Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 11, 1845, Image 3
Oa' 31. a cl:7 aso via LP Da 11 11milingdon, June 11, 1845 n". V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to se a•; Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Ba llh more and Button. OFFICES: Philadelphin—Number 59 Pine street. limitimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal. vert streets. Net& York—Number 160 Noss. street, Posion—Number 16 State street. Arrival of the Great Western. --Thir toon Days Later from MI arope. The Steamship Great %V estero, arrived nt New York on Sunday tlie 1•t hinging intelligence to the 17th of May, froin'l,ondon and Liverpool. commercial acconti s by this packet rii e 'more favorable than could have been no , iripated. The probability of a war with the Uni tell States o.:captes the public mind on the other side or the Atimitte, to the es clusion of every other topic. The arrival, trout the 'Western 'Molt! are looked to itleotehin interest„ 'I he Irish It. pv,tl Rent aNTI . igef; £350 to R,lOO weekly. Three new Colleges of a general char acter are to be established in Ireland. The 'l'exan Es Secretary or State Ash- Ind Smith, has arlivett out, as resident rylinister to France and Eaglarol. A war between England and 13117.11 is looked tor. continue to talk of the Q'iceri's visit to Ireland. One hundred lives were lost by the fall ing or the chain•bridge at Yarmouth, Eng land, oit die 4th tilt. Noliing or any interest has been branched in the British Parliament since last adrices, 'lke Quen'and Prince Albert are go. • ing tis the Continoit in August. l'he Cotten market was active in the catty part of the week, nod It good deal of speculation had been gluing on, without, however, any advance in price. The ar• rival of the Depot ‘Vestern stopped the rage fur speculation, as it showed that the last crop is Ekcly to exrced the great crop or 1843. lo the manufacturing districts. trade, which 11 a: smite. hat laruoid ri short limo since, Iris improved. The Manchester market evinces unmistakable symptoms of improvement ; and the same, though in It somewhat modified sense, may be said of the woollen districts of Yorkshire. The accounts state that the draught of the convention respecting the right or, search, agreed open by the comonasioners (die Duke de Crogiiii and Dr. loishington,)' .ditch had beet) t arismitted for approval from London to ViriP, had been returned with an objection to one of its provisions. The precise terms of the proposed con entiun were not nt course known, but it was understood that they contempl ited treatise pith the Alrican native ciders to prevent the sale and enabarcatimi or If the public securities are In he taken A 9 n the probability of the Oregon quo:lion being soiled inherwhw than ciendly seems very ,rernote. Nolwith• pt.iniling ;his ronli.lence, the subject is al luded to, in foriv;ite circles, int one that Is very fekli,h, and that a trilling mattrr toav fan into a flame. Funtki, which have been unsettled tool fevAish of late, in rongequence of the threatened rupture with America, itn• ' , roved on the arrival of the news by the " Great Western ".unit maintained their steadiness until the arrival of ihe " Cal edonia," when a further improvement took place. IP RA NCF The excitinz topic Of theJetoits has oc cupied the attention of the Chamber of Deputic..: It orivjunted Nlr. 'riders, y,ho the vicissitudes the order of Jesuits had experienced since its foun dation ; the nook es of its cond,,,,iatimi in ('ranee iii the 8111 century, and those yvhich had induced the Pl,llll. to pronounce the dissolution of a community that Fred. erica the (lreat attune, in all Europe, did not consider dangerous. 'riders, in concludintr, called on the Cabinet to execute the and dissolve refigimis roegmr.a tt m , w hi c h was th e sole cause .Ir the trivimimi, !hat had lately maifested themselves in the Catholic com munity. I T A I. V Our enrrespundent at Turin, nailer dates of the Bth instml, furnishes, finronet other items the 'Vivi; United States frigate Cu ntberlatid, Canrmodore J. Smith, arrived at Genoa the 30th April. The publication of the Italian transla• firm of liancroft's Ilisto.y of the United States has been formally refused, not withstastiling the efforts of the American Minister, by both the civil and ecclesias tical censure of Turin. TURKEY. The Ottoman Government being de termined to carry out its plane lor the moral and physical amelioration of the country,lhas .oganized ten itinerant com missions, destined to set out and visit in detail various portions at Asiatic and European Turkey, for the purpose of re porting upon the improvements that can, without too heavy a charge on the nation• al resources, be introduced tit larther pub. lie inetruction, advance agriculturo, Com nierce,tratle, the means ot communication., the establishment of hospitals and places of refuge tot the.pinir, Sze. SW rrZ MILAN 11 By the 21111 iustan•, Lueertice hail daft' ered all the poisoners mad, by its ttoeir to depart, ender the stipulations fur NW The acenants limn Switzerland to the end instant state, that all the itrisiiiwis who are ;talkie.: of Lucerne had been relt,iis ril, and the only captives remaining, 585 in number b In the cantin. Tre Government of Berne had sent a deletvti. to Lucerne In twilit• a la , t attempt to in • duce that canton io abandon its int , toinn to recall the Jesait.t. The Il..rriust. voy was said to Ie the bearer ofil pressiti , 4 recommendation to that elr•cl, from sev eral influential members of the cm pa di ploinatique. INDIA AND CHIN The ovia'and mail of the 1-t of April arrived in Lolvdoli on the rid' ley. In the Ilunjtub theiti is a sail conhisimi anti two in. Mree dynasties. 'l)e tiny king, IThalettp-Siti4li, rules at Ic dim. In the mountain of J turon, lilion latib-l;:ligh maintains Iti; suretimey, and the notorious Akbar !Chan, of Caltul, is plta, ing to seize Pest:omit.. iub Smolt had formed a sort of alliance willt the ntlghan leaders, and hail entrapped a numiter of soldiers belonging to die tight tut sorr•tivi, mil carried away die Ireits• ire of nliich they were the guardians.— The British Government was preparing to assist die troops of the young King The expedition which Sir Charles Na' pier led into the tertintriits ol die .1 ikran ees, Ihmtnkies, and Ilimgties, lying to the Downfall:oils tracts to the o est n aril of l'oolaj , te, has been successful. ll,' lind reduced and brought them to terms.— Their ;wintry to lot given (Wel' to the hnuesl tribe of the 11nt tees, talio are di., posed to adhere .trimly to the al - liance. Sunny :if the tiibcs are to be re moved to the districts bordering on the Indus, where they will have lands gra itt• ed to them far cultivation. A Rum Subject. The following o e find iu Vie Ariel, a new paper, at Pittsburg, ont: of whoa -! ed itors was recently of Phihll,ei h hia•— %I'hether flue or falie the incidents are peculiar, and will interest all aha the Star Hotel, and nate probably aid in reforming some who 1111 W too thonghtless ly are cultivating a taste far liquors, ky drinkin; to gratify their company : Bender ' or the " Star lintel," Philadel phia, has a ditto bird that is the hest talk • cc we over heard that wore leathers, and its tongue rafts as incessantly as our mai• den aunt's, albeit Nlino is not quite as old as our respected relative. This Mine has learned all bar terms, and is exceed ingly fond of showing ell' his acquire ments whenever he can get an audience of boisterous pooh% at the bar. Ask him what he will take ? Bottle of mine," i 4 the reply—who'll pay for it ? and he names Polk and Dallas as rolionsible gentlemen to stand treats, We recollect dropping in one Sunday evening when there were no customers about, and our friend Minn set upon his roost apparently reflecting very seriously —it might have been upon the suhiect of intemperance. Presently a trio came laughing into the room, making exceed ' ingly merry or some ono who had parted with them at the door, and who had evi• dently " got enough on to sleep well,'s as the saying goes. They brought up at the bar and Minn took a fan' look at them, at • the same time seeming to be much inter ested lit their,ition. Oae of the party it as a fat, or rather a bloated, old rummer of Idly five, another a rakish son of Bacchus whose flushed Nee told of the destruction of sundry choice gnarls of the best vintage, while the third was a youth perhaps seventeen, whose bright blue eye and clear complex• inn vouched for former abstinence, al though the red was a little too deep upon his cheek, and a slight nervous 'none ment of his hand argued that he had ta ken at least forty drops too many already. Plainly, 11:t had just commenced a career svhich bid fair to place him, at no distant day, upon a level with the elder person of the group. "'Wh'at shall I drink, Nino i" asked he of the rummy visage. Brandy-and-water," said the bird. "Ah ha :" roared the toper, "he knows my hiiiotz." And what will you give me?" asked the younger BachansHan. * Bottle of-wine," said Minn. " Good, by Jive I" Said the wine bib her. —" Here, Charley, see shat he will give you." •Theyouth turned towards the bird and said, " well, Minn, what shall mine be?" Here Mino seemed to be in a quandary. tie stared at the youngster hall a min ute, attentively, and then screamed nut a t the top of his compass, " Wa-ter !" placing a very strong emphasis upon the two first letters. Tile two older sinners laughed at it as a good joke: but the youth took it more seriously, and alter reflecting a moment said, '' Well, Mino, water it shall be"—and water it teas. The party went out and the them• stance had entirely passed from our rec ollection, when a day or two since it was vividly recalled upon seeing in the city reports of the Spirit of the Times an ac count of the establishment of the Sons of Temperance." Atoning the list of officers was the mime of the youth who followed Mino's advice on the inemt.rable Sunday evening, and took to the 14'a ter. The Legislature of Alabama of its last session, divorced thirty-two couples. The offended party cannot marry again Prom (e Ilarrisbnrgh Tdcgraph Tile Atigmt Interest. Ily the following cirrulir i•sued by the .'tate Trea,orer to the Conlitt,,,i,nere and Trea,,,,, of the 'hit 'rent ronntiee of .e Cotatatiti,ealtli, the are to find tliat a cola 1111•1111ablt. anxiety 14 fell by that oilierr for the itayinent of the setni•aimus al nacre,' of the Stale debt that o all be• come do.. on the lAI of Au g ,' ; and ne hope that this aexiety will be set wided Iry every (:oitry Conititi.,•ittner, Treasurer, Collector, mid citizen of the Coalition wealth. It requires but a sntall and iii i• tett elnrt to meet the lialtilitie4 of the Continion‘vealdi at the proper time, and nothing is gained mach is I ist by 'he delay. A emilinuation of palmen! is ill son- rein...tate the credit an I s:atiil• ing of Petinslvat'hr to their form, •i , ion. Ilir storks Will be on a par w i tit thost. of Allssachusetts, New York and 1 (Yi' ; and the atlyaiita..4e. 'hal still follow the lull lesinratiun of I er credit will be seen and lel' in alino-t every avenue of 11e r. peat the hope thereffire, I that tit. c ell of tie Stale Tie usurer oil' meet with n cheerful and t Ilectual re sponse: 11 ArtRICBUTIG, ALly 2-1, 1815, To--t—The importance of making a vigorous and energetic tdrort to continue the priiiient the iirerest due in An gus!, mid !I, u+mainiain the credit and honor of our l'ommoimealih, induces nie to call your particular attention to the 9 3,1 section of the act of the °9,h April, 11 , 44. A compliance with the provisions of the Het ielerred to, will save to your county live per cent. of your taxes, and yori will have ;he satisfaction iil aiding. the Com monwealth at this important crisis. In order to secure so desirable a result so 1;11.11s my right extends. I will give the act a construction as I herd and benefi cial as it will pevinit. The quota ol the minty will be recei,ed, exclusive of the amount of unseated land-tax, inasmuch HS it does not come within the spirit and meaning of the act, because its collection can only be enforced every second year ; and an allowance will also be !mole ,nch amount as may he ascertained In be impracticable to collect. This may b r estimated when the payment is made, and ti,! , exact amount ascertained when the eopticales are fully settled. You will thus perc,iee that the paymi nt previous to 0,,„ first or Anici/St, as pr ovided in the Will be greatly ftd vantageoui to your coun ty, and ought to be node, although you should appropriate your uounly funds for that purpose. The propje'Y of the measure, its utility and ecnnontY; are greatly increased by a consideration of other portions of the law referred to, which compels the pay merit of interest by each counly• You will avoid thi , , and you will escape the perplexity and Idbor of an interest account, which you will be required to keep. These considerations, and others which I ;night urge, but which the limits of this circular prevent me from presenting, it is earnestly hoped, will induce a strong. and united elf int, on the part of each county in the Commonwealth, to maintain our public engagements, and secure the State from the humiliating attitude of a non paying State. We paid our interest in February, and we can do so in August and Felnuary neat, if active and prompt measures are adopted in the several coun ties of the Commonwealth ; and in case that can be accomplished, fur credit is ba sed upon a sure basis, and the nature of our securities can be changed so as to re lieve the Commonwealth from one to two fifths of her present rate of interest. The assessments for this year amount to 51,9.99,962 61. The nett tolls from the canals and railroads last year, were 8695,572 97. It is believed that this year will at least equal the last, and it - will thus be seen that these two items are suffi cient to pay the interest, or nearly so.— The amount due from former assessments and the ordinary revenues, will be suffi cient to pay the ordinary espenseS of the Government. I present this brief . .ietv at this tbfle, td of ow shut there is no ground for Ilespon (teary and gloom; but, in the contrary, the highest inducement to be active, vig• limit and faithful. These will lead to the ha ppiest results. would be pleased to hear from you, as I will be desirous of knowing what ac tion you intend to take on this communi cation, and would be happy to receive soy suggestions which may occur to you in relation to this subject. Very respectfully, Your ob't servant, 1.01E4 R. SNOWDEN, State Treasurer. BUYING A WIFE. In the early times of the Old Domin• ion," girls• were not so plenty as now, and accordingly in 16'20 the Virginia coin• ',any sent over from England, on speco latinn, about one hundred and fifty young women of virtuous education and demean or. The price of• a wife, at first was one hundred pounds of tobacco—but as the number 'meanie scarce, the price was in. creased to one !Honked and fifty pounds, the value of w‘lich, in moire, s e as three shillings per pound. One of the writers of that day says It would have done a man's heart good to see the gallant youog Virginians hastening to the water aide, when a ship arrived from London, each carryiog a bundle of the hest tobac co under his arm, and each taking back with him a beautiful hod virtuous young wife," We know a crusty old bachelor who says that the difticuliy now is not to get a wire, bat to keep clear of one. From the (limited Slates Gazette. THE INDEPENDENCE OF IEX AS. The 'New Orleans Bulletin takes touch to heart the di.covery now made, that tl.e authorities of 'texts are willy itostile to the atilexatiot. nl that country to ilie United states, and hints that this Oilvcrii orient, antler existing e•ircuotstances. would he juseilled in seizingtopon Tex.ts, and n•crgiog it in the posses.don of the Dition. We aiil not now th a t iitiestion —it i, • however, one that mat• need but it is woeilly of no tice, that the authorities of Texas are up• posed to anoexation. \\re think that :nth a position may he easily expl tined, Lei hoot it resort to unworthy imputations upon their motives, charging; them with tieing ender British it French The arguments made use ul by the most reaoinable Ir'e•ols cf annexation, wire the great lertilily of 11 t' soil, the roin. mon feelings of the people of that cot.ll - aril those ui this nation, the extent tit ; toiritory, &c. Now the authorities of of that Republic must know all these t. 1.111.45. just as well as do the people and authorities of this country ; and they think, perhapii, that all these appliances niay be made as cowl,. ire to the rain forts and honors if independent Texts. as Or the 1J3 . 11e(1 State, "Texas 1144 11311 1113.111g0e t,gatiist the ell iris of Nlexico on the outside, seeking, Iu re{•tin her pus se.sions, and against a ;mist loiterogeneinis mass on the inside, ttith no kcal attach nn pride of birth-place, no inherent love of the govert.tovnt. She had nei ther public credit to build on, nor ioiliyit's ual wealth to tax. Derpeople abounded in physical citrate, but they grew weary of it contest for what they had, when suc cess added nothing to their pusscs•mu, and defeat would be ruin. Now a new motive is presented. Mex• ico otters the recriviiiinti vf the indepen dence InlIZ ;Sluice 111•Chreil, and almost achieved. She is witling,as is to be inf,rr«l from the remit news, to give Texas all she asked, viz.: her independence and her soil, provided that she will promise to maintain the one, and use the other. Is nt stran,, , ,, then, that the au thorit les should see in this movement, enough to justify a hostility to annexotion, enough to warrant them in saying, we will accept from Mexico what we have asked, and we will not withdraw from one republic, to be lost ill another. We have fought, hied, and suffered for independence, and now that it is secured, we will enjoy it. .1 he ads vantages winch the United Stites propose to their t treaty seven States from us, may be enjoyed by our own little republic, and the position which we occupy insures to t ict the respect, favor, and trade of Euro- p e an pri,,;•ers, the peace or Mexico, and the business of the United States ; and G reat B r it ian an d France will not allow our northern neighbors to infringe upon our nationality, lest success should in ! crease their thirst fur dominion; Is it strange that the. hot informed men should thus argue ? Is it strange that Mexico should consent to the indern deuce of Texas, when she hears her own domestic collections held up as the re ward for invasion by the troops of the United States, in the popular assembla ges. The churches of Mexico are said to contain means to repay' for the labor of conquest. And the organ of the adminz istration of the United States or Amides bolds the following language: ~ sound the bugle through the %Vest and Southwest ; let the United States raise the standard to-morrow, and in this proclaimed crusade to the halls of Monte zuma, and the mines of Mexico, twenty thousand volunteers would appear." The halls of Montezuma i They arc to be given up to the pillage of soldiery, and these thauraders are to he Inund among the yeomanry of these United States!. Why, such thoughts and such language would bettet become the earlier counsels of the Barbarian States, or the leaders of Conrad's expedition, in Byron's Pirates. It appears to no that the Motives of the, government or this country have been too plainly seen, and that the wish for extent or territory, not to ben fit the country, but to secure personal advantage through party domination, is now SO obvious, that the game will be lost by the haste in which it was to be gattered. Destructive Tornado and flail Storm. violent aid destructive tornado and hail storm occurred in DeSoto county, Miss., about 16 miles south of Memphis, at midnight of Tuesday last, destroying everything in its course, Its direction was from the east, and spread about a mile in breadth. It passed over Southall. Man- Mg Stokes, Smith, and Manson Trigs (recently Col. Felix Lewis') plantations. On most of these and other plantations, the young cotton, corn, garden and other plants are entirely destroyed. Mr, Trigg had 050 Imes of corn, &c. tntirely ruined; in some places 100 to 000 trees were blown down on a single acre; and not a leaf is left on tree or shrub-. The hail was near three inches deep on the ground in the morning„ and birds killed by the had, were scattered over the ground The hail stones are represented us ha y ing been on an average larger than ouncibul lets, or as large us partridge eggs. %V e have not learned the extent of the storm eastward ; many cattle were killed, but we have heard of no persons being injured the hail in some 'daces lay in drifts near three feet high,— Memphis Eagle 17th. ISAAC FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend tosuch legal business as may he en rusted to him. D e c. 20, 1813. T 11 E 31 A It ti E 'l' S [uowitrul I VII j ____ in ii,.d,lphi ,J. (. wimAT PT, Ult , pcl' Oil. - - - ~ .'4 4 :VI RV F. Ni r. A 1., di,. -.-. - - 3 00 C , PN 111. do. (V 11F. AT,I,IIIIIC I'CllllB. per lush. - - 96 RYK e. - - - 59 CouN,yellnw, in. - - - 43 ~, WiILsKEV, Baltimore, Jtine 6. \Ville. ATro, 0 un , per bbl. - - ;$450 WHEAT. Ir . r bu,li - - -1 00 . . euitN, fellow, dd. - - - -40 liv 1 , .. do. OATs. (1, Wu li - iimY, in iiiil 2l I Box (If Pri!s Itewant. Han :,way ft., , th the subscriber' ~:4SI e..l,ling i,, 11.thtingd‘ , 14 on the night: t 27th tilt ~ It humid black 0 -1 boylmmo! 1 7 1{ANli Ni ti 1111 ELS, am d about .in )(lir, Ile had z ..-................ tn tt hen he It ft. a blue li,,,tinda -I,oitt. and Pantaloons, and Sty:lw I la.. ,11. y pc•rwm who , iil return said t, , t , . tile silt,- ,criber, shall receive the rt w .1,1. June 4, 181.3. \VILA - I.IM SAV(A)PE. 113E131C.1T10.11 1 . 11 n Consecration of the Evarn; , •lical Lu theran and German Ref.cmcd Church late• ly erected at 11,1lefoote, will take place on Sabbath the 15th Jun. Th in exnrc h s cs will commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. Thane will be preaching in both the Get rum and En > lisp tieveral elt:, men of dis tinction are expected to be in attendance.— rsons of a4lier denominations are rt. spect fully iurttctl to attend. MICIIAEL FISH BURN, J ACOII ULU'S, Mac 23, 1815. Building Cnnt. Fara& For Nate The Rib,cribers tier for sale a well im prt,vecl farm, containing with allowance, about 126 ael en cleared and under go, d I'lie improvements are a large tit,tl enurement two story house, bank barn, ;Ind other out buildings, with se vet•al good springs of water convenient; an orchard of choice fruit. here are also a quantity of peach and plumb trees. Said taint in situated in Ilewierson township, Huntingdon county, Pa., 3 miles from the Warm Springs, 7 miles Iron, Hunti n gd o n, and 6 miles from the Pennsylvania Canal. .. . Persons wishing further if wmation con cerning the above property can obtain it by calling on S. H. Boggs, residing on the pre mises, or from James Boggs, at Mill Creek. N. B. The subscribers are desirous of going west—persons would do writ to call and see for themselves. SAMUEL H. & J IMES BOGGS. June 4, 1645. Orphans' Court Sale. Y virtue of an alias order of the Or l'lphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public venciue or out cry, on the premises, on Saturday (lie 14th day of June next, as the property of John Scullin, deceased, a lot of ground with a large and commodious TAVERN HOUSE thereon erected, two stolles high, part log and westherboarded and part frame, situate in the borough vf PETERSBURG, in said county, now occupied as a public house by Mrs. Mary Scullin. Also parts of two other lots'in said borough, on which are erected a large frame stable, and a small log stable, appurtenant to the tavern stand. 11.:RMS OF SkLE i—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the confirma tion of the sale; and the residue in two equal • annual payments thereafter; with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, elk, _ _ Sale to commence at 1 o'clock: P. M. of said day. Attendante will be giYen by JOHN M'CULLOCH, Adm'r, Petersburg, May 21, 1845. Land For Sale: A valuable tract of land situate in Porter townslii3, Huntingdon County, about 1 mile from the borough of Alexandria, and 6 from Huntingdon l;o•ough, containing o (Ma LOkM On the premises, there are 100 acres clear ed, “ml in a good state of cultivation—a first rate ornate! of Apple, and other fruit trees —dwelling house—barn, etc. For terms inquire of the subscriber, on the premises. TIMOTHY NOLAND. N. B. 100 acress of go id woodland,7;in venient, can be had with the alit he. Also, a Lot of four acres, in good condition, in the town of Alexandria. 1 . N. Porter tp., May 14, 1845.—% pd. tirrrilloo o s Alitires The undersigned haying been appointed by the court of commonpleas of Hunting don county, auditor. to distribute the pro ceeds arising frotn the Sheriff 's sale of the real estate of Joseph S. P. Hi rris, to and among his lien creditors, will attend for that purpose at his, Price in the borough of Hun tingdon, on Saturday the 14th day of June next, where all persons interested,are noti— fied to attend. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, May 7, 1845. Auditor The undersigned having been• appointed auditor, by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon cc may, to report the facts on the exception filed to the account of Randall Alexander and Daniel Teague, Assignees of M'earrell & Rutter, and to state an account, and to report a distribution of the monies of which the said assignees are char gable, to and among the creditors of the as signorsaccording to his decision, &c. gives notice that he will attend for that purpose, at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 14th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, Huntingdon, May 7, 1845. Auditor. OZIORGZI TAYLOR: Attorney At Lau.—Attends to p r actice in the Orphans' Court, Stating Admini,tra tors Rectums, ticrivening, &c,—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the Es change Hotel," feb`.7B, '4l. VV . ..~ ~ ~i/ , Z~.~ Sri GIST' of .!!'JOBS far' an 'Tajo! r ,ed C,,in mon Pl,to It, be held iold the cot.w, of If4alingdon,con,rarar;ag ra, Ihr MPI • day (awl thc lath day) of TRAVI:ItII3 lIIRORS. , --morr KELP Name. Uccupgfirm. 1. 4 1 virk A ppleLly Job jr. Burket Friderick C. 8....1.11cr f'orier Bur John Carptmter }Unit •• (2tua Timmng I'arm(•r 'J ell Cralt(md Jurepli dn. 'l•yrnuc •• Dean 1\ Walker I)owling loprti do Innkeeper flutehet Blair Farm, Union do. do. do. Ilendeeton Manager Allo m lieny I 'arm, Fraukht.,.• n Mote Lind 1 lenif i irtion r (lowdown Blair •• Morolimit do I :eniftimini IFrudr I l c rone do. '1';•11 Mertiliant Spriirpl r• 1 T'arnu•r Ilendortioti George Derrlinger I)avirl Windt Samuel Hays John llnzfnrd :eorge Italialin '1'11011:, Rigging Joseph liilenran Joseph Junes En. M. Krodo Lewis Lytlo John Learner nervy M'Connell Mathew Morrow Robert May “norge hilid,ll4l Miller Benjamin E. do. T, roes do. do, dm Tod do. Shirley Innkeeper Porter do. Rime° Fanner mi 1(1 do. Cromwell 131nel:smith Farmer CV Hiker do. Tyrone do. We. jLiinuy .hcoii Stowarl butes E. titarileton Sharer George MisslerJoseph titelfey Samuel Spunogle John jr. Tagil° Daniel Peter Thompson Jobe jr. Weight Jacob Wilson Robert 11. TRAVEBST JUROW6..—SECONn Adams Samuel R. Farmer Albaugh Bawl do Burkhart Jacob do Allegheny Burr William Gentleman Blair Bender Samuel Saddler ‘Veedberie Crocker Joseph C. do Snyder Chikilt,: John Farmer Tod Chieoto Humphrey do Union Bopp Jacob Blacksmith West Feuso illiam Faroier Union Foster Thomas Laborer Henderson Gardner James Merchant Blair Gorsuch Stephen Farmer Antes Glenn Alexander do Franklin Hoopes Lindley Chairmaker Warrioisiusik Johnston Thomas Innkeeper Snyder Jackson Jolin Farmer Barr, Kinkead Robert Tailor Morn Long John Farmer Shirky Lowry Alexander Innkeeper Motti3 Lytle Nathaniel Saddler do Moore James Farmer Walker Ho ire Silas Farmer Frankel°, n M'Kee Carleton Gentleman Blair M'Cartney John runner A Ileghem,- Owen. John M. Just. Peace Warrior:mink Peterson David Farmer Dublin Riddle David do Frankstown Stinky J,ohn H. do Allegheny Shaeffer Peter do Morris Shultz Daniel do Hopewell Trout Gideon D. do Ames Wertz Juhn do . Blair Williams Lcwir H. Clerk do Wallace Benj. F. Farmer Muni,: Young Daniel Constable Blair - - Trial List for the dajouraed Court, June A 544. Pranksiown FIRST WEEK.. Rattan's Assipec v . Batton et al John M'Comb v C. A. New•inphatn W. 11.11mIson 7, S. Williamson. Edward O'Hare v S, Royer et al • J. Leslies, assinees v \Vilson & June a Lumbard for use v Seeds tk Davis Leonard v Lytle & Pattet sons Parsons v Waggoner Reynolds v Long Com'th. Pennsyl'a. v Alex. Ennis et al Mardi, Gates v James R. Johnston Reliance Tran's ('o. v OTriel's 3. P. M'Dowell v Dougherty (Llli.) Shoemaker v Alexander ;Maur Jonathan J tekson v J. &J. Forrest 'Thomas Williams v C. E. Craine A. Johnston v Brubaker &Stiffer Andrew 11. Hirst v Benjamin Johnston 1). W. Hidings V J. Budgets & M'Bride et al &c. v 7. G. Brown Wilson & Co. v David Robeson H. Crownover v Wm. Pollock Dr A. Johnston v Dr. C. O'Friet 11. Neff's Adna'rs v John G. Fleck. SECOND WEEK. Charles Springer v Lewis My linger M. C. Garber v John F. Lowry Samuel Wigton v Curry & Roseireri y J. Martin's Miler. v Deugherty Lease & Co. V Jacob Drake Commonwealth v W. Price & sureties fliggins a: co. for use v Israel Grans John Miller v DGoodiellow'sadrrs Samuel Caldwell v H. Morris Ex'rs. Done in the best style and on short notice,. 3ACOM INYDEIt WrOST respectfully informs 1113 old 4.44A.friends and customers; and the public hr general, that he still continues the - Tailoring LlusinrsX, at his old stand, two doom, cast of the Store of T. React & Son, in the borough of Hun tingdon, where he is fully prepared to ac commodate all who may favor him with their work: He reedy( s, tegnlail3y, from New York Stott's New York, Paris and London JIMMELIDIM and he is determined to employ netYc bat the best and most experienced workmen ; and he garantees to execute oil orders in his line in the most fashionable and workman like manner, or according to the wishes and orders of his customers. Thankful for the liberal encouragement he has heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. May 21, 1845.—tf. A. W. sammbicro, .47TORIVEY .47' L.411 4 -11uNTtNcnow. Pa.—Office at his old residence in Maio street, a few doors West of the Court House. A. W. R. will• attend to any bit sinews entrusted to him in the SeVrest courts of Huntingdon and adjoining coon • ties. Apt ii 30, 1845.—tt. LAIC BONDS—Judgment and cowl ullratua—for ,ale at tlii. Oki:. • k'r nk.ty %n Diu