THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, "One country, one constitution, one destiny, UUQuaalltlEtzlEyalaD 111 9 Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1845 FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. - CAPT, SAMUEL D, KARNS, OF HAUPEIIN COVNTT. Whig and Antimasonic County Ticket. ASSEMBLY. HENRY BItEWSTEIt ROBT. A. McMURTRIE. PROTHONOTARY', JAMES STEEL. REGISTER & RECORBER, JOHN [MED. TREASURER, JOSEPH LAW: COMMISSIONER. WILLIAM BELL: CORONER. SAMUEL P. WALLACE. AUDITOR: SETH R. MeCUNE. Ate you assesssd ? If not, see to it at once, as you have hut a few days to do it in. Prompt attention will pre vent difficulty. We caution the people to be on their guard against the falsehoods that may be put in cir culation by the Locofocos on the eve of the election: Ve hare been informed that a prominent Locofoco of Jackson township has ordered ONE lIIINDREp copies if the Globe of next week for circulation in that township. Look out therefore, for falsehoods and FORGERIES Of all kinds. 0:11` The statement of Mr, Gough, the celebrated Temperance Lecturer, may be found on our cuter page. All should recollect that it is "hutnan to err, but God-like to forgive." We hope this eloquent gentleman may again take the field in behalf of the glorious principles of Temperance. ( . 0. We have been authorized by Mr. SA R, STEVENS to withdrew his bathe gm • candidate for the office of County Treasurer. ecr The Canonical consecration of the Rev. ALorozo POTTER, D. D., as Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, took place on Tuesday of last week, in Philadelphia. cj• ILL Schnener, Esq., has disposed of the .Gettysburg Star," to Mr. D.A. Buehler, by whin it will he hereafter conducted. Mr. B. is said to ho a gentleman of ability, a thorough Whig, and a practical printer. He is also a young man, and we earnestly wish him success la his undertaking. Give us your hand, brother Buehler. cO• The cat's paw of a Mr. James Bume. who publishes the Lewistown Democrat, pounced upon us in his last paper, with one of the low bred epithets which are in common Unl among Locofoco editor., because we asserted that Mr. Burns could write his name. We were so informed, but as the Democrat denies the charge, we cheerfully make the correction. oz We have been informed by a respectable gen tleman from Hollidaysburg, a member of the Native Association of that place, that at the time of the formation of said Association, the editors of the Standard and Register were requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting, and that they both re fused' This, too, by presses professing to be loon ! This new party has no press in this county, and we have only to say to them that, notwithstanding we are opposed to their organization, we will cheerfully publish their proceedings, at any time that they may desire us to do so. Our press is and shafibe FREE. THE Binea RESTORED TO Siorer.--Dsvin Gir.seirr, Professor of Surgery, in the Pennsylva nia Medical College, of Philadolphia, a few weeks since achieved a grand triumph in Ophthalmic'Sur gery•. Mrs. Entrekin, of Hopewell township, Hun tingdon county, aged 68 years, had been partially blind for years; one of her oyes was totally blind from Cataract, which by the skill of the oculist was restored to vision sufficient for all needful purposes. Very little pain was caused by the opperation. When the instrument was withdrawn from the Eye, instantly a variety of objects were distinctly observed. At present large print can be read with !witty. It is the first operation of the kind ever erformed successfully in Huntingdon county. The particulars of the above case were furnished us by Dr. H. Orlady who gave the after treatment. Vie have since been informed that Mr. Entri ken, the wealthy and generous husband of Mrs. Entreken, presented Professor D. Gilbert with the into of five hundred dollars, as a recompense for the incalculable benefit derived from the opera tion. • Z.- The Aqueduct below Jackstown was burn ed down on last Monday week; supposed to be the work of an incendiary. We hod thin information previous to our last paper going to press, but in the hurry of making up ow form neglected to insert it. We ore informed that arrangements are making to have a temporary construction up in the course of two'weeke, sufficient to pass boat.. We hope se. A Third face oa "Janus." Our readers : have all been made acquainted with the manner in which "Janus" acted towards his friends and neighbors last winter, when he went to Harrisburg as the opponent of the division of the county, and While there corresponded with oppo nyits of that 'measure in this place, inducing them to believe he was doing all he could in opposition thereto, When in truth, as was afterwards discover ed, he was tiling Whatever influence he poseessed in favor of the division!' This be has never denied since the discovery ha's heat made in such a way that the truth may be brought horne to him. It wee strongly suspected Wheii he was nomina ted, that he would have two ficisone for the friends of division, and another for the opponents. Ile has been traversing the county for about three weeks; and it Is now ascertained to 11 certainty that he has hot only the two facet above referred to, bat also another which has been furnished hint by the Globe, his mouth-piece. He can now cult himself to every class—yet he is very sly, and do one can see more than one of his faces at tho same time. To some he presents a face very favorable, as the people of Hollidaysburg and vicinity know—so very favorable indeed that it is said sonic of the Whigs will allow themselves to be bell-ed into his support in preference to Mr. M'Murtrie, one of the Whig nominees for the same office. To others he can present a face of opposition, as some of the people in this neighborhood and others can vouch. And to others ho can present a face of "perfect in differenee," which has of late been seen in various parts of the county. The latter face seems to take the best in some places and is thought to suit best to the constant notes of his organ—"stick to the ticket, TOE Nbubta: Tient?, AND NOTHING BUT THE TICKET!" and its sublime chorus— "THE REGULAR TICKET, no :MOOTED LOCAL QULATIONSt" The Standard men too, those sec ond fiddlers of the tri-fliced "Janus," seem to have gotten the ct.e, and hate teased their hostility to Mr. Brettster on account of his opposition to the "mooted local question," and now assail and op pose him bitterly solely on account of his LOCO FOCOISM I I! "Janus" already reels like a "whipped chicken" , -he knows he cannot be electbd td thb Legisla ture; but then, that imiT IN tONonses, he thinks, can be gained only by a GREAT DEMON STRATION; and hence this three faced end, and his tour to every nook and corner bfthe county; cc,- It is characteristic of the Locofoco leaders and editors in this couhty to pounce upon all strait gers who may locate among them. Whether this is a principle of modern democracy, or not, we will not say; but it is far different from the mariner in which we were taught to treat strangers. bur feeders know that we Pitched our tent here in the early part of August—that we purchased the Journal establishment with the intention of making this our permanent home. We avowed ourself a Whig, and promised to advocate Whig principles and support Whigs for offices here as we had done elsewhere on all occasions. llaving had consider able acqttaintance with the Locofoco party, as well so with the rules of .31731110 h decency and proprie ty, we expected to be treated in accordance with those rules by all parties; and while we did not look for any thing more than this, we anticipated nothing less. In this, however, we wore mistaken. The Locofoco editors, nithough ih the county but a little while longer than ourself, at once treated us as an interloper—as one *lnt had no right to know or say a word in relation to any matter or question i whatever; and upon this they harped week after work, until now, as if they considered their readers of such capacity as to be able to hold but one idea, and this one idea they seemed to think required constant hammering and clinching to make it stick in their noddles. Last week, however, they got it into their heads that their readers could compre hend another idea; and straightway they raised the cry that they, these honorable editors, had been most egregiously disappointed in the idea they had formed of us when we came among them. They had anticipated they say, an ' , honest and gentle manly opponent in politics." Indeed! then they had not anticipated us to follow their example. As they have started the new idea, we hope they will hammer and cilia& that Until they get tired of it-- but whatever they do, we hope they will never approve of our course in polities, for that would nulls us to death! a: A POOll, PITIATILE, warsitsu WFIELP has furnished the Standard with nearly a cclumn of sickly senseless "editorial" matter, headed "The Huntingdon Journal." The addle•paled writer of the Standard again sees "Gorgons, and Hydras, and Chimeras dire," when his mind's eye is turned towards Hunting don; for here he sees "an unscrupulousand irrespon sible clique;" and more than this, he sees us "ad. ministering weekly to its vitiated appetites." This, of course, he considers dishonest and ungentleman ly on our part. But the disordered state of his mind prevented the writer from discovering that the latter portion of his piece of nonsense chimes badly with the commencement, for before he gets through, his imagination metamorphoses us into an "automaton," a mere man of wood, in the hands of "a broken down partisan!" The friends or next of kin of the writer of the Standard editorials ought to petit!on the court for a writ de lunutico inquirendo, and get a committee appointed to take charge of his portion and the foundry! oi.The Locos of the Dauphin and Northum- berland senatorial district have two candidates for Senator in the field. The Conferees of Dauphin having nominated John M. Foster, Esq., and those of Northumberland, Wm. Dewart. Our friend■ of the Harrisburg Argue and Democratic Union are calling loudly upon the par ty to heal up their difficulties and prevent the Whigs from pining the ascendency in the Senate. Our opinion to that old Denny can beat the best man the locos can bring out, single handed, and we would therefore advise our Loco friends to keep both candidates in the field to suit both factions in their party, and in that way they will stand some chance of getting a plurality against the Vt hip in the district. We merely make the suggeation. Rally, Freemen, Rally! It is hoped that every Whig and Antimasonic voter in this noble county will rally to the polls on the second Tuesday of October, and vote theii whole ticket, from Canal Commissioner down to County Auditor. RemeMber that every vote cast for Capt. SAMUEL D. KARNS will he for reform on the public works and against excessive taxation ; while every vote cast for Jim. Bun. , will be against reform and for a continuance of the present corrupt management of the public improvements, and consequent heavy taxation. And every vote given to the "Native," will be thrown away! as the contest is now between the two old parties. The Locofocos have had the control of our railroads and canals Without interruption since 1888—they have beenme high-roads of rascality and sinks of corruption—an expense to the Commonwealth, and profitable to, no one except the officers on them. It is high time there should be a change—let it be gin now--Capt. Karns is a man "honest and caps; ble," as far above the Locofoco nominee in point of capacity as the Kentucky Giant is above Tom Thumb in stature: Rally to the polls and prevent LecofoconiM to force itself into the offices in this , county. They tell you it matters not whether a Whig or a Loco . - foes fills the offices of Prothonotary„ Register and Recorder, &c. or whether Whigs or rocofecoi rep resent the county in the Legislature. Beware of the wily enemy—trust not in their inshfrous taloa: They seek but to entrap you. If they mica get le. to those offices you will see them used for political purposes. Instead of strict and unbending impar tiality, you will discover partizan faveirittiain. Locotecoism will be warmed and nurtured to op pose, oppress and destroy you as a party in this county. Your candidates are men of known in tegrity, and undoubted qualifications for the able and faithful discharge of the duties of the offices for which they have respectfully been nominated. No one complains against them—why then turn them out? They are not office.seekers—they did not ask for the nominations; but having received them at the hands of your delegates, they are before you as your candidates; and duty as well as expediency dictates that you should stick to your ticket. Then GO TO THE POLLS, and vote for the Lest interests of your State and of your county; and teach your opponents once more that there is ohe enlightened spot in the interior of this great Commonwealth where the Whigs eland as firm as the Allegheny, and where Locofocoiern meets witk defeat in every conflict. Mr. Brewster—The Standisrd—The Globe. The knaves who control the Standard poke the following at the "automaton of the Huntingdon Journal." "How is its Has Brewster abandoned the Vl'higs, or have you abandoned the Whig nomi nee, M'Nfiutrte? You can't serve two masters!, Now when we look at this we are almost tempt ed to ask these reteran father. of the county wheth er "gulls" are plenty this year, and tvhether their "traps" catch any, That tile} , expect their readers i to believe that we don't go it straight for the whole W;iig ticket we cannot believe; and that theirky pocrisy is intended for another purpose we feel per fectly- satisfied; for if there is one thing in our course More plain than all others, it Is ohr Uniform, steady, and ardent support of the 1174 ticket, the 'WHOLE TICKET and NOTHING BUT THE TICKET! The question is asked with as much gravity as if the inquirer were serious —"Has Brewster aban doned the Whigs'!" and solemn echo answers-- "Now don't hear, presumptuous!' It is very evi dent that these follows and .their masters" are greatly troubled to see Mr. Brewster nominated by a portion of their own party, joined by about the same number of Whigs, who cannot be kept in their respective party traces tvheti they consider themselves required to pull against self-interest. For this they borrow the name of 'Janus" to be stow upon Mr. Brewster, thinking that thereby t:tcy can make come of their readers believe that ho can put on two faces on the division question. Thus they attetnpt to deceive their readers, for it will be borne in mind that these editors and their "masters" are fully aware that Mr. Brewster is an anti-division Whig on the Whig ticket, and an anti-division Whig on tho anti-division ticket—he, unlike their "Janus," has but 071 C face—anti-divi sion all the time. "Oh, but," says the Globe, "the Whigs in the true character of that tritho/y amol galion that elected Harrison in 1840, present men of discordant prineiplei,--aed to the upper end they say support Mr. M'Murtrie because he is a consist ent member of their party, and the avowed adv. rate of division; while to the lower end they say go it dead for Henry Brewster, the traitor, because he is opposed to the division." Thus the Globe, no doubt unawares, establishes what we have contend ed for, namely, that the Whigs as a party, have nothing to do with the division question--that it is not one of the principles for which they contend-- and that one of their candidates is for and the other against the measure. These hypocritical editors were silly ehoUgh to pretend at ono time that they thought Mr. Brews ter ought to decline the nomination at the hands of the Whig party—at another time they really thought that Mr. M'Murtrie Would decline his nomination—and then again they feigned that they thought it the duty as well as the policy of Mr. Brewster, though an anti-division man, to insult the anti-division men by declining hie nomination at their hands. But the Standard wants to know whether we have abandoned Mr. M'Murtrie. We refer the .'presumptuous" slaves and their masters to the ticket at the head of this paper, and to all our edito- rial articles on the eubjsct from week to week, for our answer. These Blares tell us, boastingly, we can't serve two masters! We know toe cannot— nor can we acre, one. But therm boasting doves CAN serve two mestere, or more, end they DO SERVE THEM! And now, having answered your "presumptu ous" inquiries in all candor, veteran fathers, will you have the goodness to inform us in the name public manner, whether Alexander Gwin, Enquire, attorney at law, is for or against the division of the county, that question which above all others seems to perplex you; and whether the said Mr. Uwin hod abandoned the ' , democrats" when he went with the" Workingmen's party" against the ''Law yar Ticket" and "Lawyer influence of Hunting don," or whether the' , democrats" abandoned him. Also, whether he is for or against the Tariff—Dis tribution—the sale of the Public Woika, &e. NOTICE.--The 14th Election district named in the Sheriff's proclamatien is composed of ..Old" Springfield township, and includes, now, both Clay and Springfield townships, of which the citizens of said townships are requested to take notice. (CrThe Pittsburg "Morning Ariel" has been discontinued. It was an ably cOnducted little pa per. We hope friend Ton. will get afloat again. Great Whig Meeting. The lA'higs of the City and ~County of Phila delphia assembled in Town Meeting, on Tuesday night last, at the Indian Polo, Fourth street. The meeting is spoken of by the papers as having been immense. Addresses wore delivered by Josiah Randall, Esq., Joseph It. Chandler, and E. Joy Morris, and others, and the following spirit-stirring preamble and resolutions were passed. We be speak for them a careful reading. Whereas, The fate of, every free government in the past is to be ascribed to the criminal apathy of its hottest well-wishers, to the love that will not la bour and the devotion that is expressed by a sigh for its danger without an effort for its support; and whereas, th 6 signs of the times are pregnant of evils to our country, fearful, perhaps fatal in their char acter, and it is the moral and solemn duty of every good men to exercise his political rights with an intelligent vigilance and a resolute lidelity.--There fore-- , . . Resolved, That we invoke every hire Whig, by his recollection of the past and his hopes of the fit ture, by all that he owes to his country and his race, to truth and to right, to come forth and do his ditty all his duty, in the coming contest. Resolver!, That he, who. ha's Once, iif eitiueeily and faith, sustained the Whig principles, can nAv er cease to be a Whig•; that those principles have been cherished by the just and mighty Of tha land, from Washington to Clay; that (heir odftesS has bC'en sunlight to our country; and that, evori iii {he night of their eclipse, their existence hoe give 4 life and reflected light to the land; that at this inotherSt our Republic has no hope that does riot rest upon them—and that, believing this, to abandori them is to abandon our country. Resolved. That we will never ahrindon that cause; that the Whig principles arc broad as our country, and bright as her destiny ; that they were twin born with American Freedom, were rocked in the same cradle, will share the same glory, or rest in the same grave. That till truth itself can change, they will be immutable; and 80 Will toe. To the latest, the Whig creed shall be cherished in our hearts, and the Whig banner shall float above us. Resolved, That we believe the present to be a struggle not for party triumph alone, but for party existence; that there can be but two great parties in the country, and, be the other what it may, the Whig party shall be one of them; that the Whigs ate a majority of the people; that fidelity, organi zation and effort are alone required to secure Bot tom; and that, to such fidelity, organization and effort, do the Whigs of the Third District, one and all, pledge themselves. Resolved, That we entreat those of the Whigs who have been led oft by other issues, to the sup port of a local, short-lived and fragmentary faction, to return to the party whose principles and organi sation are co-e *pith ybo. wrilaaa steed embraces the whole • constitution and the whole country—covers and protects all classes, sects and interests, and secured to us, entire and spotless, the heritage of, our fathers. Resolved, That the success of a third party— were such success pbasible—must be local, and therefore barren of results; that even if national, it would leave every issue for which the Whig. have contended, to chance or to rein I that the eye of that party is fixed upoh a single measure among thousands, a single thread in the tissue of a nation's policy, a grain of sand upon the shore of a conti nent—while the grand principles and measures for which the patriots of the land have so long strug gled, are left disregarded, undefined and unprotected —to the accidents of faction and the passions of power. Resofretl, That the preseht administration has realized cohr worst fears of Loco Foco domination; that the Whig party in power maintained, by hon orable councils, an honorable peace with all nation., and that Loco Focoism has clouded our horizon with rising ware, and turned the resources of the nation from domestic improvetnent to foreign ag gression ; that the Whigs, by the Whig Todd, res• cued the land from wide-spread ruin and poverty, and that Loco Focoism has officially decreed the repeal of the Tariff; that the Whigs, by their every principle and measure, restrained executive power, encouraged official purity and economy, ad• vanred and protected domestic industry, and, more than all, cherished and kept bright the chain of our I national union; hut, tinder Loco kocoism, the wave of executive usurpation has swept beyond its utmost former mark, official corruption has swelled to bursting, and the Union, by a wanton disregard of the conciliatory spirit of the Constitution, has been corroded with the rust of deeper and darker animosities than the patriot ever before lamented.— That with interests and duties so Illgh and holy be tela it, the Whig party will not be turned aside from its cares, by any petty or momentary issue, hat will stand fast—the same now an when the mighty arm of WASHINGTON leaned upon it for support. Resolved, That the Whig party Is Acrixt the parent, champion and hope of the Whig Tariff; that the defeat of the one is the downfall of the other; and that ho who votes against the Whig ticket, votes against the Tariff--against the pros , perity that brightens our whole land--against the interests that maintain--the comforts that cheet— the bread that feeds his own family. That we in voke those who, in the meleee enjoyment of the fruits of Whig policy, think not of the danger that impends over them, to remember the gloomy period which preceded the TaritT—when the mechanic and manufacturer begged for leave to toil, and then de termine if he can vote for those who would, by the repeal of the Tariff, raise from its grave the free trade police and its melancholy train of conse quences. Resolved, That the Whig Conference have pre sewed for the support of the people, candidates of whom all parties are proud—men, who in point of merit and qualification, have few equals and no su perior.; that with such candidates, our success will be a double triumph--one, in which our opponents themselves will secretly rejoice. Resolved, That not only are our principles and interests as patriots sod Whigs, but our heart's are in the cause ; that we know we can triumph, if we will ; and that we hereby pledge ourselves to do our duty -•—our whole duty—••on the second Tues day of October. oc). The . 7 tirtterri6ed Democracy" of Clarion held a meeting the other week, which ended in a etorni. One of their number was rode out of the Court Howie " eittin' on a rail!" Good ! [ar nua,zer.] Extract of a letter to a gentleman in Huntingdon, from Adolphus Patterson,.one of the anti-divi sion candidates for Aisembly. "It may be said that I am in favor of a division provided the boundary lines composing the new county were so made as to produce a hope that Williamsburg might become the county seat. I must admit that I felt favorable to a division for some time previous to last winter, from causes of that kind, but at the same time I was then, and always have been opposed, upon general principles, to the division of counties. Some of the bad effects of division are to be found in the fact of an increased rate of taxation, which is certain to follow; and also an accumula tion of litigation, while the benefits are extended but to a few to the injury of the many. I am decidedly opposed to any division of Hun tingdon county, and think my course last winter in Harrisburg is sufficient to confirm it. Respectfully Yours, Sept. 29, 1845. A. PATTERSON. Rot/ the ioaetetioil Talk. It is sometimes wise to take advice even froth an enemy. And we copy the following article from the Democratic Union at Harrisbtill, to show our Whig friends how their opponents manage thatte.ite. From the Harrisburg Union. off our principles are to be sustained, atia the great MCOSUrCIi of the party to be conauthmated, the first duty of every Democrat is to give his cor dial support to the neerisn NOMINATIONS of the party. Vote the ticket, Without erasing or chart. ging a single name, and yob will have the setisfac non of knowing ybu Kaye done your duty. It should be remembered that it is not the men for whom we vote, but his and Our own principles that he represents. Tlie Suppbit of regular nomina tion. in an old practice with us and has given the democracy victory ih many severe contests. It is essential to our organitatlori—'o our success—and to break the rule bag ever been considered disorga nization. Would it be less so now ? The support of regular nominations Is a part of the democratic creed, and safe and salutary in practice : then let Sll our nominations be sustained by the entire strength Of the party." CO" tAiSII.II M. CLAY ii deteratined to contin ue the publication of hie True American. He has pablislied a reply to el letter from a committee of hie friends in Cincinnati, in which, in bold and airring language, he heaps invective upon those 4hO nrcke ifp his estalnslitnent, and proclaims his unfaltering determination to continue to fight for the abolition of Slavery in his native State. We copy tl;e concluding paragraphs of his reply:— ~ "With regard to thn . Preas, *mild briefly re mark, that my banner, "God and Liberty," will never be sthick: , --- ihoegb;;VerpoweiCd by numbers, I have the same uncon4uerabio wilt and defiant spirit as though the day had pot gone against me. It is for those who fight for the wrong, to despper in defeat shall ;Yet tfirongh mortification," as my enemies would have it. I trust.l shall yel f live to see those who, on the )4tft of. August, 1845, rose in arms, overpoWered the ei‘4laUtliorities and (War threw the constitutional liberties of the State, and established on its ruins an irresponbie despotism, hurled from their usurped places 9f fancied secuti ty, and Kentucky yel made free , If, however, this be a Vain hope, skill I will not repine, for I should feel pretuler to have fallen with. her honor, than to have ingleriouusly iiiUtophed with my enemies over the grave of the liberties of my country. With gratitude o r frie ndand b and adm o i admiration', e n; , , am yut germi U. Al. 6/..41.- ARRIVAL ov Ma. EVETIITT.—The Ron. Ed: ward Everett, with his family, arrived in this yesterday, in the steamer Britannia, from Liverpool. After an absence of four years from his country, during which time he has represented our nation at the Court of Great Britain, Mr. Everett has re turned to his home. At the highest foreign Court helms discharged the important functions of his diplomatic station with great assiduity, discretion, and ability—and it may be said, with the utmost truth that in the I;fe of distinguished men who have successively represented these United States at the British Court, none have served their Coun try more faithfully, discharged all their duties more diligently, or borne themselves with more honor and ability than Mr. Everett. We cordially wel come him, on his return to his country and his friends.—Doston Atlas. The Reading (Pa.) Journal of Saturday nays:— Yesterday, as the passenger cars front Philadelphia were coming up the Road, when opposite Conse hocken, the train was thrown off the regular track by an open switch, and came in collision with am oral coal cars on the side track.—A Young man named William Sharp, engaged in one of the shops of the Reading Depot, Who, With another, Was standing on the platform of the cars at the time, was crushed by the collision, and instantly killed. The other, whose name we did not learn, was se riously injured. The remains of Mr. Sharp were brought to this borough with the train. He was a worthy, and exemplary young man, and has left a wife to mourn his loss. It is said the switch was turned by some one residing in the vicinity of the disaster. Carelessness of this kind should be se , verely punished. STRICT CoNstnecTi os.--Soine genius has been construing the now Post Office Law in a way that Would rejoice the heart of a Virginia Abstraction ist. The law says that single letters may be con veyed," for any distance under three hundred miles, five cents; and for any distance over three hun dred miles, ten cents." Those letters that are sent a distance neither over nor under, but just three hundred miles, of course go free! So that every one who lives just 300 miles from any other body, has the franking privilege ! I We learn from the Hagerstown News, that a respectable white man, by the name of Merchant, was murdered in NVashington county, on the sth ult,, by one of a gang of colored men. (c7 - The compahy organized fot the purpeibe of extending the Magnetic Telegraph between the Eastern Cities and the Valley of the Mississippi, is styled 'The Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Tele graph Company.'—Henry H. Sclden, Esq., of Al bany, has been recently elected President; Henry O'Kelley, Secretary; and George Damon, Treasur er. The Telegraph will be extended to Harris burg by the lat of December. Mr. Clay returned home from the White Sul phur Springs, a few weeks since, in fine health and spirits. Arrival of the Britannia. TWELVE DAYS. LATER-FROM EUROPE. The Britannia arrived at Boston on Friday at 11 o'clock. By this arrival we have both London and Liver pool mere to the 4th Met. The weather, which has for some time been stormy, and which it was feared would greatly in jure the growing crops and retard the harvest, bed suddenly changed for the better, and there was a fair prospect of abundance. Every interest was feeling the advantage of restored confidence. The state of trade was in moat respects satisfac tory. The demand for all the leading staple., whether Sugar, Coffee, Wool or Cotton, was cc steady as to indicate a healthy consumption, and the supplies were sufficient to check any exorbitant advance. For money there win no particular inquiry, and it appears that the banks have a good deal of cur plus cash at their disposal. The Bank of England has bad its private deposits lessened by upwards of a million sterling, arising from the Accountant General's withdrawal; and the circulation and bul lion of this establishment have also been slightly re duced. There is a complete famine in Poland, so that no supplies of Wheat can he expected from that quer- • ter. Prom Germany we learn that the religious dis ferbances at Leipaic have not been renewed, and that the popular irritation has been allayed by the proMpt compliance with the request of the eitiiens regard to a commission of inquiry. A Paris letter of August 15th says—" Rumors are daily acquiring ctihsistency of fears entertained of Queer' Vletoria'e sanity:" The ti4s fibs! Ireland ii not important.—The Ulster *tali are protvdedwith announcements respecting the general organi zation of the Orange Society, and especially in reference to the demon stration that took ,placo in Lisburil, Criunty Town, on Wednesday, the 20th Ultimo. Tanntric Wpinutyinn, 7 -There line bean a terrific whirlwind on the continent. Its effect in Holland was alinost as severely fElt, as in France.--. At Rouen, however it seems to have expended its greatest violence. In that city three axterisive than= ufactories were destroyed by the whirlwind, , while all the hands were at worli . ; not , less then 00 per none of all ages perished in the ruins, and 10 went thereby wounded. Heavy Robbery, Mr. E. C. Davidson, of Marion, Ohio, had hie pocket-book, containing about 7,000, cal from his vest pocket, at the Holliday -street Theatre, in Bar timore, on the night of the 12th ultimo. Mr. D. id a drover, and had recently sold a drove of cattle in; Lancaster and the adjoining counties. He arrived in Baltimbre thet evening, and was to start in the care for the west hext Morning, and did not think it worth while tb seeirre his money in hank or else where. He did not miss the pocket book until he was ',beat to retire to rest. A reward of ►5500, is offerea for its recovery. Riots in Philadelphia. there has been again a aerie. of riots among the firemen at Philadelphia', and aevera I fights have ta ken place between rival cOrtiaanies, in which many persons store severely injured, and a good deal of fire aiii3iirneue Destroyed. A riuMber of the rioter. have been arrested, and bills found against theca ; and at the last account, quiet had been reitored. for - Fr- All OF THE STEAMER BANGOR ST FIRE.—We are indebted to a gentleman of thin city, who aril , ved leaf night in the Care from the East, for the folloWing particulars of the burning of the new iron steamer Bangor. The Bangor left Boston or'. statirditS , afternoon for the Penobscot, with 43 pas.: angers, as'i freiert 4alued at 20,000. On Sunday ahem' 4 o'clock P. A 7 f., she took fire in a bulk head, near the boiler, ail the dimei spreading with grind rapidity, she was eon itaiMie at Islettboro', on the East end of Long Wand, 6b*Filt - 7 miles below Cae: tine. The pristiengets acid crew ell got safely on shore, and the gMatei pert of the baggage war saved. All the freight and consumable parts of the boat were treatrayed. ft ie attriricieed that there was no insurance, either on the boat oF freight. Lieut. Foss, of the revenue cutter Veto, wed lying at Castine, immediately rkoceeded with the' cutter to the assistance of the Dangoi, and brought' the passengers back to Castine.—/foiton Atlas. FEAnrci, Estrruaysitc.—Theni *se an earth quake in the early part of the eumkner, in the proi , ' ince of Horan, in China, which demolished about 10,000 houses, killing upwards of 4,000 people!, The IJon. Wre. C. I'REBTON, of South Cafolinti; at the last ad vices, was lying dangerously ill of con': geative fever, a t Abington, Va. There is a peat deal of distressing fever pre vailing in Virginia, this fall, particularly on the upper Potomac, and in Bedford, Campbell, Char_ lotto and Halifax counties. In Bedford, particular ly, the disease has been dreadfully fatal. Stephen B. Foster and Abby Kelly, the anti slavery lecturers, were married in Ohio on the 18th of last month. The subscription. to the stock of the New Yorit . and Erie Railtoad, are steady increasing in amount and is now stated that over $2,000,000 have been taken. At the present rate of progress, the whole amount will soon be subscribed for. rry.The ashes of Daniel Boone and wife, which sometime elhce were brought from Mi./loud, at the request of the town of Frankfort, were re-interred in the new cemetery near that town on Saturday week. An immense concourse of people, number ing, it is mid, ten thousand, were in attendance to witness and assist in the mremoniesand pageantry of the occasion. The funeral oration was delivered by the Hon. John J. Crittenden. T' rho Rev. Mr. Samaras., pastor of the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, of Baltimore, died un Mon• day before last. This is the second pastor thst Church has lost in the past year. Mr. Gildea, the former pastor, died a few months ago. TREASURE FOUND.—The Boston TM ' vellor relates, on the authority of a pri vate letter from Canton, that a Spanish schooner of about 100 tons, the Quarts roon, of Manilla4which stood on a fishing excursion on the shoals of the China seas, has found a large amount of treasure on the West Loudon shoal. The Captain states that he observed an anchor arid chain, which he traced till he found a wreck, when he sent down divers who brought up large quantities of a metal which they called lead, but which he knew to be Svcee silver. In this way about 8175,000 in these ingots of silver was re covered.