Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 05, 1845, Image 3

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    %;k l Opai• &Taw:Axel= GIU..
illtuithigdon, Nov. 6, 1846.
(rff. V. B. PALMER, Esq., le authorized to act
11. Agent for tide paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti
mare and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 69 Pine street.
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore aad tit -
vert street..
Nero York—Number 160 Nassau street,
Boston—Number 16 State street.
Another collegiate year has just cloied.
On Thursday, 18th ult., the elaminatiOns
were thorough. and afforded to the Tilts
tees, and other gentlemen present, the
fullest evidence of the ability and fidelit . i.
'of the Professors, aid the diligence and
proficiency of the Students. The course
of study is now aS extensive as in any
Western College, and it is the aim of the
Board to place it on the scale with the
best at the Bait.
The public exercises opened on Tues
day evening in the College Hall, with an
able and eloquent address to the allumni
association, by the Rev. Dr. Snodgrass of
New• York, a member of the class of 1815.
As the fine production is to be given to
the public, we will here simply state that
it was, in every respect, worthy of Its dis
tinguished author.
On Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, the
commencement services began with prayer
by Dr. Snodgrass. The graduating class
being too large ro allow an address from
each member the tollowing named young
gentlemen, appointed by their class-mates
for that purpose, addressed the audience
if:. the order as follows, viz :
Latin Salutatory by roc. White, Waching-
ton county, Pa.
English Salutatory and oration by A. G.
Fergus, Eli-cubed), Pa. Subject—The
• Age'a Influence on Individuals.
Greek Salutatory by G. W. Miller, Clays
ville, Pa.
1. Oration by Charles Menager, Gallipolis
Ohio. Subject—Efrects of Physical
Causes on Literature.
2. Oration by Alexander M.Jacob,Wheel
ing, Va• Subject—lnternational Law.
8. Oration by John V. Calhoun, Rooks
town, Pa. (Unavoidably Absent.)
4. Oration by Robert Nicholls, West
Newton, Pa. Subject—The probable
• Destiny of the Irish Repeal.
'5. Oration by H. Byers Kuhns, Greens.
burg Pa. Subject—The Aztec Dyn-
'6. Oration by Andrew Hopkins IVash
ington, Pa. Subject—The Hopkins,
r. Democracy.
7. Oration by , Lyman W. Potter, New
Lisbon, Ohio. Subject—The influence
'of Physical Causes.
Valedictory by It. N. Wattermin,
Blairsville, l'a. _ _
The ; degree of Aliscitelor of Arts was
then cOnterrea 'on the above named per
sons together with the other 'embers of
the class ) viz ;
W. Mitchell Biir l d, Washington, Pa..,
:John, I'. Drawn, Kihgwood, Va.; John V.
Chandler; New York.. James Cummins,
Wheeling. Va.; William R. Erskine,
West Alexander, Pa., Jas. R. Hughes,
Ohio; Robert Johnston, do.;
M. E. Johnston do.; John B. keeps,
BiOwniville; Pa..; 3. S. B. Koontz, Wash-
ington, Pa.; Spencer H. Limb, Memphis,
Tenn.; Robt. :C. Westmore
land county,. Pa; G. H. Wash.
ington county, Pi.,, W.. S.. Pattirson,
New Lisbon, O.; Byron Porter, Bridge
water, Pa.; Nicholas N. Pumphrey,
'Wellsburg, Va.; Wm. Reed, Calcutta,
Ohio; J. C. Robinson, Gallipolis, Ohio;
Edwin H. Stow, Beaver. Pa.; A.G. String
er, Parkersburg, Va.; Wm, H. Temple.
ton, Chester county, Pa,; Jack, 'Fwyford,
ACCOMSC, Va.; David S. Wilson, Wash•
ington, Pa. . •
The degree of Master 'of Ars was
conferred in course on W. Colmery, Silas
Condit, James Dinsmore, Louis C. H.
Finney, W. J. Willa, Josiah M. Pugh,
Cyrus Cummings and John Marple, grad
pates Of this institution. The honorary ,
' , degree of Master of Arts was also con•
ferred on Thos. Bakewell, Esq., of Pitts
liurg;. P 3., and upon Prot. John Neely; of
the vicinity
,Ot Washitigtori City, and R.
11. Koontz, Esq., of Washington, Pa.
The honiirtry degree of Doctor of
Laws was conferred on the Hon. Richard
Biddle of Pittsburg,
The closing exercise--the
ate by Dr. M'Conaughy—was clear—
chaste, profouud, beautiful—,a specimrn
of the acquirements and mind Of the
In the afternoon the Alumni Associa
tion met--lion. T. M. T. M'Kennan,
President in the Chair. In the course of
the deliberations, which were of the most
interesting kind, remarks were made by
Kr. Snodgrass, of New York; Joseph H.
uhns, Esq., of Greensburg, Pa. John A.
Wills, Esq., of Pittsburgh ; Rev. J. Kerr,
of Monongahela City ; Reid 'l'. Stewart,
Euq., of Erie; Hon. J. H. Ewing, of Wash
ington, Pa., and the President. Plans for
- -the advancement of the interests of the
institution were deviied,and arrangements
fn' the Vigorous prosecution adopted.—
The Alumni meeting closed the day.--
All these various services were highly
gratifying to the Alumni, to the friends
of the College, and to the vast assemblage
of citizens and strangers who were pres
The Board cannot close this cominuni-
Zation without adverting to the singular
blessings which God has vouchsafed to
then► in their relations to this institution.
FOr nearly forty years it has silently and
efficiently performed its part in the gseat
Work assigned it. The Catalogue of the
year now closing, shows the number of
Students in actual attendance to Ire 211.
Its finanical condition is good, its receipts
exceeding its expenditures. A large and
veiy valuable addition to the Phil. Ap_pa•
ratus is now on the way from the East
and will be ready fur use the coming ses
sion. The Coßego. buildings are under
going a thorough repair. Peace and good
order eminently prevail ; and, more than
all, its Principle and Professors are tried
men—men not surpassed in their respec
tive departmentif.
The price of boarding in the College
building is gl 50 per week t in the town
and neighborhood it varies from St 25 to
$2 : in Club it 'varies from Sdc. to el,—
Tuition is Xl5 per session, always paid in
advance.. In the English Department
sto 50. The. next session will commence
on the first Monday of November.
By Order of the Board,
‘. ELLICIT, Presd't.
R. R. REthi,§eoy.
To-01114st for k irovember Term
1716§T WEEk.
C. Garner's ltx'rs Spering, Good et al
Sharpe & Carman ju John Stewart
Samuel Royer a John Parrins worth
Martin Gates, v Robert Moore
John M'Cornl.; v C. A. Newingham
Edward O'Hare v S. Royer et tit
Win. • MUNite v Stains st al ,
A. D.' Leonard V Lytle & Patterson
Com'th. Pennsjil'a. v Alex. Enn is
J. P. M'llowell v Dougherty (Inn'kr.)
E. Shoemaker v Alexanclgr Owns
John Brewster 4. Robert Kyle
Todd and Lenimon v G. W. Patterson
Andrew H. Hirst v Benjamin Johnston
James Parsons v John Rouse
D. W. ii7is v Isaac Rogers &Co
Thomas for Dysart v Geo. S. Hoover
Jacob Taylors Adm's±) John Lytle
P. Frazier Smith v William Pollock
Com'th Penn'a v Johnsten Moore Immo.—
John & James Wilson v J. Cressvrell's lieirs
Hezekialt Crownover v William PolloCk
Julius McGunigal v Geo. Mong's Ex'rs
Alexander Johnston v Charles O'Friel
John Dickey's A dm's -to A. P. Wilson Esq.
Michael C. Garber a John F. Lowry
A. Johnston for Royer v R. Lowry's Adm's
Joseph Parsons v Alekander Scott •
James Martins Adm's v J. Dougherty (Innlt'i•
Geo. B. Matthews v John Marks
James Dysart v Hugh Seeds et al
C• H. Leas & Co. v Jacob Drake et al
James Entrekin v G. Smith's Adm'r
Com'th Penn'a v Wm. Price et al
Miller (Lvcoming) o D, Goodfellow
Leonard Kimball v John McC.ahan
Higgins &co. for use v Israel Graffius
Lud wick Lingafelter v Xarius Leff' •
John D. Davis &co v Dougherty (tr'sp)
Williams et al John P. Jones
David Robeson v Moses Robeson
Ewing for G,,tes v James Ewing
J. Potts for use v J. G. Lightner et al
Same v _ _ Same _
Com'th Penn'a v S. Frampton et al
Kimmerling et al v Lowry, Royer et al
John Putts for use v Lightner, Carothers
et al & Pennock's Ex
ecutor's T. Tenants.
William Armstrong, Farmer, West township.
'Jacob Bumgarner, do. Cass
Humphrey Chilcote, do. Union a
Thomas Crissman, do. Tyrono
William Crotaley, do. Cass
Jaines befeboug/t, Silversmith Woodberry tp.
Corderaincr West a
Robert Hamilton, Jr. Farmer Allegheny a
John Harper, Carpenter Barre° a
David Hewitt', Wagonmaker Blair
Jonathan Hamilton, Farmer Antes
Joseph Jones, Centleman Prankstown
Miles Lewis, Merchant West
Abner Lloyd, Farmer Porter
Adam McKee, do. Frankstown
John Myerly, do. Union ,
Alex. McFarland,, do. Allegheny
James K—Plilllabar Carpenter Henderson
Isaac Feightal,
Farmer Hopewell
John Snider,. do.Pell .
Nichol Starr, do. Cromwell
Samuel Smitl3, Grocer Blair
James Thompson, Jun. Peace Warriorstnl
Robert Wray, Farmer Henderson
kobert Alexander, Cordwaincr Wecalbcrry
George Bell, Jr. Farmer Hawes
Joseph Banks, Marron . Tod a
George Bowman, Farmer Shirley a
William Bell, Distiller , Barree
Thomas 8e11,.. Carpenter • do.
Allen 0. Brown, Merchant Shirley .4
Peterßurket, . Tanner Warriorem'k4'
Benjamin Baker, Carpenter Tod
Davis Brooks, Farmer Blair If
Robert Barr, • Miller Barree
Alex; Campbell, Manager Henderson
Samuel Coen, Farmer. Barren
William Clyihana, Constable Dublin If
John Clark, Tailor . Shirley •
George Colegate, Blacksmith Cromwell
John Ebberts; Farmer Franklin ..
Alex. Frazier, do. Blair
James. Forrest, do. Banco a
John Funk, do: Allegheny 0
Jae. Faulki3nder, do: Cromwell a
M. C. Garber, Gentlemair Blair
Michael Grabier, Farmer Warriorsmark
Thomas Gorsuch, do. Springfield
Jacob 0, Huyet, do: Porter
John Hileain, do. Franketovrn
A. L. Holliday, Clerk; 13Iair
Solomon Hamer, Miller SnVder If
Nicholas Hewit, Gentleman Blair
Thomas Johnston, Innkeeper Frankstown
Daniel Keech, Mason do. "
John W. Kling, Tailor Barreo 0
George Kopp, Gunsmith Frankstown
Joseph Law, Farmer Morris
James Livingston, Innkeeper Brune "
John Livingston Farmer do.
Jonathan Liao, Livingston,
do. Tod
Benjamin P. Lytle, Tailor Snyder
Allen McGlathery, Farmer Antes
JrimOs Mcdrum, do. Barree
Wm. McMurtrie, Merchant Henderson a
John Maguire, do. Tyrone
James McElroy, Clerk Franklin "
William McDivit, Farmer Vast
Joshua McCotd, Saddler Blair
John K. McCahan, Miller Warriersm'k 44
Jame. A. McCahan, Farmer Blair
Peter Myers Tailor Springfield 44
John Porter, Merchant Porter 44
William Pheasant, Farmer Union 44
Alex. Port, Constable Henderson 4 4
Peter Shaver, Farmer Shirley 44
John Steever do. Cass
James Smith, Blacksmith Blair 4 4
John G. Stewart, Foreman Porter 44
Wm. L. Snyder, Hatter Henderson 44
William Stevens, Plasterer Warriersm'k 44
Isaac Snyder, Farther Tod 44
James Wilson, do. Tyrone "
George Wilson, do. Tell
TRAVERSE jtJUOßS.—excoign
David Black, Carpenter Henderson tvrp
William Bell, Farmer Allegheny "
Daniel Brua, do. Franketovrn "
David Caldwell Tanner Blair
Joseph Cornelius, Farmer Cromwell "
John Ferrensworth, do. Snyder "
Hugh Fergus, do. Morris 4 ,
John Gemmill, Merchant Porter "
John Geissinger, Farmer Hopewell "
Jacob Heffner, do. do.
George Hyle,.. do. Morris <,
Anderson ,Harvey, Founder Franklin
Adam Hoffman, Chairtnaker Walker "
G. W. Hampson, Farmer Union "
Adams Houck, do. Tod,
Jos. Hugcntuiler, Cordivainer Tyrone "
Maize S. Harrison, Tinner Shirley "
Wm. Haitian, Carpenter Henderson
Abraham Heide, Farmer Tell
John Kough, do. Allegheny "
Charles D. Kinkead do. Morris "
A. W. Kinney, Gentleman Woodberry
David Long, Farmer Springfield "
Robert Lytle, Sen. Merchant Blair "
James Cogan, Blacksmith Tyrone "
John Nevling, Innkeeper Warriorarn'k"
Isaac Port, • Founder Hopewell "
John U. Stuffier, Farmer Allegheny "
William Smith, (of Hugh) Farmer B arree "
John M. Tussey, • Farmer Morris "
Daniel (fiery, Carpenter Blair, "
William Walker, do. Porter "
B. B. Witter, Merchant Frankstown
William Wilson, Farmer Tyrone "
Jesse Yocum, do. Henderson
William B. Zeigler, Tinner Henderson
lIEREAS by precept to me direc
ted dated at Huntingdon, the 22d
day of Aug. A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty•five; under the hands
and seals of the Hoer Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Com Mon
Pletii, Oyer and Terihiner, and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and
the Hon. Joseph Adams and 'James Gwin,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Huntingdon,justices assigned, appointed,
to her, MA 'determine all and every
indictintitts, and presentmentS; made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by the laWs of the litate ire made capital
or felonies bf death and other offences,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or be per
petiateil fOr crimes aforesaid-1 am coin.
mended to make
. .
Public Proclamation;
throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Over and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and * Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court House; in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and
1 i th day) of November next and those who
will prosecute the said prisoners, be then
and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all JustiCes bf the Peace,
Coroner and Constables within the said
county, be then and therein their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. df said day,
with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon the 22d day of
August, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
five , and the 68th year of American
Shetff's Office, Hunting- ?
don, Aug. 22, 1845. S
WHEREAS by precept to me direc
ted by the Judges of the Common
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 22d day of Auk. A. D. 1845,
I am commanded to make Public Pro
clamation throughout my whole, bailiwick
that a court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 18th day) of
November A. D. 1845, for the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
inine'l before the said Judges when and
where all Jurors, WitnesCcs Stu! suitors
in the trial of all said issues are required
to attend. .•
Dated at Huntingdon the 22d day of
April A. one thousand eight hum
Bred and forty-five, and the 68th year of
American Independence.
Sheriff's office Huntipg
don, Oct. Q. 1845.
' .
FIE subscriber would hereby inform the
I , public, that he has purchased the. fol.
owing property, sold at Sberiff 's,sale, Sep
tember 27, 1845, as the property of Christiah
Weaver, vie :
9 head of sheep ; 8 Hogs ; 10 Pigs, 1
man's saddle; 10. acre ot grain in the ground;
3 acres of buckwheat; 1 copper kettle; 1
grind-stone , 1 lot of clover-seed; 1 spring
calf; 1 lot of boards; 1 iron kettle; 1 bee
'Hie undersigned has left the above arti
cles in the possession of Christian Weaver,
until he sees proper to take them away, and
would therefore caution all persons from
meddling with the same.
Hopewell Township, Oct. 1, 1845.
The undersigned Executor of the estate
of Jacob }loud], dec'd, will offer at public
Ou Thursday the 27th day of Noarmber
inst., all that certain tract, piece, or parcel
of land lying and being situate in 'rod town
ship, Huntingdon county, containing 2.40
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Sam
uel McLain, clec'd, and Joseph Martin, on
which JohnsyHouch resides, there is a good
216 . DWELLING : HOUSE,. on the
premises,and also a good DARN,
ORCHARD, and ~,fotir goad
on, about one hundred acres of la ml cleared
twenty-five of first rate meadow; and about
one hundred that can be made into meadow
all In. one body. Sale ,to, commence at 10
o'clock A: M• of said day. Attendance
will be given by
Nov. 5, 1845-6
NOTICE is heteby given to all pereons concern
ed, that the following , named persons have settled
their accounts in the Register's Office at Huntingdon
and that the said accounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to
be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of
Huntingdon on Wednesday the 12th day of No
iember next, viz :
1., John Creswell , Esquire Administrator of AIM
estate of Edward Gay, late of the Borough of Alex
andria, dec'd.
2. Dr. Alexander McKerney, Executor of Aaron
Burns, deed, who was Guardian of Elizabeth Bid
dle, a minor daughter of Thomas fiddle, late of
Woodberry township, deed.
. .
3. Mielitiel Bossier, Administrator of the estate
of Elizabeth fleecier, late of Woodberry township,
4. William Montgomery, Executor of the last
Will and Testament of Matthew Gilliland, late of
West township, dec'd.
5. James D• Rca, Administrator of the estate of
Andrew J. Rea, late of the borough of Hollidays
burg, deed.
6. James Entrekin,Jr. Esq., A dministratorpen
ciente lite of the estate of William Elder, late of
Hopewell township, dec'd.
7. David P. Isenberg and William Christy, Ad
ministrators of the estate of John Isenberg, late of
Porter township, dec'il.
8. Casper Dilling, AdMinistrator of the estate of
Christiana Dilling, late of Huston township, deed
9. David 13. Templeton, Administrator of the
thitSte of Alexander Templeton, late of Tyrone.
township, deed.
10. Alexander lttitt, Guardian of Jonathan
Johnston, a minor son of .fohn Johinitori, life of
Porter township, dec'd
11. John Neff, surviving Executor of the last
Will and Testament of Jacob K. Nell; late of West
township, doeil, and Jacob Harncane, Daniel Neff;
and Alexander Btiti, Adniintstrators of, the estate
of Henry Neffdeed, who was another Executor of
the last Will of the said Jacob K. Nell; dec'd.
12. John Gaha g an and Jonathan Isenberg, Ad
ministrators of the &tato of John Gahagan, late of
Porter township, dec'd, • r
13. Joshua Roller and William Reed, Adminis
trators de banjo non cum Testament° annexe of
the estate of Alexander Carothers, late of Morrie
township, dec'd
Register's Offico, Huntingdon
Monday, October 13, 1843.5
iistate of Wei. Gibson, late of Wo'Oct&rry
township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters
of Administration have beeh grant
ed to tie undersigned on the said , estate.
All persons indebted to said astute are
requested to make inimediate payment,
and persbns having claims will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 22, 1845. Adniinistrotor.
Woodherry tp.
Tastate of Dr. Jacob W. Cover.
ligoTtcE is hereby given to all per
1,111 sons interested that the undersign
ed have been appointed Assignees under
a voluntary assignment of Jacob M. Co.
ver, Merchant, of Casstille, Huntingdon
county, Pa. Thererore, all persons in
debted to said Jacob M. Cover are re
quested to make payment, and all persons
having claims against him to present said
claims to the undersigned for settlement
without delay.
Cassville, Oct. 2-2, 1345.
o* - 131Itimore Patriot and U. S. Ga
zette, will please give,the above lout. in
sertions and charge "Journal."
Spanish Hides;
T A.NN Ek'S LS . .
2000 Dry Laplata Hideg---first (PialitY
5500 Dry La Gtlll'a do.. do.
3000 Dry. Salted La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
40 Baits Ceeen Salted Patna Kips
30 Balsa dry. Patna Kips.
120•Barrells Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
Pot salse to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the hest terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest paices will •be paid in
Cash or in exchange for Hides, Kips & Oil.
No. 21 South Sd Streit,
Oct. 9, 1844.--•
Execatort , XotiCe;
LETTERS testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the
estate of James Entrekin, Esq., late of
Hopewell toWnsliiP, dec'd.; notice is here
by given to all persons having claims
agaittst said estate to present them prop.
erly tiatheatieafed for settlement, and all
those indebted to make payment immedi•
N. 13.--The hocks, papers, &c. of said
dec'd. are all in the hands of James En
trekin, Jr., as acting Executor, and all
persons interested, are requested to call
on him to settle, at his residence at Cof
fee Run, in Hopewell township.
Oct. 22, 1845.-6 t.
Tr4DANK BONDS—Judgjoent ane coin ,
ftion—fur sale at this office.
We recommend to all our friends visit
ing the cast to call at the Pekin Company's
Store, and lay an a supply their deli
cious leas.
Between Market am/ Chestnut,
Ilave constantly on hand, and for sale,
Wholesale and Retail,
Abctiriling to the duality, than they can
be bought fe'r at any other establishment
in the
0,- TEAS, exclusively, are sold at this
house, and several varieties which can
not be be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas
which do not give entire gatisfaction can
be returned and eichanged, or the motley
will be lefunded. . . . . .
The citizens of Huntingdon county
are tespectfully invited to give us a call.
Agent for tht Pekin Tea Company.
bctober 1,1845.—1 y.
No. 292 MARKEt Street, Philadelphia,
THE subscriber has now on hand one
of the Most extensive and beautiful as
ever offered for sale in the Philadelphia
market. The Garments are all cut in the
most flishionable manner, and for work.
manship and quality of material cannot
be surpassed.
Mai ket street, where you will be sure of
getting great bargains, as he is determin
ed not to be undersold by any of his
competitors. He buys and sells altogether
for CASH, consequently he can sell great
er bargains than those who buy on credit.
October 1,1845.-3 m. 292 Market at
!ii HE undersigned respectfully announ•
recto his friends and the public that
he still continues at his old stand, Second
street; Harrisburg, Pa., where he is ready
to accommodate all who may favor him
with a call, As his house has been for some
years back contfucted on the Temperance
prihciple, the proprietor expects to receive
a liberal share of the patronage of temper
ance Meii generally, visiting the Seat of
IMCLI&E3 3 4 ,11Q.MlanUE1
will always he supplied with the best the
market will afford, and no pains spared to
suit the palate of the epicure. The great
est cave will be observed in regard to the
cleanliness &comfort of his sleeping apart
LTSas:3 EiZElt2eraLbnalo
is comModious and attended by a careful
and obliging ostler and every arrangement
made to make his hotise a pleasant stepping
place for the traveller.
Charges very moderate to suit the times.
Harrisburg, Aug: is, 1.845.
°Arm= BrixTam,
IT'LL practice in the several Courts of
the City and County of Philadel
His office is at No. 35, South FOURTH St.,
between Chesnut and Walnut streets.
Philadeldhia, Oct. 1, 1845.
hay of Jackson township, dec'd.
VFOTIGE is hereby given that letters of
Al administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the , undersigned. All
persons having clainis of deinands, against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate payment to
Oct. 29, 1845.—5 l pd. West tp.
1 pair of kip Boots and a quid of Tobacco
Ran away ,film the subsciiher,,some
weeks ago, an indented apprentice to the
Shoemaking busineiA, named
, .
in the 19th years of his age, 6 feet and some
inches big bond stout built. He took with
him a . dark frockcoat with silk collar, half
worn ; dark gray cassinett pantaloons;
-breasted silk velvet vest; 1 buff
summer Vest, an old low-crowned black
hat, and. 1 pair of Monroe shoes. He is of
German descent, stoop sholdered and down
cast look, and is a great tobacco chewer.
Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1895.
Umbrellas, Parasols & son -Shades;
NO. 126, MARKET slim ET,
South side, below Fourth, Philyel*hic,
_ .
Invite the attention of !Merchants and Manufactur.
ore to their very oxtr,nsive, elegant, now stock, pre
pared with great caro, and offered
The prilicipie OrvtihieTtitl;Concern is establish
ed, is to consult the mutual. interest of their cus
tomers and themselves, by manufacturing a good
article, selling it at the Lowest Price fpr Cash, and
realizing their, own remuneration, in the amount o}' sales and quick returns.
Possessing inexhaustible facilities far mahufac
lure, they are prepared to supply orders to shy ex
tent, and respectfully solicit the.patronage of Mer
chants, Manufacturers and Dealers.
ISAAC riasta,
ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to
Huntingdon, with the intention of making it
the place of his future residence, and will
attend to such legal business as may he en
trusted tahim. Dec. 20, 1843.
ATtURNEY AT LAW—Huntingdon Pa.
Office in Main street, two doors East of
Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House,
All persons indebted to the subscriber for
medical attendance rendered themselvt I
and their families, are hereby requested 'to
please come and settle their accounts be
tween this and the thirteenth day of Octo
intends -
ber nest, as after that time he toi
leave all unsettled accounts in the hands
the proper officer for collection.
Huntingdon, tuly 1l 1845.
lE4fate of aittlreta Robeson,
late of Warrior:nark townshiA, Huntingdon
county &Ceased.
INI,CYFICE is hereby git-en, that Letters
`1 testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been.granted
to the subscribers. All persons .therefore
indebted to the estate of said (jecep,so, aro
reciuested to make immediate payment, anot
allbatring claims to present them duly
thenticated for settlement, to
Oct. 10845.
c A ME to ,tltßyesidence of the subscriber,
living in ,Warriorsmark townslpp, on
the 22d day of August last,•a white Heiffer,
simposetl to be two years. old hist spring.
The owner is 'requested ,to cube forward,
prove property, pay charges,. .and take her
away, otherwise she Will be disposed of ac
cording to law. . . .
Oct. 8, 1845. JOHN AbbLEMAN.
. .
The undersigned, appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon County to. dis
tribute monies in the hands of William Reed
Administrator of the Estate of Dan
iel Fornw alt, late of Morris township, de
ceased., hereby gives .notice to all persons
were:Apt; in said distribution, that he will
attend for that purpose, at his house in the
Borough, of Alexandria, on Saturday the. Ist
day of November nrkt at 1 o'clock P. M.
Sept. 24, 1845---4 t
Protection atainst toss by Fire.
THE Cumberland Valley Mutual Protec
tion Company, incorporated by the Legisla
titre, and rapidly extending its benefits, of
fer greater inducements on account of ateap
nese of insurance and certainty of payment
in case of Loss than any other• Company or
mode of insurance known, except those w
cerporated on the same principle. The terms
and privileges of members can (e known
by calling on George, Taylor, residing in
Huntingdon, the agent appointed by said
Company for Huntingdon county. .
T. C. MILLER, Pres't.
A. G, MILLER, Sec'y,
White House, Sep. 24, 1845:
The winter Session of this Institution, w ill
commence on the 20th inst., .and it will 5e
very desirable that all those who intend to
enter the Academy, be in attendance at the
cammencement of the session. . The pupil
must necessarily encounter many . disadvan
tages by entering after the session is on p e
commenced. It is hoped therefore that pa
rents will give attention to this matter, and
send their rhildren at the opening of the
It may,. not be put of place here to state,
as the Academy hat but lately been placed
under the superintendence of the presen t In
structor; that the advantages for obtaining
a useful, and solid edifcation are equal
those of any other institution of the kind.
All those branches; that are necessary,tti
prepare persons Eby praCtical life, and for
entering colleges are taught in tM Acade
my. The Teacher also flatters himself that
general satisfaction will be given, judging,
from the.rapid progress wh ich the pupils
made during the.session that has just closed;
and from the approbation which the made
of instruction in the Academy has received.
References to any extent can be given if re
quired. , . •
Parents who are under the necessity at
sentlingtheir children from home to have
educated„,would do well by placing them ip
this Institution, Every thing wilkhe One
to promote the comfort , and mbrayernent
of those that are pla'ctil under the care of
the.Superiritetleht. Particular altentien
will be given to their habits, Whilst a reli
gious influence will be continnally excited
upon them. r rhee the , expeeses ,are to
small in comparison to those of many other
institutions of the kind, that every one must
see the advantages to be gained, by placing
their children in this Institution. Thu,
'1 rusteet have divided the year into tw o
sessions' t consisting of twenty two weeks
each. Pupils however can be admitted at
any time with a ptoportionabte charge.
The terms per session are as follows
Tuition, for Latin and Greek lan
guages, including all other
Tuition, fur the higher branches
of Mathematics, Algrbra,,Ge
ometry, Surveying, scc.,
Tuition, for the common branches, .
English Grammer, ate., sii,oo
Boarding and lodging can be had in the
Acattemy for $1,621 per week. The situa
thru of the Academy is an exceedingly eli
gible and healthy one. Any further par
ticulars can be had by reference to the
Huntingdon Academy, Oct. 7, 1845.
ETTERS of Administration having this
1 clay been granted to the undersigned.
on the estate of John Green, late of Clay
Township, in the county of Huntingdon de
ceased, all peroons.ha% Mg claims against said
estate are requested to present them, duly
authenticated, for, settlement; and all per
sons indebted will please make payment
without delay, to •
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced thepractice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at
tentfto all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon him, at his office with Isaac
Fisher. Esq., adjoining the store of Thos.
Read & Son, near the Diamond.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1843.
ATTIM/111a AT DtkA.Wk)
Office in Main street, three doors were
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry e.tablibliment:
February 14, 13413.--tt.
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