Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 04, 1845, Image 3

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    q - - R, al CID cm) cla La d
tiltintingdon, June 4, I 545
Q 3. V. B. PALMER, Esq., o authorized to tib
'es Agent for this paper, to procure subscription. and
'advertisements in Philadolphia, New York, Ban.
'iliore and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Eel.
vert streets.
New York—Number 160 Nassau street.
Boston—Number 16 State street.
From the United States Gazette.
'Great Race between Fashion and
The second great trial for supremacy
'of the turf, tusk place yesterday over the
Camden Course, and the high reputation
of the contending animals induced sucl a
general interest, that the attendance was
very large. At an early hour in the tnor
ning, people began to crowd the ferry
boats which ply between this city and
Camden, and at a later period, the steam
boats were literally loaded d own with men
and vehicles of every description. The
:road to the Course was crowded with ve
hicles, and as the day was exceedingly
Lot and dry, the annoyance of huge clouds
of dust disturbed by . the wheels, was ad
ded to the inconveniences of the pilgrims
to the great centre of attraction. The
stands rapidly filled, and the field, at 11
o'clock, was thickly sprinkled with vehi
cles, o lide lines of omnibuses were drawn
up close to 'tile inner fence on the straight
side, the occupants of which used the tops
as places of fook•out, to see the horses as
they paSsW around.
Adjoining the member's stand, and con
nect.] with it, was the main stand, and
further Ah in the saint line, an open stand
without cover. These were soon crow
ded, and the Main stand, the roof of
which was prepared to accommodate peo
ple, was packed tO its Utmost capacity.—
Shortly befOre the race commenced, a
disastrout accident tbok place by the fall
tog of this main stand, the particulars of
which, so far as we could hastily gather
them, ate related in awo'ber article.
The weather was excessively lint, and
the track soinewhat heavy—betting ran
freely in favor of Peyttion, who appeared
to be the laborite, and 73 to Ibo seemed
to be the ruling figure.. Auk of the bets
however, were upon tune, the race being
so very dotibtful that most people weir,
puzzled to know which to choose, and of
those whit staked " their pile" on time,
the majority marked froth 7 37 to 7 40.
The falling of the stand added a great
difficulty to the preparations tier the race
the crowd front the stands and from the
field having been poured upon the track
in a dense mast, through Which it was
with exceeding difficulty an ()penning; of
sufficient width was Made to admit the
free ['wage or the Mutes. liurnig the
second heat the crowd of tieppl so en
croached Upon the 'hick, that Vashion in
coming in On the tourth mile, had hardly
room td get through, the people tailing
back as she came ou.
Shortly atter2 OclOck; the JUdgeS en ,
flounced from the stand, that it having been
ascertained from the hest medical authors
that 110 one was dead M. dying from
the injuries received by the falling Of the
stand, the 'lice would pcoceed—observing
et the same time that it had been the unan
imous determination of the Club to instant
ly postpone the race if any one hail been
killed, or had received injuries which it
was probable Would result in death.
The Jockies were previously weighed
and Barney the rider of Peytona having
made up Its Weight to 118 pounds, and
Joe Laird the Jockey of Fashion to 123
pounds, the preparations were concluded.
The horses were brought on the course
soon alter the announcement from the
Judges' stand, and both animals looked
in tip-top condition. . Fashion never look.
edtetter. l'eytnna won the inside of the
track, and the order for the start for the
first heat having been given, off they went
Fashion slightly ahead and continuing to
gain until at the first quarter stretch she
passed Peytona and got the inside of the
track. Along the top Peytona made a
brush and lapped Fashion, but the Jet sey
mare on coining into the back stretch shrunk
olf her opponent and stepped a length in
advance, which distance she continued to
'hold until the coining home; Peytona at
times making a brush and putting her
wise at Fashion's saddle, only to be left
behind again. The first three miles of the
heat were won in this manner, the Jersey
mare passing the stand each time a length
ahead, but on the fourth mile Peytmut did
not hold her position, so that Fashion
came in three lengths ahead, winning the
heat in Tin. 41s.
The following is the mile time of the
_first heat :
1,41 mile,
end "
4111 "
At the call of the bugle the horses ap
peared fur the second heat and it was ap
parent that they bad not dried up well,
both animals being pretty wet. Fashion
taking the inside, the animals went otr at a
slapping pace,Peytona slightly in advance,
an ;Wye utage,however, overcame by Fash
ion before the top of the course was reach
ed her nose being then pushed a little in
advance or her opponent. Both horses
went in this style down the back stretch,
and round tic bottom, coming into the
straight side almost even , but on passing
the stand, the first mile, Peytona was
half a head in advance. Oa the second
theAorses were so even in their run
fling, that the animal towards the specta
for could at times only be Seen. Peytu
na was doing her very best, but the free
and frequent application of the §pur, and
occasional admonitions with the o !tip,
did not serve to aid her gd-aheasi-a-tive
ness, while Fashion was going easily un
der a tight rein. The third inile was a
innst exciting period, the horses being ab.
solutely together all the way round, ex
cept that coining down the straight side,
Fashion got so much the foot of tier oppo
nent; as to pass the stand hair a head in
adVance. The fourth mile, the laSt tug,
was soon settled, for Peytuna, alter gal•
tautly struggling to bring up her lee way,
began to full back at the top of the course
anti on entering the back stretch, the Jer
sey mare opened a gap between her sod
her southern rival, and continuing to im
prove her ad vantage,was full three lengths
in advance, before they were half way
down•the back of the course. It Was ev
ident that the contest Wits settled, from
the manner in which Peytuna ran, and
Fashion came ih a Winner, amid deafen
ing cries and cheers, leaving Peytuna
barely grace enough tit save her distance.
The time of the Second heat was 7m.
54; and the toile tilde: '
1 56
- - 153
- 158
- - 2.10
Ist mile, -
2nd " •
3rd "
4th "
The time made Was not good, and a
cause of this may be that the crowd ob
structed a large part of the course in such
a manner!as to prevent the horses Irom go
ing properly. On the second heat Fashion
was the favorite at long odds, and a con
siderable quantity of money changed
hands during the closely contested fit st
three miles. Fashion, it was said, was
held hard in hand throughout the second
Thus ended the second trial for the
supremacy of the turl, and Fashion is
again in possession of her hard won lau
rels. The stake of course was a slight con
sideration; the glory of the North and the
South being the real gage of the day. The
crowd quickly dispersed alter the result
hail been announced and but few nere
left its witnesses of the mile race. With
the departure of the exciteineat of the
contest the recollect:on of the disastrous
accident before the race was renewed,
and with the unsightly ruins before them
and the knowledge that some at least had
been seriously injuredy there was but lit
tle disposition left to see further trials of
speed. The spirit of rivalry had been
Satisfied by the victory of Fashion.
Justices of gift Peate.
We copy the following Act passed at
the last session of the Legislature ol
this State from the Harrisburg Union, in
which it appears " By Authority.' The
effect or its first section is to authorize
the Justices of the Peace v hose tothmis ,
slums eXpired this Spring, to retain their
Dockets and give transcripts of the pro•
ceedings had before them, to lie carried
Out by their successors in office. It is
singular that this Act, which was passed
so lung ago as February last, should not
have been published until now;;
for the very object of the Legislature in
directing the Secretary of the Common
wealth to publish the laws of a public
character in a newspaper, was to give
prthopt notice of their enactment to the
people, the pamphlet edition not gener
ally appearing for some month's after the
adjou rninent.
A SUPPLE:HP:NT to," An 'act to pro.;
vide for the election of Aldermen and
Jnsticea of the Peace," approved the
twenty first day of June, one thousand,
eight hundred and thirty-nine ; and a
further supplement, passed April elev
enth, one thousand eight hundred and
forty, and for other purposes.'
SEcTioN 1. Be it enaeted by the Senate
and House of Representatives, of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enact
ed by the authority If the same: That
so much of the tenth section Of the Act
to which this is a further supplement. as
relates to Aldermen and Justices of the
Peace, who were in ciimmission at the
time of the first election under said act,
be and the same is hereby extended to
Aldermen and Justices of the Peace
elected; and who may hereafter be elected
under the provisions of said Act.
Sec. 2. That the privileges granted to
Aldermen and Justices of the Peace who
were in cotnniissiori at the tithe of the
first election held under the act to which
this is a further supplement, by the third
section of A supplement to an Act; en
titled An act providing for the election
of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace,'
approved the eleventh day of April, one
thousand eight hundred and forty," be
and the same is hereby extended to Al.;
dermen and Justices of the Peace elected
and who may hereafter be elected under
the provisions of said Act of the twenty
first of June, one thousand eight hundred
and thirty-nine.
Sec. S. That the Justiees'or the Peace
of this State shall have jurisdiction in ac
tions of debt, on demands not exceeding
one hundred dollars, founded on judg
ment or judgments of any Justice of the
Peace of any adjoining State, where a
similar jurisdiction is given to justices by
the laws of such State, rounded on the
judgment or judgments of justices of the
Peace in this State ; Provided, That it
shall appear by a copy of the record or
(locket entry of the proceedings had be
fore such Justices, certified and authenti
cated as hereinafter mentioned, that the
original cause of action was such as by
the laws of this Commonwealth would
1 54
1 53
have been within the jurisdiction of tl.e
Justices of the Pecae thereof.
Sec. 4. The plaintiff or the party in in•
terest in such cases shall, as evidence of
his demand, produce on the trbd a copy
of the record or docket entry of the pro
ceedings hail before the Justice who tried
the original action, with his affidavit there
to annexed, certifying the same to be a
true and full copy of the record of the
proceedings had before him, and that the
judgment remains in force, and has not to
his knowledge been vacated, annulled, or
• in any manner satisfied , and further cer
' tified by the Clerk of the Court of CUM
mon Pleas, or clerk of the County where
such Justice keeps his office, under the
hand of such clerk, and seal of the Court
or County, that the person •before whom
the proceedings pinion t to have been had,
was at tte time an atttti Justic- of the
Peace of such County, duly appointed or
elected, and qualified according to law:
Proiiided, That the defendant shall have
the right to make the saute defence to the
action upon said Judgment, as he was
originally entitled to Make to the claim
or demnnd upon which it was founded.
Sec. 5. The copy of the proceedings
aforesaid shall be kept by the Justice who
shall try the case as a part of the record,
and it shall be a part of the record of - the
proceedings of such Justice..
Speaker of the House of ReFresentativea,
Speaker of the Senate.
7 57
APPROVED—TiIe tnenty•seventh day
of February, one thousand eight hundred
and forty-live.
The Public Doiniiin.
Extensive Sales.—The President has
already issued his proclamation for very'
extensive sales, next summer and 411.10111i1l
of the public lauds in the northwest, west
and southwest, embracing an aggregate
of upwards of five millions of acres.—
In It isconsin Territory, about 310,000
acres of load, lying on and between the
Fox and Wolf rivers. lowa there are
two sales to take place at each of the land
offices in that Territory, Dubuque and
Fairfield, in the months ot September
and October. Upwards of 00,000 acres
of the rich bottom lands of Illinois will
be brought into market, embracing tracts
on the Mississippi and islands in that river
with small detached bodies of land not
heretofore offered. In Ahasouri, up
wards of a million of acres will be offer
ed kir sale, embracing tracts in the north,
northwest, west, and southwest parts of
,the State. In Arkansas there will alsobe
brought into the market about 1,000,000
acres, embracing nine townships in the
new district of Campagnole. In Louis
iana about 154,000, and in Florida, up
wards of 600,000 acres of fine sugar and
cotton land will be offered fur sale.
OUR BISHOP ELECT.--.—The general anx
iety to team whether 1/r. Alonzo Putter
will accept the ecclesiastical dignity con
ferred upon him with such graailying and
complimentary unanionty, seems to be
shared by the friends of the Protestant
Episcopal Church elsewhere. The Albany
Evening Journal of Wednesday says:—
"The general impression, derived from
the opinion of his neighbors, is that the
office will be declined. We, however,
are led to believe and to hope that Dr. P.
will accept. It will be taking away from
this State a very valuable citizen, and one
who, in various ways, assists largely in
carrying forward good enterprises; but
it will be taking him to Pennsylvania,
where an equally wide and much less cut.
tiiatad field for usetulnestl opens up to his
enlightened and philanthropic teachings.
There are difficulties, and perhapS dangers.
in his path, but Dr. P. is both too wise and
too good a man to hesitate in encountering
' either in the discharge of his duty. And,
besides, what could be perilous to others
will prove harmlesS to him. At any rate,
though thet•e are thousands whoa► we
could better spare," we hope to see
' Bishop Potter doing for the People of
Pennsylvania the things which have won
for his► the affection and gratitude of the
People of New York."
We are very sanguine that Dr. Potter
will yield to a sense of duty and accept,
although he leaves a hone of comparative
ease and quiet to fill an honorable but too
often thankless office. When the coin•
mittee appointed to tender him the office
reached Albany, on their way to Schenec•
lady, they called on his brother, the Itev-
Dr. Horatio Potter. Upon the annuncia
tion of the choice, he was much overcome,
and could scarcely answer any questions
as to the probability of hia brother's accept
ance. Ile, however, resolved to accoms
I pany the cominittee and use his endeavors
to induce a compliance with their wishes.
North Americitri.
The Grops.—The Nlushington Union
says : —" A friend who has recently trav
elled through a portion of the rich agri
cultural regions of Pennsylvania—York
Lancaster, Dauphin, Lebanon, and Berks,
for example—represents it to us as in a
highly promising and flouliShing condi
tion. Nature is everywhere scattering
her gifts from her well-hlled cormicopim,
with a liberal and profuse hand, and the
husbandman has promise of a rich return
for his labors. The wheat fields are said
to be more exempt from the fly than has
been the case for many previous seasons,
and its ravages, usually so destructive,
will be comparatively unfelt. Rye, corn,
oats, and grass. also looks remarkably well
so that both " man and beast" may rejoice
in the prospect that the ingsthering of the
summer and autumn will result in boon•
tiful supplies fur the succeeding winter."
Important to oioder4 rented Farms.
—ln a trial at the recent , iessions of our
Court reported in bur la 4:. an attempt WAS
made to prove the removal of hay and
straw by the tenant of a farm who was
defendant in the case the Court ru
led out the evidence, on the ground that
the tenant had a right to the hay and
straw raised by him on the preniises, in
the absence of any stipulation or lease to
the contrary. The council for the dclen
dant stated that it had ul ways been his
opinion, that where no stipu:ation in relit
lion to hay and straw was made in a lease
the tenant had a right to remove itur dispose
of it as he thought proper, it being as much
his properly as the grain lie rased—and that
had been so decided by the Supreme it
Court. The Court coincided in this
Opinion. and under the decision of the Su
preme Court rejected the evidence above
referred to.
This law we presume, is new to a ma
.jority of our farmers, and is exactly con
trary to their views of it. It will be well
for landlord a leasing farms, to bear this
in mind, and where they do not intend
the tenant to remove hay or straw, (as is
generally the case,) stipulate its reserve.
lion in the lease.—Bucks County Intelli•
Philadelphia, May 30.
\VHF. AT PLOUR , per bbl. - - - $4 37i
ItyY. MEAL, do. - - - - 3 00
CORN do. do.
WhEAT,plime Penna. per bush. - - 96
Rix do. - - - 59
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 93
OAts, do. - - - 27
WHISKEY, In his,
Baltimore, May. 29.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 50
WHEAT, per bush. - - 100
CORN, yellow, do. -
RYE, tie. - - -
OATS. do. -
WHISKEY, in bbls. - -
Orphans ) Court Sale.
115)1( virtue of an alias order of the Or
akelphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will
be exposed to sale, by public vendue or out
cry, on the premises, on
Saturday Site 14th day of June next,
as the property of John Scullin, deceased,
a lot of ground with a large and commodious
theieon erected, two stories high, part log
and weathetboarded and part frame, situate
in the borough of
in said county, now occupied as a public
house by
,Mrs. Mary Scullin. Also parts of
two other lots in said borough, on which are
erected a large frame stable, and a small
log stable, appurtenant to the tavern stand.
TERMS Or SALE :—One half of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the sale; and the residue in two equal
1 annual payments thereafter, with interest,
to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of
the purchaser. By the Court,
re' Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. M.
of said day. Attendance will be given by
Petersburg, May 21, 1345.
Land For Sale.
A Valuable tract of land situate in Porter
township , Huntingdon county, about 1 mile
from the borough of Alexandria, and 6 miles
from Huntingdon borough, containing
On the premises, there are 100 acres clear
ed, and In a good state of cultivation—a first
rate orchard of Apple, and other fruit trees
—dwelling house--barn, &c.
For terms inquire of the subscriber, on the
N. B. 100 across of good woodland, con
venient, can be had with the above. Also,
a Lot of four acres, in good condition, in the
town of Alexandria. I. N.
Porter tp., May 14, 1845.-34 pd.
et*TRAYED away frowthe subscriber, oh
oN, Sunday evening, the 18th inst., from Pi
per's Dam, near Petersburg, a dark bay
horse, 8 or 9 years old, about middle sized,
has a crack in one fore and one of his hind
feet. Any pettim taking up said horse, and
writing to the subscriber :n Waynesburg,
Mifflin county; or sending him there shall be
liberally rewarded for his trOnble, and all
charges paid. He is supposed to have gone
towards Shaver's Cre-k Valley or Stone
Waynesburg, May 19, 1845
Having Fe
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at
tend to all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon hint, at his office with Isnot
Fisher, Esq.; adjoining the store of Thos.
Read & Son, near the Diamond.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1843.
Estate of Elizabeth Shaw, late of
Morris township, deceased.
wuricE is hereby given, that Letters
testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persons therefoix
indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
April 30, 1845..-.6t Morris tp
ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to
Huntingdon, with the intention of making it
the place of his future residence, and will
attend to such legal business as may be en
rusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843.
Take A otice,
THAT I have left my accounts with John
Albright, Esq., for collection. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to the subscri
ber will save costs by calling on or before
the sixth of May next and settling their ac
counts. 'MOM AS ADAMS.
liuntingdo, Apia 30, 173-15.—:it.
CD T.LQ.M3 6
LIST of JUROPS for an adjourned ie`oort of
Common Pleas to be held in and for th, , ounty
of liantingflOn,commencink on the :I•'e :dun
day (and the 16th day) of June 1945.
Name. Occupation. „Residence.
Apptoby John jr. Partner Dublin tp,
Burket Frederick C. Saddler Porter "
Barr John Carpenter Bluir
Cistua Thomas Farmer Tell
Crawford Joseph do. Tyrone "
Dean William jr. do. Walker "
Dowling William do. Hopewell
Elliott George dO. Frunicatown
Denlinger David Innkeeper do
(:bast Samuel Butcher Blair "
Farmer Union "
iloys John
Hazzard (=come
Hamlin Thomas do. Henderson
Higgins Joseph Manager Allegheny
tilernan Joseph Farmer Frankstown
Jones Enos M. Merchant Henderson
Knede Lewis Farmer Porter
Lytle John Gentleman Blair
Learner Henry Merchant do
M'Conneg Matthew Gentleman Henderson
Morrow Robert Farmer Tyrone
Moy George do. Tog , "
Madden William Merchant Springfield
Miller Benjamin E. Farmer Henderson
Rainey Jacob
Stewart James E.
Stapleton Thomas do. Tod
Shaver Georgo do. Shirley "
SisslerJoseph Innkeeper Porter "
Steffey Samuel do. Banco "
Spanogle John jr. Farmer Warriorsnik,
Tague Daniel do. Cromwell
Tippery Peter Blacksmith Morris "
Thompson John jr. Farmer Walker
Weight Jacob do. Tyrone "
Wilson Robert B. do. West
Adams Samuel R. Farmer Frankstown tp.
Albaugh Daniel do do
Burkhart Jacob do Allegheny
Barr William Gentleman Blair
Bender Samuel Saddler Woodbeny
Crocker Joseph C. do Snyder
(Aileen) John Farmer Tod
Chicoto Humphrey do Union
Dopp Jacob Blackernith West
Potreo William Fanner Union
Footer Thomas Laborer Henderson
Gardner Jantes Merchant Blair
Gorsuch Stephen Fanner Antes
Glenn Alexander do Franklin
Hoopes Lindley Chairmakek Warriorsmark
Johnston Thomas Innkeeper Snyder
Jackson John Farmer Banco
Kinkead Robert Tailor Morris
Long John Farmer Shirley
Lowry Alexander Dinkeeper Morns
Lytle Nathaniel Saddler do
Moore James Farmer Walker
Moore Silas Former Frankstown
M'Kee Carleton Gentleman Blair
Wearing John Farmer Allegheny
Owens John M. Just. Peace Warriorsmark
Peterson David Fanner Dtiblin
Biddle David do Frankstown
:Willer John H. do Allegheny
Shaeffer Peter do Morris
Shultz Daniel do Hopewell
Trout Gideon D. do Antes
Wertz John . do Blair
Williams Lewis H. Clerk do
Wallace Benj. P. Farmer Morris
Young Daniel Constable* Blair
Frriai List for the .lilfourneil
Court, June 1 545.
_ _
- 65
Ratton'a Assinee v Batton et al
John M'Comb i , C. A. NewinghaM
W. B. Hudson I) S. Williamson
Edward O'Hare v S. Royer et al
J. Leslies, assineeS v Wilson & Jone
Ltjmbard for use v Seeds & Davis
Leonard V Lytle & PattersOn
Parsons v Waggoner
Reynolds, V Long
Coin'th. Pennsyl'a. v Alex. Ennis et al
Martin Gates v James R. Johnston
Reliance Tran's Co. v O'Friel's ex'rs
J. P. M'Dowell v Dougherty (lnn'kr.)
E. Shoemaker V Alexander Gwiu
Jonathan Jackson v &J. Forrest
Thomas Williams v C. E. Craine
A. Johnston v Brubaker &Stifllei•
Andrew H. Hirst v Benjamin Johnston
1). W. Hulings v J. Rodgers & Co.
M'Bride ct al &c. v Z. G. Brown
Wilson & Co. v David Robeson
H. Crownover V Wm. Pollock
Dr A. Johnston v Dr. C. O'Friel
H. Neff's Atlm'rs v John G. Fleck
Charles Springer v Lewis Mytinger
M. C. Gaiter v John F. Lowry
Samuel Wigton v Curry 8t Roseberty
J. Martin's Mei% v Dougherty [lnn'kr]
C. H. Lease & Co. v Jacob Drake
Commonwealth v W. Price & sureties
Higgins & co, for use v Israel Grabs
John Miller U DGoodfellow'sadma
Samuel Caldwell v H. Morris' Ex'rs.
Done in the best style and on
short notice.
mends e , ec d
customers,ull rinfoarnsthheilsmboilic
in general, that he still continues the
Tailoring Business,
at his old stand, two doors east of t.'ne Store
oil'. Read & Son, in the borougAt of Hun
tingdon, where he is fully prel,ared to ac
commodate all who may favor him with
their work.
He receive +, regularly, From New York,
Scott's New York, Pais and Lamina
7103 - 11101 M
and he is detemlned to employ none but the
best and moat experienced workmen ; and
he gurantees to execute all orders in his
line in 'the most fashionable and workman
like :flannel., or aCcording to the wishes and
or(lers of his customers.
'nankin' for the liberal encouragement
he has heretofore received, he respectfully
solicits a contiouance of public patronage.
May 21, 1845.—tf.
. .£.
Pa.—Office at his old, residence in Main
street, a few doors West of the Court
Hpuse. A. W. B. will attend to any bu
siness entrusted to him in the several
courts of Huntingdon and adjoining coun
ties. April 30, 1845.—tf.
TOL )4h. BONDS—Judgment and com
awa -fur sale at this office,
The United Journitl.
BY ktssr: E. Dow
'the first noMber of our new piper
be issued this kfirbl) day of Nlav, WWI
eittire new ikess—iiew type:line
paper, with Other important alteration,
and improventellts. The paper tvill Lo
devoted to a km leas exposition 01
cultic principles; it will zealously and
unremittingly oppose each and ef
fort to establish a manimutl . . 1111Millt by
hank and other iniseldevous etirporalimis
and consolidations of wealth, which sob.;
vest the righta of the *people and under
tnine the pillars of the Republic; it vi ill
oppose an oppressive and anti-republican
tura system, the as-iin'iption of the state
debts by the General Co'vernment, and all
other Fi.deral principle's which have tin
inevitanle tendency to destroy public
prosperity aa well as individual happiness:
Against alf such political delusions, we
shall wage unchanging, uncompromising
The FAumkit and the Mscitsisto who
produce all the real capital of the natio..
will find in Our paper an unwaverim,
champion i.t th,eirinalionable rights; the
long cherished principles of the editors
are too well known to the public to re
quire any pledge upon this point. To the
Mis , :ellaneuus Department particular at
tention will be devoted; the Ladies will
always find to our columns a choice selec
tion from the current literature of the day
as well as 'original contributions from the
moat talented - writeis of which our coon•
try can boast. .A general summary of
Foreign and Domestic news Will be Fur
nished; a regular price current and a cor
rect list of the prices of stocks will obit)
be giVen. .
Ty ron
The conductori have already secured
the aid asd co•operation of a large mon
ber of the most distinguished literary and
political writers of the day; arrangements
will also be made, at the earliest Period
possible, to enthellisli our columns by the
contributions of correspondenti front
ahrmid. With this brief and impeller t
outline of our plan, we very respectfully
submit our claims to an extensive patron
age to the consideration of a generous
JESSE E. DOW Ept rons
Weekly paper by theyeah
fur six months -
Semi. Weekly paper by the yeat, in
ail vante 7 - - 5 Oki
" " for less than a
! mai cts.
tier month.
Daily paper by the year in advance 10 00
for less than a year, tit per month.
Subscriptions to the Daily for less than
two, to the Semi-Weekly for less than
four, or to the Weekly for lets than sit
widths, will not be teceietl.
If not paid within theyear. the Daily
paper will be $153, the Semi-weekly $6,
and the Weekly $0 50 a year.
All payments to be made lh
Those who have not an opportunity of
paying otherwie, Hwy remit by mail at
our risk, postage paid. The Postinuster's
certificate of such remittance shall be it
sufficient receipt therefor The notes of
any specie paying bank will be received:
duitilorori sitileek
The undersigned haying been aPPointed
by the court of totnmon pleas of Hunting
don county, auditor. to distribute the pro
ceeds arising from the Sheriff's Sale of the
real estate of 3oseph S. P. HriTis,.to and
among hiClien creditors, will attend for that
purpose at his (Ace in the borongli of Hun
tingdon, on Saturday the 14th day of Rine
next, Where all persona interested;are noti—
Bed to attend.
May 7, 1845. . Auditor.
The undersigned having been atipolnted
ailditor, by the court of common pleas of
Huntingdon county, to report the facts on
the exception filed to the account of Randall
Alekander and Daniel Teague, Assignee.
of M'Carrell & Rutter, and to state an
account, and to report a distribution or the
monies of which the said assignees are char
gable, to and among the creditors of the as
signorsaccording to his detision, &c. gives
notice that. he will attend fur that purpose,
at his office in the borough of
on Saturday, the 14th day of lune next, at
10 o'clock, A. M.
Huntingdon, May 7, 11145. Auditor.
The under:tigned auditor :appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon 'county, to
distribute the assets in the hands of Thomp
son Metlin, administrator of the estate of
Thomas Metlin, late of the brnbugh of Bir
mingham, in the, county of Huntingdon, to
and among the creditors of said estate, gives
notice that he will attend for that pUrpose,
at the Treasurer's. office in the horoligh Of
Huntingdon, on Saturday the 7th of June
next, at 10 o'clock; A M., when all persons
having accountS against said estate are anti•
fled to present them properly authenticated.
Huntingdon, May 7, 1845. Auditor.
. .
Estate o f Henry S. Spang, late of
Jilor ris township, deceased:
TMOTICE its hereby Oven, that lettei s
ALA testaineinary upon the sai d estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
JESSE WOLF, 5 Ex'rs.
April 23, :893. Morris tp L _ .
Attorney At Law.--Attends to practice in
the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra
tors accomns, t.icrivening, &c.—OlEce in
Dimond, three doors East of the Ex ,
Change Hotel." CAM, '44.
$2 00
1 bo