Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 14, 1845, Image 2

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..One errantry, one constitution, one destiny."
13(leanuQL re cll. co Eza 9
Wednesday morning, May 14,'45,
(a The lines of 0. M. S. ere held under advise-
cO' To-day our country calla—'tin ours to'
obey." We wish Sir Robert Peel and the noble
Earl of Aberdeen could see the martial bearing of
the bloody 62nd" today, fur they would surely
shut up at once alma Oregon. Queen Victoria's
peculiarly delicate situation at present forbids lies to
witness such grand displays of military prowess.
The Huntingdon Globe says that it has
• larger circulation in Huntingdon county than any
other paper; end if this is doubted, its pack book
eon give the evidence—that is, we suppose, the evi
dence of those doubts, for it cannot show a larger
circulation, without having three smaller ones to
compare it with.
The Hollidaysburg Standard ridicules the trag
gadoeio of the Globe—asserts that the Standard
travels farther than Huntingdon county—and tells
the Globe to pock off.
These editors must look at the world through
green spectacles, which represent men and things
eerdant to their optics.
very hotly knows that the Huntingdon Journal
is thaynost ancient, as well as the most sought
after mot in this county. it travels around the
Globe, and a s tepkovet the Standard in its weekly
jourLey througho s til Nkt.t.tesni." nerd all the re
gions round about; Anal tier friends,tlie Antipodes, I
are exceedingly anxious to have on agency estali.
halted among them, pattiatilarly as they consider
Morse's Electra Magnetic Telegraph, which they
have just heard oT, n great aunty,
And now, gentlemen, hand in Boor ADVER
TISEMENTS, as usual: and if there is a roan in
she county who is not a subscriber, and cannot har
row or attain Journal, we advise that man that
wow to ran roar. TO SUBSCRIBE!--Uncle
Sam will charge you no postage after the Ist of
July. Walk up, gentlemen!
Appointments by the Governor.
Auditor GeiteraL—Gen. John N. Purvience, of
Butler county.
Surveyor `General.—Hon. Sohn Laporte, of
Bradford county.
(-0- We learn that at an early hour in the morn
ing of Sunday the 4th inst,. a fire broke out in the
business part of the town of Portsmouth, N. H.:
which destroyed a large number of buildings, end
property valued atone hundred thousand dollars.
A (root aatonished the peopte of Hartford last
Friday night. It did no harm.
It i* no wonder, then, that it astonished the peo-
The Union makes the official announcement of
appointments, which settle many vexed question■
in Philadelphia, among political aspirants, and cre
ate a great many more vexatious disappointments:
'flsoroas H. Pettit, of Philadelphia, to he Attor
ney of the United States for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, vice Henry H. Watts, removed.
Henry Hon:, Collector of Philadelphia, vice
Calvin Blythe, removed.
Henry Welsh, Naval Officer, Philadelphia, vice
Joel 13. Sutherland, removed.
George F. Lehman, Deputy Postmaster, Phila•
delphis, vice - Hoy, removed.
Two Eclipses.
The editor of the U. 8. Gazette aays:—.. We
turned out, as our naval visiter has it, bright and
early yeaterday morning, (the Bth,) to see the
(-chime of the sun, and got an pretty a horizon as
could he desired for an observation, having a two
story kitchen, and a clever stable betwixt our eye
and sunrise. SUN we could depend something up
on refraction, and therefore kept a look out:'
There were, we are proud to state, two eclipse., the
first that of the sun by the moon—we take that
upon the calculations of the aetronometa; and,
secondly. that of the nun and moon by the clouds.
The eclipse was eclipsed. We have not prepared
our element yet, and, therefore, can say nothing
further about it.
The Dead.
The Trenton Gazette sity.:—'chree entire skele-
tons, with parts of a fourth, were ploughed up in a
fold in liardyston in Suesex, some ten day. ago.
Quite an excitement was caused by the discovery;
the piece was visited by hundred. of person., and a
full examination was made Ly the Prosecutor of the
Pleas, the sheriff; and a justice of the peace. ;they
came to tae.conclusion that they are the bones of
Itulieas. There was no vestige of clothing or pf
coffin, and mixed oath the earth there were some
faeces of orrooklseads and flint4tones which were
sounded and Idackened. apparently by fire, and
some pWcos of ,earthce or .4tone pots, and fragment.
of pipes.
GowanNom sr Gramm-1W Halifax Hera'd
says:: We have it upon good amhority, that Sir
George timpeon, a inteseuge.r In .the I.:aledonia for
Boston, goes out as Governor of the •Grogon Terri
qry." Should dile pro., true, the extreme folly of
the curse pursued by Polk will he atilt more
apparent.; es hefore we shall he,prepared to defend
that Territory. the 13ritish will have the pinata:4w
and a government organised wider it.
The 15;aeithville (Tenn.) Banner announces
with epproprieteoxpreavions of !egret, the decease
°Mho lion. D. W. Dickinsop, svi ic , 6 , took plue on
Mew Counterfeit.
The United States Gazette of the Bth inat. says:
We saw yesterday a roll of apurious bank notes of
the denomination of five dollars, altered from the
Tenth Ward Bank of New Fork, so as to.conoert
them into counterfeits on the Bank of Northum
berland (Pa.) The alteration was skillfully effect
ed, except that In some of them the word North
umberlaq," where it woe introduced, had a muddy,
indistlnot appearance. They were dated January
Iftth and July 211th, of various number., and signed
John Taggart President, and J. W. Priestly, Cash
The centre vignette represented a reaping scene,
with a mother and her child restittg,pgainst a sheaf
of wheat in the foregroend. Om the left end of the
note, Greenough's statue of Washington, on the
right end, a female figure, with a square tablet, and
at the bottom a train of cars and a lohomotive.
The bill is calculated to deceive the incautious.
The Mlectro Magnetic Telegraph.
Mr. Ellsworth, in his admirable report, speaks of
the electro magnetic telegraph as one of the most
brilliant discoveries of the age. Imagination, he
says, can scarcely conceive ,what is .w accom
plished by the electric fluid, when confined and
tamed, as it were, to the purposes of life. Distance
is annihilated—thought has found a competitor.
Nor is it less gratifying that this invention is
American. To a native citizen belongs the merit
of the discovery; and it is hotted that the country
of hie birth will reward him accordingly. The
public, at first, could scarcely-believe that intelli
gence could be sent at the rate of 158,000 miles in
a second nor that the earth would suffice for half
of the current of communication ; nor that the
rents of electricity front opposite poles would tra
verse the same wire at the same time, turning out'
as it were in passing each other. Such are proved
to be facts. One discovery pressed upon the heels
of another. The desideratum of furnishing elec
tricity by mechanical means is at length found.
This discovery, the handmaid of the telegraph, be
longs to soother of the sons of New England. The
practicability of this last invention has been fully
I tested for 40 miles, leaving no doubt that it will
succeed wherever the battery would answer.
Handsomely Done,
A letter from Lexington, Ky., too gentleman in
Somerville, Tenn., speaking of Mr. Cloy, says:
He (Mr. Clay) has been largely in debt, but
witin the last week his entire indebtedness (amount-I
ing to near $30,000) woe cancelled, and his notes
delivered to him from the bank ! The great man
was deeply affected, and asked who had done this
thing. 'We know not,' was the reply, the mo
ney was deposited to your credit, and the notes aro '
cancelled. It eked not concern you who did it;, it
was not your enemies.' "
The New York Tribune says that the debts were
created by endorsing for a relative, who become
deeply embarrassed and failed. The debts came
upon Mr. Cloy to such an extent that hie property
must have been swept away to pay them. The
circumstances came to the knowledge of some of
Mr. Clay's political friends and admirers, (few of
whom knew 'dm personally) and they quietly sub
scribed the sum necessary to relieve him from em
barrassment. The first intimation he had of it was
by the return of his cancelled orders.
Newspaper Subscriptions.
The new Post Master General has prepared in
structions to deputy postmasters, under the new post
office law, which goes into operation on the first of
July neitt. Thu limitation of the franking privi
lege of postmastele has cut off the usual mode of
transmitting subscriptions to papers. The fidlow
ing method is therefore substituted, by the Post
master General, a provision for the transmission of
money much preferable to that now in use.
.• Money for newspaper subscriptions not exceed
ing to in each case, may be paid to the postmaster
for the purpose ofbeing paid to the publisher of a
newspaper at any other office. The P. M. is in such
case, to give to the person paying the money a re
ceipt therefor, and to advise forthwith the Postmas
ter, who is to pay such amount of such deposit.—
Upon such presentation of this receipt, the Post
! master receiving the amount is to debit himself
! therewith in his account, and the Post-master pay
. idg that amount is to credit himself therewith in
Lis account of contingent expenses."
Public notice has been given that the stated annual
meeting of the Convention of the Protestant Epic=
copal Church, will bo held in Philadelphia, on
Tuesday next, the 20th inst. The most important
business of the convention, we presume will be the
election of a Bishop for the Diocese, in the place of
Bishop Onderdonk.
c_r QV . Shook has appointed Gen. John N.
Purviance, of Butler county, Auditor General, in
the place of WM. F. Packer, Eq. and the Hon.
John Laporte, of Bradford county, Surveyor Gen
crol,iu the place of Gen. Jacob Sallade.
G.73 - John Rice, formerly cashier of the North
ampton Bank, and William H. Wender were tried
week before last, at Lancaster, to which county their
trials had been transferfed by en act of the Legis
lature, for a conspiracy to defraud the Northamp•
ton Bank out of about 50,000 dollars. The Men
dents were both acquitted.
D. Morris, Deputy Poatmaster in the city of New
York, in place yf John Lorimore Gnihain, removed.
Ely Moore, Marshall of the Southern district of
N. York, in place of Silas M. Stilwell, removed.
Michael Hoffman, Naval officer in the city of
N. York, in place of Jeremiah Towle, removed.
,1; 3 , The following are very good receipts for lem
onade and ginger beer powders; and, to persons
who abstain from the ordinary fermented alcoholic
beverages, will be found very convenient and ac
ceptable, particularly during the ensuing season
"Lemonade powders—pound and mix together
half a pound of loaf sugar, one ounce of carbonate
4 coda, and three or our drops of the oil of lemon,
diNide the mixture into sixteen portions, and dis in a glare of water. Ginger beer powders
away the oil of lemon trom the receipt, and
substitute a few grain. of finely powdered „ginger,
foA.'aj•:+ of the tamer.. or Trager."
The Oregon Question.
The following remarka of the Baltimore Ameri
can, difficulty between thin country
and Great Britain, and the danger of' a rupture be
tween the two governments, on the Oregon Que.
iron, present the prominent features of the case in
o clear and prominent manner. The American says:
If the difficulty with Great Britain in reference
to the Oregon, rested on the merits of the questio■
at issue, and upon nothing else, and if that question
were to be discussed by two discreet nations in a
calm, dispassionate manner,nothing would be more
idle than the apprehensions of war which are now,
in the minds of many connected with this matter.
But the case is far otherwise. Let us consider it
for a moment.
fhe most portentous feature in the whole busi
ness is thin: a war polio, is the policy of
The old issuesof Bank, Tariff, Public Lands end
the like are exhausted. Whether it is the national
policy on those points is considered so settled, or
that the public mind has grown indifferent towards
them being wearied with such hackney topics, or
from whatever cause it may be, the fact is certain
that these staple articles of party weave have maw
ed to possess absorbing interest, ceased to excite en
The rapid progress of our country in the devel
opement of Its resources and in the increase of
population—the prospective view of our future
greatness and grandeur as an imperial Republic ,
prominent on the world's star and deeply concer
ned in the destinies of mankind—the ever-enlarg
ing idea of our national importance, the exulting
consciousness of our strength—these considerations,
thoughts and feelings have taken possession of the
mind of our people, and gave evidence of an exu
lierance of life, spirt and vigor which makes us rest
less, adventurous, daring and imperious. The lea-
dere who control the masses through the medium of
their ruling impulses have caught the watchword
of power—will they not avail themselves of ill
Look at the tone of the journals. If war is de-
I precated, if peaceful counsels are urged, if the pre
cipitate action of the Government, as manifested by
the passage of the Oregon bill in the House, is de
plored—forthwith thecry of ~ British influence" is
raised. All who express a wish that the difficulty
with England may be settled by negotiations; by
compromise or arbitration are denounced as belong
, ing to the "British party." We refer to the tone
and style of speaking as indicative of a tempest
which is likely to overbear all distinctions of parties.
No doubt the leaders at the head of the administra
tion would be very glad if they could make alkthis
end, as it began, in bluster. For all purpo;s of
party use the war cry would ho all the better if it
went no farther than words. But England, it seems,
is disposed to bring matters to a serious issue; and
words are to be regarded as the prelude to deeds.
.Whatever designs of ambition or motives of#
ousy may be charged upon Great liritain, and she
has often given occasion fur such imputations in the
course of her general policy, we find no reason to
believe that she is desirous of provoking a war at
this time with the United States. On the other
hand there is evidence to show that her reluctance
to engage in hostilities with us is extreme. When
M Loon was tried in the state of New York for
his elledged participation in the burning of 'i'Re
Catoline, the sovereignty of Great Britain was ar
reigned before an American tribunal. Never before
did England submit to such a humiliation.
The vain pretext that she was reserving her ven
geance for a terrible visitation if M'Leotl wereAon
victed and punished, was the shallowest suliten i uge
that ever was attempted to be palmed off upon the
world. The fact of the trial involved the whole
principle. If the prisoner escaped hanging, his
thanks were clue to the . ..vent of evidence sufficient
to convict him—not to the ostentatious assumption
by the British Government of the act charged
• against him.
The manufacturing interests of Great Britain,
i dependent on the supply of cotton from this coon
' try, would induce her to submit to considerable sac
rifices rather than go to war with us. Yet at the
same time tier dislike to us and to our institutions,
her dread of our growing influence and power, and
of .r advancing position us a commercial and man
ufacturing rival, must doubtless operate to render
her lees and less disposed to conciliatory measures.
Such is the disturbed state of the.elements as it
respects the United Stales and Great Britain,—
Many, looking at the troubled aspect of things and
their tendencies, believe that a conflict sooner or
later is inevitable, and think there is nothing to be
gained by postponing the crisis. If parties should
divide on the question of war or peace the conse
quences would be unhappy, since all alienation and
internal disagreements, which would be excited and
aggravated in ouch a ease, ought to disappear entire
ly when the issue of conflict is made up between
our country and a foreign power, When Congress
meets, some more definite shape will be given to
things, and we shall be able to form opiniohs re
specting the future upon more substantial grounds
than any which can now be laid hold of.
try Letters from Washington represent that the
Cabinet are united in the determination to maintain
the high ground assumed in the President's mes
sage respecting Oregon. Mr. Buchanan is said to
be framing an elaborate re-statement of the Ameri
ran title, in which the tone of the inaugural will he
fully maintained. Mr. Brancroft, too, is making
every preparation for the moat vigorous measure.
in the Gulf of Mexico, where he is concentrating a
most formidable naval force. The Secretary of the
Navy will shortly make an official tour to the North,
of inspection of the navy and its co-operate de
Qui It Eel% R67loo,.—Sometime since, a sailor
on one of the wharves was swearing most holster
°May, when one of the Society of Friends, passing
along, accosted him very pleasantly, end mid--
"swear away, friend, swear away, till thee gets all
that bad stuff out of thee, for thee can never go to
helmet, with that stuff in thy heart" The sailor
with a look of estooishipent a 43 char.s lxiireJ to
the horeet Qt: elar end retired.
The Office-Seekers at
The swarm of Locofoco oce...Acre who have CITY OF MEXICO.
infested Washington, since long time before the in- Tire Neer (hieing Beo has been rumtshed by a
augurationof notseeni to diminish, and the merchant of that city with the Vera Crutano of
political guillotine is as much glutted with lutist ac the 12; tilt. containing the account of an awful
at first. Parson Brownlow, editor of the Joneabo-1 Earthquake which desolated the city of Mexico on
rough Whig, gives the following notice of these 1 the 7th inst.
patriots, as he recently primed through Washington: I At the moment we write, says !he Sig/o (of the
"The office seekers are here in gangs, from every city of Mexico) of the Bth, the inhabitants of the
section; and many of them are as importunate as capital of the Republic are still under the influence
of the horrors excited by the earthquake of your,
the celebrated beggars of London—they will take no
denial. It emitted , nie no little, a few moment. ago
day, the disastrous e ff ects of which we aro still im
as I came up Pennsylvania Avenue in the secon d
story of a large Omnibus, drawn by four greys with perfectly acquainted with.
an immense crowd, who came eff of the boat with Yesterday at 52 past 3 o'clock P. M., the oscilla
tion began, slightly at first and then strohger,—The
rne, and moot of whom were office seekers, intend
ing to remain in this city. , - I say it amused me, to
direction of the metier appeared to be North and
see the deep concern manifested by the swarms of
office-seekers on the pavements and about the Ho- South. It lasted about two minutes. The shocks
tele, as to who we 01l were and whet we were after. were terrible: nothing like them was ever experi-
It was evident that they regarded us os rivals, and arced before, and the condition of the builditigs too
their countenances disclosed the Act, that they fear
surely proves the absence of all exaggeration.
ed we might meet with success at their expense.—
Being on the top of the Omnibus, with gentlemen We were by chance upon the great square at the
time, and we witnessed a spectacle not easily forgot
who were all bound for Baltimore and Philadelphia,
I determined to relieve the minds of these comer- j ten. In an 'natant the multitude, but a moment
ants, and accordingly made proclan..ation to this
effect : Gentlemen,
g i ve rourre i r „ ~,m enam e „ previous tranquil and listless, were upon their knees
alum us--we are not after offices— a differ- I praying to the Almighty and counting with anxie
eat breed of dogs—and we are going oti to Baiti- ty the shocks which threatened to convert the most
more, having no sort of business here. To this, beautiful city in the New World into a vest thee
some fellow on the side walk respon ded—"that io
that d d Brownlow." Yes, said I, and for tee of ruins. The chains surrounding the portico
one, I shall keep my nose and eyes closed, till I were violently agitated, the flags of the pavement
get through this filthy crowd, that I may neithersee yawned open, and the trees bent frightfully, the
nor smell the stench of Locofocoism." I buildings and lolly edifices oscillated to mud fro;
the immerse arrow which crowns the summit of the
cathedral vibrated with astonishing rapidity ;,at 5G
minutes past three the movement had ceased.
It is impossible to ascertain the destruction. Not
a house nor a door but bears the marks of this terri
ble calamity. Many of them are crocked and great
ly injured, others are tottering, and others entirely
fallen. Son Lorenzo, La Miseracorda ; Tompaste,
Zaps, and Victoria streets and the Grand street
have particularly suffered. The Aqueducts were
broken in several places. The bridge of Tezont-
Isle is demolished. The hospital at Saint Lamour;
is in ruinctand the churches of San Lorenzo and
San Ferdinand greatly injured.
The orgnificent chapel of Saint Teresa no lon
ger exists. At the first shock the cupola, a build
ing of astonishing strength and great beauty fell,
and was soon followed by the vault beneath the
tabernacle and the tabernacle itself.
larrnm. CONYSNTION IN Now Yon i.—An In
fidel Convention composed of delegates from ten
States assembled at the Coliseum in New York on
Sunday, the 4th inst., amongst whom was Robert
Owen, the socialist, and foreigner, who figured
largely, as did also a Polish woman. This move
ment seems to come from abroad as do their princi
ples. Our forefathers came here to establish ieli
gioustoleration and civil liberty. We are in danger
of loosing both, through foreign interference.
The Eurnt District.
The Pittsburg Gazette of the hilt inst. gives the
following gratifying picture of the revival of the
strong energies of business; and the displacement
of the unsightly ruins of the lute conflagration.
On a stroll through the Burnt Dionict, on Sat
urday afternoon, we counted twenty nine houses,
either under roof, or up one or two stories, built
since the fire. Sonic have been occupied several
days, for shops and storehouses; others are under
roof and will soon be occupied. Sonic of them
are very handsome buildings. We did not try to
connt the number of those the foundations of which
are only commenced. They cannot be less than
between one mad two hundred. Considering that
it wits only a little over three weeks since the fire,
it cannot be denied that very considerable energy
mid expedition have been manifested. Such is the
great labor of removing the rubbish, that in many
of the larger buildings and warehouses it is not re
moved yet, although men have been steadily at
work since the heat has subsided. Two or three
months will alter the appearance of our principal
streets entirely.
ri The Washington Globe hat passed into the
hands of Ritchie and Heise, and its name changed
to The Union,' and to be under the editorial
control of Mr. Ritchie, late of the Richmond Inqui
rer, who is to be the organ grinder of the Polk ad
ministration. There will be plenty of work and
good pay for him.
Marthquake in Montreal,
A correspoi.dent of the New Yet k Commercial,
writing front Montreal, under date of the 2nd inst.,
says On Tuesday we experienced a smart
shock of earthquake, which had the effect of shak
ing us up a little. It occurred at about half past
tour o'clock in the afternoon. and was felt princi
pally in the suburbs. The concussion lasted about
a second, and was sufficiently strung to cause
houses to vibrate sensibly, and throw down heavy
article, of furniture. The shock was felt in several
other places at the same time. At Cote St. Paul,
near this city, it was much more severe, and con
tinued half a minute. It was also observed at
William Henry, forty-five miles distant from here,
where goods &c., were thrown front shelves. Sev
' eral accidents were reported to have occurred In
consequence; it is said that a person crossing the
river at the time in a small boat was thrown into
the water by the concussion, and thitt a short die
trance from the city a dwelling house sank several
feet into the earth. The shock was much more
violent than that which occurred on the 29th of
last November."
ilk Uproarious Melting!
A meeting was called in front of the State HOW
at Philadelphia, on Thursday afternoon, for the
purpose of sustaining the President in his views as
expressed in his inaugural address with respect to
Oregon. A stage had been erected, and at 4 o'clock,
the hour appointed, it appeared that there were two
parties on the ground, both of whom made a rush
to get possession of the otnge,each having prepared
separate resolutiona, and intending to propose dif
ferent officers for the meeting. One party wished
to make Charles J. Ingersoll chairman, and the
other were equally determined to have Thomas M'-
Cully. A considerable uproar ensued; so soon as
ono party obtained possession, they were elbowed
off by the other, which continued for upwards of an
hour, though no ill feeling was apparent. Finally
one party took possession of one side of the stage,
and the other party of the other side, and proceed
ed to organize separate meetings. Thomas M'Cul
-1 ly was appointed chairman on out. side, and Fred
erick Stoever on the oilier, Mr. Ingersoll having
withdrawn. Speeches were made, and different sets
of resolutions adopted, and the two meetings quiet
'ly adjourned. both apparently well satisfied. The
Times heads the proceedings of the M'Cully meet
ing no follows:
"The great Oregon meeting of yesterday—glo
rious triumph of the Young Democracy and com
plete overthrow of the Old Bunkers!"
The Keystone, however, gives a key to the mys
terious proceedings. It says that the difficulty oc
curred with the friends cf Mr. Buchanan, (the M . -
Cully meeting) who desired that his name should
his introduced into the resolutions, as upon him
alone devolved all the responsibility. This was op.
posed Thy the Stoever meeting) on the ground that
the intended meeting was to sustain the President
of the United States, and not any other person.--
This opposition was construed by Mr. Buchanan s
friends into an attack upon him, and they declared
it would not be submitted to.—Bull. Sun.
A Bridge Gone.
The Greensburg (Pa.) Intelligeneer says that
the bridge across , the Loyalhannah, between
Youngstown and Ligonier, broke down on Monday
last, whilst a do home team was passing over it.
The wagon and wheel horses were precipitated into
the creek. and one of the horses was instantly killed.
Tire Joading was kilter, whith
&tolled the wzOrs.
Fortunately all those in a church so frequented,
succeeded in escaping. At eight o'clock last even
ing seventeen persons had been taken from the ruins
of other buildings end carried to the hospital.
At three quarters past air, and a quarter past
seven, two more shocks were felt. They were
however slight, and occasioned nothing but a tem
pornry renewal of terror.
The authorities did every thing that zeal and hu
manity could suggest. to carry help to the victims,
and restore the aqueducts which furnish water to the
Latest from Togas.---CONVOCATION
The steamer John S. M'Kim arrived at New
(Mystic on the 24th ult., from Galveston, whence
she sailed on the 21st ult.
The President had issued his proclamation con
vening Congress on Monday the 16th day of June
next. We learn from the proclamation that the
Government of the United States has selected the
first and second sections of the resolutions (Mr.
Milton Brown's) as the basis for consummating the
proposed union.
At a meeting held in Washington county, strong
resolutions were passed in favor of immediate an
nexation, " without reference to the wishes or con
currence of any foreign or Pumpers', paver ; "
and calling on the President to convene Congress
immediately. The meeting also recommended to
the citizens of the Republic, In case the President
did not convene Congress, to meet as soon as possi
ble in Convention to ratify the Joint Resolutions
and form a State Constitution. Mr. U. Allen, At
torney General, who wan present, objected to the
tone of the resolutions.
Mr scurry, in reply, intimated that the citizens
of the Republic might yet become still more imps•
tient of the delay of the President in convening
Congress, and adopt measures much more tiolent
than those recommended in the resolutions. The
resolutions were unanimously adopted. Gen. M.
Hunt, Dr. J. C. Chambers, Judge Ewing, R. W.
' Williamson, J. B. Wilkins. and other prominent
gentleman participated in the proceedings. The
President issued his proclamation on the following
It was rumored at the seat of government that
communications had been received from General
Astria, by way of Corpus Christi and Bexar, con
veying assurances that the new government of
Mexico is disposed to treat with Texas upon the
basis of Independence, Similar despatches we
learn were received from Vera Cruz by the Eury.
dicr. It is rumored also that thc 'faxen government
has ansvveted these communications. and the de.
spatches for this purpose were sent back to Vera
Cruz by a British vessel. So says the Houton
Star of the 19th ult.
The Hon. AFnBP.L Smirn, whose departure for
England has been before mentioned, has been re
appointed Charge d'Affairs of the Republic of Tex
as in France and England, and has proceeded to
assume the duties of his office. The office of Se
cretary of State, made vacant by this appointment,
will be taken by the Hon. Eur..wr,zrft ALLsx, now
Attorney General.
Tut Mostrantss,,,A correspondent of the New
York Tribune, writing from Nauvoo, says: „ Mon ,
monism, instead of exploding, as it was supposed it
would, upon the death of the Prophet, Joe Smith,
has continued as flourishing as ever. They are
fast increasing in power and strength, and they talk
openly of defending themselves againsi every thing
that does not suit their notions. £very house has
arms in it, and there is scarcely a man who does
not carry arms on his person. They permit no
process of law to be executed upon the inhabitants
of the Holy City unless it suits them. No man is
permitted to express any opinion here derogatory
to the ebarae•er add standing of the peopk. If he
does so, hi is immedicid? dri•reo (iv t of the ol!y
c ZiOrsecn =ch."
111•Avnt Verpcc.
A. day at Mount Vernon, says tbe Alexandria
Goggle, is indeed worthy to !se tonrked with a whim
stone In counting the days of anon life! Who eon
stroll through the graves, linger in the porticos, sit
and reflect in the halls, and staid Lefoirttie
at MOUNT Vsanow, without being I%;7l:Ciet Gve . •
whelmed with the recollections and emaciation. of
the scene.—And there the deccerderts rf the
Great Chief still remain, dispensing the elegant era
refined hospitalities of the venerated mansion, with
that kindness and courtesy which we fart benefits
them and graces their abode. Long my they
to hold the possession of oh Inheritance as dear to
them so it is precious to the nation.
E ver y visitor iippinfleilefilile TONS with feelings
of reverence and owe—and Ibm cease to break the
silence inspired at the hallowed spot. In two mar
ble sateophatti, before you, Ivy the remains of
George Washington and Martha his wife. The
mind retires 191 thin itself and thuseer—liniguage
ceases to be the Utterance of our feelings.
The mansion itself, snot the surrounding tuill
ings, are fig nearly in the state they were in during
the life of Washington, es Well ran be—though the
rude touch of Time cannot be avoided. Nor
would we herb it otherwise) Mount Vernon
would look out of piece prenked up with the ren.-
tolitrg fashions of modern day..
steamboat tidi, ',etcher" and • Hard Times."
came into collision aboUt 12 n'alock on Thurarley
night, •flfteth .miles abbr.+ Lottiawlle , by which the
former war immediately WA in twelve trot water.
There were a large number of past tigers on board,
who were considerably frightened, and some jump
ed overboard, but fortOhately no livea were lost.—
The boat, it is supposed, cannot be raised. Her, red cargo. consiating of, ro
baccu,'hemp, baggage, &c., will be world in a darn•
aged state. She mod insured. Of source no body
is to blame.
' , Here the girls and herr the widow
Always cant their earliest glance,
And, with smileless face, consider
If they, too, won't stand n chase.
To make some clever Mew DUVAL.
In bliss, and often too-47144GL
MARRIED: On Fhurstley, the ".4th ult., by the
Rev. Mr. Weeteott, Mr. JAMES BARBOUR, to
Miss REBECCA FRAMPTON, all of the Loh,'
of Ilollidayrburg.
In Alexandria, yesterday morning, by the Rer•
John M 'Kinney, Mr. SAMUEL MILLIKEN,
Lewistown, Mifflin cp., to Miss MARY E., dough•
ter of John Porter, Esq., of the former place.
:. z Ore".o.i ,•0
Front DEATH no age nor no condition saves,
As goes the freeman, so deports the slave.
The chieftain's palace and the peasant's bower,
Alite are ravished by his haughty power.
DIED: In Hollidaysburg, on Monday, the sth
inst., Mrs. ANN, consort of Mr. John Divine. late
of Lewistown, Mifflin county, in the 59th year of
her age.
On Monday, the 28th oh., in Decatur township.
Clearfield county, (after an illness of eleven days.
with Putrid Sore Throat,) Mr. DAVID BEY.EIt,
aged AS years and 9 months.
COMI7III meal rd.
At her residence, in Canoe Volley, Huntingdon
co., Pa., on the 7th of May 1845. Miss LAVINIA
DAY'S, aged 21 years and a few (lays.
How insatiable is Death! How repeated are his
demands! Like the cravings of some miser, he is
continually crying, more! more! Not satisfied
with the old, the decrepit, or the (melees, he itvatlea)
the ranks of youth, and grasps, an victims, the
young, the lair and the promising. Upon some Ito
executes his summons inslantk, admitting of no'
delay. Others receive premonitions of his approach,
and are thus warned to prepare for his embrace.
Of this description was the subject of this me-'
mento. Months ago incipient disease was risible,
Gradually its hold grew stronger. Gradually her
strength grew weaker, until finally, the decisive
hour arrived, nature gave way, and the willing
spirit took its flight to the world of aptrits and the
abodes of peace.
Farewell-LAvtarta! Thou art gone to thy real.
We would by no moans call thee back. Far lout,
than this is thy peaceful abode. Chriet is thy Sa
viour, and thy rest is glorious! Oh ! racy we all
'Wen obediently to thy parting voice, and prepare
to meet.thec at the right hand of God!
'l' 111 MARKETS.
[coxtcxcrEo w EK V
l'ltilmlelplii,,, Mav 9.
WHEAT FLOUR , per 6111. - - - 104 62
RV?: MEAL, do. - - - -. 3 1:4
C,,,R N do. do.
WHEAT,plime Penna. per bush. - -94 A
,do. - - - CV
Corm, yellow, to. - - - 43
OATS, do. - - - 26 e
WIIIsKEY, in his.
Baltimore, Nlay. 8.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - 134 50
WI-I) , AT, p e r hush. - - - 9l
CORN, yellow, do. - - - -40
lII' E, ,- do,
(SATs. do.
WHISKEY, in hills.
Land For Sale.
A valuable tract of land situate in Porter'
townshi, Huntingdon county, about 1 mile
from the borough of Alexandria, and 6 mils`
from H untingdon LC/rough, containing
1.16 .41.C?:3132.Z11,. - •
On the premises, there are 100 acres clear
ed. and in a good state of cultivation—a first
rate orchard of Apple, and tither fruit tires
dwelling .
house—barn. Br.c.
For terms inquire of the subscriber, on thy
N. B. 100 acress of po ,c 1 woodland, con
venient, Call be had with the ;0p.,. Also,
a Lot of tour acres, in good condition, in the
town of Alexandria. 1 . A.
Porter tp., May 14, 1845.-It. pd.
UElllai)avatiazsal a
An Election will be held at the Office ni
the Lycoming County Mutual Insurance
Company in the borough of Monty.
l'uesclay. the 3rd day of June next, :ay) ,
o'clock, A . M. for the purpose of el.cting
thirteen Directors to serve for the eIISUIII*
JANig,S RANKIN% President.
Attcf.o—.Wx. A. PSTR7X!!..!, .