via 4 Da ail 4 -1.32) 12.ana ihmtingdon, July- 2, 1.845 Q— V. B. PALMER, &N., is authorized to ail as Agent for thia paper, fo pi iieure auberripilotut and ed~‘rtiaeinenta itt 'Philadelphia, New Yuri:, tali- Moro and Boehm. OFFICES l'hihtde/phia—Nunilter 59 Pine street. • Buninture—S. E. corner of flatitinorie end Oil vert streets. kw York—Number 160 Nilsson etrE•bt: llosion—N umber 16 Stole street. WANTED---".brat. 1 wArat, •Ityc, Oats' and Corn, at the market price, in hayment of accounts due this o r lice. And cash Will be taken in Krehange for receipts in full or in part. • I TnENI A IR E Pd Luottiti.t.'rvti WI Pliili.delphi t, Juor :T. IN'ttv,AtFtouh, p 1; 11)1. - - - eg ;15 !kV}, :VIKA, tit,. - - - - nCO COIN do. do. 2 ' 7 O WHEAT ,111111.,11. - - 16 lir?: do. - - - CO tOOO , yellow, Co. - - - 43 tIATs, do. - - - ..2 I'Vtilskt:Y, in Ws. li..l,imore, June 27. TV ((CAT FLOOR, ver bbl. - - - *4 37i Vor.A•r, per bush. - - - 1 00 Coitx, yellow, do. - - - - 41 lir E, do. llAi 9. IL, NVIIIsICF.T, 111 hills. - SANK NOTE LIST liulex of Discount in Philadelphia. Banks in Philadelphia. B ink of North America - - It oat. of the Northern Liberties 151;11k 111 PCIIII TI,V1 , 11:111.11/ C.lllllllereiililk 6E Mechanics' hank K-iisingtosi bank bclitaytkin bank Mmikanies' back Phil(l Dina bank - . South witrit bank bal,k, Ntoyam, using hank - - M u it icturerb' and Nita hanics' bank Wink ofycnnsylvajnia - - (;.iras d bank 111 . thi . tit the United States Country Banks. Bank of ellustcr co. Westelirster p.l Hank of Urlatcarc Co.Chula' pm' Honk of Gc riiimitown Gt rmautown pm' It tok of Nlotitg'ry co. Nut 1.1,44.w0 1).41. IY..ylestom , it bank Do) IL tt pat Fro,tott B ,itkiston pm. . . r dimrs'l)l: .11 Bucks eai. lit 6101 par It flek of N 'nitwit Jerett Nut tliftvitbetiatid pal I t lisntilale bank llmichttale II Faro.. ts' IA Ift 11, lOC. Lillie , StCr par L ,ist.tstcy bank I..licahtt r 1/.11 . 1. it.tastf 5. e, lusty - hank 1. nicaste r 11.4. Bank sit Pitt .Intrg l'ittsburg I Alt i eleth' Et. Ntaotti. bk. Pitt:shin g 1 Excliange Omsk Piitslnirg 1 110, do branch of Il.dlifllip.burg 1 (:"I'a hk ttc bridge co. I.:alumina par Fra..klio bank Wnshington 1 i Nlnunngaliela Ifk of 11. B ri p wnsv ili e 14 Farneers' IA sit Iteadnig Itf ildillg pal Lel, Ink% hank 15.11.511 , ab Hank nl Middletown iklitlclletown 1 Carl ink bank. Carlisle 1 Erie bank Frie 21 .11k or Cli hurl; Chnnibersliti 1 li ink of ,lUunbersbu►•g .•shrug li wk of Clettvbhurg Gctlysbu. g Fork bank York 1 _ . .. li trrisltterg bank I larrisburg 1 1%! tiers' bk of Pottsville Pottsville i 11, it k ..15itsout.hanna et. m i ,,, t ,,,, e 35 ril'lllel , ' & Drovers' Lk 'Way to.sbt rt titli 2 11 II k of Lewistown Lewisto. ti 1S 'Wyoming bto.k \Vi k :dz.' re 1¢ Northampton bat k A lit:tit...wit no sale 'kik , ct ttttt ty bat It It. tiding no slit. \Vrst Briatch bat k NVillianisport li Towanda bat k T. v.anda no sale hates of Relief Notes. North ro Liberties, 14.,uk or Pat. Meehan c's Wok, Dulaw:ire C, war, Fanners' Bat k of tiro ks, (;ermint 'Aro, 13 r3s C. . k - - - - , to Alt othcrs 14 CharactEt of tteh, ifackson. Kr 'I h r vilitior ul the Phildt North American accompanies , the announ cement ot• the *tenth isl (iF.N. JACKSON, %%lilt the follow:1u: atutly,is ut Ilia politi• cal and personal vltanteirr. It ,ttikes • u, truthful and just —nothi r rxtrttual;na , we. setting flm,e auelit in maalitr. 6 , 11 era' A Awe J N . mtp that p al•rt W;1,1 11.1 L. 1,11111.11 11.111. the I,:oltirer of his mental and mural entatiitutiiin v tile strongly marked. Ile woblil have pos. u''; sewed a striking individuality of chartic- ter in any cumulating. lli, virtues were never veiled by a shrinking modesty, and no hypoci isy ever utisguised Ills 1an . 114. At a military. leader his cobrage and sus:pointy have never been questioned Ile may li,ive been impetuous, but he bucked up lii+ impetuosity with all die powers ' ;3yni Of a nger, and this was transient The heavens became clear again .he clue' hall passed and even before its diunder had ceased among the reuerberti ling. I:ills. Even in his stormiest Lours the memory of his departed wile wmild come over him serene as the bow, arching 'lie tumult still krtor of the cataract.— Ilis of the religious senti ment shone out I ke stars between the nark if the sky. Ili, linVi were brightened with the steadfast lope of a happy intuit. Ile died with an uti quenchable faith in the merits of the deem' r. Ile will be retnetultereJ for his • valor, and the christiati meekness in which he cutlet oil back his being. Ile !ins I, it his impress tin his age, an it!) i pies. which time, disaster and death will net er efface. ES6IT V OF A SA 13 BUIL The fellue nig rationt, of 1)1. F..r re, given b. lore a le of !he 11. it i.), I lou.e rI Cew times, N.% al Lie fend with 4re:it interest by" rvilecting man have 54.1.11 it, the habit, during a great many y• sirs, of considering the uscs of the Sabbath, and of riliseiving its abuses. The ;rims', are chiefly mantles. led in labor nits di...lit:llion, The use nu lit a{ly speolong, is that Of a day 441 rest, petit iet ty.f for the int rodut tion of tress did sublimer ideas into the mind Of p i eparin 4 film for his future state. • As a day it 11,1 I view it as 0 day of compels ...wn for the intuit ciliate restorative pow• r of the body under continued labor and xeitement. A physician tilways has •pect to the preservation of the restnra. ive power, because if duce this be lust, hi, healing office is at an end. If I show you, from the physiological view of the luestion, that three are provisions in the late of nature which correspond wilt the divine commandment; you will see from he analogy that •• the Sabbath oas made for man" as a nee( ssary appointment.— ) physician is anxious to presci ve the bal. ance circulation, 11 4 nece s s a ry to the estorative power of the body. or 4iinary exertion. of non tuts down the circulation every day of his lite; and the lint xeneral law of nature by which God (o lin is nut only she giver, but atm) the pi...server ;Intl sustain. r of 141.,) pretests matt from destroying himself, is the alter nating of day onto night, that remise may succeed action. But although the night apparently eqoalize• the circ ulation well, yet it does not Sllfliciently restore its bat ance for the attainment of a 140:4 life.— Hence one 41.4 y in seven, by the bounty 40 . Piot . ..e lice, is thrown in as a day iit ~kat i wn.aljoil i , 111 perfect by its repose the animal system. You may easily detcr nuue a matter of fact by trying it nu beasts of burden. Take that line animal, the horse, and wink him io the lull extent of his powers every day ill the week, or git e him rest one day in -evestoind you oill perceive, by the su perior vigor tints which he pet form.; his functions on the oilier six 51 tys, that this rest is lll.CeS•aty to Isis well brig;. Man possessing a sups rim. nature, is hurnc hitsg by thesee) vigor of his mind, so that Ow Minty ul coo'in u d diurnal eXer(11111 end eXthelltellt tilt his animal system is 44 .4 r so immedi ate ly apparent a• it is in the brute; but in ,the lung iota he breaks. down nose suddenly; it abridges the length of his lite and the vigor of his old age, which (as to mere animal powei) ..gilt to be the object sir hi, I s.:,isiisisii.r,therelort., that in the bounti ful mot ision of l'iovidence fur the pre-- , vation of human life, the salsbatical aS it 11,IS been sometimes ineologitall, viewed, simply o precept partakin of the nature of a political in stitutinn, but that it is to be numbered amongst the tiatotal duties, if the preser• Yatimi of life be admitted to be a duty, awl tint prematine destruction of if a SI, tort.. this is said simply as a phy awl without reference at all to the theobigital question ; but if %tilt consider fen:thee the Beeper Itect 4)1 Chi 4,fiallity lir,leuf mind, coils sin s trust in Coil, and g ood will to Illa —pit/ sill perceive in this source ut renewed to the 111 , alllll 1111'11a:11 the tortill to the hoar, it 4.l.litional sin nig 4.1 lie intim! t• ed fl all Ills higher ese of the Sabbath as a holy rest. Were I to pursue this part of the ques tion, i should be touching on the do committed to the clergy ; ho t this 1 m ill dint research, in iiusi..logy, by 4.1 the not kilt ! : in nature, will es• tablish the of 11,11;011111, nail con sequent!). s how :hat the divine command meal i• not to be Cl/11,111C11:11 as an al In trary enactment, toil tts :in appointment necessary 111 n an. This is lb! 1.0,1111111 in %1111.1111 place it, as conk:l,6,oi gui.lied from precept and legi•lation ; 1 o unlit point out the sa . hhatical rest as nec essary to man,—aittl that the ;peat toles I f Use Satiball , and cons•tlurnllt tl.e enemies of min, are all laborious exeici -es the body or mind, and dissippat 101 l which lorce the circulation on that (la vin it Inch it should repose; whilst relaxation from the ordinary ear., of life, the mem of this repose n the bosom of our'- I.llllll', 111111 the religious studies and du tie. ohich the day enjoins. (too one of 1001, .11 exert 'sett, lei (Is to life,) coorlitute the hll.lll.fiiiiii 1111111 ..pplopriate set 1 , 4. e of the day. The stti• Heat of nature ill becoming the student ol ill find in the pi inciples of his do, It tne and law, and in lilt' 11.1'1.4'31 :tp pin eliun ol them, the only and pe t 1 . 4 . d science it hit li prolongs the present, and ' 1 perfects the future," F om the firm)Ups Advertiser. A I , II . IIIFUL DOG. State years since, a family residing in one of the Southern Sitiees, possessed a Nea lounilland Dog, which conceived a strong friendship fur the little daughter id it. owner. This child lie used tu es curt regularly to school, carrying her satchel in his mouth, and was generall . ‘ at the door alien the hours of her pen• ante a ere ever, to trot along by Inx tide homeward. - One (lay, the girl, having strayed away without the ktinwlettt: of her parents, sauntered along to the water, and was amusing herself by walking upon the stringy pieces of a ptet•. The dog, as usu al, was !ter only attendant, and seethed in waieli her planks with. touch attention ' and ennsiderante uneastness. Frequent- Iv Warned by various pi-rsons up on the hat I to keep Culher from the edge, she, nevertheless, with, luvrinile way mildness, continued• her slangeraul pastinu•, until, finally, missing her owing, she lett into the water. Instantly the neiglibtorliond was in all uproar, 511111 e ran to loosen a into, others flung boards into the steam itiolit sailor present sit ippeil off his jack ' et and shoes fury plunge atter ate little ca..t.away. lint fowler fully comapreliwlled the matter at a glance, fund behme it was fair ly known that she was in peril, suns by the side of his young mistress, haul seized her be her floating dress, and was padd ling liack,,uith his precious burden to the what f. Tile gcnernus Jack Tar had now only to leap into a ship's yawl crew by, and pull b •th of tbe dripping tures into it and deposit them upon thu dock in safely. Towser, of course, became more than ever a favorite with the family, stud held a very enviable rank among others of his species. As his mistress it:creased in strength and stature she was never allow• ed to forget the debt of gratitude due her canine companion, although she haul uut :troth the necessity of calling on him fur Esther services, so that he slept and grew Int upon his laurels, like some old soldier, whose youthful privations and evidences of valor have invented him.o pension lot the remainder of his pdgt linage. j Some live years alter this occurrance, the lanay hail_ resolved upon changing • their place of residence for the city of St. Augustine. The morning of their departure had arrived; the ~ c hooner which • was to convey them to their new home - was casting Wiliam the pier, the very one which had been the scene of Toivsei's exptoits, but he was nowhere to be found. 'f1 0 ., ) , whistled and called but no dog ap ',eared ; the captain became restive, swore he could wait no 'Unger, gave the order, and the c!aft swept along the wa • ters with a spanking breeze, and was soots a quart' rut a mile from the shore. The tit I and her father were s'anding on tip. it the vessel, looking back upon the city which they 15114 probab4 left forever, when suddenly Tower was seen running down to the edge of the wharf with something in his mouth.— With a glass they discovered it was his master's pocket handkerchief, which had been ilropped somewhere upon the road down to the vessel, and which he recols lected, with some compunctions of eon : , einice, that he hail sent his shaggy sers runt back to look after. The dog looked piteously armour! upon the bystanders, then at the retreating ' ,ess e l, and leaped boldly enter the water. Ili: ouster inimediatety pointed out the ',tilde Mute to the vap.ain and requested him to throw his vessel , into the wind until the atrium! could near them; he al sir offered a large SUM if he would drop his bort and pick him up, twirl him of the rmierin which he had preserved the life of has daughter, and again offered the ' price of a passage rl he would save the frithlul creature. The girl joined her entreaties with those of her lather, wept and implorer! that her early friend might he rescued : but the captain was a savage; h e ow: deal to evl.ry appeal oh humanity —kept obstinately 1111 time cmUrse, and the imamr animal of the two lotion/et!' the vessel, until his strength was . exhort - stet', ..,td his generous heart chilled by despair he sank illl4Mig iiie more merciful billows. THE BIG CHINESE Warsaw the prisons are daily increa-ing; the number' tir their singular document, says the Nrash itigton Union of Saiodine, which 'au.- ; Crll l c "" e `P" ndence leth " 14 Bleat surpasses m 119 dilntllalUllA, and 111 I 'Y Germany appeois in a st to ..f of composiriari, any state pa- high eXelt . eliiet.t 111 COllOll , l -11 Ce ~r !i,,. per w hick was eV!, rased . . th our :ow • aiii veil st the 1/upartnicto gUld"" Illeh " \I 1( ""e. " , v • Fro3y. h„, hxd . 01,purluitilv ilcmands marriage fi r 04: t' st . u . inv ,. the r!(tt surd ' ; mil pule:4lllmM and the celeth ilillll. Ili 14, hare mien favored ai ith the toll," big in the nailve, ilstead of the of a tiatislatiim. which was unite ream tite Chinese by Mr. Talker, and trausimitii•il with the origina l th,ct, .1 he at hia4k. aCCOMparilitient i, ,Milo.( as tinitrie as the docum , nt i , sell. It will be ttepo•iteil with ill, we'll% iss of our government, to .ratify the rut iosity nl fir/um/Qs. The letter to the Presidunt consists of a roll 7 feet 1 inch long, by 2 feet I i inches wide. The writing is list a field ul pllin yellow silk, with a margin of silk of the sane molar end)! mitered in gold thread. The letter is in two lan guages, (Chinese and Illancliu Tartar) in characters of large size, and in perpenilic Oar columns, which tine separated in the i 11641.11 e by the ilup lial seal—which is composed of Chinese characters, encl.- seil in a c trlotic4e about three inches I :door". roll ii etiClOSell iii a wrap • per of yell.), silk, (yellow brio: the im perial ) which again is enclosed in a ilitind box covered with ytllow silk, and closed by two fastenings of jade st.lne ; and filially is encloses' in an oblong square alma al ruise•wuutl, padded and lined with yellow silk. [uorv.] The GitrAT Emecnon presents his re gard to the l'amintwr, and trusts Ile itt I, the EMPEROR, having looked up and received the manliest wit/ of lIK A vEN, hold the reins of government over, and soothe, and tranquilize the Central Flow • ery Kingdom, regarding all within and 6ryund th' border seas as one and the sane randy. Eat ly in the spring, Ike embassador of Jour honorable nation, Caleb Cushing, having received !Jonr letter, arrived from afar at my prooin ee of You. lie having passed over the VaSt ureaus WWI un speakable toil and fatigue, I, the EmeEnon not bearing to cause hint further inconve nience of travelling by land and water, to dispense with his ruining to Pt king to be prPsented at court, especially appaint ed lie ring, of the IMPERIAL 110U, , E ganiAter, and comnr:svim Cr ea traordin try to repair thither, and to treat lint with courteous attention. Moreover, they having n-gotiated and settle.' all things pi spec, the said minis- Irr took the )offer; and presented it lOr Iry INSPECTIOII ; and 'lora sincerity and friendship being in the high-st degree real and. the thoughts and sentiments b e ing with the utmost sincerity and truth kiad, at the time of opening anti perusing it, • lily pleasure and tlelight wcre exceeding ly profi.untl. All and every thing the) had settled rest P the rtguluaons ul somwrre, I, the ENIPKWIIt, further examined with ut most scrutiny, and found they are all perspicuous, and entirely and perfectly judicious, and forever worthy of A dlie• rence. Kwang Chow, lien Mutt, Fuw Chow, Ning Po and Shang Hoe," it is alike permitted to the citizens of the Uni ted Slates, to proceed and according to the articles of the treaty, ut their conve nience to carry on commert e. Now, bound by perpetual amil y and alnrord, advantage will accrue to the tiPizens of both notions, millet', I oust, oust certainly cauAe the Pukatuea•r In be extremel,y well satisfied soil de. lighted. Taint Kwang,f24th yr. 11th m. and 7111 d. (I Gth Dec. A. D., 1844.) Great seal ul the empire 5 Signet or the Chinese and Tartar. imperial will PC11:11 rA It K ER (S . gne. l ( - - Late Chinese Sec ~ . ry to the Legation. •'l'hefire point , tines.) empire which the treaty opens •nmerce of the United Statce. (Eotrott. TWELVE DAYS I. lER FROM EUROPE. The Caledonia arrived at Boston' on Thor,'lay from Liverpool, bringihg Liver pool papers to the 4th ult. 1V e are in• debted to !haatlen 4. Co. for a paper to the latest date. The Maynooth hilt passed the House by u vote of 319 to 186—majerity 133. The money market is represented as in a healthy state—paper readily dis• counted 2i a 3f per cent. The Hibernia reached Li'verpoot on the 30th of May. All apprehension of a Iva:. With this country had disappeared. The Amretitan provision market con tinues in a !le: dilly state—demand fully equal to' the import, and every day in. creases the popularity of the pritvisidiis fr this country. Mu Carlos had abdicated hii claims to the throne of Spain in loom of INbite CHOLtItA SIi`EFFIELLi:—It was last week stated iti'the public papers that ten or the cliildrerfof the Sheffield IVorkhotige had an attack! of t ' Aihtic cholera of the most virulent kihll, and that one or them'hail Mrs. Keinb:e,•wolow of the dete•bitafed actor, Jultn Philip Keiiible, died oil the 19th ult., at the age ol 00, having survi ved her husband more that' 20 years: Tom 'rhumb is still the lion uF the day in Paris. Poland .$ still in a disturbed state ; at ' guage. The 1111)11 , 4e of hate pia.eit Ike II e.o . .,ide di% tirce bill, Ihe lath . iti this case is the vigil- 011,4. ul Itt. 11l l'. i 144N1i, -The repeal meeting at Tara itttik place int the 22nd ult. The Ill 1111.• are varittlit.ty estimated at [twit 10,- 000 to 20,U1°. O'Connell, of partirpated lat v„, , ly in the ptuceellitiga.. . . . FRAISCH.-Little 1/014 liVeld rill(' 11(11 111;4 lie lag fortnight; in the Pa: F.1:11.1 jut nal. oil Asn rican aill'aits; but jut ihi• s r w “ 1 .• tides that have alyeari 11, a %cu% ileciokil Ipinion is expri,-etl, that him., termete a cilig the Organ questiiiii may appear it will to avtileil ;iiiiiciihly, the United Stitt, and Liseat 11. ilia,. both lia‘ing an iiii• inense .interest in the prvactva's lull or peace. TURKEY.—The accounts (ion] Con .antinople fin the 7111 ot .lay state that that the health or the Sultan is 0.l the tle• Some even went so Vir as to sly that on the previous Friday, in cons, (pence of this, he did not pay Ills visit to a 11111,41 se. INDIA esu CHINA.— The or Pi Lind ariivril, in Landon on the 211 tilt. Intelligence h,ia been receivi•il fn in 119• - -hay lo the 51h, Calcutta. the 7111, and iitlra4 to the 14th of Apioi. 'rue news in a politic;.) point ul view is uwilnytw tont. Cholera is prevalent in Cadent( I, but is not of a nature to create more than ac customed alarm. There is a floating report that Aden has 11001 surprised and captured. From China there is nothing or inter est. 1,1 ERPOOL COTTON M RRET, Ja 3.—Since Friday Lint a rhange for the worst has taken place ; the markei has become languid, Ike demand feeble and prices have declined a full ; Id. from 'he quotations of last Friday, and Cot ton in now very freely off-red at the de• cline. The sales un Saturday were 4000 and to-day 9.000. There has been no speculative buying. TO OOLLEO TORS. The several collectors of taxes within Hunting don county for the years 1813, 1844 and 1845, are requested to pay into the county Treasury such BUMS as they may have received on their duplicates between this and the 15th of July. The of of the tax ipily ens iv wiled to the Ltd of Assetob4y passed at the session of 1844, which requires the amount of mate tax tOr the present year to be point 6.1 Seim the cocoon]. Tues. day in January next; and if it be cant paid over, then the balance remaining unpaid bears an inter est of five per cent. on the books of the state trea surer, and the county receives no appropriation to common echools until the balance is fully paid 'and satisfied. . . The amount which If ontimnlon • county, ts re /wired, to pay into the State tresmiy fifteen trays prior to the first of August, to entitle her to the re duction of five per cent. offered by the 42d section of said act, is $22,500 00. Should the collectors fix the present year pay over oue half ofi title min! by the 15th of July, we may ha that case, raise the balance, and thus effect a saving to the county about eight hundred dollars. ALEXANDER KNOX, Jr.) • MORD. CIII %COVE, dr , Cimis. JOHN Y. MILLER, 3 Commissioners' Office, 't Hunt. June 23, 1845.5 To the Voters of Zuntingdou Co FELLOW : . 1 respectfully offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate fur the office of -•- Register A' Recorder, of said county at the ensuing General Elec tion, subject to the decision of the Whig Convention. (Having had expert:nee in the diri.sof said oflice,y should 1 be elected I pledge myself to a faithful ili,lrarge thereof, J.\:NIIS MORROW. Frankstown, June 11, 1845.--tf. sQWesimstil:.*.aia cE AN experieacett lEM ALE TEA tit to talk charge of a Public School holm , rough G o • a term of three mouths. Bir or . der of the Board of Directors. YAMILS RAMtiFX, Chi& Shirl4sbtifg,.*Mlty 2g, 1845. Farm Far Sate, The subscribers i fter for sale a well it proved farm, containing With allowance, about 1 , 26 'acres cleared and under got d fence. flie improVets'ent'S see a large and convenient two story houtie, bank Igtrii, and other out buildings, with se veral goikl springs of water convenient ; an orchard' of choice fruit. I here are also a quantity . of peach and plumb trees. Said farm fit' situated in Heivierson township l Huntingdon county, Pa., 3 irides from the Warm Siiriiigs, T miles from Ihnitingdisi,. and 6 miles from the Pemyylvania Canaf. Personi - v/ishiiig further i4,rtnatitil c5ll - the above . prolierty can obtain' it by calliwgort S. 144oggs.,residllig mi the pre mi'Ses, or from .Limes Boggs, at Mill Creek.' N. B. The subscribers are desirous of going west—persons would do Will to dml and see for themselves. SAMUEL S. le) I.MEg`BOOdS:' Rine 4, 184'.' Nol ice. - - - Atil iierions indebted to the mihscriber for cost's Or fees due him as sheriff of ituntint d on couuty are hereby notified to mlite im mediate payment of the same tb,),lutiesSteel Prothonotary, or to the stibseriber residing near Oratikstooft Thhecuttese has beconie neeeskaey as the subscriber i, tlesirouS to settle his accounts, and can then fore give no further indulgence:ss...,.... JOSEPH SHANNON Fraukbtswn tp., .1111IC :25;•1845:- .3t, eicrEtt Swocp, ) IDA'S'', AIFUCA, Fait .1",t1I:a1P G f. f •1111.: : 11r1 li, ii• . .(••••1,,1..1, • did • 'inter and 4ustthier Goods, , 00-I,llw. of ; ',on., .1 Rd.; ( of 11'1 , 411 • MO. g. , (!%; in 1,1 , 1 Silks ; ; oliots f v;,ri s , ; NI. oslliode I 'ows ; NI I,'ion 111 :111 des, iptions ; Sormio r goo I r no•o's ; Shawl:, II “fil— kercliirl; ;Intl cotiol ; II .5,.. I ti vssortoleot 1 11u 1 ) ; as,ort tio.l.l. lot: I ; lroitio (wet .%fret; awl ti uhllrt y A of A Kenernl Q ii i nsw. lll.ogAlly Vt . 1“•,1,; ti Oil ; Cupal I' i;tit, ~1 ; v Stud —III f whicf, sula lua t r ( colinti 111141 c, S\V( ()1'1•: & AtitlC A: M.,) 0.4:5.: Fitrnis tor Soh , ' The. subsct ihers having det, vialta , d I 'dos, their lalsinessiti %Veil. v, 11.clfuttl g 01,1 4. y• f all their six Their Merchant Mill— This ;Mill has jti:t heen fintslicd, and cm.' braces all the late inlpro,noots_h, th,C•. run of stink—the strenin %%WV' 20 feet 11,m its I ratimt iitist 6 , nar mand eninloviiictittbere nOt be ing any 1\ sell:Ai:ea 1 dl n ithin 10 milts of it.' Ti) the Mill is attached t3'J ~~'~~3-~ .3 of Lind, a which are t.m.cttcrtWb log houses, iincl Saw Mill. ALSO, a tract of 18181 to t to the Dtpill, conbaming 90 acres, late la:OW is meachw 814 1 1 l'imulhq • atid #.:! , ‘Y•• vcr—the bahuir e well ALSO, the tarsi dui viltic'h Ihnti one of the partners, resithl, '1:111h ftu FR CONTAINS 115 Acied; . at pri me land. nearly all cleated and in a' tine state ut tultivata a, being mostly :al in clover. 'lie improveno (i ts embrace every thing necessary tor t and . con renience, • . having a large two s tory 1, 3 • I house. whicli is a sYmm, tnc ROOM, with a c( 11,ir Mal( r alt • • • the hour. The btiti i• with slim ds around it. The 1),(1'11 fluid itl large, surrounded with sheds, stalling middouble double corn cribs, wagini shed with hies srfficient to hold a large quantity of . . .e above propelty will be sold seperat; togedit Idi suit K apalf c of MerchandisetresirLtl) dill be sofa with the above. The tertnv will' he mode easy. Al's tht sittiited WUliin 4 the 'Turnpike leading frem" to Pittsburg. , • Foy further particulars, persons wishing to purchase will call on Than., Speer, rt - rkring on the last iisTie.!prTe Et CAR:4/1 SP,EER, *ells Valley, Rale 11; Y , not of Pas ne*ard Run ;may tram the subscriiie'r' residing in Huntingdon, oti thq •;1t • t 0 70 It a b d k' •, 1 ) dC buy named FRANK. MUIMF.LS, aged about 1l year's. He, hild - 011 hen lie 101, a blu O'ltaunda: bout and PantalqUos, iii 3444 Plat. Any person who will return said Oeiy to the stib scriber, shilll receive the,above reward. June 4, 1845: NVII.IIIAM'SWOOM ` l iM.Ctil'allPit di ' . . A grind FOUNDER, to ti,k, chartte of, on or two Furnaces, situated titre tulle's apart. in a healthy and pleasant part of °hie.'llh most mite well rrcommeoded. Apply to A. BEE LEN, Pittsburgh. Free Press and 1411idays- - burg ltegi,trr please eirf to atibingitit,tif one dollar and fifty ceUts - eattly,• - ahil ehaige sent papers'to advertiser.' inn& For Safe: P2vnitiable t. act land situate in Pollee tfmnslti ,'Ht,ntingdnn C9lllltV,lti.)6l:lt mile fro::ii the borough of Altsxantfrist, a n d 5 nilke Irani Itunti9gdon I °rough, cot!ta . g - •• On the premises, there are 100 acr l cs . cicar'-' el, and in a goikl state of cultivation—a first' rate orelialil of Apple, and oilier fruit Li ets" For terms infpaire of the substrilidr, on tlic ,premises. 'l`lMtyffil NOLANIi: N. B. /flOat.ra of eo al woodland, con vement,Van be hint with the above. Alan, a Lot of• lodi,acretWin town of Mexawiria... 1. N. Porter tp.,'May 14, 1845.-31. lid. Cam?: ' a Dr. 3. H.' DOltitillt,' pAVING rerrinven fivtm Wilbannsburg to % Huntingdon. would inform the t offinitauty that lie designs to ,coutioue the practieV of t Mcdicine,at tl will be thankful for their pat ronage. Residence and office forMerly copied by R. Allison, N. R. Having beeper sacessfu'l ip accom plishing the citiFe ctt auMbr of cancers:, (tor which can be lisd if rt quird) . flieN ceAtident of success in the most ob stdikte dan should he fall in cutiiii charge will be made. liuntigdon, A,pril 23, 1845: 114. LANK' BOiSI Cto ottstubl'sfut•S of Exteuti4ii"tairlerr'the w jiige primed, stataoi• sale, at this office. LANK BONl)S—Jildument tat: t:ork. m'An=fut•'sale iis'ullfte,•