Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 12, 1845, Image 1

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jramtig ctimpaier—Ottiottis t 6 gettei•al intelligence, attbeitioing - , facto, Actinteis,iigtictiltiire,i(muriement,
'''TPcw 11. = a SZTaii,; de®.;
runu.san RI (
'CP cia cpwa as.
The "'jour. NAL will bo published eveiY, Wed
aoaday morn i ng :. at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
'amt if net paid w six months, $2 50., ,
No subscription received for a shorter pericd than
aix.months, nor any' Wiper discontinued till all ar
rearSges arc paid.
Advertisemente not , exc ceding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 20 cents. ff no definite orders ere
ea to
the t i 0 .,,,,a 0 a dv, Irti.sement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till oreered out, and charged ac
tOriTa Y.
”T o charm the languid ho► irs a solitude
He ofl invites her to the Muse's
(Ctifter a long hitling,in the Smn's rays, VE
NUS may be now even in the West, a few min
utes early in the eveng. T complivent to her
re-appearance, we copy t h e foliOwing lino, o, from on
unknow pen. ,
To the livening Star.
STAR of the West!—thy de WY bemn
Looks o'er our mingling joy and woe,
Reflected in the glassy stream; • •
Thou doign'st to light the worl,i below;
While the waves ripple their reply
To the low brteze's evening sigh.
star of the Wostl—when Nature sleeps,
And the last glance of day it gone,
And when tho balmy dew-drop weeps,
Thou ahin'st and sparkled there alone,
And throw'st thy ray of silver light
On the dun bread of coming night.
Star of the West!—whose glories burn,
As if to guard white we are sleeping,
ro wo retire, to then we turn,
, And gaze wjtere thou thy watch art keeping,
by gentle iniluenie o v er us shed,
And with sweet sruraiers bless our bed!
And Thou! who maa'st t is glorious star,
, And guid'st it through its heavenly M 6 ,4
Who guard'at us wheresoe'e r r Nioaro,
Through radirint or gloomy
Oh shed around the willing heart
Tho light that never can depart.
Anecdote of Old Ironsides.
The most brilliant naval action of the last war
j.iptiOULACCifY ' inits that of the old American frigate
Constitution, 44, commanded by Commodore
• isteWart, when She captured the two British cor
vanes, Crine,aVA i.eVant, of greatly superior force,
'each of them beliii`etittel to the old fashioned 32
gun frigates. The handling of the A.ncrican fri
gate was throughout ecirtilie, 'and unexceptiona
ble. BY,'ne,rnaticctivring conld either of the Brit
t. 'whvessels,ehtain 4 'POsition to 'lake tho Constitu
' iicni. Shift their gtound ria they would , Old Iron
., ~
lidee wits betWaen them, blazing away . 'anon both
• veiaela at the some time. tlwring the whole action
. ‘,. Stearin, instead of mounting the horde-block, sit
• -, exposed ~ ~. ~
the hamm o c k
in a more situation MAO of this i
nettings, the ettet to
,observe the rnanoenyring,Of '
hie antagonist. The Cyan? was the first to strike
to Brother Jonathaii—not an unusual thing ,vith
?Thigh vessels during that war. The first,Lieti
tenant came in haste to the boininodoio to il ' A.
T • I
• nounce the fact. ' The star-board ship has . struck , ,
air,' said the officer. 'I knew it, sir,' replied the
Commodore. 'The battle is just half Won.', 'Shall
I order the band to strike up Yankee Doodle, sir"
inquired the lieutenant. Here the Commodore
, took a huge pinch of snuff and then answered
, Mickly 'Had we not better whip the other first,
SO' 'Ay, ay, sir,' replied the lieutenant, taking
the hint, and trent to his quarters. In a few min•
ales afterwards the Levant lowered the cross of
Old England to the ears and stripes, and the bat
tle was ended. The lieutenant feeling somewhat
• Yebuked at bio PiernatUre ekeltation upon the our
., irinder of the iirst vessel, Was rather shy dap
., proaching his 'eenuninder again; bbt Stewart, beck
' ' ening to hint, said with a smile—" Don't you think
the band hid better etrikis tip Yankee Doodle now,
air?"' ht On instant that Spirit-stirring strain was
floating in the breeie, played to no other than a
Yankee band can play It, and the gallant crew
shouted forth their Ostia of vtctory, as ho other'
than a Yankee crew can eloin.
A NOVIL roe or ♦ LADY'S CORSET is . Cifiroill.
tled . !n p late
... ilumber of the Liverpool Mercury.
A respectably dressed female was observed by one
of the Custom House officers; leaving Victoria
'oak, and fancying—rash man—that she was
bulkier about the upper part 'Of the body than her
natural form and figure would adMit, he took her
to Brideerell. A search was made, when it was
found Mat tier calico stays ware not Wheleboned as
we believe, with our limited experience,
stays generally are, but hi place of the whalebone,
' there were three long pieces of foreign mantifac
.tured tobacco, (ladies twist!) weighing, altogether,
about three pounds.
The lady was fined 200. anti the stay■ forfeited
and pdblicly exhibited ifs Cotirt to the greet amuse-
Meat and edification df the bachelor spectators.
Dr. John B. McFarland, Member elect of the
Rodeo of Representatives of the present General
AuemWy of Tennessee, from Henry county, died
et his residence on the 17th Met.
=WS::9''U"22S:3'33.thCM: O Ul:)EVi.i; azt„
From the knickerbocker.
The Husband who Played the
A CELEBRATED painter of Madrid, whose real
name it will be more discreet not to disclose, but
whom I shall cell Morales, had just completed a
Pictara far the convent of the Escurial. Ho had
receivel iiretiy large sum for his work; and by
way of a Ink relaxation after the long continued
toil, and close ;attention bestowed upon it, he had
assembled around a well-epread table in his studio
a few choice spirits Ipm among his fellow artists.
It was a bachelor's, eittorteinment. Not a female
was to sit down, wltit tbetn., The mistress of the
house iierself, Donne Casilda, hod been excluded.
Mereies had sent her Off Withihe female attendant
to pasetho day with ono of her c . otichte. Put the
good dime, having a little of tho curiosity of mo
ther Vie* her composition, .(ea which of her fair
daughters has no 0) was very anxious to know
what was to take place during her absence, and had
a strong desire to find out what so many men could
have to talk about, when there were no women
present. Instead, therefore ,of repenting et the
house of her cousi n, she quickly returned, bringing
the latter with her ; and presently the twain were
snugly ensconced in a little closet adjoining the
studio, where with eye and ear closely applied to
the key-hole, they rcniained eagerly listming to all
that passed..
'But tell no, my friend,' said ono of the guesis,
why are we deprived of the pleasure of Sonora
Morales' company ? Her wit, her pleasantry, and
twenty, surely would not have diminished the charm
of th is delightful meeting.'
'Third,' whispered the lady to her cousin, that
is the firs t sensible speech I have heard.'
F;e! t :ve 1' replied the husband, pouring out a
bumper of o,'d golden sherry, women know no
thing of th e poet:) , of life.'
That is true, adtled another ; women are mere
matter-of-fact ; common-place, esrintially
prosaic. Wh a t d o they know about tho arts, or
the enjoy ments of , cud, its ?'
Fools !' exclaimed C
• Yes,' continued. for ales, 'take from women
love intrigues and honsehr..ld affairs, and they ab
solutely know not ‘Fh?,t to think or talk about.'
I m p er ti nen t f e ll o w woo the comment of the
Why,' sdio..l the pouter, ttt ey cannot compre
hend one of those rich jokes, or capital pieces of
Immor, which the air of the studio inspires. They
havo no conception of thbrn. When a woman
plays us a trick it is flientys ht the expense of our
Wretch l"fhis word escaped the two cousins
at the same moment, and was ut'tred in a loud
tone. But the noise of the guests, and the rattling
of glasses prevented its being heard.
AM master simple, and so you defy us to play
you a trick without touching your honor, do you 1'
By our lady of Atocha, I vow, though it is now
Shrove-Tuesday, that before Lent is over I will
have my revenge.'
Casilda set her wits to work, and you shall hear
what came of it. On the following Thursday she
! engaged her brother to procure from the Place Ca
beda, where they aro accustomed to sell fragments
Of old buildings, a door of the same dimensions as
their own, which fronted on the street. She char
ged him to get one of an antique pattern, covered
with iron Work, and heavy mouldings. This she
conveyed to her house with all secrecy, and
kept closely concealed Until the favorable moment.
She had ccnniunicted her design to her brother;
and a few female filings in the neighborhood, cn
whose aid in carrying out her plot She relied.
On a certain evening, when Mora had return
ed borne at a late hour from a convent, where he
had just completed the Painting ef ti chapel which
the monks were to have opened at Easter,
received him with Much warm th, anti a great'e'r pro-
• .
fusion of caresses then usual. It was very Into
when they retired to test, for Morales must first
have his supper. The night c't's cold and stormy.
Toward midnight the darno began to utter deep
groans, intermingled with piercing cries, as if racked
by grievous pain. Holy Mother!' exclaimed she
am dying !—my poor husband, my last hour is
come; let them bring a confessor, and quickly—
for I'M going fast.' She accompanied these words
with giliiiaces, and violent contortions, which wo
men, when the humor takes them, so well know
hovi to perform. Her husband, in condoling tone,
iinfuired where she felt the pain. 9:llessed
gin!' wee till the angrier, 'get me a confessor !—•
, the sacraments !—I can bear
. it no longer, it is al
most Oiei with no ! therm. arise, the domestic;
a young gill hastening to the assistance of her
mistress, apidiCa worm napkino .to her stomach,
and made her swallow drafti of hot spiced wiaq
and other similar remedies. But theMalli4
ed not. , Indeed, that it did not was no wonder, in
the present mood of the patient.
Poor Morales, though sore against his will, was
forced at length to quit his bed. .Ah r cried his
wife, in a pileolui tone, as he slowly drew on his
garments, it is a cholio of the most dangerous
nature.' •
No my riiistreas; said the servant girl. .1
know what it is that ails you ; it lb that bad vine
gar you mixed With the salid that cinema the pain.
You know it served you the mho way the last
time you took it. Dame Castinoja then cured you.
The paints'', on this scold his wife, be
cause experience had not made her more careful.
But the ohly sobbed nut in half suffocated r
'AI hecho no ay remedio, what is done, cannot be
undone. For mercy's Bake,io for mother Castin
oja. She knows my etirtatitution she is the only
one that can give me relief from th 3 dreadful 'pains
I suffer. For heaven's cake, bring her quickly ;cr
there will be nothing leftyou but to open my graVe.'
My little wife,' replied the husband, in a dis
mal tone, my dearest wife, mother Castinaja, you
know, has removed to the other end of the city
near the gate Foncarral, and we are in the quarter
Lavapie ; the night is very cold, and if the gutters
do not deceive me, the rain is pouring in torrents.
tven should I find mother Castinoja, do you think
she would come to see you through this terrible
storm ? I remember the last time you had this
complaint, she cured you with two ounces of trea
cle boiled in the rind of half en orange. Lot me
gn to the apothecary's end get this for you. Com
pose yourself a little, and do not force me to take
such a long journey, which I am sure will be of no
use, and I shall only get a worse malady than
At this, Casilda began again to pour forth the
moat bitter lamentationh. Good heavens!' see
what a husband Con has given me ! To hear hint
would not one suppose that I was demandineim
possibilities, that I Was asking him to be buried
with the ; that I was claiming the sacrifice of his
blood, or of half his fortune ! I only ask him to
go for a nurse, at the risk of wetting his shoes and
he refuses., but I well know what it is you want;
you wish to be a widewers; yon long to live over
again yehr bachelor's life.. At every cry that pain
forces, from ree, 5 , 6ur heart leaps with joy. Alt!
I'm dying ! a prick ! tho confession! I men poi
soned 1 .',.
Morale; really believing that his wife Was at the
last extremity, and fearing, if she died, that the ac
cusations she had thrown out against him might
have serious consequences, endeavoured to soothe
her by a few MM., and proceeded to light a lan
tern, which the darkness of the night rendered very
necessary. Ho then drew on a pair of stout boots
threw a largo cloak over his shohlkers, pulled the
cape over hia head, and manfully set forth on his
nocturnal expedition in search of mother Castinoja.
The Painter kitew 'diet tho dathe in question dwelt
somewhere in the rteFerice'rial, but of the precise
location of her residence . ite was totally ignorant.
The rain fell in torrent., ehd he mat n'i't a soul from
the time he lett the An) 1 . ... pie, until he reached
the quarter to which hie steps were directed. The
night was as dark as Egypt,cril Morelia cursed
from the bottom of hia heart, the Joy on which ha
married. It may reedit''' . to imagined that in such
a mood he was hot likely soon to find the object of
his search. .
But while he is groping along the streets, and
getting soaked to the skin, let us return to the sick
lady. No sooner, aid she ore her Vasband fairly
offupon his expedition, than she summoned her
brother, and a few chcsen friends who were lying
hid in the cellar. In a twinkling they had the old
street door off its hinges, and its supplied try
the one bought for the occasion, wbiett fitted as if
it had been made on purpose. Above it, they .
placed a huge white sign, on which was displayed
in large letters the following inscription: Tas
MAN Axn Moose. This done, a large party of
friends from the neighborhood, who had been let
into the secret, were speedily assembled. Casta
nets and guitars wore put in requisition; a repast
was prepared, and the merry guests began to eat,
and drink, and dance, by way of celebrating the clie
ntal expedition of tho poor husband, who had gone
id search of dame Castinoja.
Meanwhile, having proceeded from street to
street, knocked at more than fifty doors, and roused
and angered the whole neighborhood, our good
painter was at length obliged to return homeward
without ilia nurse. He was drenched to the akin
and hie patience 7aa completely , exhausted. On
approaching his home, the sound of mtisical inptru
meal!, and singing, and peals of laUghter
. burst up
' On hie astonished ears. Thinking tie IMd made a
mistake, he raised the lanterri, and discovering
different door from his own, with a Sian of a hotel
Over it, he became crimpletely bewildered, and be 7
gen to traverse the pavement anew. 'lt is indeed
the rue do Lapavie,' said he: 'Here is the book
store of Pedro Trappal; there is the fruiterer's shop;
and this is the house of Diego le Boitcux, and then
surely comes mine; for on the other side there is
that of Lucas Moreno, the money changer. Ho
recognized the doors of all his neighbors; each one
was taMiliar; hie Morn: Was 'changed. 'GoaP
, itel
me!' Said he, making fifty signs of the cress, 'thin
indeed must be my house. It is but an hour and a
half since left it. My wife was then weeping
. .
and groaning with pain, and new they . tire singing
and dancing. And yet we were living alone in
the hoiiso: The door, it is true, needed a little re
pair, but I airi eel-Mitt it +rtia not changed when I
left Mane. Besides, I have never noticed a tavern
in this street, and surely ti is net in lily hiMee they
would establish °tie.— AM I dreaMing! .That
not be. My oyes are wide open, and I heir plain ,
ly enough. The rain is pelting fiirtolisiY, Yee this
illusion cannot be the effect of the little drop of
Wino I took before setting mit. Ho began to make
a &Bei examination, carefully passing bis hand
ovei the door, but could not find the knocker in its
accustomed place. Determining to make himself
heard, in hopes that es soon as ho effected an en
trance he would learn the cases of the mysterious
transformation, he began to thump at the door with
blows loud enough to rouse the whole neighbor.
hood. The merry-makers within pretended not to
hear him. He knocked still more loudly. At
length, after he had been left standing a long time
under the dripping of the roof, a man with head
covered by an old handkeMblef, and holding a light
in his hind, opened the window above the door.
Halloa! my good man, what the devil do you
want at this time of night? There is no room for
you here. Go elsewhere to get a lodging.
'But I wish to enter my own house.'
''fy friend, it is not , our custom to open our
doors at this unusual hour.'
Norbleal hut I tell you this is my house; and
my father hog° Morales paid a round sum for it
with his own deniers.'
.1-lark ye, my fine fellow; I know not if the wine
which disturbs your noddle was Val de Pcquas or
LogrOcttio, but I'll be sworn it wan capital, and the
water froM the gutteM will not hurt you., so, go
your way; ccaee knocking at the door, or I will let
loose a mastiff', whose teeth Will Make v doien but,
ton holes in your hide in short orde'r. Good night.'
Thus saying, he closed thia window. The singing
and laughter were renewed within, and the .poor
painter gave himself to ell the devils fully persua
ded that some sorcerer was playing him this cruel
Meanwhile the rain continued, and flakes of fal
ling snow came thick upon the face of Morales.
Tho candle in his lantern had burnt out, and his
patience had long since been completely exhausted.
He commenced knocking anew; when presently
he heard some ono within the house call out: ,Hol
loa! Antonio, unloose the dogs; bring a cudgel, and
give the aboslders of this drunken fellow a taste of
it; it will relieve hie muddy brain a little.' At this,
the door was thrown open, and forth came a man
with two huge dogs which might have made the
joke rather a serious one, had they not been held
beck by their keeper.
'You cursed fellow,' said the latter, 'what do you
Mean by making this clathorl Were you not told
there was no room for you here!'
'But, ciy geed Mend, this is my house, and I
Cannot cos prehCifd what piece of sorcery has con
verted it into n taveiii'. Thrs is indeed, I assure
you, the very house I received as an heritage from
Diego Morales, my father.'
good man, you are certainly und'er a strange
delusion.. There are neither Morales S'Or 'lasi:Jer
ries in this neighborhood.'
!I am a painter, well known in this city, and of
some celebrity in this quarter. I have lived twee
6..years in, this house. Call My wife I Citsildat if
she is not transformed into a landlady, she will
doubtless extricate me from this labyrinth:,
• -
.How can you talk in this foolish manner! For
more than six years this house has been onq , of the
most frequented, and best known hotels in Madrid.
Its innetcr is Piedro Carasco. The is
Maria Pere; and I, who speak to yob, eni Antonio,
their valet. And, now take yourself off in God's
name, without any more noise, or this cudgel shall
speedily restore you to your senses...
The peer . paintei„ net knowing to what saint to
turn for succor, made thii best of his way by gro
ping along through tho darkness, to the house of
one of his friepda. h was fqnr o'clock in the
Morning When he reached it. From the lamenta
ble voice in Which Morales claimed admittanctr,
the friend thought that some serious calamity had
befallen the painter, and hastened to 'let him in.
Morales related his adventure but his friend listen
ed to it with incredulity. He however lighted a
fire to dry the well soaked garments of, his guest,
and having prepared for him a bed, advised him to
go to sleep; for he doubted not that Morales had
been making a little too free with the bottle. ,
In the morning, however, the painter still per
sisted in maintaining the truth of the story he had
telt] on the previous evening, and his friend, cu
rious to behold the enchanted mansion, accompa
nied him home. But to the utter astonishment of
the mystified artist, another change had come over
the Spirit et' his , drearn. The Marvellouti algn had
disappeared, the house was secured by its accus
tomed pornil, and every thing had resumed its for
mer quiet find peaceful appearance.
.Come, Morelos,' said his friend, topping him on
the shoulder, , confess that you had taken a drop
too much last night, and were afraid to return
'On my honor as a man, and as an artist,' re
plied Morales, have told you nothing but the
.. 'But, my dear fellow, it is no such great critrio to
be overcome by a cup of gond wine.'
Morales heeded not the remark, but commenced
rapping smartly at the dcior,Bridget, the maid ser
vant, half dressed, hastened to
Oh, Senor Morales,' cried she, in tones of well
feigned astonishnient; 'hot, could you have the
heart to stily .. out all night in the city, carousing
with your friendkand your poor Wife lying hero a%
deallesdporl And io go off too tinder pretence of
finding Janie Cinninoja! Fyo Upon yout lye upoit
, Fyo Upon Yon! Senor Morales,' cried out in
eholiriis half a dozen shrill voices from the neigh
boring windoWs. , You ought to be ashamed of
yourself, you cruel man; you have an angel for a
wife, and here you leave her in this shaniefill man
ner to die without assistance.'
.Ay, indeed! and where Gave you been all night?
In some filthy tavern, I dare any, drinking with your
good for nothing companions. What an abomina
ble thing is a husband who plays the bachelor! If
I had such an one, I warrant you I'd go to the
Magistrate and soon have a divorce.'
'l3ut it is with me that ho has the account to
settle,' cued Casilda, who now came up, looking
polo and wan, as was natural after a night of
dancing and dissipation. 'And so, you believe
, I
was dead, and you thought to comp back and
squander my dower on your bachelor parties! But
you did not rockon on the good services of these
kind neighbors, by whose timely eid X have been
restored to life.'
'My dear littlo wife,' said Morales, soothingly,
'if you will only listen to me, you will find that I
am much more to be pitied than found fault with.'
And hero tho poor artist began to relate what had
happened to him. But his story was received
with shout 3 of laughter.
'Tell that nonsense to others, Morales! Do you
take us for idiots, to whom you are telling some of
Your humbug stories of the studio?' Confess the
truth, man. You have fallen in with some of your
scope grace companions, with whom you have
passed the night drinking and carousing. Tell
ilm truth, and beg pardon for your fault. —That
will be much better than to stand here telling these
Silly stories which nobody will believe.
. And in truth Morales had to come to this at last.
Crest falfen, overwhelmed by ridicale jeered by the
whole neighborhood, he was forced humbly to sue
for pardon, which WOO only granted on the condi
tion that he should give no Moro bachelor parties.
Learning anti Religion
_ .
At a late meeting iu Newark (N. J.) on the
subject of colleges and Seniinatiee in the West; the
Rev. Dr. Bacon made an address of much force,
upon tho impedance of a finished education, to a
clergyman. We copy from the New York Even
ing Poet, a few paragraphs from the Rev. Doctor's
And what would you think of Mr. McLane, our
Minister to England, if he needed an interpreter to
read his instructions, and had no act upon a mesa
translation? and how much more should God's
ambassador know how to read his master's in.
structions in the language in which they were giv
enl Thus God has bound the interests of learning
and religion together, to keep our own "E Pluribus
linum" inviolate forever.
Tho roll of time developer new combinations
' and changes, as too kaleidoscope, with its unchange
able pebbles, when held to the snit. Empires
and flourish, and fall ; and the poet points to their
ruins, and utters the clergy, , !Quot pniinur'n
florttere." Fools desire l iberty for its own sake,
that they may do what they list; but wise men
Want it as a means toe higher end ; and our great
love to this Republic, that it leaves men free; is be
cense they must be free to feel their accountability.
1 do not ii.ideed bel!evo that wo would be More free
from persecution than other sinners, only that our
faith demsnds perfect liberty of conscience for all
forms of Christianity, yea, all forms of religion.—
We would be intolerent of none, not even of the
World's Convention, that Met to vote God Mr hiS
throne, to Put out the sun and light this universe
with tapers.
blow Many men did flourish them
And there is now their sepulchre."
And our only hope is that this nation is to be an
exception; else, the. arch of , our empire comes
down. We have hod our birth time, and conflict
and glory ; if these fail, and wealth, and luxury,
and sin follow, then Perhaps we May expect no
Gothic hordes upon our borders from some unknown
realm; but, if such a catastrophe ever comes on
our children, it will come from a semi-civilized peo
ple full. of military, ardor, that can see all things
but their own, graves; it is as Christians and echo!,
ars that we inow the worth of learning in conexr
ton with religion, that we ask you to join us in our
efforts to educate and bless the West.
The Boston Traveller says—"A Vermont Mer
chant came to the city last week to sell his fall sup
ply of butter—ninety tons! Pretty well for a
single trader in a small town among the mountains.,
Trial List fiir A'orember Term
. .
. ..
C. Garber's Isis V. spering, Good et al
Sliarpe 8; Car Man v aobn Stewart ~
Samuel Royer n. ,ohn Farrins worth
Martin Gates v lobert Wore ,
John M'Comb v C. A. Newiughaiu
Edward O'Hare v S. Royer et al
Wm. McNite. v Stains et al
A. D. Leonard . V Lytle & Patterson
Coin'th. Pemisyl'a. t Alex. koniN
J. P. M'Dowell ' Dougherty (lun'kr.)
E. Shoemaker v Alexander Gwin
John grewster., a Robert kyle
'Todd itll4,Lernrnon v. G. W. Patterson
Andrew H. Hirst V Benjamin Johnston
James Parsons v John Rouse
D. W. Huliniii v Isaac Rogers &co
Thomas for Dysart v Om S. Hoover
Jacob Taylors Min's v John Lytle
P. ?railer Smith v William Pollock
Com'th Penn's v Johnston Moore
John & James Wilson v J. Crerswell's heirs
Hezekjah ,Crownover 'V William Pollock
Julius McGunigal v Geo Mnng'sEx'rs
Alexander Johnston 3 , Charles O'Friel
John Dickey's Adm's 3, A. son Esq.
Mighael C. Garber v John F. Lowry
A. Johnston for Boyer v R. Lowry's Adm's
Joseph Parsons v Alexander Scott
James Martins Adm's v J. Daugherty (Innk'r
Geo. B. Matthews v John Marks
James Dysart 7 , Hugh Seeds et al
C • 11. Leas & Co. v Jacob Drake et RI
James Entrekin v G. Smith's Muer
edlics• o Eitt• 13.t1
Corn'th Penn'a v Wm. Price et al
Miller (I.vcotning) v D, Gondftllow
Leonard Kimball v John McCahan
Higgins apo. for use v Israel Graflius
Ludwick Lingafelter v Xaritts Leff
John I). Davis &co v Dour i tterty (tr'bp)
Williams et al John P. Jones
David Robeson v Moses Robeson
Ewing for (I..t.'s v James Ewing
J. Potts for use V J. G. Lightner et al
Same v Some
Crttl•th Penn'a v S. Frampton et al
Kimmerling et,al V Lowly. Royer ut al
John Potts for ese v Lightner, Carothers
et al & l'ennock's Ex
rcutor's 'Tenant'.
:7 , Mt NOVEMBER TERM, 184 s
0 12.1 N D J-1,12.0R.;
.. ,
William Armstrong, farmer, Woat township,
Jacob Bumgamer, . do. Casa "
Humphrey Chi!cote, "do. Union "
Thomas Crisman, do. Tyrone "
William Crotsley, do. Cass rr
James E. Defebaugh, Silversmith Woodherry tr,
Samuel Dwing, Cordwainer West . ~
Robert Hamilton, Jr. Farmer Allegheny "
lohn Harper,. Carpenter . Dance ••
David Hewitt, Wagonmaker Blair -
Jonathan Hamilton, Farmer, Antes
Joseph...lllh., Gentleman Frankstown "
Miles Lewis, Merchant West
Abner Lloyd. Farmer Porter
Adam McKee, do. Prankstown
John Myerly, do. Union ,
.Alex. McFarland, do. Allegheny
james K, Phillabar carpenter Henderson
luau Peightal, Farmer Hopewell
John Snyder, do. Pell
Michael Starr, , do, Cromwell
I Samuel-Smith, , Grocer Blair ,
Jamey Thompson, JUR. f ence Warriorsm'k
Robert Wray, Farmer Henderson
Robert Alexander, Cordwainer Woodberry tap
George Bell, Jr. Fernier Barrer, "
Joseph flanks,,., Meson .Tod
George Bowman, Farmer Shirley a
NA , illiam Bell, Distiller Barre° „
Thomas Bell, , Carpenter .do.
Allen 0. Brown,. Merchant Bhirley
Peter Burket, Tanner Warriomml
Benjamin Baker, Carpenter Tod
Davis . Brooks, Formic Blair I/
Robert. liarr; . htitre t . Barree
Alex., Cinipbell, Manager Henderson
Samuel eoetli „ Farmer Barree
illiaM Clymer's, Constable Dublin
John Clark, Tailor Shirley •‘
i •
George Colegate,.Blacksmith Cromwell .'
I John Ebberts, Farmer Franklin a
Alex,. Frazier, do. Blair
James Forrest, do. Barren 16
John Funk, do. Allegheny
Jas. Faulkendcr, do. Cromwell
M. C. Garber, . Oentlemeri ,Blair
Michael Grazier., Flintier Warriommark "
Thomas Gorsuch, do. Springfield
Jacob G. Huyet, do, Porter
John Hileman, do. Frankstown "
A. L. Holliday, Clerk, Blain
SolomonHamer, Miller .„ , Snyder
Nicholas •HeAvit, Gentleman Blain
Thomas Johnston, Innkeeper Fiankstown "
Daniel Reecii,. Vason do.
J ohn W. Kling, Tailor Barre° r.
errie Kopp, Gunsmith Frankatown
Joseph ; Law Farmer Morrie
James Livipaton, 'lnnkeeper Brume
John Livingston, Farmer do.
Jonathan Lias, Sr, do. Tod
Benjamin C. Lytle, Tailor Snyder a
Allen McGlathery, Farmer Ante.
James McCrum, do. Berme "
Wm. MCMurtrie, Merchant lieroterion
John Maguire, do. Tyrono
James McF.lroy, Clerk . Franklin a
William MeDivit, Farmer West
Joshua McCord, Saddler Blair •
John K. McCahan, Miller, I'Verrionntek
James A .McCahan, Partner Blair .
Peter Myers Trtilor Springfield
John Porter, Merchant Porter "
William Pheasant, Ppmer .
Alex. Port, Constable Henderson "
Peter Shaver, Fainter Shirler
John Steever do. Cass
James Smith, Blacksmith Blair ,
John G. Stewart, Foreman t Porter "
Wm. L. Snyder, Hatter , Henderson a
William Stevens, Plasterer Warrisrsm'k
Isaac Snyder, Farmer Tod
James Wilson, do. Tyrone "
George Wilson, do.
.. Tell
ina . Ck;Carpenter Henderson twp.
William Bell, Farmer Allegheny a
Dante/ true. do. Frankstown
David Caldwell Tanner Blair
4oseph Cornelius, Farmer Cromwell
Jehn Ferrensworth, do. Snyder ‘•
Hugh Fergus, do. Morris "
John Gemmill, Merchant Porter
John Geissinger, Farmer Hopewell "
Jacob Heffner, do. du,
George Hyle, do. Morris "
Anderson Harvey, Founder Franklin "
Adam Hoffman, Cbairmaker Walker rr
G. W. Howson, Farmer Union "
Adams Houck, do. Tod,
Jos. Hugentugler, Cordwainer Tyrone "
Maize S. Harrison, ',Pinner Shirley
Wm. Hoffman, Carpenter Henderson
Abraham Hcgio, Farmer Tell
John.Kough, . do. .Allegheny "
Charles E. Kinkead do. Morrie .
A. W. Kinney, Gentleman Woodberry •‘.
David Long, Farmer Springfield "
Robert Lytle, Sen. Merchant Blair "
Janies.,l4pgan, Blacksmith 'Tyrone "
John Nevling, Innkeeper Warrioram'k .1
Isaac Port, Founder gimewsl,l
John H. Stiller, Farmer Allegheny
William Smith, (o fßugh) Farmer Barre.
John M. Twiny, Farmer Morris-
Daniel Ullery, Carpenter Blair,
William Walker, do. Porter "
B. B. Willet, Merchant Frankstown
William Wilson, Farmer Tyrone
Jesse Yocum, do. Henderson
13. Zeigler, Tiliner genderson "