Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 30, 1845, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL r l'One eoantey, one antatiitstion, one destiny. Pan , :. - saa rxx dlainza 9 Woinesday morning, 3uly 30,1340, Delegate Elections A N II COUNTY GONVENTIONiI 'llia Democratic Whig voters of Huntingdon county are respectfully invited to meet in their ree f pectiv a twrouglN, to a and dietricte, on thiturday the of August next. lo elect two delegate. con each of (raid boroughs, township.: and districts, to represent them in the County Convention, which will assemble at the old Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 13th of August next, et 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate a County Ticket to be supported at the ensuing general elec tion; and to transact such other business as may be properly brought before said Convention. Candidates fur the following offices are to be nominated by said Convention, viz : l'wo persons for Members of the House of It epresentatives. One person for Prothonotary, Clerk of the ti ourts of Quar ter Sessions and Oyer ' and Terininer. Onu person for Register of Wills, Recorder of Deoeilik. Clerk • of the Orphans Court. One person for County Treasurer. One person for County Conunis. sioner. One person for Corr ner, One person for Auditor. Tbo voter. aro outwit], invited to attend said elections, so that a full and batiefactory exproisaion of dm popular will may ha brought into Conven• Joseph Higgins, Theo. H. Cromer, Graham McCamant, Nicholas Revolt, Robort Cu.nmins, John Keller, James A. MrCallon. Jsriel GrafTins, Dances Clnrke, Eenjamin Lean, Thomas E. Orbiaom John Knitter, John Rover, K. L. green, Brice X. Blair, David Enekedorn, James Dysart, Mordecai Chiluote, Rath R. McCune, James Morrow, Wm. M Elkl Smith. Adam 11. Heft , Thoman M Callan James E g o r ki n , Jr., William Michigan Elias Hoover, John Mr,Culluch, Jurn K. Now, Jacob IToocer, Comely Committee. linntingdon, July 16. 1946. "Harvest Home Temperance Celebration." We .re reqiieeled to give notice that there will he a harvest Home Temperan:e Celebration at Mauer Hill en Wielnestley the 6th of August 18.16, to which a general invitation is given to the friends of the cause. July, 23--to. Privileges of Postmasters. is The Post:nester General says: "When subscribers refuse to take Pamphlets nr Newspapers fmm the office, Postmasters are now, ar heretofore, required to notify Editors, &c., and may frank latent committing inch notice." The report that the Hon. TAM. BCCRANAN was about to resign hie Ake as Secretary of State, is without foundation. A Pannwe —Governor Shank has granted a pardon to J. Heron Foster, formerly of the Pitts• !meg Age, who was conviond of a libel on Judge Gt . ., Test full. Ty. Tlnwva . rr, Editor of tho Bed fora Gazette, has hesn onpointed by Gov. Skunk to be Attiuttnt General of rho State of Pennsylvania. If rabid LectsTocoiarn entitles a man .10 office, no one deserved rt lop hatter than our brother of the Gazotte, lie has always been rather unscrupulone in h ie political career. 11 AT.—Mr. Joseph ,Stewart, of our borough raised oa a field of hie, near thie place, rod chaff 'wordy wheat, weighing 67 5 , pounds to the ImAnt. It was eaten entirely all to tho grounJ on the 17th of April loot toy cattle. Who eau beat that. Another Revolutionary Soldier Cone.—Cesn• Tomtit AVItS;UMLI, of Nit. Pleseant township, Westmoreland county, a soldier of the Revolution, died si his residence, on the 17th inst., at the ad vanced ege of 67 years. lie served his country faithfully, in * three years campaign in gaining our Independence.. cg . ) - - Jaw( Serra Imp diepooed of the "Union Sur" to Joseph Casey, Erg. Varginia and Tennessee contain over 611y sigi,t thousand pertins, over twenty-on. year. of ago, who cannot read and write. 'j A magnificent comet, visible to the naked rye, ham been discovered •nearty due north, in eon t:teliation Auriga, about two degrees eastward (or right-hand) u( Cu, bright star Capella. €::::4-.111. HcY. CuA E. !howl!, of the Dd. timate Atious! Confarerxe, after t short tUneer FS - IV3;:ti;:von , oat last ceic "Every mai% to his tents, 0 Israel!" A Difference of Opinion. It 6 hoped that the Whig. end Antimssonic TO- The Lancaster Intellipencer—Loco—says GO, ' .... ters--the operitents ;of the present National end Shank will be re-nominated by acclamation to the State administration., end all who witch to prevent Governorship. the introduction of the same pernicious policy into 1 At is celebration of the name party in Harrisburg our county affeirs—evill attend the Delegate Elev.' on 4th, the following toasts were drunk : bone to be held on Saturday of next week, SW that I The one Tern principle—Set forth by President delegelco of sound anti unwavering principles may Polk, and must be the rule of notion he future for he elected to repreeent the party in the County Con. th e democracy of Penney lvanie. vention to bo hell on Wedneeday of the first week IBy Henry Sprigman. James K. Polk--the fe• of the August court. Let each delegates be else- smite of the Union, has declared the one term prin ted, free anderntrannmeled, end there i s nodoubt but aide sufficient for the Presidency. We, the people a County Ticket, composed of tried and faithful 1 of Pennsylvania, declare the same amply neceseery Whigs end A ntimaeons, will he put in nomination, for the government of the affair. of this State. Three on which the party can unite as one man; and, with years and no dictation. proper vigilance, triumph over all opposition, and , lily Jacob Hininger. Goveinor Shank—When prevent end expose all the Plaquemine movements Muhlenberg was the candidate, one term in the Ex of the enemy. ecutive chair wee insieted on sea democratic prin. The present is an immanent epoch in the historyciple. It is a had rule that does not work both I of the Whig party. The enc7ny have obteined the ways. possession of the reins of government—State anti I By Henry Lawyer. JaIIIPII IC. Polk—Has de- National—in all their departments—obtained them elated the one term for the Presidency. So will by successful stratagems arid frauds, and the traitor- the democracy of Pennsylvania follow his example out Tylerites are forced by the national government in the election fer their Governor. to give place to the .Ryndern, of the Empire Club, By J. C. Herbst. Rotation in office is ono of and kindred spirits; anti the miserable and imbecile the cardinal principlei of the democratic party, but elate administration is bestowing its f avors and its the present state administration have no such prin. confidence on pampered sycophants and pardoned c i p t., scoundrels; end Burr "democracy 'is in the ascen- By A. Risk. The present State Administration dant. —Can they give any /*aeon for proscribing the At this time, therefore, it behooves every Whig j friend. of Muhle»berg and appointing Whigs to of -every ono who cherishes conservative principles lice. Let them answer themselves with one term, *to stand his ground firmly, and to discharge his I and learn the Meson "that proscription shall be pro duty to himself and hie country without flinching. scribed." • Let us maintain our ground, vindiente our mind- "When doctors differ who shall decider' pies, and preserve our honor end integrity a. a par ty, and thus set an exempla to the Whigs of other Uomicide. counties and of other stolen, worthy of imitation. We learn from it gentleman from Jentey Share, The primary meeting* should not he deemed tai- Lycoming .runty, that an alfray took place on Set tling and unimportant matter.. If considered small urday evening last, two or three miles front that matters, we assure yon the small welters of the place, between John Stewart and John Hunt, which party must he attended to in order to ensure suers.. I resulted in the death of the former: The portico and to reap those great benefita vrh ch we aelieve lore, as related to us, are principally from Hunt, (no and know the Whig party to dispense wherever other person than the parties having keen present they have the ascendency. In order, then, to attain at the quarrel.) were given as follows: Hunt was those great results, let every man attend to all the at Stewart's reeidence, and afterthe rest of the !m -etal,. of the party--let all make themselves heard ily had gene to bed they were conversing about in the primary meeting. and then submit cheerfully I their affairs, having been in partnership. Stewart and in a spirit of true patriotism, to the will of the commenced abusing Hunt on account of having to majority. and all will be well on tho second Tuesday pay the dehts of the firm. Hunt then esid he in October. would not stay all sight and went to the field to get hie horse to go home. Stewart mat him about a hundred rods from the house and said be should not go, when seine words puttied and Stewart tore the halter off the bores and struck Hunt with a club, which broke , one of the bones of his arm. Hunt then drum his knife and stabbed Swint through the head, completely ing one of his ribs, when they separated. Stewart walked about twenty rods toward the house before he fell, and well found the next morning. Hunt says he did not know, at the time, that he had killed him. He has given him self up, and is now in jail at Williamsport. The parties above were brethere-in-law, andante individuals who were convicted a few ' ' ''' of tumult t an ult on Jared P. Hiding of Clinto ty , vii and portioned by Gov. Porter. Stewart resided in this borough about a year ago.—Seilefonie Whig. In a Decline, The Aholitioniste held a convention in Beaver, week before lain, at which but six or poeill persons attended, who nominated a county ticket. Bearer has been ono of the strongest Abolition I . olllliiee in the Went. The Beaver Argus says mite ma.s of that party are doubtleas beginning to see that they hove committed a very great mistake, and have done enough directly and indirectly for Slurery, which now rejoices in triumph secured in a very great degree through their efforts." A devs. toting fire oe.eured at Rochester N. Y., on the 15th inst, which burnt out between twenty-fine end thirty shops and families. Loss estimated at $2OOOO of which about $20,000 was insure& In a Snarl. The Lorofocos of Muskingum county, Ohio, rn. eently held a meeting at Zanessills, at which, after • fiery dismission, they refused to pass a compli mentary resolution of Presitlant Palk, by • large majority. ft is said some of ►he Old Hunkers talk of the following ticket for 1838: For Preeiden►—Silas Wright, of New York. For Vice President—Oen. Sam Houston, of Texas. afff In the Superior Court, New York City, en demurrer, Thurlow Weed has obtained judgment against William C. Bryant and Willi.' G. Boggs, for libel in the Evening Pont, which charged Weed's journal with publishing the Roorback false hood against hir..Polk"as original. (r_ f . The Res. EXOII r hm been eppoin. ted President of Dickinson College, in the coons of Dr. Durbin, resigned. cry The New Orleans ' , Tropic says there le no truth to theetory lately published of a dreadful or eurrenae near Oakland Cottage, Misr., whets a house containing negrore was set fire to and con sumed them. lie say, it is ■ deliberate falsehood, from beginning to end ! Ty Captain Turpin of the ill-feted steamboat Marquette, and his first engineer, Samuel Ilayes, have been held to !mil in the sum of )12000, to ap pear before the criminel court at New Orleans to answer the charge of manslaughter. Tho Wheeling Times of Monday the 19th inst., says, we are indebted to the kindnene of our post master for a clip containing the information that a very severe fire has occured in Indianan')lin, In. One third of the city a stated to he in ruins, and the post office cud many of the public building sa ved with difficulty. We see it stated that Fashion and Peytona tie to run over the Lona Island Course, in October next. ci-The North Carolina Watchmen chronicles the following case of matrimony at State/villa in its neighltorbooti: ..Mr. John Martin Sharpe wee re-nttnextel to his former wife and partner, Mrs. Lucy Sharpe cui the 9th Jutte, by William Moore, Esq., having been di vorced from each other on the lOth of March lest. I HBVillig been married ten years, the old 'stock of love" run nut, it seems. They divorced, courted, and married again. Possibly a better pier may guide their destiny through The future. A thing j done twice la often done well. Now Fr RVA,.—The large Anthracite Furnace of Moore. Porter & Burke at Harrisburg, was put in Wass last week. On Friday the engine which is of delicate consbuction, gave way. and the furnace wr.ts Sewn our• to repair ilia machinery. •‘T'ith VA& tnnt engine it 1$ sat d •the furnace will yield one hundred tens of von per week.— Potritwicanian. A Boy Browned, A Boat Boy woo drowned in the Crooked Dam 1 on Wednesday, under eircumotances, which, ifcor rect as we have heard them stated, amount !to mur der in a moral, if not in a legal, eena'. It is said that a Captain of a hoot seeing the boy at a distance, esid, "There is the boy that stole my money!' and cent hie bovreman in purenit of him, —the boy ran along Cie tow path until he found his polluter gaining en him, when he took to the water, end drowned in the presence of hie persecu tors, who stood on the bank rendering him no aw sistance, and it is even said stoning him while in the water. Vl'e hope, for the honor of humanity, that there is some error in this /statement. The boy wee en orphan and on the boat with Thomas Keyes. —Hallidaythurg Standard. DOWN WITII THE' TARIFF OF '43 ! The Locofocos, on Wedneedey last, cut down their hickory pole on the rail road; why or where lore, we cannot tell certainly, but may guess--it had, among other inscription. upon the banner it bore, this--THE TARIFF OF '49 !—and they were getting ashamed to roe it, since their leaders at Washington hare given notice that they intend to reduce that tariff.—Hollid rysburg Regisie;, We observe that Toasts somplimentary of our fellow-citizen, the Hon. James Irvin, were given on the 4th at the Whig Festivals in Reading and Phil aielphic—The General hos teeny warm friends and admirers among the people of Pennsylvania, who era anxiously waiting to show by actions, which speak louder than words, the high estimation in which he is held.—lidiefimle Whig. For the "Journal." Register and Recorder. Mi. Cnewaa: A communication appeared in the "Journal" of last week, in which the ituthor;who subscribes him self "A Voter," while recommending a friend as a candidate for the offices of Register and Recorder, takes occasion to my (amongst other things which he is pleased Maly very kindly of me) that he has understood that I am disposed to retire fromthe du ties of the offices. How "A Voter" has got this understanding i cannot tall—certainly not from any thing I have ever said on the subject. lam under great obligations to my friends, for favors al. ready conferred upon me, and cannot tell if there is wry likelihood of my being nominated again; yet while I would not wish to obtrude my none upon the piety for a renomination, neither do I like to truce my name altogether expunged without my knowledge or cement. Should I he nominated then, in the good old way, I will thankfully accept the nomination, and if el ected. shall continue to perform the dutieseonnected with these offices faithfully, and to the best of my abilities. tun respectfully, Your friend, JOHN REED Jul.:: :6th, 1815, COAL. A celebrated political economist observes that it is hardly possible to exaggerate the advantagsa which England derives from her vest beds of coal; and the annual production of the minerals of the British fides are estimated at £20,000,000, of which £0 000,000 ate front coal, and 01,000,000 from iron. It is the third interest in importance in the kingdom, as follows : Cotton Manufactures, Woollen . 1 Coal The same interest which thus exists in Great Bri- 1 talc, is rapidly augmenting in the United States-- to the exclusion of England on the American con tinent. Even now we never hear of an importa tion of coal front England or Nova Scotia, without realising that the treneaction is very much like that i of a certain Philadelphia Lawyer who imported a 1 suit of French clothing, at a coat of seventy-fire 1 per cent more than an equally good nrtiele could Ito furnished for at home, merely that he might be able to tam of wearing a Parisian Jun of tie last fash ion. It has now become a well settled fact, after a eerie. of chemical experiments, that the bitumin ous fuel. of Ponnaylvania are impeder to any in the world; why, then, should we import a single ton? And in addition to our own productions, 1 those of Maryland, and 901114 of the newly discov eyed veins in Missouri, meth. well. So that net t vrithstanding the circumstances that encourage the l foreign trade, a few years will no doubt see 'be total extinction of the importation hf coal. The Grave of !garrison. The editor of the Southern Christian Advocate has given a very pleasant eketeh of hie journey from Charleston, to attend the late convention at Louisville. Passing over the former part of kin journey, we will accompany him on the trip front Cincinnati and Louisville, on the mail route—the only object which attracted the traveller's attention being the grave of General Harrison. He soya of, that sacred spot— . I was hut little inclined to eight seeing on the mugs to Louisville. One subject I desired to see. It was the residence and grave of Harrison—they are ono in interact et least. To accomplish this object with more certainty I ascended the upper deck at once, and waited with eager interest our ap proach to the melancholy place in which were bu ried in an unfortunate hour, tko hopes of a great multitude, whose auffrages had raised hint to the most exalted elation of honor and reaponsibility known among men. As we neared the place dear to so many hearts, and rendered carved by so many aseociationa, there was a vary striking manifestation of a very common end pervading interest—and the grave—the house —passed from lip to lip, as these o bj ects broke upon the sights of the earnest epectators. Silently the crowd of trevellere had gathered to those parte of ! the boat from which the first, least obstructed and ! Dr...Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry.- -Tho West views of the borne and last resting place of extraordinary surreal attending the use or this the honored mon might be hail. Ills with'sas of a • Ine i th c i c e l i : t i l i r es ee ' e e ffe e e f te t d he i l t u e n e F e nod the r e,. sin and absorbing sentiment seemed to pervade en gustll,l.le attention of many phye g i l c g ia:: t a u st ra w Y ell c a U e r the cry bosom—They gazed in idleness or 'yoke in veil!, whole fraternity of quack., verMue conjectures and pen. Its descending the river the grave stands , eurmises have arisen respecting its composition; prominently its view, as it roes until the whole SCP7IO some physicians neve soPP°Kod it io contain Wino. to the eight tet the wind i ng et . the river. Tin„ other ignorant retention! any st must contain Instr '"" cury, end to some such unbalance they each attrib. house Mends en a much lower spot than the grave, ! one i ts s i ngu i st efficacy. As such opinions are M end is not fairly area until abreast of it. It in a ; together erroneous, and calculated to prejudice ma fair and comely mansion, not splendid, but sufficient ray persona ',anima it, we for one whose true residence is in the hearts of his , PLEDGE OUR HONOR, fiat it contains nothing of thin kind, or any thing countrymen. The grove stanch on she elevated' the least injurious; on the contrary, it is compoeed summit of a lovely hill, within a email enclosure. of the most simple imbalances, the principal of I may not attempt to describe this scene or the feel- . which are the extracts of tar and Wild cherry bark, ago it inspired its my own and the breast of others. aniclathiss, Y whole eeeoc,rpev era r. t its e m lii md •sacy consists in the I bared any head to the sieheutent aim and fierce mode e h e genu i ne is for ax l e b y Th omas Road, Hun wind while punning the grave of tAts lamented Her- tingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg rison, and thought of the strange providence that called him hence at a period so full of interest to the destiny of this great and growing nation. God is just; all his works are done in rigiteousnees and truth. I felt this, and turned fr o m the scene I have so faintly described, satisfied that submission to God its no leas the duty of the Christian than it is of the politician. The Charleston Mercury, the leading Lecofoc° organ of the South, say. :—"lt will be seen that one of the most brilliant humbugs of the day has been diesipeted by the liberation of •Gov. Dorr' from prison. There was some excitement and petriotia fury got up by express on the occaeon, end the edi tors rejoiced in the material. for paragraphs. This is the greatest farce on both side, that our dey hes produced. But farces aro the rage—especially po lities! forces." A Iresvirc Perten..—We a day or two sire, nab• the Philadelphia Inquirer, saw a very neat pencil, manufactured of German silver, and marked out with a scale of four inches. It combined a lead pencil, a pair of steelyard., capable of weigh ing letters from a quarter to two ounces—a pen, a magnum for gold sovereign'', a toothpic, and a place for lead. Thousands of these useful pencil. could, we think, be readily disposed of. To Cult. ♦ Corou.—The editor of the Balti more Farmer asys the best roniedy he ever tried in his family for ■ cough or cold, is the decoction of the l f the pine tree, sweetened with [malin ger, to he freely drank warm when going to Lcd at night, and cold throughout the day. Daguerre, through whose inventive genius a per fect face is transcribed in a few seconds of time, has discovered a method of making trees only three month old hear fruit. Doubtful. Duelling and tight lacing are two fashionable mode. of 'laughter! In the one case, a bullet le the instrument of death--in the other a string. We are sorry to oh , from an advertisement in the Republican, that Mr. John Wise, the cele brated "Native Genie's" of our city, has become a lunatic. It will he some relief to his friends to learn that he is perfectly hartnlees.--Lancaster Er. A piece of common indigo made into a paste with spirit. of camphor, and applied to the wound, it i neutral:lea t!ie from tlto bitc., of .ilakes of an, kind. Large rlouriag Mill, Tito Maiaborg Telegraph, says:—David tem. 11 Esq.. the enterprising pioneer in the packet beet business, hos erected ht Leeehbtag, Armstrong co., on the Conemaugh, one of the finest Merchant Mills in our country. It contains six am of French Burrs 43 fret in diameter, end will tern ont 100 barrel. of flour per (ley. Its machinery is of the boat kind and latest improvement.; and the mill I. driven by waste water of the Conemaugh not if required by the Slack Water Navigation, end the bead of water ie said to be sufficient for several such Mills. The place is said to present greet induce ments for the erection of a cotton manufactory, having every facility for market end for obtaining the raw material. Eastern capitalists, if they were to arm it, would not allow the advantages to be long unimproved. $50,000,000 44,000,000 40,000.000 OBITU ARY RECORD From DEATH no age nor no condition save, As goos the freeman, so deports the slave, Tho chieftain's prince and the peasant's bower, Alike are ravished by his haughty power. DIED--In Winne, lower/ Territory, on the 4th instatit,MAßlr ELIZAIIRTII--infant daughter of Denjaiffn and Sarah Hewit, recently of Hollydaya burg—aged 10 month.. On 'Thursday, the lath lenient, at Athena, in the State of Tennessee, LETITIA N. SMITH, wid ow of Richard Smith, Eeq., of Huntingdon. Mr.. Smith had left Pennsylvania only a few week., in company with her Nephew Mr. Van Dyke, with whom ahe intended to upend the re mainder of her day.. They reached Athena, hie pare of residence, s h out tho first of June. Not withstanding the fatigue of no long a journey, her heelth appeared as good as usual. Sho attended a Sabhath-sehool celebration on the 4th of July.— In the evening she complained of a alight head ache, which, however, rapidly increased . re using ex erutiating pain. Her mental powersyielded to the intensity of her bodily mulTelings, and during the last two or three day. of her mortal existence she appeared quite insensible. Thus in the mysterious diepensation of an A lbwise Providence, she wee /limier] the privilege in her last moments of bearing testimony to the faithfulness of a Sevimir's love, vittd to the excellence of that religion, of which she hail been for many years a worthy and consistent : profes.), She was a member of the Methodist ; Episcopal Church. The circumstance. attending the death of Mrs. Smith, were communicated to a lady of this Ogee, and this brief notice will, no doubt, be read with feeling. of deep emotion by her nuineroint friends. Thrive who knew her beet loved her moat. j Huntingdon, July 30,1845 O. (C)- The moat popular and highly appreciated medicine in the naval and military citeloa, is an in- Tention of Dr. Brandreth, known as trannretlea Purchase the genuine medicine of Win. Stew art, Huntingdon Pa., and other 'agents published in another part of this paper. CA VTION. 7•HE subscriber hereby cautions and fore warns all per,a, not to la ize, levy on, sell, or in any w-y meddle with the following proprtty, which he purchased at Sheriff salt on the 23rd as the property of Wil Norris, of Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, to wit : 7 heath of horses, 1 Wagon and bed, 5 sets of hot se gears, 9 head of hormd cattle, 1 nit of grain in the sheaf, . 2 sloughs, hallow, 2 shovel ploughs, I log chain, itl Ilich . propt.rty I have left in the passes , 4nr of the said Norris until such time as 1 see lit to remove the same. JAWS F.NTI4ILIi.IN, Jr. Coffee Rem, July 30, 1845. Strith4c Propomals. SEALED proposals will be received by the Commissioners at their (glee iii Hun tingdon, ti:l the 15th day of August for the erecti.oi of a Bridge across the little Juniata River at Gray spert rear the mouth of Spruce Creek. l'he plan and specifications can be seen ai the Commishiont rs Office. A LF X. KNOX, Jr.. MORDECAI CHILCOTE,i C emrs JOHN F. MILLER. Curnmisaitincrs Off i ce, Huntingdon, July 25, 1843. I:xertrlolox olire. Estate of David Rumhgardner, late of Cass• tottenshifi, Huntingdon county. decd.! NO EicE givtn, that It tterr testamentary upon said estate, lmee been granted to the outlet signed. A:l persons Iviowing themselves indebted to said estate are request , cl to make immediate pa) mcnt, and all those having claims against said es state, are et ith sled to present them duly authenticated ho. sett lenient. HENRY SHAFFER, Ext., Cu. tp.. July 211.. 1845. NOTICE. AU p,rsans indebted to the subscriber for medical attendance rendered themselves and their families, are hereby requested to please come and settle their accounts be tw. en this and the thirteenth day of Oc'o• ber next, as after that time he Wends tr. leave all unsettlill accounts in the hands of the proper officer for collection. . . J. B. LUDEN, Hunting lon, July 16, 1643. Tr-L - STICESIBI.I, ;111 turn ;'t PUBLIC SALE. Whereas the owlet signed has been A 1 ) ... pointed by the, Court of Common Pleat; of Huntingdon county. Sequestraior the life estate of S. Miles Uteri), of, in, and to certain real estate in the said county, by ‘irtee whet eof he will extose to sale at the Court House in the Borough of .Hontingduti on Wednesday the 13th• day of Augupt nen', at tO o'4:kik A. M., all the right, title, and interest, of the said Samuel Miles Green, of, in, and to the following desitib'ed real estate, known by the name of the Barree Forge proper ty, situate in Porter and West townships in the county of Huntingdon, {the saint! . tieing the life estate of the said Satnue Miles Green thereon.) viz:— A tract ol land containinietbmit— acres, be the same snore or less, situate on the little Juniata River, compa:od o t three adjoining curve's, twit in the name of Lazarus 11. McLain, and the other it; the came of George Olmsby, having about 140 acres cleared ,thereon, and Barret; Forge, with six tires; a grist miil ; istif large weather boardi:d mansion• house ;.a , mw mill; a ;mit !oink barn, and a nuns-. ber of buitilimAs for the use of the Purge and farm hands, thereon erected. ALSO—A tract of land adjoining the ohove containing about 34:3 acres, survey ed in the name of John, Rea, !loving there• on about 50 acres cleared and in good! cultivation. ..... . A LSO —A tract of land adjoining /LT above contains: 6 s about 105 acres, sus vey• in the name of Robert W ikon ha visit; shout 80 acres clearest, and a small log: house awl etable thee, on. ALSO—Two tracts of unseated land s one thereof containing SO acres surveyed in the noose of Oreentsory Dorsey, lira the other coniainieg 46 acres in the saint.. of Elenzer W sinister, lying on the litoa Juniata River. ALSO—The following thirteen tracts !of timber bind situate north-east from Barret. Forge, on Tussey'Sl mountain, Pine Ridge 4.c., One containing about 498 Acres aurveysd on ts warrrant iu name of Aquille Green. One containing about 402 Acres surveyed on a warrant in name of Nathaniel Green. One containing about 401 Acrea aurve►ed on a warrant in name of Sarah Green. ' Ono containing about 407 Aarra surveyed on It warrant in the name of Edward Onen. One containing about 403 Acres fair/eyed on warrant in name of Satab Green. One containing aiiout 400 Acme surv&yeil on a warrant in name of Isaac thorn. One containing ahnui 403 Acre, eurveyeAl on a wartant in named Merle. Green. One containing about 402 Acree 'purveyed ou e warrant in name of Robin'. Irvin. One containing about 400 Acme am viva on a wrrant in name of Thomas Green. One containing about 400 Acree aurveyett nil a • warrant in nanin of Joint Green. One containing about 398 ACTei SUrVeygli on a warrant in name of Abraham Greets. Ono containing about 400 Acres surveyed en a warrant in name of Ruth Glean. Ono containing about. 277 Arroa surreyeal on a warrant in name of floury Green. ALSO--the following tract. of unseated land situate between the Little Juniata River anti Wei eratreet, viz:-- One containing2l9 Acre* 87 parellea burveyetl on a warrant in name of Ann Bruno. One containing 408 Acre. 8 pan how agrecyci on a warrant in name of Mary Brown. Ono eontsing 499 At,. 83 peruke. aurzeyed on a warrant in name of Elizabeth Brown. ALSO—the following tracts of unseated knoll ii itu ft to on Tuasey's mountain, hack °f lutist Piper's and others, viz,— One containing about 465 Atm, 152 pctehee tiorYeyed on Ft warrant in name of Andrew Oita. One containing about 446 .%eree 112 perches miveyed on a warrant in name of John Capp. Ono containing about 416 Acre" 102 porches 'or/eyed on a warrant in name of Robert Junin. OM, containing about 70 err. 50 perches our. revolt on a warrant in notate of E. B. Dom". ALSO--a !ran of land remaining about 168 . „ Acres situate in Diamond Valley, about 50 Acres of which are cleared, with a house and barn t kere on erected. This tract in known a. iho "Brewer place." ALSO--a tract of land containing 3116 Aetea. 25 percher, purveyed on a warrant in the name of fame) Pennington. on which is the DORSEY ORE BANK situate in Warriorpmark and Franklin Townships. ALSO—a tract of land containing 130 Arrex situate in Franklin Townahip, in the name of Al exander Ramey, about 70 Acme of which are 1111. proved, &c. Terms of isle, cash. Attendance will ha `item by JOlll , l PORTER, Stequedresr , July 15, 1845. CHEAP FOR CASH, wHoi,EsALE AM) RETAIL Boot, shoe, and Cap Sim v. Egic No. 21 MARKET S'IRZET, (between Front & Second Sts., North Side.) PHILNDELPIIIA. THE subscriber has on hand a large and complete assortment of the above named articles, to which he it spectfully invites the attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon county, consists g of Men's, Bay's " (I Youth's coarse Wax. Kip, Calf Skin, Seal and Wracco 11001'S and BROC ANS Ladies' Misses' and Childs en's Boots and. Shoes in all their varieties ; also, Ladies' and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of every kind, top titer with Men's Boy's and Children's CM'S of every description. Persons will Whit to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purcha sing elsewhere, as 1 am determined to sail at the LOWEST POSSIBLE CASII PRICES. SAMUEL GOLDEY, PliVadelpliia July, 24 1845. 1 .1 li()NDS—S,I.Y.Treto and Coot '.4le. tl,ib