanersdel, Jno. Beaver, James Kelly, Wm. Madden, K. L. Green, Jno. 0. Miles, W. B. Leas, T. E. Orbison. Resolved, That the Huntingdon and Chambers burg papers be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting, furnished by the Secretaries. J. ALFRED SHADE, BENJ. LEAS, Secretaries TeeAwr!. Cincry,ta.—The State Treasurer has 'issued a circular to the Commissioners and Treasurers of the several counties of this Common wealth, in 'which he states that "the fiscal year, which ended on the 30th ultimo, exhibits a balance in the Treasury of $384, 886,08, in which, how ever is included $28,268,30, unavailable, being the hotes castled by the Berke county Bank and other 'depreciated Paper—thus showing an svailable bal ance of $356,6t7 78." The amount of interest due in Febivary is stated at $900;000. There is due from the several counties for taxes for the year 1845, deducting coat of collecting, per Ceritage &c., the net stun 'of $616,000; and there is 'due for previous years, making the same allewance $257,- 000,--making the amount of outstanding taxes now due $873,000. The Treasurer states that if the taxes due by any county are not paid on or be fore the second Tuesday of January net, Such 'county will be charged ;NTEREST from that period fdr biderice remaining Unpaid at the rate of five per cent. per . annum. fie urges the necessity of immediate a n d prompt measures being taken for the collection of outstanding duee- 7 tis the only Means of meeting the whole amount of interest due in February, and thus sustaining the honer of the Commonwealth. , . IVILLIAH Smut', formerly a Represen tative in Congress from the State of Vir ginia, was on ,Vyednesday last elected GoVerhor el that Pate for the term of three years, cor4nencing, on the lot day of Jan uary brit. The election was made by the Legislature, as is the custom in Virginia. Accounts from Upper California to the 15th of Octoberlast have been received by the editors of the New York &M. A British Ileet, destined for Oree(in, is re ported to have passed up the West Coast early in October. The pioneer Ant) of the fleet, called the "America," touched at Monterey. DESTRUCTIVE him to THE Woons.— It is stated that in Arkansas, for several hundred miles in the interior•—in all the counties of the western district of Ten nessee, and in western Kentucky, the grass, cane, and undergrowth of all kinds have been burning for some time past, and will be totally consumed. The va• rious kinds of "mast," to say nothing of the grasses upon which the farmers of Ar kansas., especially, rely for the sustenance of their stock, must be lost, and produce considerable inconvenience if not positive distress. Persons travelling along the Tennesseeroads say that the smoke is so dense as to render respiration difficult and almost.painful.—Piclyune. Mr. Darnell bas arrived in Washington lrom Texas, tis a special messenger, char ged by President Jones with the duty of bringing a copy or the constitution of the new State accepted by a large majtr:ty 0 her people—about in the proportion of at least 21 to 1. The Venerable Joins COTTON SMITII died at his residence in Litchfield county, Connecticut, on the 7th instant, in the 81st year Of his age•. lie was at the time of his death President of the American Bible Society, and nearly a half a century ago was one of the Representatives in Congress frcitn the State of Connecticut. He also served the Same State in the capacity of Governor and in various other public trusts. latter (row aletitly. We received yesterday by the way of Pensacola, advices somewhat later from Vera Cruz, brought by the Falmouth; Gen. Yaredes — has - written to the Alec ican Government that his greatest pride shall be to repress all revolutionary move ments and put down any illegal opposition to the proposed negotiation wills the Uni• t e d Stotts. e have this intelli;ence up on authority in which we place every re liance, From the National Inte!ligencer. CONGRESS. The.two Houses of Congress arc getting slowly under way. The Ifouse of Representatives has completed its organization, but the Senate is hut halfway through the mauls operation of appoint ing its committees. The following aro the officers of the Senate—Printers not yet elected: The Senators first prepared ballots far Secretary. Asbury Dickens received 25 votes, and Mr. Star. gis rovoived 24 votes. Mr. Dickens was therefore duly elected. On the first ballot, Mr. Robert Beall received 40 votes, 3fr.'Coyle 4, Mr. Dade 1. Mr. Beal: was therefore elected Sergeant•at•Arms. Three ballotinge then,toolt place for Assistant, 'kr.liand, Clerk of I:3liiir,& Rives, being elected on the third over Alr.-Salisbury, of Pa., the caucus candidate. So King Caucus was again•defeated. In both Houses bills have boon introduced pro viding for the admission of Texaa; that in the Sen ate was referred, and that in the House was made the special order for Tuesday next. other bills, both of a public and privet° nature, havo been introduced. Among those IrOught to netice.'eince 'rumley are the following: IN TUE 9.r.is4TE. by Mr. Levy: A bill to establish courts of the United States, and to provide for a due executlen of the laws of the United States in the State of FlcidA;". By Mr. Woodbridge: A bill to apply alternate sections of the public lands towards the completion of works of internal improvement in the State of Michigan, and fur other purposes. , By s IVI'r. Breese: A bill to establish a collection distriCt at Chicago. By Mr. Hannegan: A bill for the continuotibn of the Cumberland Road through the Slates of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Tx 'rule ...• Ey Mr. smith,of Illinois: A bill making appro priations for the National Road in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri; a bill granting to the State of Illinois the right of way through the •public lands, to aid in the construction of certain railroads, and for other purposes; a bill establishing a port of entry at the city of Alton, in the State of Illinoia; a bill to repeal or so modify the joint resolution of the 3d of March last, "directing the secretary O f the Treasury to retain moneys of certain States indebted to the United States," as to excludefroin the operation of said resolution the three per cent. fund act apart for the encouragement of learning by the "acts" of admission of certain new States into the Union. Ety Mr. Wentworth: A bill to grant to the Slate of Illinois an additional quantity (Aland, sufficient 'to make the amount received by her equal to that 'received by Ohio; and a bill to cede the public lands to the States in whic lie, upon certain 'conditions. - By Mr. Stanton: A till to tablish a poi tof en- try at Memphis, in Tennessee. Mr. Ficklin: A bill for an appropriation for the National Road Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois; a luirto grant land to the States of Indiana and Illi nois, for the imprOvement of the Wabaisti liver; a bill to grant lend to actual settler., under certain liMitations. Since Tuesday but little has been done in the House of Representatives except the presentation of petitions, a very large 'number of which wore re monstrances against the admasion ef Texas into the Union as a slave State. All these pipers Were laid on the table, without being printed. Mh. Ad ams endeavored on two successive days to have these remonstrances referred to a select committee, to be consposed of one member from each State; but in this a majority of the Hone refused to sus tain him. Ho therefore remarked dna he presumed it was intended not to give the reMonstrants a hear ing, and that the admission of Texas was to bo 'consummated aa early as possible without regard to the wishes of those who were opposed to that measure. He should submit to the decision, and content himself hereafter with presenting such as Were in his possession, or should bo sent to him and leave it to tho House to dispose of them in such way as it might deem proper. To which the Speaker replied that, after the decision of the House already expressed, he should, as regarded all simi lar remonstrances that might bo presented, direct the Clerk to make the entry on the Journal that they were ordered to lie on the table, unless the House should otherwise order. Both Houses stand adjourned till Aondiiy CONTINOKNT EXPXNSEC—The report el the Clerk of the House o 4 Represent ativns, on the contigent fund, shows that there was expended, from the let of Jan uary to the Ist of Docember, 1845, the sum of $145,927, of which Blair & Rives received for printing $86,000, and for biliding $4,134. The sum of $2,100 was paid for newspapers, Caleb). M'Nulty, late Clerk of the Douse of Representatives, who is on bail to answer, before the District Court at Washington, certain charges for embezzs. ling public moneys, recently applied to one of the Ohio judges for a habeas co,pus with a view to obtain a release from his obligation to attend for trial. The appli cation being refused, he started for Wash ington in company with his bail anal oth• ers, but after making some ppogress in his journey, one morning he suddenly dia. typearcd: c•'lhe Secretary of the Treasury has issued a Circular to the 'Commanders of several Revenue Cutters, authorizing them to cruise on the coast, and to afford assistance to vessels and crows in dis tress. A very commendable movement. ('..The Mexican Congress Are said to have be fore them these propositions front the United States,—•lst. The Rio del Norto to be the boun dary. 2d. An indemnity of five millions of dol. lays. 3d. Upper California to be ceded to the United States, as far down as the head of the Gulf, the river Gila, which empties into the Colorado of the west, to be the boundary, Arrival of the Cambria. FIFTEEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROFE The steamer Cambria arrived at the wharf, Boston, at half past 9 o'clock nn Friday rooming, with fifteen days later intelligence, having sa led on the 19th ult. Rufus Prime, Esq., of Ne.w York, is a passenger in the Cambria, and bearer ut despatches from the United States Lila • tom in Paris to the Department of State. The corn market continues to rise, and the averages to fall.. The produce markets remain in a tol erably healthy condition. . . American provision . trade does riot present touch activity. American wool appears to command much attention. Trade in the manufacturing districts is duwn. Steamship Great Britain, from New York,'(Uct. 28th) arrived at Liverpool 17111 ult. Steamship Hibernia, front Boston Ist ult., and St.l-olni's N. F., 9th ult., where she put in to repais. damages, arrived at Liver/mid On thelBth. The 'King of the Belgians .has been opening the Cliambri:sin a speech which makes mention treaty with : United Stales.; but the details of the treaty have nut appeared. 'flit btatu of the ''potato `crop, and tha sulfetings which, it is feared, thellelgians will en dui e in yonsequence, are to be, provided for. the King suggests, by eilpinying the poor on public works. The accounts troi» Algeria. show that the French are still busy making the most ample preparations fur the subjugation of the inhabitants. On Thursday week, the Bank. of Eog• lanai raised the rate of discount to di ..per cent.; a movement which had,a, tendency to arrest all further, .speculations in• tail way stock; and. ow Thursday, last it was believed that the Bank intended to raise the discohnt still higher,.but.the. meeting paSied tll' without any.. intimation of the kind. 'Pie value of tuithey is higher in every point of view. Meetings have been held in Ireland, to tike into consideration the state of the po tato crop of the Count! v,. and resolutions were past and submitted to Sir IL Peel, asking far the opening of the ports; to stop the distillatioivof grain, and the.grant ing of a luan.of h million and a half, to supply their present necessities. A rumor from 'Russia, which ii r c ob tained Idle credit, states. that Ntfholas intends to abdicate in fivor of his succes• sor, and that when. he )eft St. Petersburg for Italy this had been resolved upon. The new Tariff of the Zulverein hue been published, but has excited. little at, tention in England. As regards the Uni. led States, the increased &Wes will not affect the importations. The transit du ties ma Csttust hits, it still est, born reduced by the Hanoverian States. FitAxcE.--The resignation of Marshal Soult has been finally accepted. Gener al Saint You has been appointed his ink - cessor in the Ministry of War. RusstA.—St, Petersburg, Nov, s—The latest news from the Caucasus is of a more favorable character than had previ ously been received. The Emperor is in Italy, with his wife and daughter, alb du ring his absenoc nothing of importance can fie eransacted. Ifirom auvno. MORMON A icßains.--The Warsaw Sig nal of the 19th ult, is devoted to matters re!ating to the Mormons. The Crcurostances of a foul murder, committed abOut ten miles southeast of Warsaw, on the persOn of a Mormon of the name of Hurler, are stated.. A stack of straw near the Louse of a man named Samuel Hancock, was sot on fire. The inmates of the house, among whom was the deceased, ran out to extin 7 guish the flames, when they were fired upon by some person near the stack, and Durfee was instantly killed. Maj. Warren is said Co have 'arrested three persons oh suspicion: Durfee it is said by the Signal, was not a prominent Mormon, nor particularly odious to the antkMormons. The Mot.- Mons say that there were twelve guns. fired-another story is, that six were did. charged, and that two were snapped at Sol Hancock. On the night of the 12th, some persons went to the house of a Merman named Rice, who was suspected of having mur- . tiered a! man named Daubenheyer— o f whi•ch WC gave an account at the time— took him out and set fire to the premises. Everything was consumed. The Mormons have disposed of nearly all the lands to which they have any title in the south part of Hancock county. This is the case in the vicinity of Foun tain Green. Around La Harpe, but few sales have been 'nude, and this is the case in the neighborhood of Nauvoo. TILL MARKETS; PHILAbELPIIIA, Dec. 2J. }'LOUR & MEAL—Moderato sales of Flour for export at $6 per brl., and for city use at $6 123 a 6 25. Rye Flour is now offered et $4 75 per brl. Corn Meal--Sales of Brandywine at $3 873 and Penn's. at .s3'62} a 3 69 per brl. Exported this week, 14,324 brls Flour, 715 brls Ryo Flour and 2053 brls Corn Meal. GRAIN—No sales of Wheat and prices are nominal at $1.27 a 1.30 for good and prime red. Ryc—A ado of Southern at 80 cts. Com—Sales of new Southern flat yellow at 68 a 70; old Penns. flat at 75 and Jersey now at 67 etc Exported the week, 10,356 bushels Corn and 3889 do Wheat.