Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 30, 1845, Image 1

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II j - T r I S GION
atinopaper—lectiottt to general *ltteltigente, gutuerttotits, Voutito, litteratttry, SIMI!, tg, farto, Micienteo, Sart tote, Sum vomit,
ft Jrx
.C7Q911,0 aZte a.C113.
, aacissaumaos.
The "Jot/m.l,e will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at/$2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all an
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
"To charm the languid liOurs of solitude,
He oft invites her to the Muses lore."
Prom the llfmantile Journal.
Plant Flowers arotind the Grave,
Flint flowers around the grave—
Wreathe not with thoughts of gloom
That quiet resting place,
The peaceful, lowly tomb;
But let the bright-hued flowers
Their fragrance o'er it shed,
And link with gentle thoughts, end pure,
The memory of the dead.
Plant flowers around the grave—
From the dark forest bowers,
From the home-garden bring them,
The fair and fragrant flowers;
And let them bloom in light,
The lowly mounds above,
Where the departed rest in peace—.
A token of our love,
Plant flowers around the grave—.
For many gumber there
As gentle as the flowers,
As pure, as loved, 09 fairs
This is their quiet home.—
Around it we'll entwine
Flowers, sweet as are the memories
We in our hearts enshrine.
Plant flowers around the grave—.
'Those who were once so dear,
Gazed oft upon their hues,
And loved them well while here;
Their hands have cherished them—
Brightly they'll cluster now
O'er the green sod that lightly rests.
On the pale sleeper's brow.
Plant flowers around the grave—
There let them bloom and fade,
Like flowers in autumn time,
Our hopes in dust are laid ;
Spring wakes the sleeping flowers,
And clothes the earth in bloom—
And spring, ere long, shall come to wake
The slumberer in the tomb.
Sleep on! Sleep on!
Sleep on ! Sleep on !
Baby, in thy little grave;
Softly o'er thee leaflets wave ;
And, though evening veils the sky,
Stars in love aro throned on high !
They will have thee in their keeping,
While the dew thy turf is steeping,
With thine hands upon thy breast,
Sleep on ! Sleep on!
Thus the sweetest take their rest!
Sleep on ! Sleep on !
La I an angel host are near;
I can feel their presence here;
They are watching o'er thee now
Baby mine, though blanched in brow!
Fast thy mother's team are falling,
While thy lineaments recalling,
With thine hands upon thy breast,
Sleep on ! Sleep on !
Thus the sweetest take their reel !
Thrilling Tale of the American
During the war of the Revolution, the lower
counties of New Jersey were infested by a set of
iitt , iperadoes, passing under the name of refugees,
who in the absonse of the Americans In camp,
plundered and insulted their defenceless families.—
A band of these men became particularly notorious
on the little Egg River, and that section of the
country is yet rife with legends of their misdeeds.
A party, equally numerous and even more lawless,
fora long time devastated the settlements along the
Maurice river. Our story relates to this latter.
It was at the close of a beatiful day in the early
part of October, that an athletic young man, whose
frank and good humored countenance was a pass-
port to the acquaintance of strangers, approached
a clearing not far from the present decayed village
of Dorchester. The house was of but one etoiy,
built of thick, hewn logo, and surrounded by scanty
field., in which the stumps of the original forest
trees wets yet visable. But everything had an air of
neatness, which was increased, when pushing open
the door he entered the large comfortable kitchen,
with its nicely scoured floor, and its dresser, on
which were arrayed in bright rows the pewter
plates. Hie footsteps had scarcely sounded on the
floor, be( s ore a light figure sprang towards him, and
next instant was locked in his arms.
God bless you, Mary,' ho said, an ho parted the
hair fondly from her forehead, and stooping, kissed
the fair brow.
The girl looked up into his facp, and said, half
in/tiring half positively—
UD01. 9 c:sco, ac34ae.).
You have come to stay—have you not? Do
now give up running your sloop until things be
come more settled. You will be captured yet,' she
continued, as her lover shook his head, and 'lien
if thrown into those dread prison ships in New
York, you will never get back.'
Notwithstanding the imploring tone in which she
spoke, her lover still shook his head.
*Nay, dearest, your •roman's fears alarm you
withoat cause; There is no danger. The English
ships have left the Delevvare, and I must make the
old sloop pay me now, for your sake.'
She buried her face in hie bosom to hide the
blushes at this allusion. He continued cheerfully.
.Now can you find me a supper) You boast of
your house keeping you know, and yet I'll bet we
are almost as good cooks on board. At any rate
we area little more hospitable when wo see a visitor
who has come miles to see us, and walked all the
He said this in a playful tone, and the girl imme
diately hastened to set the supper table. His eyes
followed her graceful movements, and they convers
ed together, as lovers only converse, during the half
'tour in whirls the preparations for the meal were
going on. At length the other members of the
family camo in, and the conversation became
It was early, however, when the young man rose
to go. The girl followed him out to the door.
Why so soon?' she said.
It is high tide, and I have already overstayed my
time,' he said. lint in a few days I will be back,
and it may be 1 will be so successful that there will
be no necessity for going again.'
God grant it may be so,' she said fervently. 'I
reel a presentiment of some danger impending over
you. There is Hogan the refugee.'
'He owes me ill-will I know,' said the lover,
'ever since you have preferred me to him. But he
has left this part of the country, and T rhdald never
fear him in a fair fight.
.But ho was always stealthy and mean, end
would attack you secretly.'
Oh! but there is no fear of him.' gaily said the
lover. 'Beelieve the I shall be back in less than
two weeks, and then—
He pressed the blushing girl to his bosom, kiss
ed her again and again, and then with a hurried
embrace tore himself away. When ho had crossed
the road and was just entering the woods, he turn
ed and waved his hat. The girl was standing on
the watch. elm kissed her hand to him and the
next instant he vanished from her sight.
But for many minutes she continued to gaze on
the spot where he disappeared; and so intent was
the revery in which she fell, that she did not notice
the approach of a third party, in tho person of a
young man of the neighborhood, whom popular
rumour declared to be one of her miters,
Good evening, Ellen,' he said, you are out
late to night"
Ah! is it you James I Good evening;' and she
frankly extended her hand. Will you walk in
No I thank you—l havn't but a minute to stay:
There was a short silence, when he added, have
you seen Hogan lately I' He has come back,
suppose you .know:
'No—I did not know it,' said Ellen her heart
beating violently.
I believe he and Briggs are no great friends.*
Hogan swearb he will have revenge on him, though
I den'; know what for. Do you
Ellen read the man's heart in them words. Ho
was a rejected suitor, and suspected her love for
Briggs, and visited her expressly to torture her by
this intelligence.
How know you this?' sho said affecting as
much calmness as possible. 'Have you seen Ho
gan lately 1'
He was about this morning; but has gone
down !lie river to his old place. They say he has
a dozen men there, refugees may be, like himself,
By the bye, have you seen Briggs to day 1 I heard
he sailed with the morning tido.'
Ellen turned pale at this intelligence, for her
woman's quick wit perceived at once, by the mean
ing tone of her visitor, that Hogan had determined
to way-lay her lover, and that her informant, from a
feeling of base revenge, had come to apprise her
of it, after he thought it would be too late for any
notice of the attack to be conveyed to Briggs.—
She had the presence of mind not to show her agi
tation, nor did she undeceive the speaker as to the
time when her lover sailed. She adroitly turned
the conversation.
Won't you walk in she said, the nights are
getting chilley. Father and mother are yet up, I
'No, thank you,' said the young man moving, 'I
must be going. Good bye.'
Ellen watched him with a fluttering heart until
he had disappeared in the darkness, when she burst
into tears. But suddenly dashing them away with
her hand, she entered the house, and cautiously ap
proached the door of her little room. The family
had all retired. Taking a pen and ink she wrote,
with some agitation, a few lines, and placed them
where they would be seen, the first thing in the
'This will tell them whore I haeo gone,' she
said, still weeping. .It would be wrong to wake
them, or they would not let me go. But how can
I stay here when Its is in danger l' She paused
and mused. . Yet it is too lute to overtake him at
the wharf. I must go down the liver and intercept
him. God will be my protector.'
With these words she hastened to attire herself
in her bonnet and cloak; and then kneeling down
ahe prayed for a few moments silently, after which
she rose, wiped the tears from her eyes, and set forth
unattended on her long and very perilous walk.--
More than once she started as she wound her way
through a solitary forest, at the cry of a night bird,
and now and then some unknown noise, or a dis
tant shadow assuming suddenly the shape of a hu
man being, would cause her knees to totter, but,
after leaning for a space against a tree and sum
moning aid from on high by a hasty prayer, she
would recover confidence and go on.
At length she reached the shore of the river,
after more than an hour's travel. She recognized
the place at once, and following the bank soon ar
rived at a solitary farm house. All was still around,
and she did not wake the inhabl,ants, for they were
suspectettof being unfriendiy to the Whigs, so she
merely unloosed a boat which she found lying by
the water-side, and entering it, waited breathlessly
for the appearance of her lover's sloop.
A quarter of an hoar passed, which seemed an
age and yet no signs of the vessel were visible.
'Surely it cannot have passed,' she said anx
iously. Yet the wind is fair and the tide strong.'
Another interval elapsed which her alarm mag
nified into an hour; and at last she burst out:
4 He has passed and I shall never see him again,'
she sobbed. '0! God of mercy spare his life!
and clasping her hands convulsively, she looked up
to heaven.
Suddenly a sound met her ear which she mistook
fur the creaking of a block. She started up in the
boat, every feature of her face radiant with hope,
and looking eagerly toward the bend of the river
above. But she wee doomed to a disappointment.
For five minutes she gazed in vain.
'lt was only tho sighing of the wind, she sob
bed, again overcome by tears. 0, what shall I do?
what can Ido l' she said pitiously, wringing her
All at once the apparent sound of the sheets tra
versing their iron guide broke the stillness.; and this
time she was not mistaken. Brushing the tears
hurriedly from her eyes, she was able to discern the
shadowy form of a sloop round the point of the
river above.
is him—it him!' she exclaimed agitatedly, and
falling on her knees, with glad tears she returned
thanks to God. Then hurriclly and nervously
taking the oars, she pushed off into the stream,
and suffered the boat to drop down with the tide.
As she expected the sloop soon overtook her.
Boat ahoy !' cried a well known voice, that,marle
her heart leap, ea the stout vessel came surging
towards her.
"James—don't you know me V she articulated
faintly, all the modesty of her nature suddenly a
roused at perceiving now, for the first time, the ap
parent indelicacy of her behaviour.
'Ellen !' cried the voice from the sloop, in a tone
of surprise, and immdiately the vessel was rounded
to, and the athletic arms of her lover lifted her on
deck ; for overcome with shame ohs could neither
stand nor look up.
What is the matter?' said her lover, se he held
her in hie arms, • has any thing hopped at home
Speak—you don't know how you alarm me.'
His anxious tone recovered for Ellen her confi
dence, and she hastened to tell him what she had
' I could not, she said, w;th hir fncc hidden on his
broad breast, ' stay at home and leaye you to this
peril. Father is old, and I was afraid he could not
be here in time—'
'God in Heaven bless you. How can I ever
repay you fel; this? But I most find a shelter for
you in the cabin, for no time is to be loot. We are
already in sight of Hogan's place, and it is too late
to retreat. Even if we anchor they will come after
us; but now that I know their intentions there is
nothing to fear, and our best course is to disarm sus
picion by going on.'
Ellen would have remonstrated, but at flint in
slant, the moon broke forth, and a large boot was
seen pulling out into the stream noose distance
down the rtver.She suffered herself therefore,to be led
into the cabin where she waited witha breathless
heart, the termination of the content.
Tradition tells how, in a few words, their leader
informed the crew of the approaching attack, and of
the vigorous measures taken to defeat it. The
sloop!s course was retarded as much as possible,
while the wood which formed a part of her cargo,
was hastily arranged in piles around the quarter
deck as well as forward, so on completely to barri
cade every• part of the vessel. Fortunately, there
was a double supply of muskets on board, and these
were ranged ready for use. In that critical hour
the hand and voice of Briggs were everywhere. He
felt that not only his own life, but what was dearer
even than that depended on the success of the
For some time the refugees, who continued pull
ing lazily up the river, as if not caring to excite sus
picion, did not see the movements on board the
sloop, but when preparations for defence became
visible in the growing bulwark on every side of the
vessel, they gave a loud cheer and pulled lustily
towards her.
'They are coming,' said Briggs, placing the last
armful of wood on the pile along the quarter deck.
'Take your muskets, lads, and be ready for a vol
ley; the bloody refugees!'
Quick and sharp came the rolicking of the oars,
and even those manly hearts beat faster, as they
counted the fearful odds against them, and recog
nized the burly figure of Hogan and ono or two
more of his desperate associates.
'Full away—around by the stem my lab,'
shouted the refugee leader, rocking in the stern
sheets with the motion of the boat.
'How's your time.' said Briggs, energetically,
'pick your men. take Hogan.
The muskets were raised, and a breathless in ,
Want ensued.
'Are you ready,' whipered their leader,
'Ayer was the prompt, stern answer.
Then fire!'
The volley was not a moment too soon. Three
of the men in the boat fell, but almost immediately
she struck the sides of the vessel, and her crew
berm to scramble over the barricades erected be
tween them and her defenders. Firing was now
impossible; the conflict was hand to had. It was
then that Briggs remembered Ellen, with each blow
of his sturdy arm,
Clubbing his musket he met his assailants at
every point, cheering and animating his scanty
bond, even more by his example than his voice.—
Short but terrible was the conflict. Most of the
outlaws never reached the deck of the sloop, but
feel back wounded or dead, into the boat, while the
few who gained at least a footkold on the vessel
sunklfinally, before the athletic arms and indomitable
courage of the defenders. In less than five minutes
after the attack began, the refu;lees were repulsed
at every point, their leaders killed, and the few who
remained alive were in full flight to the shore. Two
of their number remained prisoners in the hands of
Briggs, and subsequently met the deserved fate of
their crimes.
No sooner had the enemy left the vessel than
Briggs hastened to the cabin. Ellen was already
ascending the gangway, alarmed by the cessation of
his voice, which throughout the strife had risen over
the noise of the conflict, and sustained her through
its terrible suspense.
Their meeting we shall not attempt to describe;
It is sufficient to say, that long after, they were ac•
costumed to refer to it as the happiest moment of
their lives. But now, dearest,' he said at length,
I must see you safe at your fathers, aro I proceed,
let me hope for still more.'
Ca.zrat•swa *Q;',es.sollaDzrua
TWINTI4ONI DAIS Lrria num av•os.,
The Great Western arrived in New York, on the
16th inst., bringing Liverpool dates to the 29th
ultimo inclusive. We make the following extracts:
The Hibernia arrived out on the 17th inst.. end
was followed by the Oxford, Rochester, and Indiana,
wall papers of the let inst., announcing the intelli
gence of the Senate having passed the Texas Bill.
This important news was taken to London by e
special Engine Express, conveyed personally by
Mr. Edward Williner. Thelndiana was followed
in less than twelve hours by the George Washing
ton, with the Inaugural Address of Mr. Polk, which
was also fixpreps'd in a very rapid manner, reach
ing London the came night.
The Loudon Times la fierce upon the rubject of
annexation, it says, that the eoceent of Congress
was long expected, although there were Wrong mor
al objections to it, hut, soya that Journal, whatever
•they loved, the coveted.
The Morning Chronicle myn they are more mor
tified than surprised et annexation.
Willmer & Smith's European Times says
"The conduct of Americas) Legislative bodies is
a marvel and a mystery to the politicians of Europe.
It passes comprehension, defies calculation, upsets
all preconceived notions of organisation.' Every
one saw, in the result of the last contest for the
Presidency. that Testis would he annexed; bat that
the \\ big Senate should be a consenting party has
produced astonishment, and rendered the news
which came to hand this week from the western
world, not only novel but startling. The Senate is
regarded, on this side of the water, as a very Con
servative hotly—a drag upon the more heads.rong
resolves of the other House; and the dignity of its
hearing, commands, with the general wisdom of its
decisions, the respect even of those who are not
prone to eulogise Republican institutions. Hence
the surprise which has been created. But the game
of politics is evidently the same all the world over—
t' series set' skilful moves and countermoves, and the
most skilful player is he who puzzle., checkmates,
and triumphs over his fellows.'
Upon the subject of the President's Message the
same writer says:—The verbrose state documents
of the Union are little relished in England; and a
moment's consideration. perhaps will show the rea
son. The British Premier's place is Parliament,
where he personally answers questions, defends his
'conduct, assails his antagonist, and acts at once up
on the offensive and the defensive. The President
of America, on the contrary, is shut out of Con
gress. Instead of addressing that assembly, and
through it the nation, viva twee, on the events of
the day, when the interest is high and the subject
exciting, ho waits until sun iety cools or has entirely
evaporated, and then, in a formal manner, traces, in
a message, with tedious prolixity, what everybody
knows and has long prejudged.
The inaugural address of Mr. Polk is not obnox
ious to this objection in the same degree as the or
dinary messages which emanate from the Chief
Magistrate of the Union; but even in that docu
ment the didactic prevails over the colloquial, and
the theme of the essayist rides over the free and
easy manner of the citizen. The portion of the
111.811gC which has given most offence, inasmuch as
it denotes a " foregone conclusion," is his allusion
to the Oregon territory. The right of the United
States to that territory is assumed by the now Pre
sident as a matter beyond dispute, at the very mo
ment that the subject forms an anxious and pro
traded controversy between the two Governments.
People naturally say, " Can the new official have a
proper sense of the deep responsibility of his office
when he thus commits himself at the very thres
hold I"
That Mr. Polk is correct in his assumption may
be established hereafter, or it may not. But there
is rt palpable violittion of good taste in so formal,so
superfluous, a committal on the question. Air. Polk's
predecessor woe not happy in imparting dignity to
the alike. It is to be hoped that the mantle of
‘Vashingion will sit more gracefully on the shoul
ders on which it has now descended --but the com
mencement it rerilious.
American President's Message.—Mr. A Warn celled
the attention of Sir R. Peel to a passage In the IX
cent inessago of the President of the U. States, in
which it was alleged with regard to our efforts to
suppress the slave trade, that " the slaves,- when
captured, instead of being returned to their homes,
are transferred to her colonial possessions in the
West Indies, and made the means of swelling the
amount of their products by a system of appren
ticeship for a term of years;" nod begged to ask
whether the President was correctly informed?
Sir R. Peel regretted that the President of the U.
States should have thought proper to send to Con
gress a formal message upon that important subject
without ascertaining the real condition of those
liberated negroes when in the British colonies. The
message stated that, on the capture by British ships
of negroes intended for shivery, the latter were sent
to the West Indies, and subjected to 'apprenticeship
a term of yearn, and treated with nearly the same
severity that was practised toward them while slavee.
.tow, the fact of the case was, that the state of ap
prenticeship, wee, and had for some years been, al
together abolished in the West Indies, and no black,
whether he went there as a free emigrant or a cap
tured and liberated slave, was ever required to he
apprenticed; he wan perfectly and entirely free, end
entitled to all the rights of freedom. There was
another allegation contained in that message, that
vessels belonging to England as wel as to the IT.
State. were engaged in the slave trade, was entitled
to the moat serious consideration, He was not pre
pared to deny that ; but he sincerely ho
ped that, as the la ach the application of
British capital to , es of the Blase trade,
the House would e o make it reach such an
offence with etringent penal effect
The missing packet-shipe, England and the nai
led States, form a painful topic of speculation—if
speculation can be said to exist where all is hope
less. The names of the ill-fated vessels have form
ed an augury in the minds of persons who are pre
disposed to similitudes. Like the unfortunate Pre
sident, the bat trumpet only will brine to light the
mystery which hang, over their fate. It is a mei
anchole disaster, truly ; but comfort may be derived
from the fact, that the emcee. of the New York
packet ships has been far beyond the average. The
superior build end equipment. of them really noble
specimens of maritime greatness, are amongst the
causes, doubtless, of their safety and succour. They
have dared the elements is conflict in many a fear
ful scene; but something, firmly, is attributable ,
to the intellect and skill with which they have been ,I
guided over the perilous deep. Perhaps a more
highly polished,eiturated, and, in ail the social rela
tions of life, respectable arid esteemed class of men
cannot be found than the commander. of the New i
York liners.— Willmer's Times.
The Repeal Association still continue their meet
ings. On St. Patrick'. Day the meeting was more
than usually well attended. All sported shamrock.
in their hats in honor of the day, and Mr. O'Con
nell Vlaa decorated with a monster bunch, twined
round a branch of palm, the preceding day having
horn Palm Sunday. The mayor of Limerick took
the chair.
The increase of the grant to the Roman Catholic
College of Maynooth is stirring up aome agitation,
which threatens to extend. A meeting to petition
against the grant has been held at Exeter-hall; an
other in Liverpool in fixed for Monday week; and
'vers! other parts of the country promise to catch
the infection.
The rent for the week was announced to be £398
ss. 4d.
A Whistling Yankee.
Some years since, a Yankee from the land of
.notione,' travelling westward, found himself
nue of cash, after hie arrival at the flourishing vil
lage of Paineville, Ohio. But Yankee. are prover
bial for tact, and ran turn their wits many ways, to
supply the needful. So our Yankee traveller, be
ing good at whistling, perambulated the village, with
his hand. stuck in his empty pockets, whistling a
variety of national airs, much to the amusement of
all. Seeing that his employ took' with the mul
titude, he set himself up as a teacher of the Science
of %A histling, end reasoned very gravely, that as
multitudes would whistle, it would be well for them
to learn the ecience,—rightly judging that what
ought to be done st all, should be done well, i. e.
upon scientific principles. Ile belleyed that there
were far more persons who could learn this science
than was generally supposed—that there was no
reason why the female eex, with acknowledged bet
ter voice. then mnies,ahould be denied the privilege
of whistling ! and descanted largely upon the ad
vantage to be derived from a thorough knowledge of
the ecience. In short, a school was started at once
and many a voting limb of the law, medical stu
dent, and clerks, with their ladies, were aubreribers.
The price was fixed at fifty cents per couple and
always paid in advance. by which our Yankee
friend well spliced his pockets.
The evening for the first lesson arrived,—and
with it the goodly number of gents and ladies, at a
hotel, waiting the promised instruction. The pre
liminary observation was made that no one would
he assured of any improvement, without they , car
ried on the precise instruction., and obeyed the
commands of the teacher.
All were standing upon the floor on the tiptoe of
expectation, when the Yankee gave forth his first
command with great gravity, ' PREPARE TO
PUCKER !' All anticipated the next command.
'PUCKER !' and instantly a roar of laughter
shook the house to its foundation.
It is unnecessary to say thnt the next day our
Yankee traveller was seen wending his way west
ward, with full pockets, and whistling many a mer
ry tune, while those who had taken their first les
son in the science of whistling w eie hailed at ever•
turn of the street with the by-words---.. PREPARE
"Doctor," said n person once to a surgeon, " my
daughter had a terrible fit this morning; she contin
ued full half an hour without knowledge or under
standing. Oh,' replied the doctor, never mind
that ; many people continuo to all their ;item"
`QWl 7 .laccallz:. •Cia.342,0
From the Southern Mime!limey.
ArfirsTA, March 4th 1845.
Ma. EDITOI/ :—l'vo hewn so much grumbling
about the shortness of life, and titan's flying no fast
that I um tired of hearing it—'taint no such thing!
Life'sawful long, and clocks and watches will have
to run faster than common time—if they don't they
may jist as well atop, fur folks are always ahead of
them now-a-days. Last July brother Nathan Slick
end myself shipped from Boston twe tons of clocks
fur Liverpool. We valeyed 'em at three dollies
apiece on the bill of lading and entered 'em regu
larly at the Custom House. The Collector taxed
us 50 per cent, ad valorem as he said—this made
theta cost us, w ith all expenses, about four dollars
apiece. I told him we warnt able to pay ; that he
might fist take 'eat; I'd alsceset a few of 'Cm to run
ning, so he might se/I them to , the best advantage—
' agreed; says he ; Slick, you'll do the clean
thing.' Bo I set 'em agoing—they went with a
vengeance, and gained two hours a day. I went in
in a few days to see how they wore going—says T,
Mr. Bull, have you sold my clocks ? 'Clocks !Mr
Slick,' said he,' why they gotooawful fast !'' Fast?`
said i, its American time--don't you know we are
nearer sundown by two hours and a half, and aro
more'n that ahead of you in every thing else?—
He looked flat I tell you—he put up my American
clocks at public sale—l bought 'em for a dollar
apiece, fired in my English time wheel, and eold
em for ten dollars each. I come back with a hun
dred crates of cups and semen', the right color to
hide dirt, and sold 'ear in New Orleans for the
Cherokee trade—tuk the money and laid it out at
Cincinnati in pork, CUM to Slickville, sold it fur
onions and potatoes, which I tnk to Baltimore ant/
traded off for whiskey and castings—tuk them to
Boston and bought a ship load of ice, which I went
with to Havana, where I changed it for sugars—
chipped these and myself to Charleston, where I
laid out the proceeds in molasses, which is here.
411 this I done since last July., Ought Ito say
life is short and time too fast ? Its all a humbug—
a man that lives fifty years now—a'most lives as
long as My thyoseley did in old timer—you'd say I'm
long winded in this filocophiain about time. I
think I've proved some of us are not too slow for
the old fellow—l sort a seed him the other night in
a dream—he'd throw'd away his scythe and hour
glass and was riding with a loafer one locomotive,
smoking a segsr—he said he'd given up mowing
down the folks sense tobacco, licker and railroads,
and steambout3 h,d ail got to work—and he was
jist going tether side of sun down, if he could get
there afore all the chaps would run away to Oregon
and Texas—because if he didn't run awful fast
he'd be beat any how ! Yours truly,
The Curate and the flinging Boy.
The Union of Auxerre contains the following
The Curate of A---- one morning took a
boy twelve years of age as an assistant at the muse,
who wee both intelligent and witty. Instead of
silently awaiting the arrival of the Curate, the
rogue began to play ball in the sacristy. At this
astonishing incident the mice, oterwhelmcd with
horror, hid themselves away in the bottom of their
dressing rooms. The Curate arrived; and scan
dalized as he justly should have been by the irrev
erent conduct of his aid de camp, he picked up the
ball slid put it in his pocket. This act was consid
ered by the owner as an abuse of authority; the
reprisal was prompt and horrible ; every sacristan
can with fear and trembling perceive why. When
the Curate held out the chalice to his servant for
the purpose of haying it filled, the cup bearerstood
immoveable, and would not turn his flagon in the
slightest degree.
Pour out,' said the priest.
Give me my Hall; answered the cup•bearer.
Poor out, I command you.'
'Give me my ball.'
You are a scoundrel.'
Give me my ball.'
The dialogue began to grow monotonous and
compromised the sacredotal dignity. The Curate,
yielding to the inevitable necessity, put his hand in
his pocket as if he had a dreadful cold in his head,
and handed the rebel the ball, the cause of this ever
memorable reprisal.
The Curate of A----- is a man of parts, end
laughed while he told this story ; we laughed while
transcribing it, and our subscribers will laugh per
haps when they read it. As for the owner of the
bill he did not laugh nt the decisive moment, and if
ever this young Frenchman becomes a deputy or
municipal counsellor, it is altogether probable that
he will be a stubborn adversary of every abuse of
Two strangers recently vieited Bunker Hill
and ascended to the top of the Monument. After
they had asked a number of questions which the
superintendent answered very politely, he told them
it was customary to pay a small sum for ascendiag
the Monument. At this they were highly irdig-
Cant, and said that they thought it woo a free coun
try, and this place should be free to all; they would
not be oiled out of their money by a yankee.—
Aw Engliehruan ought to be allowed to go free to
such public places. The superintendent bowed
very politely, and said, • I wish that you hod men
tioned that you were Englishmen before, for they
are the only persons we admit hue; we consider that
they paid dear enough for ascending this hill on the
MN of June, 47761
ttz*c.,& - r.
SAN Su.,