llti\Tl - NGDON tIW-RiNAL jfaatitg ILrtilopilver—Orbottli to Grnerat futrltigritcc, allimrttoing, Vottttco,Ettrratttrr, ItiorAtit% Itlo, , Eirlittfl, altritulturr, etnum men t, kc., kr. V709T10 ZMe :3 c C;aWo gaetid poltusutto rt THEODORE H, CREMER, ,CHIPECIAMo The “Joeursi." will be published eery Wed neadiy mlrning, at $2 00 a yeer, if paid in athiance, end if not paid within aix mouths, $2 50. No subscrip i 3ll received for a shorter period than tllx months, nor any paper disctmtinued till all ar rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding One square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse lusnt insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac tordingly. POMTn7. "To charm the languid hours of solitude, lie oft invites her to the Muses lore." The Shoemaker. Act well your part, there all Me honor lies. The Shoemaker sat amid wax and leather, With lap-atone over his kneo, Where snug in his shop, he defied all weather, Drawing his quarters and soli , together— A happy old man was tie. This happy old man was so wise and knowing, The worth of his time he knew ; He bristled his ends, and kept them going, And felt to each moment a such ws6 Until ho got routed the shoe. Of every dead his was was sealing, The closing was firm and fast; The prick of his awl never caused a feeling Of pain to the toy; and his Win in eneta rvu Was perfect and true to the LOST. Vilenever you gave him a foot to measure, \ ith gentle and skilful hand He took its proportions with looks of pleasure As if you were giving the costliest treasure, Or duionng Om lard of the land. And many a cno (l id he save from getting A fever, or cold, or cough; For many a foot did he save from wetting, When, whether in water orsilow twos setting, llii shoeing would keep them off. When lie had done with his making and mending, With hope and a peaceful !least. Resigning Iris awl, as his thread was ending, lie passed from his hench,to the gr ave descending As high as Ine king, to rest. The Indian's Song. Land where the brightest waters flow Land where the loveliest forests grow ; Where the warrior drew the bow, Native land, farewell! He who made yon stream snd tree, Made the white and red wan free, Gave the Indian's home to be 'Mid the forest wilds. Have the waters ceased to flow'! Have the forests ceased to grow ? Why do our fathers hid us go Frotu our native homes Here in infancy we played ; Here our happy wigwams made ; Hew our brothers graves are laid, M Uta we leave diem all ! While inen tell us God is nigh, Pura and just in )(older sky ; Will not then his searching eye klee the Indians wrong?" A. Zundred Years Ago. Where,where aro all the hirds that sang A imildred years ago? The flowers tort all in beauty sprang A hundred years ago The lips that nailed, The eyes that wild In flashes shone Solt , yea upon— Where, oh where, are lips and eyes, The maiden a smiles, the lover sigh's, Tuat lived so long ego ? Who peopled all the city street, A hundred years ago? Who the church with faces meek, A hundred years ago? The sneering tole Of choler frail, The plot that work'd A brother's hurt, Where, oh where, ore plots and sneers, The pour main's hope, tho rich man a fears, That lived so long ago? Where are the graves Where dead men slept A hundred years ago? Who were they, the living wept A hundred years ago? By other men That knew not them. Their lands are till'd ; Their graves are ; Yet nature then was just as gay ; And bright the sun shone as to.day, A hundred years ago! LIFE. The past! what is it hut a gleam Wuich Nlemury faiutly throws; The future! tis tEw fairy dream That !lope and fear compose, Tit, present is the lightning glance 'Dist 1',111J1,1 and di-appears— Thus lif t s i, ',tit a moment's trance 01 !tie.a..trte.;, hopes anti Fears. A •onn intendiug to butter a piece of broad buttered tila .vite's tongue. He discovered his or• rot when be found she could not scold, but that her wards euips3 out as •rr:•,11: ICItIZELLA,II3OI7O. mum BARGAIN. , 'May I trouble you to show one that dress cap with blue ribbons in the window?" said a lady-like person as she entered a fashionable lace shop. The proprietor, with a polite bow, handed the lady a chair, and producing the cap alluded to, recommended it in the usual set phrases. "Pray what is the price?" enquired Mrs. '.How bray with a dissatisfied air, after viewing it in every imaginable position, and scruunioing its materials, 'and worktnapship with the most patient minute ness. "The price is seven shillings, madam," answer ed the shop-keeper, rubbing his hand. "Seven shillings!" exclaimed Mrs. Mowluny; "why I have seen them marked up a score of places for six, and at the banaars they are cheaper still." "Excuse me madam," replied the shopkeeper, "not such a cap as that I think. Observe the fine quality of the materials, and the neatness of the workmanship. It is a first rate article." "Oh yea, I see," rejoined Mrs. Mowbray; "but the cape to which I allude are quite equal io it in every respect. The fact in, Ido not particularly want it; but if six shillings will do, I will take it." The ahopkeeper hesitated. "I suppose you must have it then, madam," with a saddened coun tenance, •"but really I get no profit by it at that "011," said Mrs. Mowbray with a bantering air, "you shopkeepers neVcr get any profit, if we are to believe you. You 'newt to say you do not pocket qite fifty per cent by it." The shopkeeper, with a faint effort to smile shook his head as he neatly folded and mapped up the delicate article, and Mrs. Mowbray having coun ted out the six shillings, he politely thanked her, opened the Atop door, and bade her good day. "There, Jane," said Mrs. Mowbray ps she enter ed the parlour on her arrival at home, "what do you think of my purchaser holding up her new acquisition. '•ls it not a love of a cap? Guess what I gave foe it." Jane exatnined it minutely, and guessed the price to be seven or eight shillings, the materials and work being, as she remarked, so very good. "Only six shillings," said Mrs. Mowbray trium phantly; "the shopkeeper asked seven, but I suc ceeded in getting it for six; and ! putting it on, and walking up to the looking glass) I assure you I am not a little pleased with my bargain." said Jane, "it is a wonder they can af ford to sell such a cap for the tnoney; the materials alone, I should think, would coat as much as that." '•lt is a wonder," replied Mrs. Mowbray indiffer ently. as she tamed herself around before the look ing gloat, and enquired of her sister how it suited her face, and whether the color of the ribbon were adapted to her complexion. A loud double knock at this moment was heard at the door, and Mrs. Mowbray, taking off the cap in the greatest trepidation, remarked thatshe would not for all the world that her husband should know of her purchase, as her lust month's millinery bill had been very heavy, and Edward would be dis pleased at what he would term her extravagance. The cap was safely deposited before Edward had entered the room; who, throwing himself on the so fa, declared he was fatigued, and should be glad of a cup of tea. "You are late, my dear, this evening, are you not?" inquired Mrs. Mowbray. "•I am later than usual," answered Mr. Mowbray; I have been attending a committee meeting of our benevolent society, which detained me some time." "Your benevolent society is always detaining you , I think," said Mrs. Mowbray somewhat re proachfully, "benevolent societeties are very good things no doubt, but I think you have quite sta. cient to do, both with your tittle and your money, without attending to arty such things. What can we do for the poor? It is very well for those who have nothing to do, and plenty of money to spore; but I cannot see how persons with so limited an income as ours have any business with benevolent societies." “Well, my dear,” replied Edward, ,, l have thought on the subject sufficiently to entitle me to it deeided opinion, and lent sure if you had been with us to day, and heard the instances of good we have al read effected, you would not hold so lightly the exertions of even such humble individuals as we. I hope I sin neither neglecting my business nor my home in these efforts, and I sin confident you will rejoice with me when 1 tell you that we have good reason to hope that we are making ki(MIC impression, however little, upon the vice and ignorance which have so long made those lanes and allege at the back of our house a nuisance to the neighborhood." "Of course, my dear," said Mrs. Mowbray, wish always to sympathise with you in any of your efforts to do good." "We have some funds in hand," remarked Mr. Mowbray, and l have promised our committee to visit the poor families myself to-morrow, to awe, lain their individual circumstances, and the hest means of serving them. Let me add, my deal," said he coaxingly, " that I hope you will accompany me and share with me the pleasure of inquiring into their necessities, and endeavoring to alleviate their distress. Mrs. Mowbruy would willingly have conceded to her husband the monopoly of this plenum; but af ter making a host of objections and names, which were sue,,sfully combatted by him, t‘aa at la,. 1:LIW& -,, JvUll..1E3MVJDCIL), 0 I:Penu a S2 a aaCia' brought to acquiesce in the wish, and promised to be in readiness on the following afternoon to accom pany on what she nevertheless deemed a Quixotic expedition. The next day Mrs. Mowbray was reluctantly ready on her husband's return from business, and roughly attired for the occasion, they started on their exploratory tour. I.eaving the main thoroughfare, with its genteel dwelling houses nod glittering shops, they turned down a little bye street, at the end of which they found themselves in the midst of a hugh neat, as it were of courts and alleys, which presented a strik ing contrast with the gaudy street they had just left. Mrs. Mowbray was so shocked at the sight of such wretchedness, that she hesitated to proceed till re-assured try her husband, who well knew the lo cality, and had often visited the poor families there before. The appearance of the spot was indeed deplore al7le, and not a little startling to one whose walks had been confined to the public thoroughfares. It was a lovely afternoon, yet even the sun's piercing beams could scarcely penetrate some of these cheer less gloomy nooks. Here were clusters of pestife rous hovels, some without doors, crowded with hti. man beings, though unfit even for the habitation of the most valueless anion!. In many the old win dow panes were all almost broken, while in other they were so dirty, and patched will paper or stuff ed wills rags, that they but very partially admitted the light of the day. Ragged and vicious boys were gambling in group., and barefooted children were playing about the slimy niud, some squalid and puny in consequence of bad air and insufficient food, and others whose chubby features displayed, in spite of dirt and privation, a robustness of health that would have done credit to the nursery of a no bleman. Here were gaunt men, with dull tnean ingless countenances, sitting on their comfortless thresholds, and bony haggard women screeching for their strayed children, while the scarcely con cealed forms of some of the younger females might lieve served as models for the painter or sculptor. Yet even here were traces of human sympathies of the purest kind. Girls were nursing their baby sis •ters with the most patient devotedness. The play ful innoce rot faced kitten, a universal favorite, frol icked about in the dirty window sill; the social dog seemed quite at home with the children, as they shared with him their pittance of bread; and from many a superannuated saucepan and spoutless tea pot, at the upper windowa, flew the fragrant berga mot and the blushing geranium with strange luxu- The appearance in such ineighborhood of two well dressed persons soon caused an unusual ex- , citement, especially as Mr. Mowbray was known a mong the poor inhabitants; and whenever he ap pealed there, it might be safely calculated there woe something to be given away. Children after a has ty glance at the intruders, left their playfellows and ran to their homes; heads were thrust out at the windows; sonic shuffled to their own rooms, that' , they might be ready if called on; others obtruded themselves in the way with an obsequious court sy sme came to the doors with their little ones peeping front behind their aprons; and all around were on the tiptoe of expectation. As they climbed the creaking stairs, and explor ed the naked garrets of the various houses, it was singular to tnarke the dissimilarity in character and circumstance of the various inmates—alike only their poverty. Even in form and feature their con trast wan striking. In the countenance of some might be mistakeably read the sensual and the brutish; while in the lineaments of others might be traced, notwithstanding dirt and rags, the predomi nance of the gentle, and even the refined. Here was the round chocked boor, who fattened amid the filth that seemed natural to him; and here the an gular featured man of thought and of observation, whom more favorable circumstances might have placed in a different sphere. The student of hu man character could not have desired a finer field for the prosecution of his studies than such a one as this; and the more so, as the character was hero so forcibly developed for good or evil, unawakened by any of the influences which affect civilized life. Mrs. Mowbray, as she joined her husband in kind conversation with the various families they visited, semi began to feel a deep interest in them, soothingly advised with him, and relieved sonic of their moat pressing wants. They had completed their intended round of vis its, and were just leaving the court to return home ward, when a young woman carrying in her hand a milliner's basket crossed before them. She was very meanly clad, and her appearance bespoke deep poperty, yet there was an air of respectability about her that could not bo mistaken. She evidently shrunk from observatior; but as she looked up with a surprised air at the unusual sight of two respect able dressed persons in such a place, her sad coun tenance beaming with intelligence, so forcibly im pressed Mr. Mowbruy, that he stopped her, and as ked her where she lived, exptessed a wish to pay her a visit. The young woman corn tseycd, and led thu way to a house superior to :runt of those they had just left, but scarcely less wretched and ruinous. It was a large budding, arid had perhaps once been tenanted by the wealthy; but it had long since fal len into decay, and its lofty capacious rooms had been divided into a number of small ones, each of which, now contained a family, large or small as the case might be. Mr. and Mrs. Movrbray follow ed the young woman up the wide staircase to the top of the house, and Mon turning into a long gal. I•lery•, their guide stopped at (digit' at a door, and lifting the latch, with a courtsev and an apology fm the untidiness of the room, ushered them into her apartment, and dusting the chair, (there was hut one.) invited Mrs. Mowbray to take a seat. The room wag spacious, and appeared the larger in consequence of being so scantily furnished. Some half dozen old books lay on the window, a few articles of crockery ware were arranged on a box, and these with a little table, a chair, and a box which seemed to serve occasionally as a seat, com prised nearly all the articles visible in the room. Everything, however, was clean and tidy, and there was an air of decency and respectability about the room which was pleasingly contrasted with those I they had just left. ..Do you live here alone, pray?" inquired Mr. Mowbray. "No, Sir," replied the young woman feebly, "my aged mother lives with me; but (pointing to a bed at the further end of the room, and which the gathering shades of evening had prevented them from before observing) she is ill, and has been con fined to her bed for the last month." . "Have you no (Either?" inquired Mr. Mowbray, The young woman was silent for a moment, se her tongue struggled to articulate an answer, while a tear trickled down her check.. "My father is dead, sir," she replied; "he died a• bout six months ago after a short illness, and we were in consequence compelled to leave our former nice home, and take this room." "And prny do you support yourself and your mother?" asked Mr. Mowbray, glare ing at the ta ble, which was strewed wills pieces of lace, lions, &c. make caps and collars, sir," said the young female, "when I can get work to do; but it is very precarious and so badly paid for, that I have been obliged to pari nearly all our furniture to keep out of debt. I am unwilling that my poor mother should be chargeable to the pariah; but my hardest exertions are insufficient to supply us even with bread." "Pray, whom do you work fort" inquired Mrs. Mowbray, looking curiously at an unfinished cap which lay on the table. n 1 work printipally, madam," replied the young woman, 'Tor the largo lace shop, in the street close by. That cap, madam, will only bring me 50 when it is finished, and I have already spent nearly a day in making it, and the material cost me 4s 6d. Even this poor proffit is to he reduced, for my employer told me last night he could not afford to give me so much for them, as ladies refuse to give him his price." "Ladies! index''' exclaimed Mr. Mowbray in dignantly. "They little think, when they are so mercilessly hauling for bargains how sadly they are diminishing the wages of the poor." Mrs. Mowbray, turned her head aside and blush ed deeply, for she recognized in the cap before her, the counterpart of the one she had bought the pre ceding day, and in the employer of this poor young woman the laceman of whom she had bought it. Mr. Mowbray made some further inquiries, and leaving the poor cap maker a trifle, promised to send a doctor to visit her mother, and call on her again:, and Mrs. Mowbray, before leaving, gave her on or der, with an assurance that she would endeavor to interest her friends on her behalf. Mrs. Mowbray though ashamed and self-convic ted, returned home pleased with her novel tour, and henceforward was the frequent companion of her husband on such occasions.—Bargain hunting had been in her case the result rather of thoughtlessness than of an unfeeling disposition, and from this time she was more liberal in her purchases, and never felt disposed to depreciate the value of an article without thinking of the poor cap maker. She came to the wise conclusion, that an unnecee eery or bad article can never be cheap, and that a good article is always worth a fair price. A bargain was ever afterwards associated in her mind with depreciated wages and the miseries of the poor; and the charm which it had once possessed in her eyes was entirely dispelled by the recollection of the sorrow and oppression which were so often involv ed in its production. Go IT .Isany.--A horse, with saddle and bridle was recently found without a rider, wandering near a country tavern in Ohio. Search having been made, the gentleman owner, very essentially drunk was found mounted astride n wall, kicking and spurring most furiously, cursing hissupposed poney for not moving forward. Having become a little sobered, he discovered his mistake, and dismounted to the no small amusement of the bye-standers. A Negro's idea of love, as given by Pelham, one of the Ethiopean serenaders Ah, nigger! I felt as if I war up in the clouds betwen two hot buck-wheat cakes, and all de leotle angels were pour in' down lasses upon me.' g There is a man on Long Island, so short sighted that he can't see to sleep without specs. I find you a very profitable concern,' as the spirit-merchant said to the water-butt. c[7' Can a man who has passed through the Thom. Tunnel be said to have crossed the river? If nut, how is he to prove that he has got to the ether side ? Why aro ladies dresses about the waist lilts a general meeting Because there is a gathering Mere..—Y es, and often times a nose LE. Are you fond of tongue, Sir ?' .1 was al. way,' fond of tongue, INfadam, and 1 like it amt.' Suet die Thing. Our old friend Deftla Corcoran, of the Picayune —(and the 'brotri of a boy' he is too,)—tells the following NMI: '►'oe AMERICAN EAGLE awn DANIEL OTONN• ma,--llyran Maguire end Phil Mahony were yes terday charged before the Recorder with fighting and disturbing the peace on Monday night. Tifeit' appearance told that they belonged to neiitiet the peace nor temperance societi. s. Mahony and Maguire, you have been fighting," said the Recorder. Rave you any thing to say to the charge 7' Mahony looked at Maguire, and Maguire scratch ed his head with his dexter hand, and looked at the ground. see that neither of you have any defence to make,' said the Recorder. 0 yis, yer honor,' said Byran, Phil has; he'll till ye ell about it, for he's got the larnin'; he brags himself on sackin' a schoolmaster, and of bein' as far as , The Rule of Three in Fractions.' Speak to him, Phil.' And acting on the hint, Phil spoke May i' plan this hanorable coort : meself and Byron here was last night taken' two juleps, as happy and Bo comfortable as if weed found a leperahaun's geoid or was in possession of a four lafed ehrunrogue, and could git what we wanted jist for askin' it. And how cud we be otherwise 1 for; as I afore, there was! our juleps afore us, mid the ice shinin' its the town blers like lumps of diamons, and the mint cluster ' ed all over the top o' them, remindin' a body of the green fields of ould Ireland. ' Now I think,' cis Phil to me—' ' I think' said the Recorder, • that I evince great patience in listening to all this. Why do you not at once reply to the charge?' That's what Pus cumin to,' said Byron—" so as I was saying,' sia Phil to tnrsis he, • I blieve, By rum' said he, there was a time its Ireland whin it 'ud be thrason to dhrink one of thins juleps there,' sis he. I suppose ye inane sence Father Mathew shim all strict timperance min 1' sic I. No,' cis ho, but in 'DB.'. 'Why in '9Bl' sia I. 'Dist be- Issue they'regreen.' sis he; 'ye know any one that showed a preferince in thins days for the nations) color its arty way, they won either hung or sent to Botany Bay. Don't ye know,' biS he, what the ould song sia ? "It's a poor disthrissesl counthry As iver yet was seen; They're hangin' min and WOMBS) For the wearin' of the green.' ' 0, I know all that,' xis I ; yis, and it 'ud be sa still only for O'Connell— ..0, Dan was the boy That in spite of King and Queen, Pulled down the Orange And ran up the green :" And, afther singin' this varse, he tuck up his toumbler and said Here's his health!' 111 not dltrink it,' eis 1. • Thin ye're no Irishman,' sis he. 'As good as you are,' sis I; • but I'll dhrink no man's health who sis a word against the A inirican Aigle, that floats above and watches over the nist where liberty hatches her young: 'O, I knew ye had• the Saxon dhrop in ye,' - sis he. 'lt's a lie,' sis I. 'Take that thin,' sis he. And that,' sis I; and to it we whit, and at it we kept till the watch man arristed us. But we talked the thing over in the watch-house last night, and made it all up.— Phil sis he'd suffer to be cursed by the priest rayther than propose O'Connell's health, if he knew that he said a word against the Arairican Aigle , so if yer honor lits us off this time, we'll neither brake the pace nor one another's head for a month of Sundays.' The Recorder took them at their words and ov dared their immediate discharge. (0" An unexpectedly touching scene was pre• seated to the French Academy of Sciences very lately. The new invention of Van Peterson was to be exhibited—an artificial arm, by which, if the wearer has but a third of the shoulder remaining, ho can pick up a pin, lift a glass of water to his lips, hold a newspaper, &c. A committe had been appointed by the Academy to decide on its merits, arid an old soldier from the Hospital of Invalids was the sucject of experiment. He had been fur many years deprived of both arms at the shoulder, and when the substitutes wcro attached, he perform ed all that was act down by the inventor with ease --taking a glass of wine, &c. Hut half an hour of them restored functions had moved the heart of the old militare. As the arms wore detached, his breast heaved with emotion difficult to be suppress ed : . Harder to bear, be murmured than the first lon, when he did not know their value!' The Academy sat a few moments in breathless silence, all present evidently affected. , Well' exclaimed Mr. Arago at last, has no ona anything to propose? Are we to let this brave old ' man go back mutilated when we can relieve him? How much do they cost ? 'Five hundred franca each; Ah ! it would be costly to furnish all the maim ed soldiers of the Hospital, but the others have not been reminded of their loss. We will subsc ribs the thousand francs for the one.' The proposition was received with acclamation and the veteran walked away gesticuculdting w+•ith "The last link is broken that bound me to thee." as the horse said when he kicked off hit traces and ran away from the plow. `-‘,-:STU),Aartlclu. r y 41) .0.6&)d3 Catching ant/C*OBI in Acrimony About two months Ante, a novel cirturnstroree took place a few miles back of Covington, in the State of Kentucky, the parties having numerous wealthy acquaintencee in i lia city, to whom the story has been told by our friend Lacs of the New • port Chandelier, (Which paper will noon be forth- Corning) he trrting learned' it while on a• tout in• sb practice of law at the late sitting of the court in that stilt, It appears that' a very rich old Widow lady by the name of M—, had an only daughter, who was a most beautiful creature, and could commatitt the hand of the proudest of Kentucky'', corm brit she strange to say. loved a little gent:viten tailor by the name of P , who had been so fortunate' an to win her without her mothers knowledge. At length the fact cone to the parent's ears, and she forbade young P—, her house. At few after the old lady had occasion to be ailment till late hour of course the lovers did not let such an oppnrtunity pass, of spending the evening togeth er, and when they heard Mrs. M returning, the lover, not being able to escape, was put safely into a large closet. On the entrance of Mrs- M—, she, having had a hint from a faithful servant, made bold to question her daughter about her lover, and declared that be had just gone out of the Ileum This the damsel stoutly denied, but her mamma would not believe herf and se a terrible punishment, ordered her to be locked up in the dark closet, there to remain till broad day light. On her opening the closet door, next morning, Mrs: M--was thunderst rack at beholding her daugh ter asleep in the young traitor's arms!—lt is needlees to add that the mother no longer opposed thtir union; end on that very day the blushing girl wan united to her honorable lover, and they are now en joying all the bliases and kisses of their reatanti, honey-moon. Thr World in a bad way.—The lost li;aurefo Nigirber , gires up' the world; with the following diagnfais of its present condition: Disease incurable! chills and fever iv. America; palsy and debauchery in Europe: consumption and gem in Asia; and plague and leprosy in Africa• As with Israel, so as WI the world—the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint, and the it must! And Mormonism, eternal Mormonism, will witness the dying struggle—the last gasp, when the earth qatikes and triumphs over death, hell and the grass.. So let the old world the. Mrking fur a living.—The following article iM extracted from the , Offering,' edited by the Factory Girls of Lotvell: Whence originated the idea that it war, derogato ry to a lady's dignity, or a blot upon the female character to labor, and who was the first to nay. sneering/y, , Oh she works for a living?' Surely such ideas and expressions ought not to grow on republican soil! • The time has been when ladies of the first rank were accustom.' to busy themselves in domestic employment. Homer tells us of prin. tresses who used to draw water from the springs, and wash with their Om hands tho fluent of the linen of their respective familiee. The famous Lti• cretia used to spin in the midst of her attention to , and the wife of Mystic's, after the erige of 'troy, employed herself weaving until her husband return• cd from Ithica. The nearest guess we ever knew a man to make; was made by ono who was tumbled ott t of a second story window, and when picking himself up, "ha rather guessed he waent wanted there." ."1 dukt say as hots missus drinks, Lot I do know that the bottle in the dark closet don't keep full all tho time." It vfraa a proverb of Anarcetirsis, a Scythian phil osophor, that the vine bore three branches; brat pleasure; secondly, drunkenness; thirdly, disgust. Or When are soldiers stronger then elephants —When they carry a fortress. What'a deal of trouble the gunsmith saes the gallows-maker. A nun, intending to refuse a challenge to a duel accepted it in a state of absence of mind. The consequence was, that he discovered his mistake when the challenger ran oft and ha not been heard from siuce. A ,lIVIENILE Mother,' said a lit tle fellow the other day, • is there any harm in break ing eggshells?' Certainly nut, my deer, but why do you oak 1' Cause I dropt the basket just now and ace what a mess I'm in with the yolks Time, patience, industry are the three grand mas• tern of the world—they bring a man the end of his desires, whereas, an imprudent and turbulent mur mur oftentimes borne him out of the way to his proposed ends. Sallies of wit too bright, ti.e like flashes of light fling ; they dazzle rather thsh ibmminate. If a man was always to be known by the corn. pans he kept, alas! for the poor constahlee! The Imitator, 1 FABLE FROM THE GERMAN OF 811 - OILER An arrow from a bow just shot, Fled upward to Heaven's canopy , And cried with pompous self-conceit To the King Eagle, scornfully • Look here—l can as high as thou, And, towards the sun, even bigger silo!' The eagle smiled, and said 0 fool, What do tby borrowed plumes avail' By other's strength thou dost descend, t 4 .t 3P.if dc:st•-- 11 , . end •