Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 19, 1845, Image 3

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    cIIcED manta sail.
llnntitagdon, Nov. 17, I 8416.
V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
Ws Agent for this paper, to procure subecriptions and
'advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Haititnore and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Col.
Vert streets.
Nett,' York—number 10 Nassau btreet,
Boston—Number 16 State street.
Philndelphia, Nov. 15,
WHEATFLOUR, per bbl. - - - $5 75
RYK MEAL, do. - - - - 400
CORN do. do.
WHEAT,ptimePenna. per bush. - 122
Eva do. - - 75
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 62
OATS, do. - - - 40
13altimore, Nov. 12.
WHEAT Tier bbl. - - - $5 50
WHEAt,, per Wish. - - - 1 18
06oRN, yello , iv, do. - - -- 60
do, ' 72
OATS. do. - - - - 38
'Hollidaysburg Tariff Convention:
This body met on Wednesday last, and
temporarily organized by the appointment
of Hesiuv C. Erne, of Union county,
President. .A committee was appointed
`to report officers for the permane'nt 'organ
million of the Convention, who, after a
brief absence, reported as chairman the
Lion. DAVID R. roirrnß, of Dauphin
Vicc Presidents.—Col. Henry J. ityt'e
of Union county, James Murray of Cam
bria, Dr. James Coffey Hollidaysburg, H,
L. Patterson do., Samuel Kennedy do . , J.
Brotherline do., P. Mulvany of Alegheny,
Thos. Bakewell do., J. M. Morehead do.,
Edward M'Graw, Bedford, W. B. o.,irk.
Indiana, Samuel Hatfield, Chester, John
Bell, Huntingdon.
Secretaries—R. M. Riddle, Allegheny,
'F. C. McDowell, Cambria, G, H. Bucher,
Dauphin, James D. Rea, Hollidaysburg,
Robert Williams, do.
A committee was then appointed to re.
port resolutions for the consideration of
the Convention, of which Col. Wm. Rob
i'son, of Allegheny, was the chairman.
The Convention then took a recess, and
met again at 6 o'clock in the evening,
when the following resolutions were
adopted. Want of space prevents us
from giving the proceedings at length.
. Resolved, That the State of Pennsyl
vania is deeply interested in the mainte
nance and preservation of the protective
policy afforded by the eaiOling Revenue
Ta riW.. „
Resolved, That the people of this State
comprehend the value, understand the
importance, and are pledged to the sup
port, and cannot be. seduced ;nto the
'abandonment or betrayal of, that policy
which in .01e brief period, of three years
has reanimated the almost desponding
energies and restored. the prostrate credit
of this Commonwealth. , , ,
. . .
Resolved, That in the ,opinion of• this
Convention, the interests of Agriculture,
Manufacture, Mechanic Arts, a sound
and prosperous commerce ate reciprocal,
greatly dependant upon, and intitnately
blended . with each other, by the uhetring
laws and invigorating indueuCes a
healthful supply and demand for the pro
duct of labor.
Resolved, That we are opposed tb a
horizontal or twenty per cent. ad valorem
tariff, inasmuch as it neither altrils fair,
just, or adequate protection to Many of
the great interests of the State of Penu
sylvania, nor can it afford revenue en fli
eient to defray the expenses of the Gov
ernment economically administered,,
Resolved, That the 'Tariff of 1842 has
yielded sufficient revenue to defray the
expenses of the government economically
administered 1 and has afforded 'fair an d
just protection to all the great interests
of the Whole Union, embracing Agricul
ture, Mahufactures, the Mechanic Arts,
Commerce and Navigation."
Resolved, That justice and sound pol
icy forbid the Federal Government to re
peal, or in Tiny Way materially alter or
Modify the Tariff of 1842, so long as the
Same yields iutllcient revenue to defray
the expenses of the government.
In the course of the evening says the
Register, the following resolutions were
submitted by Mr. Fenloti, of Cambria,
but rejected —the Locofocos voting, we
believe, to a man against theM and the
3 higs . for therit.
Resolved; That disclohning the put
pose of involving this momentous ques
tion with subordinate partj , issues, we
pledge ourselves to each othei• and to the
Country, to stand by the 'Fuld at all hat
arc's ; to discriminate by our suffrages and
support in favor of the party and Ad
inintstration,whether of the State or Union
which shall assure to us the fair measure
O . f Protection we demand and shall refuse
to assent to, or recommence, modifications
of the existing Tariff' in its essential Pre
tend ie features.
Resolved,'l'hat this,convention of friends
to the Protective Policy, recognizing here
ho other, elsewhere no hig h er political
:din, are fully persuaded that the existing
riff LaAi tir\s operated advantageous to
the common interests, and especially to
Agriculture, Manufactures and domestic
trade, and ought not to be repelled or so
modified, as to impair its Protective effi.
In their refusal to adopt these resolu
tions, says the Register, the Locofocos
declared their unwillingness to stand by
the Tariff of '42 regardless of denuncia
tion from any quarter—or, in other words
their determination to nick to and support
their party and the Polk Administration,
whether that party and that Administra
tion should uphold or destroy the Tariff—
and thus, instead of sending, abroad a
voice that would tell with elect at Wash
ington upon Mr. Polk and his Anti-Tar
iff advisers, they have but given encour
agement to them to go on in their ruinous
work. We trust good to the Country
may collie Of this Convention; but we
fear it will be 'otherwise. We have nei
ther tithe hor room to say more at pres•
ql .
i'owrits the close of the meeting a
great deal ct feeling was manifested by
both parties, Mid great disorder and con
fusion ensued—Mr, Riddle, Sec. resign‘
ing, and with other Whigs withdrawing
front thet'onvention;
Mormons.—From accounts in to-day's
paper, it seems more than probable that
the Mormon wa'r is resumed ere this.—
On Saturday week, a Judge and the States'
Attorney went to isTauvoo ; fouotl 200
armed Mormuni, and one .of their leaders
avowed their determination to 'suffer no
more arrests to be made. The same day
the Marshal, with a detachment of the
'quincey Riflemen, arrived with a writ to
arrest Brigham Young, and other leaders
On a charge of having a Bogus manufacto
ry at Nauvoo. After consultation, it was
deemed best. to leave Without executing
the service of the writ—but to return on
I Tuesday with a larger force to do it.
The Washington Union 'cogitates over
the Ohio . election, and concludes that it
will carry the State when its friends "all
rally upon one common wise platform of
principles." Then we are safe ,orever.—
"Burnam. wood will not'come td Dunsi,
natie." Locofocoism in Ohio cannot rally
upon a "Wise platform of principle.;" it is
not in the nature of things. The wisdom
is Wanting ; the platform is wanting • the
principles are Wanting. Ohio is WHIG
—firm as the rock of Gihraltar.—Atei.-
andria Gazettie.
A Frightful Scene
We learn froin the Richmond Whig,
that at sunrise on the morning of the Sd
i,►stant, as one of the carriages of the
menagerie, containing the lion, tiger,
panther, &c., was in the act of starting to
Petersburg, drawn by four horses, one of
the horses took fright and attempted to
run. This excited the lion, who roared
from alarm, upon which the whole team
dashed off at full speed ; and, after run•
ning some distance, the wheels came in
contact with the posts planted along the
sidewalk, smashing three of then►, when
finally one of the wheels was knocked off
from the axle, the driver, pitched into the
street and seriously liurt, and the wagon
upset. The forewheels being by this
means detached, the horses proceeded fu
riously until they were stopped by obsta
cles in the street. Fortunately the cage
was strong, and held its enraged prison
. .In the Legislature of Tennessee reso
lutions have been introduced instructing
their Senators and requesting their Repre
sentatives to vote against any bill to char
tee a lgatifinal Bank.; against any bill to
distribute the. Proceeds.o the sales of the
Public Lands among the States t. against
any bill for the assumption of the Siate
Debts ; to vote for any bill fur the modi
fication of the Tariff; for the reception
of the tiMstitiittop of the State of Texas;
and for the extension of. the laws of the
United States over the Territory of
Oregon. . •
The New Haven Palladium says, prob
ably the effects of the earthquake in this
State were only slight Vibrations of more
terrific convulsions in some other parts
of the world, *here perhaps thousands of
lives were, destroyed: It is well.known
that the effects of great earthipakes will
extend teem continefit bicontinent. The
effect of the great Lisbon earthquake was
felt at the time
.not only throughout Eu
rope, but upon the ocean, and even upon
the Lakes in this country, particularly
Lake Ontario."
A Washington letter states that aftei
the meeting of Congress, the President
and his lady will hold "drawing rooms"
every fortnight through the•winter.
The. Auditor General and State Treas
urer have brought nearly two hundred
suits against defaulters and their Sureties,
in the Ihuphin Common. Pleas as they
were outhurited to do by au act passed
at the last.sesSioß or. the Legislature,
Mexico Is pludgidg deeper and deeper
info ditficultieg, and a poweiful party
claims for the overthrow of the present
Administration. They ask not only a
change in the 6dbinet, lint that Gen. Her
rera himself should resign and retire to
private life. Sonora, too, is in a state of
insurrection. Durango .is overrun with
savages, and poor Mexico looks utterly
Rum' IN Mzzsco.—A late French paper an
nounces that a 'scientific mission is prepariug at
Havre, for its departure, with tho view of exploring
the ruins of Palenque and other scattered vestiges
of our ancient civilization, in those vast forests
which Cortes believed to be untrodden by man.
Dreadful Accident at- Harper's Ferry
Va.—W e learn from the' Spirit or Jeiler
son that on Friday evening, as the agent
and workmen on the Winchester and Po
tomac railroad attempted to remove some
coal cars from the lower to the upper de
pot at Harper's Ferry, the trussling gave
way, and burried beneath the huge mass
of timber, cars, 4c., Mr. Henry Brown,
agent of the road t Mr. Henry F. Gas
ker; William, son of Mr. Brown, and a
negro man Beverly, the porter of the cars,
4'c. Mr. Gasker and the son of Mr.
Brow n were taken from under the pile
with life perfectly extinct. Mr. Brown's
injories are Very great, and if lie survives
it will be almosto miracle. Beverly, the
negro man, was less injured and as he was
the first taker out, he gave information as
to those who were buried beneath the
ruins. Truly this is a most unexpected
and distressing calamity.— . .Ba/t. Sun.
Uheat Crop of 1845.—According to
the Albany Argus, the wheat crop of the
United States, fur this
,year, is estimated
at 125,000,006 of bushels. The wheat of
1842, which was the largest ever previous
ly raised in this country, was 103,000,000
bushels. The quantity of indian corn
raised in the United States in 1844 was
estimated at 924,953,000 bushels, and it
is probably much increased the present
year. Uncle Sam has a pretty extensive
granary.—Cleveland Herald.
Acre the girls and here the widow
Always cast their earliest glance,
And, with smileless face, cobsider
If they, too, won't stend a chalice
To make some clever fellow nounis
In bliso.and - often too—in trouble."
MARRIED—At Mill Creek, on Tnursday, 13th
inst., by tho Rev. R. B. Norris, Mr. REUBEN
of this count,/ .
By the same, at the same timc and place, Ng.
all of this county.
OBITUARY *ricotta,
From DEATH no age nor no condition save,
As goes the freeman, so departs the slave,
The chieftain's palace and the peasant's bower,
Alike are ravished by his haughty power.
0 death where is thy ating.2 0 grave where is
thy victory?" .
DIED—In Birmingham, in this county, on the
10th inst., HENRY CROSS, in the Slat year of
hie age. •
He has left six children to mourn the loss of an
affectionate father, but they "sorrow not 'as those
without hope," for he not only evinced a willing,
ness to die, but °Amara to depart and be with
Christ, assuring his friends that he was conscious
of his acceptance with God, through the merit of
the atonement; that he loved Jesus, and was going
to be with him, and therefore they should not weep
for hint. Communicated.
_ .
N eXperienced teacher to take charge
4141- of a Public School in the Borough of
Shirlcyaburg, for a term of three months,
commencing on the first of January next.
By order of the Board of School Directors.
'JAMES 12/MSEY, Clerk.
ShirleYsburg, Nov. 19, 1845.
Two Stray Casts,
an i AME to the residence of the subscriber
residing in Union township, about the
first of August last. One is aced cow with
a white belly and a star on the forehead,
supposed to be about fifteen years old ; the
other is a red cow bordering on brown, with
a white belly, a white streak along•the back
and supposed to be about twelve years old,
the horhs of both turning uIL There is no
marks on the ears.
________ _.. ..._ .......
The owner or owners are requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges
and take them away.
Nov. 19, 1845.
Patent Cooking Stove.
tip WOULD respectfully inform the pub
lic, that I shall continue as heretofore,
to act as Agent for the sale and delivery of
the justly celebrated Hathaway Cooking
Stove, tpanufacturnd by A. B. Long & Co.,
who .haVe at a heavy expense secured the
exclusive right of patentee of Huntingdon
and other counties.
No bonibastic eulogy is deemed essential
to add to the already acquired celebrity of
this stoye.. It is necessary, however, to ob
serve that the high reputation this stove has
gained by practical use, has induced the man
ufrcturers of other and inferior articles, to
borrow (not to use a harsher term) the name
Of HATHAWAY, and prefix it to an "Im
proved," in order to make their inferior
trash go off as genuine, and thereby impose
apon the
,public: I,•myself; sell the. only
REAL HA. I'HAWAY stove that is or .ean
bo sold ,in this county, and would therefore
hd inonhli the public against the. Imposition
above alluded to. lam happy in being able
to say, confidently, that during the last three
or fouryears, in which I have been con
stantly dealing in and puttlag tip these stoves,
1 have found them to give . universal and
unbounded satisfaction, Any communica
tion in relation to stoves addressed to me at
Lewistown, Mifflin county, (my place of
residence) will meet with the earliest posi
ble attention. . , .
. ,
Q7' A few good soun horses will be taken
in exchange for.stoyes. •
Lewistown, Mifflin co., Nov. 19, 1845.
10A410 FIBBER,
ATTORNEY AT. LAw.--Hai removed to
Huntingdon, with. the intention of making it
the place of his future residence, and will
attend to such legal business as may be en
trusted to him. Dec. 20, 1893.
3 USTICES' Blanks of all kinds, tor sale
at this Office.
11:4 LANK BONDS—Judgment and cam
mon—for age at this office.
• Grocery Store;
In the 3d street north of the Canal, 2 doors
west front Mr. H. Glazier and adjoin
ing the residence of his Father.
THE undersigned respectfully informs
the citizens of the borough arid county of
Huntingdoni . and the public ger.erally, that
he is now opening ft general assortment of
Grocerieiarid Confectionaries; coffiprising
in part, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spices, Sugar
and Water CraCker*, Pick Nicks, Alnionds,
Raisins, Mack'erel, Herring, &c. &e.. Also,
Tobacco of the most approved brands; best
Spanish. half-Spanish and American Segars,
wholesale and retail, to shit purchasers.
Together with a variety of articles, too nu
merous to lie inserted. All which he offers
for sale on reasonable terms for cash, or in
exchange for proitice at fair prices.
:Agent for the Proprietor.
Huntingdon, Nov. 12, 1845.
rip HE subscriber, will offer for sale, on the
4,..1 premises, on. Friday the 28th inst., the
farm on which anivl Isenberg now lives;
situate in "Woodcock Valley," two miles
from•M'Connellsville and 7 from Hunting
don; containing abaut ' lO5 acres, a great pop
tion of which is of the best quality of lime
stone land, 90 acres cleared, 15 of which is
meadow; a good house and barn, &c., and a
never failing apt ing of excellent water.
Also, a tract of first rate timber land,
about three-quarteri of ii tilde from the
above, and within one-quarter of a mile of a
saw-mill. It will be sold separate or alto
gether, as it may be found to suit purchas
ers. •
Terms made known on day of sale. For
particulars inquire of the subscriber at the
Collector's office in Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, Nov. 12, 184.5
Carriage Manufactory
virOST RESPECTFULLY informs the
41/Acitizens of the borough and county of
Huntingdon, - and the public generally, and
his old friends and customers in particular,
'that he still continues the
Coach Making Business
in ll its various branches, at his old stand,
In Main Street, in the boroh of Hunting
don, nearly opposite the "Journal" print.
lug office, where he has constantly on hand
every description of
‘ 1
Coaehes, Carriages,
Vfe,Fg 1 ,4 "r: Buggies, Sleighs and
ms; Dearborn's,
which he will SELL. LOW !OR CASH or
- flewouldai;oiniOrrn the public that he
manufactures and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of ' . .
iv It ili S ;
ro.rde and finished iu the Most durable and
improved style, by experienced workmen.
The public are respectfully invited to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov. 5, 1845—tf.
The undersigned Executor of the estate
of Jacob Roach, dcc'd, will offer at public
On Thursday the 27th (lay of N ()umber
inst., all that certain tract, piece, or parcel
of land lying and being situate in Tod town
ship, Huntingdon county, containing. 250
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Sam
uel McLain, clec'd, and Joseph Martin, on
which Johns y Houck resides, there is a good
mises ond a , 00d BARN
11 ;;; TRCHA,RD, aIso
inc 6
1 four good
SPkINGS ot. WATER, there
on, iibotit one hundred acres of land cleared
twenty-five of first rate meadow, and about
one hundred that can be made into meadow
all .in one body. Sale .to. commence at 10
o'clock A. M• of said day. Attendance
will be given by
Nov. 5, 1345—ts.
liardware! .Hardware !
(George Ogelsby.) (R. F. Kelkcr.)
IMESPECTFULLY offer to the citizens
of . Huntingdon, and salt the country
roundabout—a Large and general assortment
Nails,, White Lead, Oils, Paints, Window
Glass 7 by 9 to 24 by 26, Varnishes, Building
Materials, Bar, Round Hoop and Sheet Iron;
Cast, Shear, Blister hod Spring Steel; • An
vills, Vices, Smith BeJlows,-Iron and Brass
Wire, Speller, Sheet Zinc, Copper,. Block
Tin and Bar Lead;. Eliptic Steel spi logs,
Saddelry, -Coach Laces and • Trimmings;
Moss, Curled ,Hair and Hair Seating, Hog
skins and Patent Leather; Lamps of the
most approved kind for burning either Sperm
Oil or Lard ; Sieves for Flour, Grain and
Coal; Wire Screen for Windmills; Ma
chine Cards, Mahogany Planks, Boards,
Veneers, and Carvings. Also—
Letal Pipe.
of every size weight and calibre. But few
persons in the community sufficiently appre
ciate the value ; of Lead Pipe, in conducting
water front, springs nt a distance to their
dwellings—a convenience unknown but to
those iyho poses it. Any information res
peCting the same will , be cheerfully given.
We offer the above and all other articles
in our line, on the most reasonable terms, and
hope that when you come to Harrisburg,
you may giVe tis..a, behire inirehatting
elsewhere, a 4 We nre determined to sell as
low as - any other house in town.
NB. Country Merchants will be supplied
at a very small advance above city prices.
Aug. 27‘,*5:--tf.
Attorney .4t p t to practice in
the Orphans' Cotin, Stating. Administra
tors accounts, ticrivening, &c.—Office in
Dimond, three doors East of the. Ex
change Hotel." feb2B, '44.
Job Printing.
S22IM 0 1 833U1WID .1320U D
Tll E 1' HEMEL 1.
All the newspapers arc full of patent rem
edies for caughs; colds, consumption and va
rious other "diseases which flesh is heir to,"
proceeding from tvet feet but all experience
teaches that "an ounce of preventive ,is
better than a pound' of cure ;" and, having
the means of furnishing the former article
on short notice. Therefore
Charlei S. Black
respectfully informs the good citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, and the public geh
ehtlly, that he still co:itinues the
had.. iddrx„-)
Moot aitTs Attor--makins
business, at his old stand in Allegheny
one door west of William §tewart's Store,
in the borough of Huntingdon, where he has
lately received a large assortment of new
and fashionable lasts, on which be guaran
tees to finish his work not only according to
the latest styles, but so a workmanlike man
ner, a:A acccrding to older.
employsnone but the best and most ex
pei•:enced workmen, and by
. strict attention
to business and punctuality in promises, he
hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share
of custom.
WANTED—an A PrattxTitt to theabove
business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of ii,ge will
be preferred, and find a good situation if ap
plication be made soon.
4:sthte of GEORG]; RUDY, (late of
Jackson twit.,) Huntingdon countyclye'd.
Trk trrt.Os of adeninistratfon on the . said
.I.lfilestate have been gradted to the under •
signd. All persons indebted to said .estate
are equested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against it wilt pre
sent them properly authenticated foisettle
:tient without delay, to
(Next door to the Rt:d Lion Raid,) I JaCkSon 0., Sept. 17, 184.5-6 t.
Fitintingtlon April 23, 1845.
Dealers in Country Produce
OUNTRY Merchants and others pur
chasing Groceries, are invited to call
and examine our new and gxtensive stock,
where they will find every article in the
Grocery line, at SMALL ADVANCES
Being a new house, we are determined
not to be undersold by any other establish
ment in the city.
Cr"Comray .Pannucz will be taken in
payment for Groceries, and sold to the best
possible advantage, free of charge.
Aug. 27, 1845--. 2m
Estate of Wm. Gibson, late of Woodberry
township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters
of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned on the said estate.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment,
and persons having claims will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 22, 1845. Administivtor.
• Woodberry tp.
Estate of Dr. Saco)) M. Cover,
-111ETOTICE is hereby given to all per
:4,3l sons interested that the undeesign
ed have been appuiated Assignees under
a voluntary assi g nment tif Jacob M. Co.
ver, Merchant, of Cassville, Huntingdon
county,•Pa. Therefore, all persons in.
debted to said Jacob M. Cover are re
itufated to make payment, and all persons
haviflg claims against him to present said
claims to the undersigned for settlement
without delay. •
Cassville, Oct. 5',2, 1845.
Krßiltimore Patriot and U. S. Ga
zette,, will please give the above four in
sertions awl charge "Jbarnal."
Spanish fifties
_ .
2000 Dry Ladlata Hides--first quality.
8500 Dry La - Gtiira do. . do.
3000 Dry Salted La Guira,do.
1000 Dry ftlted Brazil Hies, do.
oBales o,reen Salted Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrens Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For noise to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the best tenns.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest prices 'ill he paid in
Cash or in exchange for Hides, Kips & Oil.
No. 21 South 3d Stre:ct,
Oct. 9.
MAETTERS testamentary having been
grantedto th e undersigned on the
estate of James Entrekin, Esq., late of
Hopewell township, ilec'd.; notice is here
by given to all persons having claims
against said, estate to present them prop
erly antfterilicated for settlement, and all
those indebted to make payment immedi
N. B.—The hocks, Rapers, &c: of said
dec'd. are all in the hands of James En
trekin, Jr., as Kling Executor, and all
persons interested, are requested to call
on him to settle, st his residence at Cof
fee Run Lin Hopewell township.
Oct. 22, 1845.-6 t. •
- -
ATTORNEY AT LA W—Hut•rincooll,
Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main
street, a few doors West of the Court
House. A. W. 13. will attend to any bu
siness entrusted to him in tho several
courts of Huntingdon and adjoining coun
ties. April3o, 1845.—tf.
T. Uil.
el T TORXEI T L 111'.
Umbrellas, Parasols Arin-Shades,
NO. 126, N/A 11K ET STRE ET,
South aide, below Foutlh,
Invite the attention of Merchants and s Aianufactur•
era to their very extensive, elegent, now stock, pre.
pared with great care, and offered
AT THE LOWEST rosstecc CASH inuct:3
The principle on which thio concern is establish
ed, is to consult the mutual interest of thoir cus
tomers and themselves, by manufacturing a good
article, selling it at the Lowcat Price for Cash, and
realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of
sales and quick return?.
Possessing inexhausti'ole facilities for manufac
ture, they aro prepared to amity orders to any ex
tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Ater
:diorite, Manufacturers and Dealers.
Executors'. Notice. ..
Estate of CONRAD FLE, It (late
of Tyrone Twp. • Huntingdon county clee'd.)
wo - ricE is hereby given, that letters
„testamentary upon the last will of said
dec'll have been granted tuthe undersigned.
All persolcs indebted to said estate. are re,
quested to make immediate . payment, auel
those having claims or demands against the
sartie are reqbested to present them duly
autbenticated for settlement to
IMA'rll) CR, Jr.
rxe cidcre
Administittronl Notice
_ pair an a quu o
Ran away from the subscriber, some
wetki ago, an indented apprentice to the
Shoemaking business; named •
in the 19th years of his age, 5 feet and some
inches high, and stout built. He took with
him a.tlark,frockcoat with silk collar, half
worn ; dark gray cassinett .pantaloons;
double4lreasted silk velvet vest ;.1 • huff
summer vest, an old low•crowned black
hat, and 1 pair cf Monroe shoes. He is of
German descent, stoop sholdeced And down
cast look and is a great tobacco chewer.
Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1895.
HE subscriber world hereby inform the
phblic, that he has purchased the fol..
cming,property, sold at Sheriff's sale, Sep
trnber 27, 1845, as the property of Christian
WeaVer, viz t
9 head of sheep ; 13 Hogs ; 10 Plgs, I.
man's saddle; 10 acre of grain in the ground;
3 acres of buckwheat; 1 copper kettle; 1
grind-stone, 1 lot of clover-seed; 1 spring
calf; 1 lot of boards; 1 iron kettle; 1 bee
1 he undersigned haS left the, above arti
eles hi the possession of Christian Weaver.
until ho sees proper to take them away, and
would therefore caution all persons from
meddling with the same.
Hopewell Township, Oct. 1, 1945.
Jewelry ! o r eteetry I . P
ATTiST received, asteck
k. V of the most magnifi-
A lb, dent Jewelry ti".• ever
\ -:e came up the Pike.".L
I ? Coasisting of Got.n PAT
V ERS, full jeweller,
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single
cased,SttxmANcnott LE , / xtt s jut/jeweled,
double and singlecaced L N GLtsa WATC.II ES,
Imitation Levers, QUARTLILR and Fith:NCli
WATCHES, &C. &C. Alsn
• •
Gail Fob Chatias, and seals.
of the most fashi , ,nable ,pinterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's.
Breacelets sett with toPaZ, Medalions, Fin,
UT Rings, E.`.4t Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. Mineature Cases.
Silk Praces, Coral Beads, Pocket Bodes,
Musi:zal Boxes r Mathematical Instruments.
Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and
,alt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lovreads pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest . quality„
HENRYS CLAY pen knives; a superior arti
cle, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, flair Brushes..
Tooth Brushes, Plating Poitits, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore. , , ,
• Clock and Watch repairing done as usual.
very cheap for cash;
A . large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches 3pld will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrqntee given. the,
it not fotind equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense.
or it injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
s considered vold,,shoukl the watch, with
it is given, •be put into the hands of
another Watch maker. .
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844,
Za.iii.LtaUD 8
Dr. 3. ltriiiiatim*,
II:i•. removes' from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon. would inform the t ommtmity
that he designs to continue the practice of
medicine;ned will be thankful for their pat
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc
cupied by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Having been successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cancers.
(tor which vouchers can be had if rr9uircd)
I he feels confident of success in the most ob •
stinate cases, and should he fail in ctfl•iug no
charge will be made.
Huntigdon, April 23, 1845,
UO aT2Cearrg D
.Itterney at Lair,
IVill practice in theseveral courtsty Hun
tingdon, Bedford, and Cambria coup.
tics. All business entrusted to Ls curt,
will be fnitkitilly attended to.
riqE, Diamond