Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 07, 1845, Image 4
sno‘d DE ORDEn S. The VOLLINTERRa und MILITIA. cemposing the 2nd Brigade, 10th Division, P. M. are hereby rtquired to tram ft a mpanit son Monday the Sth day of May m xt. and by Battalion for Inspection as t 4 Hews The Ist Regiment,f. trio rh 149th Regiment --Ist Rattulien on Monday the 12th day of May next. 2nd Battalion on Tuvaday 13th day of May. 2adliel;i ;Qt, formerly 6211(1.-1st B anal - rn:on Wadriesday 14th day of May. 2,1 Battalior, on Thursday 15th day of Nfay. Srd Regiment, formerly 290.—15 t Battal ion on Friday the 16th day 01 M iv. 2nd Battalion on Saturday 17th (my of May. 4th Regiment, formerly 1515t.-2 , n1 dud ion on DAtit.dity the 19th dry of May. Ist Battalion on Tuesday 20th of May. 4th Volunteer Battalion commanded by Maj Williamson( Wpdnesday 21st day of iVlitv. Ist V , lnoteer Battalion commanded by Maj. Be'', on Thursday 22nd of May. Sth Regintunt, former!) , 32m1.—lst Battal ion nn Friday the 23rd day of M ,y. 2nd Battalion on Saturday 21th of May. Union Grays will meet on Monday the . 26th day of May. 7th Company. of 6th Regiment, formerly 142nd, will Tio•sclay 27th May. 6th Regiment, funned(' 142 - 1.-Ist Battalion on Wednesday 28 , 11 of M iy. 2ad Battal ion on Thursday 9th of May. 91*(1 Volunteer Battalion commanded by Col. hapett, on Friday the 30th of Maw. Ind iiiilt;trer Battalion commanded by Col . Hirchfield, on "l:to,,Liv .. 3rd . of . June. JOHN BURKET, Brigade Insnrctor, 2,1 11. Atli D., P. M. Brigade Inspectnes O ffi ce, Ironsville, Mai 1825. N. B. All commissioned and staff t ffi eers within the bounds of said Brigade are requested to be properly equipped accord ing to law. Also, ail Adjutants and Captains of Militia', within the b 'Ands of said Bligade, are re quired by law to mske a proper return of • their respective rolls to the proper Brigade Inspecto•• on oath, to the day of Battalion training, "khin ten days thereafter, under the penah a fifty dollars. Also, all vfficers required by law to make return of absentees r ll oath t.. B. lnspecter, on days of Battol ion Training, or within ten drys thereafter, ,ire hereby notified, that the Dames of said absentees in the said return with the name of the County, Township, Borough or Ward, in which the said absen tees reside, must be written in a plain, legi ble hand writing, and each of the names spel led correctly, otherwise said return will not be received and the penalty for not making such return is ;j5O. Also, all Militia men claiming to be ex empt from Militia (hay by certificate or oth erwise, must produce the rtyliNite evidence to the proper commanding officers of their Reigiment, Battalion on Company as the case may be on or before the fifth of May next for exemption. J. B. April 2. 7it45. LOST.--Was of Thursday last, the 27tii ult., between lVaterstreet and HOU daysbliet!, a letter from Haymmul & 'Vivre 1), Grnce, Md.. t. E. Henderson, Alex -nutria, Huntingdon county, Pa., con taining a statement of their account—also, their Note to the said E. Henderson, listed 21st inst., (Mat di) for six hu fired dollars, payable in bmr iwintlis,at the Western Bail, Philadelphia. Any perm it finding said let ter, and leaving it w hh, or enclosing to, the Pest Master, at A lexandria, Huntingdon co., with the said Nate, will oblige the subscri ber. Notice of the above less has been given to the said it, V Millid & C min—also the Western Bank, Philadelphia. E. HENDERSON. April 2, 1845. Estate of Sohn Einsmore, (late of JACKSON tp., oec,asvd. Notice is hereby given. that letters of ad ministration 111.111 the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known with.nit delay, and all persons indebted to make im mediate payment to R. SMITH, ildm'r. April 2,1845.-6 t. CAUTION I hereby caution all persons from 'purchasing or meddling with the following described property, which I purchased front John Dougherty, at Con ambles sale. on November 21st 1844. Namely 3 Horses, 1 Waggon and Harness. PATRICK LANG, April 2, 1845, Rags: Rags! Rags Country Merchants can sell their Rags for Cash, at the highest market prices, or in exchange for large assortment a Writing, Printing & SA'rrp pmg Papers of various pri ces. 440,—A exten sive assortment of fizored Wall & Curtain papers, some of which can he sold at hslf the um, price. Also, a general assortment Pf all the STANDARD SCHOOL Ito KS, BLANK Boots and Stattimary, which will be sold at low prices, by WILLIAM 1). PARR ISH, Wholesale- Dealer, No. 4, North sth street, 2 doors , 1) ,de Market st. 3d month 26th dry, 1845.-2 mo. CAUTION. We the subscribers, hereby caution all persons against purchasing, or in any way taking a note given by us to George Smith, of Henderson township, Huntingdon county, dated on or about the 19th day of February last, for three hundred and fifty-five dollars, payable in blooms, in Huntingdon, one hun dred clays after , bite—the said Judgment note having been obtained from us by fraud and without consideration, and will there fore lint be paid, and the law will not con►- pel us to pay it, SAMUEL FICKES. JOHN FICKES. March 26. 1845.----3 i A. U. CORNY,', ATTORNEY NT LAW—Huo• ingdon.Pa. Office in iVlson scri•et, two doors East of Mr. Mani HMl's Temperance Huus•. ZSAALCI ATTeRNEY AT LAW.--1 - os removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of milting 0 he place of hla future. residence, and wilt attend to 4isch legal Ituainess an may be en- Ettited to him. Dec. 20, 11143. . I II altatlairatto •ITTOILIT) .17P .L. 9 IP. UCA . 7/KCLICN,PA, WOOLLEN fu A 2 I.7FACTORY. 'Colt sithselibers respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to manufacture cloths. said tirtts, flannels, I,l,iikt ts, carpetinv, ikc., at the will known establislim, it, formerly oc copied by Jeremiah Whitehead, sit ulted in the town of Williamsburg, Huntingdon Co. PA. Their machinery will be in good order, and having tinini but good workmen in their employ, they will ;votive all who may favor them with the it custom that their orders will be executed in a satisfactory style on the shortest ni‘tice. Ctio UZCO,23 They will card wool into rolls at the low price of f+ cents per pound ; car:l and spin 12 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound; manufacture white flannel from fleece. 3111. cents per yard ; manufacture brown flame, I from fl ece, 40 cents per yard ; they dill find sattinett warp and manufacture satti • netts all dark colors at 45 cents per yard; cloths wide. 50 cents per yard ; common broad cloth. it I 2S per yard ; blankets, $3 per pair ; plain girdling carpet, 50 cents per yard ; they will card, spin, double and twist mocking yarn at 20 cents per pound ; color ing c,rpet, Lover', I and stocking yarn, from 15 to 31 cents per 1)0(1101, Country reining. Cloths of all (lick colors, 22 cents per yd; ii uniels, 8- cents per yard , blankets, 7 cents per yard ; home dye Runnels 6# cents per yard ; home dye cloths, 16 cents per yard. Arrangements have been made at the f lowing Osiers, where cloth.: and wool will be taken and returned every two weeks. At the house of John Nail, Hartslog ; Jacob M'Gahan, M'Comiellstown ; 3. Entrekin's store Coffee Run ; John Givin's store, Leonard 'Weaver, Jacob Cypress and Matthew Garner, Wtiodcock Valley; Gem mel & Porter's store, Alexandria ; Walter Graham's store, Canoe Valley ; I ),, res Mill, Sluicing Valley ; Davis Brook's Mill, Blair township ; Junes Candron's store, Frankstewn ; Geo. Steiner's s to rc , W.itcr street ; limes haxton's store, Huntingdon. Persons wishing to exchange wool for inan j utactoral stuffs can be accommodated. 117" All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. WILLIAM BUCHANAN, CON ERD E(KERD. Williamsburg, Mar ch . 19, 1845 —lv. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. HE subscricendesirous of v o n, west' in the coming summer, offers a rare chance to persons in went of a hand some property, and a comfortable home. It consists of two adj. , ining trUCtS of land, being in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, Pa., on the pu:Ric road leading from Shir leysburg to Huntingdon, one half mile from flue former place, and four and a-half miles tram the Penn'a Canal. Each tract contains Java) dla.alazncraas s , more or less, ot good tillable ground in a high state ~f cultivation. The improve melds on the upper tract are, sin excellent Mansion House, a good Double Barn, and all convenient out houses, such as spring house, wash-house, smoke-house, &c., with two convenient springs of water. It also contains an Apple and Peach Orchard, of young and thrifty trees. Of this tract, 140 acres are cleared, 25 of them of the best quality nt timothy ground. On the lower tract there are 100 acres cleared, with 25 acres good meadow grouhd similar to the above, and two excellent or chards, ore planted within a few vein's= 'I he improvements tire, a good Double Frame House, Dophle Barn, ind the neces sary out-h. uses, with a well of gond water. This portion of the property also con tains an exc, Bent Grist treed Saw-mill, both situated immediately on the public road. Both are in excellent repair and do int; jt prosperous business. . TERMS 07 SALM—One half of the pur chase money to be paid in hand, and the hAlance in two equal annual payments, with the usual securities. An disputed tile, sind possesion of the property will he given on the first of April. Persons wishing to purchase, are requested to call and examine the property. JACOB SLIMMER. February 19, 1845.-6 t. TO SENSIBLE CITIZENS —We know front what we see and feel, that the animal body is, i t , its organs and functions. subject to derangen,ot, inducing pam, and tending to its destruction. In this disordered state, we observe nature providing for the re-es tablishment of order, by exciting some salu tary evacuation of the morbific matter, orby 119111 e other operation, which cscapes our imperfect senses and researches. In some caste she brings on a ci isis by the bowels. in others by sweating, &c. &c. Now experience has taught us that there are certain substances, by which, applied to the living body, internally or externally, we can at will produce the same evacuations, and thus do in a short time. what nature could do but slowly, and do effectually what she might not have strength to accomplish. %Viten then we have seen a disease cured by a certain naturisl evacuation, should that ills eas, occur again, we may count upon curing it by the use of such snbttances, as we know bring about the same evacuation, which we ' had before observed to cure a similar disease. It is in consequence of the power which the Brandreth Pills exert upon the whi•le system, that makes them so universally ben eficial. It is bec,use they impart to the body, the power to expel disease without leaving any evil eff •ct. As a gen.•ral nmily medicine, Brandreth's Pills are, it is believed by the Proprietor, superior to every other offet ed to the public. Dr. Brandreth's Pills-are for sale by the following Agents in his county. %Vm. Stewart, Huntingdon. Garber, Flnllidaysbut•g. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Mum., & Swoope. A I..X4WEIN 11 antllan & Smith, Mom. UM. Thomas M. Owens, Hirmiugham. A. P ittrrsom Williamsburg. a - p The thuve are the only authorized agents in• Hitoti ngdon county. April 16. 1845. tl 11th iy. a. BEWELL STMWAI.Tc .A.III' 1' It 1117 Ali' LaTri) lIUN7 INGDON, Pli, Office in Main %treat, three doors west of Mr. Bauy'A JeweVry eoablislitnent. February 14, 1843.--tl. GEORGE TAYLOR, Attorney At Low --Amin% to pea ctice in the t)rphans' Court. Stating ocen nits, ticrivening, &c.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the Ex ' titangt frt:7B,, '44. 73 ANN N OTE LIST. Rates of Discount in Philadelphia Danis is Philadelphia. Bank of North America - - par Wink of the Northern Liberties - par Bank of Penn Township - . Par Commercial Batik of Penn'a. - - par Farmers' & Mechanics' bank • - par K.isington bank - - - par Schuylkill bank - - - - par Mechanics' hank • - - - par Philadelphia bank - - - par Southwark bank - - - par Western hark - - - - par MoyamensinK hank - - - par Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par Girard bank - - Bank ot the United States - . 30 Country Dank& Bank of Chester co. Westchester par Batik of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Elston par Farmers' bk of Bucks en. Bristol par Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par Honesdale bank Honesdale 11 Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster par Lancaster bank Lancaster par Lancaster county bank Lancaster par Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 Merciets' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1 Exchange hank Pittsburg 1 Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1 Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia par Franklin hank Washington li Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville li Farmers bk lit Reading Reading par Lebanon bank Lebanon / Bank of Middletown Middletown 1 r Calisle bank Carlisle 1 Erie bank Erie ,2 Bank of Chambersburg Chambershurg 1 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1 York bank York 1 I larrisburg bank Harrisbu rg 1 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 4 Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35 Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesbrrough 2 Hank 01 Lewistown Lewistown li Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre li Northampton bank Allentown tin sale Beck, county bank Heading no s'tic West Branch bank Williamsport 11 nawanda bark Towanda no sale Rates of Relief Notes. Nnrtll , l. Liberties, Bank of Pa. Mechan ic's bank, Delaw are County, Farmers' Bai.k of Barks. Germantown, por 13 , •rks Cr'. Bank - - - - 10 All others FRANKLIN HOUSE, flunlingtion, Pennsylvania. CHRISTI AN COUTS, MOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, mind his old friends anti customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building un the West end of the Diamond, in the bo iough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and furnished as a Public House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort mid convenience of guests will always be found. r-la aso en:Op LI cs• will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. GS COMP will be furnished with the best of Liquors laud HIS STABLING is the very best is the borough, and will always be attended by the must trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Couts pledges himself to makeevery exertion to render the "Franklin House" a home to all who may favor him with a call. thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuanceof their rustnm. _ Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will he taken on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Mice. at Alexandria. Huntingdon en., on the lat day tit Apri I,lB4s—which if not taken out within three months will be sent o the General Post Office as dead letters. Andersen 1):+vkl Karts Josiah Bingham 11, M. 2 M'Abee Gazaway Baker John Miller Christian G, Burket Frederick Wiser(' 3.,hn Cimely Jim Nell Edwin W. Colwell Miss Nrvlin Thomas M. Conner Frall69 Oldham Thomas CITSSWeII N. Porter John 3 Dungerfield Mr. Gemmil as Porter saris I) Ross James Davis 13-irton Sumter John Dull Casper Shively Daniel Hutchinson Edward Swoope M:n•ga't Mrs. Huyett Jacob G. Stevens & Patton lierreneame Imo!) 2 Stewart Thomas Householder Mich'l. Snyder Jacob Ichinger Adam Slinenberger John H. Isenberg Elizabeth Stewart M. A. Mrs. Lytle Robert Tlinmpsnii Martha Kaufman Daniel Weight Henry Kline Ennch Walls James Kantz Michael Whiteltill William Kinkead James Wallace Thomas JOHN OF.MMILL, P. M. Mexandria, April 9, 1845. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office. in the borough of Huntingdon. If not et lied for prevails to the lot day of July, they will he sent the Post Office De partment at Washington, as dead letters. 11 , ileau George W. Hamilton NV illiam Black Sustma Harrell James Belli Andrew W. Hicks Harriet Caldwell Samuel 2 Lvam John Calahan Charles 15. Miller John CH1104111,4 Isaac M'Kislop Andrew Couger Mary Ann M'Kelvey Nancy Crawford Samuel Miller James Crosby Mary Ann, or Orr .Mr. Shatz Mary Price Diana Drening William 2 Shutrump John Muslim!, Samuel Sipes George D.Tr John Snider John • Ed ware Joseph Smith William Fleming Mary A. Tayl•i William Fisher Steßolan Rev. Wray Itobsal Gari•it Mary IN nu Th, K. Esq (' riffeth John Yaw George Hight George • From France. DAVID SNARE, P. M. Huntingdon, April 9, 1845. MLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay of Execution, muter the new law, just printed, and fin' sal!, :it this °Mee, Diseases of the Lungs and Breast. "I'ES FINIONIALS. <Ab> To TEIN: Puatac. - - -- Taccordance with the preveiling custom, and in order to sho a the virtues of this medicine mote fully, the M lowing certificates have been selected ; and as it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of those afflicted, we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions or "false statements" of its efficacy • nor will we hold out anv hope to suffering humanity which facts will not. warrant. "lhe pt•onts are here given—and we solicit an inquiry from the public into every case we puloish, and feel assured they will find it a medicine well deserving their patronage and confi dence. REMARKABLE CURES Of all the cures that have vet been record ed, there are certainly none t qua I to the below mentioned, and they plainly show the curability of Consumption, tven in some of its worst forms _ _ • Let every man, woman and child read the foHo wing, and we are sure that it must satis fy all of the great virtues of the medicine. Cl7° Read Use following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman ,a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon county : Dear procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which many other re me dies had been tried without any relief. "1•h Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use. Yours, &c. JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 25, 1841. The case of Thomas Cozens is related by himself as follows, and acknowledged by all who knew him to be one of she most astonishing and extraordinary cures ever performed : HADDONFIELD, N. J. . April 20, 1843. On or about the 13th of October, 1841, I was taken with a violent pain in the side near the Liver, which continued about live days, and was followed by the breaking of an ulcer, or something inwardly, which re lieved the pain a little, but caused nie to throw up a great quantity at offensive mat ter and also much blood. Being greatly alarmed at this I applied to a physician, who said he thought he could do hut little for me except give me sonie mercury pills which 1 refused to take feeling satisfied that they could do me no good ; many other re medies were then procured by my wife anti friends but none did the any good and the discharge of blood end putrid corruption still continued every few days, and at the last it b-came so offensive that `I could scarcely breathe. I was siso seized with a violent iclugh,which nttimescausetl me to raise much more hissed than 1 had formerly done, and my disease continued in this way until Feb ruary, when all hopes of my recovery were given up, and my friends all thought that I would die of a galloping consumption. At this mom nt when my life apparently was drawing near to its cl9se,l heard of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry and got a bottle which relieved me immediately, and by the nse of only three bottit sot this medicine, all my pains were removed, and my cough and spitting of Hood removed, and in a few days my health was by far restored as to en able me to work at my trade (which is that of a carpenter) and up to this time 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. WITNESS.--I am acquainted with Thos Cozens and having seen him during his ill ness, 1 think his statement is entitled to full credit. SAM. H. BURROUGHS. GLOUCESTER COUNTY, SS. Appeared before me personally, and affirm ed according to law, on the 20th of April, 1843. CLEMEN C. irf - It is unnecessary to r e mind all who would get the true article, to inquire partic ularly for "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," and take nothing else. Unprincipled dealers will tell y 11 that the SYRUP of N,Vild Cherry, or some taber cough medicine is equally as good. Regard them not—they only want your ittowEv ! Remem bet% It is Wistar's Balsam of Wild eller ry" that not only relieves but cures ! Price one dollar tier bottle, or six for $5. For sale only in Cinchmati, by SANFOI4I) & PARK, corner 0/ Fourth and lialnut. Also, for' sale by Thomas Read 1.7 Son, (whnles•ile and retail,) Huntingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. January 15, 1845.-6 m. Maldadallcsax4o.. . . A. N. BUNEBAUGII, WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon, and the public in gent rat, that he has commenced the saddle and harness making business in all its various branches, in the 01011 former ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd, one door east the " Pioneer Stage Stable" and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith shop, where he is prt part d to accommodate all who may favor 11101 with their patronage. He will constantly keep on hand Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, &c. Repairing done on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Hy a strict attention to business he hopes to rmeive a liberal share of work. Huntingdon, May 8, 1844 C ‘l.l I'ION.---The snbscriber hereby cautions and forewarns all persons from pur chasing, levying on, or in any way disturb. iag or meddling* with the following proper ty. which I purchased at Constable's sale as the property of George Smith, of Hender son township, on the :lel day of April inst., and let in the possession of said George Smith tdi 1 find it convenient to remove the mom, to Wit hae, 1 dutiv, hook .1 double tree, 1 plmgh. 1 shovel plan, h 1 cutting box, 1 half bush el measure, ! lot of barrels, 1 harrow, 1 saddle,l brhol bull, 2 black heifers, 1 moo r lio., 1 brindle Cow, of 12 acres of wheat and rye in the ground, and 13 acres of wheat in the ground. ANDREW SMITH. Wert tp. April 0, 1946,—pd. Jewelry ! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry!!! ...;, TrUST received, astnck IV or the most magnifi :7. \ r." i dent Jewelry tr?" ever /v ) r came up the . I:itzt.:' . .til iv. o •!!., tonsusting of Gott) VAT . Tv.NT I.v.vvit, Ladies .',; , i,:n 1 ? , 7 '.= ':: Gli L D ANCHOR LE • ' VER s, full jerDelled, SiLtr ER PATENT LEVERS, double and single cased,SILVER Awntos LEVERS, fil lljeweled, double and single cooed ENGLISH WATCHES, bn'tation Levers, Qu AnTtEn and FRENCH WATCHES, &c. &c. Also Gold fob Chains, and Seals, of the most fashionable patterns. Gold Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's, Breacelets sett with topaz, Medaliona, Pin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pius, sett with topaz. amsthist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases, Silk Purces, Coral Beads, Pocket Bts ks, Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instrumcnts, Silver Spectacles, 'Fable Spoons, Tea and Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality, HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior arti • de, Steel Pens, Spy C lasses, Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Patina Points, &c. &c. All the above articles will be sold cheapet than ever heretofore. Clock and Watch repairing done as usual, vericheap for cash. --- A large assortment of eight day and thir ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.. All watches sold will be warranted for one year, and a written guarrantee given. that it not found equal to warranty it will (during that period) be put in order without expense, or it injured, may be exchanged for any other watch of equal value. The warranty is considered void, should the watch, with which it is given, be put into the hands of another watch maker. D. BUOY Huntingdon, April 10, 1844. COME THIS WAY! MXIMNSIVM Carriage Manufactory TIENalr SMITH 4610 S T respectfully informs the citizens of the borough sod county ot Hunting don, the public generally, and his old friends and citstomers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various loam: hus, at his old stand,in Main street in the bon ugh of Huntiogdon nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing • ffice where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages, Buggies,Sleighs ati cs• Dearliorns, which he will se II low for c ash ir in rea on able terms. All kinds of work in his line made to or le•r, on the shoe test notice, in WORKMANLIKE M &NATER And all kinus of repairing done w ith neat iess and despatch. Country produce will be taken in exchange for wink, Any persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call end examine and udge fin• themselves. Huntingdon Nov. 29, 1843. itoritVale if oulOrg. Tux subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin ing counties, that he still continue s to car ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, On Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch. He will keep constantly on hand stoves of everydescription, such as Cooking, Ten Plate, PARLOR, COAI., RoTAIty, and WooD ...... S I'o V ES LIVINGSTON PLOUGHS, Anvils, nammtrs, Hollow SA'are, and every kind of castings necessary for forges, mills or ma chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, Lice., which can be bad on as good terms as they can be had at any other• foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry. Ur Old metal taken in exchange for any castings. WILLIAM KENNEDY. t7' Mr. K. has recently purchased the patient right of a cooking stove fur Hunting don county—the stove will be set up by hint and warranted to the purchaser to be as good apt any in the State—orders furnished. July 17, 1844.—tf, Spanish Hides ♦ND TANNER'S OILS. 2000 Dry Liplata Hides---first quality. 3500 Dry La Galva do. 3000 Dry Salted La Guira, 3.000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do. 40 Bales C men Salted Patna Kips 30 Bales dry Patna Kips. • 120 Barrens Tanner's Oil. Tanner's and Carrier's Tno For salse to the country Tanners at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. N. B. All kinds of Leathrr wanted for which the highest prices will be paid in Cash or in exchange tie Hides Kips & Oil. 1). KIRKPATRICK & No. 21 &Sorb Sd Sired, Philadelphia. Oct. 9, 1844. ly. - a 3 s= l , HOTEL. No. 200 MA RKET STREET, (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING $l.OO PER DAY. apHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal %le support of his Iriends and the public generally, respectfully inf' nif• them that he still continues at the old established house, where he will be pleased to accommodate alldiffse w ho favor him with their patronage. Cult ISTI A N BROWER. Dec. 14, 1842.—tt. FRENCH BURR MILL STON ES, aro subscriber continues to manufac %Wore, io Harrisburg, French Burrs cit all sizes, and of the very best quality, much cheaper than ever, and on very favorable terms. Letters addressed to him will receive the same prompt attention as if personal nith , cation were made. W. 11. KEPNER. Feb. 5, 1845,-9 mo. To Purchasers—Guarantee. Tor. undersigned agent of the Pattentee c of the Stove, The Queen of the Met," understanding that the owners, or thus® concerned for them, of other and different patent Cocking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any if " GUILDS rATICNT CouK INC STOVE. —The Queen of the Mat." Dl,m his i s to inform till and every person mil sisal purchase and use said Stove that he • Ilia demnify them from all costsor damage mm any and all suits, brought by 'thee E •eu - tees, or their agents, for any infringme , r of their patents. He gives this notice so '` L .at persons need not be under any fears because they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the superior advantages of this " Queen" not only of the West, but of the Foot. ISRAEL GRAITIUS. July 24, 1844. "QUEEN 01' THE WEST" CMcDcalmAzioci , 03ttaim-cei t For sale by I. (.; ICA 1.1 US & SON. Alta.' . . . . and Ha', Huntingdon county, Pay cheap fur cash or country produce at the market price. The "Queen of the West° 7 is an inn' , provement on Hathaway's celebrated But Air Stove. Th,re Ilan never yet ap peared any plan of a Cooking Stove that possesses the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is re• quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere, July 3, 1844. .izE II MGR Ugh CZ) 'U7 E:3 r:;) Ula I. GRAFIUS & SON, MESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, and the publc generally, that they continue to curly 'um ' the Copper, Tin and Sheet •Iron Blaine as, in all its branches, in Altxandrin, where they manufacture and constautly keep on band every desct iption of ware in their Ina; such as New apd Splendid Wood S t oves 22, 24, 26, 28 and SO inches long R.NDIATOR STOVES, New Cooking Stoves if all kinds, and Also four sizes of Coal Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVE,: FINISHED A II kinils of castings done, far Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW w ARE ; nll of widen is dune in a workman like manlier. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller. Ire serving, and Tea Ketiles,..Ar sale, wholesale and retria Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may th peed on haying their orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brows and pewter ta ken m exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, July 3. 1844. NOTICE—The subscriber respectfully requests all persons indebted to him 1 . .. r work done at the old establishment, pre vinus to the Ist of November last, to call u.ild settle their accounts without delay. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. July 3, 1844. CJBLVET and ("MIR WARE ROOMS, Old stnntl, pitt;siteCen:lekseit's Hotel, THOMILS ADAM, Tyr AS now on hard and still cuutinut s to slagLmanufacture the most :pit void ass. rt mutt of elegant lutniture and Chairs. &c. evert fferecl for sale in the bor; ugh I Hun tingdon, embracing ;tiniest eve; y article the above line ; which in point of dmahility, workmanship, fasliknahle style of pottetn, and tine finish, will compare with similar articles manufactured in any portion uf the county; all of which lie is fit It mined to , sell at very reduced prices for Cash or ap proved country produce, (i,r un a time to punc tual dealers. Hotels, private dwellings. &c. furnished to order at the shortest possible limb e. House, sign, and fancy painting dune un the most reasonable terms. N. B.—Coffins made for the citizens c.f the borough, at the shortest notice. Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1 1344.—tf. 11111NTINGDON CABINET & CHAIR WARE ROOM. Cunningham & Surchinel t TIDE:WU:I FULLY int,,rn; the eitlims 4.40 of the borough and cc Linty ii Hunting don, the public their old friends aid customers in particular, that they continue to carry on busines in their new establisment, one clout east of the north eastern corner of the Disnintal in said borough, where they are prciivared to sell, wholesale and retail, all articles in their line of business; such as Sideboards, Secretates, .Sof • (as, Settees, Bureaus, workstands, card, pier, centre dining and breakfast tables; High, Field, French, and Low Von BE DST .ADS. ALSO—Every variety of CD3 Liu ea da.6:5 a Pleb as Rush seal, Cane :ens Balk Ben!. Baltiktore, Situ iglu tack, Bobron patter's Common Racking Clutira, together with 71141i1ai236. , ..31 EILLIMIW3 0 _ . of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper Hanging of various patterns and qualities N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend-, ed either in town or country, at the shortest notice. They keep n splendid HEARSE r the accommodation 01 their customers. Nov. 29, 1843. Nat& rI2ZVISLIIEau..ams. attorney at Law, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. Will practice in the several conrtx of Ewe. tinplon, Be , furl, and Canibrid,cpun. , ti , a. All baseness entrusted to his care, , will be fnitlyully attended to. OrricE.—Diumotitl.