Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 08, 1845, Image 2

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uOne eountry, one constitution, one destiny.'
LKlea crizo2k 11 cc zycil ufa
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1845
Whig and Antimasonic County
Anti-Division Ticket for Assembly,
Mmes.—The 14th Election district named in
the Sheriff's proclamation is composed of "Old"
Springfield township, and includes, now, both Clay
and Springfield townships, of which the citizens
of said townships are requested to take notice.
linutingdon Academy.
The next Session of the Huntingdon Academy
will commence on the 20th instant. Terms of
tuition, &c., will appear in ournext.
13:7 The whole Whig ticket
having been printed and sent out
by us, we hope, our friends will
be particular in making up their
ticket, to leave out the name of
It. A. McMurtrie, who has de,
dined, and insert in lieu thereof
that of Adolphus Patterson.
Tickets have been printed
with the names of HENRY Bum.
and will be circulated in all the
townships. We hope our friends
will see to this.
Beware! Freemen, Beware!!
._ _
We have been credibly informed that Mr. Jere
miah Cunningham has been exhibiting through
some of the districts of this county a paper purport
ing to be a bond to indemnify the tax-payers against '
increased taxation in the event of the Division of
the county. Look out, tax-payers, for all these
shallow impositions on the eve of the election.—
We would not be surprised to eeo this HUMBUG
BOND paraded in the columns of the Holliday.
burg papers this week—just on the eve of the clue- I
Goa, so that there will be no time to discuss its merits.
Theis men feel conscious that the division of the
county, will greatly increase the burdens of the
people, and hence this attempt at deceiving them.
Such bonds, as we said before, in a notice of this
humbug movement, are not worth the paper on
which they are written, for they can never be enfor
ced in law. How could a suit be maintained on
them 1 Who would be the plaintiffs 7 It is but
another attempt to deceive the tax-payers of Hun
tingdon county. These men presume largely upon
the ignorance of the people when they expect to
full them into their measures by se palpable a bum
'tug as this. Do they think the farmers of Hun
tingdon county can be duped in this way, to raise
the price of their town lots 7 Doe. a few specula
tors at Hollidaysburg, whom we could name, who
have declared that they would sell their property as
coon as the Blair county bill passed, expect to de
:leis° the poor man who has no property to sell, by
his shallow devise, into paying art additional tax,
,t the purpose of enriching themselves 7 Does
tome mon who stand around the corners of the
'nets, telling the Whig voters not to go for Henry
lrewstr, because he voted against thelLocofoco
caucus nominees last winter for U. S. Senator, ex
pect to cajole Whip, even of the Big District, into
the support of a man who has been the violent and
unrelenting persecutor of the Whip ever since he
entered the political arena! Do they expect this
HUMBUG BOND to induce the freemen of this
great county to elevate a Janus-faced hypocrite,
who, if ever he does pretend to favor a measure
they may approve of, would deceive them if in so
doing he could advance his own personal or politi
cal inteseate
The people of this county are too intelligent to
be deceived in this way—too intelligent to role
against their own interests, for the purpose of advan
cing the private interests of JAS. M. BELL, & Co.
They are also honest, and cannot be induced by
worthless bonds to go for a man who deceived his
own neighbors lost winter, and who would do so
again, if it were to his advantage. The people
then of the whole county, are cautioned to be on
their guard against the LAST cards that will be
played off during the present week.
ccr T. S. Mackey of Milton has consented to
run on the Native American ticket for Senator in
the Dauphin and Northumberland district. We
had thought Mr. Mackey too good a Whig to lend
his name for the purpose of defeating the Whig
candidate in that district ; but we were mistaken in
the man. lie will be moat effectually used up by
this movement, and the Whig candidate Mr. Jortin
tritunpliantly cleated.
Declination of R. A. DitclVlortrio.
Below we publish the declination of Col. R. A.
McMURTRIE, as a candidate for Assembly. We
regret, exceedingly that such a state of facts exist
in Ode old " banner county," em seem nut only to
demand but co.apel such a course; and null more
do we regret that we must lees the services of a
faithful Whig representative in the next session.
Still, we must be allowed to say that we rejoice to
!es that the Col. has played no dishooorable or
craven pert. We doubt not many of hie counsel.
lere would have been glad to see him, quietly, on
the eve of the election withdraw, and thus leave a
portion of his Whig friend. to act under the belief
that he was still a candidate; but we can titigllTO
him that his open, honorable and public comae,
must and will command the respect of every lion ,
eat Whig.
ft was no small sacrifice for him to make. The
nominee of a large majority party, he cannot be
supposed to have doubted his own success. Yet
he felt there were earns intestine feeds, which were
calculated to sorter the friendly and united action
of his Whig friends—they asked him to decline—'
he willingly steps from the field of honor and
etrife, and not only without a murmur, but in truth
with a simile, assuines his place among the people.
Hie course is not only honotable, but dignified, and
shows him a Whig—every inch a Whig.
The reasons arraigned by the Colonel are such
as to do him credit ; and clearly demonstrate that
like a true Whig be is willing to lay self aside, to
twee the Whigs and their manse, and deserves the
thank, and gratitude of every lVhig in our county.
We should like to ray a word in regard to the
proceedings and letter of our upper end friends ,
but time and space forbids. We can only Bey, that
the people of Hollidadaysburg have made the Issue
—Division on the one hand and Anti-DivisiOn on
; the other—and we hope the people will ACT upon
their suggettion.
At a consultation held at a Sale on the
farm of Capt, Milligan, in Scotch Valley
on Friday the 2nd inst. it was resolved that
P. Harman, C. Wilson, Joseph Shannon,
and Joseph Smith, be a committee to wait
on R. A. Mc Murtrie, and say to him that
they app ova of his course in the Legisla•
tore, particularly in regard to a division
of this county. But in consequence of
the Whigs in toe Legislature 'arraying
themselves as a party against the division,
and notwithstanding, they were warned
that the consequences would be division
and destraction to the party, and we en
treated them for the sake of its peace to
desist from their course, not one Whrg
Senator could be prevailed on to go for
the division. Per this reason, in the opin
ion of all the Whig voters in the township
with whom we have conversed, it would
be the true policy of the Whigs favorable
to a division of the county to vote for the '
democratic members favorable to said ob
In order to relieve us from any delicacy
in so doing, we would must respectfully
request you to withdraw from being a can
didate at this time, if you can honorably
and consistently with your views of pro
priety do so. We are more anxious that
you should do so, from the fact that in
Iluntingdon and the lower end, they have
organized and formed an anti-division
ticket, and intend voting for it exclusively,.
without respect to party.
From this fact, and others in the pos
session of your committer, they believe it
is morally impossible for you to be elected,
and they would much rather that you
would withdraw, if you think you can
honorably, than see you defeated.
All of which is respectlully submitted
by the committee. JOSEPH SHITN.
October Gth, 1845,
Dear Sir t—The undersigned, in behalf
of your IVhig fellow citizens who are fa
vorable to the division of Huntingdon and
Bedford Counties, take this method of in•
forming you of the resolution to which
they have come, and knowing you to be
one of the friends of that measure, they
will not permit themselves to doubt your
willingness to obey their general wish.
The action of the last Legislature upon
the division question convinces us that we
never can accomplish our object so lung
as we adhere to party nominations and
reject those means which fortune has pta•
ced within our grasp. When our best
interests demand that party lines should
be broken, it would be foolish to remain
within them.
The party whose support we had a right
to expect, deliberately sacrificed those in.
terests. The hope of the division now
rests upon the democratic party, your
own legislative experience will convince
you that from the Whigs we can expect
nothing, and the a hugs of the lower end
of the county have manifested their inten
tion to withdraw their support front you,
they have in connection with a few rene
gade Loco-Focos, nominated Mr. Adol
phus Patterson in your room, with Mr.
Brewster ; with the evident intention of
abandoning you, and at least to:that extent,
breaking down the regularly nominated
Whig ticket.
Under these circumstances, and now
that we have an opportunity of electing
two Democr«ts friendly to the measure,
you will see the reason of the painful
necessity which induces us to ask you to
decline running as a candidate for the
In making this request, we would as.
sure you that we are actuated by no ea
sons of a personal nature; fur your able
and zealous exertions to accomplish the
Division lost winter, we fee[ profoundly
grateful, and we assure you there is no
one in the whig ranks in whose support
we would rally with more pleasure; and
we hope that the day is not tar distant
when we shall have it iu our power to re
pay you fur the generous sacrifice which
we now feel compelled to call on you to
Joseph Dysart, Jonathan Hamilton, Joseph Reed,
Joseph Smith, Joseph Shannon, Thomas Smith,
Philip llileman, J. A. Landis, Joseph Baldrige,
D C. Gibboncy, Harris Stewart, J. R. Martin,
Wm. Shorn°, .1. W. M'Cord, Joshua Williamson,
N. Hewit, D. Hewit,Jr., Alex. M. Lloyd, David
'rate, Joseph Kemp, S. L. Shop., Henry Learner,
Joseph Hammer, W. F. Leech, Wm. Nelson, J.
R. Johnston, E. Galbraith, John Cooper, Elliott
Long, John Harnish, Ruddy Elliott, James Gard
ner, A. Vantrics.
Col. ZWlViurtrie's Answer.
HOLLIDAYSBURG, Oct. 6th, 1845.
To Joseph Smith, Joseph Shannon, N.
pewit, Dr. J. A. Landis, Joseph 1.17.
cart, and others:
I have received your letters
of Friday the 2d and Monday the Gih
inst., and let me assure you that f fully
appreciate the flattering terms in which
you have spoken of my efforts in favor of
a division of the Counfy.
In your letters you mention the exis
tence of a state of feeling upon a question
of no inconsiderable interest to the Whigs
and Antimasons of this coirnty and,
judging from the request in your fetters,
that feeling is indicative of a desire on the
part of our political friends, that I ehuulrl
decline any longer remaining as a candi
date for a seat in the next Legislature.
In answer to your request, I must be
permitted to preface that answer by a
short statement of the facts and circum
stances which have brought about this
state of things, and briefly to give nn
feelings and views as they have induced
my Course.
. .
'My name has been placed before the
people as a candidate for a seat is the
next Legislature by a large and respecta
ble County Convention. That Conven
tion, it is presumed, knew my views and
feelings in relation to the division of this
county. To that body, I express my
humble gratitude for the honor they thus
conferred upon rite.
Another subsequent body mat and
placed before the people a ticket opposed
to the division of the county, by which
body my colleague, Mr. Brewster, wag
Thus tircumstanced, my situation has
been an unpleasant one to myself and, as
I feel assured, to my friends.
Those who favored one view, have re
garded one as in the way of their success,
while those of the other side, have with
as much apparent zeal held that I was
equally in their way, and thereby leaving
me in an unpleasant situation between
the contending interests, though power- ,
less fur defence myself, arid only occupy.
ing a place, which . the kind consideration
of a full Whig Convention had conferred
upon me.
Such a position was not an enviable
one. I could neither say nor do any
thing which might shield Inc from the cen
sure of the honest though nnsuspecting,
and from the assaults of the prejudiced.
I could not decline unsolicited by my
Whig friends, without becoming obnox
ious to similar asssaults; and placed upon
the Whig ticket, as a Whig, I was willing
to stand by that organization, and if I tell
a victim to defeat on that ticket, I would
patiently and proudly fall; fur I was born
a Whig, have lived a Whig, and if reason
lasts, I trust I shall die a - 11'
Yet as I feel my humble inabilities to
serve my friends and their cause as they
desire, I have at any time been willing to
lay aside the honor they have conferred
upon me, should it be desired by them.
Such a request, gentlemen, you now
make, and knowing as I do your stand
, ing and influence in the ranks of the Whig
party; knowing, too, that you can desire
nothing but the welfare of the Whig cause;
the permanency of its organization and
its ultimate triumph, and presuming that
you see difficulties in the distance, which
may nut be seen by nie, and which might
prove disastrous to the immediate accom
plishment of those desired results, I take
this method to inform you, as well as the
County Committee, and the Whigs gener
TURE, and request them so to consider it,
and to take all means in their power to
make the fact known.
I am wait much respect, and consider•
ation of the highest esteem,
Yours, &c.
Whig Spirit
_ -
It is cheering to witness tho spirit that animates
the Whigs every where on their local elections this
tall. They appear to be fully awake to the impor
tance of having Whigs elected to fill the different
county offices, in Whig counties. This is right.
Before the term for which some of the county offi
cers to be elected on next Tuesday expire there will
be a Gubernatorial end Presidential election, and it
is of the greatest importance that Locofocoe be kept
oat of prominent county offices, as they invariably
use them for the success of Locofoco principles.
The Whigs of the Stale are calling upon us
through the press to stand firm to our principles,
and to elect our county officers. Shall we do so
The vote given lost fall for Clay and Markle in the
county of Huntingdon sent a thrill of joy to every
Whig heart in the Commonwealth. Let us then
fellow Whigs, again gladden the hearts of our
brethren throughout the State, by not only electing
our ticket but by giving it an overwhelming major
ity and thereby call forth from them the usual com
pliment of 4 , well dcnc, noble Whigs of Old Hun
To the Pollo
We will not have an opportunity of again nog
ing the importance of the corning contest upon our
reader.. Previous to our again inning the Journal
the battle will be fought, and the victory won, if
the NA trigs but de their whole duty'. Being deep
ly improved with the importance of this election,
We Would ournestlY call upon our Whig friends to
make a vigorous rally on next Tuesday. Let no
Whig stay at home. Turn out, end make an of
fort to take your heighhor with you; It is an exalted
privilege which freemen alone have, of choosing
their own public officers, and we hope no one will
neglect to use it on this occasion. This is the
most important election which you have had in
this county fof some years:
Go to the Polls,
then, Whigs, and vote for SAMUEL D. KARNS,
for Canal Commissioner, end by so doing you will
veto against the whole-sale system of plunder that
has been carried on for years on the public Works.
By so doing you will vete for reform and economy
in this important branch of the public service.
By voting for SAMUEL D. KARNS, You will be
voting for one who is eminently QUALIFIED to
perform the duties of the oilier, and one whose
honesty and gentlemanly bearing has given him a
character and standing boyond reproach.
Go to the Polls.
And vote for HENRY BREWSTER and
ADOLPIIUS PATTERSON, and thereby settle
now and forever the question of division, which
has so long agitated the people of this county. We
ask the whole People who are opposed to this
scheme of enriching a few speculators, to rally on
next Tuesday and defeat it at the Polls. If you
allow "Janus" and Henry L. Patterson to be elect
ed, your county will doubtless be divided, and the
people will be burthened with an additional load of
TAXES, all of which will go indirectly into the
pocked of the Hollidaysburg PROPERTY
1101 -
DERS, and be taken out of the pockets of the hard
working farmers and mechanics of the county. It
will also greatly increase the price of RENTS in
the borough of Hollidaysbnrg, and in that way op
press the POOR MAN, and those who, during the
herd times, had their property sacrificed at Sheres
sale, and bought up by these very man who now
want them to pay additional taxes, for the purpose
of increasing its value. This' will lie the result
freemen, depend upon it, notwithstanding the
HUMBUG BOND, by which they are attempting
to deceive you into the belief that your taxes will
not be increased. We ask you then, to turn out
in your strength and test this question, Mr. M'Mut-:
trio, one of the Whig candidates, having been So
li c led to decline by the division men for thdt pur•
Go to the Polls
Whigs of Huntingdon county, and elect all your
candidates nominated to fill the county offices.
They are all good men, and firm, unwavering
now servo you in the offices for which they have
again been put is nomination, and are conceded on
all hands to bo "HONEST and CAPABLE."
Turn Out then Whigs of Huntingdon county, and
triumphantly re-elect these faithful public servants,
and by so doing say unto them, in language not to
be misunderstood; "well done, good and faithful
The rest of the ticket is also made by of good
men—JOSEPH LAW, the candidate for Treas
WALLACE and SETH R. M'CUNE, the can
didates for Commissioner, Coroner and Auditor,
are all fresh from the ranks of the people, and
among the best men in the county. Te your posts
then, Whig. of Huntingdon county, and sustain
these candidates of your choice at the polls. It
would be suicidal on the pert of Whigs to allow
the enemy to gain the ascendency ha this hereto
fore indomitable old Whig and Antimasonic court.
organization. The great body of the ticket nomi
nated by your representatives in County Conven
tion, stands firm. One man has been withdrawn
for the purpose of testing a local question. On
that which remains, then, the contest will be made
between the ‘Vhig and Locofoco patties. What,
fellow Whigs, shall be the result? Shall the
Whig ticket, made up as it is, of some of the beet
men of your party be elected, or shall the county
offices pass into the hands of your ancient enemies,
and be used by them hereafter to advance the
cause of the Locofoco party. We will await your
answer at the polls on next Tuesday.
" Janits"---Again.
We had intended to hand this gentleman over to
the people with the expositions we have heretofore
made, in regard to hie course, but we have received
a communication from a gentleman residing in one
of the middle districts of the county, in which his
two faced operations are ehown up in their true
light. The communication would be inserted at
length, with great pleasure, was it not that the crowd
ed state of our columns, and the time at which it
was received, renders it utterly impossible.
After speaking of a short excersion he made
through the townships of Franklin, Warriorsmark,
Jackson and West, and of some errors that had
got into the heads of the people in regard to the
election this fell, the writer says
" But when informed that they were in
error, and so far as nor county was inter
ested, it was a very important election;—
and when the question was propounded to
them, Are you satisfied to have your
county divided ? To have the line of the
proposed new county, run within five
miles of the borough of Huntingdon
The invariable indignant reply was NO.
Then said I. Up, and doing—arise in
your might,' for the .Bulls of Boashan'
are upon you."
" You may not be aware that ennsaries
from your own town, hare been traversing
these diggins' l speak of, and are striving
by every means to delude the voters—
but it is nevertheless true. Your 'Janus'
and his friends are very•busy sad think
they are sty. I find that where the people
are awake, as to toe position of our polit
ical alfilirs, these ' Devils in wolf skins"
°feet to consider the result of the coming
election as a mere matter of moonshine—
of no consequence ! ! To stone, Janus
is an anti-division man; says the subject
will not he agitated the next session—that
the old county, as is, is safe—that there
is no necessity for a division—don't I
live in Huntingdon? To others, he goes
his death for division—urges upon the
people the necessity of breaking up that
PHARISEES' which has so long dis
graced the 'ancient tiorough of Hunting
don! !"
And again•!--
" Why, says Janus and his co•adjiadrs,
divide the county, and then these emir
—these JUDAS ISCARIOTS, will nut
have anything to FEED ON! I"
_ . .
Iu relation to the operatimis of "Janus" and his
Coadjutors in the upper end, Our cerrespondtut re
mark. :
''Need I mention the course these folks
take in the upper end of the county ? I
truw not. The very High-Ways and By
smell of their doings. They prom-'
ise every thing. Oh, say they, .'elect
Owin and 11. L. Patterson to the Leo.
lature, and they will get the tounty divi
ded—we will get 150,000 appropriated to
complete a Dm'y Basin, no matter whether
it is of any public utility or not; we will
have the money among us; and the beet
follow fob the most!! They do not tell
the good folks of the upper end, that if the
county should he divided, that ,their
DOUBLED, in addition to other expen
ses. No; all this is kept bank, out of
view of the Farmers, the real Taxpayers,
they are to be now used."
This Janus-faced demsgogua who is willing to
have the county cut up if it will but secure to him
political advantage, is not content with betraying
his neighbors last winter at Harrisburg, but Inuit
traverse the county from one end to the other be
stowing upon them the most foul and infamous
epithets. Freemen, of Huntingdon, will you en
dorse these vile slanders upon your fellow-citizens,
by voting for Alexander Gwin, Esq.? This lan
guage is about in keeping wit:t that which he be
stowed upon the laboring men at the Iron work.
'iast fall, when he found they had not voted accord
ing to his dictation, calling them PERFE C T
SL AYE 9. lAre suppose he thinks he con brow.
beat the iotets into his support by calling them
hard names: Some time since Le marred his
friends at the upper ant?, that he would bring the
party into his support in the lower end under
WHIP and SPUR." Democrat., of the lower
and, can you be goaded on by thie demagogue to
vote against your own interest. Wo think not.—
We apprehend Irom the Movertienfe of the people,
that "Janus" will find when ha begins t, put
the " SPURS" to his party, thaws will be a general
backing out of the traces. The people have found
out, notwithstanding Mr. Gwin's tri-faced career;
For the Huntingdon Journul.
To the Tax-Payers of Zuntingdnii'
A crisis has arrived in our county affair. which
require. us to lay aside our party prejudices, and to
act vigorously in defence of our interests. It is
probably known to most of you that on insidious
plan has been laid by the property holders in and
about Hollidaysburg, to defeat the election of Mr.
Brewster, and thus to elect two members to the
Legislature favorable to the division of the county.
This plan is not a party measure, but Whigs and
Democrats are both concerned in executing it.
Under these circumstances, already pressed down
with the weight of taxes imposed on us, we feel it
to be our duty to warn you of the danger impend
ing, and call on you to exert yourselves to the ut
most at the coming election to defeat the unhal
lowed scheme alluded to.
The matter in so plain, that in the event of a
division of the county, our taxes for county pur
poses must be doubled, or nearly so, that it would
be an insult to your understanding to argue the
case. Must not the flame number of officers be
paid, and the same court expenses born by the few
who remain in tho old county, which is now paid
by the whole? The distance from the seat of *-
ewe, and the large amount of business, aro not the
real cause. why a division is asked for. On these
grounds the lower end of the county has more
cause to complain. But the truth is, that large
speculations in property in and about Hollidays
burg have been gone into by monied individuals
and companies, and it would bo a very convenient
operation if they could gull the farmers throughout
thecounty, and prevail on them to assist in getting
them out of the scrape, as the additional tax would
be quite a mall matter for each. Much argument
might be used to show the folly of cutting up coun
ties, thus lessoning their influence and respectabili
ty, and inrreasing their taxes; but your own good
sense will doubtless anticipate any suggestions we
could make on the subject. We merely ask who
is to be benefited by the division? Is it the people
at large, or only a few property holders and office
hunters? Let sound discretion decide.
Rally then for ' , Old Huntingdon," and allow tho
Legislature that you are opposod to a division of
the county, by electing Henry Brewster and Adol
phus Patterson as your representatives, without re
gard to party namee,
pjThe"wurtrrtra WHELPS" of the Hollidays-
burg Standard, who have been barking at our heole
ever since we commenced the conduct of the Jour
nal, come out in their last number asking for the
sympathy of the public. We hope it will be ex
tended to them in their diatresa.
A young fop, about starting down to New Or
leans, proposed to purehase a life preserver. 4, Oh,
you'll not want it, suggested the elerh--“bozs of
wind don't sink."
j The edit°, of the "Hollidaysburg Register"
would feign make his readers believe that we have'
been attempting to "pick" a personal quarrel with
him. This we deny. We have been attempting,
it is true, to infuse into him sane Whig spirit, arid
staled in air fleet allusion to his course, that we
desiredhim to take the Amid" in this campaign.
Wo were desirous to see him take an open, bold,
and manly stand for the ticket put in nomtoption
by our friends, as well for his own personal elven
tage as for the good of the party, and he Miami° ,
believe it wits all dictated by a desire to - bare him
out of the way as a rival. A tiny sage conclusion
truly! We have not looked upon the Register as
a rival Wirig press during this campaign.
We have no desire to "quarrel" pereonally 'with
the editor of any paper, much less whh the editor
of the Register, who hos been a Whig, but we now
learn that no other kind of welfare is 'fashionable'
among editors in this meridian.
We were first attacked by 4he locofoco editors
as an interloper, and straightway the Whig of "ten
'cars standing," who fancies his importance to he
such ii great annoyance to us, pounces upon no
with the Woe gentlemanly and manly argument.
His "modestY," he gravely informs us, was his ex
cuse for not supporting the Whig ticket, end recom
mended us to "mind our own business," and let
the interests Of the Party take care of themselves.
We are sorry that the consistency of a Whig of
"ten years standidg," did riot prevent him from
spenly opposing that ticket. We stated in our no
tice of the Locofoco ticket, that in our opinion so
man who voted for Jae K. Polk, and against the
Tariff of 1842, could b 6 elected to otBtce in the
county of Huntingdon. ihiiWhig, and "nothing
else," of the Register, replied for, that piing, by
making a direct thrust at Merit.) Brewster, one of
the Whig candidate for tiro Legislature. This he
followed up in his next number, by' renewing the
charge upon Mr. Brewster, and charging us with'
being the organ of the Anh-Division intermit.
which ho knew to be false when ho penned it.
We then made another attempt to break the
mesmeric spell with which he appearisil to be bound,
and called upon him to take an open, bold, sad
manly stand in favor of the whole ticket; to due
above the paltry consideration of the price of town
low, and manfully sustain the interestsof his party.
The editor of the Register replied by making rAr.sis
and ungenerous issertionsid regairi tti our social
relations, for the truth of which we tuna him and
his cowardly cerrespondent to' tlii proof. IS we
mistake net, the name of that correspondent hoe
Ibecome rather 100 obnoxious for the "public eye."
This "original anti-mason," who sake the Anti
masons of Huntingdon county to withdraw their
support from us, is at this very time supporting the
whole locofoco ticket, with the patriotic purports) of
breaking up the Whig and Anti-masonic party.
Wes it not our duty to keep the party informed
of what was transpiring in the political wield? WA
think it was as much our duty to inform the Whig
party of this defection on the part of Mr. Jones, es
it was ef the patriotic individuals who arrested Ma
jor Andre, to inform the American Army of the
contemplated treason of Benedict Arnold—as much
Our duty to do so, es it was for the Whig press te
proclaim to their readers the treason of John Tyler,
who, like the Register man was found cooncelling
and plotting with the enemies of Whig principles,
and for selfish and mercenary motives, attempting
to break down the Whig party.
The Register man says that prithepti vie fear he
may have ocateion to place his gigaratiC foot spun
our dimintitlire toes, on account, as he alleges, of
our belonging to a secret society. We have only
to say to this . Modern Goliah, that although we
may be but of the stature Of little David, upon'
whom lie, as did Goliah of old, looks down with'
contempt, wo may still have in our sling a missile
that will chatter to pieces the armour of Bell-mettle
by which he fancies himself safely secured, if he is
desirous to have a personal qu'irrel with us.
The Register man says that we will find out be;
fore we are as long in the county ea hi hair been;
that the Whig party does not approve our course.
The "wish was father to that thought," Mr. Jones.
We have been but a short time in the county, and
we have already found out that the Whig party del
approve our course, having received the strongest'
and most satisfactory evidence of the fact, in the .
way of rapidly increasing patronage. We have no .
fear abusing the patronage or confidence of the
Whig party, by going it straight for the men and
principles of that party. Ho whe as attached to
"eocret society" of mercenary speculators, who re
quire him to "lay low" oa all subjects, with the ox.
oeption ofan occasional stab at the party which he
professes to support, alone need fear a decline of
public favor. The only "satisfactory sentences"
which the Bell-gripe has allowed the Register meet
who, together with his skulking correspondent.
calla upon the Whigs and Antimasons to withdraw
from us their Ripped, hue been an attack upon one
of the Whig eandidotes, and an attempt to throw
(intrust upon our course, fearing that our steady ad
herence to the whole ticket, might have the effect
of electing it, and defeating the one formed by the
renegade, and thereby give us come "importance,"
as a faithful eenti net on the watch tower of our po.
htical Rion,
We caution the editor of the Register, and his
irresponsible correspondent, who, we believe, re
ceived a practical demonstration at one time of the
lore the "original Antimasons" of Huntingdon
county had for him, to bo careful of the WO they
make of their gigantic "toe smashers," or we may
hove occasion to show up some ofthe secret upper.
aliens of this Bell-tribe, in a light that they may
not desire.
The Lexington (Ky.) Obeerver brings the me!•
encholy intelligence of the suicide, by shooting
himself with a pistol, of the lion. JOHN WHIT.,
known end esteemed as the Speaker of the Noun
of Representatives in the 27th Congress of the
%Red States. Cau.e, personal emberrassment.,
We regret to state that a man named Jaren
grim., from Hagerstown, a condedtor on ens of
the burden trains, was instantly killed yesterday og
the rail road about throe miles from this borough.
The cars we understood ran off the track, and fear.
tag danger ha leaped off and striking the fence
along the road was thrown backward under the
wheels. He was horribly mangled anddied insta4tlyy
—Carlisle &raid & Oar miter.