lIWNTI)GDO'N JOURNAL .frtintlg jittuttilitnier—EictiottZt to enteral fittellfgenre, Xnertte.iiitg, liotittm !Literature, jfforatitg, ffrto,.aricitteti, ( - Mtn re, antuottnent, $ c., scr. "Ul l aDllo 5=9 KYCI:DQ EC3Z). PUBLISHED I, JAMES CLARK, ca4crarPuziasa. The "Joint:rm." will be published every Wed ktesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 60. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearagcs arc paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be iNerted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. REYNOLDS, KERR & ALLISON, WHOLESALE GitOCERS, AND tieal'ers in Countrg Produce, NO. 204 MARKET ST. (Next door to the Red Lion hold,) PHILADELPHIA', Iie,OUNTRY Merchants and 15thersl?ar " chasing Groceries, are invi'te'd to call and examine our new and extensive stock, where they will find every article in the Grocery line. at SMALL ADVANCES ABOVE IMPORTATION PRICES.. —.- Being a new house, we are determined not to be undersold by any other establish ment in the city. t 7 COUNTRYPRODUCA will be taken in payment tin Gm:series, and sold to the test ,possiblc . advantage, free of charge. Aug. 27, 1845—.2m If [itches, Jewett?' AND SILVER WARE. THE subscribers offer an assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea setts and every article of Silver work of their own manufacture. Also watch ,chains, Seals and Keys, Fine Gold Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ; together with a general assortment of clips,jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks. Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans, Brittania ware in setts and single pieces; Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pius, Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., for sale at the lowest Cash prices.—Watches Repaired. J. & W. L. WARD. No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the Franklin Hinise. Philadelphia, August 5, 1845. Tana For Sate. HE subs6riber will offer at public sale on the premises, on Saturday, the 11th of October next, that valuable tract of land with the improvements, situate in West township, about three quarters of a mile above Mr. John Neff's Mill, on the little Juniata river, containing One Hundred and Fifty. five Acres, with the usual allowance, having thereon erected a, large two story log and weather-boalded arm House, well finished, a bank,barni and other necessary out (Millings. There is an excellent spring of water across the road from the house, and a good well at the door. The land is of the Best quality, well wa tered and well improved, and is within Miles of the Jnniata From distovert6 recently Mad:, it is sup 7 posed that there is a yafuabie bed of OR on the above premises.., Any wishing to phicure a desirable situation. will please call on Mr. Benjamin Brubaker, who Will show the property, Make known terms, &c. 'FOBIAS KALTVFMAN. Sept. 2, 1842—pd. Carpetings, lilobr , (Moths, &c., :At the" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Strcet. Philadelphia. . _ , E would call the attention Of persons in want of New Carpet, &c. to the Fact, of our being enabled to sell goods at yellinices, because, in our present n caon; otir tent and other. .expenses are very fight and tire offer for this SCESOh 1 . 111 excel lent assortment of Carpetings, • Beautiful IMPerlal, - Ingrain, and Venetian of etrery variety. Alsb„ Wloor Oil Olothii; From 2 to 24 feet wide, cutto fit rooms, halls; &c. atd.Hearth R ugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices; V' A supply' of low priced cartietS, from to 50 cents per yard, always on hand: ELDRRIDGE & BROTHER, No 41, Strawberry street, one door above . Chesnut st. near Second st. I'hila'd. Sept. 10, 1845. A Card. CLEMENS & BAKER, Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturers of Copal Varnish; also, sole Agents for Me Franklin Window Glass Works. I AVINU been long engaged in the man ufactureture of Copal Varnish, as well as other kinds, we are now prepared to offer to purchasers an article which in quality can not be surpassed in the Union. Abet receiving weekly, from the above celebrated works, Window Glass of every size. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of White Lead of the most approved brands; together with a large stock of Drugs, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Indigo, Dye Stuffs, C ol ors, Bronzes; Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal, Cam els' Hair Pencils, Paint Brushes, Pallet Knives, Ike., comprising every article in this line. _ _ _ ..„ All which will he sold at the lowest possi ble prides, by CLEMENS & BAKER, No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood, Philadelphia, Sept. 10,1845, ocauaca:;a3zmu3 E3a aaaaoaeb. . Raid liardwail• (George GzetSby.) , (H. F. Kelker.) K EIMER & CO.; No. 5, SOUTH FRONT ST., HARRISBURG. TO, Vitte.TFULLY offer to the citizens :.:5144 of Huntingdon, and all the country roundabout—a large and general assortment of HARDWARE, Nails, White Lead, Oils, Paints, Window Glass 7 by 9 to 24 by 36, Varnishes, Buildinfr, Materials, Ear, Round Hoop and Sheet.lron; Cast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steel; An rills, Vices, Smith Bellows, Iron, and Brass Wire, Spelter, Sheet Zinc, Copper; Block Tin and Bar Lead; Eliptic Steel Spi logs, Saddelry, Coaeh Laces and Trimmings; Moss, Curled Hair -and Hair - Seating, Hog skins and Patent Leather; Lamps of the most approved kind for burning either Sperm Oil or Lard ; Sieves for Flour, Grain and Coal; Wire Screen fur Windmills; Ma chine Cards, Mahogany Planks, Boards, Veneers, and Carvings. Also— Lead Pipe, of every size weight and calibre. But few in persons the community sufficiently appre ciate the value of Lead Pipe, in conducting water from springs at a distance to their dwellings—a convenience unknown but to those who possess it. Any information res pecting the same will be cheerfully given. We offer the above and all other articles in our line, on the most reasonable terms, and hope that when you come to Harrisburg, you,may give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell as low as any other house in town. N. B. errantry Merchants will be supplied at a Very small advance above city prices. RUDOLPH F. KELKER & Co. Aug. 27.1845.-tf. ZiE1,.'1.1.3. 2 Dr, 1. li. DoßsEr, HAVING removed from Williamsburg to Huntingdon. would idform the community that he designs to continue the practice of Medicine, and will be thankful for their pat ronage. Residence and dike formerly oc cupied by R. Allison, Esq. N. B. Having been tuccessful in accom plishing the cure of a numbtr of cancers, (tor whin vouchers can be had it required) he feels confident of success in the most ob stinate cases, anti latoilld he fail in curing no charge will be made. . . Huntigdon, April 23, 1845, alssessorsi once. THE several Assessors within the county of Hnntingdon will take notice that by the sth section of the net of 12th June, 1840, re lating to the elections of this Commonwealth, they are required, on Monday, the 6th day of October, to certify, sign and deliver, to the County Commissioner's, a list of the names and surnames of the white freemen and qualified voters, residing within their respective townships—a copy of which list they are required to hold and hand over without alteration or addition to one of the inspectors of the election of their proper election district, on or before eight of the o'clock, in the morning of the second Tues day of October Provided, that where a township has been divided in forming an election district, or part of an election dis trict, the assessor shall make out, certify, sign and deliver duplicate lists as aforesaid of the white freemen and qualified voters residing within each part of such divided to*iiship. By order of the Commissioners. W. S. AFRICA, Clerk, Sep. 17, 1845.-4 t. Bridge Proi►osals. (I.4EALED Proposals will be received by the undersigned, Commissioners of Huntingdon county, at the house of Mrs. Denlinger in Frankstoivn, on the 10th day of October, for building two bridges. one across the Frankstown branch of the Juni ata river, opposite the dwelling house of Henry Miller, in Frankstown township, and the other across the southern branch of the Jgulata river, at the place where the great road leading from Hollida}sburg to the Loop, crossOs said branch, at or near the Mil - it of Daniel Brua, in Frankstown and Blair townshipS. . , The plan and sj,ecifications can lie , seen on the day of letting, or at any time, in the posession of Mr. Knox, at Newry.. ALEXANDER KNOX, Jr., MORDECAI CHIIXOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, September 17, 1045—it Commissioners, Estate of 'WILLIAM ELDER, late or Hopeibell tomnahip,dee'd. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration De baba non, Upon the said es tate have been granted to the undersigned. All ;peisona fraying claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all peitons indebted to make immediatepayment to DAVID SNARE, Administrator. Huntingdon, Sept• 2, 1845. Now is the Time. The subscriber hereby notifies all persona indebt ed to him for subscription to the Huntingdon Jour nal, and for jobbing, advertising, &c., that he de sires them to pay up as soon as they find it con venient to themselves to do so, if not sooner. All who pay subscriptions during or before the next November Court will he charged but $ 2.00 a year —end those who delay beyond that time will be compelled to pay according to the terms of the pa. per $2.50 a year. The undersigned published the Journal 3 years and 6 months, ending the let of July last, so that those who received the paper all the while, and paid nothing yet, are reqUired to pay $7.00 if paid before the termination of the Novem ber Court, or $8,75 if delayed beyond that period, and those who have paid part will be charged the balance in the same proportion. THEO. H. CREMER, September 10, 1845, VonTaT, .To charm tho languid hours of solitude Ho oft invites her to the Muse's lore." Thought and Deed. Full many a light thought man may cherish, Full many an idle deed may do: Yet not a deed or thought may perish— Not ono but ho shall bless or rue. When by the wind the tree is shaken, There's not a bough or leaf can fall, But of its falling heed is taken, By omit who area and governs all. The tree may fall and be forgotten, And buried in the earth remain ; Yet from its juices rank or rotten, Springs vegetating life again. Tho world is with creation teeming, And nothing ever wholly dies And things that are destroyed in seemint, In other shapes and forms arise. And nein° still unfolds the tissuo Of unseen, works by spirit wrought ; And not a work but has its tissues With blessings or with evil fraught. And thou may'stssom to leave behind thee All memory of the sinful past; Yet oh, be sure thy sin shall find thee, And thou shalt know its fruits at laot: My own pet Wife. Bright is thy forohead.pure and higli As the warm love I bear to thee; And bright to me as summer's sky . Is the dark radiancy of thine eye: Bright is thy cheek, which ever glows With the soft tints which deck the rose; Bright is thy lip, Whose Crimson sweet Still breathes of love, without deceit; And bright thy chin, whose playful life Endears mo to "my own pet wife." Bright is tho smile which decks thy brow, And teaches each loved friend to know The welcome. that he has to chore Our homely, yet not niggatd fare; And brightly still that smile becomes Whene'er thy watchful care removes The well bleached damask front the board To place the wine, our choicest hoard, For valued guest, our friend through life, Is dining with "my own pet wife." Sweet is thy converse, dear the tale Wherewith you struggle to regale Our cheerful mood, and help refine The pleasure of my friend and wine; But, if you join in song or glee, Then doubly sweet is melody. And oh, how deep, how sweet the thrill, The sacred ecstasy I feel, When thy pure song from earth set free, Breathers homage to the Deity: Then art thou dearer far than life, More deeply loved, "my own pet wife." Dear is the sound of thy light tread, Floating around me, as if bred With fairy cadenco to beat time To Mimic of a inner Ant, Dear is thy every look anu hire NA'hon morning drat'. me from my home, And dearer far to me they seem When evening leads mo back again: Then is the cloud and storm of life Made sunshine by "my own pet wife." li:fast rx THE Daux!—The Cincinnati At las relates the following rich incident We have a friend—a Bachelor friend—very fond of the society of ladies, but extremely modest and diffident withal. A few evenings since ho went to make a call upon an acquaintance who had re cently taken to himself a wife, overflowing with af fection for her husband. Now this lovely wife of a week, like all other wives, could hardly survive the brief absence of her husband for the discharge of his business; and always on his return met him upon the threshold and smothered hint with kisses. It so happened, when our fiend called that the husband was absent, but was momentarily expected by the fond and anxious wife. She heard his foot fall upon the step, and supposing it to be her hus band, rushed forth to meet him; and he had scarcely laid his hand upon the bell-pull, before the door new open, and his neck was encircled by a pair Of white arms, and burning kisses fell thick and fact upon his lips and cheeks—while a full anti throb bing breast was strained to his ere was a try ing situation for a diffident ^ran ; and our friend came near fainting on the spot ; but fortunately the lady discovered her mistake in Beason to prevent such a melancholy event, and Ito escaped from the house, more dead than alive. The last we saw of him he was loanhig agaiiist a tree, fanning himself With his sombrero, in order to recover strength to regain his loilgii4e: Monsr..—Ladica should be careful how they kiss bentlemen in the dark—as it might be the means of causing serious injury to young gentlemen of tender sensibilities. Rownt NAMES.-The Baltimore Patriot says that the following outlandish cognomens designate certain associations of young men in that city.— They aro names under which they most rally when no especial good is in contemplation:—Rollers , Gumboils, Cock Robins, Grizzly Bears, Will Fights, Greesy Pigs, Butt Enders, Sandy Bottoms, Never Sweats, ScreW Bolts, Rangers, Fountain Rockers, Tormentors. Blood Tubs, Blue Dicks, Canton Rockers, Arabs, Skin Flints, Blue Bumpers, Saddle Horses, Hard Fistors, Cut Headers, and Single Combatants, besides others too numerous to mea -1 lion. COVRAGE.—Havo sufficient courage to speak to a poor friend, even in the street, and when a rich ono is nigh. The effort is not so great as many people may imagine, and the act is worthy of a , king. The Matti° of Trenton, FROM THE MAN•USCP.IPT 30 AN' ETE-WITNESS, "Whoso bullet cn the night air sang." I had scarcely put my foot in the stirrup before an aid-de-camp front the Commander-in-Chief gal loped up to me with n summons to the side of Washington. Tho General in Chief was already on horseback, surrounded by his staff, and on the point Cfsetting out. Ho was calm and collected as if in his cabinet. No sooner did he see me, than he waved his hat as a signal to halt. I checked my steel on the instant, and, lifting my hat, waited for his commands. "You are a native of this country?" " , Yea, your Excellency." 'You know the road from M'Conhey's ferry to Trenton, by tho river and Pennington—the by roads and all?" "As well as I know my own alphabet," and I patted the neck of my impatient charger. ~ T hen I may have occasion for you--you will remain with the staff; ah! that is a spirited animal you ride, Lieutenant Archer," he added, smiling, as the fiery beast made a demivolt, and act half the group in commotion. “Your Excellency—” , 'Never mind," said Washington, 'trolling again, as another impatient spring of my charger cut short the sentence. "I see the heads of the column are in motion, you will remember, and waving his hand, ho gave rein to his steed—while I felt bewil dered in the staff. The ferry was close at hand, but the intense cold made the march anything but pleasant. We all, however, hoped on the morrow to redeem our country, by striking a signal blow, and every heart beat high with anticipation of victory. Column after column of our little army defiled at the ferry, anti the night had scarcely set in before the last de tachment had been embarked. As I wheeled my horse on the little bank above the landing place, I paused an instant to look back through the obscu rity of the scene. The night wee dark, wild and threatening, the clouds betokened an approaching tempest, and I coed with difficulty penetrate with my eye the increasing gloom. As I put my hand across my brow to pierce into the darkness, a gust of wind, sweeping down the river, whirled the snow into my face, and momentarily blinded my sight. At tact I discerned the opposite shore amid the 'clammily. rho landscape was wild and gloomy. A few desolate looking henries only were in eight, and the ice now jammed with a crash together and floating slowly apart leaving scarcely space for the boats to pace. The dangers of the navigation can better be imagined than de scribed, for tho utmost exertions could just prevent the frail structure from being crushed. Occasion ally a stray fife would be heard whistling over the waters, mingling freely with the fierce piping of the winds, and anon the deep roll of the drum would boom across the night, the neigh of a horse would float from the opposite shore, or the crash of the jumping ice would be heard like far off thun der. 'rho cannoneers beneath me were dragging a piece of artillery up the ascent and the men were rapidly forming on the shore below no they landed. It was a stirring Beene. At this instant, a band of the regiment struck up an enlivening air, and plunging my rowels into my steed, I whirled him round in the road, and went off on a gallop to overtake the General's staff. It was now ten o'clock, and so much time had been consumed that it became impossible to reach our destination before daybreak, and consequently all certainty of a surprise was over. A hasty council was therefore called on horseback to deter mine whether to retreat or not. A few minutes decided. All were unanimous to proceed at every peril. "Gentlemen," said Washington, after they had severally spoken, "then we all agree; the attack shall take placo—General," he continued, turning to Sullivrtn,"yorir brigade shall march by the river road, while I will take that by Pennington—let us arrive as near eight o'clock as possible. But do not pauce when you reach the outposts—drive them in before their ranks can form, and pursue them to the very centre of the town. I shrill be there to take them in the flank—the rest we must leave to the God of battles. And now, gentlemen, to our posts." In five minutes we were in mo tion.. The eagerness of the troops to come up to the one; Ty, was never more conspicuous than on the morning of that eventful day. We had scarcely lost sight of Sullivan's detachment across the in tervening fields, before the long threatening storm burst over us. The night was intensely cold, the tiled and rain rattled incessantly upon the Men's knapsacks; and the wind shrieked, howled and roarded among the old pills trees with terrific via lance. At times the snow fell perpendicularly downwards—then it beat horisohtidly into our faces with furious impettiosity; and again it was whirled wildly on high, eddying round and round, sweeping away on the whistling tempest far down in the gloom. The trent') of the men—the low orders of the officers—the occasional rattle of a musket, were almost lost in the shrill voice of the gale, or the deep, sullen roar of the forest. Even these sound sat lengtlt ceased, and we continued tu march in profound silence, increasing as we drew near the outposts of the enemy. The redoubled violence of Cie gale, though it added to the suffer ings of our brava continentals, was even hailed with joy, as it decreased the chances of our discov ery, and made us ones more hope for a Succeasful surprise. Nor were those sufferings light. Through that dreadful night nothing but the lofty patriotism of freemen could have sustained them. Half clothed, many without shoes, whole companies without blankets, they yet pressed heavily on against the storm, though drenched to the skin, shivering at every blast, and too often marking their footsteps with blood. Old as I am, tho re collection is still vivid in my mind. God forbid that such suffering should ever have to be endured . . • The dawn at last came; but the storm still raged. The trees were borne down with the sleet, and the slush was ankle deep in the roads. The fields that we passed were covered with wet spongy snow, and the half buried bonne locked bleak and deso late in the uncertain morning light. , It has been my lot to witness but few such foreboding scenes. At this instant a messenger dashed furiously up to announce that the outposts of the British woro be ing driven in: "Forward--forward!" cried Washington him self, galloping up the head of the columns, "push on, my brave follows—ox." The men started like hunters et the cry of the pack, as the General's voice, seconded by a hasty fire from the riflemen in the van, and forgetting everything but the foe, marched rapidly in silent eagerness towards the sound of the conflict. As they emerged from the woods the scene burst upon them. The town lay a short distance ahead, just dis cernable through the twilight, and seemed buried iti repose: The streets were wholly deeerted, and ae yet the alarm had not reached the main body of the ene my. A single horseman was Roan however, fleet ing a moment through the mist—he was lost be hind a clump of trees, and then re-appeared dash ing wildly down the main street of the village. I had no doubt but that he was a messenger from the out-posts for a reinforcement, and if suffered to rally once we knew all hope was gone. To the forces he left, wo now turned our attention. The first charge of oar gallant continentials bad driven the outposts in like the shock of an avalanche. Just aroused from sleep, and taken completely by surprise, they did not at first pretend to make a stand, but retreated rapidly in disorder, befdrb Our vanguard. A few moments had sufficid to recall theic reeling faculties; and perceiving the insighifi , cant force opposed to them, they halted, rallied, poured in a heavy fire, and Bien advanced cheering to the onset. But this moment our main body emerged (rem the wood, and when my eye first fell upon the Hessian grenadier., they were beginning again to stagger. , On—on—inish oh,—continentials—" shout ed the officer in command. The men with admirable discipline still foecbore their shouts, and steadily pressed on against the now flying outposts. In another instant the Hes liana were in full retreat upon the town. "By Heaven:" ejaculated on aid-dc-camp at my side, as a rolling fire of musketry was all at once heard at the distance of half a mile across the village, " there goes Sullivan's brigade—the day is our own." Charge that artillery from a detachment from thC eastern regiment," shouted the General, as the battery of the enemy was seen a little to the right. , The men levelled their bayonets, marched stead ily up to the mouth of the cannon, and before the attillery could bring their peicea to bear, carried them with a cheer. Just then the surprised enemy were seen endeavoring to form in the main street ahead, and the rapidly increasing fire on th , e side of Sullivan, told that the day in that quarter was fiercely maintained. A few moments of indocision would ruin all. " Press ori--press on there," emitted the Corn• inatider-in-chief—" charge them before they can form—follow me." The effect was electric. Gal lant as they had been before, our brave troops now seemed to be carried away with perfect enthusiasm. 'rhe men burst into a cheer at the sight of their Commander's daring, and dashing into the temin carried every thing before them. . . . The half formed Hessians opened a destilieri fire, fell in before our impetuOus attack, wavered, broke, and in five minutes wore flying pell-mell through tho town, while our troops, with admirable I• discipline still Maintaining their ranks, pressed steadily Up lire street, driving the foe before them. They had scarcely gone a hundred yards before the banners of Sullivan's brigade were seen floating through the mists ahead—a cheer buret from our men, it, was answered back from our approaching Comrades, and perceiving themselves hemmed in on all sides, the whole regiment we had routed laid down their arms. , The instant victory was ours, and the foe, having surrendered, every unmanly exultation had disappeared from the countenances of our troupe. The fortune of war had turned against their foe, it was not the part of bravo men to add Moult to misfortune. We were on the point of dismounting when an aid-decamp wheeled round the corner of the street ahead, and checking hie foaming charger at the side of Washington, exclaimed breathlessly, "A. detachment has escaped—they are in full retreat on the Princeton road." Quick as thought the Commander-in-chief flung himself into the saddle again, and looking hastily around the troop of officers, singled me out. " Lieutenant Archer, you know the roads. Cul -1 l --- snot C, will march his regiment around and prevent the enemy's retreat. You will take them I . by the shortest route." Vllacrain ZZycr)Q I bowed in humble subniiissien tothee - addle bow, and perceiving the Colonel was come distance ahead, went like an arroit down the street to join him. It was but the work of an instant to wheel the men into a neighboring avenu;, and before five minutes the muskets of the retreating fotcould be seen through the intervening trees. I had chosen . a cross path, which, making as it were the longest side of a triangle, entered the Princeton road a little distance above the town, and would enable; us to cut off the enemy's retreat. The struggle to obtain the desired point, where the two roads intersected was shortliut fli;ree. Wo had already advanced, and although the enemy pressed en with migernesi of despair, our ;tenant felliiivs Were on their part animated with the enthusiasm of conscious victory. As We were cheered by finding ourselves ahead, a bold, quick push enabled tie to reach it some sec: ends before the foe, and rapidly facing about aS we wheeled into the road, wo summoned them . the discomfited enemy to surrender. In half an . hOUr I reported myself at head quarters' as the aide-do early to Colonel -, to announce our success. The exultation of our countrymen on learning the victory atT:TCnion, no pen can picture. Giro universal‘ shout of victory rolled from Massachu setts to GeUrgin; and we were hailod every where as the saviours of our country. The droOping spirits of the colonies were re-animated by the news, the hopes for a successful termination of the contest once more aroused , and the enemy, para lyzed by the .blow, retreated in disorder toward Princeton and New Brunswick. Years haye pass: ed since then, but I shall never forgot the hale cO.' rmauxoN. "Fnahion makes fools of men And women too." Yes, and babes end children, and every thhig nice. Fas:tion is everything—int] nothing. There is neither reason nor common rinse, ceinfort nor convenience about it. One season she will pad women up till they lok like hogsheads, and the next squeeze theM up till ihey may be compared to a corn stalk—deck their heed at one time with a bonnet nearly the size MJ a wiird4rlill; and at an other with c:m hardly big enough for a monse's nest—dress men one yedt with coat skirts as nar row as possible, end the next fasten on them skirts wide eriough for an overceat--gives them tall hats one season and short rho next—broad brims give place to narrow ones, end bell-crowns ,to peaked— and allows the lads to go a courting before they are old enough to be fairly free front their Mother'S apron strings. Fashion is fashion, and will be, and mon and women must folloW the fashion, let them be ever so ridiculous. We would give not a little to see a woman full•rigged of 1620, 'SO, and 31— with Whooped dress, large elee : :res, stiffners, and the big bonnet with all hir hair done up in forth. We wonder that some Yankee girl, who has preserved a full set of gear, don't start out and exhibit her self in fashion. It would be a grand speculation, rind we doubt not excite moro attention titan en elephant, and draw crowded hotises, and yet that fashion was nut more unbecoming than the Pres'ent. Factory 6'irls' darlund. A Pcmsmt Sormrin.—The Paris Journal dea Debate states that a woman lately died at Ghent, named Marie Schellynck, who had been enrolled as a soldier in a regiment of the line. She was pres , ant at twelve battles, received six Jaiiim: pen, and was made Prisoner in Italy. At ig.le fats: , sago of the bridge of Arcola she was wounded by a shot in thb thigh. Though her scx was known, it did not prevent her being made ati under lleuten ' ant by Napoleon. At the battlb of Lena she was decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honor, land received a pension of 700 franes—on that oc canton the Emperor addressed her in the following words— , Receive from my. hands the cross of the brave, which you have so nobly deserved." Then turning towards the officers, "Salute this bravo lady," said he, " she is a glory to the Empire."-- The Philanthropic Society of Ghent, in honor of tho memory of Marie Schellynck, hatrenrolled her as an honorary member of that Society. A rer.rrincr. Heat.—The driver of a atago coach from Bridgewater to Abington, Masa., tells the remarkable fact that he recently convoyed tart ladies at a time in his coach, neither of whom had a bandbox 'I A T.sita. Sruar.—lt is stated in the Madison Banner, on the most credible authority," that a person in Franklin county, Tennessee, while dig ging a well, a few weeks since, found a humeri skeleton, at tho depth of fifty feet; which measures eighteen feet in length. The immense frets was entire with an unimportant exception in one of the extremeties. It has been visited by several of the paincipal members of the medical faculty in Nash , villa, end pronounced unequivocally, by all, then skeleton of a huge nian. PLe.actia or Goon Acne4s.—After we have practiced good actions fur awhile, they become easy; and when they ore easy we begirt to take pleasure in them; and when they please us, we do them frequently; and,by frequency of acts, a thing grows into habit, and, confirmed, is a kind of sec mut nature; and ao far as a thing in natural, so far it is necessary, and we can hardly do otherwise— nay, we do it many times when we do not think of taking down the CCIlStla of a densely pop ulated neighborhood," as the fellow void when he swallowed the ekippery cheese. iff