Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 19, 1845, Image 2

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(.)ne country, one constitution, one destiny!
z....suazzatinagoda CD DP. a
Wednesday, Nov. 19,18h45.
See first and fourth pages for interesting
reading matter. The great lenn..h of the Court re
ports, together with the prece , ...dings of meetings re
cently held, excludes almost all news from our in
side form.
cc?. Thcro was almost a total eclipse of the moon
on Thureaday evening 'last. The sky being un
clouded, this natural phenomenon was visible during
the whole time of its continuance.
The Trial oflVE'Cafferty.
The trial is over—M'Cafferty has been convicted
--the public are at rest, and justice, we doubt not,
has been done. The prosecution was conducted
by Dept. A tt'y. General Cresewell , assisted by
:Sena Calvin, Esq. The prisoner was defended
by Major T. I'. Campbell and Gen. Wilson. The
defence relied upon was habitual intoxication of
the prisoner, and consequently a mental derange
ment sufficient to repel the presumption of malice
or deliberation. This position was argued by Mr.
Campbell with great power and eloquence; ho took
a new and startling view of intemperance, its con
sequences and effects on the human mind. True,
his argument was rather in the face of well settled
kw, but still there was much in it to admire: there
was its zeal—its ingenuity—its eloquence, arid its
unquestioned ability; and more than that, it was
made in behalf of art unfortunate man on the
threshold of the other world. It was an able effort
and one that fully sustained his rising reputation.
Mr. Wilson followed in a speech of some two hours,
characterized by his usual ability.
Mr. Calvin Moiled for the prosecution, and it was ev
ident, before ho proceeded far, that ho was going to
make sail havoc of the arguments for the defence.
The tower built around the unfortunate prisoner
by his counsel, that seemed to bo one of strength
and beauty when they left it, began to betray its
weakness. It shook and staggered like a drunken
man, before the powerful reasoning and searching
scrutiny of Mr. Calvin. Ito proceeded like a mas
ter of his subject, encountering and exposing fallacy
with learning and logic; end characterizing the
deed of blood with the burning eloquence of the
loftiest invective. The defence seemed to have re
tired, its last battlement gone and its last citadel
taken. On closing this hasty article we have hut a
is this: The end of this convicted
and sentenced man should be en awful warning to
the first step in crime, not knowing how coon it
army end in disgrace and death.
The Railroad Meeting
On Wednesday evening was an interesting end
spirited affair and numerously attended. The ad
dress of IsAsc Franca, Esq., evinced a thorough
knowledge of the efficacy of the desired road to
develop the resources of our great State, and of the
capacity of the proposed route to supercede any
other in tho transportation of passengers and mer
chandixe between the East and West, whether
cheapness, speed or plea4ure be the criterion. The
eloquent gentleman, touched upon a variety of sub
jects having reference to the object of the meeting.
but which our limits will not allow us to notice.
One portion of his argument wo must however
take notice of, as it is a subject not only of State
but national importance. We allude to the im
provement of the Ohio River. Mr. Fisher ex
pressed his astonishment and indignation at the
apathy of Pennsylvania and other States lying on
and to the west and north-west of the Ohio, in not
urging long ago upon Congress their claims to this
improvement. It is a subject upon which the east
ern States are also deeply interested, and will un
doubtedly meet their hearty concurrence, with, it
may be, the exception of New York. The outlay
of one or two millions of dollars will readily suffice
to make this river navigable from Pittsburg to its
mouth all the year round, with the exception of a
month or six weeks at mid-winter. It is of me
mentous importance to more than half of the States
of the Union, and it is a matter of great surprise
that it has not been demanded as a right, whilst it
is still more strange that the Legislature of Penn
sylvania hes, done nothing to forward it. Mr. F.
concluded with some statistical remarks and stating
his preference for the route by the valley of the Ju
Gen. Witecue responded to a call, in some perti
nent and able remarks in favor of the measure, and
his practical knowledge on the subject of public
improvement. gave great weight to the statistics ad
duced by him in favor of the Juniata Valley Route.
The Committee, through Mr. Stewart, their
chairman, having then reported a preamble and re
solution., a spirited debate sprang up upon the sub
ject of adopting one of the resolutions, in regard to
granting the Right of Way to the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad company, in which Memos. J. K.
Ideradereon, Esq., Gen. Wilson, Gen. Green, D.
Blair, Esq., John Porter, Col. Baker, A. W. Bene
dict, Esq.. Jonathan M'Witlioms, and the Chair
man participated. This debate was able and inter
esting, and after the withdrawal of the resolution
to which exception was taken, the remaining reso
lutions and preamble were unanimously adopted.
A. number of delegates were then appointed to
the Railroad Convention, to be held at Harrisburg
on the 2nd Monday of January next, and at a late
hour the meeting adjourned, every one fully sensi
ble of the vital importance of the proposed measure,
and determined to aid in its accomplishment. It is
to be hoped that the Legislature will charter a com
pany immediately on their organisation, and the
rock he of once commenced,
Reported for tho "Huntingdon Journal."
Court of Oyor and Terminer.
Mnrder of David Hassler.
The prisoner was arraigned at August sessions,
when he etead not guilty to the indictment. On
account of the sickness of ono of his counsel, the
trio. was postponed until the November term. On
the 1 Rh inst. the following jnry was empernielled
land sworn, namely: Peter Myers, Peter Burket,
Solomon Heiner, Jacob G. Huyett, Michael Gra
zier, Alex. L. Holliday, George Wilson, William
Stevens, George Kopp, Isaac Snyder, David Buc
ket, and Jacob Snowberger. Sixty jurors had
been summoned to the Court, 49 of whom appear
ed. 'Outer the regular pannel 10 were suffered to
be Sworn, and talesmen were then caned from the
hy-slanders, by the Sheriff, and thus the latter two
gentlemen got upon the jury. 32 wore challenged
for cause, having formed or expressed an opinion
as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner-16
were challenged peremptorily—and 2 of the tales
men called did not appear.
On the part of the Commonwealth 16 witnesses
were caned and examined of whose testimony we
give the following synopsis.
Martin O'Brien testified that ho and Henry
Lantz and David Hassler met James jtrCafferty on
the turnpike below Mill Creek, while going to their
work, on the morning of the 17th July last, about
sun rise. M'Calrerty hod a jug with him, and they
plagued him about the jug. Lantz said he smelled
liquor—the rest laughed—Hassler laughed. Tha
witness did not laugh, and afterwards M'Cafferty
called him to himself and gave him a drink—said
nothing. About 8 o'clock, A. M., he came to
O'Brien on the mountain, where he was chopping
—got to talking about how they plagued him about
the jug—swore—and said he would be revenged of
some of them—appeared to be mad.
In the forenoon of the 17th July last (the day
on which the murder was perpetrated) M'Culrerty
was seen on the towing path opposite the "Red
House," talking to one of Thomas Patterson's lit
tle boys, who was on the berm-bank. He corn
mer.ced talking to the boy, and asked him why ho
was not out harvesting. The boy told him no per.
son came for him. He then told the boy if he hail
his gun along with him ho would shoot one of his
legs off. Afterwards he said he would shoot some
body about the Red House that day, or he would
burn the house down over their heeds. These
facts were sworn to by Miss Catharine 13nchammer
and Mrs. Harriet Ifelsel, who were on the term
bank or in the yard of the Red House at tLe time
spoken of.
- At about 2 o'clock of the same day M'Cafferty
came up the turnpike to the Red House, where
Thomas Patterson was sitting on his door step,
with an axe which he had got dressed that day,
picking the scales off with his pocket knife. He
came walking up and when close to Mr. Patterson
drew his gun on him—the muzzle being about two
feet from the breast of the latter. Mr. Patterson
raid, "Jim, what in the name of God do you Mean?
Do you intend to shoot roe!" M'Cafferty replied,
"I intend to shoot sonic of you sons-:'f-hitches
about the house here, or chase you all off." Pat
tenon then raised to his feet—M'Cafferty cocked
the gun—Patterson stepped down—M'Cafferty
stepped back, setting his foot into mud and slipped
—he snapped, the cap bursted, and the load re
mained in the gun—whm he snapped the gun
I Patterson jumped under it. M'Cafferty then felt
11 in his pocket as if feeling far another cap—then
began to laugh and talk and offered to shake hands
with Mr. Patterson, and said ho bad no spite or
grudge at him. Mr. Patterson pat his hard in his
pocket, pulled out his money, and paid M'Cafferty
five cents which he owed him for fish: He did not
want to take it at first—but took it when offered to
him a second time. Mrs. Hassler, the wife of the
deceased and daughter of Mr. Patterson, then told
c her farther to ask M'Cafferty if ho would take coffee
for what Hassler owed him. Mr. Patterson asked
him, and he said if they would tic up the coffee he
would take it. It was tied up for him, a pound
and a half or two pounds. He took it, said ho
would go to Buchanan's and get it weighed, and if
it did not hold out he would Ilia hell there that
evening, Mr. Patterson told him to get it weighed
and if it did not hold out he would pay him the
balance himself rather than have a fuss about it.
WCafferty walked off muttering, saying the next
time ha loaded his gun it would go off. These
facts were testified to by Thomas Patterson, Mrs.
Elizabeth Buchammer and her daughter Cattle-
On the evening of the same day, about on hour
before sundown, M'Coflerty was seen at his house
or shanty, on the opposite aide of the river front the
Red House, by Gabriel Lucas, Andrew Comfer, and
Levi Wright. M'Cafferty told them ho hod been
over at the Red House, "and the d—d rascals
living there are going away and won't pay me my
fish money." He wont into his shanty and then
came oat with a jug and offered them a drink. He
told them he was going over to the Red House and
would shoot some one, and that if hisgun had gone
off he would have shot old Patterson through. He
told Mr. Lucas that he had brought a skiff ever--
there it was, and if he would give hint two plugs of
tobacco he might have it—if he would not give
that ho would break it up and cover his shanty
with it. The hind end of the skiff was broken.
About half an hour later William M'Callister and
Anthony Collobine saw M'Cafferty going from
Mr. Siurk's in company with his wife towards his
own home. He had a gun on his shoulder.
Stuck is his father-in-law. They caught up with
him at his shanty. He told them also that lie had
been at the Red House—said that there was a little
movement going on there—that ono man there
owed him 4 pounds of coffee and another 7 pounds
of bacon—said that he had got some of the coffee.
He showed them his musket and naked if ho was
not well armed about his little building. He said
be woe going over to the Red Holm again, one
man owed hint a pound and a half of coffee and if
he did not get it and they would serve hint as they
did that day, he would shoot a men.
Next M'Cafferty woe seen upon the towing
path about sundown that evening, opposite the
Red House. Sturk was along with him. David
Hassler was in his garden, watering his cabbage
and vines. He asked M'Cafferty who broke their
skiff. M'Cafferty said, "I broke it and I will break
every nkiffyou land on our side of the river and
send it to hell," or something to that effect. Hass
ler asked him why he had broken it. M'Cisiferty
said Ito was coming over there and would tell him
what it was done for. M'Cafferty and Sturk were
going down the towing path, and got out of hear
ing distance. Jacob Cutler, Martin O'Brien, Hen
ry Lantz, and Thomas Patterson were witnesses to
the above interview and conversation,
Now we come to the last act of this horrible trage
dy. McCafferty had passed down on the towing
path—crowd the canal under the Mill Creek aqueL
duct, and is now coming up the turnpike. The
scene is before the Red House and the time even-
ing twilight. Hassler is chopping at his woodpile
in the yard. McCafferty calls to him, You big
man with the white shirt on, come out here !"
"Come out you man with the white shirt, and I
will talk to you now !" Hassler lays down his axe
and is about going out. Mrs. Buchammer warns
him not to go—tells him McCafferty has a gun and
he may injure him. He tells her he will go out and
are what ho wants—he will talk to him, perhaps he
can please him—and he goes. He hears an awful
oath—" By the thundering Jesus, I'll shoot you!—
, He says T hope not—and puts ono foot upon the
turnpike. McCafferty now raises his gun—takes
aim. Hassler turns half around, still advancing.
McCafferty fires. Hassler jumps up eighteen inches
from the ground and falls upon his face in the pub
lic highway. Now burst forth the screams and
the lamentations of those whose eyes and ears have
thus been outraged. A scene of confusion and
consternation follows. The vengeful monster throws
his gun upon his shoulder—looks upon his victim
for a moment or two, and then walks off with as
much indifference as though he had felled a brute
to the earth. He is pursued—runs arta is overta
ken at the tavern near the scene of the massacre,
whore Ito is arrested and brought back to the Red
House. As they carry the bleeding, dying victim
past him he says " McCafferty, you have shot me."
'rho detnon replies, "I don't care a d--n." 'lass
ier is laid upon a bed of pain, where he languishes
for 24 hours and 20 minutes, when he closes his
eyes upon his wife and his child and all the world
—death ends his bodily sufferings and he steps from
time into eternity ! This bloody act was witnessed
by William Clippies, John Buchammer, Harriet
Helsel, Catharine Buchammer, Jacob Cutler, Tha
-1 mas Patterson and Elizabeth Buchammer.
Dre. Swoop° of Huntingdon and Chesnutwood
of Mill Creek attonded Hassler; and they testified
in substance as follows : Found him laboring under
the effects of a gun-shot wound, suffering most ex
cruciating pain and agony—as much as ho could
endure. lie desired some anodyne to relieve hie
pain—they gave hilt a large dose of laudanum.—
They then proceeded to examine the wound--it
wee In the upper part of the toll arm. Ilea the allettl
dee joint--probed It to es great an sates* as they
could to see where the ball was lodged--found the
arm fractured about three inches below the wound
—failed in finding the ball—gave up further search,
believing the ball to have sunk in the body. The
existing symptoms induced them to believe that
the ball had penetrated the sto.nach or bowels, as
the patient complained of all the pain in that region.
110 seemed perfectly rational The physicians di
rected what treatment should be pursued, and left
i him. Dr. Chesnutwood went to see him the next
morning, and found him still in excruciating pain
—went to see him three or four times during the
day. The next night, they made a post-mortem
l examination. They made an incision in the left
I arm, dilated the wound, and carried the section
, downwards—not finding the ball there, they pro
, I ceedcd to examine the chest. After the chest was
, I opened they found that the ball had entered be
tween the second and third ribs, penetrated the Cu
,' perior part of the left lobe of the lungs. Upon fur-
ther examination and removal of blood, they found
that the ball had penetrated the spine. They re
moved two of the veriebre (joints of the back) and
found the ball in the cavity of the spinal column,
in the spinal marrow.. They testified that the de
ceased was a very healthy, muscular man, from all
appearance; and that his death was causal by the
gun-shot wound—the wound if' the lungs or in the
Ypine either, being sufficient to have causal death.
On the part of the prisoner they exonOned but
four witnesses--three of them testifying *Orel) , to
the intemperate habits of the prisoner, but the fourth
one, Jacob Prior, went it strongly, roudily, and
awfully--swearing that ho stood on thd brow of
the hill near Buchanan's tavern-210 or 45 yards
from where McCafferty and Hassler were—that he
saw Hassler and some men come out ; head sonic
one of them say, "Run under him, God d—n (din,
catch Hair—that liassier came up to hin—that
McCafferty had his gun on his shoulder-Itook it
down and punched Hassler of with it—that Huss
ler was stooping down, and as he raised MiCaffer
ty fired. In the cross-examination he con adicted
himself several times—said McCa ff erty cd not
told him at the jail not to forget him at h trial--
and the witness denied that he told MeCrte:ty he
could help him much. His testimony ito the
encounter en the turnpike was successful ) rebut- 1
ted by all the other witnesses who were mix
er the spot where the murder was coons!
Several witnesses proved that Prior's cher
truth is bad in his neighborhood.
Andrew Conifer was recalled on the pat
prosecution, and testified that he was at
with Prior, to see McCafferty, where the fi
conversation was had. Jake says to him,
think they'll hang you, Jim ?" "Oh no,
Jim, I don't think they will—they can't
than take me across the mountain awhile
Jim says, "remember me, Jake, when Court
Jake said, "I will." Jim said, "1 think I
do me a great deal of good. Jake replies
remember him, and said ho thought he
Pros. Att'y, John Cresswell cornmens
gument for the coinmonwoulth. 110 ws
by 'Photons P. Campbell and A. P. NV II
for the prisoner. And Samuel Calvin, Esq., clo
on the part of the prosecution. Much ability,
learning, and zeal was manifested by the counsel
on both rides. We aro sorry that our limits pre
vent us from giving a synopsis of the speeches;
and we my the same of the able charge of tho Court
to the jury.
The jury retired and were absent about an hour
when they roturned with a verdict of Guilty of
murder of the first degree.
The . trlttl commences on Tuesday afternoon and
terminated late on Friday night. The first half
day was consumed in empannelling a jury, and
Thursday afternoon and Friday in the speeches of
1 1
the lawyers, and the charge of the Court,
On Saturday afternoon senterico of death was
pronounced upon the prisoner, James McCafferty.
Tho Sentence pronounced by his ilonor Judgo
Wilson was greatly affecting; and caused a profu
sion of tears in the Court House.
After a patient hearing, the jury selected to in
vestigate the charge brought against you for the
murder of David Hassler, have decided that the act
of the 17th of July last by which you deprived him
of life, is murder of the first degree. the counsel
who conducted your defence have performed their
whole duty with care and ability; but their exer
tions in your behalf could not prevail against evi
dence which precluded the slightest doubt or your
guilt, Your counsel urged upon the jury that your
offence was lees than murder of the first degree—
the facts and circumstances under Which you com
mitted the deed would not admit of ouch ameliora
From the evidence given on your trial it is man
ifest that to a long indulgence and too frequent use
of strong drink is to be attributed your throwing
away your life, and even periling your soul.
We do not intend to dwell on the terrible details
of your offence; but in discharge of our duty point •
out to you the fearful position you now occupy.
The act by which you deprived David Hassler
of life is the only crime punishable with death in
Pennsylvania, and in consequence of it you will
shortly know the day and hour when your earthly
existence must terminate. To die without previ
ous reconciliation with your God, at whose bar you
must stand as your final judge, will be death forev
er. You are then to answer not only for the of
fence of ehedding the blood of a fellow creature, for
which the laws of your country require your life,
but for all the sins of your earthly existence: for the
punishment of which you will be sentenced to ev
erlasting misery where your suffering will be
wretched beyond description. Such is the inevita
ble fate of fallen men who die impenitent. The
justice of God demands it. During your few re
maining days on earth, pious men and teachers of
the gospel will be permitted and aro requested to
visit you. We earnestly enjoin it on you to give
an attentive ear to their instructions. The gospel
which they will explain to you presents the only
secure basis on which to rear your hopes for der
ft teaches you that 00.1 who aood ss srst , ss
just, has devised a plan by which he cart exercise
his goodness towards fallen man without doing vio
lence to his justice. To use its own language,
than which none could be more expressive, it shows
us how "God can be just and yet the justifier of
him who bolieveth in Jesus." We entreat you
thou to pause and reflect on the fearful consequen
ces of your earthly deeds—certain and overwhelm
ing destruction lies at a short distance before you—
and a few more days Without repenting and em
bracing the salvation offered in the gospel, must
land you, to remain forever, in a world of wo. We
again entreat you to take instruction from pions
men; engage earnestly in the work they shall di ,
reef, for with you the day of salvation must soofi
pass away and the night soon set in in which no
man can work. A pardon from the Executive you
must not expect--we see nothing in your case to
induce a belief that the power vested in that officer
will be exercised to stay the hand that the law has
designated for the solemn duty of executing the
dreadful sentence which it becomes our painful task
to declare—
That you now be taken hence to the prison of the
county of Huntingdon, and from thence to the
propor place of execution, upon such day as tnay
bo assigned by the Governor of the Commonwealth,
and be there hanged by the neck until you are dead.
And may God have mercy on your soul
Court of Quarter Sessions
The following cases came before the Court at
the November Sessions, last week, and were dispo
sed of as therein stated. All the judges present.
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Africa. This was
an Indictment found at April Sessions last for ob
structing the Harrisburg, Lewistown, Huntingdon
and Pittsburg road, in Henderson township at and
near the atone quarry below Huntingdon, on and
previous to the first of April last; True Bill."--
Plea, not guilty. The jury fatind the defendant
guilty, and his counsel moved an arrest of judg
ment, which is yet pending.
Corn'th vs. Dennis Clark and John Choi,—
Indictment for Tippling House. The bill which
was found at August Sessions charged the defend
ants with keeping a tippling house to Gaysport, on
and previous to the first day of May, 1845. The
defendants severally plead not guilty. Verdict,
not guilty and the county to pay the costs.
Coneth vs. Joseph l'idwikr. Indictment for
keeping a 'rippling House. ~ T rue Bill." The
defendant plead guilty and submitted to the Court.
Sentence, that the defendant pay a fine of $20.00;
costs of prosecution, and be in custody Ace. II
ter for
of the
he jail
o you
Coneth vs. Christian Kellerman and Henry
Kreider, Supervisors of Snyder township, for Neg
lect of Duty, in not opening a State Road. ~ True
Bill." Plea, rot guilty. Verdict, guilty. The
defendants counsel moved for a new trial, which
motion is still pending.
rdu can
Coneth vs. Patrick Lang, Indictment for As
sault and Battery on Elizabeth Tcetor, in Hopewell
township. 'True Bill." Continued.
Cont'ilt vs. Joseph Stewart. Indictment for
Obstructing Highway &c. "True Bill." Con.
tinned. .
the ar•
Comet /o vs. Jacob Snowberger, Frederic!, Snow-
Urger and William Marsden. Indictment for
Assault and Battery on Andrew Hilliker, in Hus
ton township, on the 27th of October last. "'true
Dill." Verdict, guilty. Sentence, that the defend
ants each pay a fine of fifty centsand costs bf pros
Com'ili vs. Jocob Shenefell, Jacob Snowbergcr
and Frederick Snowberger. Indictment for Ma
licious Mischief. ' , True Bib." Verdict, guilty.
Sentence, that the defendants each pay a fine of
fifty cents, and the costs of prosecution.
Pursuant to public notice, a very large and re
spectable meeting of the citizens of Huntingdon
county convened at the Court House in Hunting.
don, on Wednesday evening, the 12th inst.
On motion of J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., the meet
ing was Organized by appointing JOHN WIL
LIAMSON, Eeq., Of Huntingdon, President; and
Jews Powren, Esq., of Alexandria; Dem Sivuns,
Eeq., of Huntingdon; WILLIAM HIRST, Eeq., of
Berme; DANIEL MASSEY, Esq., of Barrrce; Hon.
JOSEPH ADAMS, of Williamsburg, and ALEXANDER
STEEL, of West, Vico Presidents. William H.
Peightal, J. W. Brower, and John P. M'Cahan,
On motion, the Chair appointed the following
persons a Committee to draft a preamble and reso
!Miens expression of the sense of the meeting:
J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., Gen. S. Mlles Green, Jas.
Wilson, Esq:, D. Blair, Esq., J. K. Hender
son, Esq., John S. Isett, Andrew Neff, William
Myton, Jacob Garrett, Thomas Bell, Elms Baker,
Maj. William Moore, Mordecai Massey, John Hai , .
per, Thornas Fisher, Esq., Samuel Coen, James
Clark', Thomas P. Campbell; Esq.; Robert Alexan
der, and Haze Hamilton.
During the absence of the CoMmittee, Isaac
Fisher, Esq. and Gen: A. P. Wilson, were called
upon and addressed tho Meeting at some length,
setting forth in sbund and hicid argument, the ne
cessity of a continuous lino Of railroad between
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and the great advan
tages whirls the valley of the Juniata presents over
all others, for constructing such road through it.
The Committee, through their Chairman, ihen
reported the following preamble and resolutions,
which, after some little discussion, were unani
mously adopted.
Whereas, The interest of Pennsylvania
as a State, and her citizens as individuals,
requires that there should be a more direct,
quick and convenient means of cominunica
: non between the eastern cities and the
great valley of the Mississippi; so that the
products of the one may be conveyed to the
other with more despatch and less expenst;
and that the travelling public may be fur
nished with a shorter, better ' and speedier
reute than they now have, thereby giving
them an opportunity to scatter their dollars
among the hardy, industrious, and peace
loving sons of this great Commonwealth;
therefore, .
Resolv( . 2d. That Pennsylvania is the Key
belAlG la ogla tagicclmv cltc “Lat." ..ou
western parts of the great federal arch; that
by reference to the map oldie United States
it will be perceived, that the shortest route
is through it, from all the great commercial
cities in the east, N. York, Boston, Phila
delphia and Baltimore, to any point on the
Ohio rivet; and that by means of a continu
ous railroad front Philadelphia to Pittsburg,
the traveller can start from Boston, the cra
dle of liberty, and be carried by steam to
the frontiers of civiliatien,
Resolved, That all travellers from direct
ly west of this State, as well as all those in
the south-west, would go by this railroad to
the city of New York itself, in preference
to going by the lakes and thence by the
New York railroad to A lbany; and if Phila
delphia, Baltimore or Boston was their des
tination, the whole travelliug public of the
entire west would pour along the Pennsyl
vania railroad.
Resolved, That being the best and most
direct travelling route, it would be the best,
shortest and most direct route for the trans
portation of merchandise, from one part of
the Union to tlic other.
Resolved, That with a communication
such as this would be, directly through the
interior of the State, all private and pa blic
interests would be enhanced; our mountains
would melt into Gold and silver; our wallies
would bloorfi and brighten tinder the influ
ence of industry and thrift; every pulsation
in this great artery . of the body politic,
would send a throb of prosperity into every
part of the Commonwealth; and in a few
years, forty millions of debt will be but a
light load or the great state of Pennsylva
nia to carry.
Resolved, That we, the citizens of Hun
tingdon county, are in favor Of the Juniata
ute, as being the shortest and most direct
of any other, and the least expensive to
Resolved, That with this communica
tion, the farmer of Huntingdon county, can
send °lra load of wheat, and in three days
have the money for it,
Resolved, That the Legislature be re
spectfully requested to charter a company
to construct the said railroad.
Resolved, That the following persons arc
appointed delegates to represent this county
in the General Rail Road Convention, to be
holden in Harrisburg on the Second Mon.
day of January next, and that our Senator
and Representatives be also requested to
attend that Convention as delegates. Isaac
Fisher, Esq., Gen. A. P. Wilson, Gen. S.
Miles Green, John Williamson, Esq., J. K.
Henderson, Esq., Col. Elias Baty, John
Porter, Esq., Sarmiel Calvin, Esq., Jona
than Briggs, John S. Isett, Col. B. E. Betts,
Daniel Massey, Thos. M'Namara, Jona
than M'Williams, Esq., Jonathan Lias.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the officers and pub
lished in all the papers of this county.
[Signed by the officers.]
SaNTF.Nct.—Andrew P. Potter, convicted at New
Haven, of the murder of Lucius P. Osborne, has
been sentenced to he hung on the third Monday of
July next. The only motive for the murder was
to secure Osborne 's watch. A meeting was delib-
erately planned by Potter, who professed to be his
friend, and at the appointed plan the murder was
committed. Art attempt was made to prove Potter I
insane, and the trifling nature of the temptation to
crime was urged se a proof. It failed to have any
effect upon the jury.
Ss. A Rs' Picroular. Maexertvr.—The Novrrn.
ber and Deoembor Numbers of this work have
just come to hand. They conclude the volume.—
The object of this beautiful and useful family work,
is to give the public subjects, scenes, places, and
persons, of our own and other lands. The first
volume, now completed, comes up to the promises
of the Prospectus, and its contents are a rich treat,
to the lovers of entertaining and useful matter.—
The reading matter, descriptive of the Plates, ix
written with ability ; and from the Prospectus of
the next volume, and the greet variety of interest
ing articles promised, it cannot fail to be a valuable
addition to every family library,
Church at liktrrisburg, wee entered some time aloe
by burglars, who stole therefrom a clock that had
been purchased and put in the building a short time
Hoes.— rho Chilicothe Metropolis says, "It is
now generally conceded that the ruling price for
hogs in this market, during the present season will
be four dollars per hundred:" At Alton and St.
Louis, pork is worth to $3.50 and beef 2.50.--
The Quincey Whig says "We pre inclined to think
that the article this fall and winter will command
prices satisfachiry to th;, frirmerir.
EnucATlON,—The Virginians are talking vig
orously about improving.theirsystem of education.
We hope it will not end in talk, but we have little
faith in a system that contemplates raising a fund
for educating the poor as a distinct class; and there
are features in the organization of society in the
slave states that Ore fear will always interpose diffi
culties in arty system of general education that can
be adop"..ed.
A young lady at New Richmond, Ohio, in needy
circumstances, has received intelligence front Eng•
land, that by the death of a relative she is heir to
forty thousand pounds ster!ing.
Massachusetts Election.
Below will be found the result of the election in
Massachusetts. The turn out was small indeed.
The whole number of votes for Briggs, V% big, is
47,931; for Davis, L. F., 33,839; Shaw. Native,
6,964; Sewell, Abolition, 6,960, and 1,274 scatter
ing. Governor Briggs wants 1,105 of being elected.
All the Senators elected are VVhig. Thera ors
Certainly nine, and possibly twelve, NA'hig Senator,,
To thh House of ftepresentative, there aro 144
Whigs, 43 Democrats, and 3 Native Amoricans,
certainly elected.
. .
The 'deficiencies in the gouge will be supplied
by popular election, the ."senate and Governor arid
Lieutenant Goverhor Will bo chosen by that body,
HO thfit the Whigs have it all their own way.
The 331liak Tariff.
The Journal of Commerce is frequently forced to
confound and overthrow its free trade theories by
such facts as these:
Linos Canao.—The ship Cornelis, which sail
ed a fow days since fdr Liverpool, has on board the
following cargo:
2,625 barrels flour, at 215 lbs. each, 642,875
1,185 bales cotton, weighing 415,226
493 boxes cheese, 33,040
ea cr,too uu u vv near, (by measure) about. 1.,725,000
Ballast, 60 tone,
Making a total of 2,880,541
This is said to be the heaviest cargo ever carried
from this port.
Such are the workings of a Tariff which was to
destroy commerce! This is the "Black Tariff" (as
it was (milled by the Washilgton Globe) that was
to ruin the country! But when had we so many
merchants ships afloat? When was our commerce
in a Moro palmy state? When has cotton found a
steadier market? When did wo ship as much
flour, pork, cheese, &c., as since the Tariff of 1842
went into operation!—Albany Journal
cd• !suss CLARK, has been appointed Governor
tit lowa by President Polk. Eight years ago he
worked at Harrisburg, in this State as a Journey•
man Print,.
The New York correspondent of the Phil
adelphia North American says—The (irund
Jury has for the second time refused to in
dict Mackenzie for publishing or purlbining
the Hoyt and Batter correspondence. O ur
of the evening papers, (the little Star,) says
bitterly but truly, it doesn't• see why Mac
kenzie should be indicted for taking a few
old letters from the Custom Houae, while
another who stole 5200.009 from there, goes
at large, and circulates in fashionable socie
ty. I suppose Mr, Butler would sa , , this is
owing to " the stated preaching of the Gbh
pel !'
THE ARKET.—uring the last t
days, says M
the North D
American, therehree
been an active demand for flour and wheat
for export to Europe, and in speculatii*,
and prices have still further advanced. Far
me will do well to forward a portion of
their grain crops to mai ket before the dos
ing of the canals, the prices obtained being
Much above those generally anticipated.
Immense supplies from the West will no
doubt set k the seaboard this winter and in
the spring by way of flew Orleans, whence
it will be shipped to Europe, if required be•
fore the opening of our canals.
To nr nurro.—John and Aaron Long and
Granvillo Young, who murdered Coll Davenport,
at Rock Island, 111., on the 4th of July last, while
the family were attending a Sabbath School cele
bration, have been tried, convicted, and sentenced
to bo hung on the 20th inst.
Onto Mos,tnn Cnoe.—The 'Cultivato4;—flye
that not less than seventy acres of Mt - si ert ! w ere
grown in Ohio this season, Which, at ten bushels
per acre, will /flake seven hundred hushels.—it
will .:ommend eight cents per pound in Philadel
FORTI7NE'S Fnerac.—A journeyman tailor at
Boston, and a poor man, with a large family, re
ceived intelligence by the steamer Hibernia that he
Was entitled to a large amount of money, houses,
rand, plate, horses, carriages, &c., amounting
from $150,000 to $200,00b, being the effects ofr
rich pawnbroker, deceased, of whom ho ie sole heir.
Qatar VEnnicr.—At the late Circuit Court
held at NVhito Plaine, N. Y., Miss Conklin, a lady
rising forty yearn of age, obtained a verdict of four
thousand dollars against Mr. Addison 11111, of
about the canto age, for breach of pron3iNe of mar
O a f Eugene Sue, it le said, has been excommu.
nicatod from the Catholic church by the archbishop
of ',yowl, Franco, for publishing his work celled
the , Wandering Jew.' This will only ciutre it to
spied btilllurther, •