Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 06, 1845, Image 2

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"One country, country, one constitution, one destiny.'
7 ::1 CuaLs'allat:tagoncil)l2taa
Inesday morning, liugust
Delegate Elections
AN ti
Tho Democratic Whig' voters of Tlontingdon
county ere respectfully invited to meet in their re.-
pectins boroughs, townships and districts, on
Stiturday the 9th of August next.
to elect two delegates from each of said boroughs,
townships, and districts, to represent them in the
Glum/ Cont:ention, which will ...nil& at the old
Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Wednesday, the 13th of August
neat, at 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate a County
Ticket to be supported at the ensuing general else-
Non; and to transact such other business as may be
proporly brought before said Convention.
. .
(:en;lidatee for the following offices are to be
nominated by said Qunvention, viz :
Two persons for Members of the
House of R epresentatives.
Ono person for Prothonotary,
Clerk of the Courts of Quar
ter Sessions and Oyer
and Terminer.
One person for Register of Wills,
Recorder or Deeds & Clerk
of the Orphans Court.
One person for County Treasurer.
One person for County Conunis,
One person for Cort.ner.
Ono person for Auditor.
The veleta are earnestly Invited to attend said
aketione,eo that a full and eatiafartory expresaloh
of the popular will be brought into the Conven
yen t
Joseph It Thee. H. Creator,
Graham MeContent, Nicholas Hewn.,
Robert Cu.emins, John Keller,
James A. MeCahan. Jsmel Graffiti",
Jame. Clarke. Benjamin Leas,
Thomas E. OrNeon, Kratser,
John Stever, E. 1,. Green,
Brice X. Blair, David Hackedorn,
James Dysnrt. Mordecai Chilcote,
Seth H. McCune, James Morrow,
Wm. ht .Lloyd, Eliot Smith,
Adam H. Hall, Thomas M Cahan
James Entrekin, Jr., William Hutchison
Elias Hoover, John McCulloch,
John K. New, Jacob Hoover,
County Committee.
Huntiagdonduly 15, 1845.
"harvest Some Temperance
We are requested to give notice that there will
be a Harvest Heine Temperance Celebration at
Mauer Hill on Wednesday the 6th of August
1845, to which a general invitation is given to the
friends of the cause.
July, 23--tc.
County Meeting.
The Democratic Whigs of Huntingdon county
are requested to fleet at the Old Court Holm, in
the borough of Huntingdon, on
Wednesday evening, the 13th of
August inst.,
at the ringing of the bell, for the purpose of res
ponding to the nominations of the Delegate Con
vention which will assemble in the afternoon of the
same day. and adopt such measures as may be deem
ed expedient for the prmnotion of Whig men end
measures nt the ensuing General Election.
By order of the County Committee.
THEO. H. CREMER, Chairman.
August 6, 1945.
Religious Notice
On Sunday the Slat of August, the Corner Stone
or a Roman Catholic Church will be laid in Shade
Valley, on the place where Felix Logan resides.
After the ceremony of laying the Corner Stone is
performed, :he Rov. John C. Bradly, of Bedford,
will preach an appropriate sermon on the occasion.
The Corner Stone will be laid at 10 o'clock A. M.
Pluntingdon Presbyterian Church.
The splendid church edifice recently erected by
the Huntingdon Presbyterian Congregation, will be
41edicatail to the worship of Almighty God, with
appropriate services, on Wednewloy the 131 h inst.,
iteiug an the first week of the Court. Services to
commerce at L o'clock P. M. Distinguished cler
gyman from a distance have been invited, nail arc
expected to he present, and to preach on the occa
sion. The public are respectfully invited to attend.
By order of the Board of Trustees,
Aug. 1, 1345. JOHN CRESSWEI.L.
'Our Court will be in session next week and
ilte week after; and, of course, we expect to see s
great many of our friends in town. We do not
wan to au.) any body, but if some who owe us
old scores, alt ,old choose to pay us, we shall certain
ly not tofu.a the money. Our purse bas been emp
ty for some time.
Elections in August.
A number of important State elections are to
rums off in the mouth of August, imenving the
eiriee of 47 Rspresentatisee. end (in 'Tennessee)
one Sonator in Congress. They are se follow.:
Pii.irth Carolina, Legislature and nine members ef
Congrese; Tennessee, 7th, Governor. Legislature,
sod 11 no ahem of Coors's: Kentucky, 4th, Leg
islature end 10 tnenthers of Congress; Indiana. 4th,
Legialature . and 10 nieitilicrs r I emigre.", Alabama,
4th, Legielature and 7 members of Conereas;
4th. Legislature; Missouri, 4th, Leci.lalure•
Thew" will complete the tlertionefurthe 29th Con
gress, iti all the HIV. except Maryland, (A) which
vales in 0 •titlier, and Missiseippi (4) in November.
The States of Ifrivo. New lia:npeltlre end M am
r,,,ert • l'inVo 001 , 1'wr e; .11 to Or; .01,p!V
It is expected that the August Court will be 11 n- I The honest and 4aw-reepecting citizens of our
usually thronged during the first week. Both pol it- Republic, says the Beading Journal, should bear in
ical parties will hold meetings, and it is not im- mind that James K. Polk has attained his present
probable that there will be a few office hunters distinguished station through the basest perjuries
about, as polite, kind, and obliging as ever. And i and frauds. It is notorious that Louisiana was
then, as to the business of the Court—it will con- Ptiquemincd to go for him, and that New York
rust of a rich variety: there will probably be a case
w. carried by the same means. In the latter state
of murder, and another of manslaughter,. well as
the Editor of the Albany Emitting Journal (Whig)
sheepish and haggish cases, besides the tumid sometime since charged certain Locofeco villains
amount of assaults mid 'batteries and other offence..
with procuring false votes, by bringing to the polls,
Delegate Elections.
and to vote, men known to be without legal qualifi-
next, cations. One of the persons thus assailed instituted
Go to the primary meetings on Satur
a criminal stilt against the editor, (Mr. aWeed.)
every man of you who has not a higher soil more The letter admitted the fact of the publication, and
, e offered testimony to prove the truth of hie assertion,
important duty to perform at that time; and tim
and the truth tons abundantly established. The
part in the choice of Delegates; tro that a full, fair,
Pei diet rif the jury teas fur the defendant—in
and unequivocal expression of the wishes of the
other words they found that the original charge of
people, may come into the County Convention on
"bringing illegal vote. into Albany, in an extra
Wednesday next, and that an honest and unexcep
train of cars, with the knowledge of Mr. Castigan,
tionablo Ticket may he presented, and receive the the superintendent
of the Roil Road," was Tu..
approbation of the "Democracy of Numbers" in i The N. Y. Courier and Enquirer in noticing this
- 'Old Huntingdon." sample of pipe-laying, fully established in a cour t
of law, says:
We have it then brought home by the deciejon
of a jury to a noted Locofoco partisan, that he was
instrumental in introducing illegal voters into the
city of Albany. We have it proved in the course
of the trial upon the testimony of a Locofoco Al
derman, Mr. McKnight, that this was done at the
request of the Loco General Committee, fetid for
by himself as one of the menthe., organized by
another of the Common Council, Mr.- Ruse, and
carried out by two other Locofoco office beldam,
Ahlemon, Superintendent of the Alms House, and
Mahoney, Overseer of the Poor.
Whig Nominations.
We extract the following caustic piece of irony i
from a communcation in the last Hollidaysburg Reg
ister. The writer says, “Phis is the correct course
for the managers to pursue," and we see more
truth than poetry in the remark. It will be well for
every Whig, and particularly the delegates to the
County Convention of the lfith inst., to study and
reflect upon this subject.
• • • Let us continue to act upon the brood
platform of humanity justice, humility, and benev
olence; let on continue to clothe the naked and feed
the hungry, 'the inactive, the unoffeneive and the
unobtrusive citizen, and our latter days will be met
with our reward. What is attire to e noisy Whig?
—when he dice he cannot take it with him. The
glory he enjoys of having served his country' in
the days of her adversity—of having asssiduously
labored from his early youth to ',nankin and uphold
the principles of his party—of having without mo
ney and without pries early honestly enlisted in
the principles of hie party from a sincere conviction
that its ' , ICC!. depended 'alone on his own individ
ual exertions, is worth more to him, far more than
all the offices within the gift of the pasty. Look
at him; there he is reedy, able, and willing, at any
time, at any moment, to do battle for his nou and his country. His heart is in it and he
is in hie heart. He will stick; he will Isbor. Let
us buy from the ranks of the enemy! Who will
self! Yon know the prices we base in our gift.
Come quirk, or the mile will be closed for one whole
year. IVhatsoever ye do, do ye quickly. You
have often, doubtless, looked upon theprice. Canto
any moment on or before the 13th day of August i T in Wirots 'raven ist • et:Tensta..—The
next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the old Court I National Intelligencer remarks
House in the borough of Huntingdon. Come on ; Editorial Mania.
The present prosperous state of the country io
trial; say you are opposed to Porter and all shall be We subjoin the following sensible remarks relit
the result of Wino policy. It depends upon the
well with you. Say., dear sir, you will try and he tine to the mania which exists fared:form/ship, from ' !,arty now in the ascendant in the government
with us until the expiration of the term of the of. the Delaware County Republican.—Speaking of
whether that prosperity shall continue, or he blasted
flee which wo will give you, and if you should still I the discontinuance of the Morning Post establish- i by the Locoleco party carrying out its avowed
have any compunctions of conscience, we will give mint, it nay.: I p rinciples.
you another and a more profitable ale* long before The Almelo of the Post, and the pecuniary ruin I
your first one shall have expired; you shell, dear of its conductor, is another instance of the folly of AL Remarkable Case.
a i r , h ave N. at once . Do come. C oma a ll ye men engaging in the publishing business who know I An Irishman, says the New York Tribune, em
that are heavy laden and wa will give you OFFICE. I nothing of its multifarious details. Three in • ployed on the poets for the Magnetic Telegraph,
A DEVOTED WHIG. mania emong many politicians to turn editor. They t which are to be planted through the city, and are
think, that with a press under their control, their now being prepared on the Jersey aide of the r i cer,
fortune is made, and it is from this cause that we di e d on Tues d ay un d er the moat extraor di nary e t c .
find newspapers aimed daily springing up in . 11 cumstances. Being requested to get sonic water to
parts of tie country, to the injury of men, who, by drink, lie took the pail and started off in the direc
t life of application and toil, hese fitted theme, Ives lion opposite the well, (which he had often visited.)
for the responsible poet of an editor. These papers The other. called after him and told him of his
after languishing a time, finally give up the ghost, !error, when he turned about, went to the well a n d
and with their death vanish the hopes and fortunes filled his pail, and begun to return—at first in an
of those who projected them. The failure of one 1 ordinary walk, then faster, and gradually increasing
or 811 hundred men and newspapers of this clays, his speed until he passed his companions on a full
does not deter others from embarking in the buei- run, which grew fester and faster until it seemed
neas, and they, too, like those who have preceded to for surpass the utmost conceivable power of the
them, suffer for their folly. The men of our day human frame. One of the men mounted a horse
are too white to be taught wisdom, but by nod ex- 'standing near, and pursued at the top of his speed,
but without overtaking tho fugitive. After nearly a
mile the man suddenly fell; and when the horseman
came up with him ho was stone dead, still grasping
the pail in his hand. This is the most extraordina
ry case of coup de saki! wo hare ever heard of.
tom' Dr. Espy's Theory of Storm., and Mr.
Caudle's Curtain Lectures, on the first pegs, will
be found entertaining.
A Dangerous Counterfeit.
Tens, Bank of Middletown, Pe., altered, it is he
Honed, from Tenth Ward Bank, N. Y. Letter A
Vignette, "Declaration of Inclependenee;" on the
left end a sailor bny with a flag; on th; right, black•
smith. at the forge and bellows. Dated Sept. 6,
1838; payable to J. Colt, and signed Simon Cam.
Oran, Cashier; Mercer Brown, President.—The pa-
per is light, and the bill being well engraved, end
the alterations well covered, they are well calculated
to deceive eepecially in the evening.--Several per patience.
eon*, men and women, are believed to be engaged
in their circulation.
In the department of the Corms, an oak, engref
iycoming County Mutual Insurance
tell eight Tears ego with the chestnut, hex produced
at length cheatnuts of good quslity. The 'trete.
The Annual Report of the Lycoming County
of the experiment is deemed important for eaten-
Mutual Insurance Company showe that, though the
vine districts where the oak !loutishee and the chest
destruction of property by fire, has Ibeen unprece
nut is barren, and where the fruit is needed for
dented during a portion of the time embraced in food.
the Report, yet the affairs of the company, thus far, I "---
have Siren so ably managed that the five per cent I A S an w annino .—A mos t me l anc h o ly c on- 1
l upin the prend AM notes, has been found nearly oaf- ! sequence of iron ibility occurred in Boston a few ;
fleient to pay all losses and defrny tho expellees of d a y s since , in the de a th of an interesting child of ,
the company. I two or three years of Age, by a hinny blow from the
The immense strength and power or the comp. , hand of its lather. The child was 'landing upon
chair, in a moment of petulance the parent struclt
ny to do foul, has heonnir clearly manifest. The : i ' i
on the iieud,precipiiming it, tie., foremost, upon
judicious management of the directors, is backed by the floor. It soon fell to vomiting, and expired the
a capital of half a million which is a full guaranty next day.
of ample protection to all who may clerics to seek
" Beller lute than never."—Col. Stone, of the
Security from the devouring element. The opera- Plattsburgh Republican, after editing that paper
lions which are daily enlarging, extend over thirty over thirty years, has just found time to get mar
counties of the state; sulferere by fire have been re- tied.
I lieved to the announ.t,of nearly $30,000; and but _
' one assessment, which wee MI low ne not to be felt
Mysterious Affair.
by nay' has l '"" made M' the P remium ' Mee On Friday night week last. a nen-bitten Gray
during the five years just terminated.
More, about 14i hands high-8 or 10 year,. old, with
The very great advantages of such a Cotnpany
an old saddle, bridle end martingal on, was tied to
are apparent; and the low rate of insuranee, is an
a fence in the lonieleading Loin the River to the
irresistable inducement Inc all to avail themselvee of house
occupied by Adatn Iteagy, directly
this certain protection at a mere nominal cost.
this Borough. A man, from appearance, about
David Snare, l ' : " I ' le Agent of acid emn P en Y forl forty years of age, wearing a brown colored coat,
this county. riding the mare in gut:anion, atoppeda i to pay his toll
Temperance. at the Gate en the Turnpike, kept by dim. Drift,
A writer in the National Intelligeneer, in speak- a bout 10 o'clock on the evening on which she WIIII
ing of thealarming prevalence of intemperance in left at Mr. Deny's. Ile stated to Mr. Britt that he
Virginia, naticea the noble etamd taken by Governor had rode, that d a y, f r om near Munster, C am b r i a
McDowell, the present Executive of the State, on county--that he woo on his way to Harrisburg,
the aide of temperance, in strong terms of appro. ; and wee ensinue to know whether he could go
harden. 'lie had had the moral courage," remark. there and back in three days,--The won has never
the writer, "anrid innumernble (retina and thwart. i truce been ECM or heard of. The mare in in pot.
jingo of the great and fashionable, to exhibit upon minion of Mr. Heagy. No accident could possibly
his table and throughout hie m u i r ai on , to gue4., I hese befallen the men who rode the mare in the
howeser uumeroae err exalted, no sirmiger drink distance between the Cate (about lilts of in mile)
than pore water. Hid mune ie signed to the pledgo I and where elle was left. One of two things, is,
of abstinence from all that can intoxicate; end his therefore probable, that be either stole her, or he
elogitenee, unrieelled now in Virtrinie, hes r e pe a ted- !Murrell wed wrong in hie mind, end wandered ott
Iv ',ell l i nt.t I n t!,,,t,tere t i •:,tig. 1, i. 1.3„
Who are the Pipe-Layers,
"Whose Dog art Thou?"
It appears to be an unsettled question whether
the Georgia Postmaster, who was recently detected
in stealing money from letters passing through his
own office, was one of Polk's men, or one of Ty
ler's. According to the following from the N. Y.
Courier and Enquirer, however, the question seems
to be settled in favor of Mr. Polk :
The •Union' turns over the Georgia postmaster, branching out at the top, covered with green and
lately caught in robbing the moil, to Mr. 'Tyler. I flourishing h a ,„! Th e pole h., d 0.1.1.,. t a k en
Hs was among the first men appointed to office by
root, and will continue to grow and flourish. It is
Mr. Polk, to he sure, but teitaporte, he was one of
John Tylers proteges, and the Union is determined f emblematic ai the final but certain success of the
to choke the responeibility from the shoulders of of the Whig party. Whig principle. are immu
our pre,ent "excellent Chief Magistrate." He is table. Like this Clay pole, they have taken deep
en arrant thief and stole money from letters passing
root in the political soil of the country, and will
through his own office, and woe actually made
postinaeter by Young Hickory himself, and still the continue to grow and flourish, until finally they be.
official editor will have it that Hickory is in no way , come the settled policy of the land. The great
to blame for the j 1 puointinent, i..mue" the champion of these principles, to honor whom this
criminal had previously been in the hands of Tyler
• pole was erected, may yet live to load on the Whig
the troublesome. There is a question of et hies ire
volved in this business which is one of come diffi. forces in another and more successful contest, when
rutty, and cannot, a. we see, be satisfactorily soloed his triumph shall be signal and complete.—Jiar.
by any dy, but a Virgimia abstractioniet—being y, s tai gen ,
strictly al case of obstruction—and it is advisable,
therefore, tu let it tolls shah direction,
cii" We wish eomebody would answer us tteo
questions, viz: What ia a Democratic Republican
and what is a Democratic 11 lig" Republican,
\\'hig. Democrat, we understand these. It a dun.
erotic Rarunxicse is not a black black-bird, and
if a Democratic Wain is not a while Mach-:Aril,
then how la it?-IVoodstoele (Vt.) Age.
cc? We will try to help our perplexed content
parttry. A Democratic Republican in Virginia is li
one who framed and sticks to a Constitution which
allows a rich man to vote in every county where he
has properly, and don't glow a poor man to vote at
all—and insists that counties containing three eights
of the free population eltall govern:the whole State.
In New Hampshire he elluws all white men to vote,
but insists that Catholics end poor men shall not bet
allowed to hold the more reeponsible offices. In
all the South, he advocates openly the abeolute etre ,
nal subjection of half the !lumen race ite chattles to
the will and pleasure of the other half, anti denoun
ce. the Whigs as hostile to the Inetitution.' In the
North, he is known and boasted of as the 'natural
ally' of this 'domestic' business. We agree, then,
with the Age, that a 'Democratic Republican' is a
black black-bird—very black indeed.
A WHIO, on the other hand, is a foe of arbitrary,
despotic, irresponsible power—and a Dsmotht ATIC
Whig in, in perfect consistency with this, the foe of
the !Ivey of one man, and en advocate of the rule of
the people. 'Democratic Republican' is tautological
and needleeely verbose; .Democratic Whig is e leg
itimate and forcible phrase, in which no letter is su
perfluous or unmeaning.
And now will the Aga be good enough to tell
us what is its notion of e Democratic Republican
champion of eternal Slavery! I. he a white black
bird of a black whito-bird! Let ua heat.— N. York
An Emblem of The Whig party.—Pauing
through the village of liighepire a few days ago, we
were agreeably aurpriaed to see the Cluy pole erec
ted during the late campaign for the Presidency,
before the door of Mr. John IV f that place.
ri"Thet U. S. Gazette says:—Mike Walsh, of
:Sew York, in noticing tome compliment paid upon
his abilities as a newspaper Reporter, and the re
marks, that "twenty years hence, he will have got
clear of his intemperate mode of spenking,"and thus
he a perfect Reporter, exclaim., "that in twenty
years he will probably be President of the United
States" that being, probably, the next step above a
newspaper Reporter. Mike is getting ambition/0
We should not wonder if, after a one term Fervice
an President of the United States, :le should even
',Fire to be an editor.
'rho N. Y. Courier and Enquirer esyrn— , Last
Sunday morning, at about 11 o'clock, a (mine
drove down to the Battery end a party of several
portions got out, and going upon the grounds had a
regular bruising mulch, which lasted some time.
There were but two men engaged In the fight, one
of whom ryas considerably injured; hut two or three
hundred spectators present. One of the moat ac
tive persons in arranging this moot disgraceful ezhi
bition and in superintending the whole affair, was
Rundirs, already notorious in almost every depart
ment of possible rullidnism, and recently appointed
to a place of treat in the Custom house of this
Hilted by a Snake,
A little girl, about eight years of age, was stran-
gled by a snake last week, near 13ainbridge, in this
county. She had been sent to gather blackberries
in a field a short distance from the house, and being
absent for a longer limo than usual, her parents
proceeded to search for her. They found her quite
dead—with a large black snake coiled around her
neck.— Cambia Spy.
Death by Mithlning.—Mr. Win. Willard, of
Moorestown kfontomery county, Pa., wee Isar
week killed by lightning. lle was returning from
the field with n hue upon his shuulder.
the Fancy Sale
To he hilt by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church,
in this place; will commence on Monitor evening,
August I Ith, Al half past 7 o'clock—to Le conlin
tied for Revolt/ evcceesive days; if warranted by
1 he place—the roam. in the Old Ctitol
occupied usually as a Female Seminary ,
lluntingJon, Angua 0, 1545.
Here the girls and hero the whir,*
Always cast their carlioat glance,
And, with smileless fare, consider
If they, too, won't sinful a chance
To make .01110 clever (chow nor mit
In bliss, and often ton--in trouble.'
MARRIED—Oh Theredey eeenibig lest, by the
Ker. John Peebles, Mr. T. K. SimosTux, of this
borough, to Mies MAUI Ores., We of Oro rrti ttaburg,
M arc lan&
The strove information was accompanied by
vitae of the cake," for ',high our young
friends have ..Or bent wishes. May jay and pros
perity characterize their journey through life.
On the 17th instant, by the Hee. Wnt. WOMI,
Mr. Jo SII•W, to Miss 11ssset, Irath
of Bleir township.
On Thursday morning the '24th ult., by the Res.
C. W. Shastrer, Hon. CHART.. C. ea, Or
Butler county—member of the Senate of l'enn'o..
to Mies Sects U. SELTZIIII, of Lebanon county.
Front DEATH no age nor no condition save,
A. ip.:et the freeman, so departs the clove,
Tee chieftain's palace and the peasant's bower,
Alike are ravished by his haughty power.
DIED—In Vasa township, on Wednesday, I 6th
indent., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
Ruth Lovell, M.. ELEANOR KELLY, aged, 99
Team, 6 month. and 24 day..
Mrs. Kelly was born in Baltimore county, Md.,
on the `.:2nd Jay of January, A. 1). 1746, and lived
to see her posterity arise, to the fourth generation.l
• • • She was among the early settlers of
Huntingdon county, mailing previous to the Revo
lutionary war near Mill Crack, whence, hermit" and
family were driven by the Indians to seek safety in
the fort at the Three Springs, and finally back to
It pleased God in very early life, to give her faith
and repentance, thus leading her soul to Christ, in
whom alone is found salvation. She was baptized
by the Rev. James Davis, and added to the regular
Baptist Church, sustaining throughout a long and
airmens life, the character of e faithfuland worthy
member, endearing herself to all who knew her, by
her godly conversation and helium in life. Her
mind being well stored with heavenly wisdom—
' well established in the sublime and fundamental
truths of the Gospel. She was well qualified to
apply the healing Lahti to the wounded spirit--tu
impart joy and consolation in the exercise of
tual faith. At the language of scripture, the was
indeed a "Mother in larael," many of her children,
and grand children, through divine grace having
been mode "heirs according to the hope of eternal
life. In that glorioua hope, she died rejoming in
COllll tp., August 30, 1815.
On the 26th inst., at his residence in Scotch Val
ley, Mr. b uw ane Mmt.loaa —aged about 00 years.
lie had been thrown from his horse about three
weeks previous to his death, on his return flora
Willimuaburg, and seriously injured, from which
ho never recovered.—!!o!. Register.
Tho BRANDBETH Ping, n a general fami•
ly medicine, especially in a country so subject to
sudden changes of temperature as this, their value
is inealculalne. By having the Brandreth Pills al
ways on hand, should a sudden attack irf sickness
take place, they can be given at once, and will!often
have affected a cure More the physician could have
Purchase the genuine medicine of Win. Flten ,
art, Huntingdon Pa, and other agents published in
another part of this paper.
Dr. Wialar's Balsam of Mid Cherry.—ln the
first wagee of disease, termed "Catarrhal Consump
tion," originating from neglected colds, it hao been
used with undeviating sums., end hundreds ac
knowledge they owe the maturation of their health
to this invaluable medicine alone. In that form of
consumption so prevalent among delicate young
female., commonly celled debility or , •going into a
decline," a complaint with which thousands are lin
gering, it has also proved highly successful, and
not only pone..s the power of checking the pro
gress of thin alarininz complaint, but oleo strength.
ens and invigorates the system more of
, then any medicine we have ever posaewed. Be.l
sides ite surprising efficacy in consumption, it is
equally efficacious in influenza, liver compleintonith
ina, bronchitis, and ell afhictions of the lunge, end
has cured many of the 'nod obstinate cases, after
every nether remedy hoe failed.
For pediculars see 1)r. Wistar's treatise on con
sumption, to he had of the agents.
• 'rhe genuine is for sale at the store of Mr. Thos.
Reed, Huntingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidays.
Matate of ZOSIMPII ROBISON, lato
ej Tell township, Huntingdon county dec'd.
soldgiven, st
that a
been granted t , } the undersigned. All per
sons indented to said estate are reque,ted to
mak • insmediatu payment, and those having
Maims or demottuls against t tie sante are re
quest,d to 2 , esent them duly authenticated
for sc ttlentent,to
Lick Tp. Juniata cuuntr, Aug. 6. tans ,
I 3 state of WILLIAM ELDEIt,
late or Ilvewrll luwoiship, dred
N Mice is herebv Five n that km rs of ad
m Mist ration fiendente lite upon the ,aid es
tate have been granted to the undersigned,
All pt rsnas having claims or demands
against th, Same are tutusled to make
them known without dela) , and all persons
indebted to make immediate paY•nuut
Corer Run, bay 16, 1846-6 r.
• Office in Main Ntreei, three doors went
nl 111 r. lino!'; Jewelry e
uary 14,
SEA,LED . prupoSalit will be rereirce! by
t'ttlinussionvp nt their Mee in Mul
ti. gelot, the 131 h day of August for th,
ereCtfon'ut a Bridge across the little Juniata
River at firaysport tear the rn , 1011 cf
Spruce tree k. The plan and . specilic.ations .
can be seen at the Coianiissioners Office.
A LEX. KNO: 4 :, Jr..-
Cominissione rs Office, , .
Iluntingdon, July 25, 1845. S
LXCCIIIOr'S oliee.
E.bta Of David Runtbgardnrr, lair of Cart
rvirunrhip Huntingdon county, &Tel.'.
NO I'ICE is Betel' givt it, that 1( ttcrs
testmttittary upon e,tate, have Itreit,
trantett to the mle, sighed. All prisons
k owing thettselves irultittC 1:, ;affil estate
are et quested to make immediate payment,'
and all thmte• haring el:thm :lg.:hist said es
state, ore ri pit stud to present them *lttly
stuthenticated Inv ft• tilt burnt, , • • • .
ii>cNRV, Ext..
('ass tp., Jay 23d., 1843.
Trcs , nsiii(leht,l tr. the .46v:fiber/. .r
medical attun !ince rendered theniseli,
their families. are hereby nqueated Id
please come and settle their net:omits he- ,
t ween this and the thirteenth day of Octo
ber next, as artvr that time Ise intends to
leave all une'tl rl accounts in the hands of
the /ironer offi,,ce for
J. IL ',UDEN."
Huntingdon, July 16, 1845.
THE subscriber hereby cautions and fore.
warns 111 persons Wit to sele ,. , ICY) on, mt. 11.•
ur in any w:.y meddle with the following
propel ty, which he purchased at Sheriff'
salt of the 2:lrd flint., :0s the property of
Norris, of Hopewell township,
I luntingdon comity, to wit :
7 head of horses,
1 'Wagon and bed,
3 sets of horse gears.
9 head of horned c
1 on of grain in the sheaf,
2 't loughs,
1 hart lIW, •
2 shovel ploughs,
I log cloths,
which property I have left in the pnsses..itirt
of the cad Norris until such time as 1 see
fit to remove the sarlie.
. Coffee Hun, July 30, 1845.
Zistate of GEO E RUM 13 ER-
G Elt, late of Warrioromark Tp.
Hwaingdon outdy, decd.
I:'l'•l'EßS of administration on the hail,.
,iestate have been granted to the tinder •
sigial. All periants indebted to said estate•
are egnested to nrike immediate payment,
and hose having cl urns against it will per
sent hem properly authenticated for settle—
ment without delay. to
Au'ust 6, 1345—paid,
...w.. -- .V Eva usa a cs. dh.
A N expf rienced FEMALE TEACHER.
to tL,ke charge of a Public 5ch....1 in this
B a•nugh for a term of tht era mouths. By i•
der of the Borard of Directnrs.
Shilleyshurg, May 29, 1845.
LIST OF LETTERS, meaning in the
Post Office, at Alexandria, Huntingdon m,
on the Ist day of July, 1893—which if not
taken n o t within three months will he sent
In the Oeneri• Post Office as dead letters.
B Ater I.lm : !Aid James & Co.
Barry James J. M'Clure Wight:).
Itrubacker Abs sham Claimer John •
(:rvdet 7i hn, S4tTrr %William F
I)Mmure S amul Sluvelv llanirl
Foci;lcr Messrs Sprrpkle John
Fuckler Messrs I & Cp.
A!uxuntiria, July, 9, 1893.
To the Voters of Ituntsagdon Co.:
1 respectfully efft
myself to Your consideration, a► a candidaste
1.. r the ffree
Register A' Recorder,
of said aunty at the taming General Elec
tion, subjvct to the ili'cision of the %%lib(
(1-Inving had txpt elk Mee in the
dutii•stif shittlil 1 be etched 1
pledge tit self to a faithful! barite therciif.
Pritnitstnwn, June 11, 1845.--tf.
All permits indebted to the subscriber for
costs or fees clue him as Flaeriff of lim i ting..
don comity, arr here by Ilutlfit cl to make im—
mediate payment of the saute to ;it ( ,
P r iontioutty., to the
near Frankstown. This'tic has beet me
necessary as the sulmuriber ii destrt us .t.
settle his accounts, and can therein* e sire no
further iaduigcnce.......
Frankst tp., June 25, 1845 • -St.
.ITTOR.VEI .IT .L.llllt
Having re
thrio•tl to Homing,lim cemity, has 1, -(1111-
11iriTed the practice of LAW 111 eliC Kart ugh
of Huntingdon, where lie will con fully al•
tend to all . entrusted to his care.—
fie will be found at all times by those
may call upon him, at his Alice with hoe°
Fisher. F,sq., adjoining the sit re of Theb,
Read & Son, near the Diamond.
Huntingdon, April 30,
.4tlornry ✓ll Law.-- Am lids to In•acticc in
the Orphans,' C net, Statini
Vies *teen nits, &f.—Office in
Dimohd, three doors East of the •' Ex
change 11,th 1." Itlo2B, '44„
ATTORNEY Al LAW...ALIO reutovr d of
I luntingcluit, with the intention of making It
the place of his future residence, and
attend to such legal business as may be
t o him. Dee. 20, 1H4:1,
1 - rUn FlCEh'itilank3 et 111 Liittlb, ter sate
.10 «t chi., Off,e.