Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 23, 1845, Image 1

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    _ - - -- _„
j , T .• ,
jfantit# Arltibpallev—i)NottlY to ar ructat rattclitivittr, abitnyttotitg, 3)otttt 7Litcritturr, Steritittg, Ottloi 3ftrfctiltttre, uttitclittnt, Szc.
ciDn. - 9Ztea. =iaja
TETr.R swoorv..) o (bANiri. AraicA
FOR CHE I II' et 001,8, .
=• 'hip: ,iiliserlhers have just returned from
and are now opening a splen•
did assorto•eut of
Winter and Smaller GoOde,
t the old stand of Peter Swoope, consisting
‘,l Cloths ; C/18,1111e111 ; Sattinetts and Flan
; all descriptions and Sum
mer goods ; in 4saet Silks Lawns; Ging
limns ;. Corded kilns j and prints of rations
miles, figurecCiktuslins ; nusli mde• lam's ;
IVluslins.of all descriptions I Summer goods
f,rnum's and boy's wear . ' Shawls, Hand—
kerchief ; Milk and cotton ; ii ,se of all kinds;
splendid assortment of Sunshades; Para
snls ; and Paris 'Screens ; a general assort•
anent of Hardware ;
Iron emit Steel ;
)I.l:nw.w:tre and Saddlery •
A general assortnicidoi Grocerle!.
A reneral as•nrtment 4 f Qieensware
NlAllogany Veneers; Linseed and Fish
Oil; Copal Varnish; Pints of all de
scriptions; and Dye Stuffs;—all 4.f which
will be wild low for cash vr country produce.
Ifuntingdon, May 7, 1895.
Fo Purchasers—Guarantee.
THF. undersigned agent Of the Pattentee.
of the Stove, The Queen of the Weed,"
tutlerstanding that the own. rs, or these
'concerned tie them, of other and difr:rent
patent Cooktne S.ltyes, have threatened tb
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—TheQueen of the Met." Noi, hi s i s
to inform all and every person wh sisal
purchase and use said Stove that he • 11 inl
•lemnify them from all costs or damage corn
any and all suits, bronglit by t tier F en
ter.% ot• their agents. for any infrtngmt of
their patents, lie gives this notice No • :at
persons need oot be under any fears because
try have, while consulting their own inter
, and convenience, secured the superior
•aovantages of dill: Queen" not only of the
free, but of the Faet.
July 24, 1844.
,33 , rice ca mac:Dere:a t ,
,r,kr hy 1. uflt Fl US & SON. Alex
and' ia, Huntingdon county, Po.,
cheap for cad) or country
produce at the
market prier.
T Jr "Ca•tetto of the 'West" is en im•
pro, .mient on !Lelia way's celebrated
flat Air Stave.. There has never yet ap
let.tred any plan of a (ookiog: Stove that
the Sli VAI tagee 111711 I his out
h iv. A much les., quantity of fuel i% re•
haired for any amount of cocking or ba•
this ,love than by any other.
. .
I C er;ons are requested to call and see
beiure they purchase elsewhere.
July 3,1844
.1.LEN.91.10 DR LI
LIP cli) YX). '"Ui 3
4 rfaISSPECTFULLY inform the citizens
ef clMllty, and the public
generally, that they cotAinue to cat ty on
Copper, Tin and Shect•tron .11n8iness,
iu all its branches, in A lexandria. where
they manufacture and coastal tly keep on
hand every desci iption of ware in their line} as
New and Splendid IVood Stoves
22, 21, 26: 28 and 30 inches ling
New Cooking Stoves of all kinds . . and
Also (bur sizes of Coal Stoves,
A II kinds “1 castings done, for Forges, Saw
qiillB and Eh rest& g-machines. Also wan
iiv soxga, MILL GUDGEONS, AND iird.Low
"ARK ; all of which IS done in a Workman
like manner.
A 14n, Copper', nye, Wash, Adler, Pre
servin;, and . 7'ra Kettles, for sale,
Ibluitesale and retail
erionfi faverlng this establishment with
;heir custrm may &fiend on having their
ksilers eaecnted with fidelity and despatch.
, (.11,1 Coplier, brass and pewter ta
ken in - exchange. wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at yharket
Alexandria, July 3. 1894.
requests all liersons Indebted to him for
work done at the nl,l establishment, pre
•;iolis to tile Ist of Noveuttier bot, to call and
Settle theft accounts ‘OithoUt
July 3, 1/144.
A good POUNDER, to tace charge of one
nv two Furnaces, situated five voiles apart,
in a healthy,ititil pleasant part of Ohio. Re
must come well recommended.
Apple to A. Ilvg.t.v.ti, Pittsburgh.
rriiittaning Free Pt;ess anti atillitlays
inirg Registry please copy to amount of one
dollar and fifty cents each, and charge and
tie paltry, In 'advertism
1 ! Jewelry ! ! .Tewelry!
rrusT reteived, st stock
QV of the most mogniti
y.4ll dent Jewelry ever
\ "
carne up the Pike.' eCil
• • cnosi , ttingnf Gan PAT
• • .
I.EVERS, f.adies
.• I I) AECRoR
11 vit s, f tit! jeltielled,
SILVER I'AtERT bEvERs, double nod single
easetl,SttvEß ANCHOR LEVERS Piltj ,,,,, k(i,
dov hie and single caned ENGLIso NVATt: s.
hro*tation Levers, QUA RtLER nod PRENcIi
WATCHES, et -C. etc. Also
Gold nb Chains, and Stu's,
of are most fashionable patterhs. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, (hard Kev's,
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Rings. Breast M.
sett with
to tag. arnethist. &c. etc. Mineatore Cases,
Silk - Purees, (:oral Beads, Pocket 80, ks,
Musk ow
a t Brs, Mathematical Instiller), rots.
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons Shear Tones, Lowends patrent
Silver Pencils, It :ant, of the finest quality,
HF.NIOI CII..AV pen !calves, a , ttperioe atti
cle, Steel Bens, Spy Classes, Hair noshes.
Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c, &C. All
the above articles wilj be sold cheapet :ban
ever heretofore.
Clock and repaleittg dole as usual,
verychrap For cash,
A !nee', assortment of eight clay and thir
ty hour Clocks will he said Very cheap.
All watthes said stillhe warranted h.r one
rear, Mid a itfeh ten guarranfre giv' n. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that neriod)he put in order without expense,
or if irjured, may he exchanet d for any
other watch nt equal value. The warranty
s considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given. he put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, A 'nit 10, 1844. --
- -------
itocttialt Ifottithrg.
I'n r. subscriber would rtspectfollt inform
the cititvnii nt Hontingdon and the adj.,in
ing counties, that he still rortionf s to car
ry on business at the Rockoale Foindry, on
C lover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to i xerute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
wit kmatiship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly nn hand stovts of
everydescription, such as •
Cooking, Ten Plate,
PARholt, COAL, 110TARY, and WOOD
sTovEs :
XertrxilasTON PLatrazZa, Anvils.
namna rs, Hollow lVare, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges. mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all descriptions, Sts:., which can be had MI
its good terms as they can he had at any
other famdry in the 001101 y or state.
Hememher the Rockdale F . -until*.
V. , Old metal taken in eXchangt , for any
Ili" has recently Ftirchased the
pnttent right of a co. , king stove h.r Hunting
don convoy—the stove will be set tip by biro
and warranted to the pnrchaser to be t good
as soy in the St te--orders fartii,het!.
Ittly 1.7.
T :111C3r7:2
Carriage Manufactory
444f/S I' respectfully informs the citizens
of the borough *indemnity ot Hunting
don, the public general's', and his old friends
and tustqmers in particular, that he still
coothines the
Coach lialang Business
in all its varinns brancheS,at his nld statal,in
Nttin street in the borough of Iluntiogdon
o e • t riy opposite the •Joniinal' printing ffice
where he has constantly on hand every
description of
rr t'oaeles, Carrwges,
Buges 6ies Sleighs
which he will sell low lot c f 1 I n rt tiro
able terms.
All kinds of wnik in his line Made to of
ior, on the shortest notice, in a
1 7 01iKIII A 1,11ii41 11.3.11 V ER
And all k*nas of repairing dune a ith neat
iess and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in eXchattge
for milk.
Any persons wishing to purchase ore re
spectfully invited to call rnd examine and
mite f.,r themselves.
limiting(lon isov.29, 1843
Estate of Elizabeth Shaw, late of
Morris township, deceased.
gOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persons there fore
indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are
requestc.l to make immediate payment, and
'all having claims to present them duly at -
thenticated for settlement. to
309 N KELLER. Ex'r.
April 30, 1845.—. 6t Morris tr.
We the inbicribers, hereby caution all
persons against purchasing, or in ally way
taking ttOtegiyen by us to George Smith,
of Henderson township, Huntingdon county,
dated on Or r . about the 19th day of February
last; for three hqudi;ectiutd fifty-live dollars,
payable in IA ocitus, to Huntingdon, one hun
dred clays after Aate—tlte said Judgment
note having,beennytained trim us by fraud
:ind without ,coriskderation; and will there•
fore not be paid, and the law will not com
pel us to pay it.. •
March 26, 1845.
:arulrrveizazorearzi)cmraL.t„ upell, a xrwuca...r Ettoi,"
rVutj)xr:n r.r
1 1...Z 1 CD 1. - 2. =1 6:3 .
The "'deux.," will be published every Wed.
nesday nidrning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and dna paid within six months, t,C2 50.
ttfd subscription received for a shorter period than
Six Months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
tititages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged at.
"To chant, the languid hours of solitude'
ife oft invites her to the Muse's lore,"
P; on: Plackiehott
How hesetiftil the setting sun
Ile:poses o'er the wave!
Like Virtue life's drettr Warfare done,
Descending td the grave:
Yet riddling with a brow of love,
penignant, pure and kind,
And Blessing, era she soars shove.
'rho realms she leaves beind.
The eloutllets, edged with crimson light,
tell o'er the hilts Perthe,
While swift the legions of the night,
Are shadowing o er the scene,
The sea gull with a wailing moan,
lip starting. turns to seek
Its lonely dwelling place. upon
The promontory's peak.
The heaving sea, the distant hill,
The waning. sky, the woods;
With melancholy musing till
Tito swelling heart that broods,
Upon the light of other days.
Whose glories flow nre (1611,
And on the vinintt. Hope could raise,
Vacant, Lut beautiful
Where are the bright igna ions Vain,
That fancy boded forth ?
Sank to the silent eaves again,
Aurora, of the rforth
Oh! tvfirt would live those visions u`er,
All brilliant though they seem?
Since Earth it; hot a desert shore,
And Life a Weary dream I
Zdant's Coilstaney,
'rho Moon's bright beams light op the Vote,
As if 'twaa touched by wand of fairy ;
'There, in a bower, eat my love,
The black-eyed, sweet and gentle Mary,
row') on the wings of love I flew
To this, °tic cbotett place of greeting,
To bid her now a short ntlieu,
And earl and tearful was our meeting.
"Prom thee, my love and these dear scenea,
Por two yenre hence, I must he taken,
But when that lorig space intervenes,
I will return with love unshaken t
And Mary, will your faith be kept?
Will absence our affection sever
She leaned upon my brawn arid wept, -
- And gently whispered, "Never, never!"
• • • • • •
Two years elapsed. With heart elate
I scrUgh,t, my Mary's father's dwelling,
And there Upon the porch she sate;
Cease, bosom, cease thy joyous swelling
I groped her aired hand and said,
"How does my dear and pretty Mary ?
Ten thousand blessings on the head,
Of her whose love ran never vary!
I'll make thee, dearest, all my own ;
The tears which we have tong beets shedding,
No more shall flow i coy, pretty one,
Say—wean shall be our wedding?"
With laughing eye upturned, arid lip
That curled with deep and eogtriah
She from my ptoffer'd arm did skip,
Then on her thumb her chin a leaning,
She spoke—"So you've returned my friend !
flow end I am, there is no telling;
And now I hope sometimes you'll bend
Your steps towards yon pretty dwelling,
I live there Now ; no came and see,
We're happy. neat and snug as may be;
My ;legit AN is will be home to tee,
And you shun see rtry Lt'tetr. esity."
"My hand is lifts the roses,
My teeth ss black es jet ;
My boots they pinch my toes.,
And my lips have never met,
My footsteps have no lightness,
For I am parrot-toed,
I never rood a base fin( does,
And that time I was throwed."
The above sentimental and truly poetic effttaion
was manufactured by the New York Mechanic.
We know of nothing which can at all compare
with it, WAas perhaps it be the following, from an
unknown author
t , First &mei with his gun he shot him.
He fail it down and went away—
Then Isaac with his axe he aimed it
Until there were no signs Of life reniaining ae
they conld perceive !"
. • .
An Arkansas "Clearer" tells of a . fellow who
once fell asleep under the influence of liquor', and
who, while asleep, dreaming that he had to swal
low a live buffalee, home and all, commenced open
ing bid gasping jaws wider ifid *dee, tilt the
a upper story of his head" lifted itself entirely
CC' All the pleasures of life lie in its illusions
end the only way to go through the world quietly,
is to he content with the surfaces both of things
and persons. •
'For Me douriitd."
Matrimonial gorresliondenda,
BLA/RSV/LLE, July 9th, 1845
Mr. Editor:—
Some time in relater, last, I observed el dif
tertigerneht in your paper of two young men In
your village who were in want of wives; and imine ,
mediate', on reeding it, I Wrote them a short rpm--
Ile, Id *hick I received the following reply.
nitsrinooON, Feb, 20th, 1845.
Dear liefiritlia
We must beg your forgiveness for not giving
that seedy response to your letter which it demon
sled, wen compared with the many anonymous
and instilling communications with which we arc
annoyed. If we are not mistaken, we recognise in
you a lady, posseeaing all those finer qualties which
are the true ornaments of your sex. The style and
sentiment of your epistle, indicate a person not on
legtialtited with the human heart, and show you at
,once to be worthy of the love of the most exalted,
much lees such humble individuals ar; we conceive
ourselves to be. There are times when such sen
timents come home to the hearts of us weary so
journers upon life's pilgrimage, and steins to whis
per the necessity of seeking that happiness which
is found only in the society of the pure and virtu•
one of '•Eve's daughters. Oh how deep, flow ex
hatialless is the love of woman—it is more valuable
than countless wealth and more precious than the
mines of Peru. And it should not be urged as an
objection if this feeling from the vehemence of its
nature should impel) her to the commission of acts
which in her calmer moments elle would condemn
—that is to leave her home quietly without the eon •
sent of her parents with the men she loves best.
She is man's equal in many respects, and often
sea far eupertor to him ih her efforts In ameliorate
the condition of the human latnif". Atan's prom
lee's the agerandizernetit self—he is e..litintirtilY
concocting plane for flit, edvancement of his dteh
ititereetshiying schemes to build up his own for
tune, and he not unfrequmitly sacrifices truth and
*Anne to further his own selfish designs—his mo
tives all eentre in delf.Leelf toed Is the ' , Main spring
and Mehl; caftan" of all his actions. With *o
men it is far different, lam philenthreph, is not fir ,
cur/twilled fest/eh hattate emtitacee fiat
whole human family, and if she can be the means
of wiping a tear from one aoi rowing eye, or bring•
ing comfort to one desolate hearth, her perpoee
seems to lie effected. What let me ask would have
been the fete of the Temperance reformation, and
the many Miter benevolent entetptisee of the day,
had not woman lent them their approving smiles.
fie who can remain indifferent tattle charms, the
fedi/Miring of female beauty dtid itecoMplislttnents,
Mast possess a heart of adamant and 'mist tio
"Fitter treason, 'instancing end spoils,
The 'notions of his spirit am as dull as fright,
And his affections dark as Erehtisj
Let no such man no trusted."
But dear Henrietta A. ea this is a matrimonial
negotiation undertaken fiat the purpose of forming
a treat yof Annexatiou," and as it it confidential
you will not etinsida a alight ekelch of ourselvea
personally egotistical. M. w about g feet high with
an animated and expressive countenance, and fair
prospect for the future. He is a judicious mechan
ic and hopes by a correct deportment, a high min
ded and honorable bearing to win hisway to the heart
of some fair lady whose feelings are in unison with
his own. fl: is somewhat less in site, with a strong
and Ogototts cOnstifnlion, did prepOtreettsing its hie
appearance. His yet tritiary eirctiniatdireett are good;
and his pro3pecto very flattering; as he helonga to
one of the professions and by perseverance, his tal
ents may ir. a few years place him at the head of it.
But be it understood, that neither of us are wealthy
and do not (to use a phrase now rendered Classic)
passers the good moral character which s`..fls, or
$30,000 never fails to confer, no matter whether 110
he the veriest scoundrel or puppy that ever trod
upon God's
. 1 . .0 stool. We would like to say
more, but the limits of this letter will not permit it.
Whilst writing, the question continually haunts se
—Oho Is this ilettriette A.—is she beautiful--is she
yoaftg, and a thousand other theughis atiggest Wit!,
*Ave.. Should you choose one of the aboVe Oftetelf
ed, you will on address your next communication,
and further particulars will lie given and arrange
ment, entered into.
tour. trdit;
M. & Ii
Ain telilor:--
Immediately on the recept of the above, I an
swered agreeable to request, giving my name, &c.,
and for further particulars referred them to an old ac
quaintance then a resident of your county. This
friend has - since informed me, that they Wan to
him on that subject and that lee dowered them int
met/Well. My htet letter from some cause lies un
trn'SViered, ie for rhis that I now address you
requesting you to pidilish thig eininnunication,
eider that the fair of AI lionthYgdon may lie on
Ctfeit guard: lam a friend not only to my own sex
bat the opposite; but do scorn any thing in the
shape of a human being who rieedrl date to tamper
with the affections of a female. That I have been
tampered ,with is evident to all who may read this
epistle. I now call in justice
. to myself and sex,
upon these persona, if the most abjeet cowardice be
not a'difed' tat their other vices, to come out in the
public print and exPtein themselves. Let them
publish my letter if they rise proper, but an explan
el on ask, and if not granted, I will pUblish the
whole correspondence, and spend a six months in
exposing them through the public press.
Respectfully yours.
Please to stop my Paper.
"I am going to atop my papet" said d raise/4y.
aotatcritier to tttc , to cYne of his
iseighborsl PI cannot afford to take it."
"What is the price of it per year?" mid the afher.
dollars," was the reply. •
volt afford two dollars a year! Think
of if, bkly two dollars a year? A year is a long
time. rerhaps you live only a few such to spend I
here on earth, A yeaxl.d *hole year! and only two
dollars! And ohit poi for your money?
A large, closely printed, useful Abet;
.giving you
the news of the week, and a largo ronount of mis 4
cellaneous reading--philosophical Od grave, lighy
and humorous. And you can't afford two dollars
for such a sheet for a whole year."
I declare, neighbor, you talk like an ex
perienced man. I never thought of it just in this
light before. It is only two dollars for a year.
And yet the paper comes to me every week. And
I love to read it. I always find something in it j
that interests me. And moreover on a second
thought, I perceive that, after all, a newspaper is
about the cheapest thing a man can have. He
gets more reading for his money than he can in
any other way,"
"Tree, neighbor, and this shows that what I have
always Bfl hi , is true. Newapspers ACCIII to have
been designed almost for the peculiar benefit
of the poor. No mon is too poor to take a news
paper, because it is the cheapest thing he'san have."
Here both the speakers joined and said. "Bless
ed arc the editors, for they feed the rick With knowl
edge' and theft t hey Operated. with looks of high
That be honied tor 23 Shot
A Hoosier walked into a country store on the
Ohio River, and asking the owner if he had any
griod powder; he was answered in the affirmative.
"Is it first raid
"First rate, sir," wits the reply.
'i will take a quarter of it to tty.''
He got . his powder, atept out of the shire, loaded
his rifle, looked around for an object to shoot at,
When the store•keeper pointed to the hank
by die riser, (which was about three litindrA yards
Wide) Ml6+ there *as a goose picking grass.
"'there," kg. he, "shoot that goose."
'he it ddsier bodied his rifle, fired, and over
tumbled late goose
A boy jumped into ti hoat and soon brought the
goose rtsrdssthe rivet; the ball had passed through
his head. .
The Hoosier shook his head, walked into thS
store, threw Ilia powder down and demanded his
money hack, grandding, "you cold me•this powder
fur first rate, aryl it ain't worth a cent!"
"How so?" inquired the shoodteeper, "you. have
nude on excellent slurt"—painting to the goose's
:"That lie !tonged for a shot! if the powiter had
been good, I should have shot it through the eye!
Dorn ydit sec the ball is full a quarter of an inch
below it!"
The otore‘keeptlr ai &ice ietthrted hittr his ma,
A grr.srs ♦T THE GATR of PAnsmse.—A
poor tailor being released from a troublesome woad
and a scolding Wife, appeared at the Cate of Pare.
dice. Peter asked him if he ever had been in Pur.
4Yd,' said the faildr, +fit have tieeti married.'
tihr said Peter, that is all the Herne.'
The tailor had scarcely got in, before a fat, tur
tle-cating Alderman came pelling and bletVing:
'Halloo! yeti fellow,' acid he, 'cipeti the do'o'r:'
'Not so fast,' said Peter, 'hese ydti ever been to
'IVO, said the Aidettriter, tilt *hat is that to the
purpose! You let that poor hasiarved tailor
and he had no more been in Purgatory than I.'
'But he has been married,' said Peter.
'Married!' exclaimed the Alderman, 'why I've
been married twice.' . .
'Then please go back again,' said Peter, Para
dise is not the place for Pita'
A Weetern editot hoe ttto tolfthiing tiUrei of pa.
triotiam in his prospector:
qievolio'it to the land that gave me birth, and the
glorious principlee under which I have been reared,
hes forced me into the ranks of her illustrious cham
shall continue to defend her rights unawed
power unreduced by wealth.
'But if the casU de 't been to come in, darned
if t dolet have to elope:
mercial gives the following direction on a box oh
One of tho wharves it that city
, -
"West consin
Mil svaucey*
to go to toile *gofer."
_ .
Those who are familiar with the rest will di*,
toyer the the nlar: wooled to murk the boa to go to
White W ate r,Whicethain, tha lake port of teltiehis
Milwaukie. 176 Suppose there is hope that it Will
get there—though its owner piny not Mania the su
perecriPtion for it.
'The rice of liberty Y 4 dtettlal aigilanee—anif
che4 enough at that.'
~ T he mails of mankind have not. been born with
saddles on their backs, for a favored few boated and
spurred, ready to ride them legitimately by the grace
of God."—Jefferson ,
" ?'".Te lita LI cls) auo 40. GE)
The Clerk gntlthe devil.—A merchant's clerk
oTrinting office a short lime since, and
seeing a pile of papers lying on the tal•le, (it being
publication day ) unceremoniously helped himielf
top copy, and uttering thgfollowing to the printer's
d2vit!—. I you. don't take any pay for just
cue re,ter 1' riot always,' replied the devil. --L
Shortly afterwards the devil entered the glare where
the clerk belonged, and called for a pound of raisin,.
which was quickly Weighed opt by the
The devil took the raising ogihw--- , I npaae you
don't charge any thing when a follow don't :Anise
but a . pound t' No,' amid the clerek, after
the disedyantage tinder which he was placed by Fla
Ryan atitigy„,,it,npru4ent illibcrality towards the pen
, flyless ptinter'a devil; and looking daggers at the
imp, indignantly exclaimed—' When • I get
I any inure hetatpayers from a pinto., pay
for 'em!'
Singing.—A young man at a social party we%
vehemently called upon to sing a song. He re-.
plied that he would tell flint a story. and that then
if they still persisted in the demand, en
deavor to execute a eong, When a . boy in his
, teens‘ lie took lessons in singing, and one fial,bath
he went up into his fathers garret, an had' been bin.
custom, to practice all alone by, himself. While
juihdasy he witts suddenly ,sent .for by the old
gentleman. This is Welty' conduct; exclaimed
his father, pretty employment for the son. of pions
parents, swing hoards in the garret. am , o Sunday
morning, loud enough to be heard By all the neigh
born ! Sit down and take your hcolt; The young
man was unanimously excused train singing the
pre/posed song; there was a species of presumptive
Hdetice ggelbst him,
A Secrel.-- , tiow do You do Mn. Tome, hove
you heard the story about. Mrs. Ltxiy.V Why
no, really, Mrs. Gad, what is it—do teH !' .0, I
promised not to tell for.all the world!--No. I must
never teltit... I'm afraid it:willgetout.' .Why I'll
s never tell ou't as long cs / liee; Ind as true .ae the.
world; what is it, come, tell.' 'Now. non won't
say tiny thing ahoutit., rdirl yon V.l, No, I'll never
open MY head about it—never: ?dope to die this
minute.' .Well if you'll believe .: 1 11Tep ,
day told me last night, that Mrs. 'Trot told her that
het simet'a limf , and was told by a person who dream- ,
ed it, that Moo. TroultletN oldest, daughter told Mrs,
Nichens that her grandmother heard by, ajetter that
she got from her sister's second husbentrahrOther's
step daughter that it woo reported by, • the. captain
of a clamboat just arrived fsem the Feejee Islands
ihrit rtermaids.ahout that section wore shark.:
akin bustles stuffed with picklNl eels tore !' Awfut !
No LarrATtos.-- Frenchman went into on
eating 4o;rse to warm Ws hands. The proprietor
asked hi-t what he would like fa. : Erve, ,
'Any thing y rip please,' was the reply
i f Vould you like to take roast goose , '
if you, pleese.
The „ft:pitchman made a good dinner, end wee
about to go, when the eatinghouse keeper asked
for payment.
• What for7' exclaimed the F,renchmcn, I have
called for nothing. You ask inc if take this
and if I will take that, and I say, if you please,
The landlord, pleased with his address, let him
off. He told N friend of his good fortune, wito_ tried
to cetnr the onio game,' hot, with ,very different
MICCO4II, for he was kicked opt qt,doqA•
Ihe f,rat man wits, an, original' said the land
lord, • hut yet( are an imitator:
4ithini is Easy.—Old flatlet' Hodge was d Omer
dicic, and his own ivay even: , thing ti subject
His son Berl care one day and said :
rdttier, that old black sheep has got two
lambs.' • •
'0000,,' says the old man, that's the most profi
table sheep on the, farm! .
But opp,of,thein is dead,' returned Ben.
Vol glad
,on't'..ayo the father it'll be bete!
i f the old sher. • •
'DA '(other's dead too," saYs Ben.
So much the better.,' rejoined Hodge, ' she'll
make a grand plecoiof,mutton in,the fall.'
'Yes, but the old sheep's dead too,' exclaimed
• Dead dead what,.the old sheep, dead,' cries
old llodge, . thee good, shied her, she was always
ay Ugh/ old scamp.'
rery scutimentai you tit, having.
seen a young damsel shedding tears over some
thing, in her lap, took the first Opportunity to he in
troduced to her, and made no doubt that she was a
"knit weea it that affeptedyen sp. pinch
the ether . morning. 7, I saw yttu shed a great tna•
ny tears.. Was it 13.41wee,s,last!',
_ I dop't,know.whai,liulWelli, hplt returned
*, yowl was doing,. job which al.
most 010 ma. I was peeling onion,'
The following, which we take from a t exchange.,
is a short and comprehensive MAW."' of many of
the followers of k'aust; . •
Tha service of , it journeyman printer, though
important, is unebt/usive. He is the hewer of the
Wood and drawer ef . water in the great temple, 91 .
civilization ; etands by the well of knew,ledge
and draws for a, thirsty world--without the poor
privilege of the mx that treadeth out the corn.'—.-kde
disappears from the press or his ease, and where be
sinks, lcaves scarce a ripple on the great stream of