Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 16, 1845, Image 1
u N , • ' _ r 4 N 0 4, A: 1t... 0140 W 9.41./itivaPer—Dcteotc7.^c to o'l'm - rat iillttelligirttsc, 2. - ottrttrAitz, Volitico,Ritcratuvr, Vaoraratt), arto, ..r";:;tittaccci, 3stintiturc, Rumor:tilt, kt., kr, cb D... ~.%7Z-1.0. .~:~. ~. -,_ -- -.:-:,- ------- -- , , PPM:IRn Fill BY hien t" And mereome by the Pict Ore her cwt in, that knew her voice as well. her oven mother did. • eThe poor•fehow wept afreshet the assursnees of Julcelry! Jelvefry 1 r .Irwelry ! 1 . • • natioO had thaw., she horet into a passionate: She came forth weeping, and gazed on the . W eel h , sister's afrection. When he wart calmer, he told UST received, n stuck Vof the most megnifi- THEODORE H, CHEWIER. flood ' ood of tent,. hoinestead, as she would gaze on the lace of a Ily- , her eirewustuntially how the great trouele .Lad ...., ee ; • • le-tee ; eoge . eg s ) cien t Jew el t•y re , " , t; Vet' .i.....? .. a'1251 - UEMe. • In a tete weeks, canto e brief letter front James i lug friend. The clustering memories were too ; .ol: h . upon him. ••• • • • •• . ' f . . '''',' ~. .'l ,lle uP t lie l'l k ( • •••!:1 ' The "Jot:noel." will •be published every Vteed- wril ten oh bran/ the ship in which he sailed from ; mewl. fer lee . r t loving heart. Droppieg oh her knee <, ' : .•(! od be , praisecl for the wants you epeke," rephe t- eet• ' (ionsisting of Goan PAT •I • ' ' " rosedety morning., at $2 00 a year, if paid in eatfuzee, Dublin: About seven menthe later, came a letter she brayed In an agony of Borrw, "J 1 it be e sin ~• .Nora. • ot will tells a load cored hearts vt IlOpie, (P la i' '',' ' l'k.NT LEI/ICUs, I.adic, ,40• ~.4 8 ..".4•., ' " , , ~ . _ .. . and if not paid within Rix months, $3 50. 4 1 .0 ea Fee, Fork, saying ho had ()emitted work at .to go away' frmn the good old father and mother , rb.ri they hear a the mme. I always said there' . . , .s• ge pte. . WILLI fear:non me. ...No sul , ,scripli.m received for a shorter period than ' 4 „ ee „.e„ee and by God's blessing, should soon 1, 4 , perhups 'liver 10 see thorn aMn, till 11,le Illdßlteni •- • .. - ias ne...11 in }oar helot, Mr who should know that v lots, j'u 1 l jelnelled.' G paper discontinued till all or- ' ' St hvi , lt PATENT 1.r.e1• HS. COtllde and single •'!' " mitt "' " or une melded to send for dear sister. lie added a hint day,Thou, old Father an Heaven, will forgive me; better ice tree, who slept is • the Caine cradle? A. ca•eol,St I. vEit ,) Nen.ilt LI,FIiS . fuLje-Teettd, I ' '''''''' TIC. paid. , 't• , .111, ll'ai 011 C of thy, does. when he bad a house of his for Thou asset I can not leave hitt, alone wed his blessing be wid yeu, ' rnaeourneen. . The , music's. d ou bl e an d a i ? „,../, ~,,,d EN G L , 4 , 4 \,\•., . 4r; 4 , e, .1 'I verusements not exce eding one square, al , , ~, 1 ,,,.,„,i0, 1„:,,,.,,, Q . ,, A R . i .,,, ~,,,d F ir K3 , 33;4 , ' , keeled three times for lel 00, meet for every ktibse- ~,,,Perhaps !!,, fu!,er and mother we ff ld he after great 'muerte; in my hart to hear the sound of your • voice nine NVA•rottos, tee. stn, Also meant iskertion 25 cents. If no definite °relent are coming oter. Proud were they in the Irish othie, , Then crowing herself, and looking, teiverd the' And protid will Ibe out of you, as, I used to In' siren . to the time an advertisement is to be cmititin aold Pub It'lettins, and, Seal , : - • • • • • • d and I • • ed, it wile be eeet in Oil ordure out, an charged ac- when this letter waR read aloud to all who came to beloved home of her childhood, she .id, in a stn- i ;Ace all eyes, young and aid, brighteaed . you in nr the latest fashionable atterns. eield cordingle• , eeguire refer the young emigrant. All his old era-lled voice, u'l'ho Mothor of (Rory be wid ye, and warm eld Irelenay , p Pencils, Spectacles, Guar d(I gins, Kee's, eeeeee .- • ••• •-• ' -........eeeemi 1 ales answered, "Troth, and he'd do well anywhere. ; ; blige and keep ye all." 1 'tut Nom, nil :1;::, the diegmee is on meet Breacelets sett with t. pez, Alert,' liesos, Fin- --- iHe weett elwees a decent, dame epiriled boy, as there; Half blinded wean kers, she mended her way ; mid the young man, looking dowh. o'l'hey will Ott Ringo:, Eat. Wines, lircest Pies, sett with , Prone Use Gehembion .I.!, 1 i yaa w idi a a grea t ~,, o f hi m , pj w il o man i n i over the moon lighted hills, and when her thyme° , say lam e eenvict.".-. • i teperz e amethist , nec. Ike. Aline:ll'lre Cases, ' I Silk Purees, (level Deeds, P. eke t Bee ks, THE IRISH HEART, . the t e n pari s he s could deuce th e L a toh oren , jig. . cow c al led . ague! Mr her milking pail, in the first . "Sarre a flg I car, for what tlthy eve' replied Milsie , il Ilexes, Metliernatieel lmtrutert t ts, ' wid him, any how." ; bitieh of the morning, she was already fee on her the warchhearted 'gbh "Donn I know the heart il. Tntle Story. Silvertirertar.les, 'Pahl, Spoet.,, y e a ~,,d ' Time passed on, and no other letter come from svay to Dalin. I that is ihyou? Diann I Fay there was no sin in • Salt Sperms. Sugar Toeee, Low. ads let" , " . ' Silver Pencils, Rozers 4,1 th•• finest eft dity, ; n 1: )1118. /.. M. CHILI/, JBMPS. Month after month, poor Nora watched I i eote bointtons, though' you was site up in this Mel's:RV CI, AV pen k rives, a etiperier arti • with reverts!' anxiety to catch slat. a her father • And bud James been criminal! In the eye of . ; bad pleteel .If there had bent-:-if the black tour , el re St e el Yens, se o • c I „ sses, 11..6, 11, , ~,,, s. , it was a pleasant sight to look . James and when he returned . Rom the distant Pest °flier; Mr the law he had been; but his sister was right whm ! der had been withia you, in it :Nora would. be after' I onth It; Pled!, Points, &.e. &c.. All Nora in their early childhood; their cheeks Were SO ~,, • 1 P m•sed if be Mond a leZter, to wave his hand she Said he had no intention to do a xeieked thine, 1 leehte younlune wid you: sin and your sham e l. the above. at will be salt! cheupt I :ben ' rosy, their hair so sunny, mid Cwir clear blue eyes ,'' ;"), 1 ' ever I sestet r"• r. his Maid assoon as he came to the top . ~ lot I iii , •• afar his arrival iu America, he was our T.I•h, 1 woeld •weary the taints in heaven wid ' 'ld and item - went They were tine youngest of ' ' 4 ' a '' ' '' ' I 1 Om k • to d N)' 0,-A, ec p, t i t i n d,Th e „, „ sith l , .. mild _• • . •• e of the l e e 41.04,44 g the house, 13, no l efe „ ea ,„„ day walking along the street in a regrettable suit of . prayers, till they made you .a. better mom, for the, very cheat) fol. 1,191,. • a cabin-full of children; end three!. thee did now - Sundal llt I I sai-e or your sister's love. But (here wasmo sin in, end nit last Nora folly believed that her darlingy c o we, when a s tenger Clll/10 Up MR cri•• , •• . Alare•e assortment of eitrilt that and their- and then get e cute from the older ones, With the brother was deg!. Aiier writiii • d • g Rpm en agent. tared Imo a conversation with lain. After asking • your hart; semi proud !am of y., a suiltish oar ity hour Clock; will be sold very cheer, le:este' \verde, "Cid nut of the wae• you eleeilLeer... , • • • (i o n ic rir , • ,, c ~ t• • I : d what his' eTirte. 4 . - 1 . and luck to the rep that brought you All watches sold will 1,1. wa teemed fer one and recotyurr no answer, plus at best wrote in the lin i tit A rltb.s tom, he (teittare • , i . . bad 1 they were the pets and pliyinntes of theta nil, ! into all this trouble." . ,• . veer, and a written proem: Wee giv , n. (bet 'Thule , sort of a treielthor, who hied emigrated to America, emit east. 1 it nut f , ttild rowel to w ;memo. t it will erluteue love fur each ether was extreme: and Ihotief and begged of hint fin the love cf heaven, to fewer- "Sixteen ii. , Bars,'' wlis the ensWer: I The keeprr r• minded them that the time alMwei tient perio , i) Ins put in ord er tnin whether Jam. Was deed er nlive and e .1 will give you twenty for it, ' sold the eteate• , for their interview wee nearly spent. , • . send or if iejewtel , ttiffy he exelnitim el fee en) . dilection hor giving knocks, he was next, e flown to i taller we telt ..t equal value. 1. he wetTatov '. . . ' ' , You will comp again?" said James, imploringly. , . . .. .. . she them word a, seen as possible. The Irishman to t ger, "fur lam going away in a hurry and have no t , . ire , tame his hand age met ms Bills sister. vv i • s ennsidma.d void, should the watch, withwhom thin urgent epistle wee addressed, eves a• , time to get ono made:" 1.1 on Will come tt., cgam, acuslda Illachrec?" , ! which it is given • be put into the Lane's of could filet toddle about, it was his delight to gather another watch maker, thee May gowan3 that grew about the well, and•put woilt on a distant raibroad, abet had no fixed place I Jarfies was us unsuspecting mea child. lle ; el . lend to beg hard to see you once," replied 'Nee I). BUOY. • them in Nora's curly hair; sad then Ile would sit , . .. of residence; and SO it happened thin Is:ora received thought:this was an excellent opportunity to make : ra. "They cold it was »pin the rules, . But when ---• j Huntingdon, April 10, 1844. ; L• dollar, send •t 1 l• • Iread - I' •the - no answel to her anxious ellqUirleS for more than ; .our to sett or his oi ling sister; so te • toldthan how came alone acute. .big ocean Blt 11, C .1-.1.1111.171.1 ! --- --- „,.... „._ ...., „ -- • --• . before her, with his little hands resting on his knees, „ a . • 4; l .l I the I . • a year an e half after they were written. . t lasi, ;1 y agree( to , algalt, ;toheS. id you in your trouble, •becaum I• knew the. .7,2 , •,? ;...--._ ';. - „LT a - . 3. 12 - 5 - _,) z . Q, , s zr a , , m or itu a t e go tivi v rn . , contemplating her with the greatest setisfaction. , tocroettae a ertnnpkd situate of soiled pelper, coo- I "I want a watch too," said the granger; ‘.but heart that was in you, they said 1 might 'ome in. I . When they were older, they might be semi weeding 1 UK stenicrllier would respect Felix Mee n, tainMg them words :--••• perhaps you would nut be willing lc sell yours fur : I'. is a heavy eorrow. that we cannot spoke together. I. {s; NA l'l US & SON,I '•le by side, or dialed in hand gutter the ifs ot Huntingdon turd the tiej ire- ,the "Itattiee , ' all • • - 44/ewe Frie,l,..-placic and heavy lei my hart ten datum ! But it will be cornfett, nmeourncen, to. be . where"! • e ( - mini., that he still manhole s to car- ; ehtliering herriesamong the havethorn hushes. The PI IFULLY inform the citizen,' imp, ' •'' fur the new,. f have to I.:•11 9071. James is in prmoo Jam. frankly confessed that it was two dollars I can took on these elope walls. The kinal rnan , herro 11• ,Ti E e7 1 - I ' l. ' n ; et infolon cettlit y, and t ' lle ' public'. p• eel lotetoess at the no, kdele Fotiedry. in , 4 ! gr e atest d iale r ! " hetweett them seemed ttChtt i that crineernin a bit Of paper R - ehh•l t he paseetsd .or nee more than he gave for it, ttnd very willing.y consern ', they cull the chaplain. sae e I may stay :with hiefene• generally , that they ceatenee to curly on ,: Ir•v `• ' • Cr ' cl .f . " t ' ''“ mil ' s 1 ; !!1! VV •••':!•••',-, ; Jam. wee all fun and frolic, while N. l 'a irm eve r iwy.-Sorra a one of I 1 In "g;, w el-re eve is prepare, to ex, cute all ; the ashore but will he tettei led be the tionefer. Some weeks after when he 1,, an d eer e not en h„, in the.a, bid 1 w in .thi n k ,the 1 , orders in hi: line, 01 ILc best mat, Hale ;tied ; ....kits nod eatneg• ' down the tears when they hear Of the same. I ; e • o to t• . , , I.!• •••• fesy the stranger hed given hen, t o r y ou a Tile learnt. moon: shines here Cu) 4 ', 'Pitt und Sheet ti•ottil.isinees, ! wet lumen ship, and will: prumptitcss told tic- ! NN'hen the young meiden wae milking the metes, don't knotty the tights M the eesel bet I never will he Iteeit l i•-• hit , thethea, liar[ it was counterfeit. ; diet used to ,liiiin on,. when we. had our May 3,1 all its branches, in Ali xatedria, where ! eP" I nIt• her soft low voice might umeilly be heard. warbling ' they manta' teture ales coastal fly keep on ; I-1 3 will keep cemstantly on hand stoves of heeeve 11. was a boy to theientee tin honest family. A 11,7 brooding over his dimppointment for some 'dunces on the green, ie dear old Irland and when seine of the mournful melodies a Ireland. NM . ••• • - ' ' Mend every dead iptioti of ware in their linen! ov erydeecript hen, such as ' Perhaps some other ninn'a sin ie put upon hint. It time, lee came to a con e f ee f. at w hine better edu- ! they let yeti get a glimpse of her ,bright face, you ' plaintive tones were rarely heard front Inner , . lle • ' euell as Cooking, Tht Plate, ~,,,y be eerbe conduct to you to knew that his tithe cets'd mod than himst If have sometimes arrive,, . can think maybe Nora, is .loukins. up et it, as she, New and Splendid \Vocal Stoves , 1 , Ant,olt, Cotti„ 12 ota lIY, and WOOD come home Crotty his daily law widening . Ilk ' a will i,e out in it year and a that any how. I have He thought to leiMsell-elt is herd for a Poor man ' reed to do when she was your (aril weeny derlint, tea, 24, It 28 and 30 inches long. ! S 1•0 V lee, : black-bird, mocking the meek., or eifigiog tit the I_ . ~....„ „ ime ; eeot 41.3:11 0, a sense 1 come to Amenity; but I' to lose . much, by no fault Of his own. Since it ; wid the.slmtnrock and Bowan in her hair. I will if.. l I 01.4 7 011 61 . 0 VES, 1 ZavizTa. 4- rolg znolTir r y,.....o , A„,,1, top of leis dee r ringing voice, the merry Miegle of St. ; heern tell of what I have writ. The blessed Moth- ' was put all' Inc, I will just put h off upon some. ' work, and lay by tummy Mr -you: . and when you New [...oak ing Stoves of all kinds and ! "" 1 " 1 "' r'' Iloilo. V% are, mot •, , ~., kiwi of : Pahiek's day in the Morning, nr the feeetieue air of er et Ilenven keep your harts frt. sihkin elm , body el:W.—Maybe it wilt keep ping the rounds', come out of this bad place iee. Nora will 'nand by ' t tints neces, yr for fence, will, ”I Ft,- I P Ist o•Palreit•• At dandle.. too he excelled • • Ph 1,0 11)111 sizes of (:oal StovPS, (.. . : 1' - • '• • . ' '' • aur er r ' ). .'' . . """ I "' h'''Y sorrow, Cr suifiebody Will lose it that can better allei•d it yoe; end preed will Ibe out of you, a strillish ma )' ' f t" 1 ! • ! " !i •1 "Y de'rit" • l " ! ..", • '" 4! " ! I '','"',' ' r ' I t ae l' rti • • . r.1 . ,, , 1 .01 ri, could &use I ' 'ease, sTova-otea, As:ter-J.l'ollo FINISHED I ti., oe,crwt,ons, &,:., whirl, c.,1,.• IWO 1 , 11 a ' l I M ' ' '" I '" " ' 1 ' ' ' " , Fo ur fiiend and neleor; than I can." jigs, three part-reel, iliur-partorel, or no. . le ; I All kind; '•{ c e ,thi ss4 l o „. 4 o f , F orges, Kew _ ;me rotted terms fts they cell be bad ea tin l ..h MIKF: AlUßPlile." ; It certainly was a wrong cont•lusion; but it was a • The nonng meth smiled es he had not cmiled for tit il Is. and I'll reshite g- in ach i tit.s. A Iso WAG- ' other I‘, , Ullill'y ill th•e remit , yor state. " I'" wi Y ?,.,,II!! lona (". ih4 Dusty 1'1.111 7; " I , i r iTeriP indeed was the grief in blot our and bon- bewilderment of the the reasoning powers in ihe years. lle kissed his sitter tenderly , es he anaiver- Itt‘IONES, I‘lll.l. GUDGEONS, AND HOl-I,OtY 1 I{ ' M"M'Wr _ ll ''' I" k hit , 1 •'; ttni. l, 3'• ' Rake of nalenananey, t ".! h such ° t i me ' car '''' est family, when these sad fidings were read. Poor ; m i ff a of e n ; s uer.. m a n end did eot involve wick- • ed. ••Ah, Nola, manodracen, its yourself that way er ARE. ; :ill of which is done in a workman- I cast Old metal taken in exchange for any . the music, , , thut all the lassies declared they menial If manner. . , castings,' Nora buried her Mee •in her Mind., and webbed winces of intention. He paesed the money and elwaye toe good to Me. God's blessiltg be wid 11 I T &NI KI , NNFDY .oe the tune upon his feet.' Ifs. eves "r°4l3. lad aloud. The old mother ree k e d ei e t en d e m and fro, w. mon lifter arrested for forgery. He told his eou, acuskla niackree. It will ,g,, herd wid me but A 1,,,, Copper, Thee, Il'ae't, Fidler, lore I m, 1- IV ''. '. . i ( . 1 i c dines and Christmas eerousels none . serving, and Tea Ker les , for , sale, i 7' • '', '' ,I''' recent l y ,.. porch, ' lT' t o , !'''•'• "" d " i ' l ' d " with her apron at her eyes; and the father, though he story plainly, but as he had admitted that he knew , I will make some retorn,for such goodcess." !,,,,tent tepee( 0, aCO ,ftlll4F, f•VI: 0.1 . 111 , n, ' • . • of the rustic dandies looked 1310 re genteel than he, wholesale nod r e'oi 1. tried hard to coneealhis ereetion,couldOOl restrain Ike the nioti,,y ~, ag counterfeit, which he paesed, the ' "And sure ita mamma.. at ull," replied Nora. ,I•iit county --tilt, stove will be set tip by him , . . ..., , .. . . 1 t . at ; • Pet•enns favoring thin. est:delis-If meet with i ~,,,1;iiite..! ti the purchaser to be ns to d ' i d' F "' mt a -c "" tre " '''' ' n'l knot 4n ' its big tears from rolling down his weather-beaten face. legal construction of his crime was forgery in the ; •Is hyo melt would be after Mewing me alone, and. their custom mite. tl;•pend en huving their 1 n., , ;)y in the et: te--ii.cdecs letrelele• 0., each knee , and Ire e'Lrbeeut " e t - imm t 4 en one ••Och e wo to the day," said he; "that ever we lot seco n d d„,re,.. Ile passed three bills and had the !I in the great trouble? hut, tut, 3iMmy, aviek. orders executed with fid lity end despetch. ; Jule 17, 1844.---tf. , side or his heed. Being good-natured mid mirth leine go filen as. Such a decent lad, and belonging fI b f• I ' , I ' 9 •I 'ti ' tII Any body would do it.. penalty o the aw aim en ertet with its utmost • ure •1 9no ung a n . . ()Id metal, cpper, 'tress feed pew to r ta- • • -•-•• - 1,-.. in exeliange. Ale, o beet, rye, toll, Cii)3ll: TETIEN WAT !. . . . lui , i. "." ° g reat I.°'"" at w " k " and d° " 4 "' to a lemily that never did a dishonest amt.. And rigor, • t 1 e d t dcheeselad • e a ' ger, he might have been sentenced to elm state i ou r. as acme an aas rer you v s. 'awl :fats taken at market peke, . !noel festivities of all sorts; and he might have heen ....____sure all hearts were upon him." prima for fifteen years; but mmerances were so t Sing that to your heart, mavourneen. Ile Nora Alexandria, July S. 1;•.• , ,44. ...• . ::: 7: ::4Nrz,:7 2.. .in danger of becoming dissipated, b e d it not been 4•Father," said the weeping Nora, eI know the will staled by you, all rho world over." much in his favor flan the Coup sentenced him but —•-•• Mr the happy consciouvness• of beton:ring to an h e , 4 , 4 - he ir 1 , 4 , 44 , 44 . L e en n uy o r , ou d 0„, amt 1 , . ~ . ' . , With a smiM that she meant should be a bravo. NO FICI'. -The subscriber respectfully Carl' i a g e ..71 are ft rile I 0 ry . I 1 It • ~ e t , • empleets all persons hole! teil to 'bit» tai'' i honest, indust riou san. y, an d mut e the Pr., ante know he never had. intuition to du any thing that y gg , ~,a i. , ,Lon away r r „,. Ibe young . ne e o f a otte, but with eyes.streaming with tears, She bade work. dose at the Old eq:11111Shillellt, PIT- ZELIZZE.M" SIVZITEL 1 darling oc morn's heart would being to blush the mother that Lure hint, andher beloved brother farewell.; &embraced her with laboring, man, spent in silent toil, in shame and sor. ' vi•ert to the Ist of November I .st, to call and e-e •Notwithetanding the natural gaiety of his dello. e• , a , 4 f t•OS I' resinmtbilly informs the citizens tee sister tom slept in his arms, when we were both row f ern htero w a 3 , 4 , 40 , 40 , 4, wee, i n d ee d , ~ b ees .i. I lehentetit tmaderuess, and, with a deep Sigh, team, (wale chef' liceowits wiii,,,et elt•lay. ISIIAEL GRAMS, - • elef4flf the b6reugh and corms of Ilentieg- , eition, he had a epirit of tOriterpriso. and a love of weeny things. I'll go to A iniriea, and find out all • * • - • • • I eel to hiosilent labor. Bub tho, weight was taken ; penalty Mr contueed notions ut right .d wrong, July 3, 1844. don, the public generaity, and hie fed tricot& earning money. This tendeney led him early to about it, and write you word." off his heart, and his step was lighter; for ' concerning lets of paper, stamped with a notninal and enst , nnors in par ticU tar. that Ile still think of emigratime to A med.. the Eldorado of „ lint go to • " • llt Arnerelcy! exclaimer her inMher.- vethte. But late, in its wisest and kindest athninis- ' ',!lope's sunshine lingered on • his prison Wall, " ------- 7 --------- ----- ' continues the :1! .A . 2 :L..K.c.)113 a. aIS Conch IVffaiiii • „ Irish unagenetion. Nora resisted the first suggee• •'Soto you're crazed with the big grief that's upon v a ti c ., c e n n e t a t ools make nice distinctions hi,. I And ! o va locked in eport his solitude." -Mtg . L!!! "Fri n egte tion with many tears. But James drew flne pie. you, eolec,z IntLh,ri,e, or you'd ',iv, spoke ;him tweet thoughtless errors end Wilful crime,. • ; Nora remained .with tee kind-hearted chaplain, • One ill the hyst sty le amid on in nil it, ~ , ,rintls branclics,at his old staird,b, !urea of n farm of his own in the new country, and wares. " • it is prebubre that JaMes never felt the degrees m ,er watching the loom wallet a Sing Sing.- r4l3ol'd iltiotir e. "Ni Liu ' , tree' i. the I'L"'L ugh r•t! mutingllntiogrhet cows and horses, and a pleareant jaunting ear and ' e.end would'itt he follow mc to the ends of the compunaion that it is suppers& every convict ought When her brother's term. expired, elle was at the --___ ne irk. isone,ite the alouttimP tiri , • • • • L.'1.(1023 antrazzi. where be has constantly on hand every earth if the black troube was on me?" replied Nu- . pits. door o welcome ern, anme or into to feel; for the idea was ever with him that if ho • -.• el t 1: d leas If fth chtscripttun ~ f• ever by his aide; Mr with the very first guineas that ni, with passionate earnestness. "There wm id- i i• ' d ' • I did t the blessed Bundling and the free air. Rev. John • hate tinned against government, he I not mean o we/re/al' respectfully informs his old Cooe'ree Ca triegem. crossed hie hand, sure he would send for her. II 44.5 friends and, curnotners, and the public ‘,......., r , , •., : ~.,..i. ways kindness in him for all human cruthurs; but .in o g B l. B i G o d. That lie had disgraced himself, t Lucky, the chaplain, whose name will live in the 1,,, ~.,,,,,,,,I, that he Fill continues the • telrea - a• s Bee.,:ies A sie•brh ein•ctionato sister, accusMmed to sympathiao with he loved me better nor all tho world. Novo a one '• • 't. • f Cie Itn...w ull well and felt most . keenly... The , greteful election a many a poor prisoner, received f '-i' t. ' ' '-g ' ' . e'r ' '. ' . m . • I I • 111 h . . . Tallorartg• Llersioess, ___........:.;,., - -xaa - t . 5. Dear bor ns, 1111 Lit plans, soon begen to le p him to An t ts had a bed word stain him , nobody knew the ; thoughts of whet Nora and his good old enotther them item his house, cheeredund atrengthenod their. at his old stand, two th.tir, east nt the Stare • 1 castles in America, nnd every penny that she could hart of him as laid. Proud was I out of him and •.Id•ff s 'f 11 Id I• al •ven to heed hearts by kind words and ~judicious counsel, and e, cif T. Read & Son, in te•• Iterheteli ef Hun-I which he will sell tow tut e 4..1,1 erli : r n i earn ether et • • wheel laid r • • • • • • • , "'" '"""" o " e " m • "- • • 1 - • ...mgw. away or Pei" 10110301110 /9 my lean witnout hon. And Is et I will tinegdnii, where he is fully pia pared to ite- able "..".' , . , , Ib r with thi vas and murderers tore his seal with • sent them to the office of the ,ken Association, I , n t whenthe time t• II arrived • , . • • ,' 4 w!! 4 . ctlenmorlate all who Illay fiver him with All kinds of wee kin his erne mnde to or- sago atone, . u eae an thy lave hint alone wid his trouble? I It t I - r " l ' "°- 1- '''' : anguish'.-110 cot let not brieg his mind to write to 1 :Co. 13 Pine street, New Yoth. .As James.brough t elicit. work . ler, on the sloe test not ice, in a Mr him to ,er; to Dublin, it w. a day of sorrow. was ten oceans between ns." I them, or solid them An tidings a his roe. He certifienes of good euieduct while in prison, thu lee reecho R, regularly, Ft inn New York tVOI { K. by A l't 1 4 ITi I}4l IS 1 A N 1 `; 114 % 1 : All the' niarried sisters, with their little ones, fled ,• • Scott's New Yee' k, Pill is 811,1 Lentlon ' .I.nd all knots of repait'ing dune Stith ne.t. ' 1 lel dawhile,l th • • ' 1 Ins ye Leman.. eu 'et e after am " thou dit a uric [settee to• Rupp°. hint dead, than ' Association lent him tools, to be paid for if he shook!. neighbors from far and near, (same to bid him fire- • . . : 6 ' - • la l eaDaitl 0 IT Z.; 3 tess and despatch. Country produce Will bet taken in exchange e • "• • ' talked More calmly o f h a w fl it . ) , s h ou ld hide dim know of bi 3 diegrace. Thus the weary months ' mer be Milo to de• se, and recommended him tou na give their parting blessing. The good . well, a , e disgrace from the neighorhood. That their hearts passel a ir eady away. Th. 1„,,;h of his eyo an d ; ,tortliv mechanic.. At this place he would have m otto] he in deteeinined to eine/hey none but the ; for wink. I mother was Loa)' eto tho last storing away mine lit-. • • e woo sad they could not conceal. Day after day hom f a a Lis atop were gone. Day by day he grew ; maieed, had net his,employer needed a journeyman best nod mast experiene,cl workmen ; eiel Any persene wishing tel purchase are re- d r , ewi t l o rt in hie see-hoe,-Nora, with the big tears inteste , their Frugal tneale were removed almost t d more disconsolom and stupid. .• ' thoroughly versed in his trade. It is the Policy at he guraitteee to till orders in hie , mecatilly invited tin call end examine anti ,_., ~ , , , , Car the ~,_,_,,,,,, ~,,,,„ „„„, , . • 'lfine in the most los yoniil,l, ;end Work mot,- ; nee, I. to theinsc•lves. 'Li her eerie , iePeatete " "Leue . "`"" "'"e• """ and (Weil, one stepped übout selently, as afwr a la- Ho had been in prison about Mar years, whett one , Sing Sing not to allow the prisoners to learn all the ike manner, or ancordltti; to the wishes and ' 11.1011F:don N0v.29, 1843, Jimmy, ma rourneen,i if yon grow grant] there in uses!. 1 The very cows came slowly and disconso- of the keepers told him that a voting woman had : branches of any business, lose they should come in-, orders of his customers. the new country, you'll not be rifler forgetting nit? lately, as V they beard grief in the voice of their comet to visit him, and ho had r . ecsivcd permission to competition with mechanics out of the prison. rteTtriit for the liberal enlc"uraieelineitt ! Mstate of Elizabeth Shaw, late of Yee toil! send Mr our oxen Nerv e mane" young mistrals, when she called them to Lo milked, to soo her. Ho Meowed silently and wondering \\ lent had been accustomed to do he did. h•ta li,reiyore receivrd, 11, respectful lv liturris town,hip li reef!. d. , 'i,, sa contentrome of public. petronage. ; re e l 1 ,, 0 rlc F. i, hereby give., flint. Letters Forget gout " excliiiwyd limes, while he Pres." And the pod old mother no longer crooned at her win, it could be; end a moment after I' , o ‘,19 locked with great induetry. and expettneas; but he could May 21, 1843. -qt . . c d leer warmly to his bomm. "When the blessed , ••:te. testementary cal the last will and tes- 'pinning wheel the song she had sung over 11 era- •and • e thereto' in his sister's, antes. For setae time nothing but lie , de all the u••eel•a••le required, "a . - - • ; tantent of slid deceesed have be e n gran t e d sun forgets to rise over the green earth, maybe, I'll ,Ito of her darling boy. Nora at first persisted in sobs were nuame. They looked mournfully in • kindly and honorably dismissed, , LOST..--Wag lint .f Thumda: - / im.t, the to the suht , crthers. All persons thrr, fore forget you, maraurneen clhee li sh."§ . tree plan of crossing the Atlantic; but her father Mr- each fell I , . 'Lid he been dishonest, be might have done oft r7th oil(.; between Waterstreet mot Holli- leafleted to the estate of said dem.erl are Amid oft repeated words of love und bfessing, ho bade it and she sail no more. But her leart other's ;Lenon each other's nod's ; with the tools; but he came to rho office cl the , 1 5, q i 0 5 , ?,,,,,, “,i• from Raymond; & Colin, ,ie ristratedl to make intmecliate peOmeet , and n tea I . i . eni Ihen , ~,h eir maw , sorrow was and wept again. !ittvrc He Ortiee, Md., to E. livilderson, 1 ell la.ving oletrns tn peeSellt them duly at.- P r - alit- grew more and mote impatient. She spoke ICB6 "And su y. knew Me, nr.rorinicenf.'" eaid Nora, sedation, to ask whether they were willing he Alex tn'dcht, liontingdon county, Pa., con- ; thenticated for st ttlement. to ' Ile softened ley distant visions of a final reunion of of James, but she slatted heavily at her wodt and diould keep Chem till he could obtain work elee e elining; a statement of their lts7Culllit--,bi , b I , RYAN KELLEII. For'r. - • at lust, trying to smite through her tears. them all in America. Bi t t tkore was a fearful un- her eyes Were red with weeping: At last she re- ~i , 0 ,,, , replied, folding her more r1p ,,,,,, , where, and earn enough to pay Mr them. They of their Note.oethe slid E. Hendee:mu rimed ; Anvil SO, 1843.- at Morriß tr ' • ' certainty about this. The bi g set , mi g ht ~livu II OW ut Aved to depart. unknown to ahy Mee. She rose ''''.." ' t - f 1t ol verydi Ile and told hint to telst last., r :VI flu r six ht, deed tiollars, I -- --- --.---.---- ly to Ms bream. ••A cuskla rtrachree,"" and . c 0..", eon. I e co. . , peeethle in liter inentlesott the We•aern Beek, I . 11...; it lb ir a GP i'li . . him up, he might sicken and die among strangers, stealthily at midnight, tied up a small bundle a remember tIMt ae we . woulethit I Itncff your Meadow on the wall in the s long as he behov dll,they would rhiladelpeet. Anv person finding, said let- ! NV, the so , ,scril,r , , hereby ceutinn nil ur bad examples might lead him into evil paths clothing, placed a little bag of money in her bosom, darkest cellar they could put me in? But w 110 always be hie friends in need. His sister was with ter, and le,tviug; it • with, or enclosing to, the ' persons agninst purchasing, or in tiny was' „,,,,„ 0 4 1,„„ d e „,l 4 , paused and gazed lovingly on her bleeping parents, , him, likchis shadow, and their earnest expressions l'ost :Vl.Lst,r, ,tt. ‘h..:nndril, Huntingdon C l u., vikin g a note g ive ) ) hv us to George tsm itb, . came wid you , oraeoterneene . I o this last suggestion, made by an elder sister, Mistily brushed away the gathering teary and step with the sI, I N.•te, will oblige the sonsei- of I leaders. tov. - iiship, Iluetitigilou county, . 'of gretinede we e° true> , affecting. Troth and it was alone I come, I run away in Ice, N, ,, " ,. . '.•• ,he ,111,,,N , loss Itfis been given dated on ter about the Inch they of Felten-try - Nora replied with indignant earnestness. ••Ded in- red out Into the moonlight. She stood fora few . • A . They are doing well, and doubtless will do well. to the ~id 11 I vreirmil & C utin--also the last, for three linnet red and fifty-live doll trs, to evil cocottes, intluder she exclaimed; "Shone be momenta' and gazed on the old familiar hills rand k I h • wasn't x 'lto night. hope it w• • t vrong to lave tho goo. Malt the blessing of our Father be with thee.- Western Bank, Philadelphie. Dayli/le ill lll'lums, itiri . rW:ingd , Hl, one hut. . yo u for epaking that same! and he the ancentesi fields, on the 't t t•I •et e . e the and James ' po aOC jai LI ..1 I . !-alter and 'nether, when they had 'poke tight r• - iy They are two a the kindest hearts, and meet trans- AprilE. 11ENDF.IISON. dred day., after 4tate-;},t ,said Judgmetet I , ea Lest behaved' boy in all the county Longford.- had wocli'e c l tpieu,,n- for many n day, of the old coming. 1 wouldn't like la do anythin g displasing parent souls among that reverent, loving, confiding, 2, 1845. !tote. having been oliteined feten us by Fe all. ' - 'to God. But Jimmy , tnachrse, my hean wee break- but impulaite people; who above all others, ewer,* -_ ---- I and witlermt creisideret bet. eted will there , rou don't. knee' , the heart of him . I de, or you'd well, by the elite of which the *MaygoVeallii grew, I called the little children a tze nations. e • ..1101) Printritdi% . 1 . I ill' widout you: and I couldn't hive you Mono wid ' tet ' tore not he Paid, stud the . laW will not coin- ; never he allot epitome of him in thatpehme. II 0 end . the clear white cabin votcro the Gear oe• . _ • pel us to pay it. • ' • shame on you and Maeda it i• B t gbh; tour. ones slePt ' . She passed into the little shed that your great nunlike Sure its long ago I would have .p oielnee. i cep. i Darling. elSweet darline• • en SAMUEL r icKE.9, " • ' • '• L . . . • 14- E A 'l' I, Y E X E I', u T 1:: 1) . ..• ra h ellteeli,h,': let him nut sicken and, die in the served as a Malik) Mr the ultimate, mid threw her been wid you, if you had let us known of your , ' Sweet Viigite. e Pet of my heart. ; "Pelee of • JOHN FCKFeee. •`" .17' 71118 OrrECE." .. M.u . e..11 26, 1843,-3'. ' strange country, and the sister' lot tlie.,,i. t...i do for riCtris uhent the donkey'a neat, and Kissed .I.lle COls , . inisfortin." • eiv hear,, tileiLhe of hoart. s ',Dear. To Purthasers—Goarantee. • THE undersi * gned ages t of the Pattentee, of the Stove, Me Queer' of the Ir est," nriierstanding that the own( rs, or those concerned for thvin, of other and cliZrent pate n t Cocking S.oves, have threatened to tiring suit against all Who purchase and use all V " GUit.:ll9 FATRNT KINC Queen of the West." Now his is I to inform all and every person wh shal purchase and use said Stove that he v d , iiinify them from altcnstsm•damage tent tiny and 01 snits, brought by Vier k• en tees, or their agents. for any infringna of tiieir patents, lie gives this in , tice so .at persons need not be under any feat's because they have, while cnnsulting their own into r eSts and convenience, secured the supetior ndvantages of this " Queen" net only of the /KW, but of the Fe, e. ISRAEL. GRAFFIUS. ' July 24, Sl4. "uzz.p.s rimm unistr" Fut: sale by I. Lilt:\ & `6ON, and anti county, I'a., 'Cheap for cadi or con ry produce at the • nit bet price. '1";w tit' the \Vest , ' is an i n , proveineitt no Ilathaway's celebrate., Iliit \ Air Stove. 't'her'e has flreer y e t op pr,teril any plan of a CoiAing chive that pitssissei the advantages that this . one It iS. A Touch less (pato it fuel rs• ti Tired for any amount of cooking lir ba king by . 1.1ti,4 stove than by any oilier. • . . l'er,owi are requested lo call and sec before they purchase el,ewheoe. July 3,1894. ~,a-I_, E s2tw,-;Da- , - s m .;. c?, ~111..z.-,-„ sa dt2 .. __-.Y:-__