Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 01, 1845, Image 1

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Et 'mill? 9,einopaper—Debotett to ogettetat ntefifgence, abbertiolititaiolitiets, literature, fiXoralitg, Otrto, Seienati, finricUiture, autuoetutut, &c.,
"QTacoll. S:Vca).
The "Jounnat." Will be published every Wed
ziesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 60.
No subscription received for a shorterl3eriod than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearagcs are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three timea for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till crdcred out, and charged ac
Dealers in Country Produce,
(Next door to the Red Lion Hotel,)
OUNTRY Merchants and others pur
'' chasing Groceries, are invited to call
and examine our new and extensive stock,
where they will find every article in the
Grocery line, at SMALL ADVANCES
Being anew house, we are determined
not to be undersold by any other establish
ment in the city. . .
ir7ComiTny PRODUCA will be taien in
payment for Gil' series, and sold to the best
possible advantage, free of charge.
Aug. 27, 1845—.2m
II arches, .Jeivelry
• THE subscribers offer an assortment of '
Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of
their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks,
Tea setts and every article of Silver work
of their own manu/acture. Also watch
chains, Seals and keys ' Fine Gold Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard
chains,Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta
cles, Pncils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ;
together with a general assortment of La
dies,jewelry, , Plated castors, Cake Baskets,
Candle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans,
Brittania ware in setts and single pieces;
Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pins,
Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., for sale at
the lowest Cash prices.—Watches Repaired.
J. Lc W. L. WARD.
No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, August 5, 1845
Farm For Sate s ,
CABE subscriber will offer at public sale
on the premises, on Saturday, the 11th
of October next, that valuable tract of land
with the improvements, situate in West
township, about three quarters cf a mile
above Mr. John Neff's Mill, on the little
Juniata river, containing One Hundred and
Fifty. five Acres, with the usual allowance,
having thereon erected a' large ,two story
log and weather-boarded Farm House, well
finished, a bank barn; and other necessary
out buildings. There is an excellent spring
of water across the road fro 6 the house,
and a good well at the door. .
The land is of the best quality, ,well wa
tered and well improved,,and is within
miles of the Juniata Canal.
From discoveries recently made, it is sup.-
:posed that there is a valuable bed of Ittor
ORE on the above premises.
Any perion wishing to procure a desirable
situation will please call on Mr. Benjamin
,Brubaker, who will show the property,
make known terms, &c.
Sept. 2, 1842-pd.
Carpetings, Floor (sloths, &c.,
At the" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Street,
would call the attention of persons
` / in yant of Ne.v Carpet, 4cc. to the
fact of oty; being enabled to sell goods at
very low prices, because, in our present lo
cation, ore
ur pt and other expenses are very
light ; and offer for this season an excel
lent assortment:et
, Uarpetings, •
Beautiful Imperial, ingrain, and Venetian of
every variety Also, ,
Floor Oil Cloths,
From 2 to 24 feet wide, cutto fit rooms, halls,
3cc. , and Hearth Rugs,'Fable Covers, Floor
Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, Bcc., wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prices.
A supply of low priced carpets, from
31 to 50 cents. Per yard, always on hand. ,
No 41, Strawberry street, one door above
Chesnut st. near Second st. Phila'd.
Sept. 10, 1845.
A Card.
Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturers of Copal
Varnish; also, sole Agents fur the Franklin
Window Glgas Works.
AVIN (; been long engaged in the man
ufactme of.Copal Varnish, as well as
other kinds, w,e are now prepared to offer to
purchasers an article which so quality can
not be surpassed in the. Union.
Aloe, receiting weekly, from the above
Celebrated *Mks, Window Glass of every
Constantly on hand, a fu'l assortment of
White Lead tit the. most approved brands;
together with a large stock of Drugs, Med
icine., Paints; Oils, Indigo, Dye Stuffs, Col
ors; Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal; Cam
els' Hair Pencils, Paint Brushes, Pallet
tnives, &C., comprising every article in this
All which will he sold at the lowest possi
ble prices,
No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood.
Sept. 10, 1845.
I:II2°UOS'34I:22:I&2CiEI.LMC6 B I:Peia. 9 CIDCM:PCDU.IUI la„ au3casf).
liiiedware! Hardware!!
,eorgepgelsby.) (It. F. Kelk,
It. F. 'MILKER & CO.,
ESPECTFU'LLY offer to the citizens
gab . of Huntingdon, and all the country
roundabout—a large and general assortment
of :
Nails, - White Lead, Oils, Paints, Window
Glass 7 by 9 to 24 by 36, Varnishes, Building
Materials, Bar, Round Hoop and Sheet Iron;
Cast,Slmr,Blister and Spring Steel; An
vills, Vices, Smith Bellows, iron and Brass
Wire, Spelter, Sheet Zinc, Copper, Block
Tin and Bar Lead• Eliptic Steel ,Spi logs,
Saddelry, Coach, /Aces . and 'frimmings;
Moss, Curled Hail. and Hair Seating, Hog
skins and Patent Leather; Lamps of the
most approved kind for burning either Sperm
Oil or Lard ; Sieves for Flour, ,Grain and
Coal; Wire Screen for Windmills;
chine Cards, Mahogany Planks, lloarrls,
Veneers, and Carvings. Also—
- ,
Lead Py r e,
of every size weight and calibre. But few
persons in the community sufficiently appre
ciate the value of Lead Pipe, in conducting
water from springs at a distance to their
dwellings—a convenience unknown but to
those who 'possess it. Any information res
pecting the wile will be.cheerfully given.
We offer the above and all other articles
in our line, on the most reasonable terms, and
hope that when you come. to Harrisburg,
you may give us a call before purchasing
elsewhere, as we arc determined to sell as
low as any other house in town.
N. ll:Country Merchants will be supplied
at a very small advance above city prices.
--Aug, 27.1845.—tf.
CD3 AI. Ul 2
Rio/1w; rerrioveu from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon. would inform the community
that he designs to continue the practice of
medicine, and w ill be thankful for their pat
ronage. . Residence and office formerly oc
env!: ti e ci e n n , q
11. Haeing successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cancers,
(tor which vouchers can he had if required)
he feels confident of success in the most ob
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
Huntigdon, April 23, .1845,
"Circulate the Documents."
itlTNTiwcii.)(yrir aoussil AL.
IT is a fact admitted by every one, that
been a faithful and efficient aid to the Whig
and Antimasonic cause in Huntingdon coun,
ty. Relieving that its influence and useful
ness may be made still greater, we issue this
short Prospectus for the purpose of increas
ing and extending its circulation to that end.
The paper will continue as heretofore to
advocate Whig principles with whatever
ability we may, and with the assist
ance of correspondents in the county and I
abroad ; and'whether success or defeat shall I I
follow our efforta, we shall be the last man
to fly from our standard, or ,abate in ardor ,
for, the glorious cause in which we have en-
I gaged. During this campaign, (and we
trust all others) we shall go—heart and pen,
hand and vote—tor the regular Whig and
Anti:masonic ticket, the whole ticket, and
nothing but the ticket, and urge all others
to do likewise..
Although politics shall form a prominent
feature,of our paper, it shall not be the only
one. Its columns shall from time to time,
and at all tittles', be well stored with inter
esting and useful information to the Farmer,
the Mechanic, the Manufacturer, the Mer
chant, and to all classes of business men in
We believe it will be acknowledged that
the paper has improved in appearance and
in quantity of matter since it has been under
our control. We promise to improve it still
farther if we get sufficient help in the way
of new subscribers, to warrant the under
We hope our friends will be active in ob
taining new subscribers—our circulation
should and must be increased. Every Whig
and Antimason in the county ought to have
his county paper; and if here and there one
is found too puor, another who is able ought
to procure it for him, Anti it would not by
any means hurt our Locofoco friends to sub
set ibe and regularly read our paper. There
is now no postage on papers sent within
thirty miles of the place of publication,
which is a saving of 52 cents a year to each
subscriber •
To the ardent and patriotic young Whigs
of Huntingdon county we would appeal at
this time to aid us in extending the circula
tion of our paper, To this class now , be
longs the duty of .bearing aloft the Whig
banner. On them the country relies for its
redemption from the grasp of Locofocoism.
Come up, then, fellow young men, and aid
and sustain us in our determinatiOn to
fence of the men and the principles of the
great Whig party.
The terms of the paper are the same as
heretofore : $2 00 if paid within the first
six months—s 2 60 it not paid until the
end of the year.
HUNTINGDON September 8, 1845.
Estate of JO/Li" TE 111
late of Jackson township, Huntingdon coun
ty deceased.i
OTICE is hereby given, that Letters
"1 testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscriber. All persons therefore
indebted to the estate of said deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
Jackson tp. , Aug. 1:3, 184.5.
POZTR, I 2 -. .
charm the languid hours of solitude
He oft invites her to the Muse's lore."
Thoughts Suggested . dining the list
days of Summer.
Et Nag. H. W. oncosts:To.
Thou'rt passing, glorious Summer!
Thou'rt bidding earth farewell!
Thy last breath floateth on the plain,
And on the flowery dell.
We hear thy parting echo,
In zephyrs murmuring low,
In whispers of thy folded leaves,
And fountain's gentle flow.
We see thy bright hues fading
From off the crimsoned West,
Front rosy skies at morning's hour,
And earth's broad glowing breast
Oh. Summer! vast the changes
Thy varied hours have brought;
Alike mid beauty and decay,
Thy pathway has been wrought,
Thy ckies have all been sunshine.
• Thy landscapes on• of bloom;
Then cold dark clouds have floated on,
And rcbcd the scene in gloom.
Bright hopes end fondly cherished
Have dawned.upon our way;
Then we have mc.rked a blighting breath,
And seen them fede away.
And some, Oh! glorimis Summer,
Who greeted thee with song,
Whose smiles were sunlight in their homes,
And in the festal throng—
Have faded in their morning,
E'er thy bright skies grew dim;
Have tuned in life's sweet op'ning Innr,
Their spirit's parting hymn.
Of mingled grief and gladness,
Summer, thy hours have been;
Tinged both with sunlight and with shady.,
Hath been each chequered scene.
E'en thus through all life's pathway,
Varied the skies must be;
Sometimes illumed with light and hope,
Than dark with misery.
For strength to drink the goblet,
To drain the bitterest drop,
That lurks beneath the sparkling huo
Whose colors tinge the cup,—
For strength to meet our portion,
Alike of good or ill,
With trusting spirits still,—
For this in faith and patience,
On Summer's fleeting day,
This boon from an Almighty hand,
With humble hearts we pray.
From the Temperance Record Extra.
Confession of Sohn B. Gough.
BOSTON, Saturday, 4 o'clock, P. M.
We hasten to lay before our numerous readers
the confession of John B. Gough, ntado at Rox
bury before a committee of the Washingtonians..
Mr. Gough appeared before the committee at the
hour appointed. His appesiance was much as
heretofore, with the exception of a fallen and sof
wiled expression of countenance, which became
him on so peculiar an occasion. Having been re
quested to ',peak,. he gave utterance to the follow-
:ng confession, which was pronounced in a firm
and manly, but modest. tone: ~
Beloved Brethern—To. me this occasion seems
as eitraortline.ry—it is so different from , what I,
and you too, had any reason to expect, a few days
ago—that you must bear with me if my manner
and matter also should appear'tather confused.
ludeed (said the speaker, much affected and lean
ing against the wall,) I am not well!
[No language could convey to the reader an idea
of the tone in which these last words were, uttered,
nor of the thrilling effect that they had upon his
I say nor wee L—l speak not of physical illness,
bUt his here—Oh! my God! it is hero—(he laid
hie hand upon his heart) who shall say what a day
may bring forth? Ah! dearly have I learned to ap
preciate the sacred injunction of the invincible
Paul—' , Let him that thinkoth he stsndeth, take
heed lest he fall!" I have, indeed, preached to
others, and have myself become it castaway! If
man never forgives me—for I have no right to ex
pect forgiveness from man—l, in my present low
estate do still hear a voice from Culvery. I hear
those blessed tones of mercy—"My grace is suffi
cient for thee:" (Hero the eloquent speaker cov
ered his face with his hands and burst into a flood
of tem.)
• Who says that my disgrace is a disgrace to the
glorious cause pf temperance? Who say. that my
unworthy apoetacy—no, no, I will not tise that
word, Who soya that my temptation and my
weakness entail dishonor upon the great camp of
which I have.hcen so . unWeithy . en advocate Let
ouch, if any there be, compare the lose and the gain.
Let them call up the hosts of redeemed men and
women; let them summon the wires and children
who, in every town, by the sea-side and by the
woods, in city and country, bless God every morn
ing that they rise, and every evening that they
lie down, for the glorious pledge—that pledge
which snatched a father and a husband from the
arms of ruin—that drove back the rushing wave
from their dwellings—that raised the fallen man
from the miry pit, and placed his feet upon a rock.
Would they compare my single fault with all
this redemption? Who looks at the sun to ace one
',pot spots his di,e, and then swears there is no day-
light becauee that glorious orb contains a few oh
actuations upon its surface!
Nay, what is my own cue in connecticn with
the great temperance cause! What is a fly upon
the mill wheel? What is a drop in the ocean?
Have I, indeed, given evidence of my sincerity?
Oh, let those who think so--if accustomed to the
intoxicating cup—let them try but for one year--
for one month--or for one week, to conquc: the in
extinguishable thirst that consumes their being—
they will learn how much sincerity is required to
abstain, for a short time; from the seductive bowl!
Beloved Brethern! I could not say lass, but I
must proceed with my narrative. You are already
aware—and thanks to the intemperate editors, the
public are pretty generally aware, of the situation
in which I was found. It is necesacry that I give
a detailed account of the facts. I could well wish
to be spared this duty; but, like the Spartan boy,
,•. must nerve myself to endure, though the fire eat
into my heart.
In the city of New York there is a little ediEce,
at the cornet tf Centre and neat.% streets, of unique
construction, being made up principally of gee
lights. Hem I repaired to,get a glass of soda wa
ter with a friend who hod invited me, whose name
it is unnecessary to mention, as I believe he was
guiltless of any evil intention. The soda was
drawn for me; but the man had no syrup in his
shop, and used Lucina Cordial as a substitute.
Such was the peculiar effect of this cordial upon
me, that I lost the use of my reasoning faculties to
a great degree; my old appetite for ardent spirits
revived in me as if some infernal demon had been
permitted to lash the unresisting helm of my judge
ment—thrown away the compass—and then let
loose all the winds of heaven upon my pilotless
bark. As I walked down Centre Street, I telt the
most intense desire for women and wine. As I
passed the taverns and bar-rooms, I could scarcely
resist the inclination to rush in and satisfy my cra
ving appetite.
In passing Lothian's corner I met a young wo
.nen, an acquaintance of some years' standing, who
was tying her shoe. Being dark, I accidentally
touched her elbow in passing. She then recog
nized me and called me by name; 1 stopped, and
after a moment's conversation, she requested me to
call with her and we a fallen sister, whom she was
desirous of rescuing from the abyss of ruin.
Asia is a part ;army mission to redeem the lost,
And to mien th 3 fallen, I gladly consented, although
mysell standing on the very precipice that overhung
the vortex. I entered with her, a house , inyalker
street, where I found an elderly,ledy and, the sister
of my female companion.. After a tediouq conver
sation, a feeling hardly to ;re described in Words,
came over me—the burning, raging appetite for
!ignore. The little which was found in the house
only added to the flame.. I gave money to a young
woman, and procured more, and here my memory
fails. What happened afterwards, I can no more
tell than the maniac who struggles with hie chain
in the asylum fur maniacs. From that moment
all is chaos, • •
My example, mere than words, Lids .him that
atandeth, take hoed lest ho fall."
I hope to be again in the field. I hope to stand
before the public with all my wounds and bruises
upon me—a monument of the deeds of rum—a
monument of the mercy of God! I hope to do more
then I have over yet done—to wrest the sceptre
from King Alcohol, and trample in the dust the
mighty foe from which I am delivered.
PATRICK Hinvar.--Some very interesting rem
iniscences of this great orator arc given in Howe's
Historical Cellecticris of Virginia, a work recently
published, and likely ,to be of a good. deal of in
terest not only to the people of the Cld Dominion,
but to. the citizens of other States. In this work
occute this, p assage, stating Henry's opinion on an
important point of our Constitution ,
" Ho wag opposed to the adoption of, the Federal
Constitution because :he thought it gave too much
power to the General Government;. and in conver
sation with the father of a lato venerable, Senator
from Prince Edward he rsmazkod with emphasis
"The president of the United States will always
come in et the head of a party. He will be sup
ported in all his acts by a party.
,YoU do not now
think much of the patronage of .the President; but
the day is coining when it will be tremendous, and
from this power the country may sooner or later
The following anecdote is, given concerning ene
of his most important legal arguments
In the British debt case, of which Wirt gives a
full account, Mr. Henry made great preparation.—
He shut himself in his office for three days, during
which he did not see his family , his food being
handed by a servant through rho office door., The
Countess of Huntington, then its this country, was
among the euditors, and remarked, after hearing
the arguments cf the several speakers, 'that if
every ono of them had spoken in Westminister
Hall, they wbuld have been honored with a peer
age.' This case, says Wirt, was discussed with so
much learning, argument, and eloquence as to have
placed the bar of Virginia, in the estimation of the
Federal judges, or the report. of the day may be
accreddited,) above all others in the United States.
Mr. Henry on this occasion had a diamond ring on
his finger, and while he was speaking the Countess
exclaimed to the judge, (Iredell) who had never
before heard him, "rho diamond is blazing !'
Gracious God,' replied he,' he is an orator indeed.
In this cause he injured his voicejo that it never
recovered its original power.'
From the Washington Bro.
How He. Won Her
We hope the moral of the following sketch will
be productive of Much good.. Young men who are
ambitious of success in the matrimonial line, should
study well the grand swot. Our friend who fur.
niched the oketch srye ho sees no reason why it
should not he true.
A young lady of eccentric character, but of rare
mental endowments and extraordinary personal at-
tractions, had five suitors equally assiduous in their
attentions. Unable to decide upon which she would
bestow her hand, she gave them notice to call upon
her at a certain hour on a stated day, end each state
his claims in the ,presence of the others. At the
appointed time the lovers arrived. Four of them
were confident of auccess, but the fifth had a down.
cast look and sighed when he gazed upon the ob
ject of his devotion. ,
"Gentlemen," said she, "you have honored rns
with proposals of marriage. I have as yet, neither
refused nor accepted any one of. you. I now do
sire that each of you will state your claims to my
hand, in order that I may know upon what grounds
i may be justified in bestowing it."
A ansvverd ao follows—" If you marry me you
shall live in a splendid house, have servants and
carriages at your command, and enjoy all the luxu
ries of fashionable life. lam rich."
B spoke next—. My rival has said very truly
that he is rich, and he offers you a etrong induce
ment; but lam of noble descant. My grandfather
was a duke, and although not wealthy, I am of a
family with whom an alliance would bo thought an
honor by tha wealthiest heirass in the land." ..
V stated, his claims thus—. I am a politLian,
and have now a reputation that older persona have
envied. Next year I shall run for Congress, and I
have no doubt of success. By marrying me, your
name will be banded down to posterity."
I) twisted his mustache, witik.en,
.air of an ex
quisite, and said—" Angelic creature!—'Pon ray
soul I think you have already made up your mind
in ray favor. You know how &tunably I'm admi
red. Who is the moat fashionable dresser in town 1
Who rides the finest horses? Who frequents the
moat fashionable places? Who to a better judge
of the opera? Rumor says I) but 'pon honor
I'm too modest to insist on it."
When it came to E's time to speak there was a
pause. All eyes were turned towards him. Pool
follow! he was dreadfully embarras.d.
" Well," said the beauty, "what say you,
Mr. E."
" Mao!" was the reply, " I yield to the gentle
! men. They have the advantage of me in every
respect.. And he took up his hat to leave.
Stop," said the lady, "make your statement,
no. matter how humble may be your claims."
I am p001.".
.. Go on."
I am not of noble family"—
" Go on, sir."
am unknown to the world"—
" No matter—proceed."
0 I have neither the taste nor the means to dress
fashionably. I work for my livelihood. It is hard
ly possible that I can mako you happy, for I can
offer you nono cf tho inducements held out by my
I am to judge of that sir, what next I"
"Nothing, only I lovo you, and take a news.
At this Messrs, A B C and D burst out into a
loud laugh, and exclaimed in one voice—so do we!
—I love you to distraction !—I take fcur papers!
ha! ha! ha!" • • • ,
„ Silence,,'. sold the lady. "In one month you
shall have my answer. .You may all withdraw."
At the end of the month the five suitors again
appeared. Turning to each in succession the lady
thus answered
„ Riches Are not productive of happiness."—
" Boasted nobility of blood is the poorest of all
lecommendations." I'amo is fleeting." And "he
that has but the garb of a gentlemen is to be pitied."
o I have taken the trouble to find out the, names of
the newspapers to which you all subscribe, and I
have ascertained that noneof you, who have boast
ed o f wealth, nobility, fame or fashion, hare paid
the proder ! . Now,., gentlemen, this is dishonest.
I cannot think of marrying a man who could be
guilty of a dishonest act. I have learned that Mr.
E. not only subscribes for a paper, but pays the
printers ! Therefore, I say, 1w is the man. I
give him my hand with the full conviction that ho
is ono who is every way calculated to make me
Need we extend our narrative The disap
pointed gentlemen disappeared quite suddenly;
and the lucky suitor was united to the object of
his devotion; and, in a few years, by his honesty
and industry, became, not only a distinguished, but
a wealthy man, and was esteemed by all who knew
hint. Young men, hepaid the printer ! Is there
no moral in this
, •
A "Deer•" Junoa.—ln the Nisi Priva Court at
Bridgewater, lately, a juror appeared in the wit
nesa•box, and claimed exemption on the ground, of I
deafness. Mr. Baron Platt, in a very subdued tone
of voice, interrogated the deaf 'un—.How long '
have you been deaf!' inquired the Judge. The
juror unhesitatingly answered, 'Two years.' rhe
Judge, in a much less audible tone, 'How was your
deafness causedr , —Juror, (without evincing the
least difficulty in hearing,) caught a severe cold.'
Judge, in a voice almost reduced to a whisper,
'Don't you think your deafhess is cured?' .No my
lord,' answered the unsuspecting juryman.—"Oh,
y do very well, air," replied his Lordship,
arnidi.t roars of laughter.
'\..d , aa(z)n.cla :ii_'7cco. fit.CDOID.
DANIEL WensTza AND TAR Quaitax.—A
drab-coated gentleman from Rhode Island once ap
plied to Mr. Webster to come on a certain day and
plead a case for him, inquiring what would be the
amount of the fee. 'Why,' says Daniel, always
liked the Quakers; they are a quiet, peaceable peo
ple, who never go to law if they can help it, and it
would ho better for our great country if there were
more such people in it. I think $lOOO will be
about right for my fee in this case.'—The Quaker
well nigh fainted when h" heard this, but did not
betray the least emotion. 'Friend Webster,' says
he, 'that's a great deal of money; hat I may have
more causes to plead. Suppose I give thee $lOOO,
wilt thou try the others likewise?' 'Yes,' Ray.
Daniel, "as i have to attend court, I will plead in
the otheru, if you desire, without charging an ex
tra fco." So.down they went to Rhode Island, and
Daniel tried the case, and carried it for the Quaker.
Meantime the Quaker had opplied to all the folks
who had suits in the Court, and had got some four
or Ore suitors to pay him from $2OO to $3OO each
for the services of the great Daniel. 'Zirhat,' said
the statesman, when he heard of it, "do you sup
pose I am to be let out by you, like a horse to hirer
'Friend Daniel,' replied the Quaker, 'clidat thou not
undertake to plead all such cases as I should have
to give thee? If thou wilt not !nand to thy agree
ment, neither will I eland to mine." Daniel laugh.
ed out, ready to eplit his sides, at this, and consid
ering himeelf firmly pinned, he went good humor
edly to work and pleaded them all. So the Qua
ker made $2OO by the eperalion.
REPCS I NO IN Hoes.—The tranquility of a mind
gradually reposing in thedearest hopes of a better
world, is an enjoyment that cannot be purchased at
too dear a rate. _lt is not easy sufficiently to value
the peaceful closed° busy life, provided that re,
pose is founded on the right view(' of. Chriatian
hopes, looking beyond the grave; the mist of doubt
and perplexities dissipated in the meridiem splendor
of the gospel truth; the storms of life softening into
silence; the delirium of pleasure and the dreams of
dissipation fled; and the freed mind reclined to the
dictates of reason; the wounds of conscience healed
b . ) , the balm of eternal love; the beset lacerated by
the loss of those once eo dear to us, patiently wait
ing in full expectation of re-union nevermore to be
a broken; every angry pawnor' hushed into peace; the
rr evils of life sunk into resignation to the Divine
Saito lle. forworAt J 0... odr No.
.or.o-o*doar ...ros . t •p -
proaching to the verge of never-ending enjoyments,
end the whole soul reposing on the bosons of a Sa.
( vices love.
Concur-11,s AND SLA VUS.-Mr. Walsh, in one
of his recent letters from Parris says, that Versailles
is now the rendezvous of many hundreds of the
present year's contingent of conscripts. These
groups he adds huvealwaye fixed my attention,. eo
many of them, seeming mere boys—all raw, rustic,
or clownish in the extreme degree. The condition
of the peasantry and the classes on whom the con
scription chiefly preys, in this department of Seine
and Oise, is far . better than that of a number of the
other departments.
.•I have, (adds dz.: writer) within the fortnight
past, seen files of censcripts--,a hundred and fifty
or more tegother—arriving in their crude state,
whose attire, gait, whole aspect . and march. were
at least as wretched as these of any gang of ne
green whom I ever beheld under any eircumstances
in the United States; and I was familiar with six pf
the slave States. , In a singularly short time these
levies ere wonderfully metaincrphosed; their changes
of person and dress, and their drilling, serve to
amuse infinitely the older soldier. of this largo gar.
risen. Ile recruit becomes in his first twelve
month easy in his uniform and exercises, and q4ite
a military beau, and laughs. in his turn at the clod•
hcpPers and tatter-domalions of the next year.
Tao Poon.—Willis has visited a poor house in
England and wo extract a part of hie observation
upon what he saw
Lt i:nother room we found ten or twelve very
old women, who were too decrepid for work of any
kind. Rut they had laps left! And In each one's
lap lay a baby ! The old knees were trotting with
the new born of pauper mothers, and but for its
dreadful uniformity—each old trunk grafted with a
bud and trunks and buds dressed and swathed in
the poor house uniform, this room full of life's
helpless extremoties would have deemed happiest
of all, They cuddled up their druling charge. as
we approached the benches on which they eat, and
chirrupped their toothless teup ! tsup ! teup !"
as if each was proud of her charge. , One of the
old women complained bitterly of not being allow•
ed to have a pinch of anuff. The reason why, wee
because the others would want it too, or demand en
equivalent, paupers being cared for by system.—
The unhappy and improvident creature had cduca•
tad asuperfluoue want !
The sick rooms were marked with the same pain
ful neatness. Old people, disposed to die, own°.
mically tucked up in rows against the wall, with no
persort to come near them except the one nurse to
a dozen, forma dreadful series. Really there should
in& some, things sacred from claeeifieatiun. The
fifth act of dramas, like whole human lives, should
got pass like the shelving of utensils that are one
, I degree short of worthless. I stood looking for a
minute or two at an old man whose only reply to
well how are you now V was a hopeless lifting
and dropping of the eyelids, and I wondered
I whether a life was worth having, thathel such pos
, able terminesten in its dark lottery.