Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 08, 1845, Image 3

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    Latest from Teras---Steamboat• Ex
plosion-•-Ten Lives Lost.
We learn from the N. D. Picayune that by the ,
eteamship Alabama, advice. ffom Corpus Christi to
the I:ith ultimo, have been received. There is no
thing more important front the head quarters of the
army, except the bursting of the steamboat Dayton's
boiler, on the 12th ultimo, on the peerage to Man
ess Bay, from pollute Christi, Ten persons were
killed immediately end seventeen injured, some it
is feared fatally. - The only names of the dead yet
received, are Lieuti, Wiggins and Berry, 4th regi
whet of Infantry; Captain Crossman, the Quarter
Master, wee on.bOard, together with two other offi
acre. They were blown to the distance of ono
hundred yards, but were not seriously injured,—
Captain C. had one of his legs somewhat bruised,
but the next day was able to walk and attend to
his business. The Picayune expresses a hope that
• the deaths do not exceed ten. The bodies wore all
recovered. The boat is an entire lose.
A bearer of despatchei arrived at Camp 15th,
and same day the United States brig Porpoise
touched there on her way to Vera Cruz. On the
14th ult., a company of traders arrived at General
Taylor'. camp. They reported that they had seen
within two days march of the camp, about two harp
Bred Lappane and as many Camanches, on their
way to Matamoras, (by invitation from Mexico) to
join the force. to be directed against General Taylor.
The report of the trailers was but half credited.—
Spica were sent out to reconnoiter for 30 or 40
miles about, to ascertain every thing possible, and
he no doubt has spies pushed farther, ahead. . The
State Constitution of Texas was adopted by kilt)
Convention. Attached to it is an ordinance of vast
importance, in regard to grants of Texas lands.—
It will be submittted to the people at the same timo
as the Constitution.
Moss Monmial' Teen titee.—ln Illinois another
outbreak has occurred against the Mormons, which
appears to have had its origin in ',erne outrage sup
posed to have been committed by Members of that
sect. The St. Louis Republican says',—
" tinkTuesday morning last, (9th ultimo,) an at
tack was made on a school house, in Rocky Run
Precinct, by some persons unknown, but supposed
to be Mormons, in which there was at the time of
the attack a convention of Anti-Mormons, or old
settlers of the country. The door and windows of
the house were completely riddled by the ',hots fired
by the assailants. The attacking party approached
under cover of the weeds and bushes, and tired one
round and fled. No person was injured, but many
were, I presume, much frightened at this sudden
' mid unexpected assault. The old settlers in that
section of the country armed themselves for de
fence, and if they are backed by their friends in
other parts of the country, blood will flow. By a
messenger just in, who crane to purchase lead, pow
der, flint, &c., I learn that four buildings were
burned down last night, and one man shot, and very
badly wounded, hut not mortally. Yesterday, thir
teen wagons, loaded with furniture, were seen wen
ding their way to the City of Refuge, (Nauvoo.)
2 o'clock, P. M.—Another messenger has just
arrived from the county, and reports that large
bodies of Mormons are partroling the southern part
of the county, and that a number of families from
the interior are qn their way to Warsaw, seeking
protection. I can form site opinion what the result
will be. The storm they, pass over without any
very serious coniequence, and there may be much
'destruction of property, and the loss of many lives
before peace ,ind quiet ehall be fully and permanent
ly established in this unhappy county."
In addition to the foregoing we hive
the following from an Extra froM the 111 i.
hois State Register: •
SUNDAY, Sept. 21,18 , 0.
. We issue an extra for the purpose of
furnishing the latest news from Hancock.
, It appears that the Anti-Mormons con
tinued their work of destruction until up-
Wards Of one hundred houses have been
consumed: Sheriff Backenstos failed in
raising a poise strong enough to stop those
movements without resorting to Nauvoo,
owing to the fear of all welt disposed per
sons in the touiitijr, that their own hbuses
might be consumed., We learn that he
has raised about live hundred Men, from
Nauvoo, all well armed, With which he
bad dispersed the riotors, commanded by
Col. Williams, at Green Plains.
In this affair no lives were lost, as the
"Anties7 run and took shelter in a corn
field, hefore the posse came within firing
distance. • .
Backenstos had been driven away froM
Carthage, and returned with about five
hundred men, to remove his family; on his
kotreat, he fell in with a large body of
.6nti-Mormons, when a battle ensued. It
is said, that
; eighteen Anti-Mormons and
three ormons were killed. It appears
that Williams, Sharp, Davis and other
escaped: A large number of the
Anti-Mormons, were taken prisoners and
are now confined and guarded in thi
court•hotiee at Carthage. .. ;
The people had all fled from Carthage,
Agusta, and other Anti-Mormon towns,
and Carried their families into the coun
ties of Mame, Marquette, SChuyler, and
McDonotigii, and are heating up for vols
iinteers in those counties to recruit their
forcei with which to renew the war,. It
is unknoWn how many men they will be
able to raise, but it is believed, that they
have so disgraCed themselves y the in
.; ceniliary mode in which they have carried
on the war, that their success will not be
very great.—But if they succeed. another
bloody battle may be expected in the
course of this week.
Before this news arrived, the Gover
nor had issued a call for five hundred
men to quell the disturbances.
e are advised that it is a fact that nu
letters have been received at this place
from any of the Mormon party since the
commencement of these troubles, except
one (ruin a very obscure man in Nauvoo,
and another from McDonough county,
and no newspapers. It is rumored that
the mails have been stopped, and there is
a story afloat that one mail carrier has
been murdered. No messenger has ar•
rived from all that section of country un
tii to-day, when a committee arrived from
Mt. Sterling.
et::7- Wheat is on the decline in the city
of Philadelphia.
MEXICAN tiostnAre.—The Washington Union
says that the following curious specimen of bombast
is from a Tampico paper Why are not cur val
iant troops battling with these Yankes drunk with
wisky and raw meet, who would let themselves be
killed like hogs? Why have not the enemy's ad
vanced troops perished by the swords and lances
of our in Ancible veterans of the North Why
should they be permitted to fortify themselves, in
order that, in cold blood, and so ingloriously, with
their fifteen-chambered rifles, they may make us
purchase victories dearly?"
Capt. Seeley, of the echr. Veloric°, at New York,
21'days from St. Domingo, reports that all was
quiet at the city of St. Domingo, and likewise on
the frontiers, when he left. The Dominicans were
In great glee St the pi ospect of a termination of the
revolution: c American produce of all kinds plenty
and low. Mahogany • scarce, and what there was,
principally taken UP for the European tnatkets.
3I ssß[EU—Bq the key. .1. S. Lee, on •Tue;
dev the 30th , inet., in this borohgh,. Mr. MAT.
THEW SIMPSON, of Porter township, to Mit
NANCY SHIPLEY, of Warrioremerk.
AIVfE to. the residence of the subscriber,
V.' living in :Warriorsmark .township, on
the 22d day of August last, a white Heiffer,
supposed to be two years .old last• spring.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and take her
away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac.
cording to law. •
Oct. 8, 1845. JOHN ADDLEMAN.
CALVIN Murrain,
w i ILL practice in the several Courts of
'l'7 the City and County of Philadel-
His office is at No. 35 South.FOURTH St.,
between Chesnut and Walnut streets.
Philadeldhia, Oct. I, 1845.
Auditor's Notico
The undersigned, Auditor appointed
by the Orphans' Court of the county of
Huntingdon, to apportion the assets in the
hands of Samuel .Caldwell Esq. Admin
istrator of the Estate of Jacob Cutler,
late, of Antes township in said county,
dec'd, hereby gives notice to all persons
interested, that he will attend to the du
ties of his said appointment, at the Reg
ister's office of said county, on Friday the
Slat day of October next, at 2 o'clock rat,
JOHN REED, Auditor.
October 1,1845-4 t.
Auditors's Notice
The undersigned, Auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county
to apportion and distribute the assets in
the hands u 1 John Luvr, Administrator of
the Estate of Asaplt Pagan, Jr., late of
Barree township in said county, dec'd,
hereby gives notice to all persons inter-
ested that he will attend to the duties of
his said appointment, at the Register's
office of said county, on Saturday the Ist
day of November next, at 2 c'clock
JOHN REED, Auditor.
October 1,1845-4 t.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested, that the accounts of James
Gardner Trustee of Joseph Kemp, Esq.
& Jeremiah Cunningham, Esq., under
voluntary assighments, have been filed in
the office of the Prothonotary of the
Court of 'Common Pleas of the county of
Huntingdon ' and that said accounts will
be allowed by the said Court, at a Court of
Conniton Pleas to be held at Huntingdon
in and for said county, on the Second
Monday of November next, unless cause
be shown why said accounts should not be
allowed. . .
" gollidaysburg Register" will please
insert till Court and charge Assignee.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Sinking Valley. ,
NOTICE. is hereby given that application
was made in Writine• ' at
Angust term last
past, to the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county, by a Committe .ap
pointed by the members of said Lutheran
Church, praying, for a Charter of Incorpo
ration for said Curch; therefore all per
sons interested are, hereby notified that if
no sufficient reason is shown to the con
trary, the said Court will at their next
regular term of said Court, to wit: on the
Second Monday of November next grant
said Charter of incorporation, agreeably
to the prayer ut : said applicants. . •
Prothondtary's Office,, H u n-.
tingdon, October 1,1845--3 t. S
Orphans' Court Sale.
IFIDY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
1.1.K0 Court of Huntingdon county, there
will be exposed to sale by public vend ue or
outcry on the premises,
SiITZIRD4Y, the 25th day of October next,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, two certain
messuages; plantations and tracts of land
adjoining M'Conaellstown, and the lands of
Frederick Lissinger, Daniel Backwater, the
heirs of Eliza Swoope Wharton; Isaac Stouf
fer, and others, containing
5821-2 Acres, .
be the same inure or less, about 200 acres of
which are cleared and in a high state of
cultiyation, with a DWELLING HOUSE
and BARN on each tract. There is alio
a GRIS T MILL: and SAW MILL on one
of the said tracts. . • . • ,
Prrt of the above estate is laid out into
four town lots in the village of M'Connells
town. . _ _
The above property to he sold in whole
or in parcels, to suit purchasers.
John Swoope, the other heir, being ofage,
will join in with the undersigned in making a
title to the above premises. •
Terms of sale will made known on theday
of sale, by
Guardian of Henry W. Swoope.
By order of the Court,
September 17, 11145—ts.
ii4LANK BONDS—Judgment and corn•
Va° mon...ft r sale at this office.
ILL be again offered at public sale
on Saturday, the Ist of November
next, on the premises, that well known tract
of land situate in Porter township, Hunting
don county, Pa., on the waters of the little .
Juniata Miter, known as the property of
Israel Cryder, deceased, hounded by lands
of Conrad Bucher, Gen. Kyle, dec d, and
others, containing* about THREE HUNDRED
AND TwENTY-FIVE ACRES of first rate land,
about 220 acres of which are cleared. The
improvements are a large and Commodious
two story dwelling house, and a
[441 good stone barn of a large site
bit' Also, a wagon shed dad other
out buildings. .
1 he property also contains two large or
., chards of fruit trees, and a. first
rate cider mill, and several springs
•1 .. of excellent limestone water.
_ There is Also erected on the
sonic property a Woolen Factory or Fulling
Mill, with all the necerisary implements,
which said Factory, together, with about 25
acres of land adjoining the same, will be
sold separate from the other property, and
the balance will be sold to suit purchasers.
The terms will be made known on the clay
of the sale by the undersigned, residing on
said property.
Oct. 1, 1845
Estate of andreto Robeson,
late of Warriormark township, Huntingdon
county deceased.
wancE is hereby given, that Letters
AA testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of .saicl deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persons therefore
indebted to the estate of said deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement,•to
Oct: 1,1845.
Administrator's Notice,
ETTERS of Administration having this
44 day been granted to the undersigned,
on the estate of John ,Green, late of Clay
Township, in the county of Huntingdon de
ceased, all persons has ing claitiis against said
estate are requested to present them,
authenticated, for settlement.; and all per
sons . indebted will please make payment
without delay, to
mlitHE subscriber would hereby inform this
is public, that he has purchased the fol.
• owing property, sold at Sheriff's sale, Sep . -
tember 27, 18 , ,15, as the property of Christian
Weaver, viz : . . •
. .
9 head of sheep ; I Hogs ; 10 Pip, 1
man's saddle; 10 acre of grain in the ground;
3 acres of buckwheat; 1 copper kettle; 1
grind-stone; 1 lot of clover-seed; 1 spring
calf; 1 lot of boards; 1 iron kettle; 1 bi,e
1 he undersigned has left the above af•ti-
Fles in the possession of Christian Weaver,
until he sees proper to take them away, and
syould therefore caution all persons from
meddling with the same.
Hopewell Township, Oct. 1, 1845.
We recommend to an our.friends visit
ing the city to call at the Pekin Company's
Store, and lay on a supply of their deli
cious Peas.
Between Market and Chestnut,
Have constantly on hand, and for sale,
Wholesale and Retail,
According to tlle quality, than they can
be bought for at any other establishment
in the city.
();:r TEAS, exclusively, are sold at this
house, and several varieties which can
not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas
which do not give entire satisfaction can
bo returned and exchanged, or the money
will be refunded.
° citizens of Huntingdon county
are respectfully invited to give us a call,
. • •. 0. B. ZEIIIER,
Agent for the Pekin Tea Company.
October 1,1845.—1 y.
No. 9. 9 2 MARKET Street, Philadelphia.
Tnz subscriber has now on hand one
of the most extensive and beautiful as
ever ofired for sale in the Philadelphia
market. The Garments are all cut in the
moot fashionable manner, and for work
manship and quality of material cannot
be surpassed. , • •
To 1d: TRACY'S 01.13 PIONEER LINE, 292
Market street, wilt Le sure.of
getting great bargains, as he is determin
ed not to be: undersold by any of his
competitors. fle buys and sells altogether
for CASH, consequently he can sell great
er bargains than those on credit.
October 1,1845.-3 m. 292 Market at.
In pursuance of the last will and testament
of John Stewart, Sen. „ late of Jackson tp.,
deed, there will be exposed to sale, on the
Premises, on .
Fridciii the rld day of October next,
a tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate on
the Laurel Run, in said township, contain
lei .10;%Mel,
mere or less, about half limestone and half
mountain land, about 80 acres of which is
cleared, with a two story LOG HOUSE
and a log barn. [unfinished j thereon erect
ed—late the estate of said deceased.
"TERMS: Twenty-five hundred dollars
of the purchase money to be paid in hand,
and the balance in one year, to be secured
by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
September IT, 1845-3 t.
L L be effered nt public sale no
Tueiday 41/1 of November next, at
10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises,
. _
containing about One Hundred ikres, situ
ated in Tell township, Huntingdon county,
on the road leading from Concord to Shade
Gap. The improvements are a two-story
LOG HOUSE, LOG BARN, and other
necessary out buildings, with a Spring of
never-fading Water convenient to the door.
The land is Patented, and of a good quality.
A portion of it is excel lent Meadow Land.
The preMises will be shown to any one - dis
posed to purchase by William Orr Esq.,
living near said farm. .
, The conditions of sale will be made known
and an indisputable title given, by
Strasburg, Sept. 24, 1845.
Orphans' Court Sale..
By virtue of an- order of the Orphan's
Court of Huntingdon County, there will be
exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry,
on the premises, •
On Saturday, the 25 of October next,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a certain mes
suage and House and Lot of ground, situate
in the town.of Smithfield, in Walker town
ship, numbered 1 in the plan of said town,
bounded on the. south-west by the turnpike
road, adjoining lot of Catharine Eichelber
ger, on the south, and Martin Elenner on the
north, containing about one acre and a quar
ter, , :vith a two story log dwelling house and
kitchen, a shop, and a stable and shed
thereon erected, late the estate of Peter Hoff
man, Sen., of said village, dec'd. . .
TERMS OF SALE :—One halt of the
purchase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale, and the residue within one year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court, JOHN REED, Cl'k.
Attendance will be given by the under
co-For any information inquire of David
Blair..Att'y for the estate.
September 24, 1845.
Orphan's Court Sale.
lil virtue of an older of the Orphan's
Court of linntiondon county there will be
exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry,
on the premises, on Saturday the Ist day
of Novemter next, at 1 o'clock in the af
ternoon, a certain messuage, plantation, and
tract of land, situate in Tell township, Hut,
tingdon county, bounded on the north east
by land of John French, on the east by land
of Geo. French, oh the south east by land of
William Musser' on the south west by land
now owned by William Harper, and on the
north west by land of Robert Blair, cantain
ini; about 300 Acaxs, more or less, about
fifty aerer of which are cleared and cultiva
ted, with a log dwelling house and other
improvements thereon erected—late the
estate of Michael Trexler of Springfield tp.
deceased.- .
. TERMS OF SA LE .-One third of the
purchase niotiey to be paid on confirmation
of the sate,.one third within one year there
after, with interest, and the remaining third
to be paid at or immediately after the death
of Elizabeth trekler, widow of said Bites
tate,—the interest of this residue or third
part, to be paid to the said. widow annually
and regularly during her natural life, by the
purchaser —the whole to be .secured by the
bond and mortgage or the purchaser. .
By the Court, -JOHN - REED, Cl'k.
Attendance,,will be given, by the under
signed Trustee appointed by the Court to
make sale,
(f7"For any information inquire of David
Blair Att'y for the estate.
September 24, 1845.
• Orphan's Court Salo.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of HUntingdon county, there will be
exposed to sale or public vendue or outcry,
on the premises, on Friday the 3 lat day of
October, next, at 1 o'clock i n the afternoon,
a ceriain messuage, plantation and tract of
land, situate in Springfield township, Hun
tingdon county, bounded by 1 ands of Geo.
Taylor, on the east, Mr. Cremer on the
north, Elisha S. Green on the west, and
Wm. Taylor on the south, containing 136
acres, more orless, with the improvements,
late the estate of Jacob Baker, Sr., late of
said Township, deed.
TERMS OF SALE.— One half the pur
chase money to he paid on the confirmation
of sale, and the residue within one year
thereafter, with.interest, to be secured by
the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By tile Court,
Attendance will be given by the under.
signed. JACOB BAKER 2 Adm'r
For any information enquire of avid
Blau•, Att'y for the estate.
September 24, 1845.
The undersigned, appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon ,County to dis
tribute monies hi the hantls of William Reed
Esq., Administrator of the Estate t ut Dan
iel Fornwah,late of Morris township, de
ceased, ,hereby •Rives notice to all personA
mteretted in said distribution, that he will
attend for that purpose, at his house in the
I„ of Alexandria, on Saturday the Ist
day of November next at .1 o'clock P. M.
. • •
wept. 24, 1845-4 t
Protection against Loss by Fire.
THE Cumberland Valley Mutual Protec
tion Company, incorporated by the Legisla
ture, and rapidly extending its: benefits, of
fer greatermducements on accpunt of cheap
ness of insqrance and certainty of payment
in case of Loss than any other Company or
mode of insurance known, except ,those in
corporated on the same principle. The terms
and privileges .of members can bo known
by calling ciii,Cteorge, Taylor, residing in
Huntingdon, the agent appointed by said
Company for Huntingdon county.
. • , • T. C. MILLER, Pres%
A. G, MILLER, Sec'y,
White House, Sep. 24. 1845.
One Cent Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber about the
last of August, an indented servant girl,
named Sarah ji4ullholland,she is about eleven
years old, has a sullen, ill-looking counten
ance. Site had on when she went away a
new dark calico dress, pink bonnet, light
Monroe boots, and to, k with her some other
clothing. All persons are hereby forbid
harboring her as they will be prosecuted,
should they be discovered. Any person re
turning said Sarah, to the subscriber, on the
Warm Spring Road, 3 miles from Hunting
don, shall receive the above reward but no
charges will he paid.
Sept. 24, 1845—St,
undersigned Merchants, Mans
factures, Importers and Wholesale
Dealers of the City of Philadelphia, em
brace the medium of the Newspaper Press
of your Section of Country; to give you
the streets and numbers of our several es ,
tabludtmerits, and
.respectfully to invite
you to an examination of our Fall and
Winter Stricks, which are now full and
The superior excellence and great va
riety of our own City Manufactures, in
addition to full supplies of Foreign and
Domestic Goods of every description,
which will be sold on terms and at prices
whiCh cannot fail to prove satisfactory,
present the strongest inducements to Put,
Imp,orters and Dealers in Silk and Fancy
pry Goods, and Fine French anti Brit
. __
. iih Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings.
Ashkurst 4. Remington, 80 Market-at. be
row 3d.
Importers and Dealers in Staple, Silk,
and Fancy Dry Goods. Also, British,
French and American Cloths, Cassi
mere, Vestings, and 'Tailors' 'Prim-
J. Godley, Spry, 4. Co., 84 Market-st.
Iniporters of German Goods, and Pur
chasers of all kinds of Shipping Furs.
Wm. Geisae & Son's, 60 S. Front, below
Chestnut st.
Importers and Manufactures of Fancy
Furs, and Fur Caps, and Purchasers
! of all kinds of Shipping Furs.
Solis, Brothers, 86 Arch at. between 2nd
and 3.1 sts.
Manufactures snd Dealers in Ready-Made
Clothing of every grade.
Michael Tracy, 292 Market at.
Manufacturer of Shirts, Collars, and Bo
John Hodges, Sign of the Mammoth Shirt
Collar, 110 North Second Street.
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Do
mestic Hardware and Cutlery.
Dilworth 4- Branson, 59 Market st.
Welded Wrought Iron. Tubes for Loco
motive, Marine and other Boiler Flues,
and all steam purposes. .
Morris, Tater & Morris, Pascal Iron
Works, Warehouse, S. E. corner of
Third and Walnut streets. • .
Agency for the Sale of Southwark Man
ufacturing Company's Superior Wri
ting Papers, .
N. S. Lawrence, Agent, 3 Minor street.
Importers of Jewelry, Watches, Fine
Cutlery, Britannia, Plated and Silver
Wares. • . .
Dickson 4' Co., S. E, corner Market and
Third streets.
John C. Farr, 112 Chestnut street.
J. 4- W. L. II ard, 106 Chestnut street,
opposite Sanderson's Franklin House,
Manufactures of Silver Ware, and Deal
ers in Plated and Britannia Wares fur
household use.
R. A- W. ft i/soit, 5, W. corner sth and
• Cherry streets.
Manufactures of Britannia, Block Tin,
and Pewter Ware. Also, Dealers in
Plated Spoons, Cutlery, &c.
Hall, Bordman, 4-.C0., 104 North Third
street, below Race.
Manufacturer of Silver and Brass Stair
Rods and Cornice Poles.
Edward Jones, corner of George and
Swanwick streets between Walnnt and
Chestnut, west of Sixth.
Importer of Toys ' Fancy . and Staple
Goods, Beads, Brushes and Perfumery.
A. F. Ott Monrose, 16 South Fourth at.,
between Market and Chestnut.
Importers of Toys, Fancy and Staple
Goods, Perfumeries, Musical Instru
ments, Glass, Earthenware, Chinaware.
C. Aeenfeldt & Co., 1 6
, North Fourth
street,,betiveen Market and Arbh [up
stairs." „
Ithporters of Paris and London Fancy
Articles,. Bruahes, Perfumery, Combs,
Soaps, Stationery, and articles for
Druggists' Sales.
& 074 ,
right 5."3 South Fourth at.
Importer and Manufacturer of Perfumery
Cosmetics, •Faricy Soaps and Dealer in
Fancy Goods.. -
Jules Hanel, 46 South Third street.
• Chins, Queensware and Glass.
Edward Snowdon, 34 North Third street,
opposite the City Hotel.
Dentists and Atinufacttirers of Incorrup
tible Teeth Plate, Pivot, Milar•and
Gum Teeth ; Gold and Tin Foil ;
Gold, Platina, and Silver. Plate & Wire.
Il Mason & Armstrong, 89 Arch street,
. above Fourth, south side:
Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, Math
nmatical Instruments, Walking Canes,
• Microscopes and Spy Glasses.
Mehltister 4' Co., 48 Chestnut street.
Manufactures of White Lead and other'
Paints, and of Chemicals, &c., and
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Dye
Welke:all & Brother, 65 North Front at.
Importers •and Dealers in Drugs, Dye.
btuffit, Oils, Chemicals, Plate Glass, &c.
and Agents for Pure IV bite lead and
Jersey Window Glass.
Campbell & French, N. W. corner of
Tenth and Market streets.
Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Med
lanes, Dye Siutn, Paints, Oils, 4-c.
Haskell Merrick &Co., 45 North Front st. '
Dr. D. Jayne, 8 South Third street, near
Market street,
Consulting Physician,Drugaist and Chem
ist and Proprietor of " Rowand's Im
proved Tonic Mixture," &e.
Dr. John A. Bowand, Grad. Univ.. Office
and Drug Store, 28 North Second at.
Maoufactureii •or Umbrellas, Parasols.
Parasolettes, and Sun Shades. •
William A. Drown 86 Mai ket street.
'Sleeper & Fenner, 126 Market at., south
side, one door below Fourth street.
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
James M. Kennedy & 0., 114 Market st.
Fire and Thief• Proof Chests, Refrigera
tors, Water Coolers, Fitters, Litter
Copying Presses, etc.
Other Evans, 15 Chestnut street.
Venetian Blind Manufiteturer..
8..1, I t 12 . North Sixth street a
few doors above Market.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Alatresses,
Bedding and Feathers.
Finley 4. co., S. E. corner of Second:
and ‘N alnut streets. . . .
Hartley & Knight, 148 8. Second, 5 doors ,
above Spruce. . .
Dealer in Coleman's )Eulian Piano Fortes.
F. Perrinz, 198 Chestnut at. S. E. cur
nerof Eighth.
Manufacturers of . Common . and Fancy
Snaps, Mould and Dip Candies, etc.
Elijah GilliesDullett, 36 Market st. •
Importer lof French Artificial Flowers,
Feathers, Straw, Braid and Fancy
Bonnets, etc., and Bonnet Frathed,
Tips and CroWns.
R. Barton, 50 Chestnut street.
Manufactures of .Sleves,Ridd les, Scre'ena,
•. and Wire Work in general.
Needles 4 at son, 54 N. Front st. L;elow
Ara. . •
Hides, Oil,. and Leather.
Wm. Murser & Co., 263 Market street.
Importer. of, Oranges,
~Lernotis; l a t sine,
Figs, Prunes, Curratits,• Almonds and
other Foreign Nuts.
Daniel P. Burner, 27 'South Wharves.
Manufacturer of Fire Engines, of all de
scriptionsoyarranted in all respects.
_rod Bates, 1 Drinker's -Alley.
Marble and Mahogany Dealers.
John Eckstein & Co., Union Mills, Ridge
Road—Warehouse 64 Dock street.'
Alanufaeturer of Corribs, Looking Glasses
and Brushes, and Importer of French
and German Fancy Goods.
Thbmas Burch, Jr., 183 Market street.
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer it
all, kinds of Brooms, Brushes and
Buckets, Cedar Ware, Clocks, Baskets,
Mats, Blacking, Eastern made. WoOden
Ware, etc.
Manly Rowe, 65 North Third street, one
door above Arch, east aide.
Cheap Publication and Periodical Estah/
lishment.. . .
G. B. Zeiber,&. Co., 3 Ledger Building,
Third street, below Chesnut.
• Boots and Shoes. . .
Robert Palmer, 182 South Second street,
3 doors below Union, west side.
Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds if
, Scales, Weights. and Weighing Ma-
Chines. Also, Burden's Patent Horse
Gray & Brother, 34 If alnut street, be
low Second.
September 17, 1545-4 t.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of CONRAD TWICII, ( lat el
of Tyrone Twp., Huntingdon county deed.)
11 , 03: ICE is hereby given, that Letters
te,tatnentary upon the last will of said
deed have been granted tn the undersigned.
All persons indebted to laid estate are re
quested to make imnibdiate payment, and
those having clams or demands against the
same are requested to present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
DAVID FLECK, Jr. i.E.ile utors
September 20, 1845.-6 t.
• Adoiinistra . toi.s Notice.
4'state of GEORG . h; RUDY. (late.. of
, . .
Jackson trop.,) Jiontinplon county, deo'd..
LETTERS of administration on the said
estate have been granted to the under
signd., All persohs indebted to said esvate
are equesteth to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated forsettle
:tient without delay. to • • .
Jackson tp., Sept. 17, 1845-6 t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Oriitiane
Court the following described Real Estate,
will be evposed at Public Sale, on the prem.
ises,late the residence of Barton Deforest,
deed . , in Tod township Huntingdon County,
On Murky the 30th d , ly of October next,
The onerundivided littif part of foist adjoin
ing tracts of Land, trae surveyed in the name
of William Hool)er—one in the name of
James Miller—one in the name of John
Miller—and nue in the name of James Ran
kin, containing
Sixteen Hundred and Seven Acres.
and Sixtylour Perches and allowance be
the same more or less. adjoining lands of
Jr.cob Barnet, David Long, the heirs o‘
john Taylor. and John Lowry and others
I there being thereon two small separate INN-
Hprovenruts—and thereon erected a Log
House two and a half stories high, partly
finished- a cabin House—a large Log Barn;
about sixty acres cleared—there is alto two
line Apple orchards, and a fine Water Pow=
er for a Mill or other Machinery--and
vein of excellent Bituminous coal which
has been opened and partially worked on
the same. The Public Road leading from,
James lintrekin's to Springfield township.
runs through the , same.
Sale:Termsof Ta be one half Cash
on the confirmation of the Sale, and the
residue within one year thereafter, to be ae.
cured by bonds and Mortgage of the pur
chaser. By the Court,
Attendance given on day of sale, by
Adm'r of Barton Deforrest, deed.
September 17,1845—t5.
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Huntingdon Pa,
Office in Main street, two doors East ot ,
Mr. Adam Hall's 'VertTerance House,