Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 25, 1845, Image 1

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jFamilp Itrinopaper-7Drtiottli to Grocrat fotctliarocc, 3)olitiro,Rftcratitrr, Mitt), Rrto,*rtritcro, aftriculturt,lmutcoutit, 4r., tcr.
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PUlltl3ll. IST
ce_2 3 CE Ls. I.S_AS M .
T lie "Joe Ric AL " will be published every Wed
nesday m riming, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisiements not exceeding one square, m ill be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders arc
given as to the time an advertisement is to be conthiu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
"Tu chart• the languid hours of solitude,
lie oft invites her to the Muse's lore."
The Sleeping Torest-Child.
The inwn is waking in the woods,
The birds are glancing by,
And there are flowers where lute wore buds,
Young sleeper ! ope thine eye !
The dark tree-tops wave gallantly
Against a pearly sky,
Their Waves are twinkling pleasantly—
Young sleeper, ope thine eye !
The dews arc drying fast away,
(The diamonds of the dawn,)
I•'rom covert now, fur Food or play,
Steals forth the dark-eyed fawn,
The bee in gone forth murmuringly,
The rill flows through the lawn,
In silver-sounding revelry,
Oh why is thine withdrawn?
Thy laugh would drown the streamlet's voice,
Thy step outspeed it, bound,
Thy glee. a thing of heart and choice,
Would scatter glee around.
I know there's music in the sky,
Bright blossoms on the ground,
Yet. yet, young sleeper, ope thine eye,
For mote in thee is found.
Thy cheek is glowing in the grass
With deep exotic bloom,
And though 'night's seem to all that pass
Through the green forest's gloom,
A sunbeam stolen from on high ;
And, I. a summer doom,
M air tit a human form to lio
Thore, in that fragrant tooth.
Yet opo thine eyes—and be a thing
Qf life, not yet beguiled,
Fairer than poetry may sing—
An infant undefiled !
Awake—and let me wreathe thine hair—
Wild flower; with flowers as wild!
Be. to the bosom old with care,
A simple, happy child!
liody and Mind.
Too men I honor, and no third. First the toil
worn craftsman, that, with earthmade implement,
laboriously conquers the earth and makes her man's,
Venerable to me is the hard hand, crooked and
coarse; wherein, natoithstanding, lies a cunning
virtue, indefeasibly royal, as of tho sceptre of this
planet. Venerable, too, is the rugged lace, all wea
ther-tanned,besoiletl, with its rude intelligence; for
it is the face of a man living manlike. Oh, but
the mom venerable for thy rudeness, and even be
cause we must pity as well as love thee! Hardly
entreated brother! For us was thy back so bent,
for us Nero thy straight limbs and fingers so de
formed; thou overt our conscript on whom the lot
fell, and fighting our battle went so dinned. For in
thee, too, lay a God-created form, but it was not to
be unfolded; encrusted must it stand with the thick
adhesions and defacements of labor; and thy body,
like thy sou!, was not to know freedom. Yet toil
on, Outs art in thy duty, be out of it who may;
than toiloat for the altogether indispensible, for dai
ly breed.
A second man I honor, and still more highly; him
who is seen toiling for tho spiritually indispensible
—not tinily bread, Init the BREAD OF LIFE. Is not
he, too, in his duty, endeavoring towards inward
harmony—levealing this by act and by word,
lirough all his, outward endeavor., he they high or
low! Highest of all, when his outward and in
ward endeavor are one; when we can name him
artist; not earthly eraftsmen only, but inspired think
er, that with leaven -made implement conquers hea
ven for us. If the poor and humble toil that we
may have food, must not the high and gloricao toil
for him in.return, that ho may have d.iight,Hui
dance, Freedom and Immortality! These two,
in all their degree, I honor: all else is
s chelT and
dust, which let the . wind blow whither it listeth.
Unspeakably touching is it, however, when I find
lout dignities united; and ho that must toil out
wardly for the lowest of man's wants, is also toil
ing inwardly for the highest. Sublimer in this
world I know nothing than a peasant saint, could
such a thing now be met with.. Such a one will
take thee hack to Nazareth itself, thou wilt see the
splendor of heaven spring forth from the humblest
depths of earth, like a light shining in great dark
And again; it is not because of his toil that I la
ment for the poor; we must all toil or steal, (howev.
er we may call our stealing,) which is worse; no
faithful workman finds his task a pastime. The
poor is hungry arid aihirst, but for him also there is
food or drink; he is heavy laden and weary, but for
him also the heavens send sleep, and of the deepest;
in his smoke) , crib, a clear dewy heaven of rest en
velops him, and fitful glimmerings of cloud-skated
dreams. But what I do mourn over is, that the
lamp of his soul should go out; that no ray of hea
venly, or even of earthly knowledge should visit
him; but only in the haggard darkness, like two
:spectres, Fear and Indignation. Alas, while the
body satnds so broad and brawny, must the soul be
blinded, dwarfed, stupefied, almost annihilated!
Alas, was this, too, a breath of God; bestowed in
heaven, but on earth never to be unfolded! That
there should one man die ignorant who had capaci
ty for knowledge, this I call a tragedy, were it to
happen more than twenty times in a minute, as by
some computation it does.
VSloill not the Judge of all em th do right?"
What knowest thou, 0 man, of what thou see'st
so darkly"! That little light, ho indistinct to thy
sight, may be rejoiced over by the angels in heaven .
The single stop in the right path may lead to an
enduring and eternal weight of glory. Our Lord said
to his disciples, “Blessed are ye poor, for yours is
the kingdom of heaven:l
Otte emtiarg, one considulion, on , deßliiqf
5 2eauattaaa,c.x.l.cDnaa
Wednesday morning, June 25, '45•
Wo arc compelled, by eircmustances beyond
our control, to put our readers off with but half a
sheet this week.
Death of Ex-President Jacksoit.
Gen. AnDOOW JACKAON—the hero of New Or
leans, and ex-President of the United States—died
of tho Hermitage—lris residen'ce, near Nashville
—on the evening of Sundaythe Bth inst., in the
79th year of his age. Ho was born, according to
his biographers, on the 15th of March 1767, in the
Waxhaw settlement, S. C., near the N. C• line.
He rose from comparative poverty and obscurity
to the highest•honors of his country.
The following extracts will be found interesting.
lisorarrao E, Juno 8, 1845-12 oclock, 91.
My Dear Sir:—ln deep sorrow I address you
this hasty note. At ri o'clock this evening, Gen.
Jackson departed this life. Ho retained his facul
ties to the last hour. I lament that I was denied
tho satisfaction of seeing him in his last moments.
I was unfortunately detained in ascending the Mis
sissippi, so that I did not reach Nashville until half
past six o'clock this evening.
I immediately procured a conveyance, came out
with my fussily, having understood thut the Gener
al's health was exceedingly precarious, and being
anxious to administer if I could, some comfort, in
the closing arena of his eventful life. On my way
a few miles from the city, I met the faintly physician,
who informed me that the General was no more.
About three hours before his departure, he con
versed for some time with his family and took an
affectionate leave of them, as also of his domestics.
His physician represents the scene as most affect
ing and remarkably touching; that ho departed with
perfect serenity of mind, and with a full faith in the
promises of salvation through a Vedeemer."
I have seen the corpse since my arrival.—The
visage is much as it woe in life.
The funeral will take place on Tuesday next at
11 o'clock A. M. A nation will feel this loss, as a
nation has received the fails of his toils during the
best years of his life.
Vory truly, your friend,
JAR. K. Puts.
Andrew Jackson is no more. lie departed this
life on Sunday the Sth inat, full of days and full of
His country deplores his loss, and will ever cher
ish his memory.
Whilst a nation mourns it is proper that business
should is 3 suspended at least for one day in the Ex
ecutive Departmsnts as a tribute of respect to the
illustrious dead. I accordingly direct that the De
partment of State, the Treasury, the War, the Na
vy, the Post Office Departments and theptlice of
the Attorney General and the Executive Mansion
be instantly put its mourning, and that they be
closed during the whole day to-morrow.
Washington City, Juno 15, 1845.
General Jackson's X'uneral.
The citizens of Nashville assembled in town
meeting. passed resolutions of condolence in rela•
don to the death of Gen. Jackson, requested all the
houses and places of business to be closed during
the day of
,the funeral, authorized minute guns to
be fired, and resolved to attend the funeral in the
simple chniecter Of citizens and friends, without any
organized parade or pomp.
~T he Nashville Danner of the 11th, saya--',Ves
terday every Place of buzines:, wan klosed, and out
0 ef.), „;.
. ,
cite2ens for the Most part, went up to the Hermi
tage to pay the lust solemn rites to the illustrious
dead. A very large concourse assembled from the
town endcountry, and a most impressive and elo_
quenl sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Ed
gar. The body was borne to the grave by the pall
bearers appointed by the meeting on Tuesday, and
without ostentation or parade, but in the midst of
silence and tears, woe placed by the side of her
whom in life, he had loved so well.
Gen. Scott's Notice of the Meath of
Gen. Jackson.
The New York Courier says.—" Among the re
cent incidents connected with the decease of this
distinguished personage, one occurred at West
Point on which every American will dwell with
respect and gratification. The Military Board, over
which Gen. Scott presides was in session when the
intelligence was received. General Scott immedi
ately arose, and asked that the examination might
be suspended. He then observed in substance:--
"`Ex-President Jackson died at the Hermitage on
the Bth inst. The information is not official, but
sufficiently authentic to prompt the step I am about
to take. An event of much moment to this nation
has occurred. A great man has fallen. General
Jackson is dead--a groat General and a great Pa
triot—who had filled the highest political stations
in the gift of his countrymen. He is dead. This
is not the place nor ant I the individual to pro
nounce a fit eulogy on the illustrious deceased.--
National honors will doubtless be prescribed by the
President of the Untied States, but in the mean
time and in harmony with the feelings of all who
hear me, and particularly with those of the author
ities of this institution, I deem it proper to suspend
the examination of the Cadets for the day, and to
await the orders of the Executive of the United
States on the subject."
The remarks were delivered with much dignity
and feeling—with the brevity proper to the occasion
--and althougn little was said much was express
' cd. The review which had been ordered was coun
termanded, and the flags lowered to half mast.
The incident cannot fail to suggest many reflec
tions of a most affecting character.
The Secretary o f tho Nevavy has issued an or.
der, which concludes as follows :
“alficers of the army, the navy, and the marine
corps, will wear crape on the left arm and on their
swords; and the colors of the several regiments will
be put in mourning for the period of six months.
At the naval stations, and on public vessels in com
mission, the flogs will be worn at half-mast for one
week; and on the day after this order is received,
twenty-one minute guns will be fired,- beginning at
12 o'clock. At each military station, the day after
the reception of this order, the national flag will
be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset;
thirteen guns will be fired at dny-break; half-hour
guns during the day; and at the close of the day a
general salute. The troops will be parried at 10 o'-
clock, and this order read to them, on which the la'
bora of the day shall cease.
Let the virtues of the illustrious dead retain their
mfluenee, and when energy and courage arc called
to trial, emulate his example.
Acting Secretary of War, and
Secretary of the Navy.
c•••I'llo Commissioners of this county are ma_
king commendable exertions to have the outstand
ing State taxes collected in time to be paid into the
State Treasury before the middle of July.
j We frequently receive eastern letters and
papers by the western mail. The fault is, we are
told, with the Postmaster at Lewistown, who puts
these letters and papers into a mail-bag whidh is
not opened till it gets to Hollidaysburg. It is ho
ped these vexatious errors will not be permitted to
occur any longer.
(C. A public meeting wao held in tho old Court
House in this place, last week, on the subject of the
death of GeN . JACKS.. The proceedings were
not handed to us, and we hope, therefore, that no
demagogue will find fault with us for not publish-
Mg them.
Late from Mexico.
Gen. Santa Anna has been banished by the new
ly constituted authorities of Mexico—the decree
prescribes an absence of ten years.
It is stated that all anticipations of war between
the United States and Mexico have subsided.
A Locofoco Jobe.
A friend informs us that on Thursday night,
Gov. Sit 1,1 x stopped a moment on the wharf, at
this place, to shako hands with his Democratic
friends. Alien about stepping on board again,
Moist. GATEs, who is almost a "Gxxsuic" in the
Loco ranks, and was hail fellow well met with the
Governor, slapped his Excellency on the shoulder
as he bid hint good-bye, saying rather knowingly
as ho did so—now old fellow, take care and keep
your d—d big foot off "Mat Flag."
. A salute of 2l guns was fired on Capitol Hill to
day in honor of the death o f General Jackson, but
no bells tolled. It is somewhat singular that the
Locofocoeshould fire cannon for joy at political
victories, on thc; election of Shuck and Polk, end
the success of Locofocoiam in other states, and
should take the same method to express their sor
row at the death of the great head of their party.—
re. Telegraph•
Senate of Pennsylvania.
Eleven members of the tale are to be chosen
in this state at the next OW,er election. The va
cancies to be tilled occur by the expiration of the
followi»g Senator!:
Locofocos. Whigs.
Enue, county,) Crabb, (Phila. City,)
Bailey. (Chester,) Kline, (Lebanon,)
Champneys, (Lancaster,) Cri.ig, (Washington,)
Horton, (Northumberlard,)
Eycr, (union,)
Wilcox, (Jefferson , &c.,)
11111, (Westmoreland,)
Black, (Greene.)
The districts required to elect this fall aro as fol
1 district, Philadelphia city,
do county, 1
4 " Chester and Delaware, 1
7 " Lancaster and Lebanon. 2
14 " Northumberland and Dauphin, 1
15 " Mifflin, Juniata and Union, 1
21 " Westmoreland and Somerset, 1
22 " Fayette and Greene, 1
23 " Washington, 1
29 " Warren, Jefferson, Clarion, &c., 1
Suicide.--Mi. NVIII. Buskirk, of Cum
berland, Md., shot himself with a title week before
last. Ile left the following note:.
"Let no man presume to censure an act which
does hint no harm, and which hells not capable of ,
Mr. B. was Secretary of State under Coy. Tho
mas. Ile was about 50 years of age, and was a
man of some ability, and of a warm and generous
d isposition.
Which is the Pritish Party ?
The Boston Atlas quotes the following parag,raps
fioin a letter written by Senator : 1 11 'Dom a, of South
Carolina, to the British Free trade union:
" As n representative of the great exporting in
terim of these States, I habitually look upon the
prosperity of Alanchester with as much interest
and g..aiification as I du upon that of Charleston
or New York, and MUCH 710 RE /burn Ido upon
that of Bost., which lung constrained to regard
as the fruits of an unjust and oppressive system
of legalized plunder, which confiscates at least
onc : lif . th of the e.nnual income of the cotton plan
ters to sustain a mercenary, moneyed aratocraey
of pampered and bloated monopolists."
This Locofoco Senator openly avows that he
looks with much more interest and gratVication
open the prosperity of Manchester than he does
upon that of Boston. A patriotic sentiment truly
The Pittsburg Gazette says
In the city there is a very active movement a
mong house-building mechanics, and the main
strength of the force in it is concentrated, of course,
upon the burnt district, which for all the world looks
like a hive of bees constructing their cells. A
number of warehouses and shops are finished out
and out, and are occupied. As fast as they can ba
completed they are taken up; while' hundreds aro
patiently waiting their turn to take possession of
the buildings partially up. 13y fall the principal
streets will be thronged as of old, but they will look
vastly better than previous to the fire.
One new hotel is nearly completed, and the Mon
ongahela House and Merchants' Hotel are under
w ay. But we must stop—it would take half a
column merely to enumerate all the new buildings.
Other parts of the city aro nlso sharing in the gen
eral improvement, and many now houses are being
built to accommodate our growing trade. The last
was very trifling in the amount of loss—we do not
mean compared with the great fire, but small in
The editor of the lowa Standard Marts off with
with the following axiom :
“Editors are but men after all:'
That's true,brother, very true. From Louisiana
to Maine, and from the Atlantic to the Lakes, it iv
just as you sny, they are men "after all."—But it is
their own fault thnt they are after all.—They are
after their political opponents, and drive them fu
riously; and when the spoils of victory are thought
of, the editor generally finds himself after all the
rest, and of course, too late. Some of the craft do,
indeed, appear to he "after all" in another sense;
they aro alter all the spolls, all the fun, and all the
honor, but "after all" i li)) , do not get them, anti
eve, "after all," that they took the wrong course for
either.— lb.
The now State of Florida has made a fair begin,
fling of its Loeofoeo career, slavery annexation and
free trade. Returns, as published in the Savannah
Georgian, represent the vote in the Legislature to
be :
Locos. Whigs.
Senate, 12 5
House of Representatives, 30
Loco majority on joint ballot 26. Manly is elect
ed Governor over Call, Whig, by about 600 major
ity ; and Levy, Loco, is elected to Congress by
',haul 600 majority.
We caution duellists hot to go to Delaware to
fight. The Wilmington Journal puts some very
homormestiom „ How would they like to mount
a platform about t 5 or 20 feet high, with their
wrists and necks fastened in holes in a board, and
thus stand an hour ; and after that be fastened ley
iron clasp, to a whipping post and receive thirty
nine lushes on their hare backs, each stroke starting
the blood. • All the duels they may fight hereafter,
would not wash out the disgrace which such pun
ishment would tin upon them. • Besides to kill a
man in a duel in Delaware is murder, and if the
criminal be caught ho will probably be hung. So
'take care, you men of honor."
Fur the "Journal. -
Fourth of Zuly 1776.
")owes there a man with soul so dead" as to re
fuse rNering homage to the memories of those
whore val ' u'rskon and whose blood consecrated the
liberty wo not , .onjoy! Lives them a man so in-
sensible to grant" that his heartwill nut prompt
him to hail with
..1 0 YoU h\ s eclaim the return of thahlay
of days' which behold proud Eagle of young
America released from the tltraltiont of the Brit
ish Lion, and, soaring up to Herb..,,,, n a m i e d to t h e
breeze the gorgeous banner of Freai on , on „i nnn. ;.
bright folds were inscribed the itobla._ oent n n ,„ t
that ever emanated from a bunion heart— r y z , o •
Liararrr ox UITE VS DEATH! " No man, ro
confident, who has inherited a single spark of
patriotism that glowed in the souls of his revolu
tionary ancestors will answer in the affirmative.
Then why is it that we of Huntingdon exhibit so
much apathy at the approach of the great National
Sabbath! Why is it that when the thunders of
the Anniversary cannon of neighboring towns shall
be reverberating amongst our hills and the joyous
huzzas of the congregated children of the free are
rending the atmosphere of Heaven that we—grate
ful people—are likely to be found coquetting with
Liberty in a ball alley, exhibiting our amor patriae
by cultivating intimacies with an ale barrel or ra
tionally engaged in demonstrating that we are ca
pable of enjoying freedom by lariviously embrac
ing that sweet Siren known in this latitude by the
euphoneous sub' iquette of "tnountain dew." 0 tem
! pora! 0 morce."flus ought not so to be. Gras
' itude should induce us to show to the world that
we appreciate a liberty which was purchased with
the blood of its thousands slain at Bunker hill,
Monmouth and Yorktown! Patriotism should
teach us to guard their works with the same fidelity
a miser would his gold, ont: cherish them with all
the fondness of a Mother for an only child and
thus secure for our posterity the blessing of living
' , The star spangled banner in glory dolls ware,
O'er a land or the free and not of the slave."
It must, we think, be obvious to every perceptive
mind that the love for our glorious institutions is
strengthened and the speed of the giant Independ
ence accelerated by these annual meetings of the
people to celebrate an event' which made a nation
free. 'rids end is net attained by merely reading
the "Declaration" but it gives to the Orator of the
day an opportunity of reviving in the minds of his
auditory a recollection of the momentous circum
stances under which tho instrument was formed;
the terrific dangers amidst which its sacred
truths were promulgated and the sufferings that
were endured by that gallant band of heroes who
went forth, sword in florid, to perish for it or perish
with it. Their sacrifices in maintaining its truths
on many an ensanguined field of battle, should
render it hallowed to every heart in which gratitude
has a habitation or freedom a throne. Although
the hand that pen'd it is cold and the tongues that
so eloquently advocated it arc silent, yet the sub
lime truths which it contains,stillsurvi,e and are even
cherished in the hearts of those who dwell in lands
where the melodious voice Of Liberty is suppressed
by Tyrants interposing with the rope of the hang
man or the axe of the guillotine, least it should
swell into thunder tones, and, like the Simoon's .
blast, sweep their rotten Kingdoms into dust. Wit! .
we not then continue to celebrate the great Nation_
al Jubilee of American independence, and with
hearts thrilling with gratitude for the glorious heri
tage "bequeathed from bleeding sire to son" ex
claim in the language of a noble smiled American:
~T hey are gone—mighty men--they sleep in their
Shall wo ever forget them! Oh never! no never!
Lot our sons leant from us, to embalm each great
And the anthem send down "INDEPENDENCE sow
Huntingdon, Juno 21, 1845,
"Here the girls and here the widow
Always east their earliest glance,
And, with smilelesslace, consider
If they, too, won't stiMil u chonco
To make some clever fellow nouuts.
In bliss, and often too--in trouble."
, MARRIED : On Tuesday the 10th inst., by the
Rev. David McKinney, Mr. JA MES L. G WIN,
to Miss LILLY ANN SCOTT, both of Allegheny
• On Tuesday the 10th inst. by the Rev. W. S.
Mimicry, Mr. GEORGE W. PArPON, to Miss
MARY BURKET, daughter of Mr. Peter Burket
all of Huntingdon county.
On. Saturday before last, by the Rev. Jacob
Martin, Mr. ZA (MARIA BOOCICS 'of Johnstown
to Miss MARIAH CLOSSIN cf Holliklaysburg.
081T1TA.17.1 . mECORI?• .
From DEATH no age nor no condition wives,
As goes the freeman, so departs the slave,
The chieftain's palace and the peasant's bower,
Alike are ravished by his haughty power.
On Wednesday the 11th inst., in this borough,
Leos SALLATIE, late Surveyor General of this
Commonwealth, aged about 56 years.
Gen-Sallade was esteemed by all who knew him
us a generous, kind hearted and worthy man. His
,death was sudden & unexpected, insincerely mourn
ed by a large circle of relatives and friends.—llur
ris6urg Inlclbiencer.
. C 1" 11.ETZ,,TLEItS
Of .I.lerch 1.13 return
eel by the ( one. rif lbr NC cl.T(11 tfle, -
3h'llB to the entity!, ul Ibuttiugdot rrt
ju, 4 oury Sessions, L;145, and elnAttifictt
lion.; Aercof by the ConthuNsioner.y of .
the said conoly (clef .1 s Cibria
1./* Cons/am : ,
The utriersigned Treasurt r .of said rim,:
ty i i I lantingdon, ill ac;:iinlance wah
hi:Vent' acts of Ass( inbly, publishes thefol
lowiag list of Itetailars•ot Foreign .11/ier
chatal ize,. within the said; cotintly fur. the
rent )car, ;is classified and returned to him
by the Associate Judges:mil Commissioners
of the county. -Any person doing business,
whn:c name is not ill Vile fir:lowing list, :is
well as those who are I,,und to, pcy any
,fractional pact of a license, are requested to
lave their names. registered agreeably ti
without delay. •
' as are design:fled by a [•] have to
ken au*stair tin hSLS, wit' thin, whe have
nut l"Nred to do so, • 1,1, to• IL.fore the
Fourth S.ttd
, H's t • , "'" (toy suits Will
without res PeC t perstms, against all de
rliarketl thus ti`vsi:ll liquors.
' CLASS. ' ..,
A //esti en y town s hip. A Patlergon • • , , i 3 ,
Elias Dakar
.. 13 Joseph R H ewit'.. ~,, !. i a
D H Royer &Co 13 Matthew Orlady J i , 4
William Walker 1.1 Philip Metz •1 , ..
Joseph Patton 14 West •
Samuel Conlin'', 19 John Watt 14
.01 iles Levvitf
Deniumil F 33c11 121 Walker
Graham l‘FCamant 12 James Campbell 113
Robert Campbell & Oh 14 Simon Ake 14
Barrer - Warriarsularle.
John W Myton . 13 Benjamin F Patton 14
J A Bell & Brother 13 Abednego Stephens 14
John II Hunter 13 iSamuel 111 i,lier 14
James M'Guire 131 , • Ale.randria borough
Blairl.lo*asi Porter• 13
A Knox 4 Sea 13 , Oemmill & Porter 13
Wm Anderson Jr co tl4 Moore & Swoopo 13
Daniel M 'Connell jl4 Michael Sisvler . 14
Peter O'llagen tl4 ' Htemingharn •
...„ Cron:tail ••• 'James Clarke ' 13
Thomas 1; Orbisan 13 Stewart & Owens •12
Andrew J Wigton •14 Goysport ' • •
Cuss Robert Lytle, Sen. 14
Robert Spettl 14 'Lloyd & - Grail . 12
Jacob M Cover I I Janice Flowers 14
James Henderson 141Sanmel Smith '.• , 14
Dublin Redman &Ilartsock 14
Alexander C Blair 13 Huntingdon - •
...Frani:down Harrison & Auperly 14
Jame. Cor.dron 1:, Stevens, Snyder &co 13
Michael Wolf 13'C & H Nervingham 14
Samuel Henry 14 James Saxton Jr. 12
John Swenvy 14 Jacob Miller 14
. _ . __
• • Franklin Geo 'A Steel 13
Martin Gates 13 'rheum Read & Son 13
Geo K Shoetiberger 12 Jones & Rothrock 14
S&lt B Wigton • I 3 ,William Dorris 13
Short), Stewart &co 12,Swoope & Afiica 'l4
John S !sett 14113 E & W M'Murtrie 12
Hopewell (Fisher & WMurtrie• 12
James Entriken Jr t 12, William Couch tl4
John 11 Given t 13' William Stewart tl3
~ ,•.Huslan Mark Goodman 14
Dr P khocnbergcr 12 John N French! 13
Henderson I flullidayhlnirg
Milliken & Kessler 13 Lloyd & Grail' ' 12
Morris IGco W Patterson tl3
Geo W Patterson 14'.farncs Gardner ' 13
Henry S Spang 13 G Bingham & co. 13
Walter Graham 13 Joseph Reiser tl4
Moore & Steiner 13 Augustus Black tl4
Hugh M'Neal 1:1 David Hammer 14
Porter(John Gourley 14
S M Green &co 13IFIenry L Patterson, 14
Thomas Patterson 141Thoinas 13 Moore 12
Samuel Hat fi eld 14 Henry Learner ' tl3
Springfield' Michael Bouslough 13
Blair & Madden 13 I A M'Cormiek &co 13
William Madden 141.foseph Dysart 13
Snyder 'Robert Williams IX
John Kratzor 131 Gilbert L. Lloyd • 13
Lyon,Shorb& co(B E)l3!Geo Bingham &co 13
Same (f F) 19.1 Pete r Wisially 14
Shirley „
William Hall 14
3 M & 8 H Bell 13 David Goodfellow 13
Tod Ciearge Port 14
Reuben 'Prosier 113 J R IWGirr 14
Amos Clark 14 R W Christy - 14
Tyrone William Forbes 14
John Maguire 141 Petersburg
Joseph Morrow 14 A& N Cresswell* 14
Tumey & Patton 13,Stevens & Patton 13
Woodberry Shirleysburg
Jonathon Focht 14 Henry Brewster 13
Smith & Wampler 13 David Fmker 14
Schnuteker & Rays :13,H &G Leas 13
Good & M'Aliister 43;John Lutz 11
Royer & Hoover 131 . ' ' '
Treasurer of Hu tingdon County,
Trenstwer's'Otlice, Hon
tingdon, June 11, 1845.
All persons indebted to the subscriber for
costs or fees due him as sheriff of limiting
don county, are hereby notified to make mi.;
mediate payment of the same to James Steel
Prothonotary, or to the' subscriber• residing
near Frankstown. Thistourse has become
necessary as the subscriber is desirous to'
settle hig accounts, and can therefore give no
further indulgence• • •
Frankstown tp., June 25, 1845.—.3t.
aoum Lowc:iteatatmaanak
attorney at Law,
Will practice in the several courts of Hun
tingdon, Bedford, and Cambria coun
ties. All business entrusted to ltts care,
will be fizillytilly attended to.
01 ?WK.—Diamond.
1171%110,11/17 azalT4
Office ir. Mirin street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy' ewelry establishment.
February 14, 1843.--tl.