Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 09, 1845, Image 4

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one in the beet tvle and on
short notice.
corpOS T respectfully informs his old
diaLfriends and customers, and the publiE
in general, that he still continues the
Tailoring liminess,
at his old stand, two doors cast of the Store
of T. Read & Son, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, where he is fully.prepared to ac
commodate: all who may favor him with
their work . _ _
He receive s, regularly, from New York, I
Scott's New York, Paris and London
and he is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen ; and
he gurantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and workman
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of his customers.
Thankful for the liberal encouragement
he has heretofore received, he respectfully
solicits a continuance of public patronage.
May 21, 1845.—tf.
all Eyes This Way.
The subssril;er would most respectfully I Tile FARMER and the MECHANIC who
inform his friends and the public in gen- produce all the real capital of the nation
era!, that he has . recently received and will find in our paper an unwavering
opened a good assortment of confectiormry
champion of their inakmable rights ; the
and fruit, which he offers for sale in the
basement story of the store of Thos. Read lon. cherished principles of the editors
& Son, where he will be pleased to wait on are too well known to the public to re
all those who will give him aeon. quire any pledge upon this point. To the
He will have roostantly on hand Miscellaneous Department particular at-
Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, tention will be devoted ; the Ladies will
and all other articles usually kept in confec- always find in our columns a choice selec
tionaries. He also has beer, Cakes and lion from the current literature of the day
Pies, and as well as original contributions from the
LP ... Ta 2 W."a' most talented writers of which our coon
of every description. &king of any kind try can 'boast. A general summary of
done according to order ill short notice.
His intention is to none but the very Foreig n and Domestic news will be Fur
best articles, and to have always a good sup- nished ; a regular price current and a cor
ply in his shop, and last he would, say. to rect list of the prices of stocks will also'
all, call and judge for yourselves. be given.
He hopes to merit and receive a share of The conductors have already secured
public patronage, as his intention is to sell
the aid amt. co operation of a large aunt
on very moderate terms.
—— her of the most distinguished literary and
political writers of the day; arrangements
will alto be made, at the earliest period
possible,to embellish our columns by the
contributions of correspondents by
abroad. With this brief and imperfect
outline of our plan, we very respectfully
submit our claims to an extensive patron
age to the consideration of a generous
Huntingdon, June 11, 1845.-3 t. •
Estate of Sohn Elmore, (Late of
JACKSON tp., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without'
delay. and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
IVAL B. SMITH, .4diter.
April 2,1845.-6 t. Ennisville.
Estate of Henry g Spang, late of
Weekly paper by theyear
1 " for six months -
Semi... Weekly paper by the year, in
advance - • - - 5 00
.4 " for less than a year 50 els.
per month.
Daily paper by the year in advance 10 00
for less than a year. $1 per month.
Subscriptions to the Daily for less than
two, to the Semi-Weekly for less than
lour, or to the Weekly fur less titan six
mooths, will not be received.
If not p id within the year, the Daily
paper will be gl6, the Semi-weekly $6,
and the Weekly t 2. 50 a year.
All paynivils to be made in advance.—
UNTINGDON Those who have not an opportunity of
CABINET 81, CHAIR WARE ROOM, payiny, otherwise m!ty i;e , on bail at
s our risk, postage- ,
pod. !he t
Pos y
Morris township, deceased.
WOTICE is hereby given, that letters
testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediatepayment, and those flaying
(Maims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
H. A. SP A NG,
April 23, :893. Morris tp.
\- I I
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-11-111-li. „_ $
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Cunningham B,c Burchinel „
certificate of such remittance shall be a
sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of
MESPECT FULLY inform the citizens
443 of the borough and county of Hunting- 1 ai q specie paying bank will be received.don, the public generally, and their old To CLuos AND COMPANIES.,-111 order to
friends and customers in I , trt loth'', that place our paper in the hands of all who may
they continue to carry on busines in their I wish telsubscribe, at the low( st possible price
new establisment, one dont east of the we are induced to make the following prop
north eastern corner of the Diamond in said I °shim , .
borough, where they are preprared to sell, - To Postmasters, Clubs, or Companies,
wholesale and retail, all articles in theit who will send 817 50 we will send lea Cop- i
line of business; such as ica of our weekly paper for. one year : for 1
ThiEty d o ll ars we will send 7 Tornio' Copira
Sideboards, Seeretaies, ,Sot • .
, tor twelve months : and tor Fifty dollars ,
fees, Settees, Bureaus, •
, we will forward FORTY COPIES for a year ;
workstands, card, pier, Centre, ' —reducing the price to each subscriber, ti.
dining and breakfast tables; , one dollar and twenty . -firc cents per annum
I for a I irge and well htled weekly paper.— .
High, Field, French, and Low foss iWe hope that this proposed reduction in the
BEDSTEADS. i price, will 111(11.111 . 0 the most active exertions
ALSO—Every variety of on the part of our friends in obtaining ns
crztaueglaa-sw, _
such as Rash • seat, Cane seat. Bit/1).13cm, ; -
Baltimore, Straight-back, Boston pattern' Span WI iii ides
4' Common Rocking Chairs, together with AND
TW102.`tf3.9Y.1 aidia.oo9 TANNER'S OILS.
of all colors, qualities and sizes; and rar er i
r ' 2000 Dry Laplata Hides—first qualit y.
Ii inging of various patterns and qualities 111500 • I• C •
Di y ..i 'tura do. do.
N. B. Co ffi ns made and funerals attend
ed either in town or country, at the shortest 3000 Dry Salted La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE 40 Bales Creen Salted Patna Kips
fur the accommodation of their customer Nor. 29, 1R43. s. 30 B des dry , Patna liim!.
' 120 14. ii tells I annei h OIL
FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. 11% , '''' and Crier's 1. . 11 .;
EHE subscriber continues to inanufac- For salse to the country 'Canners at the
lure, in Harrisburg, French Burrs of lowest prices and DIM) the best terms.
all sizes, and of the very best quality, much N. ii. All kinds of Leather wanted for
cheaper titan ever, and on very favorable which the highest paices will be paid in
terms. 1 Cash or in exchange far Hides, Kips & Oil.
Cctiers addressed to him will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli•
cation were made.
Feb. 5.1845.--9 ma.
C ALITION.—The subscriber hereby
t cautions and ferewarns all persons loom put ,
LW:MU) 5- ......E.Q1 - ...e l chasing, levying on, or in any way disturb.
HOTEL. , log or meddling with the followhigproper- '
No. eon MARKET STREET ty, which I purchased at Constable 's sale as
, the property of George Smith, of Plunder
(Above 6th Street) f son township, on the 2d day of April inst.,
P hilad ciphi a. land left in the possession of said George
BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. i Smith tili I find it convenient to remove the
support of his mends and the public some, to wit
HEsuhscriber, thankful for the liberal 1
I shove l pl „ ugh, 1 ousting box, I hair bush _ 1 hoe' l 1 clung hook .1 double tree, 1 plough.
generally, respectfully informs them that he el measure, ! lot of barrels, I harrow, 1
still continues at the old established house, saddle. 1 brindle bull, 2 black heifers, 1 moo
where he will be pleased to accommodate ly heifer, 1 brindle cow, 3. of 12 acres of
allthose wha favor him with their patronage. wheat and rye in the ground, turd 13 acres
CHR IST! ANI BROWER. of .. wheat . 111 t he Dec. groom! .
14, 1.842.—tf. ANDREW SMITH.
eil 11.12iis di.
- 1 West tp. April 9, 1843.—pd.
`1,.. U-
AN experienced FE MALE FEACHF.R, _.
tn take charge of a Public Sclool in this i Job P r i n ti ng
Blrough fora term of three months . By or tt •
der of the Booed of Dirt emirs. IsT E A E TTI. Y E X C U E D
Shirltyshorg, May 99, 1845.. .17"rnis OFFICE.
The tinned Stales Journal.
The first number of our new paper will
be issued this (first) day of May, with an
entire new dress—new type, fine & l ite
paper, with other important alterations,
i and improvements. The paper will be I
devoted to a feat less exposition et Demo
cratic .principles ; it will zealously and
unremittingly oppose each and every ef
fort to establish a mammoth monarchy
bank and other mischievous corporations
and consolidations of wealth, which sub
vert the rights of the people and under
mine the pillars of the Republic; it will
oppose an oppressive and anti-republican
tariff system, the assumption of the state
debts by the General Government, and all
other Fotliwal principles which have an
inevitable tendency to destroy public
prOsperity as well as individual happiness.
Against alt such political delusions, we
shall wage unchanging, uncompromising
I war.
N0..21 South 3d Street,
Oct. 9, 1844.-•• 1y
To Purchasers—Gnaronlee'
THE undersigned agent of the Pattentee,
of the Stove, The Queen of the !rest,"
understanding that the owners, or those
concerned for them, of other and different
patent Conking Stoves, have threatened to
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—The Queen of the West." Now his is
to inform all and every person wit shal
• purchase and use said Stove that he w i ll inl
demnify them from all costsor damage. rom •
any and all suits, brought by c titer f . en
tees, or their agents, for any infruignie It of
' their patents. He gives this notice so t°:at
persons need not be under any fears because
they have, while consulting their own inter
ests and convenience, secured the superior
advantages of this " Queen" not only of the
but of the East.
July 24,1844.
cra cm) cm+ro.Sna a.acewcist e
For by I. ORA Fl US & SON, Alex
' ia, Huntingdon county, Pa.,
',;heap for cash or country
produce at the
market price.
Tim "Queen of the West" is an im
provement on Hathaway's celebrated
Hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap
peared any plan of a Cooking Stove that
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A much less quantity of fuel is ra•
quired for any amount of cooking or ba
king by this stove than by any other.
Persons are requested to call and see
before they purchase elsewhere.
July 3, 1894.
UP CID Ur 5. - .2:7 123 'W 2
orn ESPECT FULLY inform the citizens
4.114 of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they continue to carry on
Copper, Tin and Sheet von Bneineas,
in all its branches, in Alexandria. where
they manufacture and constm tly keep on
hand every description of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves
_ .
22, 24, 26: 28 and 30 inches long
Neu, Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves,
A II kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Alan WAG
wAR F. ; all of which is.dotie in a workman
like manner.
Algo. Copper, nye, Wash, Fuller, Pre
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
- 8-2 00
wholesale and retail,
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist of November last, to call and
settle their accounts without
July 3, 1844.
WPRAYED away from the subscriber, nn
iunday evening. the 18th inst., from Pi
per's Dam. near Petersburg, a dank bay
horse, 8 or 9 years old, about griddle sized,
has a crack an one fore alld one of his hind
feet. Any person taking up said horse, and
writing to the subscriber at NVaynesburg,
Mifflin county, or sending him there shall be
liberally rewarded for his trouble, and all
charges paid. He is supposed to have gone
tow:was Shaver's Cre-k Vallev nr
Waynesbnrg, May 19, 1845
C A U 1' IlliTC
We the subscribers, herebycaution all
persons against purchasing, or in any way
taking a note given by us to George Smith,
of Henderson township, Huntingdon county,
dated on or about the 19th day of February
last, for three hundred told fifty-five dollars,
payable in blooms, in Huntingdon, one hun
dred days after date—the said Judgment
note having been obtained from us by fraud
and without consideration, and will there•
fore not he paid, and the law will not com
pel us to pay it.
M:u•ch 25,
2i3lßaa& D VZFII WaD3 0
All the newspapers are full 01 patent rem
edies for csughs, colds, consumption and va
rious other " diseases which flesh is heir to,"
proceeding from wet fee:: but all experience
teaches that an ounce of ,rcventive is
better than a pound of cure; ' and, having
the means of furnishing the former article
on short notice. Therefore
Charles S. Black
respectfully informs the good citizens of the
In rough of Huntingdon, and the public gen
erally, that he still continues the
Doot and Alloy- waiting
business, at his ol•1 stand in Allegheny st.,
one door west of William Stewart's Store,
in the borough of Hinitmgdon, where he has
lately received a large assortment of new
and fashionable !astir, on which he guaran
tees to finish his work not only according to
the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man
ner, re.cliteccrding to older.
H e empi•.rys e. m e but the b ••st and most ex
perienced workmen, and by
. strict attention
to business and punctuality in promises, he
hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share
lof custom. •
W ANTED—an A PPRENTICE to the above
business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age will
be preferred, and find a good situation if ap
plication be male stem.
Huntingdon, April 23, 1845.
usTice.4 , Blanks of all' kinds, tor sale
at this (Mire,
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
"OULD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo
i ough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public Hduse, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
and convenience of guests will always be
~i~ss ~s'~Lbl®
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best to be had in the country.
Lp-saas =Er _ _
will be furnished with the best of Liquors
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the " Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Fhankful to his old customers for past favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuanceof their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
wilt be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon. Nov. 8. 1841
Tux subscribers respectfully inform their
friends and the public in general, that they
are prepared to manufacture cloths, satti
netts, flannels, bLinkets, carpeting, &c., at
the well known establishment, formerly oc
cupied by Jeremiah Whitehead, situated in
the town of Williamsburg, Huntingdon co.
Pa. Their machinery will he in good order,
and having none but good workmen in their
employ, they will assure all who may favor
them with their custom that their orders
I will he executed in a satisfactory style on
I the shortest notice.
They will card wool into rolls at the low
price of 61 cents per pound ; car.l and spin
12 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound ;
manufacture white flannel from fleece, 311
cents per yard ; manufacture brown flaunt I
from fleece, 40 cents per yard ; they will
find sattinett warp and manufacture satti
netts of all dark colors at 45 cents per yard;
cloths 4 wide. SO cents per yard ; common
broad cloth. %I 25 per yard ; Wallets, 41;3
per pair ; plain girthing carpet, 50 cents per
yard ; they will card, spin, double and twist
stocking yarn at 20 cents per pounid ; color
ing carpet, Loverkt and stocking yarn, from
15 to 31 cents per pound.
Cloths of all dark colors, 22 cents per yd;
flannels, fli cents per yard , blankets, 7 cents
per yard ; home dye flannels 61 cents per
yard ; home dye cloths, 16 cents per yard.
Arrangements have been made at the fal
lowing places, where cloth: and wool will be
taken and returned every two weeks.
At the house of John Nail, Hartslog Val
ley ; Jacob Mllahan. M'Connellstown ; J.
Entrekin's store, Coffee Rim ; John Givin's
I store, Leonard %Waiver, Jacob Cypress and
Matthew Garner,Woodicock Valley ',.. Gem
mel & Porter's store. Alexandria ; Walter
Graham's store, Canoe Valley ; Dysart's
Mill, Sinking Valley ; Davis Brook's Mill,
Blair township ; Mmes Candron's store,
Frankstown ; Geo. Steiner's store, Water
street ; JAWS haxton's store, Huntingdon.
Persons wishing to exchange wool for man
ufactured stuffs can be accommodated.
irt All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for work.
Williamsburg, March 19, 1845.—1 y.
from what we see and feel, that the animal
body is, in its organs and functions. subject
to derangement, inducing pain, and tending
to its destruction. In this disordered state, •
we observe nature providing for the re-es
tablishment of order, by exciting some salu
tary evacuation of the morbific matter, or by
some other operation, which escapes our
imperfect senses and researches. In some
CaSCs she brings on a et iris by the bowels, in
others by sweating, &c. &c.
Now experience has taught us that there
are certain substances, by which, applied to
the living randy, internally or externally, we
cats at will produce the same evacuations,
and thus do in a short time, what nature
• could do but slowly, and do effectually what
she might not have strength to accomplish.
\\•hen then we have seen a disease cured by
a certain natural evae.uatiol, should that dia
-1 ease occur again, we may count upon curing
lit by the use of such substances, us we know
bring about the same evacuation, which we
hail before observed to cure a similar disease.
It is in consequence of the power which
the Brandreth Pills exert upon the whale
system, that makes them so universally ben
eficial. It is because they impart to the
body, the power• to expel disease without
leaving any evil eff
As a gems TM family medicine, Brandreth's
Pills are, it is believed by the Proprietor,
superior to every other Wet ed to the public.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills arc for sale by the
I,silowing Agents in this county.
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
M'Farlane, Garber, Wen., Hollidaysburg.
A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Moore & Swnope, Alexandria,:
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
Thomas M. 0 wens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
Blair an I Madden, Mad& n's Mills.
The above are the only authorized
agents in Huntingdon county.
April 16, 1845. tl 111.1 s iy.
Rags Rags! Rags
Country Merchants can sell their Rags for
Cash, at the highest market prices, or
in exchange for a large assortment
of Writing, Printing & Wrap•
ping Papers of various pri
ces. illso,—An exten
sive assortment of
figured lVall
1 Some of which can be sold at half the usual
price. Alsn, a general assortment of all
BOOKS and Stationary, which will be sold at
low prices, he
Wholesale Dealer, No. 4, North sth street,
2 doors above Market st. Philia,
3d month 26th day, 1845. —2mn.
'ID LANK BONDS—Judgment and CM'
mon +-14)1' stile at this (Ate.
r ;PCISoII.iXt).6:3 g
Country Fulling.
.Tewelry! Jewelry ! ! hwelry !I
-_- , e , ITUST rcceived, astrl It
Z. ....4"- %V of the most nuignill
,%-li---- 40 cient Jewelry it?". ever
/,' ' ~. 4. came up the Pike.".lll
) ''' S`., Consisting of GOLD PAT
. 4 - TENT LEVERS„ Ladies
A ' . 9 ,-, " ''"
AI 11,...,,.. ; ~.. . ,- G OLD - ,
viols, full jewelled, 1
SI,LVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single
cased,SiLvmt A Nelloß LEV Ensfu Iljeweled,
double and single cased ENGLISH WATCHES, i
Ins'tation Levers, QUARTIER and FRENCH 1
WATCHES. &C. &c. Also
Gold rob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalinns, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz. amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads. Pocket Bo( ks,
Musical Boxes Mathematical Instrumcnts.
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior am •
de, Steel Pens, Spy ('lasses, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
X large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantre given, that
tt not found equal to warranty . it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or it injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch at equal value. The warranty
s considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given, be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844:
it ocitZiale
Tux subscriber would respectful!) inform
the citizens ot Huntingdon and the adjoin
counties, that he still continuts to car
ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on
(.lover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, ot the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
ev erydescription, such as
Cooking, Ten Plate,
tiammtrs, Hollow Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all descriptions, Bce., which can be had on
as good terms as they can be had at any
other foundry in the county or state.
' Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
fU- Old metal taken in exchange for any
Ire Mr. K. has recently purchased the
patient right at a conking stove for Hunting
dun county—the stove will be set up by him
and warranted to the purchaser to be as good
as any in the State—orders furnished.
July 17, 1844.—tf.
COME runs WAY!
Carriage Manufactory
- OS r respectfully informs the citizens
MA of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and his old friends
and customers in particular. that he still
continues the
Coach Making Business
in all its various branclies,at his old stand,in
niin street in the borough of fiumi d gmin
-nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing Lace
where he has constantly on hand every
description of
Coaches, Carrm g es,
Bu ffies
.Os,N,Pa e.c., •
=.issZailliVdo4 Dearborns,
which lie will sell low for c ash Cr i n rt ion
able terms.
All kinds of wo, k in his line made to or.
ler, on the shortest notice, in a
And all kinds of repairing done ith neat
less and despatch.
Country pi•oduce will betakenin exchange
for work.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call end examine and
tutee for themselves.
1 - juntingdOn Nov. 29, 1843,
LOST---Was lost of Thursday last, the
27th ult., between \Vaterstreet and /Inth
daysbure, a letter frnm Raymond & Colin,
Havre De Grace, Md.. to E. Henderson,
Alexandria, Huntingdon county, l'a., con
taining a statement of their account—also,
their Note to the said E. Henderson, dated
21st inst., (Match) for six hundred dollars,
payable in four innuths,at the Western Bank,
Philadelphia. Any person finding said let
ter, and leaving it with, or enclosing to, the
Post Master, at Alexandria, Huntingdon co.,
with the said Nate, will oblige the subscri
ber. Notice of the above Inss has been given
to the said R•avmond & t min--also the
Western Bank, Philadelphia
April 2, 1845,
E. 'll EiiDERSON
LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the
Post Office, in the borough of Huntingdon.
If not crlled for previous to the Imt day of
July, they will be sent the Post Office 11,
pArttuent at Washington, as dead letters.
B Mean George W. Hamilton W illiam
Black Susan Horrell James
Belli Andrew W. Hicks Harriet
Caldwell Samuel 2 Lyam John
Calahan Charles B. Miller John
Carnelions Isaac M'Kislop Andrew
Couger Mary Ann M'Kelvey Nancy
Crawford Samuel Miller James
Crosby Mary Ann, or Orr Mr.
Shute Mary Price Diana
Drening William 2 Shutrump John
Diosmort Samuel Sipes George
Derr John Snider John *
Edware Joseph Smith William
Vining Mary A. Taylor William
Fisher Stellman Rev. Wray Robert
Garrit Mary Aon Wiley Tho. K. Esq:
Crifleth John Yaw George
Hight George • From Prance.
Huntingdon, April 9, 18,43.
Diseases of the Lungs and breast.
To vitE — oaccordance with the
prev•tiling custom, and in order to sho v the
virtuesof this medicine more fully, the ful,
lowingcertificates have been selected ; and
as it is ,not our wish to trifle with the lives
or health of those afflicted, we sincerely,
pledge ourselVei to make no assertions or
" false statements" of its efficacy '• nor will ,
we hold out any hope to suffering humanity
which facts will not Warrant. The pronti
are here given—and we solicit an inquiry
from the public into every Case we
and feel assured they will find it a Medic int
well deserving their patronage and . done..
'Of all the cures that have yet been record:
ed, there are certainly none equal to iltk
below mentioned, and they plainly Moo:.
the curability of Consumption, tven hi
some of its worst forms :
Let every man, - woman and child read the
following, and we are sure that it must satis
fy all of the great virtues of the medicine.
EI7" Read the following from Dr. Jareli
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice id
Huntingdon county
Dear Sit t-1 procured one bottle of Dr:
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 23, 1841.
The case of Thomas Cozens is related by
himself as follows, and acknowledged by
all who knew him to be one of the most
astonishing and extraordinary cures ever
performed :
April 20, 1843.
On or about the 13th of October, 1841,1
was taken with a violent pain in the side
near the Liver, which continued about live
days, and was followed by the breaking id
an ulcer, or something inwardly, which re
lieved the pain a little, but caused me to
throw up a great quantity of (Hensler mat
ter and also much blood. Being greatly
alermed at this I applied to a physician, Who
said he thought he could do but little for
Me except give me some mercury pills
which 1 refused to Lace feeling sati,fied that
they could do me no good ; many other -re
medies were then procured by my wife and
friends but none did me any good and the
discharge of blood rod putrid corruption
still continued every few days, and at the la,t
it b^came so offensive that I could scarcely
breathe. I was slso seized with a violelit
c iugh,which at timescaused me to raise much
more blood than 1 had formerly done,
my disease continued in this way until Feb
ruary, when all hopes of my recovery were
given up, and my friends all thought that 1.
would die of a galloping consumption. At
this mi=me nt when my life apparently was
drawing near to its close, I heard of Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry and got a bottle
which relieved me immediately, and by the
use of only three botth s of this medicine,
all my pains were removed, and my cough
:tad spitting of Hood removed, and in a few
- days my health was t o fan• restored as to en
able me to work at my trade (which is that
of a carpenter) and tip to this time I have
enjoyed good health.
W ITNY.SS. --I am acquainted with 'l9;ns
Cozens and having seen him during his
nem, 1 think his statement is entitled to full
credit. SANT. I - I. bURROUGHS.
GmoucEsTBa C OUNTY cs.
Appeared before me personally, and affirm.
ed according to law, on the 20th 1.1 April,
1843. J. CLKMEN I'.
117 - It is unntcessary to remind all wh"
would get the true article, to inquire partic
.llarly for "1)r. \Vistar's Balsam of Wild.
Cherry," and nothing else.
Unprincipled dealers will tell you that the
SYRUP of Wild Cherry, or sonic ia!ler cough
medicine is (costly as good. 11,!gard them
not—they only want your motiEv ! Bement
berot is Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher
ry':.that not only relieves hut cures !
_ _ .
Price one dolintlier bottle, or aix for $5.
For sale only la Cincinnati, by
corner of Fourth and II alnnt.
Also, for' sale by Thomas Bead & Son.
(wholesale and retail,) Huntingdon, Witt
Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg.
January 15, 1845.--6 m.
LIST OF LETTERS, remaining - in the
Post Office at Alexandria. Huntingdon Co, r-
on the Ist Clay of April,lB4s—which if not
taken out within three mouths will he sent
to the General Post Office as dead letters.
nderson David Kiirts•Josiati
llingham il , M. 2 M'Abee (;,,znwor
Baker John Miller ChristimiG
Burket Frederick Mulseed Jobe
Comely John Neff Edwin W.
Colwell Miss Netdin Thomas M
Conner Francis Oldham Thomas
Cresswell N. Porter John 3
Dangerfield Mr. Gemmil & Porte'
Davis David Ross James
Davis BArton
Sumter Julln
Dull Casper Shively Daniel
Hutchinson Edward Swoope Marga't Mrsi
!-luyett Jacob G. Stevens 8c Patton
Herrenconte Jacob 2 Stewart Thornas
Hnuseholder Mich'l. Snyder Jacob.
Ichinger Adana . Shnenherger Lim 11.,
Isenberg Elizabeth Stewart M. A. Mrs.
I.vtle Robert Thompson Martha
Kaufnian.llaniel Weight Henry
Kline Ranch Walls James
Kantz Michael Whitehill William
Kinkead James Wallace 'l'hnrytas
Alexandria, April Y. 1845.
Estate of Elizabeth Shaw, late of
Afurvistoua decea4ed.
WO I' ICE is hereby given, that Letters .
4.4 testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persona theref4e
indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having chasms to present them duly at.-
thenticated for settlement. to
30 -IN KELLIqh Ex'r