. - - - - ---.- .. . - --- - pls. The folloiving certif .- ink in from Levi I.V Thrill* Incident. Ailvertising. A breach of Premise base. - I Sibley, Bien, well known in Rochester and weer. The New-York Telegraph of the 21st of ]tin' ' "Minnow you dimes and reap your dollars," is A law case of thin kind was recently tried in ANSWER OF MR. ,n3LAY TO- THr... AD- I New l'ihn as a merchant and auctioneer for the lent atrys:•—•" We have the following front a source of : the expressive motto of Mason and Tuttle's Adver- Warren county, Mo. The plainti ff was a henut i - DRESS OF THE CENTRAL COM mirrEE ! tinelve or fifteen years. His disease has proved . the hi ;hest respectability, and are allowed to pubs ' !ism There have been thousands of illustrations ful, lively young lady, and the defendant a smooth- OF THE N. YORE CLAY CLUBS. I obstinate that he has been compelled to *mend two lisp it as a solemn wattling to such as, nn any sub• of its truth. 'File other deyot lady Maher purse, faced y o un g widower o f very fi ne appearance.— The following letter from Mr.Cluy, in answer to i i l tp lo o r t i e d r e ay ' I I I I I • 1.1 e Sunny South, ' in "'LI the loaf woof e r he has been en abled jecn trifle with the dear dictated of conscience. ,I t ceit t e ined st7o. It was found by a gentleman The pities were all highly respectable, and their , the address of the Central Clay Commht. of N• ;le spent' at home, as t o own short statement will Them was lately li v i ng i n the count of Amherst, who saw her advertisement, and of Coarse, it was love had been of the most fervent chat acter, but it i York Woo reed at the Bowen' House, on Saturday explain. The Rochester Daily Advertiser , on pub- Virginia, not f a r f r om Lyn c hb urg , a mackemith, I returned. Su of a gold pair of spectacles, A sin- did not run smoothly. The trial was very pron.- I night, and was received with the liveliest demons-'I fishing Mr. sildey's statement. remarks: Wu would respectfully cull the attention of our who was well of in the world, and a decent sort of ; gle. notice brought them. Horses, cows end even tcd, much evidence was given on both sides, and • tuitions of delight. ' I readmit to the teetimony of Mr. L. W. Sibley, of a man in hid way, except that h e would now and I ' children and wives, have been Mend by the same the argument of the cause was elaborate. It ay- I Aug-tan, 25111 April, 1845. i I the well-known firm of Sibley & Sorantonn Auc. then drink too much. Not lung since he went to ' simple procese. While thousands of similar com- peered from the evidence that the reputation of the j Gentlemen—The Hon. Willie Green delivered to . i hmoora of this oily. ' a temperance meeting, held In his neighborhood, mo diti es —pu rs es, cattle, hors., &c., &c., ', f orth plaintiff had not suffered from the conduct or the I me a few dive ago at tide place the address which I you did me the honor to make the 4th of March ' Rochester, March 21, 1943. being quite sober at the time, and listened to a very immense sums--remain unfound forever, by their I defendunt, and that, apart from slight youthful in l ess, f have . been using Wistar'il3 o ri n ls a aln ind o c f or ylld enrolled on perchment, and enclosed in e silver stirring edam.; when the appeal, warmly seconded ow ner s , because it would cog them each from fifty diacrgions, her character still stood fair as before, case, manufactured by Mr. William Adams for th e Ch erry h' r . I ' 'lt three mortis , .• • • by the advice and entre a ty o f, o f h. friend., cents to a dollnr te let the world know their loss.— The defendant introduced much evidence to extra- occasion. nthle relict to my comaint— roncnins, with which I I have been afflicted f oe the last four years. I have so wrought upon him, that his conscience was Dut it is the merchant, =chunk and the business unto and justify his conduct, and the jury , after a I received it with emotions of grateful sensibilit y, no doubt it will prifve beneficial in that eamplgnt, which it would be vain to th e tto describe.— aroused, and he f e lt t h at h e must e i t h er fly from rem who should particularly regard this motto. Ts careful investigation,- returned a verdict of not gull - P ea . and con- Chia and also in all affections of the i chi % \s , t . a „, n i d ß li i v E er i. this place of trial, or yield to the force of truth. He W a ivi ng all consideration of the them, one an d all, the cry gogh up, from every ty, and assessed the damages at .e cent. This ' sequences a the recent Presidential election, °I. The °amebic, Mr aide by Thomas Read, Hunt hesitated Ibr a moment which alternative to adopt;in don ' and 1/i0 II tiftl •b r 1 g , - rs. ?Vary re, (- i nys ti g. hill, plain and valley, where dwelleth the hunest of course was a very eatisfactory verdict for the de- which it treuts, no a pat and irrevocable event, on but his evil genius prevailed, and stifling his con- disciple of Faust and Franklin— .a.ww fondant, and as the plaintiff did not sue Mr money, wl•tch I have nei th er indinatien, .r would it per -11 befitting f • t ta' I takeple sure I • ..„, „,,,„, ~.. 'Actions, he tore himself away from the spot ; end njr„ e 00, your dimes end map Your dollars." but with a view to vindicate her reputation, she ii tt ,'l e l t ;eaaita.nty"pirnatiettuirdx,ni suer', of the lr. as ,; ,- ..:..1 , .., - ,.. 4 .1,t 7.210 0 2",,=. coining to a grog-slum, on his way home, he there Was well satisfied with the result. great. P persevering and efficient labors of the Celt- ... furnished himself with a bottle of whiskey. •But e:ls The Pensaco Gazette relates the following . tral Clay Committee of the city of N. York during ashamed to carry it to his house, he resolved to hide occurrence, which took place a few days' since at ' TEXAS.—'rho Washington Union says:— the canvass which preceded theelection. And Itnunt express al. the high and lasting obligation. which it in some place, where he might reset to it with- Cedar Bluff, on the Cheektahakhie: ' •• A privnte letter is received. from n high quarter I feel to the committee, and to the Whigs of New nut being seen. He went accordingly to the steble„a barge b e lon g ing t o M r , Cook, was lying along 'at Galveston. May oili, which uses the following York, Mr the 'intent enrichment and generous co. but could find no hole or corner there safe enough the bank of the river, . board of which Mr. N. language -- " Them is now no dis'isi°n trig. this Silence towards me, displayed atthe commencement , for his purpose.—At but he thought of a pile of I Mitchell, of Holmes' Valley, and M question. In iny future communication I may con- s lady and se- and throughout the whole progress of the cam- I fine myself more to a statement of raga in relation puign • and now manifested in ten. of f erv id and I MAPRIED: In Lewistown, on Wednendev s tone ' , behind the building, which-seemed to offer a ' venal children were paesengers bound for Pansncola. I to the physical and other resouicea and advantages I I morning loot, by the-Rev Mr. Woods , Mr. DA VIP snug hiding place for his treasure, and was in the The screams of u panther wee heard at a distance, lof this country, under a belief that, when I tell you touching eloquence in the address before me. 'The patriotism which animate) them in the con- I IlemuliTßlE, merchant, to Miss NIARTHA M - act of opening a spot among them for the bottle, I and presently alter, the ferocious animal bounded ' that 'Fox. will accept the terms, amt that promptly, test could never hese been doubted; but this doeu-1 CONNELL, both of thin place. , . and that she will have . the lst Mond. in De- t presented after our defeat, hears conclusive i • s _ __._ ..- .... s __ ._ when a rattle-snake, concealed in the pile, struck I towards the barge. All fled in consternation, of _ (ember next, knocking ut the doors of &nue.. evidence both of their patriotism and disinterested- I e , _,,, t ~ rfir, a, ;•-• nnts sena inninat , ss n i,„ deadly fan g s int o his hand,—thus terinmeling course. A Mr.Bowington, Hying near them, was two Servitors and two Rimresentatives, with a good irese , my shuafion ia Neither. I have been in " ll ' '` '*".... '' ''''''"'"''" . I his life in a lew hours! In Lite agony of his suf- ,on the bank and took refuge on board the barge, Constitution in their hand.. I have tole. you all . spite of enexpected discomfiture, the object of hon. .---- • i , this sulnect which you desire to hear." ors and of compliments usually rendered oily to F rom DEATH no age nor no condition saves, ferings, the wretched man, as a warning to others, closely pursued by the panther, which leaped upon As goes the frteman, so depnrts - the slave, I made a full confession of the circumstances, and him, and with his claws, mangled him dreadfully I i • • • I d I • •.1 the. who are successful and victorious M thegreat : The chieftain's palace a nd the peasant's bower, I Ihe Um. also al ues to rumors w iich it i oes Alitm are ravished by Ms haughty power. died deeply deploring his gall[ arid folly in not in the back and sides. before anything effectual entertains of mankind—to sad nothing of other • not credit, that the people of Tex. talk of holding demontanitiona, the letters, the addresses and corn. I I yielding to his convictions at the meeting. This could he done for his relief. At length a rifle was. . DIED • On Monday afternoon las t, in the dein' a convention, without waiting for C ongress , to ap- munications which I have received since the election man was not worn, than other sinners. And the ',teemed and the panther was shot while yet in rho prize us that Mexico threatens invasion and war, from every quarter, from collective bodies and indi tv of . lxen . (liv aft of kind admonition or Heave n to till is, "He th at being act of tearing and mangling his vieliil . . WC are and therefore to call upon us to anticipak the pm- v n i n d d ua fe lis e . lin na s tr o t rth b e 'l vv il nreixne't"""Yliii'gnd'eli"ttriemnPgieZ .1 1 011 N J. BUCHER, aged about 2V;e P arT '') often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly ' informed that the animal was found to have in his grass of the means which we are already talong to be destroyed , and that without remedy!" ;friendship , and deploring the issue the election, 1 mouth a sharp stick of wood oneend of which wan effect annexation--and to send them arms and would fill a large volume. 1 burr been quite as - TII E II AII K E 'll' s . embedded in one of his jaws, and the other endtrooper to assist in their defence. much if not more affected by them than I was by The Proscriptive System. projecting directly against the other jaw; so that [CONitk e'rED WEEKLY.] Tile editor adds—lt is to be It that the people any disappointment or personal interest of my awn We invite the attention of all true Jackson nor- he was entirely prevented from biting. What con-in moneyth event of the contest.. Amoug them : gntle- - of Texas to ll quietly wa it —avo id anything like Pliilndelphin, May. 2: , . eer kind address will be ever cherished by grippers to the following article which we extract , neaten this singular eircurnameo may have had haste or revolution—and if near danger does ap- me With the newt mini fi ed feeling", and in the du- WKS:AT Ft.ottit, per bbl. - - -$4 4.1 from an exchange paper. with the strange conduct of the animal, or whetherz. 1 preach from the side of Mexico, to repo. with en- table form in w hi c h you have had the goodness to It PIC MEAL, do. __ _ _ ~, 00 A writer in the Worcester Alpha who has con- ' , this may nut be a ease of hydrophobia, is all matter' • • • tranainit it to me, it will he preserved . a precious , CirllN dO. dn. ; tire confidence upon our good angles and our tributed to that journal a series of p a per, upon the of conjetture. The i nsi d e of the mouth a the an- memorial. on which my remotest decereldnts may , WHEAT,piitnePenna.per hush. -- 96 , I strength as their beg dependence in any and every gaze, as I have permed it, with proud satisfaction. 111 Y,, do. - - - 59- Deceptions and inconsistencies of the Locolbco 1 inlet showed sips of its having been sore fora long • COltN, yellow, e, o. - - s 42 ' extrernitY, I Ull.l.gentlemen, party, instituter' a comparison between the number ' time, from the wound produced by the stick, and With high respect, ' Onrs, do. - - - f. - s 6 of removals from office made by Gen. Jackson, and t h e m i e n was Much discolored, I r - ' , The Wushington Union, alluding to the ef- i Your faithful friend. ' W N.:HISK o, ill halo. 1 • Ill' I the six Presidents who preceded him, for whom lie . : forts of Great Britain to induce Texas to avoid un- I H. CLAY. ' Baltimore, May. 22. nexation, say s:--" Our ancient ally, too, (France,) M.srs. James R. Wood, Benjamin Drake, and '% it Ear Plson it , per bbl. - - -$4 : - ,'ltt P rofessed to have • "meat reverence." The writer • al• Th e situation of the present Secretory of HEAT,- Ott says: ' Stale, 13ccannax, is not the most enviable—the' under sot. extraordinnry influence of coundels, others. C \X onn, yellow, Iner t]ush. o. - - - - 1 40 "During, General Washington's administration imprudence of taco-face organs constantly remind- which grieves . well . surprises our countrymen, " Alleghania" Exploded. Ra s:, dn. ' 55 of eight years, there were nine rgnovale. iim hint of former peccadilloes. We think this un- ' seems to join in the appeal, and to persuade her to The New Yolk Historical Society have for some ( 'ArS• (1 .• 25 ll n pre s ident John Adams' administration of four kind, and eelmeiany after the Peculiar services he decline all annexation with the United States. Her time had under consideration the propriety of adop- N. tic ra Y ' In hits, years, there were ter, removnle. igidered the party in revolutionizing Lancaster own government, too, is less willing to accept our I thug some more general name time this country, and DEDICE/1770•3: In President Jefferson's of eight years, there were comity, which in 1928 gave General Jackson only propositions than might f a i r ly b., been expected, proposed .. A Li . iiii , i i , i ~., 011 competing notes, rman Reforme ' d Church late E COI , S, Cratifin of the I , vangelictil 1 ti tliirty-nine removals. abourl7oo majority. As it, through the great in- They secui to throw cold water up. tho subject.— however, with many leading men of the country, th . e i r i n ut , an d (;,' in p r e s ident Mudinon'a of eight yews,, there were faience and unwenried exertions of Endrellan and I But the people are not to be turned fron t their des- 1 they found that " THE Carer. S•rn•res" was gen- ly erected at Bellefonte, will take place eta five removals. Sabbath the 15th Jim, 'floe exercises will his gave only 4351 majority against Polk, tiny by the scruples of theirown government, or by entity regarded as sufficiently expressive, and that In President Monroe's of eight years, there were being a diffbrence,sinee 1828, of only about 6,000, ' the seductions of Foreign States, 'They are 11/1X- i any cbange or innovation was deprecated. The . i ; commence at 9 o'clock, A. NI. There will I be preeching in b o th the Gei roan and E nine removala , gratitude fur services rendered !Mould outweigh ions to join us, and nothing can defeat them." showed their good sense by finally • srejecting the ow, l engtum . s. s everal clergy me, Of dis. In President John Quincy Adams' of four years, ever y o the r f ee lin g , It w as t h e . w i t h pa i n we coo . , proposition by an almost unanimous vote of the tinction are expected to be in attendance.— there were tam removals. [iced an article from the Nashville Union, the pet-'; ( 1.-- -r A Washin g to n C°T'sP.ndent °M.' Charles- I Society. I Persons of railer delinminations are respect . • fully invittd to attend. Making seventy-four removals in forty years, by ' tonal organ of the President, hinting that the •' ton Courier says:—. All apprehensions of a war anti- l'he New York Express has the final action of „ timid • whh England have be. dissipated by the declare- the Society on this subject; und publishes a letter MICII.AEL FISHBORN, six different Preninents, not an average of taco:, war federaliatu" pronounced Manisox to ',Mon of the official journal dna we guill continue , f ro m Mr, Clay and one from Judge Story. Mr. May 28, 1845. JACOB LILLEY, year, and seven of the. were defaulter.. and incapable of conducting a war." This is tun : Building Com, to negotiate. As to a war with Mexico, it do. not Clay's is as follows. It is worthy of the man. Now we can judge how much reverence Gen. generous. 'What though Buchanan did so pro- I occult lobe apprehended. While we have prepay- ' Jackson had for the examples of these illustrious noun. Madison—whet though he did denounce ASIILANII, May 7, 1845. STIIAY 110ICSE. men. In one year Jackson removed nine hundred the measures of his administrations UN ,c wad mad :ed for defence by a squadron in the Gulf of Mexico, Sin :—I received your letter, tramenutting a copy (nATRAYED away from the sultan...Aber. nn and ninety. Two hundred and thirty principal w i c ked projects,"--are these any pr oo f s o f las re- , and another 'Mt the Gefifernia coast, .d a military I t " o r ri t O r oo ;r o t io ° t t , . , % l3 , l l , l "Z7 ul ° l f ec t t he of l l° ,e w e lt. ll i . . - . , ss.4,Stuulay evening. the 18th inst. - "lnair t a pi— . force on the southwestern frontier, pacific measures art .'s Darn, s near . Petersburg, a (Mill . b a y officers, the remainder under of fi cers in the vane. sition .w 1 Perhaps he considers Polk a gates- of adopting t; ' Na l National Name for the cou P idr7ar t id i have not been loot sight of. It w il l he the policy of : the PeopM of the United States; end I have Mt.- ',tits old, about middle sized. I ha l s "e r: 8 0 ) a l ck in one tore and one et his lurid departments. Several of these were, revolutionary mon infinitely superior to Munson ! officers, and many of them Republican friends of There are other papers beside the Union v/hich 1 the Government to endeavor to conciliate Mexico I lively pi:rimed it. In compliance with your request, feet. Any person taking up said horse, and by jug and reasonable proposit i on" Mr the adjust- I I t ha l tre now t o h i i , s , p % l h e i ii ‘ s i u ,, re briefl y tit express h ' 'ewe w - t a r i ng to Jefferson and Madison, who by conspicuous servi- are rather free in their allusion to federalists and I the subscriber al Waynesburn. , "trent of all difficulties pending between the two ' 4` l l2ls sti undoubtedly tl egne l i e r;conien knee hi the I N l: l if t 1 4 " r u e n, . t v ) a ' ' r ° ll l i . .t ' l el f H o l j e l l 1 i l l s ' In tl toitTlee shall a b l e : cow had pined their cotifidenee." . Mderalign. For the sake of their Secretary we beg Imouniries. A special mission for that purpose will want of a more specific and exclusive nat., de- I e l t . t . t . ' s, n' paid. H e i s ~ •,,,_ I 1 ' g „ theta to Mtbear!—lVurrislown free Pi ess. I ultimately be sent to Mexico is case she should , scriptive of the country end the inhabitants of this tn:yit ' 'rds P Slraver's Ci! ‘ e u n i k i. 'V " l:ll g e t s ) ' i a l v • e nit, ' n ' t i e Accidents on the Reading Railroad. This road, from the time of its opening, has been I Glade mutter. I avoid the ulternative of war." portion of the new world. But I respectfully think . Vnllev. JAMES GrAIiLINER. prolific in accidents, many of which have been fatal i This article. owing to its superior quality, always I the inconvenience is exaggerated. If happily our i NVitynesbUrg, May.l9, 1845 ',rodent union should coninue unbroken, I the to human fife. Three weeks since , Edward Rea- commands a high price in the Eastern mocha[ . It I n -- j•-• The Oregon Negotagion has often engaged : that, in process tit' time in t o onsequence of the gre. men, a conductor of one of the passenger trains, a is manufactured in large quantities in this county, ' the attention of Amen , . and Mittel' diplomatist' , I ter power, population and influence of the united gentleman respected wherever known, wan crushed and constautes one of our chief articles of export. Twenty years ago, when Mr. Rush was our Minis. I States, than among other nations, either in North 1 Blank, ,to death. The perks are SeltuYikill Journal thus A gentleman in Uri e town has kindly furnished us ter in England, the subject was under discussion.— I m South America, the United States will be em pliatically called add known as the " The United Re, Dr , Alonzo Potter,— . . narrates the accidents or week before lad :-..." On with the following statement, griming the amount In hia elkaideuce M London," a Work publi•thed , - I States, " and the Inhabitants us e Aniericans."— Horatio Potter, 17 Thursday morning, as the Reading •pa esenger . tra i n ex p or t e d f ront Somerset count y d ur i ng the year after hia return home, he says that the 13thish Plen- I Whilst the other confederacies of states will be henry J. Morton, -- 14 ' wan coining, out Broad greet, the Menton., John 1814. I ipotentiaries inane . formal proposition of a bum I called end dericribed as the United Sautes of Alexi - Wainright, -- 1 1 Sheduller, was caught between theca. end fearfully Exported in kegs, 630,000 lbs. ' Airy in the Oregon country. but ••I t s intimated that I cot "., and their inhubitants,Mexicans,Peruviand, Do. •• colts, 63-.800 ••• Ilt. Rev. Bishop Freeman, 1 I crushed. Two °there are said to have occurred I the 'her Self (the Columbia) was the most come' ' ete i 47 t i t i e greet iii,oroi,y or a dissolution of the _ ! , The Rev. Dr. ALONZO POTTEN, Professor of 'war Pottsville Y''slerdnY• A woman had both of T 095,800 nos. o l eo[, tied said they could agree to none that did 'Total, Union should bend us, no common name that we Moral Philosophy and Pell. Lances in Union I her limbs token of, and another person ax badly 1 Which, had it been all pecked, would have made , no/ g;ee them the harbor at its mouth, in common ' might adopt would , in that direful contingency, be College, Scheneetady,fraving received a majority of I injured. On Saturday night a collision took place , p d, ,,, keg , will, the noed smee. ., To this the A ti „,,, i ,, n , .ipplitable to any of ita dispersed parts. There would be mch, if not insuperable diffi two, was nominated to the !laity a , a fit Presbyter 1 near Port Clinton, Ily which a breakman on one ofl Several or our merchants sent oft.' upwards of , negotiators could not assent—and who matter re- , cid IS ill the adoption of uny new name. Beelike for the o ffi ce of Binhop of thin Diocese, ! the trains was instantly killed. Several o th er ac- i 1000 kegs cacti. . 'trained unadjudted to the present day, and is tonal- , otlieni, I am net sure that it would not excite, with usted ball. This nomination was then onaniniously con- cidents along the line are reported to have occurred The average price at which the butter sold, was j I sot., the frightful apprehension of consolidation. I Between the proposed name of n Alleghania," _firmed, both by churches and the yr. of every lin the ear l y part of the week " 10 cents per pound, umounting in the aggiegule 10 . , MEXICO ANT/ Ty...in.—Cent. Walker , of the I.d " Washington," I should think the latter de delegate. 0 - j- The Secreturice of War and of the Navy, to , $69,380 00. I eidedly preferable. And I sho u ld be glad that it ' Falmouth, from Matanzas, May 0111,reporte that the The name of Er. Tyng had been withdrawn , whom the subject was referred by the lag House of I But tel is only the amount exported—and when .... 4 .. ,, . , -„ , .. might be edopted by univerval consent; that our should ever remain ono and indivisible • 1 ii 11 mail en timer from I era Cruz urns.' at , country during the 3rd, 4th and 5111 ballots , I Representativ., have arrived at the conclusion that I we add to it tile home consumption , which in by . llavannah on the 7th inst., with despatches to Mr. ' it ;it its inholritunts to the latest posterity, should be The North American oldie 24th has the fhlkw- Colt'a sub-marine battery thilling new •; that he I means imonsiderable, it will be Muud that this %al fondly cherish both the name and the virtues of Crawford, the British Consul ; advigng him that the ' , tiled Washingtonians, and thin they should ev e r is entitled to neither praiseignFward; and that he noble , article is much more extensively inanufbc in.g: boundary lines of Texas had been defined and set- The Father of IEB Country. line only livened himself of Fulton's stationary tor• hired than what it has perhaps been generally imp- EPISCOPATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. tled, and her independence guaranteed by a con- I am, sir, with gore[ TeEprd, pt.. and Prof. Hare's galvanic current. It ap- I Pose d I" be. I vention between England, France and Mexico. 'Your obedient servant, Yesterday,. is fully noticed in the Report of the pea. from the communication of the Secretary of i We have in Somerset county a populution of tecounts by the same arrival are that Santa A. H. CLAY. I about 20,000—and if we allow but 15 pounds of ' - tiya 0 . I 3mix JA r, Esq., &c. &c: procecalings of the Episcopal Convention, the Rev. the Navy, however, that all Mr. Colt's :Mims have has been reduced to the alter. t Dr. Alma Potter, was elected Bishop of the Dios no, been for !mug' , Ho has - ' :'" Ism a „la • •"" Y"" (Tee of Pennsylvania. The unanimous concurrence mumption, it will amount in the aggregide to 300,. , bad I ant or • I fur mal-adminigrati..— Anorrma Flue !---The eft of Allegheny, Land IFor Sale: department over fifteen thousand di-ilk. on his own of the Convention in this choice, is a matter aeon- 000 pounds, which when added to the amount given ; Cunt " idt ' erll ' et. ' adjoining the city of Pittsburg, wee visited by ono- A valuable tract cf land Situate in Porter account, and over two thousand .dollars for experi gratulation to the friends of the Church. above as baying been exported last year, will melee I ..„ thee great conflagration on Saturday morning, the t tn i., , , s ii it , s i t i i e l b ., , H ,,,,, u u ti g ti l k i ,g o ( r io A n k c .. ,..:.::: , \ . l.. i ,: , b a a n it d t 6 1 :i l i 1 : .... The moils °Mounting in all, to n• w HMS a sev.it ~ , , -•,, c, LIMN/VERY OP ANCIENT THEANUNE.--TIIC Ma- 18th Met: The Age nays: appuent di ffi culty of air election all disappeared a total of 903,800 pounds, mounting in value to ! thousand dollars. I con (Geo.) hlessenger gives an account of the ilk- from Huntingdon Lotartieh, containing hefore the conciliatory spirit witch preva il ed in the —s-----. 99,380 00.—Somerset (Po.) IlcraltL "The fire dentroyed every building bettveen Fed- iI. e 5&.. - CM3.. - --- M a 'body. . A New Article of Cemmerce. covert' of hnhlen treasure to the amount of forty- • oral and Sandusky streets , from Lacoek streets to usand Spanish dollars in Tame! county, in a i who ea., except * one or two, tugether with several rd, and in a good state of cultivation—a first On the kir emises, there are 100 acres Blear l'he Bishop Atm is known es a man in every A Antnt n“ . the inli.tnt yesterday, .""" An. item of Ditiunrel. CATASTIterIIE A'r YAIUMOI,II, ENO. 1... '' ih " great ex _ 1 rate orchard of Apple, and other fruit [coca sty-leer kids. of Crape 1,,,e .) ' up, consigned to Thu discoverer, on blowing up the on tiro lower side of the lust mentioned street, and nothing but the calmness of the night and —dwelling house--bit en, &c. way worthy of the high and responsible poet to , a h ouse s„ N ew York, Ttita is the I , m i mp . t Fr ont -100 to 150 Lives Losi.—The London Sun 1 t h at Snit ' a tree discovered three dollars and . digs actions of the firemen and citizens, prevented it I vehichale is called. To natural talents of a lame- lof the kind we have ever noticed and what purpose of the eVeniule Of May ad, contains a leiter from i met °f ' rior order, he °dile ii frosts of extensive gutty and the Sap is to he applied Ie• stirs the bile of our Norwich, dated the preceding evening, from which i gin,g deeper succeeded in exhistning the above large from spree It much further. The damage cannot 1 For terns inquire of the eubscriberion the ~s t, „t enee„ The reel. , , wh i eh it has !,ern hie . curiosity nu little. Con . anybody tell usl the following icon exited: I amount. The money was found on the land of be much lean than $BO,OOO orsloo,ooo. premines. 'II :.1 OT HY N . OLAND'. [Pittsburg Daily Gazette. I duty to premb,lave always fatten exemplified by I The re .. .r, " The mug awful excitement pe7aded this city. I Mrs. cirdy, a widow in needy cireninatirtleeS. ?yelling of the loth inst., at a tenet-num the Canal a Lot of four acres, in good condition, in the N. B. 100 acre. of nit ad woodland curl • i i Home part of Germany a system of - -- A SERI , pt s APVIIAT.—A fight occurred on the Iriatnnvi•inpietn. moderation And stkristian worth, in I • A dreadful accident has occurred at Yunnouth.— i VelllCat, Call be had with the /111 , 1Ve. ' /Viarly medical treatment pursued called "TI c and At Stuart aurae 'relation in fife. ileservingtmathers are who I , „ ' --'" Mr. Ndson, the clown belonging to Cook'a Circus, I fr? )Tears , James IL ihmey a this boroug h , kept by a Mr.Sharnben, v. Cure --the patient being forced to eat tarp qua. • i re in New l'odt, uttering 18111efIllIfitUIS over the e r, between town of Alexandija, , - I . ,N. were nominated for the office towlook Dr. Potter I .. now nt Yarmouth, announcral the performance of , a i n landlord a nd • his two bar-keepers and n man h • i • • • S Itn ter tp. ,May 14, 1845.-3 t. pd. ' 1,. been chosen., the selection could nothaVe been I pr , , _ • titiesof grape, no matt, what his disease may be. by lour geese on the :North Rivet smoking being drawn • I ruins of a•• Third Party in Politicn.”— the trains of Brooks. Break s was .0 dreadfully ou y some wight haa thought that if the grain. . • . • • 1 .1.1 t f tI • d I • rdwhet they beaten that he has since died. Slnambere dth But ow go o liar, an none rtga ley say. — mere form:rate for all the Madera. of theelturch.— 1 The euspension bridge crosses this liver, and abou t ' et ' an ---e JOHN WILLIAIVISON were so powsrful, the sap from whieh they sprung , ,e, r . 1 Having deliberately opened the door for Texas to two other nwn were °weskit end committed for trial. A Ithouneh le hanakelined autihsiner memos. the I m i ght he nu , • • • '''° people were on the bridge, when, between lav e --Harrisburg Intelligencer. Having re re 60, and thus there is a probability .I...a's a Mannaohunetto, t.riti.We WU,. of on o , , • and s i x o'clock, it f e n in, It is reported that be. I come, with her Slavery , into the Union, these men turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com that anodic./ grand elixir will be added to the litre ' only make their own perfidy the more glaring, by ----- talented the practice of LAW In the Borough tinge tithi•r Staternit la anticipated by his frit:tide " tween 100 and 150 pernons perished. The utmost (0- South Carolina. after being afflicted with a phalanx dimly arraigned nainst Death.— V ate! of Huntingdon, witene he will carefully at that he win accept this as - troMtmorg. " constermition exists hero—special trains Is gart- denouncing, an evil which they been npon us.— drought ofseveral weekie a • • • • oration, was visited with tend to all business entrusted to his care.— ' -Votes Gazelle. -a.- -- • . ed--the telegraph is beset by hundredn enxioue to : But their power to mielead no longer exists, At I plenteous rains a f ew d ay „t uee, end the peop le i-1 will be found at all times by those win, • • - -•--- r..' From The loth to the Mit. inclueive, oar ,:::r Tie I:rbatia (Ohio) Cremona the 20th inst. o m e ns news of relatives and friend,. Fifty-three I letmt ten thousand honest Abolition i sts will reunite l a m tejoicin g on that gamut:l. The WelcolllCN. may cII Ul7Oll him, at his office with Isant, tuner I F i t. ~,,. —, q. thousand awns. hundred and ',verity two Mani- says: --•• We had ~eVOrld OCVetir fiente fluritig the have be e n picked out deed, and team , more, it ! Ott rllSCl , ..ith the ten I hands of Einenetpation. ' also extended to Georgia, „1,,,, • 1... , adjoining the store ni l'hita e it V 713 Mira ' lieed & Son, neer the Diamond. v o w. arrayed at Ironton from foreinn porte. ' past tn ek." • is thought, are still its the river.. I ---11b:iny Jo:loud. needed. • 11111111oPt1 In. Anvil s,rl IPA, vu HUNTINGDON JOURNAL ; One eonntry, one constitution, owe dealiny." Mtunuatkar_az3c_alaDzca a Wednesday morning, Delay 28, '45. (Cr We learn that a few days ago a man named Stewart was killed at Williamsburg, in this county, by a !nail named Brenneman. We are not ac quainted with the particulars. "Cocas." It will be seen by the following notice, which wo take from 311 Ohio paper, that Ohio's tall young Senator, a rank Locofoco, has been caught by Coons, out of whose dotes he is not likely to es cape for a while. What will the Locos say to this? "Democracy triumphant," eh? MAttittsu—On the 12th inst., nt Fruit Hill, Ross county, Ohio, by the Rev. Mr. Mimi., Hon. Wm. Actax, U. S. Senator to Mrs. Ems UooNs, heiress or the late Governor McArthur. War against the Tariff. A cotemparary says it was a very conunon re mark during the late Presidential campaign, that Mr. Polk was a better friend of the Tariff of 1842 than Mr. Clay, and this opinion was founded upon Mr. Polka letter to John K. Kane, of Philadelphia. But the fears of the friends of that measure fire now likely to he realized. Already has the Administra tion commenced the war of extermination against the Tariff of 1842, as the following extract from a late article in the Official Government paper, at Washington, too clearly indicates: We have little doubt that the Secretary will at least do his part in bringing the Treasury back to a fair, equal and just revenue standard, and equali zing the public burdens. The present Tariff can scarcely stand as the permanent system of this great country. It is too unequal in itself, too op pressive upon some interests, too partial to others— too favorable to the rich, too burdensome to the poorer classes of the community. The sooner it is reduced the better it is for all." What say the friends of " Polk, Dallas and the Tarty 111942," in Pennsylvania, to this feeler of the Administration l Ye uncompromising demo crats," are ye ready to " turn about and wheel about end dojust as ?" Protestant Episcopal Convention. The 61st Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Pennsylvania assembled in Philadelphia on Tuesday of last week. On Thum day the Convention proceeded to an election of a Bishop, and continued the ballottings on Friday.-- The result was as follows: BALLOTS: Ist 2d 3d 4th sth 37 38 38 38 39 35 35 1 1 1 Dr. Bowmln ~ Tyng, " 'Morton, Rev. Mr. Morgan, .. Clark, A. Potter, The Rev. Samuel Bowman was therefore duly nominated by the clergy as is suitable person for Bishop. The laity then voted thus: For Confirmation, Against Con I irmation. 55 Other nominations were then made, and the Convention proceeded to further ballots, which resulted as follows: 6th ballot. 7th ballot. :17 2 :I6 Dr. Bowman, •• qi :32 33 33 3 2 1 Another Blast from the Zugle, ) , Ifere ihe girlsipil here the widow Always cast Their earliest glance, And, with smileless face, consider If they, too, won't stand n chance To make 'some clever fellow Devote. In bliss, and often too--in trouble." Orphans' Court Sale. irtlY virtue of an alias order of the Or• to plians' Court of Huntingdon ca•uoty, will be exposed tm sale, by public venoue or tut cry, on tile' premises, ou Saturday the 14th day of June next, as the property of John Scullin, deceased; a lot of ground with a large and commodious TAVIAIN HOUSE thereon erected, two stories high, part log and weathei boarded and part frame, situate. in the borough of PETERSBURG, in said comity, now occupied as a publie. house by Mrs. Mare Scullin. Also parts of two other lots in said borough, on which are erected a large fisine stable, and a small log stable. appurtenant to the tavern stand. TERMS OF SALE•f—One ball of the purchase money to be paid on the confirma tion of the sale, and the residue in two rqulil annual payments thereafter, with in tero.tr, to be secured by the bowls and mortgago of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clk. 07 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day. Attendance will he eiven be JOHN M'CULLOCII, Adni'r. Petersburg, May 21, 1815. ,7"