Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 09, 1845, Image 3

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    /4:2 3 Ulm) szam aft call a
Iluutingdon, July 0, S 4
cy. V. B. PALMER, Esq., le authorized to ac
its Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisement. in Philadelphia, 'Sew York, Bela
more and Boston.
Philudelphin--Number 69 Kt* street,
Baßimure—S. E. corner of Baltimore and'Cirl
.sr vert streets, •
Nem York—Number MO - Ntitecku stree,
Suaton—N umber (6 e3Urte 4Crect.
'Bye, Vets
and CO6l, at the mailiet price, in
,payment of at:eau:lts duo this of
fice. And . cash will be token in
rxchailge for receipts in full
T !i E 31 A oli E TS.
[o,Rlit 1.;'11,U 1 .% ICI.I
ntili.delphi:i. July - 3 .
tfltr.AT FLOtiR , pi.-1 . 1.1.ii. - - - $4.25
11v K Mb. AL, do. - - ,- - 3CO
'l2.oiix do. do. . - - ' - 215
\\ „ ~:.„ 0) , i m ~p,, „ „ . 1 , „ 1 . ,„ h . • - 0
Rift d• , . - - - 59
',( ottS, yellow, e',.. - - - 41
1)0.1'S. dn. - - C 2
41.0..iaitire, .1 in v 3.
V I . CF. AT . FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 :37
\VHEAT, pct. busk. - • - 1 'OO
Cults, yvilow, do. - - - - 41
li r F.. do,
c.vris. do.
\ Vit tsz.Y. Y. in bbls. - 21
Mutes ,1 Discount in Philudt6ihia.
Eanks in rhiladelrhin.
f r ii.olk of N.:1 . 1.11 A mcrica t
of the.Northein I.ibt.rt:ts - i)at
t.f You', - -
ro.:1 li Lok -
.1* - - pai
book • • - pia
behuy 110.1 I b.atic 7 pot
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limik. - • • 4.u,
M ',ant - - I),r
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4'13.11k a cv. ‘Vt:stellesttr A). 1
*l,i,k. “t Dt.ia., are co. Cut bti, r par
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1; .1 ill, v.' .1:: • it Blrck3c ,, .i4ii ,, Atil
ii,, , ,,k .ti : ,,, i .rtou,n xri'd Nortiminlm 'land par
11 itesdale I,,ti.k 11 , titesti.di, 11
V. , trittt ri,' bk 1.1 t, inc. Ltititi,, , sti.y. p..r
1. tticastxr 11.111 it I. tWe .1.1 r 11..1'
1. ti , cttst.. r c. , ,tinty ba.1.1.: I,,ttienhtt C p. r
1-t iiik of l'itti.lturK I'll:shit:l , K 1
AL rcli'' t l / 4 . bk. t'itthl i ttix 1
Exclt ttige blink Vitttburg 1
1) , . do. brattch a tit: llitli.),l.'u I g 1
& bridge Columbia ILA.
bank. Washii gull 14
''' '''''' B.
le.tritters' lik 14 I(e:oiling licndius poi
, 141miom tnmk L. b ott,i,
LA.tult. oi :Vl . ..kilt:W. u Alititil, to vitt t
... C.4l . lible bank Curlible 1
Erie Luck Frit: 12i
H o i k of A;:utitibttrslAtry, c litotibersbut g 1
H tnk Ut (1,0.) .burg CiettvstAtt g I
V.olt. lmt,tt Atot k A
11 LErislturg,l,tt't li.tvrislottg 1
Mott: ts' 1)61 ~f Pottsville 1 1 ttsviti 4
~ k nitias. 4 m•hantm rt , . M,mti, e `35
I. i rmers' a 1 irm.. er.i . Lk \Vdy nv,ln ri usli 2
• H tlik .i L: mist .v, II lewistossit li
Wyoming lim k Wilt 11
N wthmolitmi lim,k AI IL nt , ,, , ,i 150 sm,
It., k • cowity 1555 It H. ncUmg tin slit-
AN'e*t Broils I),i, k AN/Mitt...lw: t 11
Uttsv.mtla I. at k T, v tihtlo tot salt:
itztes of notief NotPa,
North nil 1,11,vi tis, ii.i.k of I'.. Nt, e1.,-
,-...4 1,,,k, 11,1a' tic ti tail), no ttivib' Bat k
of But 1,4, (.1, tinalat,un, 11 ,
13 V . p.S Ch . 3 u.k - - - - 10
Ali others - - - " 1}
'LL(= t. W. Dorn
The Legislature of Rhode [blend has released
the renowned Cul-En:von ! Dorr—the Uere of
Chepaehet," from the penitentiary, by the 1111. age
of an act of Amnesty ,which we subjoin. This is
perhaps done with the view of having him reedy
for the higher honors' which Mr. Vice President
DsLas talked of. The bill was introduced into the
Itouce of Repressotatives on the :oth ult., and
having passed by a vote of 37 to 3, woo cieried to
the Senate, by which it was passed without diem.,
An act to pardln certain offences against the sor
reign pc.wer tti this Mcas, aid to quiet the
( t f good edam, thcreof:
cam.. the rain and happiness ot
this Stu e hive notiitt the la,t four year;
1,4:01 tit ithAy !lista! bed by cumbinatiuo,
and a tiewil,a at !tante and abt owl to uver•
thtuw the laurel hovel Ullingli ti oven! . by
tutee of :Joint.; and .Ili•reas, through the
bleisini of litid nylon Me patriotic exec.
tiuus Of litu cititru, ilie,e Attempts have
been fvu..ti iticil, awl the . Sta , .o iS now in
the enjit; meat oh cittnitittatioo Itent , ,ze nod
I t 011, tin unilic a contitttution ct guv.
craincitt entabliNhed by the l,teeple
thei.eitl; anti ittThe littlin that ti enercise
of that clemency nitwit is cutt,iatent ailit
the Oahe, ul gosernment and the occult
ty of IRO pt•Olik . 111.ty promote and perpet
uate unit pt ate hit lis veeential t 0 the
welfare it a It ce atate ; . .
'Pier, lore it is enacted by the doter
al Assembly as Follows :
Sectio t 1. No person 411411 be Le•rafter
prosecute (u•lilt crime or offence which
inay have been cominAted against flits
State aid ruuu,rriited in the act eutill it
•. An act iti relation to offences against
the 'in reign power DI the State," pasSetl
April 1, 1812, eery person who to
,ace ,rcupurr.,nce, iitilicttnent or sett
ut any aueh of
fence, shall be and is hereby discharged lien. Dance! Webster's Remarks cn
such recognizenee, itolictit.9,it the Death or .Gen Sachsen.
sentence and kilo all the cis it and penui The New York Ilisfurical Society held a meeting
cons, tittences thereof. . and discussion relative to the funeral obsequies of
Sec. :2. I's u venom tshali tie herealle , General Jackson, on which occasion Mr. Webster
prosecuted in any of the Courts of this made the following remarks ,
Sta te, lb ' the crane Nuthinr could be noire natural and
ilds State lit les t log woe against the , ; :erne I rap, r than that tins society sheitriti tlike
ts hien hag already tree. conitiotteu nut i ee „ r ,„
latinu of the act id . 1838! a inemi,o. of ' l a I„,„t y. A,.
" tu t . " "An all c"li c e"" e g (11"".' and t ustueried tics a,.ionally ro meet the SOCI
MS,' and evety l 0 who isiti ett j„ .y . t i rt , euremuti k a ,t,,„, t h at
undo. rell)01 %AIR, IT 111,1, ar t in i t , und Troceed hoot it, ellus•
same. shall he and is hereby discloti trative ti t. t h e hi,tei.j. at the Le.,,itt.). and
tied ft cut such recognizance or itediet- i ts ;,.„,„tittwitt, have it t e „ s ,„ a
merit, presen't ht this tittle also, anti on this tic
Sec. 3 . A'nY .Iwes"" . wis" h"s he " ' * casit,a, iii w hiCh an cletnent so mini. 1.1..1
eicled of rho c"Pie " 1 .1.1. '""'" 'tier., Andrew Jacks,'
' l "' """' '" 'Pr i "'"" " 14 .4 14 -' slit has been froitaan'eally vertoil can.pictious
setae-nee of the law provided for - such of- in the service and in the eot.ticils id his
I, low, shall be larthwith thiodiaiged from I , aunt , y v tib e eithiriii without hies inlet eals
-och tinprisritiment, :end the kei.p, r or
sw forlis respects his. conticclion with lie
'Norden of Che Vilik•ve r , u l, ti ll iii 44l ,yeal n, I
D riven may be, shall discharge sootr. r- hi„l , s i„„. he was „ mem b er p i ihe
sot; fi oin tSS to io rrisonutrut upon the pro ;;revs of ihe Stares, arid,
'S 41 e 4 i 44 ° ill film. 4'l u "'Cy "I h u t C . ,tart , sir, Ido not kit N r thin e
I,i the lot y al "Sidi', i lit bpi an assecialebl fi'e.ii.J.etiksen in the
Molded .neveetheless, that no person ( A
who bus net n couv`c;td ul tliu 0.. ill that ii„. ~.scepiluut ul
11l vgaptLA this State ,h,, air d i t 11 , ru bl e .gentle
"" i now wader seuseuce "f 44,4 1'e15" 41. man e.dia is 'of (his S,ciely
met fur the samc, shall b e .r e ,iy i .,l to .1 ritollect only of thoemigess at
the rightb lend prpoleges. hltiela he Latt~lYis in ,„„ e „ tnow 'twt ones (mr.
forfeited by said crime anikeotibiction, (2„.11„, in i n n)' h„
until lit hate tal;• it or imbscribeilJ.,cltsun,%%bile h,
she 4444 " beeelHaller Pee I lie+ el, and his now
Set ibed, 'before the ISupie:ne Coot t of thl•,lilttl.'hm . o, are lb est ',Rd 14,11,,
Slate, t t itt.b4 ttl t.-n• county iii She State , roontry „ m id l i t dlfl i trot „cts,.
Ut be administered by the t leek of said a „,l 1„4„,ih„,.11e „ cn l ctrt g , as
420,11 . 1 in 1.1),-n eOl.ll t, or li.-feee one of the I crid acte d
jJ"'"ce' s "I 'aid' C""t s o s 's":"l i m s, ""'S pout in ilea rapacity. Ile was raised
ciiroed (iron the ri colds of said .C.turt
r pealed eke :lions, to the highest sta
r in the coon v ill whiall the saute it t.elteit. I tlOn Rtdhe civil gntei „,„,„t ( d' ts .
" ropy of illicit (4 " 1 . 14 ur, 41 t 1 " 1 " 4 " v, atol act , .4 Si mist ect fainly nut oh
-11011 the seal ul the sow (joint, scare sad that character
shall be as of us cold in the office ul and cal ,„ r i ty. ,„ h i, „„H,„,. /
she 5e4.11,144ry rif Mate, and P ,1 " 1 4" settlers, I participate in Lie;a,,'neralSenti
who leis 1.). to 1. ona ictod ur )';Cason in me - lit if the whotc is si ils l l y, an d I believe
'levying %vat agaii,st %h o shall ,if the sun Id. he wiefi a sob 'ler of
lake rush malt or 11. e man I Jautiilrrs courage, ~„„„dal ir.::„„1
a'oicsaid, ; n I shall cause the same to
lii” in therti,e 4,1 ( 1,41, 1 ui ;half riffigtment and foresight, iiie truths urn
as aforesaid, sh ill he lorthwitii resturril„t!vl)„,i„; the ps-r,oil 'in
110 ;414 the lights and pr.x . tlegis whieh were „i i , c h „d„,i,,i stei .,,,p
I”' bY sack "'Slue :,u,l ' 4 ' 4 " 44 -'-sfu"• meta Of the criontre, it wi.S my foi woo,
• The milli or afirticitiate bo to be ihkco during the. whole period at it ; In be a
mid statist " t J Metiit;te All Ow 'Canto, ss t t tie
dii sod maly swear (or allirii ) dial. 1%, il, i States, anti, as is 11 it was my
bear :rue . fittehltitil use the State „,j4„,IS„, it 1,1 cement Will,
ul it.' tide l• land 4 4 eiwii•etire 4 4 -I.inta- „,„„ v 0 , 0 i „„,, 0 ,
um”, and 11,m. lei f Sappl't Can.-1- hi, : ii i i • si i ii i sts .„ ( h i e s .
tuitui, of firs S u it' i ru I" IP Ehteitaining n
. slitaioa r t :,m1 mill) a power his ins n
peril ol die penalty of perjury) irws to a tiv t liee upon the
S.fc. 4. No action shall tie coniracri eotiakti*ons .4 win rs, lie
e r it :.roress served ;flier th•tly course a s he 1114a.glit expedient
teon, ih, ruing of this Gene, As,enwi), c u j d„.
"4" UI 0 " “i') us ul. tt..l . ltttnin:g 041 man)
the of 01, ithisfl the ilitforetit ”pinioos, it was
thereof, for. aoy alleged lie Ito o t y ri t t ,t hut one t o d rift .,
4 , :t dime ur conur,iuctl d". 1.14 she awl hut ilill'etetive guise toe. 1:,1 eat
time ill, Stice was Limier manual low bs. liaint t,,,eos e in the aisle eithrse of my
ail tue of. the art Inc (it a 1,1 A, , entl3l. 1,,,,b1-c I,le, it has been less more agreeable
Julie 3• 3 • A. b4 2 “ 1 . 44 ' 141 ; " ‘t.- 11 • 44 °' toe to sopiairt the measni es CI the giii
,;stoblishing ;Slatted law in this :State,'" called spill
Acts, so-done or countritted, were 011 n jOgruirlit and erase ill sitit.,t was
iatettit'etl lb pr eserl e Ilie peate Of thin hest to be done, to appose do m. I de-
State, or to aid the people and govern. -ire tis see the govt.! ninent acting with
ment ibereol against o pen o r sus! ) , et- l oni4y of sp:i it in . a4 I things ri to it.
. , .
ep hti-oility of ;my perst.n 4,r polsotts.— ,I...ettpt it hitittte4, espetittity,' Ille:1 .g 1 . 11iT•
AIA all COI •t... ill 10 CilllS., ot :action hq - . Aly II; all great 811..i1S1.11Vs /01 11", I.llllllVBiie
any .s. / 0/ Of gt.d uteit ..., ,tr act. 1101/a 1/1 1 pail/ y, as tar 85 iS ColiSiSlent tt 111 l the ex-
committed a 3 itiutr-attl, s h u t' he • extitt-lei Cihl: of pet fcct intlei.entlettLe amt.ttg it,.
wit-hell es a g;IIIISt it ..V Such ilt 1,1 , 1/ , • hunt, ni , ti ,1,,,,.. B ut if it •,, , ,,s ' fl y mi,j,,, t a u,
awl attic th.iiy dic.,S from the :Amin : 4 of t., i1,t1.., , (tout -:metal .1,,a,,,,, t ,,,, in,,ny
this (it-111411 A.s•entttly, sttsitiK itt:- it,t,t of the great it.t.astites tit Its atl .
titti t s which halt bolt, ut• within the int- : atittn, thet e were occasions, anti
tatttl alttritsaitl, shall be ct,ruittencitl. t.itt uniniver•alit, iu vitich I lelt it
he U.S. tiatette says—.ln autlietirt ti trttt, t, i act: wiling 11l the Itig,ltest
ca'ull copy itf the law 11:1, itt that tittly, It, (01101111
tilt Met' to 3'l,l,itli.l,Ct fru, N. 11,11 . 111 iti•
there the lAt;ittlattlitt i• ittt:, oh.; ,tt which I though:
peeparatititis ,sele innue.liately made to, 'ant ;it'd —.in tthich the
hi, retiNtne, slid a procession. by his It iends : its,. that hr felt it to be his duty tt, tktlopt,
and /tithe' en , s, iu trrpuoeled entirely with log sew inients
IVe hope (lilt he may have all the , to r.wittl to the protection or the best it
ur (i) which can he uossittly r,.:l , teretl to tetest, of the couffity, mat the histitutms
him, m;(1 that it 'tiny be door quickly. but under nhicht we line ; and it was ivy hunt•
tvtt dosLt sem initaly a hello, Itts I ole tin occasions to yield
Iti thki will ttjoite. at Itiot c.tot;og foal', to los oitiotots and Inearoures, the same
. .
here the a,,,,,i ,t,,,iii that bi , i, , , , , shpt Ivo , ' coldial a.virori us it 1 hail tiever tl,lleit.d
4 ,1' 4 1 4 , 4 , c 4 , 4 ,, e u t c o mpl a int, 14441, harts 14.41111 hull titiole, and stein expected tt,
~11.1 the matt st ill rt!i/lINIIiii. Oa. 1111 , !ling .. .1111 . 1•1* iI,M) 111111 ilgaill. • Fliiii. tiellel'ill
It still be iibfter‘vil that Ott , rtli.ase is
uitioot-t the tiull•s .01 hidl!
eatlosi oitlokot pub-crrbin~ to
hr math of allrgiante to the pie, it C,,n•
stilt). two.
F.A11.1.1111.; CROPS IN OHIO
'rite Telegraph says t --A
letter (ruin Cie, hoot, Ohio, antler dale
of the r. 1501 ult., written to us by a leientl
travelling nest, in speaking, of the fail
ure of the crnp,, says t
It IS truly cllhtf to
lla./ 1 / 1 1,11
this State awl see the failure 11 the et ups ;
nut only the ;lain, but tiled the crass.
The fai titers are in agony to contrive lion
they will Le able t.. n inter their stuck,—
In the counties through se hieh -I hitt e been
viz( Columbiana, Stalk, Summit and
Cuyalinga, the wheat crop is an entire
failure. I hays' seen prisons from all
parts of the State Otto ink,' In me (lint
such is the .case all over the State. They
all say that such a gerund and total fail
tire of the, crops has' not been kiumn iu
iltis State fur forty years. Prom present
iippearutteeA, I would say tits( there et ill
lie lees Omit and 4111 id than the seed. It
is nut unly the fritio, Vint the thought that
has destroyed the ctotis —some think the
latter Iris been tfiii gi-eatest cause. in O
din... ihritutth the best of terms the very
earth seems to be Parelzl—orry green
thing seems to have shrivelled that has
nut died . country It tilts tletidate."
The %%hole number of 11' elchthei; in
the C. States is said to be 70,C00.
rat as n tart keti citaracter , —a
mu (hal acier that he had 'it very re
in:likable i Iluence uvt r other
opinions---that he had (prat perseverance
and tetlAirition in civil as nett as military
adminisi 'robin, all admit. NOT 'ln 1
Ihirk (rat lilt- candid auionitst intnktnd
o ill t ver doubt that it was his tlesire
toilu.lerl with w hatsoev er port too t I at tis•
pti,itimi to be himself instrumental in
that exaltation—to elivate his (Lonny
to the Itii4itest pitisi.velly and honor.—
Tliet.e is tine sill uueut, particularly, to
nhich 1 'always recur with a let Lug of ap
probation anti gialitude.-- Fl OM an tally
period 1.1 his unite' t a kiig to Administ,r
he allairt ni eoverbitieht, lie uttered a
lit'llllll,flt it) Itit—eNlitt,,lVt. Ur a
ii'nthiii• Wilith rant most profoundly con
d—a sentiment setting lcr•h the or
essi,e, the duty and the patriotism of
nu:intaiming the union of these States.
lie. President, I sin old (tough to rec
collect the deaths tit ail the Presidents
Id the United StateS, ttho have departed
this lite, front IVashingitm down. Their
is no thrubt that the ilehili lir all illtll%lti
Hal, tutu has been sit touch the favorite ol
his country, and partaken in largely ol
its regard as to till that high oilier, al•
wa,,s •produces—hus hirherto
sluing imi ression uphill the Public mind.
1 hut is rigid. It is right dist such should '
be the impression upon the vslitile cotainu
nity, embracing throe taliti paitiFula. Iv •
approved .and those eho did hut Pi I u.
larly approve the political. Couti;e Of the
tit ceased. All these alistiriguitheil Lien
ha% e the cltfitsi:ri of their coutitry.--
'they e fulfiliett [twit- station and ilu•
ties upon the %dude, in the belies that l ave.'
gone 11l tole us, in a manner reputable awl.
ilistitiguishell.• tinder `heir tAininistrn
tiori, itt the etrut tie tit fifty or sixty 'ears,
the giNeihniet,t, u.vtiet ally srei.ling, has
pt ospet ell, nil uhdrr tbie go, et mile t the
people have prosper I ti. I t 1:1T1 I 111,ti
tail it pay respect iihen men ilru• holm, e t i .
sre'calh ri to ;norther nil 'll 1.
ilen', nisy eft ititliO'e't9ie hop . slid
414. f dint it Wits Ole Bain g of the
who is the sii!.ject ol
these ie sullitiotis, in the suleltin Qal, unit
hours of [ire, tbritit utis lii eis
flint if ~ ,r,'”tit I td 1 - rw 'fliort.
nis ;Ilion of the gii,el.ll
- uehte Ceit,l` ',lilt 111111
11 1111 I 11:11. I.aio . ur t.O giititl lie thine,
might 'be'pet pefaareil. Let us theriqr the
same srptimunt. Lt t us net upon the
same re, I lig ; .
'le hum.'
and Orly be iiiiiitirril, let its all belle ilmt
it v 4411 be his et italic(' fore%
uhatever of gvuil rslem h le, iir pull
cipt?, 'or ration Ito has vs
tablisttiil, let us"icpt, th,it Cite ul it
'nay also be poi pr
Mr. NVett•Wr Own Seat
timid gcrier...l but subilu..l ixvres,iims ul
applause. .
Liberaticn cf tferl'
On Fruity last the I.egisli.turi. of I:hude
Island pass. tl an akt 01 General .I.aitiesty
icierated Dori• K itlt the u l et crimi
nals imprisoned lur I:reason against the
tin, nment. "I Ire Loiblbetis were ile•
wit-lc this, and flied cannons a
they did sin ;lre ret•ript of the iie,,s44 the
ci Civil. 'Jackson... \VC ptesune
that their celebration of the 4th tat July
twill give vent to pent tip wiarh„ and
abuse of the %Vh•gs tor exit tiding tills act
of clemency to nue of their 'violets who
o (odd have Si tit a builet throuthi the
twat t Id et et y one opposed 'it his treason•
able inti,eniettis ngatiist the government
of that Sate, instigaled by a &sine to el•
evate tin the elecuixe
'do nary l.e tai all the Inv% lieges
cf a cit. ten upon tilking an lia:h befor e a
of the Supreme Court tu bear
ti faith the State, and
suHcit I the leontti union ol
flow dill( Whigs'
of Ithode Ir.rn of Gen. Jack
son, who, wh,n l'resideld, impri,oned
robins % litions who was on trotiltir cl
the Treasety, under Mr. Allaitio, for no
tither et hue than a d, falcalion In the g,te
? , 11:tt,t it 5 . 4 than 86,1.A.:0, and k, pt
bins il,ete for-,years un . ll he died. [.l we
ter, "fleet while (Ante hit ii is al,
pointed by tow, aho wire drjeul.ers
the amount of Imo!) et's ill thousands
and millions at re petnull to ten at
ire. We hope that the 11orr sympa.
thitters will look at the castor llratkins.
Vi.. f'el. gr‘ Vt.
B:t t
A correspondent of lilt. Lint - ion:oi Fie,
a Id ; cl..tes the folio, ing occurrent C near
Oakland CnitJge, A slave
lioldtr, ,v;„ii, to his
made provisio, for i!ie
,I}lo tt. ~ e, t u•ltd will'
1111` executinn o f yr le In curry out hi, la,t trill and (yeti
ment Clil.cernitqt ll', shies, the latkr
('ame testive aiid iitpa tient to I to . ini their
frog looked for boon. A
polovd, ekpec(ing to be •,;hl,
ied they art fire to the
oier,to.r's pn.l burnt it to the
Ltrooi:d. A little chili, ,111101 were
oth')lit to revcild was - conanmeil in :he
ii i.e. , . 7he slaves eit : ltt or Moo in num
tie:, were taken, and two of em lt , ins!
on the spot. The others wt re taken in
to ao old log house and cl allied '0 the
floor.—'Cie house was ilien set mi roe,
and these !owe v:ciiras, by a aims fire bur
ned to death in this most siweking man
ner, White the air was rent with their un
at ul.ling shrieits and sr reams.
Another Monster of 131codt- , 4170
Persons nutcheredi g particulars of the 'nut.
der of five innocent and t,h(d!entiing per
sons by a nionstit In human shape, we
gailier wont Ilse wrarrit pane l s. The
guilty wte!ch i s no 111 , u!,t ih it ttetil the
. •
ty Adcock, in company with Isis
wile, mother, two small children and two
itet t ro were moving limo Pontotoc,
Assts:, to Missouri, 'where a 611);11, of
Adcock resides: A person of the nano.
sit A. J. 11Leannum, from C litnilms,
Irll ilk company and travelled with Ito in
lor sense days, until the Isilt ult., when,
as the eldtc of the negroes says. he miff
det eil Alltor,k,lds o
an axe, while asleep. Ile theit strew his
knife and deliberately cut the throats of
the ino childrir, a boy and gift. Ile
then took the Must valuable horses, the
two negrues, Money and other valuables
of the murdered family, and 'left, threat
ta murder ihe negroes if they di
vulged it. When found, the bodies of
two of the milividoals were . cithsiderabl‘
eatt n anti torn by tie hogs. A c m •
sty of some six or right gentlemen, If
Jacks: m, Tel It.. immediately stalled in
poi suit. Before overtaking the itibrderer,
late ever, lie had beefs apprehended by
some gentlemen of Si ring Creek. in, coin•
pi.rty with the stage passengers about six
teen miles northeast of bekiillll.., After
he ikas apprehended, blottAl,was found up
t:n his knife a^d paittikitieilpi,Which . , the
negro Oaleil, lie bad frequently attempt
d to :cash tiff, hot could not.
Zicarlet fever is said to bo very
prevalent is Illitwi:,
Of Alcrth.atl.ze, L.D.ors, &c., us las:To
ed by the (_oni.'ab ea of the scuts ul iLtort•
sh•ps to the co>n y tf Ituntingdo.i.oti
y .S . essio awl actiaifrol
bons ice; ref tv the Cotti rnL sione,a of
toe atilt couoy , ht. etit:rls
f Cumin, it Pleas, viz :•
The uirlei signotl, lITHMII% r of ,aird et on
ly tit Iluilline,don, oce.ortlatice w lin the
soV;lel acts 14 Asstnihly, die 1.1-
low list of . Rotain tS nil lig. Nil,l
-ch. m 1: witl in
the s i.l county toe the cui •
root year, :is classilleil and rt turn . ed to him
by tne AssiCirite Judges and Cumtnissiontrs
ut the county. Any pers , at doing business,
naitie is not to the list, as
well as Lbwse who aty boohd to . pay ally
tr,.c.tional vat t of a liteast., are rt quested to
ha% e their names registeiNd agreeably to
withittit dotal.
thuds as are designated tly a 1:•1 hat eta
ken out Allot. het I,ht . 3, alai those alit have
out ;tie rscutred to CIO su , 0.1 Cr I), fore the
fourth ..tatila;•. (anti :.9111 )of June
nisi ; tai', which ti, y suits•wiP t nisi
,ithout respect to PursunF, ag,unst t,!) ck.-
incitttots. . . .
't lu...tooled thos sill liquor.
.CLA:S4. C.LApoi.
• A lkylieny lownahip. :1 Patterson /13
Elias [labor 13 Joseph R limit & cotl3
D H Royer &Co - lb Mantiew oi lady 1.14
William Walker 14Thilip Metz . 111
*Joseph Patton 141 West- __
- - •
Samuel Con ~ I
genital 50.,...ri mont of Canceri,var, ,
ahogai, y a
M ei.,:e l h; 1,111S1;61 21,114. 'Fish
Benjamin - 1' net 12 ii'dkc,- (lii ; c,, 1 ,A v,,,,, - ,:h.p..i,,,, 0: all
'Graham %Mani:tot 13 James Campbell /1 . 11 v. ,,,, , ,,,,,,, , ,,. ;
~ , , ,d
. b . , ,; . ; .., , , u ' ll ., ;......,,,, , , wii .„ .
, .
'Robert Campbell &Co 14 Simon Al,t3
, " Wilt be sold low h.r ..,,,,i . t couot I v prodne.
Barree Warriorentere le i MV ( ON's . & A ' 110 . c N.
Jolts \V Myton 13 Benjamin F Patton 'l4 ' tiuctingth r , Nl.ny 7, 1845.
J A Bell & Brother 13 Abednego Stephen's 11
._ _ , . . - ..-_,..--_.
John 11 Hunt. r - 13,s:ennui Miller ' 14 ^a it F r,
4 IV: . 'stle.
James AFGeire 131 Alexandria borough . .
The qrbserthers having tlet, renined ti'
Blair 'l3 ' ,
i: j i L L l : n n i : i ( i i i r k et ,..,,, ,, 1: . ; c,,, s e tic I r Int,' to ....,in .I.Vel Is . V., Ile y, Hedforrt
A Knox .1. Son
ci,,,tv , OEI- fi.t. sale all Melt' property, tee :
Wm Anderson &co /141%100re & 'Swoops 13 , •
Daniel M'Connell /141Miehael Stapler 11 Their Mer Chant Mill--
Peter O'llagen 1-141 • Birmip,glea7ll This Mill has just been finished, and em
- t.:/ornreett ..laints Clarke 13 braces alt. the lilt improveniehts-,-Ints thrt :.
Thomas H larbison 1318(ew art & ()Wens 12 'oat of stonethe stream pct ruin. or., it ; .
A - ndTtv 1 Winton 111 Gay:Tort , 23 feet fall, tuft frt-rn its h• must cal:,
tr.'ass 'Robert Lt tle, Sen. 14 nvaid ceristaint empltivntent—there ma la.
Robert Speer r 1 4 1 , 10 d & Graff 12 ing any CA. - chant Mill within 10 milts if it
Jacob 31 Cover 14 insect Flowers II 'Ft, the Mill Is attached
James Henderson 14 Samuel Smith 11 113C3'`,,:a..ii-d-,:.-TA.;
Dublin : - Redman & I lartsock 14
o' land,eat which are t r , ctt ti two log house
Alexander C Blair 13 .Huntingdun
stablih g, and Saw Mill. •
Franbslown thuds°. & Auperly 14
ALSO, a tract of haat er ntiem us in 11 , ::
ja rues t/or !Iron 1., Stevens, Snyder &co 13 Mill, containing 90 acres, one half a whit,
Michael Wort ' lB -. 0 t sc 11 is " win g htun ui is meadow and weltset in 'Timothy ion! C to-
Samuel Henry 2.1 Jam Saxton Jr. 12 yt - r—the balance well timb• r. 4,
Jilin 8 wcney 191Jacoh Milltr 13 I ALSO, the farm on which ;thus Speer.
j ust A Steel la one of the partners, resirks. '1 his flu in
Martin Gates - 13 Thontlor Read :Sr. Sun 13
05101TILI141:: 115 A.Crei; ..
Gen IC Shoeither6er 12 :ones& Rothrock 11
S'Az Rl3 Wigton • 13, William Dorris 1 3
of prime land, nearly all cleated and in a.
Sinah, Stewart &co 13 Swoops & Africa 14 i tine state of t 91tivt.tion, being mostly stn 1 , 1
John S Isett 14113 F ., & W wh y„,„. i . 12 , e1f , V , ...1.. The :Pllll,Vtnti tets embrace evt a
Hopewell •• I Figh„ &. Mu A„., r i e s 12 thingoccessary for comfort and con .. ehienct .
'biota Et triken Jr /12, William Couch ••/ 14 ! having a large .two story 10,-,
~ 13 A. 1., i';' .. s e house., in which is a STOIII .
JOllll LI Given -/I3' W Mims :Stewart
Husk e INlaele Gaudrnan e
l e
. , , : ROOM, with , a cellar:nal( r al.
e' 4 k , ..;42 , 4
Dr P Shoenhemer 12 John N ProweLl . -.- • the house. . The bat ni. larg. ,
Renderewe 1 f utd„ .o 6„,. g . : with slit cis around it. •rhe barn yard i
1 .Millikens & Kessler 131 Lloyd & Grail' ~ , large, out rt.iinded With sheds, stabling and
Atom's 11.1eo W Patterson 413 double eorn. cribs, wagon shed with grime
Gco 11l Patterson 14,Jarnes Gardner 'l9 tits sr Eleicht to. !told a large Auantity is
Henry S Spang 13' C 9
liongbara& to. 13 '''!"' • . ..
Walter Graham 131Juseph DeiSer/14 Ike above prisp,,i ty will. be Tdd seperat,
Moore & Steiner 13 Augustus Black
f . 14 or togetht rto suit purchaser's. A .malt ate ts.
of Dart chandize (if desired) will be sold vi its %ugh M'Neal 13 David Hammer 11 .
Porter john Gourley 1. 1 the above.l
The terms will he 'made easy. All th••
S M Green &co 13 Henry 1. Patterson, 1.1 ;above )re- )eft ty Is situated within '4 miles t.'.
the Turnpike leading'froth. (;flambe rsbur;....
Thomas Patterson 14.Thontas B Moore 1 , 2
Samuel Hatfield 14 Henry Learner t. 3 rl/ Pittalair ' •
Springfield NI icheel Bouslough 13 For furtlt; , r p‘irticulurs, persons wishing
to purchase aid curl Th ' Speer,'
Blair & Madden 13 A.M'Cornrick &co 13
on minas t e
Wfilinn Maddvn 11 Joseph Dysart 13 Hems Milli, last saam , d propt It v.
Sevier ißobert Williams 13 C A IFiON & ..-,1-' eER
John Kratzer 13 iGiibei , L. LI.P I 13 ' - W..11a Volley, June il, 1915.-3! pd
Lyon, co(BE)I3.Gco Bingham &co 13
' Santa '.(T 1') I.4Pcter H Nell,. 1-/
1 ShirleylNV iltiam Hall 14
.1 hi & S H 8..11 131Davf.1Goodfillow 13
%id 'George Port 11
Reuben Trexler - f13,.1 1' Al'Girr 1,4
Amos CIIIrk 14 R W Christy • 14
Tyrone William Forbes 14
John Meguiro 14 Petemburg
Joseph Morrow 14 A & N Cres;,vell*li
tussey Sr. Potion 131Stevens_& Pat tott .13
Jonathan Focht 14 ilehry Urea ter 13
Smith & Watoplet 13 David Fre!ter 11
Sc!mocker & Rojo :13,1i & 0 Leas 13
Good & M . /Ulster 13, , J0hn Lutz 11
Roper & lithiver 131
reatuver if Irri tingdyn 'Count/j.
T veastirer'N Mi.,, 11u" Z
tingdoni June 11, 1815. 3
'4 1 1% :IL V 12nalral c
.1 T T 11. 1 1' E 1 T 14.1 gr.
roans waznzatitscan
!Lying re
turned to Ilontingcliin cultniy, has rt.-com
menced the practice of LAW 111 the Borough
of knitting:ton, %there he will Carefully at•
tend to till btlsia'•ss entrusted to his Carer--
11, will he found at all 011113 Isy those who
arty call upon hint, at Ids dike with Isaac
Fisore, Esq., :winning , the store of 'rhos.
I(encl & Son, near the Diamond:
flutitingdt.n, April 10, 1845.
011:1013Ciiii TILITZOR;
Attortie At Lasti.-- Autildh to practice in
the Urpiitto' Court, Stating Arititinit.tra
tors atcti tilts; &c.—Office in
Dimond, three doors East of the • Ex
chmtge feb`2B, '44.
ISAAC risitint,
ATTORNEY AT LAw.--Ilas remowri to
HantingiluM_ with the intention of making it
the filace Of hts futur, reSidetize, and win
attend to such legal hesiness as may be cn.
lited . to hon. Duc. 20, 1R43..
..4T7'OR.N . F.Y /..411'---HuNTtNstiost,
Pa.—Office at his old residence in Multi
street, 4 few doors Vkitst of the Otiurt
H .ut.e. A. W. B.
wa will attend to any bu
shs entrusted. to him in the several
courts of Huntingdop-siol aCj..iningcoun
ties. Apiil3o,lB4s.—tf.
'jar.fra aarL) ; . rianla3l33
attorney at Law,
Will practice in the several cot ris of Hun.
tingdon, ile , lfurd, and Cumbria coun
ties. All business entrusted to ha care,
will be faithfully attended to,
Or rice.--Dimultd,
6 , 46, Pd..) f UnNtf.t. AFRICA
1 1 ' a CI 71 AV • . •
ver, Cf. CBS',
sUblClibt rs hhve
. 11) A d 'front
Ipliia, “re htnn • '
(10 tif .
Winter and Summer Goods,
at thy old - stilt .1 of Peter Swr upe, civisist
of Cloths , t.ati,uticf t ; tiattinetts Fiat;
tick ; altdesctiptiw.s of hot!
gptsls ; t Silks ; Law's ;
liatz,:,•; Corded :.Idrts un‘l.twit,tst f %;,,
styles 4 ligurtl ;Ikl , .usliti•tle Litt s ;
Moslios of sIl iptions.; Suuttitc
fitr wen's anti 's we;,r ;: Shawl i, Mnnd—
kcrchit ; silk ~i,a cotton; cf all
a ;1,1(4041 asti9rinietit t I horts,ltifiles , VA.:4
s , Is ; and P:tris.Sl , ...reens;
mint tit 1-11artiw,re ;
Iron aii±t Stet 4 ;
y ;
G r6cui
•c :gig
I Box uf :1*111:3 Reiviird.
A - s Run ..,wsy ', , -in t!:. so.,,ci ii:
- • re.Adlog io Iluotin-d.o, f n I,
night tt 2 7th ult ~'nbnatl Li.,,:k
- la y named
agt d abaut 18 years, lie 1i...1
on it It a he left, a blue lt,..un&
bout and Pantalcons, and Straw Hat. Any
person who Will return said boy to the sbl:-
scriber, shall receive the above reward.
June 4. 1848. WILLIAM SWOOPE.
A good FOUNDER; to chnigc of or,
or two Furnaces, situated five rhilts apart,
in a healthy and pleasant pot of Ohie.
must come well recompile' ded.
Apply to A. BELIAN, Pittsburgh.
ri'kittaqing Free Press and
burg liegistur please cupy to amount of te
dollar and fitty cents each, and chat gear
sene papers to adenrCtser. ,
Latitl For Safe. •
A valuable tract cf land.t,iikiate in Porte
tounala ), Huntingdoncounty , about 1
from the lioroUgh of Alcxandria, and 'nil,
front Huntbigelon Lorough, containing
On the premises, thtre' are lop,acrcs clr's •
ed, and in u gond state of coltivationa
rate orchard of AliPle, and other ft dit
dwelling house—barn; etc.
For terms inquire ot.the subscriber, on
N. B. 100 acress of ko al woodland, cv.. •
vement, can be had with the abeve. • Also,
a Lot of four acres, in good condition, in 11,.
town of Alt xandria. 'U. N.
Whet tp.; May IA, 1845.—5 t. pd
I.:I.LV.UR 2
Dr. X. 11. DORSZIV,
IIAviNG removed from Williamsburg t •
HiitMgdon. would inform the ommunity
that he designs to contintie the :practice of
medicine, ar d will be thankful for Biel,' pat
ronage. Residence and office formerly
copied by It. Allistut, Esq..
N. B. Having been successful in accom
Wishing the cure of a number of cancers.
(tor which vouchers can be had if rt . ..quirt:it',
he feels confident of sticEas in the most oh
stinate cases, and should hefail in curing
charge will be.rnade.
Huntigdon, April2i, 1545,
nr4 LANK BONDS to Constables fp, Stn
IMP Of Execution, under the new law, ju,
minted, and for sale, At this office.
Job Pi - luting.
.11' THIN °FT[r•k';