HU)TINGIJO) JOURNAL sig ffttinitilitetuOpiti)er—Debtoktt to 'genera fntellifience, Zflitlerttottta i Vottt(co, Etterafttre, ,Jot alit arto, *itenceo, fitgecutturt;auttormcnt, 8: c., S3c l 6. tIDUQ PUBLISH. ET JAMES CLARK, cElaciaa=•=6o. The "JornaAL" will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, n6O. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages aro paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every sybse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite ordei are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. "Circulate the Documents." PROPOS ii,LS FOR INCREASING THE CIRCULATION OP TITS HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. IT is a fact admitted by every one, that the "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" has i been a faithful and efficient aid to the Whig and Antimasonic cause in Huntingdon coon- ty. Believing that its influence and useful ness may be made still treater, we issue this short Prospectus for the purpose of increas ing and extending its circulation to that end. The paper will continue tO heretofore to advocate Whig principles with whatever ability we may possess, and with the assist ance of correspondents, in the county and abroad ; and whether success or defeat shall follow our,efforts, we shall be. the last man to fly from our standard, orabate in ardor for the glorious cause in which we have en gaged. During this campaign, (and we grunt all others) we shall go-heart and pen, band and vote—tor the regular Whig and Antimasonie ticket, the whole ticket, 'and nothing but the ticket, and urge all others to do likewise. Although politics shall form a pronilnent feature of our paper, it shall not be the only one. Its columns shall from time to ,time, and at all times, be well stored with inter- Ruling and useful information to the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Manufacturer, the Mer chant, and to all classes of business men in the country. We believe it will be acknowledged that the paper has improved in appearance and in quantity , of matter since it has been under our control. We promise to improve it still farther if we get sufficient help in the way of new subscribers, to warrant the under taking., . We hope,our friends will be active in ob taining new subscribers—our circulation should and must be ircreased. Every Whig and Antimason in the county ought to have his county paper, and if here and there one -is found too poor, another Who is able ought to procure it for him. Arid it would not by any means hurt our Lncoloco friends to sub scribe and regularly read our paper. There is now no postage on papers sent within thirty miles of the place of publication, .1111Cil is a.saving of 52 cents a year to each subscriber. To the ardent and, patriotic young , Whigs of Huntingdon county we would appeal at this time to aid us in extqding the gircula tion of our paper. To hits class now be longs the duty of bearing aloft the Whig banner. On them the country relies for its redemption from the srasir of • Locofocoism. Come up, then, fellow young seen, and aid and sustain us in our determination to 4 . FIGHT ON ! FIGHT EVER !" in de fence of the men and the principles of the great Whig party. The terms of the paper are the same as licretofore,': *2 00 if paid within the first sitc months-1M 50 if not paid until the end of the year. JAMES CLARK. HUNTINGDON September 9, 1845. H atches, Jewelry AND siLvE.R Tut subscribers offer an assortment of Gold and t silver Patent Lever Watches of their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea setts and every article of Silver work of, Oeir own manuJgcture. Also watch hams, Seals and Keys, Fine Gold Breast -R ins , Finger Rings, kiracelets„ Guard chains, Gold aqd Silver Thimbles, Specta cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ; together with A general assortment of La dies,Jewelry, l'lated castors, Cake gaskets, Canle Sticks, Fancy Bibs, Purses, Fans, Brittania ware in setts. and singtl pieces; Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pius, Fancy head ornaments, Ike. &c., for sale at the lowest Cash prices. —Watch es Repaired. J. & W. L. WARD. No. 106 , Chestnut street, opposite the Fr i anklin House. Philadelphia, August 5, 145. Estate of JOIIX TER late of Jackson township, Huntingdon coun ty deceased. xi, 0 LICE is hereby given, that Letters I testamentary on the last will and tes tament of said de c eased have been granted to the subs6ilier. nlj tiersons therefore indented to the estate of said dipeased, are requested to make Intonediate payment, and all having claims to preient theni duly au thenticated for settlement, to JOHN STEWART, EX . /. Jackson tp., Aug. 13, 1845. Stray Ileiffer. f i e, AME to the residence of the subscriber, w'w in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, in November last, a red Heifer, with a white face, a slit in the right ear and a crop off the left ear, supposed to be about two years old last spring. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away—otherwise she will be disposed of accor L ding to law. WM. IKELY. '''`ept. 2, 1845. I'D I, ‘NK BON DS to Constables for Stay 00 of Execution, todcs the new law, just printed, arid foi sale, at this office. 3urßyths:s•coacE)Kss. mcauD , txua•ml_m. sodo,„ ace4ass,. S:_'7 , CD‘t-L43C:M3M. LL Persons are hereby notified that I 414 this day purchased from Christian Prough, of fod township, Huntingdon county, all his grain, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, ploughs and other farming utensils, a t g well as all his household and kitchen fur• iuture; and, have taken possession of the All.persons are therefore cautioned against disturbing the same in any manner whatever. • , DA NIEL P‘tOUGH. Tod tp., Aug. 9, 1845. .111PEIc44,4CE 0074113. L. !iAltlll3ntritG„ .• , • tit Undersigned resmtfully aiinoun re. t,o his friends and the public that he still continues at his 44 stand, Second street; Harrisburg, Pa„ where he is ready to acconimodate ,all who : may .fii'vor him with a call. As his house has bees for some years back crindtictql on the Temperance priiiciple, the pi °victor expects to receive a liberal share of the pattronage of temper ance men generally, visiting the Seat of Government. will always be supplied w,it r h the best the market will afford, and no pains spared to suit the palate of the epicure, The great est care will be observed in regard to the cleanliness &c om fort of his sleeping apart ments. ealbliftscio is commodious, and attended by a careful and obliging ostler and every arrangement made to make his house a pleasant stopping place for the traveller. Charges very moderate to suit the times. Aug.JOHN KELKER. Harrisburg, g 15, 1845. WASHINGTON H OTEL, Corner of Market street and Market Square, MA.7.7.ZOBITRG, 7A. H E subscriber having taken this,pop --.14 ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wst.T. SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends and the pu lic generally, that he is now well prepared-.-._o accommlate them in a manner to insure. satisfaction to all who fa- VOr him with their custom. The hot!se has been re-furnished, altered, ,and greatly im proved in many respects, mid no pains will he spared to make visitors comfortable du ring their sojourn. run mrobr. —tit ~.‘JitStitOly with all the delicacies of the season and his servants are attentive, careful and accommodating. • There is extensive S'l ABLING attached to the premises, E. P. HUCHES, Late of the Mansion House. Harrisburg June 4, 1845. . 'FRE subsciiber takes this occasion of re turning his thanks to his numerous friends tor the very liberal patronage bestowed up. nn him during his proprietorship of the Washington Hotel. He also takes great pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a continuance of public favor, who is well qn,lified to give general satisfaction as a landlord, and every way worthy of the pat ronage of the travelling community. WM. T. SANDERS. WILLIAM D. PARRISH, No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market, PHILADELPHIIA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Paper, Rags, School Books Blank Books and Stationary. HAVING considei:ablv increase his facil ties for busineis, now offers to country mer chants,pn still more favorable terms than formerly, a complete rissortment of Writing. Printing and Wrapping Papers; also t 'gored Wall and Curtain rapei.s, and Window Shades of a great variety of patterns, which he can sell at manutacturf vs' Also, Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ; and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank Books, and Stationary in general, at the low est Wholesale prices. • Rags Rak 1' Rags r , Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, or Rags taken in trade for gcruls at the lowest cash prices. Country, merchants are par • ticularly invited to call. Printers .c,f country newspapers supplied with their paper low forcieili, appl, ing at WILLIAM I). PARRISH'S Paper and llag Warehouse, No. 4, North hall street; 2 doors above Market street, _ Philadelphia, August 20th, 1845. REYNOLDS; KERR 4 ALLISON, WHOLESALE 'GROCERS, AND Dealers in Country Prodttee, Nd. 204 MARKET ST: (Next door 1,1. the Ittd Lion Rotel,) PHILADELPHIA: (4 1 0UNTRY Merchants and others pur chasing Groceries, are invited to call and examine our new and extensive stock, where they will find evt ry at title in the Grocery at SMALL ADVANCES ABOVE IMPORTATION PRICES. Being a new house, we are determined not to be undersold by any other establish ment in the city. 17'COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in payment for Groceries, and sold to the best possible advantage, free of charge. Aug. 27, 1845—, 2m GEORGE TAYLOR, Attorney At Law.—Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating Atiministra tors.accounts, licrivening, &c.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the '.Ex change Hotel." fet.4B. '44. T4LANK BONDS—Judgment add corn. %,W' mon—for sale at this office. POMTP.7. "To charm the languid hours of solitude He oft invites her to the leuse's lore." From the New York Mirror. Stanzai to my Old Coat. And must we part, my good old friend, Ah, me! it grieves me sorely; I can no more thy tatters mend, The stitches hold so poorly. With patch on patch, for many a year, I've kept thee snug together, And dad in thee I had no fear For any kind of weather; Thou want my father's wedding•coat, , And I have heard him mention, He wore thee, button'd to the throat, To catch the girl's attention: For then the martial figure stood In highest estimation; No Wonder, with a coat so good, lie raised their admiration. FiVe times in fashion thou hest been, Twice turned, and often mended; The like of thee I ne'er have seen, Though now thy days are ended. When first I wore thee ~ e very day," It brought to mind my mother; "Tim, save that coat,", she used to say; "Thou'lt ne'er get such another." Yes! I'll Preserve thy relics still, And learn by thy example, My every duty to fulfil. Though fate should on me trample: The Female Auctioneer. "Who'll buy a heart!" sweet Mal.) , cries, Mary, the blooming and the fair; Whose lovely form, and dove like eyes, Can banish grief and soothe despair. °Come bid: my heart is up for sale! Will no one bid! Pray, sir, consider; 'Tis sound, and kind, and fond, and hale, Besides a bargain to the bidder." "I'll bid!" cried Gripus "I will pay A thousand sovereigns promptly told." "That is no bid, sir, let me say. A faithful heart, is not bought with g,id." "I'll hid, with marriage, faith, and plight A heart, with love o'erflow," (moth John! "Ay, that'a a bid; that's something Jibe; And now my head is going—co,' IDEAT4 OF JUDGE STORT.- ' llis melancholy event, anticipated for a few days past, took place at his residence in /Cambridge on NyednesclaY, even ing. The disease wits which Judge Stori , had been for many years afflicted, way of a most pain ful nature, impairing the strength of his constitu tion, slid compelling the most careful attention to his daily regimen. It was a disorder of the intes tines, similar to that which put an end to the la mented Legere, of South Carolina, in the year 1942. Judge story was 65 years of age. He graduated at Harvard University in 1798, and was appointed to the Judgeship of the United States Court in 1811. He was also Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University.—Judge Story possessed in early life, no pecuniary advantages, such as in these days are too frequently thought essential to wards future prosperity. Obliged to struggle with small means, and to depend upon himself solely for advancement, he wrought his own way by in dustry, study, and the exertion of his natural in tellectual endowments, to high public dignities and to the fortune which made the meridian and close of Isis life both affluent and easy. His law books WO yielded a very large income, whilst his official stations as ono of the Justices of the Supreme Court and Dane Professor of Law in Harvard Col lege, added equally to his fortune and his honors. Judge Story has sliiwn himself worthy to sit on the same bench with those diiitinguiShed jurists and ilatriots. After Marshall, he ,is probably the ablest expounder of constitutional law our country ever produced. He possessed, to. an eminent de gree, all the qualities requisite to fill the station he occupied with credit to himself and honor to his ' country.. Firmness, sagacity, learning and wit ' dean were blended with and tempered by modern. lion, modesty. gentleness, purity, benevolence and affability. His character excited the love and ad miration of all who were so fortunate as to be ad- Mitted within the magic circle of his acquaintance. North American. I/Asir:Ea.—The following is from the "Patent Sermons" of Dow, Jr: "They are mere walking sticks for female flirts, ornamented with brass heads and barely touched with Cie varnish of eti quette. crass heads did I say?—Nay their coputs are only half ripe Mushmellons, with monstrous thick rinds, and all hollow inside, containing the seeds of fdolishness swimming about with a vast quantity of sap. Their moral garMents are a double breasted coat of vanity; inidded with pride, and lined with the silk of self-complacency; their other apparel is all in keeping and imported fresh from the devil's Wholestile and retail ready made clothing establishinent. Tinkered up with broad cloth, finger rings, safety chains, soft sodder, van ity and impudence; they are no more silver than plated silver. I detest a dandy, as a cat does a wet floor. There are some vain fools in this world; who after a long incubation, will hatch out from the hot bed of pride a sickly brood of furzy ideas, and then go strutting along in the path of pompos ity; with all the self-importance of a speckled hen with a black chicken. I have an antipathy to such people." • Iron in Prance. The French Minister of Marine has lately ap pointed a commissioner to.inquire whether It would net be expedient, in, consequence of the great de mand for iron, to cause reductioneto be made in the import duties on foreign imn, so as to enable it to be employed extesively inship building. Though the supply of iron was within the last few years more than double in that country, still it is not quite sufficient to meet the extensive demand occa sioned by the number of railways : Projected and in course of execution ; whilst, if thp Marine, Depart ment were to give orders for such en immense quan tity as it would require for ship building, it would become intolerably dear. Hence the appointment of the Commissioner to .Fie w‘iiether foreign iron may not be admitted en such reduced terns ea, whilst doing no injury to the iroproasters of Ir:ranee, shall prevent iron itself from licoming too costly." Killing a Bear in his Deli. Mr. Charles Rounds, a citizen of this place, re turned from his brother in McKean county, reran Sylvania, a few days since, and brought with Ttim, 4 apparently, the largest bear that has been killed, for many a day. Mr. Rounds has given us a detail of all the circumstances attending his capture, but which, for the want of room, we are rot able to give in full. It appears that the inhabitants near where he was killed, had been obliged to submit to his depredations upon their hogs, sheep, &e., until they could stand it no longer, and accordingly, sev eral of them, with Mr. William S. Rounds and John Pool at their bend, started in pursuit of him. and day for live days they followed his trail, but without coming up with him. Worn out with their tramp and wnnt of rest, they concluded to stop that night and start afresh that morning. A few hours after starting, their dogs came up to and closed in with him. A desperate fight ensued, in which one dog was tilled, and the other severely cut and bruised. He, however, succeeded in get ting away, and returned to the company, when Mr. Rounds, with a heavy hickory club, started off in full speed, the deg leading. They soon came up to, and the dog closed in with him. The bear first struck him With his paw, then caught hold t'.l hint, and would Most soon have killed him, had not Mr. Rounds come to the icscue. With his heavy club he beat hint so severely over the head that he was obliged to let go his hold on the dog. Ifrom this time Mr. rt. and the dog !mot elope to him for some three or four Miles, fight ing MO; 01 , 0111 of his den., As he started in the dog got hold of him, and Mr. R. hold of the dog, but so exhausted Was he that he fell, and was thus dragged several feet into tote, opening to the cave. As soon no he had recovered his strength and the remainder of tho pursuers had come up with him, Mr. Rounds went into the cave to reconnoiter• After proceeding about 30 feet he discovered the bear with his back towards him, crouching in his lair but a few feet from him. Ho then returned, and, after cleaning their rifles and reloading them, Mr. R., together, with Mr. John Pool, again entered the cave, Finding the bear occupying the same position that lie did at first, when they had got with in about ten feet of him, they fired and lodged lout successive balls in and about his haunch, and then , retreated out of the cave, the bear following them. As he emerged from the entrance, one of the gen tlemen who had remained out, put a ball through his head, which finished the work. The bear is said to have weighed upwards of revert hundred pounds!—[Allegheny County Advocate. DISEADFUL RESULT OF INTEMPER/INCE.--MC learn from the Hagerstown News, that an intem perate man named McAffee, living on the South Mountain, in Vashington county, took home and deposited in his house, a few days ago, a jug of whiskey, and two of his children, in the absence of the family, partook of it freely. On the return of the mother, she found her childdren in the agonies of death, foaming at the mouth, their faces horridly discolored and so bloated es almost ta defy receig nitiop, and in her presence, they died an awful and p - emaft:re death. The agony of the mother, scyn he News. may be imagined, but what were the feelings of the reckless father it would be diffi cult to conceive. MI. WaDWORTH Is LOYE.--Thus it is to be in low," and Lord Fiizwarren drew a deep eigh. "iilfeie you ever in love, Webworth? "Not that I wemembe." 'Not that you remember! Why, what a strange felleti you must be. If you wore onco hard hit, as I callit,—that is, really in love—you would never forget it I can tell you, for its no joke. Heigho!" "Many pethons have told no thO, but I thorn° tire's i gweat deal in imagination. One pettily gil seemth to Me to be the extremely like another pet thy gil, that I never could Make out how a man cath mots latent one of them than another, tho I coneude it moth be all irnagination." A Liverfool correapendent of the Comrner'cial Advertiser states that at the recent conference of the Wesleyans a preacher ftom this country presented credentials ' from DiahoP Soule, of the American Methodist Church, and it, being .ascertained that they had been given since Bishop Beige had joined in with tho Methodist Church South, and that the candidate sympathized with that movement, the conference peremptorily refused to admit or receive him either in the capacity of a preacher or a bro. thee. " Ned I's got a conunderum I want you to pro- pound I" " \‘' hat am dat Eph I" "It am die." " Why am steam like de load of a ship?" "Ha, ha nigger, dat am bery prepostermus, dare•fore, I can't 'splain it." " You are an untallowed nigger, its because it make de car-go," (cargo.; Geology.--Mr. Lawrence, in a lecture on Geer ogy, at Louisville, Kentucky, in speaking of change. on, the earth's surface, said that-- Tho Mississippi river within the lost two hun. died years has advanced thirty miles into the gulf of Mexico. And observation proves that the Gulf of Mexico formerly extended higher up than where the mouth of the Ohio is now. All those alrnoxt boundless bottoms extending from the soutpern part of . 11inois, once were occupied by an arm cf the sea. All this filling up has been done at the expense of the country watered by those rivers. But much the largest portion of the mineral matters carried down by the river is conveyed to a great distance into the ocean. There it is distributed in layers upon its bed. Layer after layer is thus formed, which in process of time, by pressure, by chemical affinity, and by other causes, gradually becomes consolidated into the hardness of ordinary rock.— This is the history of all the rocks in the west.— !Every part of this vast country has, at some period 'formed a p4rt of the bed of the ocean which then received contribution from other lands, from which all our present rocks have been formed, and has subsequently been voiced to its present elevation above us. This is liliewiso demonstrated by the abundance of organic remains forme, in al! co. rocks, all which are of marine origin. Another cause of change is the wearing action of rivers, all of which in the west have excavated the whole of their channels through which they flow. When they commenced running, their Leda were higher than the highest point a!ong their shores now ore, for these must have suffered some abrasion, hence all the hills in the west have been produced by the action of waters, instead of having been elevated, and are from this circumstance termed hills of gradation. It was shown that the sea and land gradually change places, that portions of the earth are gradually rising and encroaching upon the sea, while others are gradually sinking and are encroach ed upon by the sea. A recent elevation of the country through which the Missouri flows was supposed to be the cause of the rapidity and mud diness of its current." Time.—There are few words much oftener in our Mouths than that short, but moat important word, Time. In one sense, the thought of it seems tominglo itself with almost every thing which we do. ft is the long M,sa , ,re of o , '- labor expectation and pain ; it is the scanty measum of our rest and joy. Its shortness or its length is continually giv en as our roason for doing, or leaving Undone, the various works which concern our station, our calling, our faCoily, our souls. And pet with all this fre quent mention of it, there are perhaps few things about which }nen ovally think less; few things, I mean,upon which they have legs real settled thought. The more we do think upon it, the deeper and more difficult will be the subject which will open before us; the richer too, will they prove in mat ters for most profitable. meditation.—[Arefideacon iiilberforce's Sermons.] Religion 171 the Family.—Family religion 13 of unspeakable importance. Its effects will greatly depend upon the manifest sincerity of the head of the family. If his children and servants do not see his prayers exemplified in his temper and man ners, they will he disgusted at his, religion. Tedi ousness will weary them. Fine language will shoot over them. Gloominess will make them dread re ligion as a hard service. Let them be met as for a most delightful purpose. Let them find it savory, simple, plain. tender, heavenly. Worship tints conducted may be used al an enene of vast power 1 in a family. It diffuses a sympathy through the members. It calls off the mind from the deadening effect of worldly affairs. It arrests every member as with a morning and evening sermon, In the midst of the cares of life. It says, there is a God ! There is a spiritual world !—There is a life to come !" It fixCsthe idea of responsibility in the mind. It furnishes a tender and judicioua father an opportunity of gently glancing et faults, where a direct admonition might be expedient. BELGIAN TROOPS AT WATERLOO. During the action of an English officer won di rected to lead two regiments Belgian light cavalry against a body of French dragoon. that had conic featly within reach. Tfle officer, being a good Frencheoholer, addressed les !mires, and desired them to strike home for the honor of their country and their , pretty,countrywren. He was answered with loud cheers, and all, saying spurs to their horses galloped towards the enemy, The French in ac ordance with the strange notion of cavalry tactics, halted to receive the onset, which on this occasion, proved_ harmless enough, for no sooner did the as sailants perceive that the enemy did not turn than they turned to a man, followed at speed by the French, who gave chase the moment they saw their adversaries fly. The English officer, who was in advance, of the party, escaped only by the speed of his horse. In what estimation these unfortunate allies wore held on the morn ing after the action may be judged of by ,the following anecdote;—" Ha General!" said the Prince of Orange rather indis creetly, perhaps, to a Spanish officer well known in the British army, "what would Spanish troops have done under , yesterday's fire I" " I know not what they would have done," replied the other, with a look of old Castilian pride ; " but certain it is that they could not have behaved worse than the subjects of your royal father."— Colonel Mitchell's Fall of Napoleon. The Pope on Railways.—The Frankfort Jour nal makes the following odd announcement, under date of the 17th of July, from Rome :—" The Pope has declared, once for all, that he will not al low railways to be established in the Pontifical States, for it would be dangerous to allow them in II country where there exists such political agitation." ._~_ 12 co) Z.C.Var.).. €3 , GO €1). The Charge of '.Bargain."—The National Ire telligencer having seen a specimen sheet of Colton's Life of Clay, say., the public has long suspected that some discloser; like that foreshadowed below, would be forthcoming, whenever Mr. Clay consid ered the reasons for his silence, whether a matter of honor and confidence, or merely self-imposed, is at an end ; and at page 150, vol. 1, we find the following passage NuMerous have been the occasions, as all know, when lk ) fsr. Clay might have taken the popular breeze, and been wafted to the highest pinnacle of ambition—when, too, as was thought and argued by his friends, he , might have done it without re proach—when, indeed, it was urged upon him as a duty to his country, to his friends, to himself.— Bet, always judging for himself, as every man mu.t do in all cases of casuistry, which fan be settled only by the feelings of his own heart,, his answer has unikrinly been, when compelled by the deci aions of conscience, to dissent from othere, in such debate f fI had rasher be right than be President.' ilia magnanimity has, on more occasions than one barred the door to his advancement. In the case of the notorious charge of : . bargain,' for the elec tion of Mr. Adams in 1825, it has, for nearly a quarter of a century, been in the power of Mr. Clay, at any moment, to Prove by positive evidence that the dishonorable proposals were made by thos:e who brought the charge ; but who, having been spurned, and anticipating an arraigntnent on the same count, were first in court, with a gross fabrication in their right hand. But magnanimity and that ton political opponent, .who was himself the agent in thin transaction, has hitherto kept the key to the secret. In a future Page in this work it will be unlocked." Men are too prone to view their own errors and failings with indulgence, whilst they visit those of others with unsparing reprehension. Every one seems turning, as,. .it were God's evidence against his neighbor, as if by impeaching his fellows ho was exonerating himself from the penalty. The worst constructions are put on dubious motives, malicious meanings, are extracted from careless ex pressions, the scratch of a stray jest is taken as a deliberate wound ; in short, if the multitude of our sins depend epon charity for a covering, the fabric is so scarce that the poor peccadilloes cannot have a suit a-piece unless.such a ono as belonged to the I.l,ecuyrd epontsh gentieman, which was all slashes. On the other hand, should the tide turn, the kindly impression is communicated so reluctantly, and adopted so tardily, that thecharitable impulse comes commonly too late to be of service to its object. RICH AND Poon.—The rich have the most meat the poor the best appetite. The rich lie the softest, and the poor sleep the soundcat. The rich have delicacies, the Poor have health. The rich aro afraid of losing, the poor have nothing to lose, and so, in this respect, have nothing to fear. The rich dread the midnight robber, the poor have no appre hensions of being robbed. The rich hang them selves through fear of poverty, the poor laugh and sing, and love their lives too well to put their necks in the noose, A Curious Pix.—The St. Augustine Herald of Tuestlay last says Last week a man was ap prehended in Benton county, Florida, on a charge of murder, and having no jail in that county, the committingmagiatrate sent him under safe conduct to the Sheriff of St. John's county for safe-keeping. The Sheriff of St. John's was obliged to refuse en tertainment to the prisoner because he had no jail. Well, what became of the prisoner ? Why, his keepers said, we were commanded to deliver him to the Sheriff of St. John's,county, and that we have done. The Sheri ff of St. John's said, Istin not l'ceive your prisoner.- 7 -The prisoner said— Gentlemen, just take a walk about town, end I shall be round for three or four days, and if. you stand in need of me, be forthcoming, This was consideredfair, and that's the end of it for the present. True, it's nothing else . 7. B. o iough.—W o have stated that quite a sen nation was created in New York on Thursday, by the appearance of placards in different places, sta ting that Mr. John B. Gough, the celebrated Tem perance Lecturer, had strangely disappeared, under circumstances which induced the apprehension that evil had befallen him. Ilia trunk remains at the Croton Hotel, and on examination every thing was found to be in order, indicating that he expected shortly to return. lie intended to go to Albany last Monday, whence he was to be accompanied by his wife to Montreal, where lie had a Temperance engagement. The Journal of Commerce says there was a re port last night, but we believe it Was Without found ation, that his body hail been found in the river, with merits of violence upon it. He heti with him when he left the Hotel, a gold watch anti chain, and and a gold ring, bearing the initials J. B. G."— He had also money in his pocket. It is said threats had been made that he should be drugged. We still hope for the beat, but his !pug absence, under all the circumstances, creates much anxiety.-IVorik American. An Insurrectionist Found Guiltse.—Nsgro Wil liam Wheeler, one of the ring-leaders of the gang of negroes who recently left Charles county, lute been tried by Charles county court, now in session,. on an indictment for insurrection, and found guilty. The punishment is death. One of his accomplices is now on trial for the 11111110 offence. An old toper's excuse for his pawing third is that he was weaned on raft fel%