___________ gt prating SittooPaPer—Dtboteb to Central ntritiont cc, ftnerttotitit, Witt co, Utterttture, Ototatttp, etrto, Sztititteti, figatuttitre, itnutornttitt, =aa azm a autz). 43,vc. zs LPen.. o I:EEKL2Z23I:EZMUI3I32 220, 1 en:841e1). — _ PCEILISBED BY JAMES CLARK, !---- CEP (3) CP 3:111 .03 c. The "Jovuxx i." will be published every Wed -00" mor ning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, nd if not paid within six months, $2 50. No sub.scription received for a shorter period than ix months, nor any paper discontinued till all or earaps are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be nierted three times for $1 00, and for every subs, !tient insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are riven as to the time an advertisement is to he cont;n u• id, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged lie ;ordingly. • , MESSAGE 1 OF TUE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Rep resent(' tines : It is to me a source of unaffected oalisfort ion to meet the Representatives of the :States and the ',ro pier in Congress assembled, no it will be to meek o The aid of their combined . wisdom in the Kilobits !ration of public affairs. In perfrorning for the [ rot time. the duty imposed on me by the constitu ion, of giving you information of the slate of the nion, and recommending to your consideration • fkineasures as in my judgment ore necessary and xperbent. I ern happy that I can congratulate you on the continued prosperity ',roue country. Under th , . blessings of Divine Providence at.d the benign influence of our free institurtiono, it stands before the world a spectacle of national happiness. i ith our unexampled advancement in all the dements of national grentnees, the affection of the 3eople is confirmed for the union of the States. and or the doctrine's of popular liberty, which lie at the oundstien of our govern went. I It becomes us, in humility, to make our devout fkwiwledgements to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, for the inestimable civil and religious blessings with which we are favored. In calling the attention of Commits to our rela• lions with foreign Powers, I ant gratified to be able u mate that. though with amine of theta there illiVt. I tided since our loot session serious' caused of irri atiou and misundetstentling, yet no actual hostili les have talon place. Adopting the maxim in the onduct of our foreign affairs. to -ask nothing that Is not right, and submit to nothing that is wrong," It has been my anxious desire to preserve peace with all nations; but at the came time, to be pre pared to resist aggression, and to maintain all our ituil rights. „, In pursusnce of the joint resolution of Congress, for annexing Texas to the United States,” my redecessor, on the. third day of Mareh, 1845, elected to submit the first and second sections of riot res.:intuit hi, die rep oji,.. o f T race , neer , no ,. r . Vire, on the part oc me untten tonics, mr nee nn- toission non Stele into our Union. This election approved, and accordingly the charge d'atrairs of ho United States in Texas, under instruction. of TiPtenth of March, 1845, presented these sertions f the resolution for the acceptant...a of that republic. The executive government the Congress, nod the tisople of Teens in convention, have surresAvely complied with all the terms and conditions of the oint resolution. A constitution for the govern• quint of the State of Texan, thrilled by a conven lion of 11CpU,11.4, is herewith laid before Congress. t is well known. also, that the people of Texas at !hi. polls hove accepted the terms of annexation, and ratified the constitution: I communicate to Congress the correspondence tween the Secretary of State and our charge d'Affaires in Texas and also the correspondence of the latter with the authorities of Texas• ' together Seith the official documents tranbmitted by him to ge own government. The terms of annexation which were offered by tie United States having been accepted by Texas, the public faith of both parties is solemnly pledged keAlle compact of their union. Nothing remains 10 consummate the event, but the passage of an act tn , Congress to admit the State of Texas iota the Onion upon an emu!l footing with the oriainal States. Strong reasons exist why this should be done at an early period of the session. It will be observed that, by the constitution of Tex., the cx biting government is only continued temporarily till Oongresa can act; and that the third Monday oCthe present month is the day appointed for holding the Snit general election. Ott that day a governor, a . . .• lieutenant governor, and both branches of the legis- Isture, will he chosen by the people. The Prrai• dent of 'ratio is required, immediately after the resell of official information that the new Stem has been admitted into our Union by Congress. to %hyena the legislature; and. upon its meeting. the existing government will be superseded. and the State government organized. Questions deeply in teresting to TeXflo. in common with the nt er States; the extension of .r revenue laws end ,judic•ial s tein over her people and territory. no well no int..- 'IRMA of a local charm-ter. will cloiin the curly at tention of Congress; and. therefore, upon every p s fneiple of republican government, she might to be represented in that body without unnecessary 4elay. I cannot too earnestly recommend piompt action on this impotent subject. A. 4 0.11 as the not to admit Texas as a State shell e pos4ed, the union of the two republics will he ,osimuivited by their own voluntary consent. Tnis nree+sion to our territory has been n blood less achievement. No arm of Inree has berm raised .a produre the result. The sword has hod no rut in the victory. \ e have not south to extend our territorial piaisesaionii tw conquest, or our reptdilieati lipid:4l6one over n reluetaiit people. It w a s tie dr- Itherato hootazit of e tch people to the great priori 0e of out federative union. If we consider the extent of territory involved in the annexation—it.. prospective it llu ere 011 AtUarieft-,he means t which it has twee rweetn pti,heil, aprinainz purely from the choke of the people iiltent.elvea to vhare the likiaeinge of our union—the hiutory of the world may be ehollhiged to hunk!' parallel. • • ' 1)1'4 juriedictiou of the United Staten, uldrh at the for nation of the federal eonatitution was hound• qd by tiro Mary'a, nit the Atlantic, has tat..,11 the Coto , of Florida and been peacefully extend.] 10 Coo Del Norio. nontomplating IN. grandeur .of this event. it not to he furaotteu illvt the result en. achieve' in .hienite of the i ltpletitatie interfc ranee of Eompeaus 'nonentities. EV , .) 0)Intl, which ,Inul !wen our niattiviit ally—the an try vriti , lt has a c !!!!! inon interevt with us in optipiitiog tiro freedom of the oelp—the country which, by the cession of Louisiana, first opened to us access to the Gulf of Mexico—the country with which we have been every year drawing more and more closely mile bonds of successful commerce —most unexpectedly. and to our unfeigned regret, . took part in an effort to prevent annexation, .d to impose MI Texas, as a condition of the recognition I of her indepeodence by Mexico. that she would never join herself to the United Slides. o may rejoice that the tranquil and pervading influence of the American principle of self government was sufficient to tiefest the purpose. of IF ritish and French interference. and that the almost unirnitnous voice of the people of Tr one has given to that in , lei lemon, o penreful and ellretive relodse. From Thin example, European governments may learn ; how vain diplomatic arta and intrigues must ever prove upon this contintnt. against that system of nelf.governnwot which seems natural to our soil, and which will ever resist foreign interference. Towards Tenon, I do not doubt that a libernl and generouv spirit trill actuate C °tigress in all that concerto her interest and prosperity, and that she will never hove cause to regret that she has united h r done star' to our glorious constellotion. regret to inform you flint our relations with Mexico, since your lost session, have not been of the amicable diameter whirl) it is our desire to cid tirort• with all foreign nations. On the sixth day of March Inst. the :Mexican envoy extrnonlinttry and minister plenipotentiary to the United States made a formal protest, in the name of his govern ment. against the joint resolution passed by Coll ate-, • for the annexntion of Texas to the d Strips.' whir h he choose to regard as a sitilatisti of the rights of Mexico. sod s in consequent e of it. he demanded his passports. Ile woo informed that the government of the United States did not consider this joint resolution ns n violation of any of the rights of Mexico. or that it affooled any just ground of offence to his government; (hot the Republic of Texas Won an independent Power, owing no elle giar.re to Mexico, and onoitintiog . pit of her terribly or rightful so , rivights and jurisdiction. De was also assured that it was the sincere desire of this government to maintain with that of Mexico relations of prove and good uni•erstanding. That functionary, linnever,•notwithstanding these rep resrntntions and assurances. abitiptly teiroinuird Its mission. and shortly afterwmde lett the country. Our Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Flempo tentiary to Mexico was iefussd all nfficinl inter course with that government. and, after remaining several months, by the permission of his own gov ernment, he rerun ned to the United States. Thus, by the acts of :Mexico, all diplomatic intercourse between the two countries: was suspended. Since tied time Mexico leis, until recently. occu pied an attitude of hostility for mils the. ('sited States—lins been marshalling and organizing 11, Mien, issuing proclamations, and avowing the in tyntion to mike war on the United States, either try on open declaration. or by invading Texas. Both the Congress anti Con, eition of the people of Texas invited this government to send an army into that territory, to protect and defend them against the menaced attack. The moment the tetras nexation, oflbred by the United f . .3tates, were ac cepted by Testis, the latter become so far a part of our own country, on to make it our duty to nfford such protection and defence. 1 therefore deemed it proper, as a precautionary measure, to order a strong squadron tattle constr. of Mexico, and to consentrate an efficient military force on the western frontier of ; T 'Texas. Our army was ordered to take positi• n the country betwet n the Nueres end the Del Norte, I stint to repel any innani, n of the Texan territory which might he attempted by the Mexican (mem Our squadron in the gulf was ordered to co-operate with the army. But though our army and navy were played inn position to defend our own, and the rights of Texas, they were ordered to commit ! no act of hostility against Mexico, notesa she de dared war, or was herself the aggressor by striking the the first blow. The result has been, that Mexico has made no aggressive movement. find nor military and naval eommitnelers have executed their orders with such discretion, that the peace of the too re publics have not been Wont-her!. Testis hod deflate., hi r ibilepentlence, and , Word it by her arms for inure Mom nine years.• :she has had art organized government in successful ep e:ntion (1111111(t dint period. tree separate t zest env, na nn indrionident Slate, hurl been I,oClikl 11.1 . t;nileim Moors 111111 illt` owes Of Enrol), Treaties of eoninit.ree and navigation hind been concluded with her by different nations, and it hail become manifest to the whole world that any further attempt on the part of Mexico to conquer her. or overthrow her government, would be vnin. Even Me' iro herself had her one Bali fled of this fort; and whilst the question of aunt, ntion was I pending before the people of Testis, dyring the past summer, the gavel.. lit of Me• kir by in for inal net. agreed to recognise the independi nee of Texas on condition that she would net anr.ez hcr 'self to rosy other Poner. The agreement to tie- konwledge the iridepetolcnee of Tenlir. whether' tie without this condition, is co.:flush ; Mr iro. The' independence of Tr , as is a feet cone. dell Mrvica 11:1,1 11,1 nigh: or 10 Ili eiwiibe nAlictions In tbe foul, of env. rrintetit' which To •es might afterwards choose 10 /1,1411111% ul thotigh Me4iro cannot complain of the Uni ted States ou arcl,Ufli of the annexation of Tex as, it is to be regretted that serious count's of mis understanding between doe tite countries continue to exist, gmwing out of unreiriessed injuries in flict. d by the Alexican authorities otat people on the persons and property of citizens of the United ilifough a long series ..f .v ears. llier,feo has admitted these injuties, tint boo in elected and refused to repair them. Pitch woe the diameter of the wrongs, and such the inmlts . repeateilly otli•red. to Ameitcan r•itl7llls rued tile A rtietiviin flag by Alexi', in l.atpslile mutation of the taus of na tions and the t leafy heftier. the two t ontines of the filth ..t April 18 1, that day hate been repea tedly • Imiught to the notice of Congress by toy predecessors.. As rail) as the eigth of Feint:an , . 1531, the President of the United tttirtes decland, in a message to emigre., that • the length of tune 6111 C.• tents of the injuries have I ern comm it!, .1, t h e repent' it and unavailing 111,1:111:11i., for redress, the wonten character of some of the outrages open the persona andyroperty of our elf incur, ripon the oflieera and flag of the United Stair a, independent of 'recent instills to this povo men t and people by the lair Extraordinary Mexican minirwr. would .111•lify in the eyes of all 'odious immediate war." Ile did not. however, recoil..t nd an immediate re , sort to ibis extreme 11)(11.41e, which, he declared • ftl.l.llltl nit tl he just and gtntrnus c.i.f. din , in their i.trehath for injuries committed. if it cot. hr ham al , ly lout, in a rpirit of forheataiiiNh rresod gatmother &Riad be s p ad e on Mexico for that redress which had been no long end unjustly withheld. In these views, commit tees of the two Houses of Congress, in reports made to their respective bodies, concurred. Since these proceedings more than eight yearshave elaps ed. during which, in addition to the wrongs then complained of, others of an aggravated character have been committed on the persons and property of our citizens. A sp,ial agent was sent to Mex ico in the summer of 1828, with full authority to make 'mother and final demand for redress. The demand was mode; the Mexican novernment promised to repair the wrongs or whir l WO CM pillil/Cd; cult after much delay. a treaty of indem nity with that view was coneloiled hetween the Iwo' Powers on the eleventh of April, 189, and was drhy ratified by both governments. Sty this treaty a joint commission was created to adjudieute and decide en the claims of American oilier na on the government of Mexico. The commission was or ganized at LN ashington on the twenty-filth day of August, 1890. Their time was limited to eighteen months; at the expiration of which, they had adju dicated and decided claims amounting to two mil lions twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty nine dollars and sixty-eight cents in favor of citi zens of the United Staten against the Mexican gmernment, leaving it huge amount of claims un derided. Of the latter. the American commission ers had derided in In‘or of our returns, elnims nmonnting to trine hundred end twentywiebt thou sand six hundred and tvventy•sevr n dollars nod eiehi•erc.lo r r sta. to were left untie. d err I y the rirri pire authorized by the treaty. Stilt turrlo r claims. amounting to between three and four mil lions of dollars. torte submitted to the board ro n late to lo censidett (I. and torte left undispered of. The stun of two millions twenty-six thousnnd one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and eixtywielit cents, decided by the board Otto n liquirlan 11 Mid aneertained debt due by Mexico to the claimants, and there Will. nojanlifinlale 1,11,11 for delaying its payment nceording to tare bears of the freely. it was not. however, paid. Mexico npplird liar fur ther indulgence; and, in thnt spirit of liberality rind forbearance which Iran ever marked the policy of the aired Staten townrds that republic. the request was granted; and, on the thirtieth of January, 1843. a new treaty was concluded. By this treaty it was provided. that the interest due on the awards in fa vor of claimants under the convention of the el,. emit of April, 1839, ehould he paid on the thir trent,' of April, 1843 : nod that the principal of I the said swards, and the interest arising thereon, shall be paid in live years. in equal instalments every three months; the said term of live yr nrs . to commence on the thirtieth day of April. 1844. as aforesaid." The interest due 011 the thirtieth day of April, 1843, nerd the three fret of the twr irry instalments, have bar It made. t ryr owl nof these instalments remain unpaid, torn ol whirl are now due. The claims which were left undecided iy the joint commission, amounting to more than three millions of dollars, together with other elation for spot:miens on tie property of our citizens, were subsequently prisented te, the Mltexihnn gneetnnient for paymimt, and wereso tar recognised, deny r. trea ty. providing for their examination and eettlement by a joint ti,IIIIWWW.i.II. woo concluded and signed at Mexico on the twentieth dry of November, 1843. Tbis treaty was ratified by the United Stales, with certain amendments, to which no just exception could In.ve been token ; but it has not yet received the ratification of the Mexican government. In the meantime, our citizens who ettared ‘ gtest losses. end some of whom have been reduced from efflu cnce to hanktuptcy, are without ti reedy, rinfer-• their rights be enforced by their goorrnno :ti, n continued and unprovoked series of wrongs could never have been tolerated by the United k 4 triles, trod ! they been committed by one of the principal no lions of Europe. Mexico woe. however a Mich buying sister rei attic, which. following cur exam ple, had achieved her independence, and 14 whose success and prosperity all our sy m pathie s sor e car ly enlisted. The United States were the flint to re cognise tier independence, and arrive her into the family of nations, and have ever been desirous of cultivating with her a good understanding. Wo have. thew/Torr.:lmmo the repeated wrongs she boo int o ntttrd. u lilt great patience, in the hope that a wonting sense injustice would ultimately guide her councils, and thal we might, if possible, honor able avoid any hostile collision with her. Without the previousauthority of Congress, the Executive posnesred no power to adopt or enforce adequate temedies for the injuries we have suffered, or to do more than he prepared to repel the titres ' tened aggression on tire part of Mexico. After our Rimy and navy had remained on the frontier and coals of Mexico for ninny weeks. without any hostile movement on her part. though her menaces Were continued, !deemed it important to put an end. if possible. In this spate of things. NV lib this v . . w, I roused steps to be taker.. in the month of Sup trioher last, to nreerntio distinctly. and in tin on. tlrr attic form. el hat the designs of the Alexicati gov cruteent were; whether it Won !hull lilt , toi, n le lie ' elate won, or invade Tex., or vv hither th, y were delerved to.tirtlttst and settle. in tilt our hide limn net the pending ditiere nr es betwee II the 814, On the Ole it, of Nov. tuber NO ial an swer was received. that the Alexican untrimmed consented to rem w the dipletnatie relations w Lich haul been susia E. 1 . - .1 in Mar. h last. end fin that purpose were willing to accredit a minister frets the United States. With a simple desire to pre serve peace. ntill femme relations of gnod under standing between the two rei Eddies. Iwaived all cepeniony as to the manner of renewing diplomatic intercourse bowl!. it th. ; 11FOUnting the ini tiative, on the tenth of Nov. tuber n distinguished cif zen of Lcuisiunn WHO 1.1 pointed Enevy Extra. ordinary null Minister Ph nipon miary it. !Mexico, clothed with full powers to adjust• surd definitively settle, nll pending difference.. frmtvn tie two commies, ittelffiling there of bur 'ahoy I.iw ern Alexi.n and the State of Texas. The m inister nil (tinted has set silt on his mission. and probs. hr this time near the Mexican capital. He liiis hetio instructed in Ming the negotiation with vi loch lie has ellarg“l to ton I'Mr lusion at the car liu itt ram tieslile period; which. it is txt,cettil. will he in time In citable nit In eouluitaiicate it a rextrlits Conutu Hs tinting the lire,tut .emir u. Until t h at teu-tilt ii known, I foam:it to WOll.lllll I: 10 Cr egress ulterior ineasuies of rtdar ua. iii the wiu rot, and in juries we hare its long I . ollle, as it wr.uld ha, IT,n praiser to make had no each tut gotiation been iu rutituted. Congtess nproprialtd, at the last section, sum of tan but:arid and seventy-lire thou...aril dot. lots for the mill , of the April or d July instal. mints of the Mexican it.th nwitiia for the year 1844: "Provided it shall be ascertained to the eati4sction of the Auterieaa evernozas that said instalments have ken paid by the Mexican govern ment to the agent appointed by the United States to receive the same, in such manner on to discharge allclaint on the Mexican government, and said agent not to be delinquent in remitting the money to the United States," The unsettled state of our relations with Mexico has Involved this subject in murk mystery. The first infotruntion. in art authentic feem, hem the agent of the United States, appoint,' under the selministtatien of my predecessor. was tectieed nt the Stale Department on the ninth of Novenihcr last. 'thin is contained inn letter, don it the ser i nteenth of October. neldresscd by him to one of our citizens then in Mexico. with the view of hav ing it communicated to that department. Front this it njimats that the op in. on rite twentieth of tscjitember, 1844. gave a teccipt to the trent-nary of 'Alexi,' tor the timuutit of the April and July in kalments of the hide mnity. In the some commu nii ation. however, he fiseerts dint lie hod not it. ceived a sit,gle dollar in cash ; but that he holds such ' , ermines no warranted him at the time in giving the receipt, oral elites mins no doubt bin Mot lie will eventually pay the munry. As these in stalrnerts wear never to have Fern actually paid by the goveerniert of Mesh o to the ngent, end ns flint govermnt tit line not therefore n reltoord . as to disr L a rge die claim, 1 do not feel myself nor ranted in directing rri 1111 nt to I e ;nude to the cloimonts t ut of rite treasury, without fusilier leg l'heir cove is, tindmilaedly cite of much bardsbip; nod it ft Illailis lit CI agues to decide licthcr env, mad what, trlir f pupil to 1:e et:lvied to them. Our rninitAtir to Mexico has brew instruc t, tl to fiscrnoin the food lit the rose frunt il.e Mex i t tin enverunit tit, in tin nuilicntie nod r lfeial holm and import the result with an little delay is possible. My attention WIIP early direr td to t he tirgt:tio lion. which. on the fourth of 'ti:odi lost. 1 lotted .'hi' l g l "n and G rral Et itriin, en the sot jei t of the (ilium' ' territory. Three sevetnl attempts lind been 'pre viously mode to settle the questions in dim utelle iv vett the two countries, by negotiatiun, uprise the principle of compremise; I ut each had proud W!- kUrCI.I,4III. ' These negotiations took place nt London, in the ! • veers 1818. 1824, and 1828; the two firs' under the ndiniaislrntion of Mr. Monroe. and the lost an tier that of Mr. Atlanta. The negotiation f 181 ht having foiled to accomplish its object, resultt d in idle convention of the twentieth of October of that year. fly the third article of that convention. it .ns -agreed, that any country that may he rhino d it her party on the northwest coast of Americo, ettollld Of the Stony rot , itt t g i u s, s h i p. tt ,,, t 1,,, with its harbors. bays trod creeks. tool the until, ! lien of all ricers within the 1.111111, he file and nj en for the terra of ten years, (tom the dm, o f t h e r j,.. mottle of the tresent 0141.010. to the VOSFON. subjs els of the to et rr wera ; it being P ell 10111eFFIC011 that this agreement in not to he ' evnslttieti to the prejudice of any claim which either of the two high contracting parties may hate lo any pr, of the said country, nor shall it be token to Arcet It, claims of any other I ewer or Ste.. In py past or the raid country the rnlr oljt, cl the I.h t h-t I 11110, it' .b a t tt!!, trr vent tlisrutes nod differcncee among themselves." The negotiation of 1824 .na productive of no result, and the convention of 1818 was left um • changed. navctiiition of 1828, having also , cl to • fret an adjustment by c min° I wise, resulted in the convention 01 August Niztli, 1827, by which it was apt ell s o co,,tinfi f t lit force, firir an indefinite pr• . the iiroviaimis of the third article oh I the vention if the luenlictlr ! ed ()coin , ' et, 1818: and it woo further prtivitletl, ...it shall be competent, )10WeNt r, to )doer of the coiitrncting pi.rties, in ease iiher should Chit k fit, at any tithe after 'he tia , tifieTh of October. 128. an git• tmg due notice of twelve • months to the tither contracting putty, to annul sod tub otiate 114 i. con, micas; iintl it 01)811,10 •1141 i, be aucotilltigly until ely annulled and abrogated of rr the oxpimatil.o of the said tem of millet," hl these attempts to acjust the cen roveisy, the parallell 01 : the Itirty•ointh degree of not th Itt , t l In en offered by the United States to Creat iiitjan, and in shore of 18,18 and 1826, with a further concession of the bee not iga lion of flue Columbia liver smith 01 that latitude. The pat alltill of the lot ty.nit,th 'Ocoee, fi em flit Res kt ii urn la i c ., t o its 0•I 111.0 01'11 the ni aatettintost loam It Ito 111.. Il`tforN 111,14 it The. d1)11111111.1 n 1 Ibitf 1., ti, 1.• a, had b. en cilreted by Great lii it ii•m .11r ton nellitinn ill it tonnil tlt tat lull tot y I.mth cl the Columbia. Each these 'top siiities had been Eck crud bi iti c . I antic. rr hl Il l4 l l y. In netithe F. I'-13 the Envoy ilit ary and It it Wet pi, v 01041 'Z. II ;.k,':o) .i 11111:, t Irv) lu flicst. 101:11. 1. ISIS Mill 11,26. .11.1 t, 0)0).11 111. quo s tine, when the t rgntitttlen nos OLrrth iihei accls ctn. bit cd to W it.gnitu 00)1. 1111 the 1.. toy-Oulu! of ... , .tigust, 1844 um) lot 10011 implied. order the Bite et', ol my Homed i.t ie pintict ossm Like tilt plc ictis netvoinhoits, it t'.;l? bast i l ! 1 , 1 (Ifl Iu incil le. of I/1111,, ;" Mur tit owell purl coc t o 01 ti,. to S 0;0, 114.0 01 die 1 t.spiTIIVP cl,unl. nl rj I cet.titties to the e at to to ectiutili.-11 a !WI 11.041,1 Lou ! - between them oe-to•,ttl Hoc t t n.itotottio.: to I. I I : 'I fir cit." t Art ut I i CIV. on the Of Au ; o t, 1844. 11, 1.1,1,11011 . 1111,*1 dr Itd to ilk the 1)1,1„,..11 I, ttitt ty lotty•bthth 1.001,1 of 1101.11 h i t i l ut t, ttoot iLe Itw ky tut tvoilins it. the roil,' I ili Ill'el•I . 1.101/11 unh the 1,), hen,l,l 11 . 1104 t.i 1,1 b 1•I lilf C.ll'llll/.11 11‘1 . 1. 'lltliC. I:11111i ;Lill litet 1111111 . ; 11 41,11 1 the Irce nut ightitm of the elver to be et - I Doted Iu t . eittotutt I.lc Lulb vat tiet.-11 it t•unts v routh of this line to belong to the jUnitetr State!, and that north of it to Great Britian. At the same time, l. Inopose.l, in addition, to yield to the United States a detached territory, north of the Columbia, exending along Ihe Pacific and the Straits of Fuca, from liulftiiClPs harbor inrlusive, to Good's i'atial, and to make fine to the United rates ;icy purl or ports south of latitude ft icy !lithe etTiee,, m hick thr) II IV I the she, villa run the main land, or 4 , 11 Quail s and Vancousei's island. 11 . 1111 the t exception t I the free putts, this was lute -iore titlVr• ;ich hail been made by the trttii,ft, ; , 'rejected liy the American Ll,Cloinotti itkilr orgotial ion of I F 9.6.-- 1 his p• ol ositie4i was propetly rejected i:t the A mei ioun plenipor; onary omit. iu, it oas to.timini ;I. 'lli, was the only , 0111sition of compromise ..treleil by ibe Ht oid. ph niputent tat y. The proposition liti the part of Great Britian having been i; jocted. the Ppriii•lt plevipotentiury re quested 'hal a proito.f,al pbeulil be made icy the United Slat, s lor "an equitable siljti.ititent a the cpiestion.” . .. . .. 'l'Vliert I cantr flier," found this !“ he thr sate of the 11 l geinrion. ,otrt taming the t-ettlt ti cow alion, that the llriti•lt eteosion.i of title could not he mairrained to any portion tat the (it. of, any rf,rciple of pub ho law If by ttatoirt•, y et, in tio• ol,te to allot had he. It dot., by nty I , dr c. ssoi •, and esprcially in con•itle, alum that plopositimis ol o, Inpronti, oil been IhritC made Ity two preceding ail miiiisira ion-, to adjust the que s tion on the parallel oil rioty I ire ilogri VS, and ;maul them •Litho!. Gt oat Ilti,t4ti lilt' I,te nal iottitin of the Columbia, and that Illy proofing in t ottation hod been corn. Inoue, d on the ba•is of rompionitsr, I it to be my tfu'y not abroyely to ,',soak it cfr. that • limier the convention. of 1818 moat sill', suljer t. t.I Oil, Iwo POW to t. icy of thortiontiy, I w; s induced to make another efloit to this Iting•t,obiting contrtervisy in the slier; of it ,trtatinn whirb h a d b I ill to the tone;+rtl disc IISP ion. A prop. ! was act to ly made, mbicl; was oft d by the lie ui.h plrnil ot‘qttiary, i 1., 1.0, xi 10 ill S 11110: it iitig 01y 1)..1..r prop -1 Si' , • • •ttllt'tf d %h,' liyCoti. tits tl, his part ertp, ex vie,•-it•tz his 'lst that the 'red Shoos ould olior what he sate fit , r ptopo•al the s et. , trot rat the ()I. gm, (0.4411., Hiroo oosi•terit with fairitt s• r y ,i , y, an d will the reasonab'e exceptions of the! lie bolt govet !anent." The propositioa iht:• otlet eil and I dotted I open for! the of fer of the parallel of tor ty•nine drgroes of north latitude, which had been made, Ity two proottliog uOrnirsistrations, but oithnut proposing to sorrentrer to GI et.t lititinn, as they hathdono, the free nariga• 'ion of the ('lolumbia right of ally tutelar; Power tor the Tree rtayiw,ation of any of oar r hers, through the heart of our otiontry, was one which I was unwil ling to citifiede. Ii also t mbiaci'd a pia-, t'odor, to make free to Great Britian any port' or I orts on the rap of Quadra tied Vattrouvet', it hind, smith ol this parallel. !fad Ibis been a ut w question, venting un dor discussion for the first time, this prop osition 01.11111 not have boon made. 'rho extraordinary nod wholly inadmissible et the goterntortit, and 1I,•\• rr j, ctitm of the proposition made in dot . ..fence alone to what lOW been done by my pr, der ossors, and the implied ob. I'cttliun w hich tilt it at is se. toed to impose, afford satisfactory evidence that no VW, oroile which the United State 4 ought to accept, tan he Erected. With this cow Ithe proposition ter romprontise .1 it it had het ti ;aide ltd t tett, .t., Ibvto tint...lion, rubs, c l ovot! ‘viihdlartro od till. to ill, Oit.gt.ll tri linty ,ip•or rt tl, as is to lioVelf, nuunlaiuwi I. it;, Luis aigunit We. Th 4, ti% ',Viz( uctld ++i{l ,ye in, these. t I rP , 1:11 , V.• 11 1.1 11b11)11 COUCC&S11111 101 11 1' 111 OW I. l llllll'd Slllll . B ,+ctt.n Ho et ill b.• eliel (1 Itt,itt t, Y.lrch may follow the fail ,,,, it, ..t.ttiv the cm tit ‘,l•y. All att. ott,t- ut cowl tt toter Intvit g ;01 ti, it let t tors 11,v ditty of Cottgrr..t. to coop Wet W 'tat torahcirs It Itta:t be plop er to ad. l t lot thr t•ectv i and plot ctit,n of our to It zrits not,. ittli.tlottog, or ‘,lto may lirrrttllrr ililittbit ()it d for tlitt illicit to ntr of our just WI , it that to - titor). In attloptiog no it•to, for 111.. s poll wt., cat. Si odd lir it:lit It that molt . 11: It, done to ‘ittivtv tit'. rtipolation. til , lit , t ulivrittion of 1E:27, o still in I , its. •lit bolt of titAitr,ioil..4 let- %,111 4%11 be. sllul.ulwasly ulsrtcrd 11 . 1 L i t 1110 1 OM'. n. 'I I , °tit t I quit 4al 10 I ,t. git ,l,l),‘ yid to il.c tot a a t , L• lotlalyi. aul aw.y shalt tet millatr , awl b e ., wie a ith, can 141,11t.11y ateark or cm-r -ose a•Nl111.11c jnlistlic ion atter snj. flaw ail it a I,llllllv. "I his Illative it watulal judottent, lie Et ttai. it , : anal ; Icahn tsta td. that platl>uul be mad, taw lor g'vle4 it accmatittly, and Ictuttna (leg, in :tits amtutirt, +he cuovetitiun ul :lie sixth of August. 18E7, It will become proper for Congotes to Stc., *cc. 'apc. ebtl.4l) determine %Oat legislation they can, in . the mean fine. adopt without violating this convention. Beyond all question, the protection of our laws and our juris diction, civil and criminal, ought to I) immediately extended over cur in Oregon. They have hail just complain of our loop; neglect in titular, and have, in consequenc ern compelled, for their own securiiy and pro -I,ctinii, to establish a provisinnal.govern inept !or themselves. Strong in their al legiance and ardent in their attachment to the United States, they have been thus cast upon their own resources. They are anxious that our laws should be ex tendrd over them, and I recommend that !his done.by Coegress will' as little de lay 11S possible, in the full extent to wh;ch the British Pauli:orient have pi octieded in regard to Biilisli sulikets in that tei iy, by their net of July the second, 1821, oho. egutating the anti estab -11.11;itt; a criminal and civil jurisilirtiva within ceitain parts of Noith America." Ily this act Cleat Britian extended her laws and joti-iliction, civil and criminal user bet. subject!, engage:l it: the fur-trade in that t , rruo,y. By it, the courts of the province of Upper Canada were empnw ,ri el to take cognizance at causes civil and criminal. Jostle: Bof the peace a rcs 111111.11. judicial utl c , I, w ere :milt to he appointed in Orruon, with power to 1•NI'l Oil' all process i,tuitig tnu the molts ,4 O.! ploy Mee. and to .sit and hold c , tilts ol record for the trial iil criminal :at-flees and misdemeanors," not made the subject of capital punislino.ot, and I,ii al eisil eases, where the cause of ac t ton shall not ''exceed in value the amount or sum of site hunilieil pounds." Subst quent to the date of this act of Parliament, :t grant mos made from tile cross it" to the Ilutlson's Company, of the exclusive trade , wilh the Indian tribes in the Oregon •t.rritory, subject to a reservation the it B linn nut operate to the exclusr'"ot the subjects ot lot sign States o to, under or by "Tutce cf an) convention for the time being belts. n us and &mil foreign States era peciively, milli*. • wide(' tu,'and shall be in, ti Pahl thole." It is much to he. regt clic!, that. while' under this net Millais subjects have en pt% ea the pi ofrcion of British taws and British jnil tial tribunals thlosighout the ',hole elt,guri, American citizens, to the same tvriitury, have enjoyed no such protection front their gulVviliment. At the saute time, the result illustrates the character of uur people and their institu thins. In spite of this neglect, they have multiplied, unit their number is rapidly increasing in that territory. They have matte no appeal to aluus, but have peso., lully fortified theinselves in their tICW homes, by the adoption - of republican in. aututions for themselves; furniShing other example of the truth that self-gov ernment is inherent in the American ht east, and must prevail. It is dne to them that they should be embraced and protected by our laws. It is deemed important that our laws regulating trade and intercoms° with the Indian tribes east or the Rocky mountains, should ho extended to such tribes us dwell beyond them. The increasing emigration to Oregon, end the rate and protection which is due horn the govern ment to its citizens in that dirtunt region, make it our duty, as it is our interest, to cultivate unneula relations with the Indian tribes of that tei For this pm pore, I recommend that provision be made for establishing an Indian agency, end such sub-agencies as may be deemed neeessaiy, Ite,youtl tic Rocky mounatins. For the protection of emigrants whilst on theii v, ay to Oregon, against the mimics of the Indian tribesoecopy ing the countiy through which they puss, I recu iiiii +mit that a suitable number of stock ades and block-house forts be erected along the usu al route between our frontier settlemeuts on the Missouri and the Rockey mountains ; and that on adequate force of mounted riflemen tie raised to guard and protect them on their journey. The immediate adoption of these recommendations :by Congress will not violate the provisions of the ex-. isting treaty. It will be doing nothing mole for American citizens than British laws have long since dune for hritish subjects to the same terri tory. It requires several months to perform the voyafo by sea our the Atomic Nimes to 0r,,0n; an d L !.. though we have a largo number of whale ships in the Pacific but few of them ottUrd on opportunity of interchanging intelligerrce. without greet deltr, between our settlements in that distent leak. •;s„1 the United hates. An overland mail is believed to be entirely practicable; and the importance of csuahli.hing such a mail, at least once a month, is submitted to the favorable considerution of Con. giros. It is submitted to the wisdom of Congress to determine whether, at their present session. and until after the expiration of the year's notice .y other measures may be odopted, consistently with the convention of 1527, for the security of cur rights, and the government and protection of our citizet.s in Oreg.. 7 Let tt till ultimately be wise and 'prover to make bberal rams of land flhr patriotic pioneers, who amidst privation,: arid dangers, trod the way through st.vege tribes iting the %est wildeitiess ;HIM ciiiiig between our ! frontier settlements and o,e f on. mid who cultivate, and are ever 'early to di b rid the soil. I slit fully sat- To doubt whether they will obtain each grants as soon an the reinvention between the Uni , ud States and Great Britain strait have teased to ON ibt, would be to doubt the justice of Congress ; but, pending the year's notice, it is worthy of rou t sideretion whether a stipulation to this afro may