Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 25, 1845, Image 2

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    Cart that respects his country can read the following
luaus, Zrosimasemena. without feeling his cheeks tingle with shame?—
" The N. 0. Bee and Bulletin which sketch his
remarks, state that he commenced by 'eying that in
Huntingdon, Jnne 0/3, 1843.
frY• V. B. PALMER, E.g., is authorized to act when it was before the people and that the first act
es Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and of his Administration was to despatch agents to
advertisement. in Philadelphia, New York, Balti- this government, empowered to open negotiations
more and Borden. on this subject, They returned to 'l'ex. without
OFFICES: obtaining any satisfaction. Another appeal was'
Philadelphia—Number 69 Pine street. made with similar results—the impression going
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal• abroad that nine-tenths of the Texans were annex
yen streets. ationiets. Then policy dictated a reserved course,
Min York—Number 160 Nassau street, j and he thought an innocent little trickery would
Boston—Number 16 State street. benefit the cause and help on the measure to a final
settlement. Prompted by this idea its efficacy was
immediately put to test. Friendly intercourse was
W heat, Rye, Oats courted with other powers, and, aware of the mutu
and Corn, at the market. price, in j
of ; n lo g u li sy ni ntin h t i li d et , z . en fi our s = a :nd that
payment of accounts due this of- ner in the dance, which she readily granted :out
lice. And cash will be taken in familiarty was never such in the gallorde se
ought to unglovo with her. The bait w a taken,
exchange for receipts in full or i n end she who always dearly loved .-sinking
art. fected reserve—made a direct propo. ll . With this
statement Of facts, Gen. H., so d he would leave
the public to infer whether he,. opposed to, or in
favor of Annexation. Iba it not been, he said,
for the eagerness of the "exan Congress in Passing
and sending to this co.ntry, a declaration, that nine
tenth, of pa w of Texas were in favor of the
measure, h e wo .d have so operated on the feare of
the Americo. Senate, that the prize would clip
through ti- r grasp, as to have procured the ratifi
cation . the treaty last Spring. With that assn.
can , to their hands, however, he said, the Senate
„old attend to other matters at that time, end deal
with Texas at their leisure."
Here, then, is this bully statesman, thts loafer
hero of Tex., boasting bow he has gulled !
how he would have gulled us still easier and sooner,
but for the maladdress of some of his associates.—
Had they left it all to him, how soon would he have
done for such a mere spoony Senate, such a mere
conclave of greenhorns, as ours ! With what fa
cility be would have made them forget such small
thing., as honor, faith, peace, regard for our own
right interests, in the lust of land-stealing and the
fury of Anglophobia! He avows the fraud ho
used, and thus indireitly confesses that our plotters
of Annexation, his confederates, were parties to
that fraud, in their multitudinous inventions to Make
us believe that England was secretly moving a Tex
,as plot against ue! On both aid., thew precious
tricksters of melons are so called Democrats; and
thus it is that they prove their confidence in the
Philadelphia, June 20.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $ 425
It lc MEAL, do. - - - - 300
CORN do. ' do.
Wwwriptime Penna. per bush. - - 95
livE do, - - - 59
CORN, yellow, en. - - - -
OARS, do. - - -
Wnisimr, in bis,
Baltimore, 1110p ,9- ,,,
W HEAT FLoult, per MO, _ - $ 4 5,,
- 1 00
WHEAT, per bilsli. -
CORN, yellow, do. - - - -40
do.- _ : - V
°Ars. do, ,
WlttsitEr, in 1)1)18. - . 21
n A zirqu NOTE LIST
,Triof Discount in
_ "
33anhs in Philadelphia.
',ink of North America -
13,ink of the Northern Liberties
Hank at Penn Township - -
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. • -
Formers' & Mechanics' bank -
Kensington hank
Schuylkill bank - - -
Mechanics' bank • - -
• ,
Philadelphia bank - - - pa r.l people—by out-witting them with vile deceptions—
Southwark back - - - Par, by playing upon their worst passions—rancour and
Western hark - - - - P ar Ijealousy, against another friendly people!
Moyamensing bank - - - par ,
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par , All this, observant men long ritme more than sus-
Bank of PennsYltahia - - - par : peeled : that Texas was acting this double part :--
Girard bank i . that England was used by the plotters here and i
Bank of the United States - So
i there to make us bid : that quite probably the same 1
Country Ran ks. ' perfidious game was by Texas plied in England,
Bak of Chester . Westch par
Bunko Delawareco ester
co, Chester par , and a stool pidgeon made, in each country, of the
Bank of Germantown Germantown pal other, in order to bring the prey to the bait.
Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par 1 But may not ell this fall upon ourselves at last I
Dqylestown bank DcYle"w" P" i When men avow that they have been bent on cheat-
Easton Bank Easton par ,
par i
Farmers' bk of Sucks co.Bristul ng you, what security that they are not cheating
Bask of Northumberl'd Northumberland par , you still? With such people there is no security
Honesdale bank Honesdale 1 1 ; but interest ; and, on that side, what direct edvan-
Farniers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster P" ' tap of the pocket have we held out to 'Texas?—
Lancaster bank Lancaster purr
Lancaster county batik Lancasterpar What have we done for the scrip men, the main
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 movers of this business? What has Mr. Houston
Mercli'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsbin g I (again? Have we bound any of these faithless
Exchange bank Pittsburg I men in any of dross chains which alone could hold
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia par them I Not at all. If, then, England should now
Franklin bank Washini;ton 1i think it worth while to foil us, and should offer a
Monongahela bk of B. Beownsvide I i real boon—a loan of ten millions, whh some spe-
Farmers' bk of Reading Beading
P ar cial sum for Houston and other leaders—an advan-
Lerition batik Lebanon
flank of Middletown Middletown I i tageous commercial connexion—a guarantied inde-
Carlisle bank Carlisle 1 pendence of both us and Mexico, the latter and
Erie bank Erie 2 France parties to the arrangement—is Texas ping
Bank of Chambersburg ChanibersbUrg 1
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1 to prefer the nothing she ets of us to such an in.
York bank York 1 dependence.
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 1
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville i
Batik of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35
Farmers 8t Drovers' bk Waynesbrrough 2
Bank of Lewistown Lewistown li
Wyoming, bark Wilk,sliarre i
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
lierks county bank Reading no sale
West Branch batik Williamsport li 1
'Towanda bark 'lnv:ands no sale
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, flault of Pa. Mechan
ic's bank, Delaware County, Farmers' Bat.k
of Bucks, Germantown, par
11:rks Cr:. 13, k i.k - - - - 10
All uthers - - - - - 1+
From the Pa. Telegraph.
If there be any widow of many husbands, or—
es a famous French one is called in Beranger—vettve
de la grandee armee, who known not how to quick
en into a blaze, the passion of some raw boy of a
Lwer, let her take a lesson. It is no doubt quite as
t•uthentic as the Wife of Bath's Tale: that is, as
tuthentic as any thing can be, that comes from ex-
President Houston. I TO COLLECTORS.
In that worthy's late speech at New Orleans, on I w ---- -
, INDIGESTION AND BILIOUS AFFECTION The several . collectors of Mime within Hunting
.knnexation, he is sail to have given a summary don county for the years 1043, 1844 and 1045,
die history of Texas and its people. If he did, he sing Sing, January 14,are requested to pav luso the county Treasury such
'night easily have taken for his model of the public Dean Sin : - 1843. minis as they may have received on their duplicates
between this and the 15th of July.
',an that of the Isle of Barataria, and for the pri: This will certify that I have used
the l c h t e of at . t 4 e b ittic ii i i i bi of the
d ies pay rs is called to
your Vegetable Universal Pills, for iudigestion and
cote the narratives in the "Nona° Culonder," or •
God's Revenge against N'Turder. ' He is said al- .. , m7r ad mc i l e a e i n nt
. I,, , l i t d i e c r it w ht i t i t a l t a w lrn a ost proved fatal to
1 which requires .ac
the ' ! i tt i l a i c inta t o i l lm et a a e t s e a t a : l. fo i r B4 th 4 e '
et, to have " vindicated it's government and people medical treatment, and used vaariactutpitratlerfiasaeid present year to be paid over 'Jethro the second Tues.
,gainst the charges brought against them. Whose remedies, hot without any good effect. I then d " in to y
next; nod if ° be trot ['id over,
then the balance remaining unpaid bears an inter
- charm '--thou of their friends, Gem Hamilton i made trial of your celebrated pills, which gave me
. a t re o r t , l , l , :t i e d p i e b r o c c e o to y n the l i mo ks of the state tree
and Mr. McDuffies or Metiers. Van Baron, Wright, i t i r "ite "lief! oral 'gm affected a Perfec t cure'
ef.n.0. 1 T y e: c ue d th em in my family with 1.1!e best
common schools tint% th c e ce balan ves i c i e a iatiPfPurlal nati on
a to
and Bryant, (of the evening Post) we do not learn. y are the best arid easiest ',organ,. we
&misc., y pat an
Perhaps he meant charges of Grand Juries and bail ever used. The amount which HuctiNtlon county is re
fces ; which have been left pretty largely dotted over lam respectfully yours, quire(' to pay into the State trouser lift
the records of our criminal courts, by these patriots , prior to the firm of Au mat, to entitleYherateoull days
Dit.l3. lin tv i duction of five per cent, offered by the 42d section
of several countries, and heroes of more things than
Purchase fi s t • un'Tu re medicine ofis 532,500 00. Should the collectors
ware, whom one equally renowned for winning a Huntingdon, P a ti g , mi ti ti n i d i other Win ietL'art'
1 °""
agentspublishedto for the present year pay over one half of this stun
battle, for calumniating a wife, for a profligate and anomie. partof '
this paper. I by the 13th of July, we may in that case, raise the
drunken life among civilized men, and for hie effort -- halance, and thus effect a saving to the county of
WieTrn's BALSAM or W ttn CIIZIIRT.—Thin „bout eight hundred dollars.
to find among Indians something more congenial to article, '
his depravity of tastes, is now attempting to e It f"'iia name
ialicai"' is
a chemical
so • o W il d Cherry. i t is simple and harmless in its MORD. CIIII,COTE, , s Corns.
Admirable arbiter of praise and blame! Rare wit- effect—yet it is more eflioacions in oktinate JOHN Y. MILLER
nen fur a whole people this, who was driven out Coughs, Asthma, Croup, Consumption anti Liver Commiseioners' Office, ? '
Complaint; than an known to man. Hunt. June 23,1845. i
of Tennessee by the general scorn for his horrid cal- It has effected morem a rv ellous cur es—lint/In more ,-- -- -•
les his own irreproachable wife!—But
num' against 'the appearance of miracles than the effect of Ironing
nat O A. K. CORN VC,
mark the /style in which this man, thus cover- ural remedy. The active ingredient of this balsam-, - •
ed with what should shock men only the more when i the Extruct,"is not, and cannot lie known or made A' , l2 )l l l ' i ( c ) , R i N ii l. ivi '.ll ,, A n T L . A . .W— vi 1- , i , tintiitedon P.l.
a r n o y mc li d u i t e th u e inventor. Hence IL is in vain to Mr. Adam Hall s ' i s i l i 't. t ert , it ' lertinc ' e i'iti',:i7,.t. of
juitiad with success , talks of our country, of our a ail in their object as often as they
' go , ornment, of the despicable finenesseu bv which arc . used , l - 0 LANK HON DS—Judgment and coin
;ee has tt ii 1 , ..1 on to hie purposes ! Whet Arnett- I William Seaver, Eel. To:truaster at Batavia, N. mom_-tix oak at this (Ace.
1836 he voted for the measure o - 1 Annexation,
- par
"Free Trade."
Mr. McDufflie has it would seem, also addressed
a letter to the Free Tiede League of London, from
which we copy the following paragraph: •
I habitually look upon the prosperity of Man
chester with as much interest and gratification on I
do upon that of Charleston or New York, and
much more thnn I do upon that of Boston which I
am constrained to regard as the fruits of an unjust
and oppressive system of legalized plunder, which
confiscates at least one-fifth of the annual income
of the cotton planters to sustain a mercenary mon
eyed aristocracy of pampered and bloated monopo
Of course, Mr. McDuffle glories in the success
of Manchester, in England, and mourns over the
prosperity of Boston, in the United States. The
bloated? (one of themost vulgar words in the Eng
lish language, one that never can ho applied, except
to salted eels, and a rum drinker's face,) monopo
lists of Boston have no favor with Mr. McDuffle.
His sympathies, his joys, and his hopes, are with
the British. What will he say when South Caro
lina bloats up with her manufactures,— U. States
Y., writes that he gave an afflicted person one bot
tle, the effect of which was so wonderful that it ma
/tett an immediate and extensive demand for it.—
at needs but to be known to be universally used by
physician. as well as patients.
The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hun
( tingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hol/idayaburg.
The United Slates Journal.
By JESSE E. Dow & Co.
Th e Crst number of our new paper will
be issued this (first) day of May, with an
e ,,dre new dress—new type, fine white
Taper, with other important alterations
and improvements. The paper will be
devoted to a fearless exposition of Demo
crfttic principles; it will zealously "and
unremittingly oppose each and every ef.
fort to establish a main:nod'. monarchy
bank and other mischievous corporations
and consolidations of wealth, which sub
vert the rights of the people and under•
mine the pillars of the Republic; it will
oppose an oppressive and anti-republican
tardlsystem, the assumpti :11 of the state
debts by the General Government, and all
other Fi.deral principles which have an
inevitable tendency to destroy public
prosperity as well as individual happiness.
Against ea such political delusions, we
shall wage unchanging, uncompromising
The FARMER and the MEG:name who
produce all the real capital or the nation,
will find in our paper an unwavering
champion GI their Mali: noble rights; the
long cheihdied principles of the editors
are too well known to the public to re
quire any I !Age upon this point. To the
Miscellinieous Department particular at
tention will be devoted ; the Ladies will
always find to our columns a choice selec
tion Iron the current literature of the day
as well as original contributions from the
most talented writers of which our coun
try can boast. A general summary of
Foreign and Domestic news will be Fur
nished; a regular price current and a cor
rect list ul the prices of stocki will also
be given.
. . . .
'Fite conductors have already secured
the aid 511(4 co-operation of a large num•
ber of the must distinguished literary and
political writers of the clay; arrangements
will also be made, at the earliest period
possible, to embellish our columns by the
contributions of correspondents from
abroad. iVith this brief and imperfect
outline of our plan, we very respectfully
submit our claims to an extensive patron
. age to 01.: consideration 01 a generous
Weekly paper by theyear
fui FIX inunths
Seani.Weekly paper by the year, DI
advance -
: - - 5 00
for less than a year 50 cts.
per month.
Daily paper by the year in advance I() 00
" .'or less than a year. $ t per month.
Subscriptions to the ll ily for less than
two, to the Sumi-Weekly for less than
four, or to the Weekly . for less than six
months, will nut be received.
IF not paid within the year, the Daily
paper will be 81:2, the Semi-weekly $6,
a nd the IVeekly $l, 50 a year.
AU payments to be made in advance.--
Those who have not an opportunity of
paying otherwise, may remit by mail at
our risk, postage-paid. The Postmaster's
certificate of such remittance shall be a
safficient receipt therefor• The notes of
any specie paying bank will be received.
To CLuas AND COMPANIES. --In order to
place our paper in the hands of all who may
wish tilsubscribe ; at the lowest possible price
we are induced to make the following prop
osition :
To Postmasters. Clubs, or Companies,
who will send I, l 7 SO we will send 'lea Cop
ies of our weekly paper for one year tor
Thirty dollars we will send Twenty; Copies
for twelve months : and for Fifty dollars,
we will forward FORTY COPIESfor a year
—reducing the price to each subscriber, to
one dollar and twenty : five cents per annum
for a liege and well tilled weekly paper.—
We hope that this proposed reduction in the
price, will induce the most active exertions
on the p .11 of our friends in obtaining its
all Eyes This Way.
%The subssl•iber would most respectfully
inform his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he has recently received and
opened a pod assortment of confection: ry
end fruit, which he olio a for side in the
basement story of the store of Thos. Read
& Son, where ne will be pleased to wait on
all those who will give him a call.
He will have constantly on hand
Raisins, rigs, Oranges, Lemons,
and ull other articles usually kept in confec
tionaries. He also has Beer, Cakes and
Pies, and
of every description. Baking of any hind
done according to order en short notice.
His intention is to none but the very
best articles, and to have always a good sup
ply in his shop, and last he would . , say, to
all, call and judge for yourselves.
He hopes to merit and receive a share of
public patronage, as his intention is to sell
on very 'moderate terms.
Huntingdon, June 11, 1845.-3 t.
To the Voters of Huntingdon Co.l
I respectfully offer
myself to your consideration, as a candidate
for the office of
Register A' Recorder,
of said county at the ensuing General Elec
tion. (Having had experience in the chides
of said ollice,) should I be elected I pledge
myself to a faithful di,harge thereof.
Frankstown, June 11, 184.5.-.-tf.
AN experienced FEMALE. TEACHER,
to take charge of - a Public School in this
B wough for a term of three months. By or
der of the Board of Directors.
Shirleyaburg, May 29, 1845.
Form For Sale
The subscrKers offer for sale a well im
proved farm, containing
EGICMQ) 44a.citaa.cog..3,
with allowance, about 126 acres cleared and
under grad fence. The improvements are'
a large and convenient two story house,
bank barn, and other nut buildings, with se
veral good springs of water convenient; an
orchard of choice fruit. '1 here arc also
a quantity of peach and plumb trees. Said
farm is situated in Henderson township,
Huntingdon county, Pa., 3 ►Hiles from the
\Nara► Springs, 7 miles from Huntingdon,
and 6 miles front the Pennsylvania Canal.
Persons wishing further iof.o•mation con
cerning the above property can obtain it by
calling on S. It. Boggs, residing on the pre
mises, or from James Boggs, at Mill Creek.
N. B. The subscribers are desirous of
going west—persons would do well to call
and see for themselves.
June 4, 1845.
.71111 A' Farms For Sale.
The subset ibers having determined •tn
close their bminessin Wells Valley, Bedford
county, offer for sale all their property, viz
Their Merchant Mill---
- $.2 00
- 1 00
This Mill has just been finished, and em
braces all the late improvements—has three
run of stone—the stream permanent, with
20 feet fall, and from its location must com
mand constant employment—there lint be
ing any Merchant Mill within 10 miles of it.
To the Mill is attached
of land, on which are erected two log houses,
stabling. and Saw-Mill.
ALSO, a tract of land contiguous to the
Mill, containing 90 acres, one half of which
is meadow and well set in Timothy and Clm
vci:- 7 the balance well timbered.
ALSO, the farm on which Then. Speer,
ane of the partners, resides. This farm
CONTAINS 115 Acres
of prime land, nearly all cleared and in a
fine state of cultivation, being mostly set in
clover. The improvements embrace every
thing necessary for comfort and convenience,
having a large two story log
house, in which is a STOR
I ROOM, with a cellar under all
• the house. The barn is large
with, sheds around it. The barn yard is
large, sui rounded with sheds, stabling and
double corncribs, wagon shed with grane•
• ties sufficient to hold a large quantity of
The above property will be sold seperate
or togetht r to suit purchasers. A small stock
of Merchandize (if desired) will be sold with
the above.
The terms will he made easy. All the
above property is situated within 4 miles of
the Turnpike leading from Chambersburg
to Pittsburg.
For further particulars, persons wishing
to purchase will call on Thomas Speer, re
riding nu the last named property.
Wells Valley, June 11, 1845.—5 t pd.
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of Low in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at•
tend to all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon hint, at his Mike with Isaac.
Fi s h e r, Esq., adjoining the store of Thos.
Read & Son, near the Ditimnttd.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1845.
✓lttorney Low.--Attends to 'practice in
the Oriihans' Court, Stating AdminiFtra
tors aceouats, &c.-ofliee in
Dimond, three doors East of the Ex
change Hotel." feb7B, '44.
ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed tr
Huntingdon, with the intention of making n
the place of his future residence, and wit
attend to midi legal business as may he en•
rusted to him. 1)ec.20, 1843.
Pa.—Office at his out residence ift Main
street, a few doors West of the Court
II 'use. A. W. B. will attend to/any bu
siness entrusted to him in the several
courts of linutingditu and taljttining coun
ties. Apt it 30, 1845 .—tf.
Job -Printing.
44,,f Execution, under the new law, jubt
[minted, and for sale, at this office. .IT TRES_ OFFICE.
Done in the best style and on
short notice.
OST respectfully informs his old
4,1,44 friends and customers, and the public
in general, that he still continues the
at his old stand, two doors east of the Stare
of T. Head & Son, in the borough cf Hun
tingdon, where he is fully prepared to ac
commodate all who may favor hint with
their work.
He receives, regularly, from New York,
Scott's New York, Paris and London
and he is determined to employ none Ind the
hest and most experienced work men ; and
he gurantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and workman
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of his customers.
Thankful for the liberal encouragement
he has heretofore received, hr respectfully
solicits a continuance of public patronage.
May 21, 1845.—tf.
---)) e 4k4 i as
e (1 01111111111111 1 1111111011111111111111100111111 11 1
%,t ,,, -
- .r --r---_ ---
_____ -c.
Cunningham & 33urchinel
9;74 ES EC TFULLY inh,rm the citizens
444 of the borough and county of Hunting-
don, the public generally, and their old
friends and customers in particular, that
they continue to carry on busines in their
new establisment, one dont east of flit
north eastern corner of the Diamond in s a id
borough, where they are prepeared to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Seeretaies, Sob
fas, Settees. Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, centrt,
dining and breakfasttables;
High, Field, French, and Low Posy
ALSO—Every varOy of
Callaen.aa.cs 9
such as; Rush seat, Cane seat, Bath, Bent•
Baltimore, Sirs ight• back, Boston pattern
4. Common Rocking Chairs, together with
of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities
N. B. Collins made and funerals attend
ed either in town or country, at the shortest
notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE
'for the accommodation at their customers.
Nov. 29, 1843.
I lillgtx of Pills Reward.
Run away from the subscriber
reading in Huntingdon, on the
night ot '27th a bound black
boy named
aged about 18 years. He had
on when he left, a blue Rounda
bout and Pantaloons, and Straw Hat. Any
person who will return said boy to the sub
scriber, shall receive• the above reward.
June 4, 1845. WILLIAM SWOOI%
,^ ail
will.; subscriber continues to manufac
ture, in Harrisburg, French Burrs it
all si,s, and 01 the very beet quality, much
cheaper than ever, and on very favorable
Letters addressed to him will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cation were made.
Feb. 5,1845.-9 mo,
(Above 6th Street)
2PM:subscriber, thankful fur the liberal
Wal , support of his triends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accommodate
allthosev ho favor hi m with theirpat Collage.
Dec. 14,1842.-41.
IlAviNo removed from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon, would inform the t ommunity
that he designs to continue the practice of
medicine,. d will be thankful for theirpat
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc
cupied by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Having been successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cuicers,
(tor which vouchers can lie had if et ired)
he feels confident of success in the most ob
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
Hillingdon, April 23, 1843,
Land For Sale.
A valuable tract of land situate in Porter
townst,i , Huntingdon count v, about 1 mile
from the borough of Alexandria, and 6 miles
from Huntingdon borough, containing
n On the premises, there are 100 acres clear
ed, and in a gond state of cultivation--a first
rate orchard of Apple, and other fruit trees
hnuse--barn, &c.
• For terms inquire nt the subscriber, on the
premises. •
N. B. 100 across ofvox' woodland, c;in
ventent , tan be had with the ab , ve. Also,
a Lnt nf four ticre,, iu gt od condition, in the
town of Alexandria. 'I .
Porter tp., May 14, 1845.-It, pd.
UMW ClOUlLent.ra
All the newspapers are full of patent rent
edies for caughs, colds, coosu mpticn and va
rious other diseases which flesh is heir to,"
proceeding fan wet feet : bu t all experience
teaches that "an ounce of preventive is
better than a pound of cure ;" and, has
the means of furnishing the fortfier article
-on short notice. Therefore
Charles S. Mark
respectfully informs the gond citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, and the public gen
erally, that he still continues the
Boot mai *itect:maittlts
business, at his old stand in Allegheny st.,
one door west of William Stewart's Store,
in the borough of Huntingdon, where he has
lately received a large assortment of new
and fashionable lasts, on which he guaran•
tees to finish his work not only according to
the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man
at.d accenting to to der.
He empl,ys none but the h: st and most ex
perienced workmen, and be strict attentiot.
to business and punctuality in promises, he
hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share
of custom.
WANTED—an A ppaEtcricit to the abet e
business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age will
he preferred, and find a good situation.if ap
plication be rn ide soon.
Huntingdon, April 23, 1845.
Spanish Illidro
2000 Dry Laptata Hides-••first quality
5500 Dry La_Guira dn. do.
3000 1)i Salted La Onira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hider, do
40 R ales Creen S:Ated Patna Kips
30 B des dry Patna Kip,
120 Barrens Tanner's
Tanner's and Curvier's Tools.
For salse to the country 'banners at the
lowest prices and upon the bent terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wantcd. for
which the highest paices will he paid is
Cash or in exchange for Hides, Kips &
No. 21 Meth Sd Slrret,
Oct. 9, 1844,--1y
T 177
FOR erzs:.lP G OODS.
, itbscribers hHve jest velum d I
Phi Lid, Iphia, 1111(1 are now opt. a 'pit,-
did amorta e it of
*inter and Summer GOods,
at the old stand of Peter Swoope, con,istinr
of Cloths ; Cassimers ; Sattinetts and Flan
nels ; all descriptions of Woollen am! Sim,
met. goods ; in pact Silks ; Lawns ;
hams ; Corded Skirts ; and print% f ,
stiles , iigur,•d Moslins ; Nlenslimde Lon
Muslin , of all descriptions ; Summer
for men's and boy's wear ; Shawls, I
kerchief ; silk and cotton; ll,'se of all kiml~;
a splendid assortment of Strishades •
sots ; and Paris ,Screcns ; a general assort
ment of Hardware ;
Iron and Sfeel ;
Hollow-ware and Saddlery ;-
A general assortment of Gruceri,
A general assort meet of Queenswar,;
Mahogany Veneers; Linseed and Fish
Oil; Copal Varnish; Paints of all de
scriptions; and Dye Stuffs ;—all et which.
will be sold law for cash or country pr tac v
Huntingdon, May 7, 1845.
C snbscriber lyreby
cautions and fire warns all persons from pur
chasing, levying on, or in any way disturb
ing or meddling with the following proper
ty, which I purchased at Constable's sale an
the property of George Smith, of Hender
son township, on the 2d day of April inst.,.
and left in the possession of said George
Smith till I find it convenient to remove the
same, to wit .
1 IMe, 1 don hook .1 double tree, It t li ugh.
1 shovel plough, 1 cutting ht x, Iha msh -
el measure, lot of barrels, 1 harrow, I
saddle, 1 brindle hull, 2 bhu k heifers, 1 mut,•
ly heifer, 1 brindle cow, *of 12 acts
wheat ard rye in the ground, aud 1.1 acres
of wheat in the ground._
Nest tp. April 9, 1845.—pd.
Estate of Sohn Diemen:), (Late of
JACKSON tp., deceits, d.
Noticeis hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
grar ted to the undersigned. All prrrote;
having claims or demands against the same.
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make hot
mediate payment to
WAL B. SMITH, Alm'''.
April 2,1845.-6 t.
Estate of Henry S. Spang, late of
Morris township, deceased.
vrOT ICE is hereby given, that ltiters
!1 testamentary upon the said estate has e
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
in; ke immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
1)12. JESSE 'VOLE, S Ex'rs.
April 23, :845. Morria tp.
71. C23111:1C135.
ai UU QICS) all,
A good FOUNDER, to take charge of one
or two Furnaces, situated five miles ap a rt,
in a healthy and pleasant part of Ohio. lie
must come will recommended.
Apply to A. BEELtoz, Pittsburgh.
r7l ittaning Free Press and Hollidays
burg Registry please copy to aninttnt of One
dollar and fifty cents each, and , hrrE,-e and
send papers to advertiser.