74 1 1.- L „e„ + 1 • int gran:dig 2,rtuAgulpr—EirtioteV to General 3Entettigente, abbertioittit, V°tit 1- Zr =II. f.;3 tErsa swooptc ) ( DANIFI. AFRICA I W 1" CA' 000D.V. . t'a I Test ‘lllnoribers lu,se just returns d from and are now opening a spltm• ‘ll,l xssnetrrent tit Winter and Summer Goods, At tlie.old stand at Peter Swiiope, consisting of ; Cussimets ; Sattintlts and Flan ; descriptiteis tif Woollen and Surn met. goods ; in part Silks ; Lawns ; Ging bathst Corded Skirts ; and prints tIT various stvjrs ; figured ignslins ; Mtiuslin-de lanes; Matins of all descriptions ; Simmer matt, for men's and boy's wear ; Shawls, Hand— karcli : silk and cuttin;Hase of all kinds; a splendid assortment of Suisbaties ; Para *oh ; and Paris Screens; a general assort nsent of Hardware ; • Iron and Steel ; Hallow-ware and Saddlery A R cneral assortment of Grneerie , : Ji~i•s. ttift t llf I .It.ff A ..t Qqe,nswure ; I t ci smti Fish Oil ; C. 4 “.1 V..1:0•11; Air., of all grtiatfous ; Stuff , f which will be fr , 1,1 I•ov cnsh r cmit:t7 v hr ,face. SWCOIY. & AFRICA. Nl,tv 7, I 54.1. Huntirmdon, V' 'arch rag ers— e'4lvara tit ce, .VH St, ItolterNiti,7le t f the P,ttentee, of "tr'!,. Queen of the ITe • ' 'l i Ou-ti' Is, s, 4 , 4,croeci f t 1! - er WU] chir,rent p writ C , thi 4,ing • • ! h . ) pl11,11:14V and UV' :4 •"f rir.N rCo Mr '3l - ovt, —The Q vs 'he Iliutt." No‘; hh. is to i bf , rei 1. pt rsno wit sit.' pur,lt , s•• Stove th.tt he 111:.1 cl:lo,lf , ' lir, , ,s th ecstsnrilamage rani vu; IlehtKlit by ether F et, ,••::. -a ts. for any infringott of ' l l.it. if,, gives this notice to .tit need not be under any fea, because they whit, consulting their own infer ewti 1.4 , 1 convenience, :tectinsti the superior .Ivn•ttttKe4 of this c Queen" not only ot the /Mgt, but of the .Fast. 1'614..1 EL. Glt AFFIUS. July 24. 1844. " QUM= Or TIIM 'WEST" !axle by 1. U Fl ITS SUN. Alex- and ia, fluatinailfm oiunty, Pd., ctivdp for ni ry prid ore at the nta ket p ice. T,a'"Q. tern iv an im pf,lVPMell! 0!1 celebrated flo Air tl!ovet bever ap 111.4,191 any n! o, or a C 0,0,1 Sh.ve tlyr ~I,,t!f;ovs that +his+ on, h.. A Mlle , ' tirad for any n , ,,•.t of cooking or Int. hint thin oave :0" any wile,. rer.nns ar, :-eque‘“ , d t+, call and see iimiftr► they wirehair els,where. July 3:1844. rirx.r.l DRIP! UP CID 1:17 473 T:E) 5:11 'W 2 I. 4 - 4 %FM% & SON, ESPEr, inform the citizens 14 of llutititiev'on county, and the public vnerally, that they ebt.ttnue to curry on the copper, Tin and Sheet•tiron llnsinfts, in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they vn . inufactiire anti constautly keep On li4nd Avery de,ict iption of ware in theirline; f.f{r4' New and Splendid Wood Stoves 22, 24, 26, 28 kind 3Pinches tort DI ATo 11 sroUTS, !Vete Cook ins,' .S'tove4 of all VAIL. and Al9O ftmr sizes of Coni Stoves, at-in STOVF.-PIPE. AND STOVI. , FINISHED All kin.l4•‘f castings done, for Forges, Saw mills an - 1 Threshing-maeliines. Also WAc ( MILL GITDGEONS, AI , ) 00110 W w tag ; of which is done in a workman ke inmner. Also. Copper, Dye, Wasit, Fuller, Pre seraia,„;,.and Ten gettles. for sale, toliolesa?r and Perawns favoring this t•titahlishment with cuerrn may dliend cn having their executed with fidelity and despatch. Ol t i tm•t brass and pc terta ,x,haritre. 4V,i , wheat, rye, corn aad oats tak , n at market price. AlOcandria, July 3. 1844. VOTICF..—The stt`)ttcril)cr respectfully retple:,ts all pt•rsnip4 itylettrd to hint for vork , lone :tt the nil estahlisht»ent, pc, vlntitr tn the Ist ett N,v,mber List, t.) call and rifle th.it accounts witheut delay. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. 7;!v3, Mt& C;‘ ,- - 1 .2 1 3n nn •Ci J (212 a A F . 017 NI , tvlt , cl7nree rf r,” , Ituatccl five miles t part of Ohio. H .c u no•;4led. !o A iFELP.II, Pitttihi.l . Pb• . • ' a Free Press and Roll'clays r • , pl , sse copy to amount of one doit, , r mut filly rents each, and charge .tnd• papers to advertiser, flu, • 11.1 ! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry! 3 - IsusT rt ceivc (1, a st( ck n 1 the must magnifi- X i i dent Jewelry 17"_ceer , come up the (1Z) Cuusistiug f Got]) PAT „”, TONT I.P.vitus, Ladies • c D ANCHOR LP:- t, L V Ells, full jewelled, 51 LVER PATKNT LRvERS, ciollble anti sinfOr cased,tilivEu A 1./c How L Ev E H % full/eV:deli, double and .vinclr eased ENGLISH WATcuk,s, bn tatiou Lever*, QUA RTjHR and FRENCH WATCHES, &C. &c. Also Gold rob Claims, surd Scats, of the most fashionable pattetns. i . Gold Pencils, Spectacles (.;uaid Chains, Ket's, Iti:earelets sett with t, phz, Medaliens, ger Iti •gs, Far Rings , lit east Pins, sett with topaz. &c. &c. Nlioeatiire Cases, Silk Forces, (:,,ral Reeds, Pock, t lie, ks, Musical Boxes, illatheintitiral Instrutut Lts, Silver Spectacles, 'Fable Spoons, Ice and Salt Spoons, Suva r Tongs, Lowends pattent Razors of the finest quality. HENRY CLAY io't. kaives, a %tipei.ior arti cle, Steel PrIlF, Sy, Cl.s,rs, Hair. It t+saes. Fia:th Brushes, Natio. Points. &e. &c. All tire above articles will lie sold clieupet has ev( ir heretofore. - Clot - k c.l ‘',itch repairing done as usual, vtry cl:tap fnr cash. A large Iti•sortmr tit of eight day and Oily. ty bnnr (lox ks will be sold very edei:r. All watches sal will be warranted f. r one ye,w, and a wt iltrn guarrantre n. that it not found equal to wiry:tidy it will (iloritig that period) be pot in out, r ut expense, or tt irjured, may lee 7.i:eh:owed fur any they watch id equal value. The warranty s rorsidered void, shy uld the watch, with which it.is given, be put into the hands of iti,t,ther watch tanker. D. BUOY litititing(Ton, April 10. 1844. goittarg. wouhl rtspeettellt inform th e e ivz lot of Huntingdon and the aO.F•in ing c• unties, that he still ettutient s ti car ry en business at the Hof koale Foundry, Cover ciyeek, two miles &tin wt re he is prepared to txt-cute all orders in his line, of the best materials and wotkonanship, and with promptness and tie spotcn. Ire will keep constantly on hand stow s of et erydescript irm , such its Cooking, Ten Plate, l'Aitt.nn, COAL, liol . knvo and WOOD STOVES IariTINGSTON PLOUGHS, Anvils, rinmint rs, Hollow Ware, and every kind of castings necessary for forges, mills or ma chinery of any description ; wagon boxes all description. , &s., which can be had on as good terms as they Call 60 had at an) other foundry in the comity or state. Remeni:ier the lit tkanle F, tindry„ d-r old int.t:,l taken 11l exchangti for any easticg. NVILLIAM KENNEDY J. 7 Mt. K. has rt cently uurchased the patient right It a cooking st , ve fur limiting dot, comity—the stove will be Set up by him .mil warranted to the purchaser to be as good la any in the State—orders furnialice. July 17, 1844.-0% COME 'MIS STAY! mrrszvra Carriage Manufactory xxxpralr MITU TiN - 9 , oti 1' Ee3pett:illy ritl7ins the citizer s 41.4 k. of the borough and ct-unty ot Hunting don, the public genertilly, and his and friends and cust , ,rn,ts in particular. that he still cwiti lulus the Coach Making iliesiress in all its vnrious britoclies,st his slit stancl,in M :in street in the linrough opposite the 'Journal' printing Pie. where he has constantly - 011 hit every description 1 Coaches, Carriage'', P,-;%. Buggies, Sleighs Dearborns, which he will sell low Ter c ath ir tn rt NC, able terms. All kinds of wwk in his line made to or the slim test notice, in - . . WOltli TAI A I% PAK IN RI 4 ZOW Fit And all Limns of repairing donee ith nent• less nod despatch. Cottntry produce will be taken in exchninge for wink. Anv pereons wichine to purchase are re fepecanlly invited to call rust examine and Uttre 1, themselves. FfantinyTon v. 29, 1815. Estate of Elizabeth Shaw, into of itio,ris ' township dreca.d. neF. is hereby given. that Letters 41 testamentary on the last will and tes tament of said deceased have keen granted to the subscribers. All persons therefore indtbtvd to the estate of said deceasd, are rt quest e.l to make immediate payment, and all li,ving claims to picsertt them duly at thenticated for si•ttlement, to 50'4N KELLER, Ex'r. April no, 1845. 6t Morris tr. C A C 'l' I 0 741 . We the subscribers, hereby entiti , in all persons against purchasing, or in till Wvy taking a note given hr tui ,to Ileurge Smith, i•llletitlerann township; iimitingdrip count), dated wt or about the 19th day of February I,Bt, for three. hundred and fifty-five doltirs, I ,7 iYable in blooms, in Diluting'len, one hun dred dawn after date—the said Judgnieut etc lets lag been obtained Ire IS u, by feud net with .ut consideration; and will there tee nit h , paid, and the law will not cotn ieel us to pay it. SAMUEL FICKES, JOHN FIC &ES. March 26, 1845.-3 t. ...D LANK BONDS—Judvnient and corn lad MCII-- , r Bitle at this t.ffict. LP az, PIIBLI3I I / 1 1, ar THEODORE 11, CREMER, The "dolma, 1." will he published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid - within Rix niontlis42 50. No subscription received fora shorter period than six mmtlis, nor any paper discontinued till all ar resrages are paid. • Advertisements not exceeding one square, will he inserted three times for $1 00. and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite eiders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will he kept in till ordered out, and charged ae ' cordirigly. POZ P. 7. u'rn charm the languid houre of Battu.% lie oft invite. her to the Muse. lore." SUMMER. " rtir thin' the elintithers of the peneeful ski.. Where the high fount of Summer's brightness lies !" The Ppritig's gas premise melted intn thee, Fair Mummer! and thy gentle reign is here The emerald robes are on each !miry tree; In the blue sky thy voice is deliend elem.; And the free brooks hove songs to bless thy reign, They loop in music midst thy bright domain. The gales. that wander from the clouded west, Are burdened with the breath of countless fields; They term with incense from the green earth's brewit, That up to genven its grateful odor yields; Bearing sweet hymns of praise from many a bird, By nature's aspect into rapture atirr'd. fn such a fcr no the sun illuminated heart Bounds liken priAnner in his narrow When through its ham tho morning-glories dart, And forest anthems in his heaving stVell— And, like the heaving of the voiceful sea, His 'nutting bosom Ishors to he free. Thus, gazing on thy void end sapphire sky, 0, Sommer! in my inmost soul arise Uplifted thoughts to which the woods reply, . . . _ , • And the bland air with its soft melodies: Till backing in some vision's glorious my. I long for eagle's plumes to flee away. I long to east tide cumbrous cloy aside, And the impure, unholy thoughts that cling To the sad bosom, torn with care and pride; I would soar upward, on unfettered wing; Far through the chambers of 'the peaceful skies, Where the high fount of Summer's brightness PILGRIM SONG Over the mountain whet, see where they come; Storm-elnud and wintry wind welcome them home; Yet, where the sounding gale howls to the sea, There their song peals along, deep toned and free; .4 Pilgrims and wanderers, hither we come; Whore the free dare to be—this is our home !" England !lath runny tlitlea, dearly they bloom ; Scotia bath heather hills, sweet their perfume: Vet through the wilderness cheerful we stray, Native land, native bind—home far away ! t. Pilgrims and wanderer., hither we come; IX her.) the free dare to be—this is our house !" Dint grew the forest path: onward they trod; Firm beat their noble hearts. trusting in C ut Gray men and blooming maids, high rase their song, Hear it sweep, clear and deep, ever along: " Pilgrims and wanderers, hither we come; Where the free dare to be—this is our home !" Not theirs the glory-wreath, torn by the blest; Heavenward their holy steps, heavenward they pest! Green he their mossy groves! ours be their fame, While their sang peals along, ever the same : Pilgrims and wanderers, hither we come; Where the free dare to he—this is our home!" THE HOUR OF PRAYER Child, amid the flowers at play, While the red light fades away, ltlother, with thine earnest eye, Ever following silently ; J:lither, by the breeze of eve, Called thy harvest work to leave, Pray !—ere yct the dark ham be, Lift the heart and bend the knee. Triteellers,in the stranger's land, Far from thine own household baud ; Mourner. haunted by the tone Of a voice from this world gout ; Captive, in whose narrow cell Sunshine both not leave to dwell ; Sailor, on the darkuing sea. Lift the heart and bend the knee. Warrior, that limn battle won, Brenthest cow. at set of eat' , Woman o'er the lowly slain, Weeping on his burial plain ; Ye that triumph, ye that eigh, Kindred by one holy tin; Heaven's fast star alike ye ace, Lift the heart and bend the knee. A riyx TuououT.—Could we open the agent history of those who have risen to eminence;-- could we survey their lofty purposes. their well digested plane, the skill and energy which they em ployed ; could we behold the obstacles they sur mounted, we might better understand the true im port of that appropriate adage, "Every man in the hand of Providence, to the architect of hie own fortune." (a Willis says we love women a little fur what we know of them, and a great deal more fur what .., e eo not to, Utter/awe, ,Itiorattev, Arttitceti,liftricultetrt,i3 situteattent, Sce., $Ct. 9 fioa.) D aaCE34I **f'=may .vie ~ •~~ r iA N+l idVii~r~iV .r:O VNo From Fetereon's Ladies' National Magazinc, WON AND LOST. II 2' ELL.N ♦xutor, 'Look—there goes George Merin, striding along like a pun of stilts; his arms, as usual, swinging op and down. as tilose of a windmill,' said Kate Ed monds, no she oat at the window with her eldest. Agnes was die Very oppo,im of the witty Kate, and she could scarcely comprehend how her sham. could !speak thus; for she knew Kato loved George Alcott if ehe loved any one. lint Kate hod a rep utation fur wit, which she had won hy saying ear castle things of her acquaintance; end, moreover she enjoyed a secret pleasure in cone/tiling her real opinions. To use her own phrase: •it was hive to quiz folks!' , How can you speak thus, Kate?' said her sister. 'Mr. Aleut!, though tell, is not ungraceful, and, I'm afraid, if,ynu were to be criticised as emerely as you crititise him, even your immaculate self would suffer.' ra 'He dare not fry itraaid Nate, pouting her pretty 'mulct not,' roplied Agnes with emphasis. 'Really, dear Kate, you do yourself injustice, he the sarcastic things you say: people think you much worse tempered than you aro-.' 'And what if they.do? I'm sure I auk perfectly indifferent to their opinion.' , So you may Do now, hut you'll find by and bye, that these opinions have value.—Beside you do not moiety mean what you say. I know that George Alcott is your favorite—nay! y. cannot deceive mo—you need not pout and shake your hand—' 'Wall. then—what if he is! Dana not that give me an especial right to abuse him! It is one of the privileges of our sex to make fun of those we like best.' 'Alt! Kate that is a fatal apprehension. If you would think twice you would see how foolish a thing you hod said; for if you abuse him before those who know your real opinion, they will laugh at your vein attempt' to blind them, while if you make fun of him before strangers, you lower him in r 'l'shaw! Now you would piny the logician,' said Kate, jumping up and running to the door. 'You know sister inine, when you begin to lecture' I begin to move—so gond bye, my dear little preach er, and with these words the goy girl skipped down the entry. Kate seas always the careless, rattling creature we have described her. Gifted with high animal spirits, a good lieprt, warm impulse., and considera ble brilliancy of mind, she might have mule an al most faultless being but for the unhappy faculty she hail imbibed, of taming into ridicule every per son awl thing" she met with. Scarcely the members of her own fatuity escaped her witty longue. We have seen that even her favored tovedstiffered under its lash. Indeed, as if to take revenge for having tort her heart, Kato was especially severe on him who had won it. Th, tact is, she was so fond of mystifying—or quizzing as she called it—that she made it a point to say things of George which no lady could be suspected of saying against tha num she loved. 'Dear Kate,' said Agnes again to her, a few days after the preceding coneensution, 'you really roust each your propensity to wire. Did you no•ice how George colored last evening, when you triode such fun of him to his face: and after 'ais hack wan turn ed, you will say things of him that will certainly of fend him, if they ever came to his eon, 'Let him get offended then,' said Kate tossing her head. 'He is too sensitive and ought to he cured.' 'Yet you would not cure a flesh wound by irri tating it where moat sensitive would you?' .0h! logic again. Why, really, Ala, you ore quite en Aristotle. But you ought to know, by this time, that I am a truo woznarcand can't he reasoned with qf she will, she will, You may depend on't, If she won't, she won't— , And there's an end coil .80, my sweet easter, keep your syllogisms for some one else and leave me to abuse George Alcott, otherwise I will take to quizzing you, and every body else most unmercifully. The fact is, he serves as a sort of safety valve to mit—as long so I can hove hire to ridicule, you ere all safe—but, forbid this, and there will be a general explosion in shish every ode will gaffer.' Rate accordingly went on as she had begiin . . She mils beautiful and accomplished, and had flaterer3 without number, so that she could do tnany things With impunity that would not have been overlooked in girls less admired. She deceived many as to her hue sentiments foe George Al.:a. Her lover car ed lulls for.this; but he really was annoyed at the oevele things Which often came to his ears as having been said of hint by Kcte. Ho won too proud to remonstrate. but he showed by trio mariner how much he was hurt. At such times, by a few con cessions, Kate would restore him to good humor; but, [whim., on the very next day, she would com mit her old fault again. .Ah! Katrl, you are found out at last, sly as you have been,' said ode of her companions to her. 'You are engaged to George Alcott—you need'itt curl your lip, for you can't deceive me any longer— I had it from his own sister.' Now if there waa any ane whom Kate wicheil to conceal her engagement from, it was this gostipimr girl, who had often annoyed her excessively by try ing to pry into her affairs. She knew if Caroline Wharton once became acquainted with her engage ment, the news would 110 a common topic before night. Thinking only of this, Rate, withoet ex- actly denying her engagement, began to ridicule George Alcott, and did it no bitterly and no effectu ally that Mine Wharton was convinced she bad been misinformed. .1 know it is not true.' said the goecip, on that very evening. in a large circle of listeners. You should have heard what fun Kate made of George Alcott, how she m i micked his voice, and quizzed his how, and imitated his wny of abetting his eyes, just like a mole, no she said—you know he is short. sighted. And now only to think that no biter than this morning, Mr. Alccdt's pen sister told me triey were engaged —how could she be so regardless of the truth h—but then, you know, the Alcotts, would all give their little Augers to bring about the match.' Just at that instant, unperceived by the epeeket, George Alcott himself unexpectedly entered the room. His fare became livid when he heard his mistress' abuse of himself thus freely commented on—but he actually trembled with passion when Caroline Whartorr proceeded to charge his shooed with a wanton falsehood. ills first impulse sync I to break into the group, to defend hit sister's fame,.. l and then to -renounce forever ell claim to Kate's. hand. But after a moment's reflection', he felt he could not control himself sufficiently for this; and, aware that violence of tune or gesture would only make him a laughing stock; he tamed on his heel and left the npartment. Once in his own room, however, he became calmer. Yet this indignation against Kato did not decrease, for. this Jest insult was the drop that made the cap run over. lie felt dint he had borne much from her--more, indeed, than a high spirited man ought—but his love, which amounted to idolatry, had constantly invented excuses for her hitherto,— Now, however, the long net:emulating conviction that, with such-a woman he never could by happy. forced itself irresistibly upon him. 'No, I must he loved by one, who will never make a jest of me I shall cease to respect her Kali° can mock me,' he said. Henceforth, Kate, though once so dear s you and I must be only distant ai:ounintancee.— Even if I could forgive you the injury to me, I cannot overlook the instill to my sister: Ire did not write to Kate that evening, but he waited until the next day in order that he might not be hasty ; when, being more than ever enured of the necmity of the course of conduct, he pen ned her a long letter in which after telling her how much her habit of ridiculing hint, and those he lov ed annoyed him during their long acquaintance, ho concluded by narrating this last instance of her fo tot practice,and the manner in which• it bed. comb to his ears. •After having acted thue,' ho said, lam con; vinced that you do not. lore me, at least not as I must he loved by the'woman who is to he my will , . My feelings for ynu have always been such that could trot have turned you into ridicule. But all ...that is over. lam firmly cow/laced that I could not be happy whh a satirical wife. Farewell. George. Alcott was true t,, his word; and about two yearnafterwerda united binned to un amiable, engaging young lady, of sound common sense and useful acquirements. !lute is mill unmarried - and will probably remain so. roung it 114 l'Ouradves.--' Providence,' we are told, helps them who help themselves.'-- A true proverb, and worthy to be stumped on every heart. Passing on through life, you will find many a stream that will cross your pathbot d'on't sit down and• moors. If you can't wade across, throw at stones to stand upon, or bring forth a dead tree I from the forest, and you 4111 soon make a bridge end be sale on the opposite side. To-day you are Opposed in your project. Don't atop--don't go back--ineet the opprestn—persevere nit r ycti will tonquer--Providenee will assist you. You hive fulled business—come out from under the toad; stool of despondency end try again: ZOundsl if you don't help yourself and persevere you will do nothing. and ho punched at by every beggar and every pauper on crutches, who poses along. Your friends hnve died—bury them—but don't linger in the church yard mourning hecauss they are gone and you may go neat. tip with you--wipe off your tears, and go to work and bo happy—tia the only way. In flue, yourselves in all places --et all times, and Providence will assist you, smile on you and make lite a scene of active enjoyment and real pleacire. Lova.--There is a loVe that is stronger than death, and deeper than life; Mr whose sake sacrifice is light—ay, even unfelt. It is a love which, born of the pure and fresh feelings of youth, gruwe with your groVvt!. and ebengthens with yountrength— it love which would give sweetness to a palace and glory to a cottage—a love prepared to cutler, to ea. dare, and yet suffice unto its own happiness—tried by time, by doubt, even by despair, yet living on-- the heart's dearest hope, and life's dearest tie. . editor soinewhere in the west has hecOme en hollow from deputling on the printing business alone for bread, that ha proposes to sell himself to some gentleman to be used as a stovepipe. (CY'Dth Totr ever sco.au Irish Jew or a dohl Jackass? tvic.7ll.lo.4lacu liZ'cbcl; 41 G. 41 tina TAM; ; • Or, how to win a Mistress. An offiTting Story o 1 the of the Lovers or tsion and in n I.olk the .aoiv Lis itilst-thet by ett,ryin,,: ,1114,4 n, snit LP did , sntictiptb , 9y: on 'Ls saw, in 'S'n, Not Not teeny years ago we re: of a lover who way le win ' her in the top of a !item , ' her, end how t hey spot. We think the aeon, was , sitgerlanihn bat the mountain, though high enough to tax his stout heari to the uttermost, must liar° been among the lowest : Lot dt fancy it is a good lofty hill, in the auinine r time: wan, at any rate, co high that the father of dm lady, a proud. tsohle, thinight it impoecßile for a young, iirsa biatitied to scale it k 4 o r this reason along, iit seem lie bade him do it, and bit daughter aliiiuld The peasantry avembird in the valley to witness so extraordinary a sight. They tneasurcd the moon; thin with theirey, they COMITIIII/141 with one an other, and shook their heath; but all admired the young mar; and some of.his fellows looking at their Mistress, thought they could do ea much. '1 he fath er was on horsebackr apart and sullen; repenting that he had subjactuti his daughter seen tolthoehad- ow of such a hazard; hut he thought it wouldteselt 'his iaferio-ra a lesson. The young man, (the .011 of e small land tarsi. prietor, who lsTrithipe pretensions to wealth,tlioUgh not to nobility,) - stoca respectful looking but confi dent, rejoicing at lite heart that he should win his mistress, thdbgh at a cost et a noble pain, conaid ering who he was to earryalf he dpi for it, he should at feisk hare had hflotAi. attn., and have looked her in the (Sit A l eeiesla her person in that manner ; was si pleasure he jcontemplated with ouch tronspOrts as is known only to real lovers; for . none otherilintrei hurl respect heigthene the joy of dispensing with formality, and hoir dispensing with formality ennoblos and make. greater the rev= pect. The lady stood by the aide of her father, pale; desirous, and dreading. She thought her lover would succeed, but only because she thought hint in every respect the noblest of his sex, and thei nothing was too much for his valor and strength. Great fear. canto over her nevertheless. She felt the bitterness of being herself the burden to bun' and the tech; tmd dared neither to look at her Whet' nor the mountain.—She fixed her eyes now on the crowd which she beheld nor, and now on her fin ger.' ends, which she doubled up towards her with a pretty pretence, the only Pretence she ever used: Once or twice a daughter or a Mother stepped out of the crowd, and coming up to her, notwithstand; tog the fears of the lord baron, bitted that hand which she knew not What to do with. The father said, ..Now, air, put an end to this mumniery;" and the lover, turning pale for the first time, took up the lady. - Thtfepectaferdrejoicetasee the manner in which he mores off, slow but seenre, and as if to entour age his tthstress they mount the bill, they proceed well; he halts co instant before ho gets midway; and events refusing eomethitig, then ascends at a quick rate; and now, being at the midway point, shifts the lady from one aide to the mho. The spectatorn gave a about. Thebaron, with en air d indifference, bitee the tip or hie gauntlet, end then oasts on them an eye of rebuke. At the shout the lover resumes his way. Slow, but not feeble, to his step, yet it gets slower. Re stops again, and they nee the lady kiss hint on the forehead. The wo men begin tO tremble, hit the men any he will be victorious. lie resumes again; he is half-way be tween the middle and top; he rushes, ho stops, he staggers; but do'ea not fall. Another shout from the men, and he reimmes once moiev two-thirds of ' the remaining part of the way are conquered.— , They are cerhin the lady kisses him on the fore head and en the eves. The women burst into tears, and the stoutest men look pale. Ho ascends slower Ithan ever, but seems to be more sure. lie halts, I but it is only to plant his foot at every step, anti then gaining ground with an effort, the lady lifts up her arms as if to lighten him. See, he is almost at the top; ho stop, he struggles, he moves sideways taking very little steps, end bringing one foot every time close to the other. Now he is all but on the top, he halts again; ho is fixed; he staggers! A groan goes through the multitude. Suddenly he turns full froht towards the top; it ii luckily almost a level, Ile staggers, but it is forward...L-I"es every limb in the multitude makes a movement as if at would assist him. See; at last he is on the top, end' down he falls with his burden.' An enormous shout! He has won ! He has won !' Now he has a right to caress his mistress; and she is careen ing him, for neither of them pet up.-11 he has &hued it it is with joy, and it is in her arms. The baron put spurs to his horse, the crowd for'. lowing him. Half way he is obliged to dismount; . they ascend the rest of the hill together, the crow& silent and happy, the baron ready to bdrst With shame and impatience. They Peach the tep.Tlto lovers aro fare to face on the ground, the lady clasp ing hint with both arms, hie lying on each side. . . . . ;Traitor?" exclaimed the gerog, “thou 115etpree ticed this feat helots. on purpose to deceive me. Arise !" "You cannot expect it air," Said a worthy man. who was rich enough to speak his mind: '•Bampaon himself might take a rent after ouch a deed." , Tart them:" said the baron. Smieral persons went up, not to part them, but to congratulate and keep them together Theee peo ple look clone; they kneel down; they bend an ear, they bury their face, upon them, ..61od forbid they should ever he parted inore," said a evnerable man, ..They can never be." lie turned his old face. streaming %with tears, and looked up at the boron 'Sir, they aro dead!"