.0111/0 Hl\ T I - N - GP ON JOT RN A l', - - . 3 jfanttto Dttoopaprv—tittote7l to Grurrat fittelliffrittr, EtZiberttotitg, Vetttico, Ettrraturt, Sitloratttß, 3tto, _erten tro, 3galtitttittc,lmlltt Iflt t, 'mall. zz'®o aa3. THEODORE H. CREMER. `Z~'~~~l~3v~ The "Jon iorAi." will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than 'six months, nor any paper discontinued till all or 'reamges are paid. Advortisontents not exceeding one square, will be warted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. It' no definite orders are *-given as to the time an advertisement is t , be continu- Yeld, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac s„.utilingly. ri T To charm the languid hours of solitude, lie oft im;ites her to the Muses lore." The Spotlitli Frog. On muddy Mill Creek's marshy merge, When Summer's heat woo felt, Full many a burly bullfrog, large, And tender tadpole dwelt. •And there, at noon-day, might be seen, Upon a rotted log, The bullfrog brown, and tadpoles green, And there the Spotted Frog ! Oh the Spotted Frog! Oh the Spotted Frog ! The light and life of Mill Creek'. mud Was the lovely Spotted Frog! 43y stagnant Mill Creelt'a muddy marge, The Spotted Frog had hirth ; And tretv no fair and fat a' rog As ever hopped on'earth. She wan the frog chief's only Add, And sought by many a fray; 'But vat oh one alone she 'Maxi Frith the old rotted log. Oh, the Spotted Frog! • Olt, the Spotted nog! The light Mid life of Mill qteek's mud Was the hived!: Spotte&Frog ! 'From Muddy Mill Creek's stagnant merge, Her bridal song arose! , Nlilte &veining, ha they hopped about, Of hear encircling foes, taut cruel boys.; in search disport, TO Mill Creek came that'ilay, •Ittid ht the (rep with sticks•and stones ileglin to blaze away ! oh, the Spotted Frog! Oh, the Spotted Frog ! the light and 'life of Mill C'reek's mud Wad the lovely Spatted 'Frog! On marshy Mill'oreek's muddy merge Nett morn, no frogs were seen; But a mortal pile of sticks and stones Told 'where the fray hail been ! And Time rolled on, and other frogs Atieembled 'round thai log; itut never Mill Creek's moieties saw Again that Spotted Frog ! Oh, the Spotted Free, • Oh, the Spotted Frog!! the light and life of Mill Creek's mud ‘,‘ as the lovely Spotted Prog! Yankee-Land, There is a pedagogue at St. Lodis who Seems id be very anxious to return to Yenkee-Land, , vhero he.originalcal. He has given vent to his degree on souse verses published in the St. Louis ReVille. We extract a portion of them. They aro lit&