Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 09, 1845, Image 1
HUNTINGDON JO 1.11 N A -.1-,: ptottiv . Itcturipaper—DrbotcV to Gettcrallintrtliftettrc, Ritinvtiotitit,Miro,iLittrat ttr c„grt or attty, .It•M *.ricat vi rlt tt It ve, Ritttocinctit, kr., kr. I Z7cDl].., ZM a as). SR3CE).. PUBIASULD HT THEODORE H. CREMER, 'CPcbla.u.rasls. The "JOURNAL " will be published every Wed heyday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, rind if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received fur a shorter period than x months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar 4carages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be Inserted three times for $1 00, and for every *subs°. nuant insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are kiven as to the time an advertisement is to he continu bd, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. POETP.7. "To charm the languid hours of solitude, He oft invites her to the Muse's lore." The following is one of the neatest songs we hare yet seen to the popular air of Lucy Neal.' We find it originally in the Jackson (Miss.) Southron: MART GRAY. Ain— , Lucy NEAL.' Be still my heart,—do not rebel Though she has passed away-- The one I loved so long and well,— The Charming Mary Gray Oh pour Mary Gray ; My awn lov d Mary Gray ; Those eyes of light that shone so bright, Are gone with Mary Gray. There is no charm in song fur me, Nor beauty in the day ; For kill my thoughts will upward. lieu To heaven with Mary Gray, Oh poor Mary Gray , My sainted Mary Gray; For—far ahuve,in realms of love, Dwells my sweet Mary Gray. How wavily roll on the days— How dim the sun's bright rays ! One only thought upon me prays— Thu thought of Mary Gray, Oh poor Mary (Amy ; My matchless Mary Gray ; My every thought with thee is fraught, My own dear Mary Gray. I'll welcome death when he shall come, Nor, pining, wish to stay, Tor, in her pure, celestial bourn, I II meet my Mary Gray, Oh poor Mary Gray ; Departed Mary Gray, I'll lease this rphere;ao cold and &ear; To meet toy Mary Gray. Till then my life Phan pima in dream, And visions round me play, For then on me with love shall beam Those eyes of Mary Gray, Oh poor Mary Gray, Olt poor Mary Gray, Still be my theme, my hope and dream— My own lov'd Mary Gray. Prehistory Linea to the Memory of the late Thomy Hood, Esq. Farewell ! Farewell ! Tow lioon, Many a day shall come Before a head and heart so good, Be deatin'tl to the tooth! Thou wort Apollo's child, Burn in n frolic hour— Each Atutio and Grace upon thou smird, Within thy cradle bow'r They kise ' d thee all-then fled, For MOMUS was at hand- Who took then from thy infant tad, And guoo then this command:-- IBut seldom heed the smiles Of those who just have flown— And I'll give thee a world of wiles, Shall make all earth thine own. Thou Ault bo King of Jest, Gf Wit's boot witchery— ao—heed this nay farewell behest, And Lord of liutnor be !' And it was so—fur rate Was thy all-serious lay— Tho' once thy fancy thou didst dare, On , Alidsununer's Day!' Still laughter was thy god— . And ne'er was Wisdom known Her hoary locks to elflike and nod, Aa 'fore thy mirthful throne But Yorick! Now where lies The mind that caus'd the ' roar t t Par up within the blessed skies, 'Tie groin—to come no more! farewell ! Farewell ! dam shade, Thy loss, 'tis vain to mooru— Spirits like thine, that have essay'd Hess na porch roust hack return ! SONG. §woot day, ad cued, ao culla, so bright, The bridel of the earth and eky, fitteeet dews shell weep thy fell to•mght, Fur thou must die. Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and brave, Bids the rash gazer wire his eye, Thy root is over in its grave, And thou must die. Sweet spring full of sweet days and roses, A box where sweets compacted lie, My music shows you have your closes, And all must die, Only it ewett and virtuous soul. ' Like t , ettsoned timber never give., Put when the whole world turns to coal, Then chiefly lives. MIN~~I::~ ~N~TJNa CHECH-IVIATED; i subject—the extent of that antipathy became grea- fleeted, could that object be attained. AII contest ' I have been led to believe him a very exemplary 'Tie fortit. I now possess hail been, feet, hod his OR, THE NOBLE REVENGE, ter: and as Mackissun's principles fairly developed , with Vincent in debate or general acqirement, he young imam' I male use of the kiln discredit,' report of thy chrinicter been received. 1 can pro leasing themselves, Vincent saw the necessity of having as : was reluctantly compelled to admit, was vain. ' continued Mackisson ; ' but I perceive I have al- duce an attorney on who. credulity he played sue tend a 'Oh es, revenge is let moralists con little in common with his companion as possible. i Vincent was too far in advance, and too industrious ' ready said too much.' ' For heaven's Like ex•• cessfnlly for a time: My hopes of domestic klic : they will,' said p a young ' man whom we wi ll I name Mackisson, while in conversation, with anoth ere is something of testacy in Mutters were in this state when another discussion, ! himself, to permit a fair chance of speedy equality. ' plain yourself,' exclaimed the party ;' I ant free its were basely threatened. !fele is a letter ink cr. Nay, attended with the mortifying circumstance of pub- I Would games of skill effect the object? It seemed to confess to you that Vincent is much interested titonsly maligning my cottiluet to a 'Ay whom f the pleasu re more, th which we feel when we have it in our ' licity, gave a fresh impetus to this mutually oppos- ; unlikely. Vincent was no admirer of, and seldom in the result of my enquiries respecting him.'-- ' have the honer to esteem, and which lam enabled power to repay with interest the injury or insult tag principle. Mackieson and Vincent were pre- . played them. Little credit W. therefore to be pro• ' ' Then it is the more necessary that I should hold to trace an emenating front hie bonds. He has em which we have undergone.' sent on an occasion in which an ; argument arose cured by excelling hi m at them. 13ut there wits my peace,'said !deckles. T . o further solteitat'unde nail his hostility mid his allll , ll6nlPll feelings, for „say . not .0, machi..o., , replied the other, ,whomon the subject of party spirit, and its effects 011 aa- : one game, superior to them, all confie ; sedly a game replied, 'I beg to nature you sir, that I know (with , might I know, up to this very moment of time; for the pleasure is rather that of we will call 'Vincent; tiers. Al usual, Mackisson took a prominent part, a mind, a which Vincent was devotedly fond, much emphasis on the word) notkin g calculated here is anode:: letter dated to day, addressed to one ' and addressing himself frequently to Vincent, ulti- and at which he possessed the reputation of being to affect our good opinions of Vincent's character.' lof toy most intimate friends, scntelnlouttly, yet ee'• a demon exulting in his own bug paisions, than of mately involved hint in the discussion. As it be- , . expert player. VVa.s it possible to contend with , ' Can you net tell me something of this young man ' cretly as lie imagined, inisreinesetiting ciri , tunstam• a human being post of rational and moral come warm, however, the latter proposed thatalt : bun at this game—to vanquish him with his own , which may dissippale these doubts?' said the in- ces which transpired between us.' Vincent egaitt qualities. My creed is that of our celeltrated phi- cone cease, there being no necessity for permit- I weapons? Oh what triumph fur hint, Mackisson! I quires, addressing himself generally to those pre , - ' paused, and gluncing his eyes sluw ly around the ta losoplier Bacon. "In taking 'aveng he remark., man is but even with his enemy, but in passing ling it to proceed to the extent which it promised I what humiliation for his opponent if it were! And I eat. 'Wo know nothing of him,' they replied, ! tile, permitted them to rest fixedly for a moment, bet 'et to do. t should it be possible! Nights and days would he ' 'except that he is very reserved, and is not aI. ' only for a mom, 111, 011 Maiisson. The letter was it over, he is euperior." Again, “Thet which is ,I'll allow it to e ease said Mackisson, 'if you ad- . i t erate to all the intricacies of th e game, to all the eral favourite.' One other attempt did the party exceedingly pale. 'What think you, gentlemen,' past and gone id irrecoverable, and wise men have ' . alit yourself vanquished!' mysteries of the several moves; and then, when he make to obtain some explicit information from he again continued, ' should be the punielintent of enough to do midi things present and to come; , B ' ynu means,' replied the other; 'yet I am no had rendered himself master of them, then he I Mackisson, but the reply added the more to his per- such u wretch!' .1t is impl , ssible to suggest one too therefore they do but trifle with themselves that la longer disposed to con ti nuo t h e argunietit : Those, would challenge and conquer hie opponent, under ; pleaity, 'ft does not Leconte me,' said Mackisson ignoluittious,' observed a gitest. •lie eboUld fie bar in past 'natters.' however, who entertained opinions similar to Via- circums tuteesshouldobli terate the memory of :' to repeat that which might after all, be but the to. scouiged beyond the limits of respeephle society,' t that 'Mere th core, I assure you, if not something hor- cent's and . .... . hall in a degree aba cloned their cause . , all past discomfitures. suit of unfounded suspicions.' Mathison won said another. •He should be publicly whipped,' &ring on hypocrisy,' retorted the other. 'Bacon to ~ advocacy, wa re not desirous that the discus aware that a vague allegation oft Limes more surely cried a Mild. hlackiseen's agony wee intense .he himself was not celebrate ) fin. too grid an alter - . mon should terminate in so unsMistectory a man- I blights the character of an individual than any deli- contemplated the meltable ia ullititliatiall a all this I some Went, a Moe gh of a second grade. To re ence to the principles which he taught." tier. At their solicitations, then, he again replied 1 'Some of those principles, however , replied I'm- to .. . , solve to prosecute the study a the ganic.iwo s to d o I nits charge. The mind has in the former case the wrath on his 01 . 111 head. 'N,IIIIC hied' shouted a the positions which had beeneesumed by Mack- I entire circle of offences through which to wander: fourth. He started. This iii,l,,d wit what he so, Every spate moment was devoted to it—all cent, 'among which I nutnber that respecting re isson, and the argument approached a climax. 'You ! mere pleasures sacrificed to it. Every move was in the latter but a solitary segment of the circle. dr.Jed; title indeed would be the acme a shame vengee are of themselves immortal and incontro say,' continued Vincent, •that party spirit is bencti- 1 ! patiently investigated, and a variety of combine- W e should not understand Mickisson's clime- and humiliation. 'l'o lio pointed at as a hypocete, un vertiblo.' cial to society, by reason of the force which it en- I 'Nonsense: why should we not avenge the utju- . . . , tions committed to heart over and over again; and ter aright, were we to suppose he avoided the so- ingrate, a liar! Oh how bitterly he tepented hae. genders, and that that force being in a right three- I ! lit en, when tic thought himself eufliciently roll- ciety a Vincent while thus calumniating him. On 1 lug given away to an unprincipled jealonsy end a ry we have received?' lion,good must result . How if it be in a wrong? ' 'One reason is, that we On no ultimate good; - ! feeling of i mulielous revenge! He would have giv 'We must prevent t front being so.' him, transmitting at the saute time invitations to ted an apparent deference and respect towards him ee much to have crept out silently and unobserved. on the contrary we insure to ourselves evil.' 'I should like much to hear how you make that ' :low wilt you • nrevent it!' all their mutual acquaintances lobe there. Vincent I which he had never before exhibited. It is the The overwhelming sentence of social eseuntatuni 'By inculcating correct opinions. r went, and found to his surprise many persons as- part of low and revengeful cunning to wear the eation would then pass over computati,ly unkee , 'But does not the existence of party !pint imply „,,,bi o d. lope The feeling, however, soon wore off.— mask of friendship, that it may the more securely ' Jed.Butescape w as ' ihl' 0 6 f ault I miposs e. ii the existence of two factions at least!' Mackisson was unusually gay, and somewhat mar- wound. : presented itself. Would Vincent relent? Olt no! 'lt does.' Iced in his attentions to Vincent. The latter, re- I ' —there was nu commission in that indignant voice 'Well, then, can both of them bo in the right?' garding this conduct as the result of a desire to , —no mercy in that determined look. 'Name hind' 'Certainly not.' atone for the occurrence of the lust meeting, re- shouted the voice 'mune him! (MaeLieson telt a 'Can it be for the good of society that say body epontled with cordiality, At length Mackisson ' sickening sensation at heart; his brain reeled)— of men should be in the wrong?' I proposed to Vincent that they should play a guise i natne him, that we may brand him as an unprinci 'Of course not. lof chess. ' I suppose he added there is very little pled wretch and base &father.' -I will not name :And yet this is party spirit!' A laugh from his probability of my being conqueror; having but him,' said Vincent calm/y: lie knows the obloquy opponents, Vincent's supporters, annoyed Mackie- w Rhin the last few weeks acquired a knowledge of which he has incurred, and will up ::elate my pre .ot exceedingly; and already at a lose, he flounder- I the game.' The truth at once occurred to Vincent; scut forbearance and forgiveness.' Muckiesou ai cd on in the discussion. i Mackisson had learned the game to compete with that moment felt that he could die to serve the man 'No, no, you do not understand me,' he cantina- ' him, and the guests had been assembled to witneee I whom he had hitherto bent every energy to end.- eil, after to short but embarrasing pause. •I do not what he undoubtedly expected would be his triumph I rase and defame. intend that .y body of men should entertain ce- • Mackieson,' observed Vincent, giving utterance to i roneous opinions. I would have all mankind odvo- ' his suspicions, 'I perceive this is a preconcerted I eating correct principles,'i challenge I' • I candidly confess it,' said Mackie- 'Well, then, suppose they were?' I son, ' and these gentlemen will bear witness of my I 'lf they were wo should have the benefit of their I intention to win back the many laurels I have lost.' united force tending in the right direction.' I ' A challenge, a challenge!' cried the guests : let's 'Where, thee, would be the patty sphit for which have the game ; five to one on Mackisemi ; four to you contend? If all were unanimous in advocat- , ,mime on Vincent,' &c. ' I accept the challenge,' ing correct principles, how could party spirit possi- replied Vincent, inwardly determined, if possible, , bly exist! and if good resulted front this ununimi- i to alley for ever that restless vanity on the part of Their principles being diametrically opposed, it 1 ty, how would you charge it as the result of that his companion, which was continually engaging is nut surprising that their dispositions veere equally spiral' I himself and others in hostile contests. so. Mackisson was conceited, passio nate, ambi- 'Vanquished, by all that's good,' exclaimed Yin- Vincent played white, and Mack isson red, and tious, and vain; consequently jealous. Vincent , cent's supporter.. 'Mackisson, go hide your dimin- for some time the game was maintained with equal modest, good-tetnpered, yet reserved; unobtrusive, kited head.' skill. At length Vincent made what Mackiseon yet firm. The one was ended by every trifling 'I will not—l am not conquered—l will not be ' regarded as an exceedingly bad move. ' Your occurrence; t'ae other thought few occurrences were ! conquered by hint,' cried Mackisson, much exci- , gams is gone,' he cried exultingly to Vincent.— I'Say you so l' replied the other ; 'we shall see.' ' I am magnanimous enough to inform you; con- tinued Mackieson, 'that unless yott use exceeding skill the game is mine.' 1 Well, then, if you will he so positive; said Vincent, ' let me in my turn inform you that you shall lie check mated in my four next moves.' 'Pooh, pooh !' exclaimed Mick leton, -you stream: I've moved; 'tie your turn to play.' 'Well, then, check to your king my castle.' 'Ha, ha! a most awkward blunder-1 take your ! castle with my king.' 'Beit so ; cheek with my castle. ' Well, I move out of check ; that makes two moves.' ' Check with my castle again.' 'Ha, hn, ha I really, this is too good ; I take your castle once 'more with my king.' 'So you do, but I check mate you with my queen!' • Tis false !' exclaim ed Mackisson—lis false ! I'm not checkmated ! and then a moment after, seeing that the game was lost, he swore a terrible oath, and flung the board and men to the extreme end of the apartment.— There was an end to the hilarity of the remainder of the evening, and the guests soon after depart. •Willingly. Society is so constituted, that we can never he said to be independent of each other. If we revenge every injury, whether intentional or not, which we receive, we place ourselves without the pale of sympathy or assistance, when probably we stand most in need of it.' 'That would apply equally to the original of- fence,' Which would not weaken ite opplicotion to tho revenge.' 'Rut then the pleasure of making our adversary feel aomething of the pain that we have felt!' 'lf pleasure there be, it is of too diabolical a kind to be taken into the account.' Then you would permit your enemy, and one ho had deeply grieved you, to go scatheleadV •I would.' , Se would not I; and there ends the matter.— kmd•bye: Such was the conversation of the two young men on the occasion of this interview; and little did they think how soon they would be led each to put his principles into practice. of sufficient importance to be permitted to disturb Le d the equanimity of his temper.—Mackisson was as piring, but not always obserrant of the proper means; Vincent teas not indifferent to distinction,lnit thought it procured at too great a prico if at the sacrifice of honour It is not an easy task to explain the precise de gree of estimation in which each was held in the circles in which they moved. Mackisson, always accessible, easily led to enter into the spirit of eve ry passing event or topic of conversation, not defi cient in humor, seemed a general favorite, and was usually surrounded by a host of persons. Vincent, modest and retiring, not easily led to attach impor tance to that which seemed to him not worthy of consideration, not always conversable, yet able to take no mean part in conversation when moved to do ao, seemed at times neglected when in the com pany of his more brilliant associate. There was however, always this distinction between tha small circle which soughtliis conversation, and that large ono which thronged around his companion—the one was remarkable fur his frivolity and boisterous , hilarity, the other for his quiet and cheerful gravity. An occasional intermingling would of coons take place between these circles; but soon again the ' members of each would, by a sort of antagonism, resume their fernier places; like two uncombining fluids which, agitated, will assume a temporary in termixture of parts, yet resort each to its original state as soon as the external force which caused them to intermingle is withdrawn. of a scene which he himself had tended to create, Between thet th I the re I p or i co -cm " - c" hi d l ong / retired to his home possessed of the most entre existed an acquaintance; but the probability of a geous feelings of jealousy—of all passions the most perfect intainacy had become daily lessened as the ! permanent and the most corroding. Auger may force of their natural characters developed itself.— evaporate with the passing of the occasion which Mackisson thought Vincent too 'soft,' as ho would ; induces it, hatred may give way to a sone° of the term it; and Vincent, Mackiseon too boisterous and unworthiness of the object, but jealousy ever nom assuming. The one would / n o w t , a d e b a t e alter , Lilies and prolongs the cause which excites it, and every point had been conceded; th e o the r detested i the very self esteem which, in the case of blued, useless discussion. The ono would wrangle for a I contribute. to allay the passion, here by a depreci straw's end; the ether rather abandon the straw ut ating comparison, perpetuate. it. Had Mackisson foto. Yet they were no equal match its force and 1 been simply angry, a few hours would have sufficed strength of intellect, as Mackisson's wounded van- fa allay the feeling; but being also jealous, we find ity was frequently compelled to admit. him days subsequently nourishing his resentment, Discussions similar to that just narrated, and ; and seeking to avenge him s elf i n a mon s t er p ecu . ending similarly in favor of Vincent were not cal- ; liarly characteristic. culuted to narrow the natural antipathy, if I may en ' Inferiority and the publicity which had acorn tern, it, of their characters. In fact, at every fresh ponied the last manifeetation of it, were the cattier; defeat—and the Oceu,ione were many, fur Mackie- of Mackieson's jealou.y. It therefore became hie lmra.rcuby.scm.z:Dz;• go LPoz.. 9 (Z), son's vanity and ambition led him to enter upon every discussion, however unacquainted with the .014 good, good!' echoed the others. 'A man convinced against his will, h of the same opinion still— but every one knows he has lost the game.' 'I tell you I've not,' he replied stomping his feet on the ground, 'and I'll prove it out of that fellow's own text•book.' Vincent reddened at the terns, but remained calm. pins his faith,' continued Mackisson, on ev ery word rhat falls front the pen of that old pecula tor Bacon. Now, Bacon himself says, that "it is good to side one's self to faction."' The misap plication of this quotation was so glaring, that it was followed by a simultaneous burst of laughter, at which Mackisson, unable to control his anger, or to bear the point of their 61000,111111 r, abruptly loft the room. Here, as elsewhere, the vast superiority of tem per over passion woo amp!) manifest! Vincent, as I have already observed, was not a general favorite; but the mode in which he had conducted himself throughout the discussion, won considerably upon the esteem of his companions. Above all, the moderation under provocation which he had shown, far from detracting front their good opinion, tended rather to enhance it. Thus will forbearance non ally receive due homage, although we may not at all times be enabled to •mulato it. Mackiseon, on the other hand, lost much of the good opinion of his own supporters; and, the victitn • • object to lesson its degree in any possible shape, self, , I should not like to report any thing to I'in- tied— , Ido not, gentlemen, speak nnadviSedly, or accompanied with equal publicity. How, he rc• cent's discredit.' 'Discredit r ejaculated the other without authority. ing to suffocation. I'll name him presently ; and then producing some papers, Vincent continued-- From Simple jealousy, Maeltisson'a feelings to- 'this individual and I have been on terms of intim wards Vincent was now converted into a hatred.— cy from our earliest years, and never on one ocet& The pit which he had dug for another he had fal- sion, lam assured, have I given him just cause few len into himself, and ho now regarded that other en angry feeling. Of me he has always exhibited with the bitterest feeling of animosity. No means a degree of jealousy that was unaccountable; but were left unexplored which he thought could in- I have ever striven to allay it. He has inaulteil me jure—no devices untried which-appeared calcula- I but I have passed by his insults unnoticed. Ho tad to wreak his revenge. Ono of the most impor- I has endeavored to blight my character and wreak taut atientPte of this nature occurred but s few my fortune, but I have forgiven it all. On a par weeks subsequent to the date of the scene just do• ticular occasion, he had so planned as to render me, scribed. hut for a happy chance, the ridicule of our mutual Do you know young Vincent inquired a gen- friends; but I fortunately escaped the toils he had tleman at the house of a third party, on an occasion . set fur me. From that moment his every eenti when Mackisson was preset. . Very slightly,' went has seemed insulted in ono of revenge, and they replied; what of him ?' Nothing of mo- ihe has resorted to every device which ho thought went,' rejoined the inquirer, but I have some rea- calculated to effect my ruin. The more adroitly, son fur learning the character he beam' By the however, to veil his schemes, he professed a revi by,' observed one of the company. Mackisson ving attachment to tee. While lie secretly under may be in a situation to afford you the necessary mined, or attempted to undermine, my reputation, information apply to him.' The party addressed he openly exhibited his apparent friendship ;. while !deflect(' to Mackisson. .1 know Vincent well,' re- he stealthily sought to mar my prospects, he out plied the latter: very welt indeed.' let isle hear wardlY Courted my society ; while he strove to something of him.' , Why, ho i e se gee d se t h e wreak my happiness, he seemed only anxious to generality of us, but-' and he mode promote it.' A pause enabled the guests to ex cent pause. Pray, go on,' urged the' olhct, who press in the strongest terms the unpardonable ism= seemed much interested, The fact is; added nosy of such conduct, Mackisson's situation may Mackisson, sppearins suddenly to reccolleet hint be conceived, but nut expressed. Vincent contin- Vincent had returned home one evening fr m ' his day's occupation, when a letter left for hint du ring his absence was placed in his hands. Its Con tents were calculated to surprise him. A distant relative possessed of considerable wealth. had Jied, leaving him his heir ; and the latter requested that Vincent would, at his earliest convenience, favour the writer with an interview. Vincent, therefore, immediately repaired to the address of the party (an attorney,) from whom he learned all the par ticulars of his good fortune. There is but one por tion of the conversation held on the occasion to which it is necessary to refer. You see, my dear sir,' said the attorney, what friends we have in the world. Had I placed implicit confidence in the character furnished me of you by your friend, you never would have inherited the splendid fortune now at your command.' This is not the only fa voi of the kind which I have to place to his ac v count, as he shall seine day know,' said Vincent ; I and having made certain arrangements with the at torney, he returned home. Our hero was now, like all prototypes, in pours sion of a large income ; and although generally es retiring and reserved us heretofore, he woe admitted' to be by some species of magic perfectly familiar to men of the world, a very fine fellow. Ilia en tertainments were not sufficiently frequent; but there was something so chaste about thou which he gave, that every allowance was to be made.— is conversation was not racy, but then his wine was of the first vintage ; and so on. It woe evi dent that Vincent, wealthy and independent, was a much more important personage, and had tar more, extensive privileges allowed him, than Vincent, a clerk and dependent. Well, at one of these chaste entettainmenta giv en by our hero, were assembled many guests, among whom were Mackisson and other acquaint ances of early days. The cloth hod been removed and wino brought on. During a temporary cessa tion in the conversation, Vincent remarked,addreers ing lihneelf to his omits, By the by, gentlemen, let me tell you, I hare recently discovered so atro cious a combination of hypocrisy, malice, end in ! gratitude, that I sin assured, when I relate to you I all, you will unanimously:eject him from your soci ety. Who is lie t who is hot' echoed from all sides ; and Mackisson's voice was beard among the 1 loudest, although he experienced a feeling amount ct) 11 cts) J raD r The following morning ho addressed a peahen ' tial letter to Vincent, acknowledging the unworthy nature of his conduct, and pledging hiMself ever to remember Vincent's forbearance with tp atithae: It is pleasing to rethink that he added, .1 can note sp. inmate the divine nature of forgiVetteas, and the consequent diabolical character of revenge: Had " you pursued the coutse which 1 should have dmie, you would have rendered my hatred hnplicithle. You have forgiven me, and have avrakened my ' esteem. I hope hereafter to proe to you my at; faction. 'My dear husband,' Raid an arniabrit and Witty wife to her truant lord, one morning alter returning home at a late hour, some what the worse for an evening's dissipation, ' do you think, really, that man and wife are both one, Rs is sOtnetimes said!' Certainly, my drar, how shall it bo otherwise I But why ask the question ?. Because.' she replied, if that Ire the fact I ens bound to express my regret and ask yoUr forgive ness fur bring imprudent last night. Pardon me this offence; and I promise you that I will never get drunk again.' The rebuke was effectual. ry While travellers abroad laMent over the de clining glories of Amsterdam and Venire; they for get that we have puddle on a smaller scale at home. The little port of Perlis Antilop was once a rival of New York. Newport severity years ego was the next seaport Of the East. Alexandria, its the District of Columbia, at ono time transacted more Widnes. than Baltimore. Jamestown once so important a place, ia sow in ruins; and the spot on which IlOamike was built is not even known. "So runs the world away," There is a roan in our town who is so rc.• merkably short that he can't eat anything but short texas. The Motors , of Life, Day dawned. Within acurtaid toonii Filled to faintness with perfOnie, A lady lay at the point of dooin. Day closed a child had seen the light, But for the lady, fair and bright, She rested in undreafiling night ! Spring carne. The ludy'l grace wen greek And near it ofteittime ova. *eon A gentle boy with tiwughtleba Years NJ. He Wore a manly face, And struggled in the world's rough race; And Won at last a lofty plate. And then he died? Behold before Humanity's brief sum and story : Life, Death, and all there is of—Glory: THE USE OF FLOWERS To comfort man to whisper hope When'er his faith is dim, Thu Ho who cereal for the flowers . Will care much more for him. [Mary Howiti, A little thieving is a dangerous part, But thievin largely is a noble art! 'Tia .ile to robs hen-roost of a hen, , But thie ing largni; makes ua Lentliageri !