91:Pak:So c7:3 ca)vaxrcauslll. Uttntingqini, Oct. I, I 845. aj. V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act as Agent for this patier, to procure subscription. and advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti more a..d Boston- • CVPICES: • Philadelphia—Nurbliet 59 Pine street. Baltimore-9; E. corner of Baltimore and Cal vert streets. New York—Number 160 Naseau etreet. Boston—Num* 16 !kite street: TIKE MARKETS: [oOiIRECTRD' ifEEILLY.] . Philadelphia, Sept. 17. Wu6ATFLouS , per bbl. - - - $4 50 Itric MEAL, , . dO. - - 3 25 CORN do. do. WitzAT,ptimeVebna. per bush. - - 94 RYE do. - - 62 'Conti, yellow, do. - - - so OATS, do. - - :2 . Baltimore, Sept. 17. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 37i WHEAT, per btiali CORN, yellow, do. ltym„ do, OATS - - - 62 *336015 - , "Here the girls aiui here the tbi~ow Always cait.theit earliest glance, And, with sniileleaktece considet If they, too, Woictitana a cha'nce To make son* ateVer yellow novnLi In bliss, and Ofteii trinsae." MARRIED—By tile Itev. 1. S. Lei, On Thuvi• day the 25th ult., Mil WIIVAM HAZZARD, to Mies ELIZA BOWERS both, of this borough. osrrvaa*. aicoi From DEATH no age nor no condition save, As goes the froemah, so departs the slave, The chieftain's palace and'the peasaht's bodrer, Alilv are ravished by his haughty power. DIED—In Warrioremark township, on the 5tH ult., ANDREW ROBESON, aged 83 years. On the 25th ult., in Antes township, Mre. SA- RAH BUYER, aged 77 years eleven months and thirteen days. ..Thou art gone to the grave; and its mansion for salting Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt linger'd long; But the sun-shine of Heaven bemired bright on thy waking, And the song which thou haunt was the sera phim's song. Thou art gone to the grave,—but 'twero *rong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy gliardinh, thy guide; tie gave thee, He took thee, and soon *ill restore thee, Whereeath no sting, since ihe Saviour hath died. Calvin Blythe. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NWILL practice in the several Courts ot VW the City and Cotinty of Philadel- Phia. His office i 9 at No. 5 . 5. Smith P oti writ St.; between Chesndt and Walnut streets. Philadeldhia; Oct. 1, 1845. Auditor's The undersigned', Auditor appointed by'the Orphan§ .COurt of the county of Huntingdon', to apportion the asset§ in the bands ot Satnuel,Caldwell J acob Admin strator) of the E4tate of Cutler, late of Antes township in Said; county, dec'd, hereby gives notice to, all persons Interested, that he will attend to the du ties ot his Said aptiOintnient, at ,the Reg ister's office of said county; on Friday, the Slat day of October, next, at o'clock P JOHN REED, Auditor. October 1,1845-4 t. Anditors's Notice. The undersigned; Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to apportion and distribirte the meta in the hands . of John Love, Administrator of ihe Estate .of Asaph Fagan, Jr., late. of Barree itiwnslitP ,in said county, dec'd, hereby giiei ilo tice to all persons inter hated that he will attend to the duties of his slid appobitmeht, at the Register's effice County, on Saturday the Ist day of Ndvembee next, at 2 c'cluck r. JOHN REED, Auditor: October 1, 1g45-4t. Notice to Ckditor.e. . *Mice is hereby given to all perions Weretted, that the actoilnts of James CoAnti• ttuitee of Joseph ,Kettip, Esq. Jefeniiali Cunningham; Esq:, under tiolutitary assi,ghriietsta, have been fi led in the of fi ce, ,or tho „Prothonotary of the Court or Cumnion Pleas df the county of Huntingdon' ' and that laid accdunts will be allowed by the said Cotirt, at, a Clink of Common Pleas to be held at at, in -and for said county; on the gecohd Monday of Novembef next, Unleis cause be shown why said accounts Should not be nllovied. , JAMES STEEL Prot'y. " Hollidaysburg Register" will please insert tdl Court and charge Assignee. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sinking Valley. NOTICE is hereby given that application was made in writing at August term last past, to the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, by a Committe ap pointed by the members of said Lutheran Church, praying fur a Charter of Incorpo ration for said Church; therefore all per. suns Interested are hereby notified that if no sufficient reason is shown to the con• trary, the said Court will at their next regular term of said Court ; to wit: on the Second Monday of November next grant said Charter of incorporation, agreeably to the prayer of said applicants. JAMES STEEL, Prot'y. „Prothonotary's Office, Hun- • ttngtlon, October 1,1845-3 t. 3 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC 'SALE. l,`;, ILL be again offered at public sale "/ on Saturday, the Ist of November next, on the premises, that well known tract of land situate in Porter township, Hunting don county, Pa., nn the waters of the little Juniata River, known as the Property of Israel Cryder, deceased, bounded' by lands of Conrad Bucher, Geo. Hyle, dec d, and others, containing about THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FillE ACRES of first rate land, about 220 acres of which are cleared. The improvements are a large and commodious two Story dwelling house, and a II - U . good stohe barn of a large size: Also, a Wagon shed and other out buildings. The Proyiej.plse contains two large or chards of fruit trees, and a first 9 • rate.cider Mill, and several springs of-pxcellent liipestone water. There is also erected on the same iii•oilerty a Woolen Factory or Fulling Mill,. with all the, .necessary :implements, which said Factory, together. with about 25 acres of land adjoining, the same, will be sold separate from the other property, and the balance will he sold to suit purchasers. The terms will be made known on the day of the sale •by the undersigned, residing un said property. , • . DANIEL chtDER, • 3 Ex'rs . GEORGE S. CRYDER, . Oct. 1, 1845: Estate of andreibesina; late of Warriormark townshift„ . Huntingdon county deceased. lOTICE is hereby given, that petters' testamentary on the last will and tes tament of said deceased have beeb granted M the subscribers. All persons therefore indebted to the estate ofsaid deceased, are requested anvngcaunstopresenttheriau thenticated for settlement, to JACOB VANTRI4 Esq., /E . e r i, DAVID ROBESON, Esq., 5 Oct: 1,1845. Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of Administration having this J day been granted to the undersigned, on the estate 9f John Omen, late of Clay TownsliiP, in the cOunty of HuntingdoO de ceased, all per Sons having claims against said estate are requested to present theta, duly authenticated, for settlement; and all per sons indebted will please make payment without delay, to ANDREW SHORE, Adm'r. 0 TICE. graHE subscriber would hereby inform the 44 public, that he has p urchased the fol lowing property, sold at Sheriff's sale, Sep tember 27, 1845, as the property of Christian Weaver, viz : _ 9 head of sheep ; 8 Hogs ; 10 Plgs, 1 man's saddle; 10 acre cif grain in the ground; 3 acres of buck Wheat; 1 copper kettle; 1 grindstone i lot 'of clover-seed; 1 spring calf; 1 lot of boards; 1 iron kettle; 1 bee nap. The undersigned has left the above arti cles in the possession of Christian Weaver, until he sees proper to take them away, and would therefore caution all persiins from meddling with the smile. JOHN WEAVER: Hopewell Township, Oct. 1, 1845. We recommend to all our friends visit ing the city to call at the Pekin Company's Store, and lay in a supply of th'eti• deli. cious Teas. THE PEKIN TEA COMPANY, No. SO SOUTH SECOND STREPT, Between Market am) Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and Retail, A VARiETT OR' TRESH TEAS, AT LOWER PRICES, /teelin:ling to the quality, than they can be bougilt for at any other establishment in the city. O TitAs, exclusively, are sold at this house, and several varieties which can not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas which do not give entire satisfaction can be returnbd.atiii exchanged, or the money will be refunded. , The citizens of Huntingdon tininty are respectfully irlviteAl to give WI a Bail, G. t 3. ZEIBER, Agent for the. Pekin 'lea Company: October 1,1845.—1 y. READY-MADE CLOTHING ESTAD LISHMENT, No. 292 MARKET Street, Pleiladdihia THE subscriber has now on hand one of the most extensive and beautiful as sortments of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever ()tiered for sale in the Philadelphia market. , The Garments are all cut in the most ilishikiroble manner, and for work manship and quality of material cahnot be surpassed. ...._COME ONE COME ALL M. TitA cern OLD PIONEER LINE, 292 Market street; where you wilt be sure of getting great bargains, as he is determin ed not to bg, undersold by any of his ceMpetitors. He buys and ielli altogether for CASH, consequentl y he can sell great er bargains thati th6sevilko buy on credit: M. TRACY; October 1,1845.-3 m. x 92 Market at. PUBLIC BALE: In pursuance of ttie last will an , ' testament of John Stewart, Sen., late of Jackson tp., dec'd. there will be exposed to sale, on the premises, on day o f Friday the 3d day of October next, a tract, piece; or parcel,of land, situate ,on the Laurel Run, in said township, iontam ing 161 .A.CIRIBEI, mere or less, about half limestone and half mountain land, about 80 acres of which is cleared, with a two story LOG HOUSE and a log barn. [unfinished j thereon erect ed—late the estate of said deceasrd. TERMS: Twenty-five hundred dollars of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the balance in one year, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. - . . JOHN Si EWART, Ex'r. September 17; 1845-3 t. FARM FOR.. SALE. L L be offered at public sale tin - Tuesday 4th of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on the premises, A TRACT OF LAND, containing about One Hundred 4cres, situ ated in Tell township, Huntingdon county, On the road leading from Concord to Shade Gap. The improvements are a two-story LOG HOUSE, LOG BAIRN, and other necessary out buildings, with a Spring of never-failing Water convenient to the door. The land is Patented, and of a good tjuality. A portion of it is excel lent Meadow Land. The prethises will be shown to any one .dis posed to pUrchase by William Orr, Esq., living near said farm. . • . The conditions of sale Will be made know ti and an iddiiputable title given,, by. •, WILLIAM McCLELLAII. Strasburg, Sept. 24, 1845. Orphans' Conn ante; By virtue of an order, of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon Count', there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, On Saturday, the 29 of Oct9ber n 611., at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a certain Mes suage and House and Lot of ground, situate in the town of Smithfield, in Walker town ship, numbered 1 in the plan of said town, bounded on the south-west by the turnpike road, adjoining lot of Catharine Elchelber ger, or. the south, and Martin Flenner on the north, containing about one acre and a quar ter, with a two story log dwelling house and kitchen, is shop, and a stable andshed thereon erected, late the estate of Peter Huff Sen., of said village, dec'd. TERMS OF SALE :•;--.One halt of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue within one year thereafter, with, interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Crit. Attendance will be given by the under signed, • PETER I - lOFFM AN, Adm'r. ,aj For any information inquire of David Att4b for the estate. September 24, 1845. . Orpbsiurs Court Bale. BY Virtue of an older of the Orphan's Court of Hnntinndon county there will be expotied to sale by public vendee or outcry, on the premises, on Saturday the ter day of November next, at 1 o'clock in the af ternoon, a certain niessuage, plantation, and tract of land, situate in Tell township, Hun tingdon county, hounded oh the north east by land of John French; on the east by land of Geo. Frenth, on the south east by /and of William Muiser • oil the south iveSe,by land now owned by William Harper; and on the north west by land of Robert Blair, contain;- ing about 300 Atltis, there or less, : about fifty acre' of which are cleared and .cUltiva ted, with a log dwelling house ,and Other improvements thereon erected—late,. the estate of Michael Trexler of Springfield tp. deceased. _ • TERMS OF SA LE .-One thitd of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, one third within one yepr , there after, with interest, and the remaining third to be paid at nr immediately after the death of Elizabeth Trexler, widow of said Intes tate,—the interest of this residue or third part, to be paid to the said widow annually and regularly during her natural life, by the poichaser—the whole to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the pu rch ner,_ By the Co-urt JOHN` REED, Cl'k Attendance will be given, by the under signed Trustee appointed by the Court to make sale. . _ JOH GOOSHOBN. a*For any information inquire of David Blair Att'y for the estate. September 24, 1845. Orphan's Court .Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphari ; S CoUtt of Huntingdon 'county, there will be exposed to sale or public vendue or outcry, on the premises, opt Friday the Slot day of October, next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a ceriain niessnage, plantation and tract of land, situate itt Springfield toWnship, Hun tingdon county, bounded by I ands of Geo. Taylor„_on. the_ east, Mr. Crerher on the north, Eliiiia S. Green on the West, and Wm. Taylor oh the south, Containing 138 acres, more ot less with the improvements; late the estate of Jacob Baket, Sr.; late of said Township, deed: TERMS OF SALE.= One Bait die Pht chase money to be paid on the confirmation of sale, and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the Purchaser. By the Court- JOHN REED, Cl'k. . . . , .... —. Attindance will be given by the under signed. JACOB BAKER Adm , r JOHN BAKER ' Per any information enquire of David Blatr,^Att'y for the estate. September 24, 1845. aUDiTOII , B .iOTICE. The undersigned, appointed by the Or phan'S court of Huntingdon County to dis tribute monies hi the hands of William Reed Esq., AdMinistrator of the Estate of Fovnwalt, late .of Morris township, de ceased, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in said distribution, that he will attend for that purpose, at his house in the Borough of Alexandria, on Saturday , the Ist day of November next at 1 o'clock P. M. , JOHN PORTER; Auditor. Sept. 24, 1845-4 t _ - Protection against Loss by Fire, • THE Cumberland Valley Mutual Protec• tion Company, incorporated by the Legisla ture, and rapidly elltendlng its benefits, of fer greater inducements on account of cheap ness of insurance and certainty of payment in case of Lod .than any other Company or mode of insurance known, except those in corporated on the same principle. The terms and privileges of members can be known by calling on George Taylor, residing in Huntingdon, the agent appointed by said Company for Huntingdon county: , • T. C. MILLER, Pres't. A. G, MIL LER,, White House, Sen. 24, 1a45. One Cent Rewards RAN away from the subscriber abotit the last of august, an indented servant girl; named Sarah Milli holland ,she is about eleven years old, has a sullen, Cotinten ance. She had on when she went away a new dirk calico dress, pink bonnet, light Monroe boots, and took with her some other clothing. All persons are hereby forbid harboring her as they will be prosecuted, should they be discovered: Any person re turning said Sarah, to the subscriber, on the Warm Spring Road, 3i miles from Hunting. don, shall receive the above reward but no charges will be paid. ELIZABETH HERGESHEIMER. Sept. 24, 1845-3 t: Orphans' Court Sale, It virtue°Pan order of the Orphans' tali Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 25th day of October next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, two certain Messuages, plantations and tracts of land adjoining MT:onnellstown, and the lands of Frederick Lissinger, Daniel Buckwater, the heirs of Eliza Swoope Wharton, Isaac Stouf fer, and others, containing 682 2-2 .11.oro . g• • lie the same more or less, about 200 acres of Which are cleared and in a high state of cultivatiort, with a IAVELLING'HOUSE and BARN on each tract. There is also a GRIST MILL and SAW MILL on one of the said tracts, ~ , Pell of the above estate 3s laid out into tour town lots in the village of town. . _ .... , . . . The aboi , z, property to be sold in whole or in parcels, to suit purchaiers. . , John SwoopP, the other heir, being ofage, will join in with the undersigned In making title to the above premises. • TerMs of sale will made known on the day of sale, by _Dr. WILLIAM SWOOPE, L Guardian of Henry W. Swoope. Hy order of the Court, .. JOHN REED, Cletk. September IT, 1845—ts: Orphans' Court Si k. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court the following described Real testate, Will be evposed atPublicSale,, on the prem. ides, late the residence of Barton Deforest, dec!d,, in Tod township rinfitingdon County, On Thursday the 30th day of October next, The one undivided half part of four adjoin ing tracts of I.4nd, one surveyed in the name of William Hooper—one in the name of James Millen—one in the name of John Miller—and one in the name of James Ran kin, containing Sixteen Hundred and S&Xen Acres, and Sixty; our Perches and allowance be the same more or less, adjoining lands of Jacob Barnet. David Long, the, heirs of John Taylor, and John Lowry and others there being thereon two small separate Im provements—and thereon erected a Log House two and a half stories isigh, partly finished— a cabin House—alarge Log Barn ; about sixty acres cleared—there is also two fine Apple orchards, and a fine Water Pow er for a Mill or other Machinery--and a vein of excellent Bituminous coal which his been opened and partially worked on the same. The Public Road leading from James Entrekin's to Springfield township, runs through the same. Terns of &le:LT° be one half Cash on the conflrination of the Sale, and the residue within one year thereafter, to be se cured by bonds and Mortgage of the pur chaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance given on day of sale, by , ISAAC TAYLOR, • • Adm'r of Barton Deforrest, dec'd. September 17,1845—t5. Estate of WILLIAM ELDER, — late of Hopewell township, deed. Notice is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration he bonh nor, upcn the said es tate have been granted to, the undersigned. All ipersons having claims demands against the same are requested .to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate vayment to DAVID SNARE. rldministrator. Huntingdon, Sept. 2, 1845. To the Voters of Huntingdon County, IVe take the liberty to .announce : to Sol that ADOLPHUS PATIVERSON, of this place, will be voted for by ninny of his fellow citizens,, for MEMBER. OF THE HOUSE O r REPRESENTA TIVES. He is a true Jeltersoftian Demo: crat, and an honest opponent of the divi sion of the County, and it elected will make a faithful representative. MANY VOTERS, Willitunsliui•g; Aug. 27, 1894. Executors' Notice. ••-- - • - Estate, of CONRAWFLECE, (late of Tyrone Twp., Huntingdon county dec'd.) VVOTICE is hereby given, that letters All testamentary upon the. last will of said dec'd haVe been granted to the undersigned. All persOns indebted to said estate are ire quested to make.imritediate payMent, and those having claims or dpinahtis against the same are requested td present them duly authenticated for settlement to .; DAVID FLECK, Jr../ r • JACOB FLECK, Jr. ''' re 21 " 8 e September 20,1845.--6 t. Administrators Notice. Este& gf. GEORGE RUDY, (late' of Jacksoritwp,,) Huntingdori county, deed. gap: ErrERS of adMinistration on the said QM estate have been ,granted to the Under signd. , All persons indebted to said ,estate are equested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will pre sent them properly authenticated forsettle ment without delay, to HENRY RUDY, Adm'r, Jach,ion tp., Sept 17, 1845-6 t. g. W. 3333N1M1C1T, , ATTORNEY AT LA 11/-Hutinironoli, Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main street, a few doors \Veit of the Court House. A. W. EL will attend to any bu siness entrusted to him in the several courts of Huntinkdon and adjoining coun ties. April 30, 1845.—tf. S. SiIWELL STEWART, .11220:21Illq ha° ILAITto BUNY Offico in Main street, thrqe dpors . vest of Mr. Buoy's JeWelty establishmeht. February 14,1843.--ti. A. K. CORNYN . ATtORNEY AT LAW—Huntingdon Pa. Office in Main street, two doors East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House. To School Directors. Packages for the several Boards of School Directors in the county have keen received at this office. By order of Commr's W. S. AFRICA, Cletk. Huntingdon Tuly 9, 1844. PUILADELPHIA WHOLES.ILE MOUSES. 'l'o COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE undersigned Merchants, Menu • factures, Importers and Wholesale Dealers of the City of Philadelphia, em brace the ihedium of the Newspaper Press of your section of country; to give you the streets and nembers of our several es• tablishments,, and eespeeitfully to invite you to an examiriatioti of Our Vali and Winter Btticks; Whith lire now full aftd complete,,„ . The superior excellence And giTai va riety of our own City Nlanufacterei, - in additiOh 'to full supplies Of Foreign and Domestic Goods of every . description, which Will be sold on terms and at prices Which cannot fail to prove satisfactory,. present the strongest iiiducements tbpur. chaseri. Importeri and Dealers hi Silk and Taniy Dry Goods, and Fine French and Brit- ish - Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings. Ashlturst Remingth, 80 Market-at. be low 3d. Importers and, ,Dealers in Staple„ and Fancy dry Goods, Also, British, French and American Phials, cassi- Vestings, and Tailors' Tritn mings. J. Godley, Spry, 4- Co., 84 Market-si. Importers of German Goods, and Par .ehafjers of all kinds of Shipping Furs. Win. Grime & Soirs, 60 S. Front, selow Chestnut st importerg and ktinufactures of Fancy Furs; and Fur Caps, and Purchasers of all.kitids of Shipping Furs. Sofia, Brolhcrs, 86 Arch st. between knit and 3d sts. Manufactures snd Dealers in Ready-Made Clothing of every grade. Michael Tracy, 292 Market st. Manufactu'ree of Shirts; Cbllare; and Bo- some. . • John Hodges, Sign of the Mammoth Shirt Collar, 110 North Second Street. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Do. mestic Hardware and Cutlery. Dilworth $• Branson, 59 Market st. . „ Welded WrOught Iron. Tubei for Lo.co motive, Marine and other Boiler Flues, and all steam purposes. Morris, Taslcer & Morris, Pascal Iron Works, Warehouse,' S. E. corner of Third and Walnut streets. Agency for the Sale of ,Sot t4rark Man- - ufac - turing Company's ,Superior Wri ting Papers. N. S. Lawrence, Agent, 3 Nlindr. street. Importers of Jewelry, Watches, rine Cutlery, Britannia, Plated and Silier Wares. • Dickson 4• Co., S. E. corner Market and , . Third streets. John C. Farr, 112 Chestnut street, J. 4. IV. L. !lard, 106 Chestnut street, opposite Sanderson's Franklin House. Manufactures of Silver Ware, and Deal. ers in Plated and Britannia Wares for liottehold use. R. 4• W. If lson. S. W. corner sth and Cherry Streets. . _ Manufaatureg of Britannia, Block Tin, and PeWie'r Ware. Also, Dealers in ltilated SpooPS, Cdtiery; &c. !tall, 4. Co.; iO4 North Third etreeti belOw Race., Manufacturer of Silver and Bras s Stair Rods and Cornice Poles'. Edward Jones, corner of George and Swanwick streets between Wtthitit and Chtstnut, trtest bt Shill]: , . Importer of Toys ; Fancy . andSta ple Goods, Beads, BrusheS and Perfumery. A. P. Ott Monrose, 16 South ,pourtli at., between Market and Chestnut. Importers :of Tots,. Fancy and Staple Goods, Perfumeries; Musical Instru ments, Glass, Earthenware, Chihiware. C. Arenfeldt & Co., 16 North i'ourth Street, between Market and Arch [up stairs.] . . , Importers or Paris and London Fancy Articles, .Brbsbes, Perfumery, Combs, Soaps, StatiOnery, and articles for Druggists`. Sales. . R. & G. A Thigh!, 23 South Fourth st. Importer and Manufacturer of Perfumery Cosmetics, Fancy Soape and Dealer in Fancy Goods. Jules liuuel, 46 South Third street; Chins,Queensware and Masi: _ . Edward Snowdon, 34 North Third strebt, opposite the City Hotel. Dentists and Manufactureri 'of Incorrup- tible Teeth ; Plate, Pii , ot, Miler and Guns Teeth; Gold and Tin Foil ; Gold, Platina, and B ilver,Plate & Wire. Ft ilkinson & Arinstning, 80 Arch street, above Fourth, sbtath side. Gold, Silver, anti Steel SPecta'cles, Math ematical thstimtnenti, Walking Canes, blicrocCpes and Spy Glasses. IllcSaister 4- Co., 48 Chestnut Street. Mano faCtnies of ,White Lead and other Paints, and ,e 1 Chemicals, &c., and Dealers in Druge, Medicines, Dye Stuns, Oils, &c. Int/anti & Brothei., 0 NOrth Front st. Importers. and Dealers is Drugs, Dye btutrs, Oils, Chemicals, Plate Glass, &c. and Agents for Pure White lead and Jersey Window Glass. Cailipbelt & Fretlc , N. W. corner of Tenth and Market streets, Importers and • Dealers in Drugs, Med icines, Dye Stull's, P a i n t s,Oils , 4-c. Haskell Mirrick &Co., 45 North Front st. Dr. D. Jayne, 8 South Third street, near Market street, Consulting. Physician,Druggist and Chem ist and Proprietor of Rowandis Im proved Tonic Mixture," .0c . Dr. John A. Rotonnd. grad. Univ.. Office and Drug Store, 29 North Second st. Manufacturers of Umbrellas, Parasols. Parasolettes, and Sun Shades. William A. Drown 8,6-Market.street-. Sleeper & Fenner, 126 Market at., south ;side, one door below FOurth street. -Domestic and Foreign Dry Contra. James M. Kennedy & Co.. 114 Market st. Fire and Thief-Proof Cheats. Refrigera tors, Water Coolers, Filters, Letter Copying Presses, eec. Oliver Evans, 15 Chesinilt street. Venetian Blind Manufachlrer. 8..1, Williams, 12. North ;Mitt' gtreet a tew doors aline Market. Manufacturera and Deafeis in Matiessmi t Bedding and Feathers. Finley 4. Co., S. E. corner of Second; and W alnut streets. Hartley & Knight, 148 S. Second, 5 doors above Spruce: Dealer in Col(Wan's ./Eolian Pianolortee. F. Perring, rps Cheitnnt it. S. E. cor ner of Eighth. Manufacturers of ComMcin and Fancy Soaps, Mould and Dip Candles, etc. Elijah & Cillies Dallett, 36 Market at. Importer ;of French Artificial Flowers, Feathers, Straw, Braid and Fanci Bonneta, eta ! , and Wontiet Prairies; Tips and Crowni. R. Barton, 50 Chestnut street. Manufactures of Sieves,Riddles, &men., and Wire Work inieneral. Needles 4. &son, 54 N. front st. lido + Arch. . Ilitles, Gil, and Leather. WM. Musser & Co., 263 Market street: Importer of Oranges, LeMoos, Figs, Prunes, Currants, AlMonds and .other Foreign Mts. . Daniel P. Bossier, 27 South itliar; , e4. Manufacturer of Fire Engines, of aft de scriptions, warranted in all respects. Joel Bates, 18 Drinker's Alley: Marble and Mahtigany Match:— John Eckstein & Co., Union Mills, Ridge Road—Warehouse 84 Dock street. ManUfacturer of Combs, Looking Classes and Brushes, and Importer of French and German Fancy (lends: Thomas Burch; Jr., 183 Market Street. Mar'infacturer and %Vholesale Dealer in all kinds of BrooMs, Brushes and Buckets, Cedar Ware, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, Blacking, Eastern niade, Wooden Ware, etc. Manly Roioe, 63 North Tiiird street, One door above Arch, east aide: Cheap Publication and Periddiall Esti& lisliment. G. B. Zeiber, & Co:, 8 Ledge,i• Minding; Third street, below Chesnut: Boots and Slides. Robert Palmer, 182 South SeCond street; 3 doors lit.tOw Union, west side: Manutachirers add Beaters in all tinily of Scales, Weights and Weighing Ms - Chines. Also, Burden's Patent iiiiroe Shoes. Gray & Brother, 34 fialniit Wyk, lie. low Second. September it,. 1345-4 t: ..isiis4(ii;s , a 011ie. ~ THE several Assessors within tbe. County of linntingdon will take, notice that b y the sth section of the act of 12th June, 1640, re lating to the elections of this Commonivealth, they are required, on Monday, the 6th day of October, to certify, sign and deliver, to the County Commissioners; a hit of the names and surnames of. the white freerato and qualified voters, residing within their respective townships—a copy of which list they are required to hold and hand Over without alteration or ,addition to one Of inspectors of the election •of their proper election district, on or before eight of the o'clock, in the morning, of the second Tues day of October Provided, that . where a township has been divided in forming tin election district ! or part of an electidit dii , trict, the assessor shall make init; certify, sign and deliver duplicate lists as aforesaid of the white freemen and qualified voters residing within each part of such divided township. By order of the CoainiiSsioners. W. S. APRICA, Sep: 17, 1845.-It. ,Briage IPJ•npbs. EALED Proposais„4 received bt PP.d the • Undersigned, Commissioners of Huntingdon County, at, the house of Mrs. Denlinger in Frankstown, on the 10th day of October, fur building ,two bridgeS, one atress the Frankstoivn branch of the Juni ata river, opposite, the dwelling hbuse of Henry Miller, in Frankstown towniship, and the other across the southern branch of the Janiata river, at I,he pjace.Where the great road leading from Hollidaysburg to the Loop, crosses said branch; at or near the farm of Daniel Brua; •in Frankstown and Blair townships. The plan and specifications can be seen on the day of letting, or at any time, in the possession o( Mr. Newry. Knox, at Newry. ALEXANDER KNOX, Jr., MORDECAI CHILCOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, , . Commissioners: September 17, 1845—St. is the Tune. Tha t eubscriber hereby notifies all persohs indebtr gd,to turn for subscription to the Huntingdon Jour nal, and for jobbing, advertising, &c., that he de eirta them to pay up as soon as the § find it con venient to themselves to do no, if Oct sooner. All who pay subscri p tions during or before the next November court will be charged but $ 2.00 a year —and those who delay beyond that time will be compelled to pay according to the terms of the pa per :82.50 a year. 'rhe undersigned published the Journal 3 years and 6 months, ending the let of July last, so that those who received the paper all the while, and paid nothing yet, are required to pay $7.60 if paid before the termination of the Novent b.erCourt, or $8,75 if delayed beyond that period, hkd those who have paid part will be charged the balance in the same proportion. September 10,1845 'THEO. H. CREMER LANK BONDS—Judgment and Corn mon—f, r sale at this office.