Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 22, 1845, Image 3

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A ntee,
Kolb. IT,
T% vine,
MI Ins;
W est,
W alker,
Mu ry'e Run,
Brit der,
lo::PDemnerats in Roman= Whigs and Artie/lamina in italic—Natiieiist marked (t) thus. Adolphui Patterson, first a volunteer, and afterwards the nominee of the
•Anti• Division Convention.
- NOTICE is hereby given to all perms concern, ILL practice er „tile several Courts of
.he City and Crib aty of Philadel
a,it ta ;do 1,00 f„ lit 1 S 11. ny virtue of suhrti, wr ,,,, o f L e , „, , ,. , i
ell s that the followin g named persons have settled IT
Faciao and Vendtlidni Exponas ir,
their amounts in the %weer'. Office at Hunfingdon l'''' lB .• ,
tjj•• Y. B. PALMER, Esq., ie authorized to act au, d trill of the Court of COIIIIIIOII Pleat; of and that the said accounts will be presented for con- ~ a , t . ,'
His office is at Ni.rii 3 5. .s o u th r OURTH St.,
~•tek t:eli Chest ut and Walnut streets.
es.Aiteni for Ihie paper, to procure subscriptions and Ilk ri t i filo on c..un tv. and to tee die (-tell, I firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Bald-Philtirli•ldliiii; Oc• ' . 1' 45
1 wi ll expose to lore, at the ("Owl Muse in b e held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of
~t Huntingdon on y ednesday the 12th day of Ne
ater* and Boston. Huntingdon, on Mond,/ the 10th cla y •
Auditor's Notiari.
November 1844iiiid front daY to day until ' ember "' lt " " iz '-'-
' Philadehia-Number 69 Pine street.
• Baltimore-8. E. corner of Baltimore aad Cal- sole] the following described propert . ) , 1. :din Crewmen, Esquire Administrator of the The undersigned, accii tie appointer' .
estate of Edward GaY, fate of the Borough of Alex- by the Orpheus' Court Id 110. .bo ny
veer streets. viz. andria, deed. of
New York-Number 160 Nassau street. A tract of land, sitnete in Henderson 2. Dr. Alexander McKamey. Executor of Aaron 1111111 Ind on 10 niotortinn Ihe swirls in the
oands it SaMirel Veld W • !1 E.q. Ailintn ,
Boston-Number 16 State /treat. township, Huntingdon county, lying, ors Burris, deed, who was Guardian dl' Elitabeth Bid- ,
Nil tr rtl . 1 the E•i it J C )
the•bank 'if the Juniata River, (modal ton/ die, a minor daughter of Thbriiiii Biddle, lite of - d n ' " ' ' ... ''' '''''' I. - ' l "'
'l' .. E ill A K Ili E 'II ft. 220 acres, be the same more or less an Woodberry township, dee'd. late of antes township in said county,
:Ice '1,11..r- by givers notice 10 ill! persons
g. Ylii,hael Baseline, Adininistrator a the sawn,
[OuRRECTEn WEEKL Y .] joining lands now of the Nllll Cl', k Fu r - ..... •.' • o•r. •
Puilirdelpnia, Oct. 18. nap: Coi r otany oilier. I ...,i. or "...... etAizabelb NW'''. tote al Vt. oedherry ."7 e de.; of big aaid appointihent, at the re,• g .
WHEAT FLou E , per bbl. - - - $4 60 't tiller, ittiO-rt Simpson at d others, about 4. \'‘ illinm Montgorheri, Executor of the last ruler's office of said coup ty ,on Friday the
Mit VII.AL, do• - - - . 325 100 acres of which are elm al oil and cut Will and Testament of Matthew Gilliland, late of 3 1st day Of October next, at 2 o'clock Plt
Coax do. do.
raveled, having a good ripple Orchard ano West tewnship.occ'd. JOHN REED, Auditor:
•sy nara,plimePenna. per bush. - - 9 , 4 'ate of
Rya do. --- 62 ri g 1 well of water thererm - the canal 5. hairier' D• R., Administrator of the es .
g h , Ite . A n d rew J. late of the borough of Holliday'. October 1,1845-4 t.
Coax, yellow, do. - - - 56 and Turnpike rout' passes Holm ------ . .
do. - - .54 game.- S a nt tract of land is about 4 6 '
IJATS, 6. Jame. Entrekin,Jr: Esq., Administratorpen- Auditors's Notice:
Baltimore, Oct. 18 mil,. below the hot otigh of thun.inutlon dente de of the estate of WilliaM Elder, late of the under.ogoeti, Anit. , •.l al.pointed by
VVIILAT FLOUR, per bin. - - - $4 371 an, farms ly ow.; • ti . d 1.11i14111 and Hopewell township. der d. the Orphans' Court 01 Huntingdon county
WHEAT, per bush. - - - 9 0 Bet'iptiiii i...lini E- q . 7. David P. Isenberg and William Christy, Ad- r apportion and distribute the assets in
Cwitti, yellow, d° ' --- - 47 ilisei-All thai .ract, piece. 0 . pare, ministretors of the estate of John Isenberg, late of
kik. do.
22 o , lanii, situate lin 111. .11.1 Ind a Ravi, tome Porter township, dec'd. 1 hands 01 John tiv. ,Ni uontstraior 0
L I ' -
OATS. do.
i 24 in les below the botough of "" l ' il - Christiana Billing. late of Huston township. decd Barree township in said county, dee'd,
d -ii, in II net ..oii tow osh,p, :Mit nn. 9. David B. Templeton, Administrator of the hereby RI, a notice to all persons inter
s the above desc. 'bed iract, tithe, Libor I estate of Alexander Templeton, late of Tyrone. ested that he Will attend to the duties of
Tit,. worti.r.m.esoarut tills insiaiu.,•ar, will d••lendant, lauds of Jacob Firekli- e, one townohip, dee'd. his said anpointment, at the II ulster'.
'commence on the 20. h mat., and it will be others, lyile.; on hash sides ut the Juntas., 10. Alexander Stitt, Guardian of Jonathan ~„,_.
or sa i d
ot, S word s
very desirable that all thliat Who intend to Johnston. a minor son of John Johnston, late of ""'"
canal, anti on buds stiles il l tile Toriipik.
enter the Academy, be in at the
canimenceinem ut tilt se bi , -Il'. i tie pupil roa d, c un all'ulg a bout ' . 11. John Neff, surviving Executor of the last JOHN REED, Auditor.
Must IleCtglidilly cllCOllntur misty dig/WV:ill- same more iir less, loom 150 acrestu-1
Will and Testament of Jacob K. Neff, late of West Or Ober 1,1845-4 t.
tag au ) e nt e ring attar tilt as salon is once whith art. cleated and in goo , : cal , maims'. township, des d, and Jacob Harneane, Daniel Neff,
Commenced. It is uoped therefure that pa- hay ink, thereon ere('l
a lug dwelling and Aexander Stitt. Administrators trf the estate
rants will give art ideas to this matter, and fibulae Ii atm 'es laugh, and 2 double log- of Henry Neffdec'd, Mt. John' s Evangelical Lutlter an
who was another Executor a - . 4.
stud the "' cultdren " the "P" ln g °I the barns, arid tither out budder • • I tin .
gs aur the last Will of the said arab K. Neff dee d. Church, &taking Valley.
atsston. 12. John Gahagah and Jonathan Isenberg. Ati
lt may not be out of place here to state, e
tiro vemenis - Said tree , ill 11111 d has 2 ap. . . NuTICE is hereby given that application
ministrators of the estate of John Galin.. late of
as the Acadetny has but lately Oren placed ple orchards, and a good spring et Walt,' Porter township, dec'd. was merle in writing, et August term last
under tit siipermiendence ut tile present lie- thereon. 13. Joshua Roller and William Reed, Adminis- east, to the Court of Common Pleas of
etrumor, , mat the advantages tor obtaining Alio-A tract., piece, or parcel of rich tratore de ()was non cum Testomento annex° of Huntingdon county, by a Criminate ap
1 ., us , till, nun solid toucatom see equal to i ..
rano, composed it two atlj. , i.iing surveys. (herniate of Alexander Carothers, late of Morris
i led by the inr•tobers of Bain I,:i.lier n
tiela. ut any ether institution of It kind:
situate sit I - lenders() . lowntiii.p. , j
i,, 2 „ii„, n ,„, township, dec'd. . . Om reit, pre, ing for a Charter of [ecru po
Ad th ese branches, that ate neCt wiry toJOHN REED; ReersTlia.
pre par. tit creels tor practical lite, and tar the last described tract, land of Jacob
Register's Office, Huntingdon Z rat., loi said Church; therefore all per..
enternie colreges arc t.tuOt in the ttcade- Mockler, ~- Rupert. and others. roli• Monday, October 13, 1846.5 Sien• intere•ted are hereby notified that if
my. 1 tic 1 eacher also B .rites tinny, if that uniting in all about 222 acres, be he same tits -offli tent reason is shown to the con
sencial satistaction will be givr it, judging Wine .01' less-abot.t 30 'ciao ill WIIICIi ~. trill y, lilt Said Court will at their next
boat the rapid progress which cm pupils COMa IEIaDVMEIJIMIII."EiIo
, are cleared, add u dwelling Janne I / ato- 7 " • regulae herbs ail said Court, to wit: MI the
hurtle chime tie session teat has just Clelieu, . leilloresew of LaW.
a.% Iron, t.e approbation which the m• de ries high thereon elected. HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA Second Monday of November next grant
at inst. uctim in the Adair-my has rec. med. Also -- Al: that certain lot of ground, Will practice in th, sty', I-I co. ri,ty liwt. said Charter of Incorpoi anon. agreeably
Ref , rees Wally eXttlki can be ,iven it re- situate on the corner of Hill and Batho the prayer of, ea id appliran , s., Be fur l and C ,, ne' va coon- '
quired street in the b•o•ough Of Hardin:o lo llit. 2
S. Al (Ptstnb , s, Fara:ate' t hi.s cure, JAMES STEEL, Proey.
Parents who are under the necessity of numbered 105 in the town pint of said Prittlf not •ry'• Otti. P. I'lliii
II ' ' • Itill• from homet have 3 Dila% t tll 4.. t ten old . 1/0 1 br . frilhlully ottendej to
/mud. d, would du well by placing them in borough, Inswing 50 feet on Hilt street; az ty
...,FFICE.-Diain..utl. tingdon, OCtibri 1 1845 3.. i
tills lii-titution, Every tin .g . will be done 18i fret back 'along, Ba.h -ter' to h\ nth-_ __.
-- - -
twp,tritite ate coinfarti .nil improvement ington steer t, hey ing thereoo erected a Orphans' Court Sale.
T. 3it. clm min*
at tic's mat are pi teed under the care of tai ge two story stony ' durst house and il - DY virtue of tin order or do Orpliank'
the superintendent. Particular attention kitchen and a tram , veto ehouse an , ' stable. 41•T0n.1 LI •.T Lel tit 4 , 4 Court .if county, there
wilt iur given to their habits, *Mist a reli- .
Seized, taken in execution, Mid to be will be t mimed to sale by public vendue tw
gi us io ..• tr
flu • ce will be contin-ally exerted HUNTINGDoN PA.
Up li Mein. lilt, at the expenses are so sold as the property til Jacob Miller. litllci'V...n t.. TO mists, on
SATURDAY, the 25th day of October nett.
sinalt iii C.. nparism to tin 'sr of nanny other lILSO, ISAAC anal: it at 1 o'clock in tio aft, rim- ii, iv,. certain
ins,itutirres •if the kind, that every One must All that certain tr xt, piece, or parcel A ..i.
~T,ogggt AT LAW --tidg l'eniliT. tl tO messuiree., plantations and tracts of teed '
see the advahtages to lie gained, by pl,cing of laml, Situate in she
township of 11.‘riee Huntingdon With the intenti , it i.i In kirig V adj Ming M'Crein, Ilstowit, and the lands of
their children in this Its:AC(lmm . 1 he
II taltingdnit count y, cottlaiiiing 75 acres the place of '
iris fowl- rt Maier' , aid wit , Fr , du - rick Lissiog. r, D .niel Buck water, the
I miscues have divided the year into two
be the .ftilii . Moir or less, ed . ) ~,
' 0 ,, ) n a l an d., attend to such legal ,msiness tea ma) be en- iteirs eat Eliza Swop, Wharton, Isaac Stout'
t o , s ians, consisting of twenty two weeks trusit.d to him. Di c. 20 1843. fir, and others. cow tiein g
each. Pupils however can be admitted at of 'Thom'-twin , Ow in, Jiiiin Oldl'a ekiate. C. ,
any ono with a proportionable charge.- Gearhart's land, and others, about 50
The terms per sessi..n are as 1011. ws : acres tel which are cleared, with a calm Itspaisish Haden be the slime more ir liss, about 200 acre"; of
'Tuition. f' r Latin and Greek lan- •ND Wind) are cleared real in a high, state of
hottia• and barn • thereon eretted. „
gulag s, including all other i ,
TA. N N I , ; It s() I L Si , cultivati; at, with a DWELLING HOUSE
brindles, $lO,OO Seized, taken in execution, and to be anti HAHN '.n each tract. 'h • re is alit,
Tuitim, f e the higher branches sold as the property of Michael : Steffy. 2000 Dry Liplata Hides-first qu.dity. a Gills 1 . MILL and SAW MILL on one
of Mathem ides, Algebra, Ge- JOH N AR MITAOE, Sh:ff. 5600 Dry La Gnira dn. d''• of the said tracts. .
3000 Dry Salted La Guira, du. P: rt of the above estate is laid nut into
run..try, Surv. tong. &c., $8 00 Sheriff'. office Hutotrw- t 1000 Dry Salted lir izil.Hirles,
~.d.• four town lots in the village of M'Connells •
Tuition, f.r the common branches, don, 11c. 22. 1845. S
English Grammer. &c., 86,00 40 13 iles Creel' Sall art Patna Kips town.
Boarding and I ,Akin{; can be had m the 30 Riles dry P mot Kips. Tlie above property to be sold in whole
Ac .demy I r 61,621 per week. The situ'- 701118 WILLIAMSON 120 liarrells Tanner's Oil. or in parcels, to stilt purchasers.
Having re- Tamer's and Currier's TOnli.
don ot the Academy is a.. s xceedingly eli. John Swoop, the other h, it,, being nfage,
I gi de .d healthy one. Any further par- turned to Huntingdon (-sooty , has rt - cum- For salse to the country Tanners at the will join in with the undersigned in makin g a
ticulars can be had by reference to the prin- meuced the practict ut LAW In the Borough
prices and u ton thr best terms.
title to thC above premiss a.
cipal of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at• N. B. All kinds fl, athet wanted for
r er wi s a sal, will mad, known on the clay
( F.O. W WILLIAM), Priumpl. tenc
I to all bush), lin clill'ustt d et, his care.- which the highest paices will be spill in (4 sale, by
. HUlitiligdn Acad. m' , 0 ct. 7. 1845 He will be found at rill times by tinier who Cash or in exchange I. r Hid r., Kips & Oi l Dr. WILLIAM SWOOPS„
may call upon him, at his office with Isaac D. KIRKP x i RI( K & S , NS, Guardian af Henry W. Swirope.
V• ledisoubber breeches are now made in New Fisher, Esq., adjoihing chi store of Thos. No. 21 Sou. I. Sul Sir , et, By order of the Ceurt.
York, and we hope Governor Marcy will not be Read & Sim, near the Dormond. Philadelphia. JOHN HEED, Cluk,
negtectel. Huntingdon, April 50, 1845, Oct, 9, 1844.- ly. September 17, 1845--tv.
WS' 'lama cl 7 counaumenaG.
506 2288 2264
2105 Ism
b i
2159 2321 2418 2055
2L90 2019
R. & REC.
208 U 2319 2071 2293 2068 2274 2155 2159
JIILL be attain itftered at public sale
on Saturday, the let of November
next, on the premises that well known tract
of Lind situate in Porter t,wnshio, Hunting
den county, Pa.,
on the waters of the little
Juniata River, known as the pr , pe rty of
Israel Cryeltr, deceased. I —unded by lands
of Conrad Bucher, Geo Eel '. dec d. nxl
others, cunt fitting shout I DERE HUNDRED
AND TWENTY FIVI, ACRES f hat late iatel,
abut 220 .tcr. s of which ere clear d. The merits are a large and c minaelinus
two stein, dwelling house, and a
good stone b ern of a large siz :
• ; wagon shed and other
out buildkgs.
.h. Proverty also contains two large or
chards of fruit trees, and a first
;_.•••,:... n ,
:ecjir if • rate oerlll4l, and several springs
f excellent limesthne water.
Th ere is also erected on the
me pr" p. rty a Woolen Factory nr Fulling
Mill, with all the nec. scary implements.
which said Factory, tog. ther with 25
acres of land adj, tying the same, will he
sold separate fr , m the other pr. item, and
the balance will be sold tt • suit purchasers.
The terms will be m qtr known .•n the day
of the sale by the undersigned; residing un
said priperty.
DmIE 7 L C RYDER 3 E,l rs.
, t) Ott: 1, 1845.
Fes ' '''''
g, fJ
LETTERS 4 Ad m inistratio n having thin
day hen granted to the undersigned,
on the estat e of John Gr-en, late of Clay
Township, in the counts of Huntind,ii de
ceased, all persons 11111 ing Claims ae . Post said
estate are ri qu, sted to present them, duly
intnenticated, for settlement; and all per
sons indebted will please make ply ment
without delay, to .
HE subscriber w..uld hereby inform the
public, that he has purchased the fol
.Hiving pr p. rty, sold at Sheriff's sale, Sep
tember 27, 1F45, as the property of Christian
Weaver, viz :
9 head of sheep ; 8 Hogs ; 10 Pigs, 1
malessaddl ; 10 acre of grain in the ground;
3 acres of bu • kwheat; 1 copper k. irl ; 1
grind -stone , 1 tot of clover seed; 1 spring
calf; 1 lot of boards; 1 iron kettle; 1 bee-
Sea e . . .
1 he undersigned has left the a bo v e be arti
cles in the possession of Christian Weaver,
until he sees. roper to take them away, and
would therefore caution all persons from
meddling With the same.
Hopewell ToWnsltip, Oct. 1, 1845.
We riv minead 'a all our friends visit
ine th , 'o initial the Pekin Company's
Score and lay in a stip/•ly o,t the& ash
ci us Peas.
Between Market ant) Chestnut,
Have constantly on hand, and for sale,
IMI hnie al and Retail,
Acctirding to the tin tlity, than they can
be bought for at and other establishment
in the city.,
OI EAS, exeltisively, are sold at this
know, and several varieties which can
not be obi ined elsewhere. Any Teas
~litch do not uive entire satisfaction can
be retur ed and exchanged, or the money
will be refunded.
The ciiiz iis of llontinOdon county
are reveitluily invited to give us a call.
G. B. ZEllib:R,
Agent for the Pekin Tea 6niipany.
October 1, 1845 —lv.
Nu 292 MA I iKET Street, Phit,delphta,
T OE suliscr•her lias Imo tin hand on,
of the mast extensive and beautiful as
sortments tit REAny M ADE t iarruiNc
ever (Erred for sale is tile Philati,l ph,
market. The Garin u s are all rut in tip•
most fashion tile manner, and hir uork•
manship snit quality of . Material cannot
be surpassed
o M. I . nAct's OLD PIONEER LINE, 292
Wok , t street, where you will be sure tit
getting great bargains. as he is determin
ed bit to b.. undersold by any of hi•
competitors. 11. bUys and sells alttidethet
for CAsit, coo-. fluently he can sell great
er bateau., th,to those who buy on credit.
octub., I, 1845.-3 m. 292 Market st.
In pursua ,c 4 of the last will an testament
of Jahn Stewart, Sell. , late of Jackson tp.,
deed. there will be exposed to sale, On the
prcmisbs, on
- _ -
Friday the Sd day of 0. tobir next,
a tr,ct, piece, or parcel of land, situate or
the Laurel Run, in said township,
mere or 1,,5, ammt hair 1,,,.,,„tf and half
m-mitain land, about 80 acres of vhich is
cleared, with a two story LOG HOUSE
and a log h rn, [imfinished j thereon erect•
ed—late the est., to of said deceased.
TERMS: Twenty-five hundved dollars
of the purchase money to be paid in hand,
and the balance in one year, to be secured
by the bond and mortgage of the purchawr.
September 17. 1845-3,.
i ( e . \MEto th • esidenc.7t the subscriber,
living in W.arriorsinark township, on
the 22d day of August last, a white H. ill; r,
s.ipposed to be two years old last spring.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, p iy charges, and take her
d Way, otherwise she will be disposed of ac
cording to law.
Mali nUNDh—Judgment and coin
iiiimon—forsnle nt this office.
A . niiiiistrotor's Notice,
161 Adr,no,
urgl L L be off red at public sale
Tuesday 4th of November next , ;Lt
10 o'clock, A M , emir. s,
Or LAN.),
ennitliiingal;tit One Hund, ed situ
ated in Tell township, Mint CoLnlty,
on the road leading from Conr , rd to 511.4. 1 0
Gap. Thy irrinrOV , on, ntli art. two-8:-.ry
nrcessary out otti dings, „, Sprite,
never-1.61in, 'V to Conrealent t" iii it
the I and i. Pc e (I. :slid a Bond qint,it).
A portion of it is excel lent Meadow L nd
I lie premix, s wtl, 1, , &I-wit to any not tlis •
posed to purchase by William Orr, Esq..
living near said farm.
The conditions of salt• will be made known
and an indisput hie tit!, eivon. by
Strasburg, S, F. 24. 1845.
Orphans' Court A 4, P'.
By virtu, id on orciri of
Court of HUlltingdqon C' u t. tt t %,111
exposed at %At. by public renciu, ~ r nutty,.
on the vellums.
On.S.a:ur :ay, Ike 25 th of Oc: be, qc.r;
ot ICCit“ k the ft , In S
sUag r r xuu H us m iJA
in the tow'. f VIII II llfi. 111 111 11 lk ' to,
ship,wimbett d lin tli p m
botittd, d n the s. uth
road, adj. intng 1•4 ot C ••,
ger, or. the tictuth, and Mitts F.eotte rt•
north, cut ining about one acr Mu n q •
ter, with a tVit , story log dwellm,
kitchen, a shop, and a stahl• nil •
tnereno erected, I ate the estate ot H .11
Man; Sett., of said village, dec' , .
1 ERMS OF SALE :-one halt • t OIL
purchase matey to bt paid on cooficoi iii
of the sale, and the r. sidue within to e
thereafter, with interest to be sc curt•rt by
the bond and m..rtgage of the purchaser.
By the Court, JOHN REED Cl'l,.
Attendance will be given by the under
signed, ,
ris For ally iufi t m ,thin inquire of 1)
111.tir. Att'y for the estate.
September 24,1845.
Orphan's Court Sala
BY virtu," .1 an old. of Mt . 011,1.1. ' s
Cour of Huotitualon county th,re will be
xposed to sale by public Lien)lto or outcry,
on the premises, on Saturday the let day
of November next, :it 1 of cL , ck in Lb. at-
Lerniion, a certain at, ssita e, pl-intation, and
tract land, sitdate in It. II township, Hun
tingdon county, bound, d on tit hortil east
by I ind of John French, on tht east by land
Geo. Fro itch, un the south east ha laud of
Wtllhun M :user on the south West by land
now owned by William Harper, and on the
nor t h w e st in land of Robert Blair, contain
ing about 300 ACHES, more or leSs, about
fifty acreg d which are cleared and ctiltira
ted, with a log dwelling house and other
improveinents therein) . erected—late the
estate of Michael 'L'rexler of Springfieltetp.
(lee, aced.
TERMS 01 , SP LE .-One third of the
porch tsr money to be paid on confirmation
id the sale, iine third within one year there
after, with interest, and the remaining third
to be paid at or immediately after the death
of KHz .beth Trexler, widow of said lutes
tate,—the interest of this residue n,tmiiy
Pat, s tOtt,vrWat , ft, net 'natural life, by the t t vr :t h . e g • whole to bet Secured
eser . by the
Sy the Co
urt, JOHN RE A', Cl'k.
Attendance will be giv.m, by the under
signed Trustee appointed by the Court to
make sale.
....... _ ....._.
V•For any information inquire of David
Blair Att'y for the estate.
Septembt r 24. 1815.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY vittu of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Huntington county, there will be
exposed. to sale or pieilic vendue or outcry,
nu the premises, on Friday the 31st day of
October. next. ,it 1 o'cl.,ck in th afternoon,
a certain m .ssuage, plantation and tract of
land, situate in Spriigfieltl township, Hut,•
tingdon county, bounded by lands of Geo.
Taylor, on the east, Mr. Creme, n the
north, Elisha S. Green uu the west, and
Wm. TaYlor 'n the south, coutainim. 136
acres, nice orless, with the impute:elm:las.
late the estate t.t Jacob Baker, Sr., late of
said T• wnship. dec'd.
TERMS OF SALE.— One half the pur
chase money to he paid on the confirmation
f sale, and the residue within one year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the hind and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the C urt, JOHN REED, Cl'k.
Atti.ndanc._e will h. Div n i ~h ender
signed. lACOB B ‘KER Adm ,
Rrr aly information rquiic of Da%
Bl:tir, At y for Ow state.
SepteMber 24, 1845.
The undersigned, pPointc7l itc The Or
phan's Court of quilting-do C iu.ry ti dis
tribute ninnies in tilt hands et 'mVilli. in Re. d
Es q,, •dministrator , Est .te t -
I Pornw silt, late Morris townslai.,
ceased, hereby s mike to all p
interested in said distillation'', that h•
attend for that urpose at his h. use
B.m. , ust of Alexandria, in Fyitul tl.,a t l t .
clay of Nov, miter next o 1 o' I. rk P 11
JOHN PORTER, Audit .r.
Sept. 24, 1845--4 t
Protection against Loss by Fire.
•1 HE I. Curb. Hand V dry Mutu:, Pi tec•
tion Ciimpani , incorporated by the Li gisla.
ture, and rapidly t xtending its bent tits, of
fer greater inducements on account of cheap
ness of insurance and certainty of Payment
in ease of Less dia. any ottii r Company or
mode of insurance kiiiiwn, except those in
corporated on the same principle. The terms
and privileges ref members can be km wn
by calling on, Georg, Taylor, residirg
Huntingdon. the agent appointed by said
Company for Huntinedon courts'.
I'. C. MILLER, Preiet.
White Housi , ti.v. 24. 1845.
FAO llle Ot neheNoll.
lute of Warriormark toun.h.p, Huntingdon
county &Tented.
Imo [ICE is hereby gnicn,. that Lettcrs
;.mentary en the lam will and tes
tament of said deceased have' been granted
to the subscribers. All persons therefore
indebted to the estate of said deceased, are
presento.a immediate pe duly tt and
all b wing
thentirmed for settlriiii
_ _
Oct 1,1815.