Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 23, 1845, Image 3

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nuntingdon, April 23, 1 945.
crf V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent. for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, Now York, Balti
more and Boston.
Phi/ode/ph/a—Number 50 Pine street.
Baßimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal.
vert streets.
Neu, York—Number 160 Nassau street.
Boston—Number 16 State street.
cO..A. joint resolution, appropriating $50,000
for the relief of the sufferers at Pittsburg, hat pas
ted both branches of the Legislarure, and been
signed by the Governor.
A man near Churchtown, Lancaster county, Pa.
cut his throat tho other day with two old rusty
sails. His throat was horribly larcerated, having
lire gashes in it.
The flee. Joy H. Fairchild has been incited to
return to his congregation; and subscriptions are
now being made to defray the expenses his trial
cost him.
The municipal Election in Cincinatti was held
on the Bth inst., and resulted in the choice of a
Whig Mayor, Whig Marshall, W hig Council,
Township Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, and in fact
all the offices to ho officered are Whigs.
Blackberries ore ripe and in our market: The
crop promises to be abundant.
Cr Ile town meeting in Baltimore, relative to
the Pittsburgh sufferers, directed $.5000 to be for
warded immediately.
The councils of Baltimore have, also, appropri
ated and forwarded five thousand dollies for the
The Jury in the case of Polly Bodine, charged
with the murder of her brother's wife, Mrs. House
man, on Staten Island, have broght in a verdict of
murder in the first degree, but recommending the
prisoner to the mercy of the Court. The trial,
by special act, took place in the city of New York.
Tr.TrrrAmax IN Oasoox.—The people of Ore
gon have passed a law imposing a fine of MO upon
any person who shall hereafter introduce ardent
spirits into that settlement, and $2O on the person
who shall sell or barter it.
rAt Lexington, Ky., a few days since, a man
named R. Tomlin., was shot by a woman of bad re
pute, named Rebecca Kirby, and killed.
( }'rho 6. HaeriFiburgr Argus," has passed into
the hands of J.. 1. Cantine, Esq., by whom it is in
future to be conducted. C. C. Maine, Esq., the
late proprietor, died on the 9th inst.
cCrOn Friday last a man named Witrasm
Titular, who was employed as driver on the level
between plane 5 and 6 on the A. P. Rail Road, in
attempting to adjust some matter in front of the
Truck to which his horses were attached, was
knocked down, run over by the Truck, and almost
instantly killed. His home, we believe, was in
Westmoreland county. Thus we have another
painful admonition to be 4 always ready' for the
dread summons of the King of 'terrors. How
many will heed it.—Register.
At Alexandria (D. C.) on Saturday the t2th inst.
in honor of Crar's birth day, the Liberty
Pole of the Whigs was decorated with wreaths—
the National flag hoisted at the mast head, marry
of the vessels in port decorated with flags,--flags
and streamers displayed in many other directions,
and a salute of sixty eight guns was fired at sun
down. The Junior .Whigs had a procession' in
honor of the occasion. In the evening the Ashland
Glee Club—whose melodious notes during the
Presidential canvass, gave so much delight—with
several other Whigs, had a delightful reunion—
Harry Clay woo remembered.
ntri op Witios.—The second number
of lie Amt into Review Itio. a very able
article on the restili of the Lite Presiden
tial Election. After noticing the meant
nog despicable tricks to by our
opponetits, and various other occurrences
connected with the election, the editor
Otis exhorts ihe Whigs to sound by their
:toil not to turn
s:-lilt upon any pretext whitleyer:—O. S.
Lc t us, then abide 0111 . nagaaiy, a hon,
,11111* principles, our tenders and our name.
Let us cherish the conviction that what
ever good can be hoped for our country,
must be accomplished through the agen
cy of the ‘Vltig party, in its present fiJrni
and constitution. Let new light illumi
tit te oor counsels, new vigor con Etrrn our
strength, new :mhor inflame our spirit—
but let no short-sighted policy commit us
to merely local interests in prejudice of
riur„duties to the whole country—let no
false sy top ithy, on the one burnt, etillSi us
ill a cru-ado of philanthropy through re
gions which the CoNsTrrurtort has for
bidden us to invade; uor, on the other,
let a fatal lust of acquis:tion engage us
in a league which may rend asunder the
bonds of our present Union.
In the pact we see nothing to disheart
en, in the Wore every thing to cheer.—
Vigilance lIIIW and until the end, unless
the enemy sow tares while we sleep
active energy from the start until the goal
be won, lest we thrive in our idleness;
these we must resolve on, and these will
ensure our triumph. The altar on which
the lire of our enthusiasm is kindled is
the altar of Principle—lts flames are fed
with the pure oil of patriotism—and the
vestal guardians, Liberty and Law, keep
holy %latch over its embers-111 Kit MALL
star Ule :"
From the Harrisburg Intelligeneer
Speaker of the Senate,
Agreeably to custom, on I nest's:, mor
ning the Speaker resigned his seat, and
the Senate proceeded to the election of
another Speaker, and the Bth hallot re
stilted in the election of JOHN 13. STER
-10 ERE, of Montgomery county. On the
lirst ballot the Whigs supported Mr.
SULLIVAN, who received D votes, and the
Locos scat tered —Mr. CHAPMAN receiving
7 votes, Mr. Sitnnwoon 6, and others one
and more. On the 6 succeeding ballots
the votes were scattered i n all directions.
On the Bth and float ballot, the Sena
tors voted as follows :
M es , r4. Carson, Cot nman, Crnbb, Crnig
Dariagli, llnnmick, Ebaugh, Eyer, Gib
bons, IIm•ton, IKlino, rison, Rahn,
Rosy, Sullivan and 11'ilcox-16—voted
Messrs. Auden:on, Bailey, Bigler, Champ.
net's, Fegely, Foulkrod, Heckman, Hill,
'mil Quay— 9—voted for HENRY W.
Messrs. Black and Darsie-2---voted
for Win. Bigler.
Mes•rs. Chapman and SherVenod— 2
voted for Mr. Anderson.
This result is the effect of the division
in the Imeant:o ranks occasioned by the
election of Gen. Cameron, and may be re-.
garded as a Cameron triumph. Mr. Ster
igere, it is true, did tint vtoe for Oen
Cameron, but he ()died the caucus nomi•
nation, and threw his vote aw ay.
_ This
was a sin su ff iciently heinous in the eyes
of the pure "Democracy" to render him
at least a sit/vicious character, and wor
thy their Make.' condemnation. All
the 11 mid ward men, therefore, voteti dead
against him, and he was elected by the
Cilinerffil Men and W legs.
The bitter hostility still cherished b'y
:he ‘Voodw:ird men against the Cameron
wing of their party, was subsequently
still more strikingly exhibited, when a
of thanks to the late Speaker,
(Mr. ‘‘ liens) was offered- Mr. flacK•
MAN made a bitter speech against the
Speaker, and not a man of them voted for
the resolution: He voted for Gen. Cam
eron, and therefore cmyttitted the un
pardonable sin I"
The Lehofocos are trying to raise a
Ilurra over the result of the State Elec
tion recently held in Rhode Island, but
with the feast po ,, ible reason. Every
man elected to an office in that Stale, ex
cept a•sniall part of the minority in the
Li.gislature, is a Whig ; and although
the Law and Order candidate for Gover
nor was defeated by about 110 majority in
the State, yet the other candidates of that
party were erected by larger majorities
than that, anti the candidate himself was
a IVhig. The New York Tribune—
a paper always accurate in its statement
--alludes to the causes which produced
the result in the following tet ms
"Gov. FENNER and Congressman PoT•
TER are deteated by the story, true or
lake, that they were unfaithful to the sen
timent of Rhode Island in regard to the
Texas Iniquity. Gov. F. was accused of
withholding the Resolutions of the Leg , -
islature against Annexation at an import
ant crisis ; and Mr. Porrea once voted
with the Annexationists on a preliminary
question—it was said by mistake. We
think ho has been hardly dealt with. Mr.
POTTER though a unifiirm lscxsoN and
VAN BYIREN loan, voted for CLAY last Fall ;
Mr. FENNER, we understand, did not vote
at all, and never professed to be ui any
way a \Vhigi The Governor elect is a
thorough CLAY Whig, ;mire all the success•
NI candidates for State Officers. Both
the Congressmen elect are Whigs and
Law and Order men of the most thorough
stamp, but Gov, ARNOLD, like Gov.
.I,toxsox, is understood to hold that no
good can result from keeping Dorr lon
ger in prison."
As for the new Governor IttexsoN, he
has since his election written a letter to
Mr. ELMER, a member of the last Congress
from New Jersey, in he defines his
position in the most utimistaten manner.
After stating that he opposed front first
to last all the proceedings roeirecled with
the ‘. peopleA Constitation"—aided in
forming the Law and Order party, and
bore artn with others in defence of the
Charter Government," he adds:—
"The people, as you are aware, since
that time, viz : nt 1843, formally Wonted
the Constitution under which the Gov.
ernment of the State is now org,amzed.—
In the meanwhile, Mr. Dona has been
tried, convicted and imprisoned. H is
present unhappy situation is a constant
source of discomfort and trouble, in the
State, and out of the State. 'Neither his
party, nor the law and order party can
disband, while he remains in prison.
In this emergency, it was thought ad.
visable by many, to obtain a direct ex
pression from the people on th. questions
of liberation and general amnesty. To
accomplish this I consented to have my
name placed at the head or a Liberation
Ticket. I hoped that such a ticket would
he supported, be all who were favorable
to the tranquility of the State. The
Democratic party as a condition prece.
dent to my standing, passed, unanimous•
ly, (in a full conception from all parts of
the State,) resolutions, acknowleding,
in unqualified terms, the validity of the
existing Constitution. A fter this, there
were no material points of d ifference be
tween the two parties un local subjects.—
Both are now on the platform of the Con
stitution--both are now for law and and
" The HONOR of the State is more ef
fectually SAVED by the conservative char
acter of the resolutions--binding as they
do, a whole party-4 han it wou l d
be by the oath of any individual under
duress. !fence, there is now no good
reason for keeping Mr. Doan in prison,
and withholding tram him the rights of t►
Thus we have the authority of Gov.
JACKSON hinisele—and that the Locolocos
are estopped from controverting--that the
DORIC party, before they could obtain his
consent to be a candidate, fully acknowl
edged the validity of the present Consti
tution of Rhode Island, and therefore ad
mitted by the strongest implication that .
they and View leader had been guilty of
treason to the Government. After this
the simple qnestion was whether DORIC
should continue in the Penitentiary, or be
liberated ; and while BUMMUM flea re
quired the former, it is not surprising that
the sympathies of human nature should
plead for his release, especially as the
danger was over and the Government
established on firm foundations with the
assent of the rebels themselves. Our
readers Will see in the above how little
cause of boasting the Locofocos have in
the fthode Island Election.
I'rom Neal's , Vaturday Gazette.
Ex-Governef Thomas.
SVAimotoToN, Apt il 9th, 1845.
Ex-Goternor Thomas bound over for a
libel--History of his matrimonial dif
fealties—His wife returns home—Fan
cied reconciliation—Collision with her
father—Governor Thomas' pamphlet.
The case of Ex. Gov. Thomas, who has
been bouno over here for an alleged litre',
is just now the popular theme of gossip. I
depricate the introduction before the pub
lic of all such matters as those involved in
this affair ; but since the subject has at•
tained a very general publicity, and gar
bled accounts of the difficulty have got
abroad, I think you ought to refer to it, so
tar at least as to set misrepresentations
right. My information I premise, how
ever, is deriued chiefly from the pamphlet
issued by Governor Thomas, the publica
tion of which has been construed into a
Prior to the election of Nlr. Thomas as
Governor of Maryland he was a metnber
of Congress for several years, and while in
Washington, in discharge of his duty, be
came acquinted with Miss sally McDow
ell, a daughter of Gov. NI cDowell, of Vir
ginia, and niece of Col. Benton. After
various little dilliculties, M r. Thomas and
she were married, just on the eve of his
election as governor; and the kride, with
a young cousin, a Mr. Taylor, proceeded
to the home of the Governor. Here, how
ever, it was tint long before Gov. Thomas
became jealous of his wife, and eventually
charged her with certain improprieties of
conduct, which led ultimately to their sep•
eration. At first he wished his wife to
return to her father's house until his sus•
picions rtgainst her should be removed; the
aid of Mrs. Benton was called to effect this.
m rs , Th o mo. did nut at first go; but final.
ly went to Baltimore on a visit for a few
days. Ilere, too, Gov. Thomas repaired,
where various interviews passed between
him and &Greta members of her family.
The husband seems now to have become
disabused of his suspicions, and was as
anxious for his wife's return as he had
been formerly for her departure. Con
trary, however, to his expectation, instead
of following him home to Annapolis, she
retired to her father's house in Virginia,
where she has ever since continuedlo re-
Governor Thomas now appears to have
become more and more desirous of it re
conciliation with his wife. Some courte•
sies which he received from her father,
such as public d ocuments and newspapers
franked to him—led him to suppose that
Governor McDowell was not averse to a
reunion between himself and wife. Ac
cordingly he wrote to Mrs. Thomas, stat
ing that if the letter was not returned in a
certain Dine, lie should consider the act as
an expression of her wish in favor of a re
conciliation. The priml having elapsed
without the return of the letter, Governor
Thomas set lorth to visit the mansion of
Goy. McDowell, and claim his wile.
Before reaching there, however, he ac-:
culentally met his father-in-law at an it'd,
just as they were both going to enter the
same stage. Governor McDowell refused
to ride with Gov. Thomas : high words
and an altercation ensued; the father•in•
law procured anoth, conveyance, and the
aim-in-law remained in the stage; but when
Gov. Thomas arrived at the end of his
journey he found the people so exasperated
against him, fur the alleged ;Mark an
Governor McDowell, that he was compell
ed to leave the place to secure his personil
safety. On arriving at his residence in
Maryland, he found the letter he had writ
ten to his wife. She had detained it until
nearly the allotted time, in order to hear
from her father who wasehsent; and thus
arose this unfortunate collision between
fa her-in-law and son.
Gov. Thomas seemes to think that, in
this unhappy arid'', he has been hardly
dealt with. '11..e notoriety which, by his
pamphlet, ho has given to the difficulties
of his matrimonial connection, he defend.
on the grounds that garbled statements and
premeditated slanders have been circulat
edict his prejudice. He declares himself
eager for a thorough examination of the
whole alnir. There seems to be still on
his mind misgivings as to his wile's p'er..
fect innocence, arising from a fancied dis
inclination on her part and that of her
faMily to submit to ac' lid examination
of his suspicions. T '';',fends of Gov.
McDowell whisper th Thomas is
insane. There certain . me strange
things developed in his state 01; but yet
such as are not irreconscilable with a jeal
ous, sensitive and morbidly suspicious
mind. If it be remembered in forming an
opinion of this unfortunate business, that
Gov. Thomas is some twenty years older
than his wife—that Miss McDowell was a
gay, perhaps a giddy girl—and that her
father was at first opposed to the marriage,
many of the difficulties of the case vanish
at Ihice.
Since the publication of Gov.Thomas's
pamphlet a number of gentlemen, neigh.
burs of Gov. McDowell, have held a public
meeting and (testified to the irreproacha
ble character of Mrs. Thomas while res
ident there, both before and after her
The trial of Gov. Thomas will excite
intense interest. He will not, however,
be allowed to go into the merits of lbe case.
the truth not being admissible here . oft an
indictment for libel. 11. K.
A. IWational N'ame,
A movement has been made by the
New York Historical Society to fix upon
some name by which to designate our
Republic. The term " United States" is
no name at all.
We are all a collection of communities
united together, and while each State has
its distinctive name there is no word to
denote the aggregate community—the
grand idea of unity, power, greatnsss and
grandeur blended in the national charac
ter by which we are known to the world,
and in which the glory of the Republic is
to be concentrated.
The want of such a name is proof that
as yet our feeling of State pride and re
gard predominate over those which attach
us to the Union. Yet in the progress of
things the sublime national idea must em
brace and comprehend all mere local at
tachments. We now find it sufficient to
be called Marylanders, or Virginians, or
Pennsylvanians and such oesignationg
will never lose their distinctive meaning ;
but there should be a greater appellation
than any of these—one which every citi
zen in every State might bear and rejoice
in and be proud of--a name to denote our
fellowship in the great Angle Saxon fami
ly of the West—gut imperial name fitted
to the magnificent region which is ours
and to the united community who achie
ved their freedom as one people, and
whose destiny in all time to conic must be
N.Vhat is this name to be 1 The New
York Society adopting a suggestion made
some years ago by Washington Irving,
proposes " .81b ganin." Their report on
the subject reccommends this name " con
sidering that it is derived from the greirt.
est and most useful natural feature coin
mon to the whole country, an eternal
type of strength and union, stretching
from the Gulf of Mexico to the great
Lakes ; that it is associated with the most
interesting portions of our history; and
that in adopting, it we should restore hi the
7fand one of the primordial titles of the
aborigines."Th," , :„
The RepubN will doubtless have d'
name. There never was yet a great idea
that did not, at the epoch of its 'natality,
find a name. As body to soul so are
words to thoughts. An idea is not burn
until it is embodied in language; that is
its birth--its incarnation, as we may say.
When therefore we heroine a homogene
ous people and are well blended together ;
when the affinities which draw all parts
of the Union together are thoroughly
identified and mingled with ou r sympa
thies and altections, then shall " we, the
People," have a name to denote that we
are truly one People.
The agitation of the subject shows that
this period is at hand. It nay not be the
name of " Allegania" that we shall be
baptised in ; but the right name will cone.
And when it comes we may presume that
it will be recognized and hailed as the
true name. "If we are what we boast,"
says the New York Report, and with this
quotation we leave the subject. " one
people and one nation, "E. Pluribuv
Umtm," with national traits, national im
pulses, a general history, and a cornrow)
character, let us have a word significant
of that unity. Let us have a sign in our
language that such a nation exiets."—
Baltimore American.
From the Harrisburg Intelligence'',
More Gerrymandering.
Our readers well recollect the astonish
ment and indignation expressed by the
people at the infamous Gerrymandering
of the Stale by the Locoloco majority in
the late Congressional Apportionment Bill
The districts genereally were most un
fairly formed, and the people at the first
election under the bill, expressed the dis
approbation of the conduct of the Loco
loco majority, by electing a majority of
Whig; members of Congress—some of
them in decided Locofoco districts, which
were trained with the especial view of in
suring the success of the LocolOco party.
Amongst these districts was the 523 d, or
Erie district, which was the most hideous
looking animal ever exhibited on terra
firma, if we except a few of the Gerry.
wanders of nor Sister Oldie, conceived
in the same school, and brought into exis•
tence about the same time. This district
w as originally compos..d of the counties
of Erie, Warren, M'Kean, Potter, JelEer
son and Clarion t It is about one hun
deed and thirty miles in length, I rom East
to West, antßextetolA over about one•hal/
the State from North to South, embracing
a territoty of nearly nix thousand equure
miles, or nearly one-seventh of the tet vitt).
ry of the whole State.
Since the bill was passed the new coun
ty of Elk has been funned nut of a part
of this district and a county adjoining;
and, would von believe it, reader, three
townships of this county id Elk. not be
fore in the district, HAVE BEEN AD
DED TO IT by the present Legislature!
The election of Mr. Heed in the district
in 1843, and the extremely close run he
guise the Leos last fall, have suggested
to them the necessiity of making it 'stron•
get in order to insure success, and they
have accordingly added to it these three
townships, which give art additional Loco•
loco majority. It is even a worse outrage
upon the Whigs of the district than the
formation of the district originally. We
hope it will have the effect of arousing
their indignation, and inspire them with
the spirit and determination to resent the
injury at the polls, in a proper manner and
we think we know enough of the Whigs
of the district, to insure us that it will
have this effect.
The yeas and nays by which this out
rage was consummated in the (louse, are
a. follows. Rut one single Loctdoco,
SiltriEn, toted against the infamous
. -
YEAS—Messrs. Armstrong, Bailey,
Barber, Boyer, Brewster ( Phi la co.) Brigiit
Brown, Brush, Burns ; Burnside, Burrell,
Campbell, Cross, ants, Eldred, Funston,
Gray, Hallowell, Beck,, Hill, Holrman
(Becks,) Jaccny, Jame., Knot, Merrifield,
Morgan, Merely, 111'Bride, M'Casiln,
IWKinley, J'Bryar., Painter, Power, Ri
der, Samuel., S with, (C(e'atfieltl,) Smyth
il r
(Clinton,) Str i iers, Taggart, Tice, Vliet,
IVilson, ‘Vor , Patterson—Speaker-44.
NAYS—M s. Adams, Amer,: Bald
win, Banning, Bayard, Bighorn, Bishop',
Brady, Cochran, Connor,Cooper, Dickey,
Dunlap. Hall, Harper, Herr, Hilanils,
Kennedy, Kunkel, Larkin, Mao.ehan,
Meloy, Metzgar, Muse, Nl'Farlenil M'-
Ma rtrie, Nicholson, Pat ke, Paxson, Price
Riddle, Salter, Sanderson, Sankey, Shu
man, Smith (Lancaster,) Sniyely, Stetler,
Trego, Zonliterman-40,
Ihe Winter session in this institution
terthinated oo the X' tit March, after the
usual examinations, and the public con
test between the literary societies. These
exercises afforded evidence of the ability
and faithfulness of the Professors and the
itiligence of students. The Literary
contest" between the Societies is an ex.
ercise which originated in this College,
and has since been adopted by a number
of Institutions, ospecially in the West.•—
k has had a happy effect in stimulating
young men to in prove in composition,
oratory, and debate.
It w iti be gratifying to the friends of
literature to know that this Institution, the
oldest " West of the mountains," is in a
prosperous condition, and notwithstand
ing the increased num'ter of Seminaries
in every direction, stilt retains its pre
eminence, as to nutiMers and usefulness.
The number of Students during the year
past has exceeded two hundred—of these
a greater number than formerly (170) be
long to the regular College classes. It
has been a e aini of the trustees and Fac
ulty to elevate the standard of education.
For several years past the course of study
has been extended, especially in Mathe•
maks and physical science, so as to be
fully equal to that of the best Colleges in
the East. There is a lull Faculty, com
posed of able and experienced teachers
in the different departments. It is our
determination not to lower the standard
or abridge the course of Study, although
it is well known that our course has pre
vented to some extent the increase of
numbers, as the tendency of the age is to
hastea and abridge in everything and too
twiny you-g men are impatient of the de
lay and labor necessary to substantial tiCo•
quirements. We however entertain en
tire confidence that this College will still
receive the patronage of the friends of a
thorough education.
Dr. Brown having on account of ill
health, tendered his resignation on last
fall, the Trustees elected as his SUCCPSS
or in January, Rev. Robert J. Brecken
ridge, D. D., whose distinguished talents
and , literary acquirements, are extensive
ly known in our own country and in Eu
rope. His acceptance of the appoint
ments is earnestly hoped for, but the re
sult will nut be certainly known until the
meeting of his Presbytery, 15 April. In
the meauthne 1)r. Brown who at the or
gent reqnest of the Board, has continued
his services will still continue to officiate
as President until a successor be procured
and we are happy to state that his health
is much improved, and that the varied
concerns of the College have been con
ducted with the usual efficiency and suc
The necessary College expenses are
about 11w same as the preceding year.—
Tuit:on 815 per session. Boarding in the
College, including room rent, furniture,
and every expense except fuel, $1 62 per
week. In private families in town and in
the country, from $t to clubs about
87 cents. There is also a valuable tam
connected with the College, where board
ing can be had at a reduced price, and
facilities afforded to such as desire to en
gage in manual labor, so an to reduce ex•
pcnse and promote health.
The Trustees have adopted measures
for the erection of additional College
buildings, and a new house for the Pres, for procuring additional groan's,
and for increasing the Library arid appal'
'rhe Summer Session In comMenre lft
the Ist ilay of May. The next antiutif
conimencemant on the last Thurstfav ofr
September, as heretofore. After the
present year, the annual commencement
to take place on the Werlftesilay of Sep ,
!ember, so that the Fall vacation shafl be
a week longer than lier-tolnre.
Following (-morone the present fac
ulty or the College :---Nl. Brown, I). I).,
Pri..iirlent, :mil Pistil. of Mental, and elm -
al Science; James Ramsey, f). D„ Prof.
of Ilehrew ; tn. Smith, A. M. Prof. of
Gr.-ek s Alex. 11. Brown A. M. Prof of
Belles ',cures and : Henry Snyilpr
-11. ri,. Prof. of NI inliviiiiitieg; S. R.
Hams, A. NI., Prof. of :Natural Sciences';
It. W. Orr, A. 11. Prof. of Natural
tor'' and Civil gngineering ; Jetties I'.
Sterrit, Tutor.
For the inforitialimi of persons at' a dis
tance, it may be propel` to state that Jeff
ergots College is located in Cannonsborg,
Washington Co.. Pa.., 18 miles from
Pittsburg, and 7 front the National Rom
It easy of access in every direction.
Cantion,burg is a retired village, a very ,
healthy location, surrounded by a v..ry
respectable moral community ; and fret.
from litany temptations ,to ohich young.
men are exposed in larger towns 01.
Canonsburg, 11 tech 31, 1845.
V A g o
Ali the newspwpers are frill of peek rem. ,
edies far caughsicalds, consumption and Va
rious other " diseases which flesh is heir to,"
proceeding from wet feet : but all experience
teaches that ounce of nreVeatiVe is
better than a paund of cure; ' and, having
the means of furnishing the former article
on short notice. Therefore
Charles S. Black
respectfully informs the good citizens of the
borough or Huntingdon, and the public gen—
erally, that he still continues the
Boot mat Aftovmattinit
business, at his oil stand in Alleghent+ •st.,
one door west of William Stewart's Store,
in the borough of Huntingdon, where he has
lately received a large assortment of new
and fashionable kale. on Which he guaraln
tees to finish his work not only according to
the latest styles, but in a workmanlike man
ner, aLtl accenting to older.
lie employs none but the best and most ex
perienced workmen, and by strict attention
to business and punctuality in promises, he
hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share
of custom.
business—a boy of 16 or 17 years of age will
be preferred, and find a good situation if ap
plication be made soon.
Huntingdon, Apri 123, 1845.
One Cent Reward.
Absconded from the subscri
her, residing in the borough of
ikk'' Huntingdon', an indented ap
prentice to the Shoemaking bu
siness, named
Said boy is between 17 and 18
veal.s of age; slender made, sleepy headed.
Had on win n he 1..11, an oil cloth cap, cas •
sinet coat and pantaloons—other clothing
not recollected.
The above reward, but no extra charges
will be pid for his apprehension and return
—all persons are turbid harboring him at
their peril
Huntingdon; April 23, 1846.
Estate of Henry S. Spang, late of
Norris township, deceased.
is hereby given, that letters
(AA testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requerted to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
ii. b. S PANG,
April 23, :895. Morris tp.
Sheriff's Sale.
3y virtue of an t has writ of Test. Vend.
Exponas, issued out of the court of common
pleas of Clarion county, slid to me directed,
1 will expose to sale by public vendue or
outcry, at the court house in Huntingdon.
on Saturday the Srd day of May nest, at 2
o'clock, A. M., the foliowingtdescribed pro
perty, viz
A lot of ground in the borough of Hun
tingdon, fronting 50 feet on the south side cf
All egheny street ancl running back to the
bank of the Juniata Canal, bounded on the
west by a lot now of George Jackson, and on
the east by a lot of C. Peightars estate.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of James A. Kerr.
April 16, 1845.
Regimental Orders.
The Volunteers and Militia composing the
Ist (formerl) 149th Regiment, 2nd Brigade,
10th Division, P. M., are hereby required
to form by companies on the Ist Munday,
sth day of May next, and by . , battalion, fur
parade and review as follows :
Ist battalion will meet at Orbisonia,Crom
well township, on Monday the 12th day of
May next. 2;1 battalion at Cassville, Cass
township, on Tuesday, the 13thof May.
JOHN EN ER, Colonel,
Ist Reg., 2nd 8., 10t4 D. P. M.
Cass township, April 16, 1895.
A. K. ()01. %I
blaT(Cijiiii,Da litakiWo
()flee in Alain Street, two door," Eaat
Alre ! McConnell'a Temperance Roust