Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 11, 1845, Image 2

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- _ -- country, one constitution, one destiny."
Mlaramaanawdlainga e
Wednos4ay morning, June 21, '45
Maj. SAMUEL CALDWELL hnn been ap
pointed Deputy Surveyor for Huntingdon county.
"Zionor to whcm honor is due."
:.lome of the Imeofoco papers seem to be felicaa
tins themselves in the contemplation of the Adinin.
istration of James K. Polk ; under which, they say,
, . . .
• • our country still blooms and flourishes in all her The Frost at Pittsburg.
wonted beauty."
, The American of the 4th lest rays.--
This is but characteristic of that class of palters jury from the frost wan not so great as was anficipa ,
and shows a total disregard for truth in all their L led. 'Fire wheat is partially injured—the r3e less.
overweening laudations of their party, and every Corn and potatoes will generally recover from the
man and thing that belongs to it. I effects of it. But every thing is suffering greatly
But suppose the country to be no worse than it from drought, and mere is to be feared at pre „ sent
ago,was three months when Mr. Polk was inducted from a continuance of this than from the frost.
into office, should that fact be made the foundation I Which is the British Party ?
for an arrogant encomiUM on Ille.Polk and his Ad- A London paper contains the following:—
ministration? What is the secret of lids vaunted "Messrs. Chalon, Stanfield. Leslie, Christen, Stump
P rosperity, if indeed it exists at all in truth? Is it ' and Ward, have left in the packet ship Victoria for
owing to any measure proposed by the new Preto- New York, it is understood, to paint the Hall of
dent, and adopted by his party ? Far from it. Ii Congress of the United Staten. Thew was a large
the present Administration in not but a blank leaf number of people to see them elf They left on 1 Wonderfel Discovery in Natural
in history, it is certainly nothing more than the Pre - II the 20iii." I History.
face of an unwritten and needed deters. It has That is Democracy with o vengeance. Our readers will doubtless remember the sense
had no aeasion of Congress—enacted no laws or
tier] produced in 1840 by the discovery of the boner
measures by which the country could be either ben- I 0, - ,,Y. Neatly one thousand emigrants arrived at .
New York from Europe, on Wednosiley the 28th
of the great Missoarium of Missouri. W e have
(fitted or injured. Why, then, give Me. Polk the'
now t o . announce that the same discoverer, Dr. Al
honor and the praise or the censure consequent en ult. On tire same day, three hundred rind sixty
. l i mert C. Each, has brought to light the remains of a
the condition of national affairs—whether good or ' three arrived at Baltimore from Germany.
bad 1
"-•• A New York paper says that Col. Polk, our I
monster in the animal creation, that puts in the
I abode the celebrated "Iguanodon" of England, of
These editors seem trot to Innate that they are n 1 colossal size, and the still more gigantic Trlissourium.
Tariff ‘ ,.. r 184 . 2 ' Charge to Naples, and brother of the President, ,
sounding the praises of the 11'hig, The last discovery may be set dower to the SWW of
I won $.5000 on the Peytona victory over Fashion.
whenever they talk of the smoke of our furnaces— Alabama, and to a county adjoining Mobile,namely
the din of the forgo-hammer—and the busy hum ofl The Weather. . 1 Washington, being found imbedded in n yellow
ear manufactories. The much abusedi r
Tar f The Columbus (O.) State Journal, of the list :li ine rock formation, near the old Washington court
\\'hig legislation--and . the Protective System, un• I
utt..y.: • house. Dr. K. is a German try birth and education;
der adverse circumstances, is the palpable cause ofi There is it good deal of consternation in this see_ but has already acquired considerable reputation in
this. The patty in power will rept al," modify" or i tion of the State, en account of the continued cold this country for his geological researches and his
reduce the Tariff, if they prove true to their profes- , weather and drought. There was a hard freeze ardent devotion to the cause of the natural sciences
last night and night previous. Ice was f e o i rin h e i d i, '
generally. nions. If, when they shall h'ave had unchecked ii He gives to this last most remarkable
power in the hails of Congress during Mr. Polk'a 1 nara:thaina th ' i l e l k a n i eT.:. 'Vli'lle"ctoirin"trliat the La. fossil wonder (which he describes as the greatest
Presidential - term, this prosperity continues, then ' pe t ] pt ,i nna frosts, was generally blackened to the ' wonder of this ogee( wonders,") the name of r Zr
we shall frankly admit that the policy of the Whig ground, arid potatoes and vegetables generally, are ' baton Sillimanii,' in compliment to Professor Sill
party is no better than that of the Load . ... in the same plight.—The wheat fi ckle, with hero
Inman of Yale College. The description of this
and there an exception, look bad enough. With a
_ .
0:1- (,Zinc, VICTOUTA intends visiting the con- major . ity of our farmers, the prospect of a wheat monster is
. in substance . as . follows: "I !rav e just
crop is hopeless'. T he drought does not • however, succeeded in bringing to light, the very nearl y com
tinent early in August next. And I'IIEMI.NT extend over a wide section of country, and the a- delete skeleton of a most colossal and terrible reptile,
Pour, according to the Union, does not intend to 'count of wheat in the country is no great that the
leave Washington this summer. Who cares'? price cannot be very higli.'' that may he joint), termed the king of the kings of
The Savannah Georgian, of the same date, has reptiles. Its length W one hundted and four feet
Locofoco Hatred o f D I uelling. the following r —the enlid portions of the vertebra are from 14 to
Our readers will recollect the pitiful appeals the ‘i We have experiencea 118 inches in lergt
very changeable weather , - ' and from Bto 12 inches in
LocoWco natters and orators made previous to rbe here within the last day or two. on Thuisday, in diameter, each averaging 75 pounds in weight.--
law presidential election, to induce the people to the trimming. it was uncomfortably warm to Crone Its greatly elongated jaws are armed with not less
oppose Ittr. CIfl) because he was a duel:ist. We
having out-door I•usinees to attend to, while yest,r- than forty incisor or cutting teeth, four canine teeth
day, particularly totvards evening, winter clothing '
charged it upon them then an sheer hypocrisy, ,or fangs, and molar. or grinders. These teeth all
was comfortable."
knowing that many of them lauded Gen. Jackson I fit into each other when the jaws are closed, and it 1
Mr the "admirable firmness" which he manifested Bishop Potter. ' is clear that the mutual w " of the carnivorous on- The Louisville Journal says that in the exp„i•
when he Eliot down, in cold blood, the "InmenteP I The Boston Transcript says: , turn, The eyes were evidently law, and were
moots about to be made for the establishment of man-
Dickson. We, in, Massachusetts, are , . proud o f t h e d e , prominently situated on the forehead, giving the
ufactories in the South, not the least interesting fea-
Recently we have been - furnished with other 1 (ion i° tie 13 , islinPrie ...Tr f i . endo ‘ i v it
l e ii i , v;( o o r - li or animal the power of keeping a constant and vigor
t ere is the design to ovoid in Meng the use of slave
striking proofs that their " horror" of duelling was 1
P rn e ii ii i " e * O lv arti l i a id e a n n n tly " li s t d t l ed )7 to ) ;erforni the duties of autt watch far ha Pr'''. The body had menthe. rat
['bor. The di ffi culty heretofore, one di ffi culty at
all hypocrisy; fur President Polk—the choice o f the office, or to maintain gracefully the dignities of t arhed iesembling paddles or fins, which in propor
these horrified moralists—the "moral and religious" prelacy. In learning, be is indeed ii a very proper thin to the size of the animal were smell, mid were
least, has consisted in getting suitable labor. Free
I,aor, which might have been hod on the opal, . it
Mr. Polk-has appointed one George W. Jones to man; " ;" in piety, Ire is calm, thoughtful and sincere d ou h t i caa intended to propel the body of this enor- ,
s d ' Mar 1 nd could not be had to mi.
procure in 3 a ,
a responsible Mike. Now let it not be forgotten as becometh ono i
moue creature through rho waters of those large I I '
•—• that negotiates between God and man, I gle with slave labor, but the design, we understand
that the 6,11110 George W. Jones was one 'of the 1 rivers and se., which it inhabited or frequented.—
As God's aniliimsador, ;" i is in Carolina, to rely on free labor entirely, such
seconds in the famous duel in which Mr. Cilley— Each of these paddles or Bes, is composed of 21 '
In social life, he hos ever been beloved by alt, 1
seven freely articula- Ina may be had there, with Northern superintend
the "lamented"—the " martyr " Utley fell. T hu
and in this respect, should he accept the Bishopric, I inn... , which f... in union ,
cols; and the expectation is, that to work in these
"moral and religious" " Young Hickory" line also his great loss to his New York friends will he in- . ring joints. The rams aro of a very peculiar slinpe, factories will lie regarded as honorable employment,
a ppointed a Mr. Imbranche, who killed a man in I deed "great gain" to the people of the ...tit and extremely numerous. They are three flaws
and thus a
c0n ,,,, , ,, ii ,,, iii ,,, 0 ,
with tie
a duel, in New Orleims, to a responsible office. diocese. In the beautiful words a Cowper, Dr.
the thickness nt the lower than they aro at the su..
Potter is a man and the hope and pride of Independence be imbibed
Oh, eliade of the "murdered Cilley!" But although j 1 perior extremity:
—.whose heart i • wnrm. by thousands who have no land or close of their
these Cants are staring these Pharisaical hypocrites I Dr. K. is at present in fills city, and bas the
who. hand.
an, I
ow , rr
pure, whose doctrine and tubers . I, and who, " poor nrd proud, submit to any
boldly in the face, we see no outbreaks of hot in- lire , skeleton of this truly wonderful animal in his chow thingsooner than work in the field by the side or
dignation—no manifestations of holy horror on their c o i nc id ent , ex hibit l oca l p roo f 1 T mhe seal ports are not yet joined together,
i the slave, midwhen they do, soon sink to his !coral
part--no wringing of hands and rolling up of eyes That lie is honest in the sacred cause." we understand that he is willing to arrange and pre
level. Such is the experiment going on, end such
towards lienven and invoking the spirits of the - ' pare them for exhibition, if there were any probe- the prospects o f a c l am , i n th „ o „ t h , pregnant,
martyrs against Mr. Polk and his party. No— Boyd, the Murderer 1 bility that lie would be remunerated at this period of 8..4 our: it.), ace, with tumid results,
•hi ache , . - -- rd roll'' ' o f- , " the W 'ehe , - J. - - i the year for Iris labor nnil expense. Under the eir•
c learn from 1,... ;estchesta. reffersonian, -
that on Friday of week before last, Jab. Boyd, cutnstances, we presume he will take this rate dui- 1 vt,
,:ont: Too coil a Li vi .1....T1ie following adj•
ch a rged with the murder of young Patton, was ex- osit)h which of right belongs to Alabama, to some . de is extracted from the "Of edited by the
attuned in prison, 'rite testnnony of the little girl, I other place for its rust exhibition. Factory Girls of Lowell:
seven years old, was suflident to authorize the co. , Alabama appears to abound with atesm fossil re- " Whence originated the idea that it woo demo.
initial of the prisoner for tried. oO n re t urn i ng to mains of uninuels that are now extinct. The Alit- 1 tory to a Indy 's dignity, or a blot upon female elm,
the cell, Jabot remarked that . they swore pretty Luny Daily Citizen, of a recent dale, thus describes leter, to lttor,anrltyli:txtlLfir i s! tosn o eer ;
hnrd against him, but that he did not believe they one , of these wonders now exhibiting in that city,
Lle g u Y sand o expressions ought not if glow erreYpubli
could prove it.' His presence of mind and 'earth. which we doubt not is that discovered a-few years ct., soil! Th e time bus been when Indies of the
hood are still prominent in his behaviour, and he stare. by the late John G. Crengh, Esq., of Clark first rook were accustomed to busy themselves in
betrays nofeelingsa remorse or sorrow for the county in this State: domestic employment. Hamer tells .of princesses
who used to draw water front the springer, end wash
awful oriole. His father and mother were present "It is the petrified vertebra of a monster called
With their own hands the finest of the linen of their
nt the examination, but whether they will be able by the Naturalists the Zuyigbron—n creature which re ,,,,,,,,,, families. The famous Lucretia need to
by their service to raise a doubt m favor of the pri- I must bye been half alligator and half whale. It spin in the midst of her attendants, and the wife of
saner is somewhat doubtful. The old lady declared woo discovered imbedded in a chalk formetion on Ulysses, after the Beige of 'Troy, employed herself
that she had had much trouble with Jabez—had the hanks of the. Ma 11... rivers and was bOxed °P xenving until her husband returned from Mica." •
flogged him for various oflimces until her heart . and sent to Professor Emmons, of this city. The
fr:r Mr. Miller, the father of Millais:mites been
ached, without doing him ally gond, and that he vertebra extending from a portion of the bend to
preaching in the Tabernacle, Boston, during the
ought to lease leis due. it scents from what weenie , the tip of the tail, is eight/Ifeet in length as it lies
week past, but to rather alien audience. 'rite de
learn, that iris greatest delight consisted in tout', ing upon the floor! The creature must have been, in
structjon is now fixed to come MT next December.
any living thing that fell in his way, and while life, from ninety to one hundred feet long !"
tvorking at his trade, took great delight in throwing . Dr. 'Cochleas kindly placed in our hands for pc- ff" - _) - G. W. J. its, the newly appointed Sum, or
Mid. at the heads of these passing under the ruse!, a copy of the notes of his Ceological Survey „r•/0„.„, was °Ho of t i ro cecoodt, in t h e d uet i n
scatiolding." ,of certain portiona of South ANN.', which we which Utley was killed. Wonder if the Reverend
find to be exceedingly interesting. We shall en- I Me. Sheppard of Bradford county has heard of this
A Comet. deavor to give them a place in our column. They fact. We hope the " Polk & Drees" papers will
.A.nother Rase. A watchman of Moyamensing, PhilailelPhin co., 40 (0 chore the , ht., is 0 do, observer, and full y • t hi n •
give a notice.
It is now stated Unit there will lee a third dial sew a cornet nt about 3 o'clock on Tuesday morn- conversant with the pursuits in which he is enga
for champienshiPr between /ash.. and PeYlono , ing of lust week, in a north-easterly direction. The ~,d ._ _No b ik Ad v . ..- POISON FOR FLIES.
over the Canton C 0..., Md., some dine Ibis Inenlh , tail was quite distinct. Captain Silliman, of the It in perhaps not generally known that black
for a purse of $ 20 . 000 - Aneing not being s Yn ° nY" barque Jos. Patton, Jun. from Charleston. states f,: - .f During the prevalence of the earthquakes in pepper (not red) is n poison for many insects. The
emus with fair dealing, the hope that none of our I i t ta t at , t i n , `and turd., at 3 o'clock, A. ss .. „1„.,, Mexico last month, one town, celled Valle de Rio l following simple mixture is the best destroyer of
readers will stake their money or any thing else on etheM fifteen miles south of Chincoteague, he .w Blanco, in Unattjuato, was entirely swallowed up, l i , l , : , % ° bisc li r rie ll i 7: f i l re : l T ' g r ro k u e nd lr nd Ply , i :r . :;
a comet in aN. E. direction, 12 or 14 degrees shove , leaving on ly n l a r g o cavern where it stood. Up-_ II
enough of each to cover a ten cent piece; moisten
the horrizon. It was quite brilliant, with u long wards of GO persona perished in this awful gulf.— and mix well with n spoonful of milk, (a little
tr'S The Charlestown (Illinois) R"Publi'a° °I . tail, and Oras visible for some time. I In Reduce., the .ciliation of the earth produced I cream is better ;) keep flint in your room and you
the 23d ult. says—. Mrs. Elizaheth Reed, who was i t h e exp l os i on of a p0 „. ( 1, r non, which did co„ctdo.. l will keep down your (lies. Otto advantage over
to have sofT R
ered the last penalty of the law, upon ,rote.—On Sunday night, May 11401, snow felt , raid. damage, besides lose of life. On the 111th
' other poison is that it ilium nothing else;
another, that the flies seek the air and never die
ru n gallows, this day, for the murder of her bush . and. an the mountains affluent to Wilkest,ane, Pa., to I Of oth. Capitol wan visit.] with two more shade., i n the 'muse—rho wind°, , being open.-- ri,,,71-
uti in:ttel suicide by eating glass." aim depth of two inch,. ' 1 which lusted catch severe) seconds. null Chronic le.
iavo not sul
they . mat patriotism ant .iigiou mat
now oven to issue annony mous circulars to Christian
voters, calling upan them to put down these out
rvges!" We venture to say that not a Locofoco
paper in the county, state, or union, will inform its
readers of these facts. We slmll are.
Allegheny County.
The Delegate Convention of the Whigs and An
timasons met in Pittsburg on Wednesday last, and
nominutcd the following ticket:
Awmbly—Alexander Wanda, Daniel WCur.
dy,'l'. J. Bigham, and 11. 1L Brackenridge.
Clerk of Quart, Sesynne—John Young, Jr.
R..coi-der-831nuel Roseburg.
fieg:,ter—Peter A. Madeira.
A Iditur—Hugh Mlionnick.
Messrs. lidanda and Bigham w•era inembora of
the law LogiAature.
til• It is and that there is an Insurance Coinpa
ity in New York, which insures spinet loss by
theft, at a premium of une per cent.
the inue.
Important from Texas,
By New Orleans papers of Nay 25th, we have
late news from Texas. ]'resident Jones has issued
a proclamation calling upon the people to elect
"deputies" to a convention of the various counties,
to be held on the 4th of July next, to consider the
proposition of annexation to the United States, and
to adopt, if they think expedient, provisionally a
constitution, to be submitted to the people for their
ratification, with a view to admission into the
The li. S. squadron, under the command of Capt.
Stockton, had arrived off Galveston.
0:1 In Itaca, N. Y., resides a Mr. Williams and
a Mis Conrad. Williams courted the fair lady—
a:cepted—the day fixed—changed his mind—
wouldn't have her—the lady wooed not but sued—
recovered $Bl2OO, as a salve to crushed hopes and
the loss of a husband. Oh, these costly suits and
breeches ! all for the ladies!!
Zzample--•Tho War revcr of the
The National Intelligencer, in the course of an
article on the late rebellion of the students of Vir
ginia College, points at anti•rentism and several
other movements of a disorganizing character that
have recently taken place in various parts of the
country, end asks: " What can he expected but
that the untamed youth should catch the name of
ouch freedom 1"
There is force in tldabove. When we notice !
turl.ulance and disorder among the youthful portion
of the community, we should examine with some
attention as to the causes, and thus in a majority of
cases wo would diecover, that the seniors had been
seriously culpable. We find this clearly illustrated
at the present time, In relation to the war fever of
the day. Many of our young men have been so
misled by passion and prejudice, that they fancy
that a war with any object, or on any grounds, how
ever rash and unjust, would be virtuous and patri
stic. They mistake passion for patriotism, and fury
for zeal--and thus they talk coolly of wholesale
slaughter tinder the sanction of the nation, as a very
delightful gnrne. Love of country, attachment to
free institutions, resittance of aggression, main
tenance of honor and right, cannot be too earnestly
inculcated. In a just war, too, every citizen should
' regard it as a duty to take his due share of the re
eponsibility and the risk. But let us not rush
blindfold into a struggle with any power, and cope
, cially let us endeavor to make ouryouth distinguish
between a denim for justice, a manly determination
to stand by national rights—and a vindictive thirst
for conflict, blood, and all their attendant horrors
and crimes.
Flie in•
Groat Fire in New Work.
One Hundred Buildings Burnt—Four Hundred
Destitute Families.
The New York Tribune of Monday the 2nd inst.
contains a lengthy account of a destructive fire that
broke out in that city on Saturday night last, about
midnight, its the stables of Messrs. Peltier and Pe
ters, on the corner of Sixth Avenue and 19111 streets,
which was more distressing in its effects than any
that has occurred in the city for a long time.
Nearly two very large blocks between the Sixth
and Seventh Avenues were entirely swept, and o
ver one hundred buildings, of all sorts, were consu
med—leaving more than four hundred families en
, titely destitute, many of them even of their clothes.
Not fifty dollars worth of furniture or property of
any kind, so far as can be ascertained, was saved
by any of these poor creatures, and not twenty indi
viduals were insured at all. A great portion of the
buildings burnt, were poor shanties, occupied most
ly by Irish families, and these suffer terribly.
The Tribune says this calamitous fire was the
work of an incendiary. It was told its on apparent
, ly good authority, that a man was seen to set the
stable on fire and run. Ile was immediately'pur
sued and would have been aught had not the pur
suer stutnbled over a sleeping watchman—thus
causing two catastrophies, the escape of the man
sod the waking up of the watchman from a refresh
ing nap. The spread of the fire was instantaneous
—every thing being very dry, and the buildings all
composed of the most combustible materials. It
also says: _ _ _
Nothing can be roneeived so utterly pail and
pitiful as the condition of these three thousand men,
women and children, (for the number will reach
that) thus in on instant reduced II absolute want
and hunger—shelterless, and many of them unclad
and with only a blanket about their shoulders.
They are sitting weeping and starving under the
fences and in the vacant lots—crowded into cow
pens and outhouses—the middle•lifed, the young,
the decrepid aged, the helpless . infant. What a
Mr. Clay and his ramily.
Though it is scarcely within the legitimate pro
vince of the public press, to make direct reference
the domestic concerns of citizens, yet when one has
become so much the " observed of all," as is Mr.
Clay, it seems proper to consider him, and his, in a
more public light than we do others, hence we copy
the following from the New York Tribune :
" We have not given currency to the painful ro
port that a son of Henry Clay lms just been smitten '
with insanity. hoping it may prove unfbunLed.—
We ore strengthened in this hope by a letter just
received front Lexington, dated May 25, giving on
account of " A Visit to Mr. Clay at Ashland," yet
containing no allusion to such an afflicting dispen
sation as is reported. The statement that Mr. Clay
has united with the Episcopal Church at Lexing
ton, is probably true. We shall publish the letter
of our correspondent as soon as may be—probably
in our next.
Wood, an Englishman, who was arrested a few
days since, in Boston, on the charge of firing and
robbing the house of Mr. Saunders in Portsmouth,
a few montns since, has confessed, and implicates
another Englishman named Clark, and an Irishman
named Murphy. All of them have been arrested.
Passengers by the mail achocfner Liffii, at Poet
Royal, from South America report that they heard
prior to their departure, of a fearful avalanche, the
effect of which had been felt on both the Atlantic
and Pacific sides of the great and central Cordillera
of the Andes. The snow descended in fearful
quantities from the Penult° do Ruiz, which i s situ
ated on the western side of the plains of Mariquin
ta, and from 150 to 200 miles west of Dogota, and
destroyed a large and populous district. It is sup
posed that twelve hundred lives hare been sacrificed
by this fearful calamity.
It gives us pleasure to state that Lancaster coun
ty has led off in its response to the circular of the
State Treasurer, and promises to pny in her State
Tax, amounting to about newly thousand dollars,
before the first of August. Well done, honest anti
repudiating, antimasonic Lancaster! We tee!
proud of the evidence she gives of her determina
tion to bear up and maintain the honor and credit
of the Commonwealth, notwithutanding the great
and unequal burthen of it that hue been placed 'limo
her. She has nobly led off in the praiseworthy
work, and we shall soon see whether the Lorofoco
counties will follow her example.—Pa. Telegraph.
Gov. Chambers, in his message to the Legis
lature of lowa, (now in session,) suggests that the
question of erecting that territory into a state, which
has once been rejected, be again submitted to the
people; and he intimates that n majority arc now
in favor of it.
Pyrrsurna.—The Pittsburg Arid, speaking of
the recent fire, says:
"There is no doubt that the stable of Mr. YounT
was fired designedly. Mrs. Nelson, who lived in
Mr. Day's house, back of the stable on Prospest st.,
saw two half grown boys come out of it n few min
utes previous to the breaking oat of the flames. A
little girl, daughter of Mrs. Catharine Beatty, saw
a boy about four and a half feet in height, wearing
a blue cloth cap, and blue frock coat, igniting a
match beside the stable. She approached him,
when he drew his cap over his face, and deliberate
ly applied the lighted match, end fled in the direc
tion of Washington street. This could easily be
done, as the alley was five or six feet higher than
the floor of the rtable. Several persons me the
fire in the place the girl Mates, when it was very
small, but it increased so rapidly, that all efforts to
suppress it proved ineffectual."
co - The Collector of Philadelphia removed thir
teen of the officers in dint Custom House one day
week before lost,-01l good Tylerites—end appoint
ed thirteen Imeofocos in their stead.
We are at a loss to know whether the Tylerites
are thus rewarded fur their treason to the Whigs,
or for their ocreicee to the Locofocosl In either
case the reward is well merited.
TDOMAR HOOD, the English poet and novel.
ist died recently.
j• A new Spanish newspaper is about to be
darted in New York.
j Green, the reformed Gambler, says that the
game of faro is 20 per cent. stronger than stealing.
D 11: W/STAIt ' S BA sort or WI La Cirminv.- -
This is a chemical extract from Wild Cherry and
Tar. Every body knows that Wild Cherry pos
sesses important medicinal properties—and Tar
Water has always been administered in Consump
lien, and Lung affections generally, by our oldest
and safest physicians. This preparation embodies
all the virtues of Tar and Wild Cherry in n much
smaller compass than any other produced. The
manner of preparing it, and its success in all Pul
-1 mor.aly and Liver affections, conclusively prove
I this. We say confidently, no medicine ever affect
ed such wonderful cures. Let no one give up to
Consumption's fatal gia , p without giving this a
trial. Being formed from vegetable substances, con
genial at once to our soil and system, it is safe, sim
ple, and efficient. A treatise relating to this sub
ject may be had, without charge, at Read who
also is agent for the Balsam. Gull and BCC it. Be
sure to get Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
as there are imitations abroad.
The genuine, for salo hy nom. Rend, Hunt.
ingdon, and Mrs. diary Orr, 110110113 Klan g.
The Brandrrth Pills,. a general family medi
cine, especially in a country so subjectto sudden
changes of temperature as this, their value is incal
culable. fly having the Brandteth Pills always on
hand, should a sudden attack of sickness take place
they eon be given at once, and will often have of
faded a cure before the physician could have arrived.
Purchase tho genuine medicine of Wm. Stewart,
Huntingdon, Pa., nod other agents published in
another part of this paper.
.%' Farms For Sale.
The sob.' *Owl's having determined to
close their liteiittess in Weds Valley, Bed.% tl
county, t l t fir sale all their property, viz :
Their Merchant IVEill—
This Mill has just been finished, and em
braces all the late inwraxemeliti . —llas three
run of stone—the stream pet at, with
20 feet fall, and tr , ni its lectitiiiii must cum
mand coiistrint empl ,, vment—titil• not be
ing any IVieichant NW! within 10 miles of it.
T. the Mill is attached
a land, Lit which are t•l.Lctutl two log houses,
stabling. and Saw • Mill.
ALSO, a tract of land et - nib:urns to the
Mill, containing 90 acres, sae hall of which
is meadow and well Set in Tiniathy. and elo
vcr—the balance well timbered.
the farm on which Thos. Speer,
one of the partners, resides. This farin
CONTAINS 123 Acres
01 prime land, nearly all cleared and in a
tine state of cultivation, being mostly set in
diner. The improve. nts embrace every
thing necessary tor comfin . t and convenience,
having a large two story log
house, in which is a STORK,
V. - , :IL ROOM, with a cellar under all
.2_ . the house. The b.O nis large
witu sinus at (Mild it. The barn y,rel is
large, sui I, untied with sheds, ,talilnig and
double corn cribs, wagon shed with gran,
tics sufficient to hold a large quantity
11c above propetty will be sold seperate
or together to suit purchasers. A small st , e, k
of Merchandize (it desired) will be sold with
the above.
The terms will be made easy. All the
above property to situated within 4 miles of
the Turnpike leading from Chambersbun;
to Pittsburg.
r further particulars, persons wishing
to purchase will call on Thomas Speer, re
rie lug OH the lust named property.
Valley, June 11, 1846, rd,
Of liferdvitylise, Liquors, &c., as re1:4 , 11-
ed by the ( onatabirs of the several town.
ships to the county of Huntingdon al
January ~sessions. 1845, and classifica
tions therrof by the Comonssioners of
the said county and lutes qf the Courts
rf Comm Pleas, viz :
The undersigned, Treasure r of said min
ty at Huntingdon, in accordance with th e
si venal nets of Assembly, publishes the fol
lowing list of Itetailers 4,1 Foreign Met.-
chandize, within the said county for the cut •
rent year, as classified and returned to Line
by the Associate Judges and CoMmissioners
of the county. Any person doing businasi.,
whose name is not in the fallowing list, as
wall JIS lhotc who are I,tind to pay ally
fractional piti t of a license, are requested to
have their twines registered agreeably to
without delay.
Such as are designated by a Li] have tit ,
out their licenses, and theme who have
not are required to do so, on or before the
faith Saturday, (and tf3tli day) of Rine
hist. , after which d.y suits will be instituted
without respect to persons, against all ilt -
Those marked thus [l] sell liquors.
A thgheny Thumnitip. A Patterson /13
Elias Balm
3) 11 Boyer
N't . Ritmo Walker 14• Philip Metz 114
Joseph Patton 141 Wedt
Samuel Confare 14 John Watt 11
Antes (Miles Lewis 13
Benjamin F Bell 12 Walker
Gralnuit M'Camont 13 James Campbell /13
Robert Campbell &Co 14 Slams Ake 11 N
. 1 Warriammark
John W Myton' It/ Benjamin F Patton 11
J A Bell & Brother 13kbednego Stephens 11
I John R Hunter 131Samurl Miller 11
James Mliui:o 131 Alexandra borough
Blair 13
A Knox 4. Son 13 1. f r i o c i t i ;:n P li o ll r & ter ;orter 1'...
Wm Anderson &co /14 Moore & Swoop° . 13
Daniel M'Connell /14 Michael Siseler 11
Peter O'llngen tl4 Birmingham
Cromwell :James Clarke 13
, Thomas E Orbison 131Stewnrt & Owens 4",,,: ..
Andrew) Wigton 14,1 Goysporf '
Cass illoliert Lytle, Scn. 11
Robert Speer 141,10 yd & Groff P.:
Jacob 111 Cover 14 James Flowers 11
i James Henderson 141 Samuel Smith 14
Dublin Redman & I larteock 11
Alexander C Illair 13 ' flunlingrlon
Franksl own Harrison & A uperly 14
James Couilron 1:3 Slovene, Snyder & co 13
111 ichael Wolf 13,C &II Newinghnin 11
Samuel Henry 14;Jatnes Saxton Jr. 13.
John Sweney 14!Jacoh Miller 14
Franklin (Geo A Steel 13
Martin Cages 13 Thoinus Read & Son 13
Coo K Shoenberger 12!.lonea & Rothrock 11
S & R B Wigton 13 William Dorris 13
Shorh, Stewart &co 12 liwoope & Africa 14
John S Isett 1418 E & W M'Muitrie 13
Hopewell !Fisher & IVl'Muitrie• 12
James ELtriken Jr - 112i William Couch lit.
John B Given tl3 Willitun Stewart /13
/instal !Mark Goodman 11
Dr P Shoenberger 12 John N Prowe'l 13
Henderson Hollidaysburg
MUM, . .. I
.. . .. .... .-
ikens & Kessler 13 1 1 loyd & Mill' 12
Morris lieu W Patterson . 1 IS •
Goo W Patterson 14 1 James Gardner 13
Henry S Spang 13 (.1 Bingham & co. 13
Walter Graham 13 Joseph Deism 114
Moore & :Steiner 15 Augustus Muck t II
Hugh WNeal 13 David Hammer 11
Porter Jahn Gourley 1l
S M Green &co 13 Henry L Patterson, 14
Thomas Patterson 141Thomse 13 Moore 12
Samuel Hatfield 14,Henry Learner -tl3
Springfield 'Michael Bouslough.• 13
Illair & Madden 131 A M'Cormick &co 13
William Madden 14 Joseph Dysart IS
ayrier Innis rt Williams 13 11l
John Kratzer 13 Gilbert L. Lloyd 13
Ivan Slmili& 01,(B E )13 Goo 13inght,m &co I 3
Same (T F) 1:2 Peter M Nally 14
Shirley William Hall 14
.1 114 & S H Bell 13 David Geo . ( flaw 13
Tad George Port 1 t
Reuben Trexlar tl3 3 11 M'Girr 14
Ames Clnrk 14 11 W Christy It
I:tirone William Forbes I 4
John NI noire 14 Petersburg
Joseph M arrow 14IA & N Cresswells 11
TussMr & Patton 13 Stevens & Patton 13
Woodberry .14 irlellsho rg
Jonathan Focht 19 Henry Brewster 13
Smith & Wampler 13David Frahm' 14
Sclunucker & Royer 13 Ii & G ',as 13
Good & M'A Eisler 13 John Lutz . 14
Royce & Hoover 13
Jien.Purerof ilivilingdon Coitut y
Treasurer'., Offic, - , t
tingdon, June 11, 18.15.
.111 Lyes This Vllfty.
The snbssrihe•l• would must respe•ctfuft+
ham't his friends and the public iii gen
eral, that he has recently 'Trek, d .art
..praed a gruel assortment of coat-TA...IT
nd f,ait, which he Oros fur s•de in thy•
hascownt story of the attire of Thos. lteaii
tit San, where fir will he pleased to tv :tit on
all those w•IIo will give him a call.
Ile will have r o.,stantly nn hand
Raisins, rigs, Oranges, .Lemony,
and ull other• articles tistvilly kept in coot
ile also has ISccr, Cak, and
Pies, and
d~.3~r'r~'_~'L:.~~~ LAY'
uC cect•y dr scription. Hi king c,l any hind
dnni• according to order (II short notice.
I lis intention is to none but the crry
beat ;u tides, and to have always a good sup •
ply in his shop, and last he wmltl, say,
all, Call and judge yourselves.
Ile hopes to merit and receive tt share of
public patronage, as his intention is to 01
on very moderate term:,
Huntingdon, June 11, 1845.-3 t.
To tho Voters of Huntingdon Co.
_ ......
1 respectfully off. r
myself to your consideration, as a candidate
foi*the efficr of
Register Recorder,
f said c. luny nt the ensuing General El, r •
Orin. (Having had experience iii the dune
Of said otliee,) should 1 be elected 1 pledge
myself to a faithful di,harge theeenr.
JA NIES A101(141.)W.
Frankstown, June 11, 1845.-4.
• AN experienced FEMALE TEACHER,
to take charge of a Pub :icing, in this
B,mougli for a term of three months. By or
der of the Board of Directors.
,burr, May 'a9, 1645.