Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 02, 1845, Image 2

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    A Daring Robber: I LIST 01' arrAizrits
The Northampton Courier, in noticing a reedt Of Men hut*, ze,, Ike., us retiten
robbery, elle that a rwgro ware suspected, and a •'
ed by the Innen!, eR rf the several torso- .
! slops to' the county (y Iluntingthf r a
pursuit wat: Instantly made.
Jaquit•y ..easions, 184 s', Oita eltixeifi
..lio was followed to Hinsdale and l'rone lionise •
hoes fserrnie Iffy the Consintsuione, a or
to-the State line, where he was arrestetnand widen- 1 .
corsoy itt.d In Igt s if, hi. Cu rls:
est to the Hotel of Mr. Tuttle, in ilitettlide. An the sald . . .
ottrtn re' l ,le , E
ns, ,
a- . .
examination was here tirade, and the goods 0101 , f (
0 , lers ,, , i sr t 4 Slllll CI 1111:-
part of tire money found. The examination was ,t T
0, he
ii,,,,,,,;(i gindl t , veno
i 1 le acc m ordance writ the
mad° here by daring feats and thefts.. Ile mte' at Vali acts of An. misty, punt 'skn' the tot •
lashed to the bed with a chain. During the night ; lowing list of Inctailt 1 s 111 Fur sign 51t. t -
lie broke the leek of the chain and made kis eats's' e ' ellatolt3••, Within them tiff County for the cut •
from the window, lie woo heard and followed, but
e,et as ClA:Valet' and I'ltllrilld Gil hint
1 Aasiiciatte Hodges and Co i timissitior IN
from. the darknesa of the ni g ht h e e luded his par- ,ot the county. Any iscrs,ni truing Warne.,
seers. Ilia elothes were taken from him by the of-' whose name is ma in the following list, as
ricers when left in the room, and of course hie exit v i. , n(. l . i tii it u s
i t hose 711 , 1 . a e r i e , 'Mutat .to p ay li , l y I .
was in a tome of nudity. He broke Menthe first , 1i , ; ,,: e „ , ,,,, I : i rr - ,,'„ ) . ,, ,,; ~7),;,„,ate,',„11,i'ent1::,,./.t,t.`,',',,T,1t
house he cam to and obtained an overcoat. Ile 111 W,, Witi/.111. dilly,
next entered a shop and took n knife to deli•tid l Such os are designated lair a V} havc t:t
11 . 1 "
himself. The neat ores that of a ' ululate! ' •it
kin, t i out
' !, 9, i' l l i l t ' v l ,l lc t i tr ii tTo sit ''an t i s l : . i 'll ,: i tl a fore t • li'tiltre-e
-the rear part of which he entered and took sonic f, ina s, 5,,,,„,i,,,, , (mid ..,,,,i, du) } n f En*.
over-shoes. The next and last place he entered inst., alter whirl, ti..y stilts will ue instituted'
i n , without respect to n.. vs.'s, against till tic- -
was a tailor's ;hop, where lie fitted himself up
good style and fashion with a broadcloth suit. The ,
'1 nose marked Altus [t] sell liqttnrs.'
last our informant heard of him he was travelling i
in Windsor with a knife in one hand and a pitch- CLASS.' CLASS
fork in, the other. The fellow it a full-blooded I 11// Th ei tY i.le"./ 11 P• •t Path". t lac
Elias Baker 13 Joseph It Ilewit & co a I.Y
black about six feet high." 1) 11 Royer &Co Is olaithew °daily 114 ;
. %Vint,. Walker 14 Philip Meta 11.1
Joseph Patton . 141 . ' West
Samuel Confide 14 John Watt 14
On Friday last Mr. Caleb Bedell, of Peekskill,
Antes Wiles Lewis 13'
started oil' in a row boat, in company with two la- Benjamin F Bell 121 Milk..
dies, intending to cross ever the river to Caldwell 's Bethunesll-lement 13 Jenks Conlnhell t 13'
Landing. While Mr. B. w. tugging away at his Robe Campbell &Co 14 aiason Ake 11
oars, a era monster suddenly leaped into the boat Burree ll'orrro
John w 1 ,, y , 0n
13 lienjamin I' ninon 14'
seperating between Mr. B. and th e lattice, t o their •J A Bell & Brother 13 Abctlnt•go Stephens 14'
no mall consternation and alarm. Alr. B. culled John II Hunter 13 Batnuel Miller • 1-t•
Blair l obo Porters 13'
131 A leasoults'a borough'
to the ladies to hand him a halt het that was lying James 61 'Burro
in the stern of the boat, but terror bad seized hold 1 . A Knot
~,, son
13 1 jetrunill & Porter 1,:.
upon them, and they were unable to render him the NVIn Anderson &coit la Moore & Swoope 132
required assistance. , Daniel 51'1:outwit •t 14 Michael binder 14
He immediately jumped upon the intruder, and Peter °lingua tl4 Birmingham
Cron/reed James Clarke It 9
seizing a stone hammer that My by his side, coin-' .
l'homas E Orbison 1318tewurt & Owens 12
menced belaboring the monster, and did not give Aselrew 1 Wigton, 141 Gurport
over until life was extinct. In the conflict, bower- I I .'ass 'Robert I.silts Sen. 14
or, Mr. liedell received some damage, by h av i ng Robert Speer • 14 Lloyd & Groff 12'
'Jacob M Cover 14.14/111e11 Fitment 14
Ins pantaloons nearly torn oft', of him .and a gash
James Henderson 14 aurnut•l 811dd* 14
in, the leg made by the fin of the monster. Upon Dods„ 'Redman & I lartaock 14
taking him ashore, it was decided to be nothing ' Alexander U Blair 13 Hontingdon
more nor less than a sturgeon, 'swimming seven • 1'' ,,,,, k.1n1e0 Harrison & Auperly 14
feet and nine incite,' in krigth and weighing two James Uundron 1., Stevena, tsii)tler &eo 13
Michael Wolf 13 C& 11 Nett night. 14
hundred and twenty pounds.--N. Y. Pawl. Samuel Henry 14Janies Saxton .Ir. 12
; John Sweney 11 Jacob Miller 14
tr . 'ss The yolk of an egg mixed with salt all long : k•sooksi t i Geo A Steel 13
no it will receive il, and applied ne a salve to a can-; Martin Gates 13 i 1Thomas Reed & Son 13
ones & Rollneck 14
cer, twice a day, has been tried with beneficialGt•o K Shottniu•escr 12 re- '
Hon. John P. hale, who voted against the Tex-
S & It B Wight. 13 WIIIIIIIII Dank 13.
as Annexation on the ground of it. extension of
emits, according to the Southern Reformer. I Shorb, Stewart &co 12,8woope & Africa 14
1.011,11•1111.1111.1111•111MAA _ . ....... , John 8 Nett 14, 1 11 E & W Walistrie 12
slavery, has been read out of his party in New
PX PAS FINIAL 33.11:10 .I.D. ; Hopewell 'Fisher & M Aluttrie• 12
.11am:shire Ilh our rtiaders are aware. He offers , Janie. En triken Jr I'l2 lA' illiam Conchll4
i Julio B Given 1 . 13' William Stewart - t 13.
himself Matt ir.dtpendant candidate for Congress,
"Here the girls and here the widow
' lhn;fo r 'Stark Goodman 14
j and is delianling his course before the people. The Always cast their earliest glaoce,
Dr P Shoenberger 12 1 Joliii N Prowe I 13
And, with smileless face, consider
' New York Exprots says he and Franklin Pearce
Henderson I 11011:dupburg
If they, too, won't stand a chance
met at Concord, and belies a large auditory die- Ittillikens & Kessler 13 Lloyd & Gritfr 12..
'l'o make some clever fellow oter !me
cussed the points at issue between the former and
In bliss. and often too--in froubk." ihiesis 'Geo W Putn•rson 1131
, r .,
Geo ardner 13
' his party. Hide seems to have had the best of the allet •
- - -- ' - H W Patterson 14 billet, G
enry S Spang 13111 Bingham & co. 13.
encenter decidedly. He said he expected to Ire
MR. CALHOUN'S FARM. On the 17th inst.; by the Rev. J. (I. Miles, Capt. Walter Graham . I.... Joseph Deicer fl 4
called ambitious, for the (footsie he had taken, and vicious. ,1011 N WATSON, of Mill Creek Furnace, Hun- hloore & Steiner 13 Augustus Black tl4
Mr. Calhoun, like Mr. Clay and Mr. Webeter,is -------- lidgtion Countytbritterly of Mileaburg, Centre Hugh !O'Neal 13 David Hammer 14
'to be traduced and misrepresented. lie had not
h... 44appoiowd, " But,"
5,,,,,, be , ' 4
inoy , con - eof agricultural fife, and when not engaged in . County—to Ali. CAROLINE, daughter of S. J. Porter Jelin Gourley 11
1311 - lenry I. Patterson 14
dusion, be permitted to say that the measure amy prokssimial duties, he occupies himself on his es. The Southern Courier has the following from a Green Esq., of the latter piece. S',l Green &co
About forty acres mound laisThom. Patterson 14Thorsis Ii Moore 1,2
ambition will be full, if when my eashly career fate .1 Port 11i11, correspondent:—.oll the 2711 of Alarch, I had a On the 17th inst-by the Rev. D.lll . Kinnee,mr.
ll le
Samuel 11 ir Id 14 1 11enry Learner tl3
mansion—and other sections a his ground., ac. mare that fealded a mule ( o r colt, Ido not know 1 'mom As 8611'1'11, id Switch Valk7, to Miss Nprior fi ekl 15lichael Bouslough 13
, Alan be fi nielwd, end my bones are laid beneath the
turtling to the Express, are occupital with cotton, Blair tic 51itdden 13 :1 Nl'Cormick & co • 113
soil a New Hampshire, and when my wire and which to call it,) of full size, though tkad when I 'MATILDA IR VIN, of Fairmount Farm, Frairks- I
cam, leas and verities other crops. He has d rain. William Madden 14 Joseph Dysart 13:
children stall repair to my grave to drop a tear of found it, with two perfect heads and necks, coming 1 m.. W... townshi p.
ed his grounds, and introduced rotation of crops— - . Noydet• 'Robert Williams 13'
handsoindy out of one perfect body, without any 1 •-
affection to my memos', they may read on my
OBITUARY RECORD. , John K rause 131 Gilbert L. Lloyd 131
, according to the report, of a committee who visited it damnify, and each head and neck . large as wo I _ _
_ . _. • Ls•on,Sholliar ro(BE)13 1 Geo Bingham &co 111
1 Same cr F) 1. - Peter M Nally
aye ere , „ wed , h ,, in 175E1 n
„n„ named oil. tombstone, ‘lll.l wee Lies nes EATII, SCIIIIIINDLI ~
, —frith an ullexampled degree !of success. 111 t, ' would suppose the bwly ought to have, had it but -
From DEATH no age nor no condition saves, 14
kt, a Patt•hogue, L. 1., cut his nettle on the shell Ett arytcr '' 'LA"; A'" "'Kit 'ATI"' toss
, Rt.& as his farm consisting of hogs, horses, dwelt, one. I had it skinned as slielitiy as I could, and As goes the fr eeman, so departs the slave, '/1 Mime Hall 14
110 W ',owe AND wonsise sista' tate?
of a Tortoise, and let it go, and in 1814 the To, and cattle lur good blood, and in excellent condi. stuffed with bran; and this was done in the pretence Tile chieftaitie palace and the peasant's bower , j 1%1 4k , 8 B lkil la paeld (t ... (11 • 11 .w 13 .
' lud 'Outage Port 14
taiee so'inarkvil was found crawling over Gillet', Northern Liberality. ' lion. His negro house is a spacious stone building, of Dr. B. Rea; and on examination, he fount! it Alike are ravioli.] by his haughty power.
Reuben Treater 113 J EM•Girr
grave. • Douhtful!
- I The editor of the Charleston Mercury h y i ng u „,, , 200 feet long, divided into fspaciousspacious and comforts- i had two hearts and two stomarlis, connected with -' ' ' ' - • • Anion Clark 14 It W Christy
i t tines thus far forming two distinct On Sunday last, in liartelog Velley, in this Tyrone I Williani Foi hes I't
Lyn! 14 , 101 qf Rye end C 05 ,,....:13, an m ., stile(' that "the only way to touch the sensibilities hie ' 1 1 1 ."...t.'• 11 . 1 . 11 P.O. .f his estote he hasl oar Del of -n-es- ,
141 l'efer,hurg•
of the A 14 fP • •I • dlt' 1
ssein y o loins) vaton. pease the it lof the Northern non n is to touch their poc k e t s. " blended the useful and ornamental, introducing I ergallizltienv, portly venerate , .in the heads and County, !Car Roue, consort of Wm. Re., aged Jobs Maguire
about 60 yearn : Joat•ph Morrow 14 A& N Cat•sswelle 14
; amiable tillage with great horticultural taste and necks, then blends II in one body, partialls through a '
of April, 1895, it is provided "that bum and idler l' '' filue ' lit the l ' autl"ille jaaraal re diva :—
, Tomer A Patton 1318tevens & Prawn 13
, part a 11. internal organs, aud then strangely oils- ; "' - ‘ l.- "".• - - Woodberr y
i "The sneer is a very contemptible one. The edi- hc..15• Skirlelleborg
the passage of this est, the standard weight tit Rye ' DR. WISTAirs
or ought to know that it is a very easy thing to _ 1 ktl in one, .to the balance, such as intestines, ! Jonathan Forlit 14 Henry Brewster Ist
and Indian Cum in this Commonwealth, Shull be BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. I Smith & Watopler 13 David Faker If
touch the pockets of Northern men'. Let a mow of - Bishop Potter. legs, etc.
1 The best medicine known to in. for Incipient ' elelnte'ker & lt"Ye : 13 1M & G Lea.
fiflpaix 'murals fur each and every bushel tliereof. distress he presented to tht ti, and their pocket. are I Tile Washinottn Union says: -------
„,,, i Royer & Hoover 131 13'
touched at once, and touched deeply. No sooner . . , . * An editor having read in another paper that there c onsumpt i on , Aelhin„ of every idage, Bleeding a Good & Itl'Allister 131 John Lutz 14.
It is impossible to pass over the powerful nail is a tobacco, which if a man smoke or chew It Ice the Lungs, Coughs. Colds , Liver Complaint,
A Fool' RACE. was the dietteased tale of the Pittsburg lire circuit.. ,
touching sermon, which wan delivered Iny Bishop ,
. ted at the North, than the pot kets of the drams of COLOR GE, T A ‘1,1)12 ,
A foot rare wart sin over the Cambrulge Trot- ; Philadelphia, New York ail Boston, were touched Potter, the lately elected Bishop of the diocese of ; ~„„n ,
will forget that he owes a dollar in the world,' in- all 'liacases of the Pulmonary Organs, may be had
• a AgenlS Maned below. 7', errs:tree of Hu risgdurt County...
des that many of his aubscsbers
ling Cuurse recently. The diataace run wan tin ,to the tune of nearly a• 100.000. If there is a way 1),„,,,,, y 1,,,,,,,i a i n s t. Joi„.„ Chinch , 0,, Sunday; '—'''''' ' mid ” . I C.,,_j'All prubtinhed statements a cures performea 1 Treasurer's (Mice, lio n l
1 1 have been furnished with !hens's*.
miles. Of numerous entries 011ly three did the ten to the sensibilitica or Northern men through their l ag [ . 11 ' .I by this medicine are, in every I tepee!, TR uE. Itingtloo, June 11, 1845. S
It w. the highest order of pulpit eloqueuce. ,
pockets, there is also a way to their pockets trough • . . . . .• i Ile careful and get the genuine ...Dn. rat 's T.% _ __
miles within the hour—namely: Ahas wife and do were fined in St. Louis
57,n. 10... their sent:atilt
'tire. i The argument. drawn from the °Direr. helief of m an , , g, Br I.HA 31 or Wise UnEllitr," as spurious imita- 1 T. Ilit V3 1 1Z),4 1 2131a
JOllll Gildersleeve, of New York, 5,110 for vicious conduct; the man $5O, the lady : tions are abroad.
There err many smaller towns in the North mankind tin Inver of religion, and illustrating the
.ITOII..VEI .1 1' .L.I II
Mir had Cavanaugh, of Conn., 59 19. 'which
C. Desntand, of Beaton, 59 56. I the best character of the three. addressed to Isaac Butts, No. 12.5 Fulton street, HUNTINGeoN, PA.
• relief of the sufkrers by the Pittsburg fi re , race, were pressed with a fervor and a pathos which
New Y ork. -- s
The tint took the purse, (300 ; the next best I '
'we have never heard surpassed. The portrait of A Love Letter. .
rile e,camine, for sale by Thomaa lire,!, Hun. 308 N WILLIAMSON
tingdon and Mrs. Jim y Orr,
Cavanaugh, won $100; and Desmond $5O. 1 DOG LAWS . Getters! Jackeon, rising from poverty to the summit The following sweet mince., wind' originall 1 Hollidaysburg. Having* rt.-
; The dog laws are now in force in our chiefs and of human v:ishes, and dying amid all the ronsola- r
1.11•EI.I.ING IN DELA WARE. i tlll'lled to li 11111111411011 CI , IIIItV, 1111 S l',•-c on ,
appeared in the New York Union, is reported to ' TO THOSE WllO THINK. metic ol the practice Or LAW i i the Ii ;rough ,
heir vocation—knock. lions of our holy religion—follewed opt.. the pie- 1
the dog-killers are busy at t .
The Governor of Delaware has issued a Prude- have been picked up in the Park. We insert it as ; Wu re is Disesse? What is unhealthy virus? nth ii , wit ' ', '';', l " u ,' ' lyre he wl , Il c I,e.elell)' at •
Mg on the head every thing found in the streets in cures or the death of General Harrison. and the a mode worthy of imitation of the love sick maim Ilow is it that the small quantity of emit, upon t en d ' Ill " '"'" II I •14 s et" "NW. r:' h i s c ire.-- +
midi. enjoining vigilant; upon Magist rm., Co.-
the shape of . fete of the Princeton in Ilia vicinity—thrilled with „.i imic eitomio„ ram he such ec, , 0 compel him m the point Of a lance should be capable of causing ll_ will be r mint at all times hy this • who.
Wattle., dce., in arresting mid bringing to justice
in to Call Op m him, at his olliCe . Willi I, tot ,
"Nlotigrd, puppy, whelp and hound, * . hat:Astable force upon an awe-struck and ufrec- conduct his courtshi • • • -
it in, venting— , the most lead ul complaints! How is it that the
Fittas, 1•Iiri•, Dil i loing 'the store or Those
those violators of the laws who resort to that Ntatte ;
teeth of a dog, of an ndder, or f til - •I - •
And cur of low degree." ' ted cotigregation. W. congrwukte the diocese of . , .. la (sr , ' "i' Ii
i t & San near the I) • n I
Deer Sweet—
to settle their disputes 'Sy duelling. should be capable of imparting malatliea before it
~,,,,,, , ',, i , O r , 1 ; ‘ ,, -- „' ul ,l'' •
A few ill these public functionaries ruled fi nd Penn Isamu upon the master epird whOld they oh my
bye a lon., darined booty and ail cit. which the most peWelllll or !he mart kelt!. fall 11— —^l•l'''' April v O,
Melancholly Suicide.. ,:iiido;•iiietit in our borough for akw thlys. Dogs have cellist into their service." eons , wh i„, loaf auger o f my hope „ , mm m m„,,,,, , ,„ victims? Is it not the virus has the same power i GEORGE TAYLOR.,
rner the fluids of the human body that yeast has • ,„
'We siurerely regret to learn that Orman. M. are more plenty than dollars, and quite as anoyitig, of my expectations! you have been absent from me
Kindly Advice . upon fermenting liquors! No w s ome per,on, hart • " 4 "';' 11111. 1/ 41 ' , ere --Aft, lids to practice i t s
limes. 119„ or Lebanon , committed suicide on We coincide entirely in opinion with a content- three whole days! The sun is dark in mid -Jay— th e n m oo d i n so the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra
: s A 1 pure a state that they ea 111111 l re- I
nat.)) , last, hy shoaling. hinpndr in Ina own /rill., pirate , that when a man is toe p o or to keep a cow 13,anop nnurew, of the Methodist Eid.apai the moon and km...Tido& it hen thou art absent. ceive inkelhat a any kind. Many cases have oc- I t i l l a i l: t s c , c ,: ty : l , s ' lk ,"' Rellt ,l,lg` B '„ c • —onic ' . . n
tv, b e e r l os rd ~,,,,,s t ~,,,, crime assign, 1 ,,,,,h e h e oug h t nut to I. p more th an r o a r dogs 1111 d fi ve Church South, hag mitten a kfier to the editor o r Thy steps is the music of the sepheres--Und the stirred where a rabid dog has the same day Witt% ri-,-;,-,,,-;11:1te1ie,,,..1.rS 1.4:15t 111 the . 1 . . N.
t01111.10,L01 1/f the 114:1 4 ompt Um! be had been fur 4 CUM. the Southern Ch r i st i na Advocate, in which, encl. wind
thy g own whe n
you peas by, io o see real sersoria, some of ohne' have ascapeil en- —_ ft 1)18 , '44,
zephyr tirely, while others have d' I 1' In is let . hi I only to he i .
come liar laboring under a aevero cite Dian td. Cholera at Calcutta. ' , sgsv.fing the P.." 14 tit. u t`tel .r." from the garden a paradise in the time of early ~, -
•counted for on the principle that there was 111/ ini- a s • ~ .•, .. t
upirit.h oersuioned by the lot s of a favorite ii eo :11- , 1,191131 bitterness" may hare been exhibited on each !t owers ! 1 h d •
haw you when we last Ines and my pure blood upon Wilith to act in those pelsona who II ' -1. UNE% A I ~ow.--limi I'VrOnVed tie
the Neve York pop: .
tern It i t a brother a lb., NI, Sig. sco,oor a A letter i.. pumialwd in . sole a mason and Dixon's line, he exhorts WI to : whWe frame was filled with sweetness! One of "t , Pdi All cm Ito h. 144 coltdlttou who wish , ' the place
with the intention of makieg if
3 the t • holer '
this District, and was mg.'" . a wealll4; ula '''
r C'' ' ' ' riil '
Aril 4 '
'll%" " 's ti
• • a examine themselves and put °wi t) . every thing coo- your curls touched me on the nose and that oigim and who are willing a. persevere wnh the BRA7V- :,..! 1 ... Ce 1 . 1 . I
. S fIIIIII. r, sift 1 , 1,, 1111 d will
was raging there, and that from fivel to We hundred art is to such bus i ness as mi t e he en.
liC Wlll/ by' prid.sion a lawyer ,— Her. luta. trary to lovet—to cultivate a good understanding w. transmitted into loarsugar Oh s ices laden iin'T i ii a 4' ,, i". • ' 'l ns n a il ' i i ll ;: i i r oi l i i r l' h i' s 4 istrrnel,!'rT re •,
' listed to Dc e. 20, 1843.
die daily, though met many had died among the
between the two divieions of the Church: and • ' • P " g k'd
1 e I'
- •••••••• ----. 'ull'ur'llul it •--
es- of del:gills! send me a lock of your hair, send nw is they should be appreciated. I s ..
5018 Gl' TEMPERANCE. shipping. Lowest.) the Bth have 11.0 received in •
pectal urges the preachers to "lead the way in the any thing that your Messed finger has touched, and Purchase the genuine mullein,' of Wet. Sletrarl,
le to the
mod alum, letters du not allot .
77 • ORAW • 7'
It la computed that there are twenty thousand . ' lila ell, '
silt work 4,1" pronneMg revival,: a raigion,—,inch I will go.rsving mad aid' ecstacy! One look from illaull " ;1;m : l e ' ''',' ; and ' utter agent ' s Inti"alted in, -1
; '• 1 4 I-4
1 ale ono mentions the disorder ae being ' .
11 tier part o f dl' s paper. . 1 .I. (Met. at his old residence in N1.i117
mintier, of she onkr Of the S o us of Temverittu•r e l l ""' ''' • e ° • . revivs as we have known id days a uld,--der t h y b r i g h t , eyes w „,,m 1r „,,„,, 0 , me inc ,,,,,,,,,, iy .t
Man OR,Wi ll y prevalent. The ficitson of the
... street, a fr. , doors NV, st of the Ciotti
in the rutted Shoes, comprised in nearly two lone , illun ' , ,
on „, ~,,, 'owe., cam.
overwhelming. leading tlown all before i n t o th e 3d h eavens ! y our ii,,„ „ re red r0 ,,,,,,, 00 ,. , ii use. A. VV. 13 will attend to ;illy l'w-•
dual subordinate Ditisitsus. There aye alrattly or. P •a r "'"" a sickly " I ' l l"' " I "' .
am . them, unit gethering into the g os pe l net, r i ch, Poor, °red from Eden by the hand of Gabriel! Your :muss tali rusted ta him in the serer.?
of the itthabitaots, ;also live a preemie Ilk, I , Vitt le tili II 11 , 2 r
, N. ,,, v it , Ily , ~,,,,,c ihitin g d.,,„,,(l :.,1;... . g coin,'
ganized in the State or Peones Iran's 15 Dirisiens,l black, white, old, young, wise and ignorant. words are molten pearl dropping from your mouth! "
'!'lris . eat unwholesome food, the mortality is unusually
tea. saptil3o, 1845.—tt.
numbering upwards of 9013) monbern • great My heart blazes at the thought of thee! My 1/111111 . lIUNI ING1)0:1',1 ) ./1.
u de
;we Plllllll a Short time over 11 g r eat . -- "'" hin j1 " .1 - 4 '
The ',liners' Journal says that son Wednesday, is an evedaatimg fire! The bloodbunis and scorch- Orlice in Minn aired, three d ims , we st :I,fiatil o:lifitiewzgamia3P3o
inereasa has taken place
year, for agate thaw Ike th aw! Litisien unlit.; State ' IIATVER S, LOOK DERE ! ' rim was communicated, by u spark from a lilast to es my rdns and vitals as it passes through them! o f mi.. t1.19 9 ,7ew0ry establishment. .111oriam at Late),
woorvoi.. l, on the '. fith April , isaa, th e robot - I' A machine low been invetinsl in Diniger by a two kegs of powiler, in Hill s mince, end an ex- Olt come, most delightful of delights, and breathe Fel/Maury . I , 18=i3._-11, HOLLIDAYSBURG, 1 1 .4
dinate Diviainsta then iit operation numbered only iii r , p as t e , by whirl he ix enabled to p i es. Ir ons pl osion followed, which singylarly enough, did no upon me with your seraphic breath! When you .
____ Will practice in th •
I St • V er r,, (VI 11., oi /fro,
"70 mend... There are now in the City and ~,,„ „„s firms, 0 ,4 ,„,perinz, o/ bell crown, with f urt h er ( I. m , t h in , s li g h t ly t o hun t two men who do come be sure and bring that two shillings which A. K. Cllll\ 11'74,,, lie 'ford, and (... •,, miTin entire.
C Juno) . of Philed,(l , hi, a t mu :2 Di t i s i oos , nun:- sat ',CPO 4 116., It is arms by several e cc e n tric wer e s t a ndin g h e t wsen th e t wo k egs , Their forte- you borrowed of one, Ns I
W a
II t
to buy some to. .‘ I , I. , t)itN rx 61 . I, 1 6‘ ,.... 4 ,
~,, in.,;(1.,,, p
~ .
, I a 3. All Iris, nese entrust, dI , hil ern e,
bermg et er 2600 1111.111111,.—Pahrr Lite-. boos, and is a great tto hes ol 1111/01. /I.ll,deseape may be consideted miraculous." bseco! I) hleis Ni tra s•reet, t .1. ,ti e l' d
ir , '. Ist ' trig &pill:Jolly ntlendtd du.
, A. T. Nits Alain !Lira Ternareranee 1i s., -
"Ont rowilg, con,iiintioo, one deNtinfir
iZr_ r- r.c.lalrvan.a - a;;:ecnou - a a
Wednesday mor n ing, July 2, 1845
Pro Postage.
This paper is carried free or postage to any post
office within thirty miles of Huntingdon. This is an
important matter to subset awry, and we hope tt will
bet he means of intim ing many peraons a ho donut
get a newspaper already, or a Ito get some of the
"wishy-washy" mallllllollld from the cities, to sub
scribe for the “Joyan AL." Vittler the new postage
law no family ought to deny itself n county paper.
(0`- The death of n. Jackson has been com
memorated in an appropriate manner in all the cit
ie.; and principal towns which we have heard
111' McCurry, the murderer of Paul Roux, w•ns
executed in Baltimore un Friday last. It is stated
that he made a full confsssi6n, which is to be ink
o.The Mercer Count• Whig, has planed from
the hands of John B. Butler, into those of William
Waugh. We wish him sums..
Standing Stone Division of Sons of
fullowin3 are be (Akers elected on last
Saturday evening; for the next tower,
Timm. P. CAMPWRLL. W. P.
Mcl:o,4mA, W. A.
Taco. 11. CHEMED, 11. S.
(tro. AIMMAN MILL., A. It. El.
1.. 0. Mrimcit, F. S.
ANIIIIEW S. Ihnitimax, T.
Dt, 111 BL&CIi, A. C.
ALlix. PonT, I. S.
Wm. 11. KIM', 0. S.
Robert Carmen, of
Alexandria, has prepared an article of "Sharing.
soap," which should be in the hands of every per
son tv!,o follows the practice of Shaving. It is un
necressary to give it praiie as its use will commend
We were presented with a box, and upon
trial Troxounce it an article far superior to any we
have ever used. All that is necessary is to pm..
cure u box and give it a fair trial, and satisfaction
will follow.
czjThe press of Florida, is urging upon its new
Senators to insist upon the removal of all the Is
tliane front its hounilitnes.
Gc- A gang of horse thieves, twelve or thirteen
in number, have been acrestrd on the Missouri side
of the river, near Quincy, 111.
(Z-^ The Loui•t•ille Courier soya, "the Native
American candidate, Mr. Clark, was el. clea Mayor
of New Albany, la., by a majority of 130 votes."
The last mother of the Democratic Union
rows out boldly for the Tariff of 1842. In the
coarse of on excellent article on the subject, that
paper ea) 01:—Wr shall not take up in detail the
items of the tariff of 1842, as if tee were anxious
to search out flaws and defects in it, but eentent
ourselves .Ith stating the fact that the people of
Pennsylvania ore favorable to the lame no a whole."
"Pennsylvania is iii favor of TUE /MUST or
This, says the Penna. intelligencer is the right
talk; and shows that the editors understand well
that any other course on this question is certain
death to their party in Pennsylvania. The givings
out in certain high quarters that this measure is to
be violently attacked by t he Locofocos in the next
Congress MO Manned them already, and they find
it necessary to reassure the people that all is well.
80 far as the Democratic Union is concerned doubt
leas it is so, but the filet is not to be concealed that
the powers that be at Washington entertain diner-'
ant views and intentions with regard to it. head
the following from the Washington Union—the .
organ of Mr. Poll's administration That paper
..The present truilr can scarcely stand as the per
manent system of this great country. It is too un•
equal in itself—too oppressive on some intersts, too
partial to others--too l'avortible to the rich, too bur
densome to the poorer classes of the community.
The sooner it is reduced the better for all."
This extract expresses the voice of THOMAS
r. and J en K. PoLli • The Democratic
Union expresses the mice of Penizsyleonia.
The U.S. Senate.
The Charleston Mercury typesrs to thihk that
the democratic party is likely to be very poorly rep
resented in the Senate for the future, and expresses
a hope that Virginia hill send no commonplace
dr.idgeas a substitute for Mr. Rives. Tho editor
remarks. truly enough, that "never were the Whigs
more brilliantly and powerfully represented than
now." Ctaytern, Webster, Crittenden, Cut
Berrien and Drylon, are indeed powerful names.
The Whig party may well be proud of its repre
sentatives in the Senate.
The democrats have recently lost three of their
strongest turn from list body—Buchanan, Wright
and Walker. McDulliie is sick and Benign has
lost caste. Mr. Wocalhurry is now looked to as
their leader; but unless toe greatly mistake, they
n ill endeavor to coax Mr. Calhoun buck again.
Indeed they will find it almost impossible to get
slung without some such statesman.
The Big Gun,
The Liverpool Albion, noticing conic trials re'..
eently made with the Princeton Dig Gun, says :
..The first ball, weighing 2191b5, was then "driv
en home," the gun being charged with 3011 ts of
powder, and the first shot was fired at ten o'clock,
in thropresence of about fiWe hundred spectators.
The result was most satisfactory. 'lire report was
deafening, and was distinctly heard nine toilet ME
At the distance of about three miles, as nearly as
could be judged, the ball was seen bounding on the
outface of the water, occasionally dipping end spring
ing up again, until it et length became wholly lost
to view. The second was the trial shot. Two
hills, each weighing 2191b5, were "driven home,"
151 he of powder being the charge. 'l'llis shot was
equally satisfictory. The report of tourer, was
terrific but.the gun withstood the shock, and thereby
proved that it had been manufactured on a princi
ple and with a material which render ..bursting"
almost, Wool altogether, an iutposeibility. A great
number of single shots, with balls of 2191 Le each,
were fired during the afternoon of Friday and the
whole of Saturday, With the like successful result.
It is further stated that the gttn will he shortly ship
ped by a vessel for America, there to he taken on
board the war steamer for which it was manufac
The New Republic.
The ides of a New Republic to he formed out of
California and Oregon, continues to be noticed by
leading papers in venom; eectione of the Union.
The Charleston Memory, after speaking of Oregon
as a country not very desirable, says—" The settlers
are more and inure diverging front the rugged re
gion of the Columbia, to the fertile plains South.
Oregon cannot be colonized to any great extent by
a people whose base of operations is 1200 miles
this side of the Rocky Mountains; and if it were!
colonized, wills so wide a serration of desert
altd wilderness from the mother country, it would
not belong to us, and would not abide our rule:
We could not take care of ha interests, or defend it
from its sion—it would be a distant colony, with
no influence, and treated as such appendage. are
I ever treated. The people would set up for them
, wives—nay, have already done so,—and by urging
this matter before its time, we have ,probably laid ;
the foundations of Cie "Republic of Oregon and
The Oregon Feve r.
A letter to the Cincinnati Gazette, doled Indian
apolis, nays—" The Oregon fever /ages, to some en
lent, in different portions of this State. Several o f
my acquaintances, who were well eituatcd en as
good land mu can be found any where, have recently
sold out and are now on their wny across the Rocky
Mountains, Is it not strange that men will leave
such a country as we pongees—capable of sustain-
Mg comfortably ten limes our present population—
for the uncertainty of finding a better one, to eay
nothing of the hardships endured in getting to ill
Such is ilia unsutielied, mikes disposotion of our
The Mormons.
The editor of the Pittsburg Gazette, who recent
ly paid a visit to NIIUVIIO, given a nfost unfavorable
picture of the Mormons and their morale. He
states that Hancock county, in which Na-avoo is
situated; is chiefly filed with inhabitants, from tlre
free States, “with vile a large proportion froirrNeer ,
England, and etlacaied in the stricken( regard and
reverence for the lung, ehey approach with dread
any infraction of their Petter, even in self defence,
and when no other rescorce is Mt. Warsaw, a
town on the Mississippi, below Nauvoo, where the
principal organiZed opposition to Mormons exists,
and which forms a rallying point for the anti-Mor
mons, has been considered by some well-meaning
people, little better than as a den of ruffians and
mobocrats, whereas it is n very quiet, peaceable and
intelligent little community. A stranger on becom
acquainted with the inhabitants, would find an :
relined. sociable, intelligent, and well disposed a
community, as in any other town of the size in the
United States. Very Many of the inliabitats, quite
a large proportion belong to the Presbyterian, Con-
gregational and Methodist Churches."
- He leaven it to be inferred that such n communi
ty could never be guilty of the outrages which
front time to time have been charged against them
by the Mormons, and he proceeds to notice *several
cases which took place while he toes at Warsaw—
all calculated to show the Mormons in an unfuvor
able point of view. lle mentions an instance
in which a Mormon elder was charged with talent
abhorrent crimes, which were testified to torture the
Grand Jury by several witnesses. But there being
eleven Mormons on tire Jury, they threw out the
In another case, he says, an indictment was pre
sented against a Mormon for giving sanction to,
and putting in eiradation fraudulent notes, by
which a gross fraud was committed on the commu
nity in a manner most difficult to guard against.
Abundant evidence was brought to prove the charge,
but the Mormon sages on the Grand Jury hit upon
a most unheard of 'node of dispensing justice.
They sent for their guilty brother, brought him be
fore them,lam2 permitted him to swear himself guilt ,
less of the charge, and quashed the indictment.
To crown all, when the Mormons on the Grand
Jury found that indictments were preparing to be
preferred agai-st their bretlgen who had testified on
the trial of flue persona indicted for the murder of
the Smiths for perjury, end whoin the Prosecuting
Attorney acknowledged to be guilty, they sudden
ly and unexpectedly adjourned sine die, beforetiseir
business was near finished."
These are stated as but a few . of similar cases;
and hence the excitement among the Anti-Mormons
of Hancock county. It is nevertheless clear that
Joe Smith and his brother Hiram were murdered
after the Governor of the State had pledged his hon
or for their security; and thus far the murderers
have eluded justice. How dues our friend of the
Gazette account fur tide matter? Alllollg the Mor
mons there ate doubtless many infamous scoundrels,
who mike use of the fanaticism of this deluded
people for their own base purposes. But the great
titans, as it seems to us, must be weak rather than